CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...

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CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
Practical example: Unilever
CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
The A4S Essential Guide to Enhancing               •   How to convince investors that                 UNILEVER
Investor Engagement was first published in             sustainability is being integrated into your
2014. Since the initial publication, the nature,       business.                                      At Unilever, we are driven by our purpose:
quality and extent of investor interest in the                                                        to make sustainable living commonplace.
topic of sustainability has grown dramatically,    •   How to communicate with your investors.        Established over 100 years ago, we are
with members of the A4S CFO Leadership                                                                one of the world’s largest consumer goods
                                                   •   How to integrate into your investor            companies. We are known for our great
Network noting a shift from ‘we never get
                                                       relations activities.                          brands, a global footprint and our belief in
asked about our sustainability initiatives’ to
‘it (sustainability) comes up in every investor                                                       doing business the right way.
                                                   This set of case studies explores aspects
engagement’. This growing investor focus           of how Unilever’s sustainability activities
on the link between environmental and social       align with increased investor interest in
issues and long-term value creation means          environmental, social and governance (ESG)
companies must think about the relevance           topics. Specifically, it looks at how Unilever:
of sustainability for their business and the
opportunities it presents for effective investor   •   Integrates sustainability into its strategy
                                                   •   Adopts a commercial tone in
As part of the 2021 refresh of the guide,              communicating with investors
we have generated a series of practical
examples from companies in our CFO                 •   Makes everyone sustainability literate
Leadership Network, including Unilever,
to illustrate ways in which they are linking       •   Gives investors a say on climate
environmental and social trends, business
performance and investor engagement. In
addition to explaining why it is important to
engage with investors, the guide provides
recommendations around three broad
Enhancing investor engagement practical example: Unilever		                                                                                          2
CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
Investors are interested in understanding          The Unilever Compass is made up of
how we think about value creation, how we          five strategic priorities, one of which is to
identify opportunities, and how we manage          ‘position our brands as a force for good,
our risks. For us, sustainability is integral to   powered by purpose and innovation’. This
our business growth and performance over           is underpinned by a series of multiyear
the short, medium and long term and thus to        metrics and targets that allow investors and
our value creation story.                          other stakeholders to understand what this
                                                   priority means and how we plan to measure
In 2020 we announced the Unilever                  progress.
Compass, our new integrated strategy. It
builds on the lessons learnt from Unilever’s       This approach clearly articulates the
Sustainable Living Plan (then 10 years             centrality of sustainability to our strategy.
old and coming to an end) and extensive            We will demonstrate how our purpose-led,
engagement with employees and external             future-fit business model drives superior
stakeholders. The strategy retains Unilever’s      performance, consistently delivering financial
purpose, which is to make sustainable              results in the top third of our industry.
living commonplace, but sets a new vision,
namely, to be the global leader in sustainable

Enhancing investor engagement practical example: Unilever		                                         3
CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
The Unilever Compass

                                                                                                                                                                                   Multi-stakeholder Model
       Our Vision is to be the global leader in                                                                                                                                       Our People          Consumers
       sustainable business. We will demonstrate
       how our purpose-led, future-fit business
       model drives superior performance,
       consistently delivering financial results in                                                                                                                                   Customers       Suppliers & Business
       the top third of our industry.

  Strategic Choices and Actions
                                                                                                                                                                                        Society             Planet

  1. Develop our portfolio into high growth spaces

                  Hygiene                                  Skin care                           Prestige beauty                   Functional nutrition

  2. Win with our brands as a force for good, powered by purpose and innovation
            Improve the health                    Improve people’s health,               Contribute to a fairer, more       Win with differentiated science
              of the planet                       confidence and wellbeing                 socially inclusive world                and technology

  3. Accelerate in USA, India, China and key growth markets

         Build further scale in USA,                 Leverage emerging
              India and China                         market strength

  4. Lead in the channels of the future
                                                                                                                                                                                   Multi-year Financial Framework
         Accelerate pure-play and                       Develop eB2B                      Drive category leadership
         omnichannel eCommerce                        business platforms                  through shopper insight

  5. Build a purpose-led, future-fit organisation and growth culture

       Unlock capacity through agility        Be a beacon for diversity, inclusion        Build capability through                                                                   Competitive             Profit
         and digital transformation             and values-based leadership                   lifelong learning                                                                        growth               growth

  Operational Excellence through the 5 Growth Fundamentals

           Purposeful                               Improved                               Impactful                            Design For                        Fuel For
   1       Brands                         2         Penetration                      3     Innovation                   4       Channel                       5   Growth            Cash generation      Top 1/3 TSR

Source: Extract from Unilever’s Compass Strategy, May 2020

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CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
Win with our brands as a force for good, powered by purpose and innovation

                                      Improve the                                                                Improve people’s health,                                                             Contribute to a fairer,
                                   health of the planet                                                          confidence and wellbeing                                                           more socially inclusive world
            Climate                      Protect and                       Waste-free                         Positive                          Health and                   Equity, diversity                  Raise living                      Future
             action                   regenerate nature                     world                             nutrition                         wellbeing                     and inclusion                     standards                         of work

  Net zero emissions from all      Deforestation-free supply        50% virgin plastic reduction     €1 billion annual sales from        Take action through our        Achieve an equitable            Ensure that everyone who         Help equip 10 million young
  our products from sourcing       chain in palm oil, paper and     by 2025, including an            plant-based meat and dairy          brands to improve health       and inclusive culture by        directly provides goods and      people with essential skills
  to point of sale by 2039         board, tea, soy and cocoa        absolute reduction of            alternatives by 2025-2027           and wellbeing and advance      eliminating any bias and        services to Unilever will earn   by 2030
                                   by 2023                          100,000 tonnes                                                       equity and inclusion,          discrimination in our           at least a living wage or
  Halve greenhouse gas                                                                                                                   reaching 1 billion people      practices and policies          income by 2030
                                                                                                     Double the number of                per year by 2030.                                                                               Pioneer new models to
  impact of our products           Help protect and regenerate      25% recycled plastic by 2025     products sold that deliver
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Help 5 million small and         provide our employees with
  across the lifecycle by 2030     1.5 million hectares of land,                                     positive nutrition by 2025                                         Accelerate diverse
                                                                                                                                         We will focus on:                                              medium-sized enterprises         flexible employment options
                                   forests and oceans by 2030                                                                                                           representation at all
                                                                    Collect and process more                                             • Gender equity                                                grow their business by 2025      by 2030
  Zero emissions in our                                             plastic than we sell by 2025     70% of our portfolio to meet                                       levels of leadership
                                                                                                                                         • Race and ethnicity equity
  operations by 2030               100% sustainable sourcing of                                      WHO-aligned nutritional             • Body confidence and
                                   our key agricultural crops                                        standards by 2022                                                  5% of our workforce to be                                        Reskill or upskill our
                                                                    100% reusable, recyclable or                                           self-esteem                                                                                   employees with future-fit
                                                                                                                                                                        made up of people with
                                                                    compostable plastic                                                  • Mental wellbeing                                                                              skills by 2025
  Replace fossil-fuel derived                                                                                                                                           disabilities by 2025
  carbon with renewable or         Empower farmers and              packaging by 2025                95% of packaged ice cream           • Hand hygiene
  recycled carbon in all our       smallholders to protect                                           to contain no more than 22g         • Sanitation                   Spend €2 billion annually
  cleaning and laundry             and regenerate farm                                               total sugar per serving             • Oral health                  with diverse businesses
                                                                    Halve food waste in our
  product formulations             environments                                                      by 2025                             • Skin health and healing      worldwide by 2025
                                                                    operations by 2025
  by 2030
                                   Implement water                                                   95% of packaged ice cream                                          Increase representation
                                   stewardship programmes           Maintain zero waste              to contain no more than 250
  Share the carbon footprint                                                                                                                                            of diverse groups in our
                                   in 100 locations in water-       to landfill in our               kcal per serving by 2025
  of every product we sell                                          factories                                                                                           advertising
                                   stressed areas by 2030
                                                                                                     85% of our Foods portfolio to
                                   100% of our ingredients will                                      help consumers reduce their
                                   be biodegradable by 2030                                          salt intake to no more than
                                                                                                     5g per day by 2022
          Supported by: €1 billion Climate & Nature Fund

                                                                                                                        Respect human rights

                                                                                                                Respect and promote human rights and
                                                                                                       the effective implementation of the UN Guiding Principles,
                                                                                                      and ensure compliance with our Responsible Sourcing Policy

                                                                                                              Our responsible business fundamentals

          Business                   Safety                  Employee             Product safety            Responsible             Responsible advertising       Safeguarding              Engaging with              Responsible              Committed to
          integrity                  at work                 wellbeing             and quality              innovation                  and marketing                 data                   stakeholders               taxpayer                transparency

                                                                                                   See our Planet & Society Hub on for more

Source: Extract from Unilever’s Compass Strategy, May 2020

Enhancing investor engagement practical example: Unilever		                                                                                                                                                                                                             5
CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
Because sustainability is integrated into         •   Building trust: our positioning as         •    Risk reduction: for example, working
our strategy, we can explain how our focus            a sustainable business helps us to              with smallholder farmers in our supply
on sustainability contributes to superior             build trust with employees, partners            chain to improve their climate resilience
performance over time, through:                       and customers, eg it helps us to be             has an overall benefit for both Unilever (by
                                                      an employer of choice in many of the            securing supply) and our suppliers.
•   Positive contribution to growth:                  markets we operate in.
    having brands that stand for something
    that consumers care about (both in                    Our differentiating strengths: The global leader in sustainable business
    words and actions) is strongly correlated
    with brand power and ultimately brand
    growth. GenZ and Millennials, who
    make up an increasing proportion
    of the population, particularly care
    about the brand choices they make.                        More                Lower                   Less               Stronger
    Thus, purposeful brands backed by a                      growth                cost                   risk                talent
    purposeful business will drive growth.

•   Cost reduction: while there may be
    upfront costs associated with some of
    our sustainability initiatives, eg moving               brands              €1.2bn                100%                54 of 75
                                                                                  since 2008            renewable         Employer of choice in
    from virgin to recycled plastics, the                 growing 2x                                 electricity across
                                                                                                      our operations
                                                                                                                           markets measured

    expectation (borne out by evidence) is
    that costs will decrease over time. In
    addition, certain sustainable practices, eg
    water and energy efficiency initiatives or
    reduction of waste/packaging, result in
    cost efficiencies.                            Source: Extract from Unilever’s Q4 and Full Year 2020 Results presentation

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CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
Because sustainability is embedded into
the business at Unilever and is integral               Activating brand purpose to drive consistent, competitive growth
to value creation, it is not treated as
a discrete topic area from an investor                Ben and Jerry’s a consistent   Dove leads the fight to   Seventh Gen raising awareness
relations (IR) perspective. The IR team will            voice for social justice     end Hair Discrimination       about climate change
field sustainability-focused questions from
investors and pull in additional support
from relevant teams/individuals within the
organization, as required. Everyone who
speaks about our business is equipped
to talk about sustainability in their line of

                                                                  12%                          8%                          22%

                                                                                            3 Year USG


                                                Source: Extract from Unilever US Deep Dive webcast, 22nd March 2021 – presentation by
                                                Fabian Garcia, President, Unilever North America

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Clean Future - our differentiated Home Care strategy
                                  High carbon              Wastage
           Petro-chemicals                                                  Single use plastic   Distrust in chemicals
                                   chemistry               of water

                               Low carbon products
           100% renewable                              Water efficiency &   Recyclability, PCR   Products designed for
                              that work in quick and
              or circular                              biodegradability       Refill & re-use       consumer trust
                                    cold wash


Source: Extract from Bernstein European Strategic Decisions Conference, 23rd September 2020 –
presentation by Richard Slater, Chief R&D Officer

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CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
Over the last few years, we have started         to be held accountable for delivery against                       We hope that our approach and the result
to see more active engagement on                 the plan. The 2021 AGM was a first step                           will encourage other companies to follow
environmental and social topics from             in an ongoing process of engagement and                           suit. We believe investors will increasingly
investors and much greater emphasis on           we were very pleased that it received over                        expect to have a ‘say on climate’. By
corporate action.                                99% shareholder support. We intend to                             engaging in this way, we improve outcomes
                                                 report annually on our progress in the areas                      for all.
In addition to weaving ESG into all our          outlined under the plan and seek an advisory                                                                         Our plan

investor relations activities, we have done      shareholder vote every three years.
some deep dive activities. In December                     Our plan
2020, we announced that we would be              This ‘say on climate’ vote is not the first
                                                         Our Climate Transition Action Plan sets out a range of
giving shareholders a non-binding advisory       time that   we have engaged investors on our
                                                         targets and actions designed to deliver an emissions
vote on our ‘Climate Transition Action Plan’.    climate reduction
                                                          targets.      In June
                                                                    pathway         2020,
                                                                            consistent        we
                                                                                       with the 1.5° added
                                                                                                     ambition of
This would be the first time that a major        to our existing science-based targets2020s
                                                         the Paris Agreement. Our primary  focus in the    byand
                                                         2030s will be on emissions reduction, not offsetting.
global company had voluntarily committed         announcing our intention to achieve net
to putting its climate transition plans before   zero across all our products, across our
shareholders for a vote. We have several         value chain, excluding indirect use-phase
reasons for doing this.                          emissions by 2039. In September, we hosted
                                                 a ‘Climate Action’ webinar for investors and
We recognize that reaching net zero across       analysts. During the webinar, we explained
the whole economy requires engagement            why companies and investors alike needed
between companies and investors. Putting         to be concerned with climate change. In
the action plan to a vote at the annual          addition to highlighting the existential nature
general meeting (AGM) strengthens the            of climate change, our Global Climate and
nature and the quality of the engagement.        Environment Director set out why we saw                           Source: Extract from Unilever’s ‘Climate
It also demonstrates our commitment to           policy movement on climate change as a                            Transition Action Plan’, March 2021
following through on the plan, given that it     source of business opportunity.
includes multiyear targets, and a willingness

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CFO LEADERSHIP NETWORK - ENHANCING INVESTOR ENGAGEMENT Practical example: Unilever - Accounting for ...
Investors are demanding more from
companies around their sustainability
performance and disclosure and assessing
the credibility of company commitments. This
overview has set out some examples of how
one company is communicating effectively
with investors about their integrated strategy
and how it cascades down into the business,
as well as giving investors a say on its
climate transition action plan. For more
information and practical examples, see the
A4S Essential Guide to Enhancing Investor

Enhancing investor engagement practical example: Unilever		   10


       The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S)


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