Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Article 8 Funds or "Light Green Funds" - Article 8 Funds ...

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Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Article 8 Funds or "Light Green Funds" - Article 8 Funds ...
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
- Article 8 Funds or “Light Green Funds”
What to consider for Article 8 Funds based on the draft
regulatory technical standard issued by the European
Supervisory Authorities (“ESAs”) on 4 February 2021

On Thursday 4 February 2021, the              the key highlights from our initial paper     and Fund considers sustainability risk
European Supervisory Authorities (“ESAs”)     were:                                         or not and it should be updated on a
published the updated draft regulatory                                                      regular basis.
                                              • Fund managers and Funds should
technical standards (“Draft RTS”), which is
                                                document their policy on integrating      • Sustainability risk is integrated into the
intended to supplement the Sustainable
                                                sustainability. The policy should be        existing Risk Management Frameworks
Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”). If
                                                documented for each Fund, be reviewed       demonstrating linkages, dependencies
approved, these will come into force on 1
                                                and approved by the board of directors      and potential impacts to support
January 2022.
                                                of the Fund manager on an annual basis.     decision making.

In the absence of regulatory guidance for     • The sustainability policy should be
                                                                                          The areas above should be applicable for
firms to comply with SFDR, we produced          included on the website and the website
                                                                                          all Funds, unless sustainability is deemed
our first paper on the implications for         disclosure should be a separate section
                                                                                          to not be relevant for a specific Fund.
Article 6 Funds earlier this year. Some of      which states whether the Fund manager
                                                                                          Following on from the Article 6 guide, we
                                                                                          are now going to focus on the additional
                                                                                          requirements for Article 8 Funds.

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Article 8 Funds or "Light Green Funds" - Article 8 Funds ...
Scope                                                                                                      adverse sustainability indicators (“PASIs”).
An Article 8 Fund under SFDR is defined                                                                    In our view if a Fund considers the PASIs,
as “a Fund which promotes, among other                                                                     this does not mean they are automatically
characteristics, environmental or social                                                                   an Article 8 Fund. The Fund Manager must
characteristics, or a combination of those                                                                 integrate the sustainability risk indicators
characteristics, provided that the companies                                                               into their investment decisions. In the                                                                                                    Deloitte’s view:
in which the investments are made follow                                                                   feedback in the Draft RTS the ESAs have                                                                                                    Not all funds that adopt
good governance practices.”                                                                                noted some key unanswered questions e.g.                                                                                                   the PASIs are automatically
                                                                                                           whether Funds using exclusion strategies                                                                                                   considered Article 8 Funds.
The Draft RTS contains some limited                                                                        that are not actively promoted are Article 8                                                                                               The risk indicators should be
guidance and indications as to what                                                                        Funds, but the ESAs have deferred this to                                                                                                  integrated into investment
constitutes an Article 8 Fund. One way                                                                     the European Commission and we are still                                                                                                   decisions.
for a Fund to promote environmental and                                                                    waiting on clarification on this and some
social characteristics and to be an Article                                                                other questions.
8 Fund is to adopt the mandatory principal

   A look at the funds

   of funds                                                                                                                                                                    Morningstar has surveyed a sample of the 30 Fund
      550                                                                                                                                                                      managers and found that French Managers Amundi and
                                                                                                                                                                               BNP Paribas offer the largest number of Funds classified
                                                                                                                                                                               as Article 8. Other Fund managers have chosen to classify
      450                                                                                                                                                                      fewer Funds as Article 8 and they are cautious about
      400                                                                                                                                                                      classifying Funds under SFDR.




         0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fund
                       BPN Paribas
                                                                                         credit Suisse
                                                                                                                                         Fidelity Intl.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Northern Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            JP Morgan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Baillie Gifford


             Article 8                                     Article 9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Deloitte’s view:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fund Managers should see SFDR as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                an opportunity to demonstrate their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                commitment to sustainable investing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and as investor demand grows,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                sustainability funds will become a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                standard requirement.

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Article 8 Funds or "Light Green Funds" - Article 8 Funds ...
Principal adverse impact disclosures           In the Draft RTS the ESAs have reduced the
The Draft RTS has addressed some of the        indicators from 32 to:
feedback from the industry by reducing
                                               • 14 for investments in investee companies
the number of mandatory PASIs that
                                                 (plus one additional environmental
firms are expected to monitor and report
                                                 indicator (Table 2) and one additional
against. In addition, the new mandatory
                                                 social indicator (Table 3));
templates for pre-contractual and periodic
reporting disclosures allow for consistency    • 2 for investments in sovereigns and
in reporting across Funds.                       supranationals; and

                                               • 2 for real estate assets as included in
                                                 Annex I of the Draft RTS.

The table below illustrates the 14 mandatory indicators from the Draft RTS
and any changes from the initial draft RTS issued on the 23 April 2020:

 Adverse sustainability indicator                         Metric                                      Change from 23 April 2020

 Climate and other environment-related indicators
 Greenhouse           GHG – Carbon emissions              GHG – Carbon emissions                      Scope 3 GHG to be disclosed
 gas emissions                                                                                        from 1 January 2023
                      Carbon footprint                    Carbon footprint                            No change
                      GHG intensity of investee           GHG intensity of investee companies         Previously weighted average
                      companies                                                                       GHG intensity
                      Exposure to companies active in Share of investments in companies active        Previously share of
                      the fossil fuel sector          in the fossil fuel sector                       investments in solid fossil fuel
                      Share of non-renewable energy       Share of non-renewable energy               Previously total energy
                      consumption and production          consumption and non-renewable energy        consumption from non-
                                                          production of investee companies from       renewable sources and share
                                                          non-renewable energy sources compared       of non-renewable energy
                                                          to renewable energy sources, expressed as   consumption
                                                          a percentage
                      Energy consumption intensity        Energy consumption in GWh per million       Previously Energy
                      per high impact climate sector      EUR of revenue of investee companies, per   consumption intensity per
                                                          high impact climate sector                  sector
 Biodiversity         Activities negatively affecting     Share of investments in investee            Previously share of
                      biodiversity sensitive areas        companies with sites/operations located     investments that do not
                                                          in or near to biodiversity-sensitive        assess, monitor or control the
                                                          areas where activities of those investee    pressures
                                                          companies negatively affect those areas     corresponding to the
                                                                                                      indirect and direct drivers of
                                                                                                      biodiversity and ecosystem

 Water                Emissions to water                  Tonnes of emissions to water generated      No change
                                                          by investee companies per million EUR
                                                          invested, expressed as a weighted average
 Waste                Hazardous waste ratio               Tonnes of hazardous waste                   No change
                                                          generated by investee companies per
                                                          million EUR invested, expressed as a
                                                          weighted average

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Article 8 Funds or "Light Green Funds" - Article 8 Funds ...
Adverse sustainability indicator                      Metric                                        Change from 23 April 2020

Social and employee, respect for human rights, anti-corruptionand anti-bribery matters
Social and          Violations of UN Global           Share of investments in investee              Previously share of
employee            Compact principles and            companies that have been involved in          investments in entities
matters             Organisation for Economic         violations of the UNGC principles or OECD     without due diligence policies
                    Cooperation and Development       Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises      on issues addressed by the
                    (OECD) Guidelines for                                                           fundamental ILO Conventions
                    Multinational Enterprises                                                       1 to 8
                    Lack of processes and             Share of investments in investee
                    compliance mechanisms to          companies without policies to
                    monitor compliance with           monitor compliance with the UNGC
                    UN Global Compact principles      principles or OECD Guidelines for
                    and OECD Guidelines               Multinational Enterprises or grievance/
                    for Multinational Enterprises     complaints handling mechanisms to
                                                      address violations of the UNGC principles
                                                      or OECD Guidelines for Multinational

                    Unadjusted gender pay gap         Average unadjusted gender pay gap of          Previously average gender pay
                                                      investee companies                            gap of investee companies
                    Board gender diversity            Average ratio of female to male board         No change
                                                      members in investee companies

                    Exposure to controversial         Share of investments in investee              Previously only included land
                    weapons (antipersonnel mines,     companies involved in the manufacture or      mines and cluster bombs
                    cluster munitions, chemical       selling of controversial weapons
                    weapons and biological
Indicators applicable to investments in sovereigns and supranationals
Environmental       GHG intensity                     GHG intensity of investee countries           New
Social              Investee countries subject to     Number of investee countries subject to       New
                    social violations                 social violations (absolute number and
                                                      relative number divided by all investee
                                                      countries), as referred to in international
                                                      treaties and conventions, United Nations
                                                      principles and, where applicable, national

Indicators applicable to investments in real estate assets
Fossil fuels        Exposure to fossil                Share of investments in real estate           New
                    fuels through real                assets involved in the extraction, storage,
                    estate assets                     transport or manufacture of fossil fuels

                    Exposure to                       Share of investments in energy inefficient    Previously mandatory
                    energy-inefficient                real estate assets                            indicator for all funds and now
                    real estate assets                                                              only real estate

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Article 8 Funds or "Light Green Funds" - Article 8 Funds ...
Some of the changes above were designed
to align the metrics to other frameworks.
The key highlights are:                        Deloitte’s view:
                                               The reduced mandatory
• The updates in respect of investments
                                               indicators is a welcome
  in sovereigns, supranationals and real
                                               decision for the Irish funds
  estate assets are a particularly welcome
                                               industry and the alignment
  change, due to the unique nature of
                                               of some of the indicators
  these investments.
                                               to existing frameworks
• The PASIs now include violations of UN       shows harmonisation by
  Global Compact principles and OECD           the European Commission.
  Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,    In addition there are still
  and lack of processes to monitor             complexities with accessing
  adherence to the same.                       the data from investee
                                               companies and this will be
• For climate related PASIs, the metrics
                                               only be enhanced with the
  have now been aligned in part to the
                                               recent announcement on
  indicators used for EU Climate Transition
                                               the proposed Corporate
  or Paris-aligned Benchmarks under the
                                               Sustainability Reporting
  Low Carbon Benchmark Regulation (EU
                                               Directive (“CSRD”) by the
                                               European Commission on
• For Fund of Funds, firms should do a look    the 21 April 2021. This will
  through to the end investment, holding       bring more companies in
  company or special purpose vehicle (SPV)     scope and the CSRD will
  in order to assess the PASIs.                align with the SFDR and
                                               the Taxonomy. European
• For green bond investments financing
                                               Financial Reporting
  a specific project the PASIs should be
                                               Advisory Group (“EFRAG”)
  assessed for the specific project rather
                                               will be tasked to develop
  than the entire business of the issuer.
                                               the new EU sustainability-
• PASIs should be assessed quarterly i.e.      reporting standards.
  March, June, September and December.
  This allows for a yearly average to be
  calculated providing a representative
  PASIs for the reporting period which
  should be easier for Funds that have
  portfolio turnover.

• The PASIs should be completed for at
  least the five previous reporting periods.

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Article 8 Funds or "Light Green Funds" - Article 8 Funds ...
Disclosures and reporting                     Product Level Pre Contractual                • The investment strategy followed by
The Draft RTS has now included                Disclosures                                    the Fund, including to meet its binding
mandatory templates (Annexes II – V)          For Article 8 Funds Annex II in the Draft      Article 8 criteria;
for PASIs reporting for per contractual       RTS is the template to be used for
                                                                                           • The asset allocation planned for this
disclosures and the periodic reporting.       disclosure in pre contractual documents.
                                                                                             Fund in terms of ESG vs. non ESG
In accordance with Article 2 of the Draft     In the pre contract document the Fund
RTS some general principles for the           needs to include a statement at the
presentation of information on the PASIs      beginning of the Annex to explain the        • A summary of whether the Fund takes
disclosure include:                           following:                                     into account PASIs as its Article 8
                                              a) whether the Fund intends to make any        feature;
• The information is easily accessible,
                                                 sustainable investments;
  non-discriminatory, free of charge,                                                      • Link to website product disclosures; and
                                              b) that the Fund promotes environmental
  prominent, simple, concise,
                                                 or social characteristics, but does not   • How any reference benchmarks are
  comprehensible, fair, clear and not
                                                 have as its objective a sustainable         aligned with the environmental and/or
                                                 investment; and                             social characteristics promoted by the
• Must be in a searchable electronic          c) The details of any index that has been      product.
  format except where the manner                 designated as a reference benchmark.
  referred to in Articles 6(3) and 11(2) of
  SFDR requires the information to be         The statement should be a summary and
  provided on paper.                          include the following sections:

• The information shall be published on       • The types of environmental and/or social
  the websites and kept up to date.             characteristics promoted by the Fund;

• Legal entity identifiers should be
  provided when referring to investee

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Article 8 Funds or "Light Green Funds" - Article 8 Funds ...
Product-level website disclosures             • Methodologies used to assess and
The website disclosures for Article 8 Funds     monitor Article 8 criteria – This section is
must include the following:                     the description of the methodologies to
                                                measure the attainment of the social or
• Summary;
                                                environmental characteristics promoted
• No sustainable investment objective –         by the Fund using the sustainability
  This includes a) The following statement      indicators;
  should be included “This Fund promotes
                                              • Data sources and processing – This
  environmental or social characteristics,
                                                refers to (a) the data sources used to
  but does not have as its objective a
                                                attain each of the environmental or
  sustainable investment”; or b) Where the
                                                social characteristics promoted by the
  Fund commits to making one or more
                                                Fund; (b) the measures taken to ensure
  sustainable investments, the section
                                                data quality; (c) how data is processed;
  shall also contain an explanation of how
                                                and (d) the proportion of data that is
  the sustainable investment does not
  significantly harm any of the sustainable
  investment objectives;                      • Limitations to methodology and data –
                                                A description of: (a) any limitations to the
• Environmental or social characteristics
                                                methodologies, and the data sources;
  of the Fund;
                                                (b) how such limitations do not affect
• Investment strategy – This section shall      the attainment of the environmental
  include the investment strategy and a         or social characteristics promoted by
  description of the policy to assess good      the Fund; and (c) the actions taken to
  governance practices of the investee          address such limitations;
  companies including with respect
                                              • Due diligence done on underlying assets
  to sound management structures,
                                                regarding ESG criteria – A description
  employee relations, remuneration of
                                                of the due diligence carried out on the
  staff and tax compliance;
                                                underlying assets of the Fund, including
• Proportion of investments in ESG vs.          the internal and external controls on
  non ESG assets – This section shall           that due diligence;
  distinguish between direct exposures in
                                              • Engagement policies – A description of
  investee entities and all other types of
                                                the engagement policies implemented
  exposures to those entities;
                                                where engagement is part of the
• Monitoring of environmental or social         environmental or social investment
  characteristics – This section discloses      strategy, including any management
  how the environmental and social              procedures applicable to sustainability-
  sustainability indicators are monitored       related controversies in investee
  throughout the lifecycle of the Fund and      companies; and
  the related internal or external control
                                              • Information on any designated reference
                                                benchmarks used – A description
                                                of how the index designated as a
                                                reference benchmark is aligned with the
                                                environmental or social characteristics
                                                promoted by the Fund, including the
                                                input data, the methodologies used
                                                to select that data, the rebalancing
                                                methodologies and how the index is

Product-level periodic disclosures            • For the other investments what was
                               For Article 8 Funds Annex IV in the Draft       their purpose and were there any
Deloitte’s view:               RTS is the template to be used for periodic     minimum environmental or social
There has been significant     disclosure in the annual report. The            safeguards;
alignment between the          following is included in the disclosure
                                                                             • How did sustainable investments not
disclosures included           template:
                                                                               significantly harm any sustainable
in the pre contractual
                               • The extent to which the environmental         investment objectives as outlined in the
documents, the website
                                 and/or social characteristics promoted        Taxonomy;
and the periodic reports.
                                 by the Fund were met during the
There is currently some                                                      • Actions taken to meet the environmental
                                 reference period i.e. the PASIs compare
ongoing discussions                                                            and/or social characteristics during the
                                 to the prior periods;
between ESAs and the                                                           reference period; and
European Commission            • The top investments of the Fund by
                                                                             • Where a reference index had been
on the first reporting           sector, % of Assets and Country;
                                                                               designated – how did this Fund perform
period for disclosures to
                               • The proportion of sustainability linked       versus the designated reference
be included in the annual
                                 investments i.e. % of sustainable             benchmark i.e. comparison of the PASIs
report. As the RTS comes
                                 investments and ESG investments and           between the Fund and the reference
into effect on the 1 January
                                 other;                                        benchmark.
2022 it is likely that the
first disclosures will be
included in the annual
report for periods ending
31 December 2022.

Assurance over non-financial
In order to be ready for the wave of          Deloitte’s view:
change that is required, Deloitte can         There has been significant
support Fund Managers in getting ready        progress made on
for the detail requirements for SFDR. In      assurance over non-
addition as the information disclosed         financial information.
will be used by stakeholders to make          In March 2021 the
investment decisions any assurance            International Federation
provided over this information will provide   of Accountants (“IFAC”)
stakeholders with greater confidence          has set out a road map for
over the reporting of the disclosures. The    accelerating integrated
benefits of assurance over non-financial      reporting assurance. In
information include:                          addition the International
                                              Audit and Assurance
• Improved transparency and credibility
                                              Standards Board
  of non-financial information, resulting
                                              (“IAASB”) approved Non-
  in a higher level of trust for potential
                                              Authoritative Guidance
                                              on Applying ISAE 3000
• Increased business opportunities for        (Revised) to Extended
  becoming a part of reliable supply          External Reporting (EER)
  chains, due to improved capabilities;       Assurance Engagements,
                                              which will be published in
• Improved engagement from board of
                                              April 2021. This guidance
  directors and the Fund Manager;
                                              marks a significant step
• Improved internal reporting and             forward in supporting
  management systems;                         the evolving field of
                                              assurance for non-financial
• Improved communication with
  stakeholders; and

• Reduced risk and increased value.

Product and innovation
How can Deloitte Help              What is it:
We have designed a                 Product feasibility study
framework to support
sustainability risk                What is it used for:
integration and the                Focusing on concept, market, criteria and impact
provision of assurance             assessment within regulatory guidelines.
over your ESG disclosures
that can support boards of
directors, audit committees
and management in
their journey towards
compliance with SFDR               Benchmarking and gap analysis
disclosure requirements or         What is it:
other ESG frameworks.              Independent benchmarking of your current
                                   disclosures against recommendations and/or
                                   identifying gaps in your disclosures, processes or
                                   controls and reporting privately to management
                                   and those charged with governance.

                                   What is it used for:
                                   Benchmarking and gap analysis provides the basis
                                   of a roadmap to ESG disclosures.

                                   Designing and Implementing ESG frameworks
                                   What is it:
                                   Designing and implementing a policy and risk
                                   management framework that captures processes,
                                   controls and reporting privately to management
                                   and those charged with governance on the ESG

                                   What is it used for:
                                   Policy and framework can be used to monitor ESG
                                   for all investment products.

                                   Assurance over selected ESG metrics
                                   What is it:
                                   Private or public independent ISAE 3000 assurance
                                   over your ESG disclosures and metrics.

                                   What is it used for:
                                   Assurance over ESG disclosures and metrics can be
                                   a useful starting point on a path to SFDR disclosure
                                   compliance or provide investors with confidence
                                   you have integrated sustainability risk in investment

For more information please contact:                                                                                             Dublin
                                                                                                                                 29 Earlsfort Terrace
                   Brian Forrester                                            Eoin Kelly                                         Dublin 2
                   Head of Investment                                         Sustainability Assurance                           T: +353 1 417 2200
                   Management                                                 and Reporting                                      F: +353 1 417 2300
                   +353 1 417 2614                                            +353 21 420 7847                                   Cork
                                                                                                                                 No.6 Lapp’s Quay
                   Laura Wadding                                              Marc Aboud                                         Cork
                   Sustainability Leader                                      Sustainability Risk                                T: +353 21 490 7000
                                                                       F: +353 21 490 7001
                   +353 1 417 2934                                            +353 1 417 2957
                                                                                                                                 Deloitte and Touche House
                   Jack Lee                                                   Melissa Scully                                     Charlotte Quay
                   Sustainability Assurance                                   Governance and Sustainability                      Limerick
                   and Reporting                                                                    T: +353 61 435500
                                                 +353 1 417 8656                                    F: +353 61 418310
                   +353 1 417 2467
                                                                                                                                 Galway Financial Services Centre
                                                                                                                                 Moneenageisha Road
                                                                                                                                 T: +353 91 706000
                                                                                                                                 F: +353 91 706099

                                                                                                                                 27-45 Great Victoria Street,
                                                                                                                                 Lincoln Building,
                                                                                                                                 Belfast, BT2 7SL,
                                                                                                                                 Northern Ireland.
                                                                                                                                 T: +44 (0)28 9032 2861
                                                                                                                                 F: +44 (0)28 9023 4786


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