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DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO PENTECOST MASS Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy Bishop of San Diego Celebrant May 22, 2021 11:00 am Good Shepherd Parish
PRELUDE/PRELUDIO We Are Marching / Siyahamba ENTRANCE HYMN/CANTO DE ENTRADA Gathered As One, Paul Tate and DeannaLight
PENITENTIAL ACT/ACTO PENITENCIAL Kyrie, Mass of Joy and Peace, Tony Alonso GLORY TO GOD/GLORIA Nuevo Misa Latinoamericana, Mauricio Centeno COLLECT/ORACIÓN COLECTA
FIRST READING/PRIMERA LECTURA Mga Gawa 2, 1-11 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, "Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his own native language? We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, in- habitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travel- ers from Rome, both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God." El día de Pentecostés, todos los discípulos estaban reunidos en un mismo lugar. De repente se oyó un gran ruido que venía del cielo, como cuando sopla un viento fuerte, que resonó por toda la casa donde se encontraban. Entonces aparecieron lenguas de fuego, que se distribuyeron y se posaron sobre ellos; se llenaron todos del Espíritu Santo y empezaron a hablar en otros idiomas, según el Espíritu los inducía a expresarse. En esos días había en Jerusalén judíos devotos, venidos de todas partes del mundo. Al oír el ruido, acudieron en masa y quedaron desconcertados, porque cada uno los oía hablar en su propio idioma. Atónitos y llenos de admiración, pregunta- ban: “¿No son galileos, todos estos que están hablando? ¿Cómo, pues, los oímos hablar en nuestra lengua nativa? Entre nosotros hay medos, partos y elamitas; otros vivimos en Mesopotamia, Judea, Capadocia, en el Ponto y en Asia, en Frigia y en Panfilia, en Egipto o en la zona de Libia que limita con Cirene. Algunos somos visitantes, venidos de Roma, judíos y prosélitos; también hay cretenses y árabes. Y sin embargo, cada quien los oye hablar de las maravillas de Dios en su propia lengua”.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM/SALMO RESPONSORIAL Psalm 104: Lord, send out your Spirit, Noreen McInnes SECOND READING/SEGUNDA LECTURA 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 Brothers and sisters: No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produc- es all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free per- sons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. Hermanos: Nadie puede llamar a Jesús “Señor”, si no es bajo la acción del Espíritu San- to. Hay diferentes dones, pero el Espíritu es el mismo. Hay diferentes ser- vicios, pero el Señor es el mismo. Hay diferentes actividades, pero Dios, que hace todo en todos, es el mismo. En cada uno se manifiesta el Espíritu para el bien común. Porque así como el cuerpo es uno y tiene muchos miembros y todos ellos, a pesar de ser muchos, forman un solo cuerpo, así también es Cristo. Porque todos nosotros, seamos judíos o no judíos, esclavos o libres, hemos sido bautizados en un mismo Espíritu para formar un solo cuerpo, y a todos se nos ha dado a beber del mismo Espíritu.
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION/ACLAMACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO Alleluia Alleluia! GOSPEL/EVANGÉLIO John 20:19-23 Al anochecer del día de la resurrección, estando cerradas las puertas de la casa donde se hallaban los discípulos, por miedo a los judíos, se presentó Jesús en medio de ellos y les dijo: "La paz esté con ustedes". Dicho esto, les mostró las manos y el costado. Cuando los discípulos vieron al Señor, se llenaron de alegría. De nuevo les dijo Jesús: "La paz esté con ustedes. Como el Padre me ha enviado, así también los envío yo". Después de decir esto, sopló sobre ellos y les dijo: "Reciban el Espíritu Santo. A los que les perdonen los pecados, les quedarán perdonados; y a los que no se los perdonen, les quedarán sin perdonar". HOMILY/HOMILÍA Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy
PROFESSION OF FAITH/PROFESIÓN DE FE I believe in one God, He ascended into heaven the Father almighty, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. maker of heaven and earth, He will come again in glory of all things visible and invisible. to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, I believe in the Holy Spirit, born of the Father before all ages. the Lord, the giver of life, God from God, Light from Light, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, true God from true God, who with the Father and the Son begotten, not made, is adored and glorified, consubstantial with the Father; who has spoken through the prophets. through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation I believe in one, holy, he came down from heaven, catholic and apostolic Church. and by the Holy Spirit I confess one Baptism was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, for the forgiveness of sins and became man. and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead For our sake he was crucified and the life of the world to come. under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, Amen. and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.
UNIVERSAL PRAYER/PLAGARIA UNIVERSAL General Intercessions, Donna Peña 1. (Portuguese) For the Church, that through the power of the Holy Spirit we may celebrate and welcome the diverse faces of Christ in our community, our worship, our ministries, and our leaders. R./ 2. (Mandarin) For Pope Francis, and all Church leaders, that they may res- pond to the needs of our Church today and lead through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. R./ 3. (Tingrinya) For Bishop McElroy, and all who preach the Gospel, that through the gift of fortitude they may continue to express in action the Word they proclaim. R./ 4. For world leaders, that the Holy Spirit will fill them with the gift of the Fear of the Lord to protect the dignity, sanctity, and well-being of all human life from conception through natural death. R./ 5. For immigrants, refugees, and those fleeing persecution, that through the counsel of the Holy Spirit we may welcome them with joy and generosity and offer them a place at the table. R./ 6. For victims of human trafficking, that they may rebuild their lives in dignity and that we may be instruments of your Spirit for their liberation. R./ 7. (English) For those suffering because of their Christian faith, that the Ho- ly Spirit may fortify them with the courage to remain strong in faith, as well as with charity to forgive their persecutors. R./ 8. (Konkani) For those who are suffering in this current pandemic, from ill- ness, anxiety, loss of employment, and for those who morn, that the Spirit may com- fort, heal, cleanse and restore them. R./
9. For scientists, health professionals, first responders, and all who are serving the common good, that the gift of knowledge through the Holy Spirit will guide their work. R./ 10. For our local Church, that the Holy Spirit will open our eyes to see the face of Christ in the most vulnerable. R./ 11. For our youth and young adults, that the Holy Spirit will open their hearts to respond promptly to the call of the Lord to follow Him as priests, deacons, consecrated religious men and women, and laity. R./ 12. For those who bear the cross of pain in mind or body and for those who care for them, that they may know comfort and hope through the Holy Spirit. R./ 13. For those who have gone before us in faith, that the Holy Spirit may bring them into the fullness of God's presence. R./ 14. (English) For all those gathered here today, that the Holy Spirit will flood us with the gift of piety to open our hearts and minds, enliven our faith, and bring Christ to the world. R./
MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION/ACLAMACIÓN CONMEMORATIVA Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante, Hurd AMEN/AMÉN Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante, Hurd
COMMUNION PROCESSION/PROCESIÓN DE LA COMUNIÓN Taste and See/Các B n Hãy N m Thu/Gusten y Vean, Rufino Zaragoza, OFM Ven, Espíritu Santo, Cristobal Fones
BLESSING AND DISMISSAL/BENDICIÓN Y DESPEDIDA RECESSIONAL/CANTO DE DESPEDIDA As You Go, Anonymous Gospel Hymn As you go, tell the world! As you go, tell the world! As you go, tell the world! Tell the world about Jesus, tell them about His love! Tell the world about Jesus, tell them about His love!
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/RECONOCIMIENTOS Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy, Bishop of San Diego Most Reverend Ramón Bejarano, Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego Very Reverend Michael Pham, Vicar General Very Reverend Efrain Bautista, Master of Ceremonies Concelebrating Priests María Olivia Galván, Chancellor and Director of Pastoral Ministries Aida Bustos, Office for Media Alejandra Diaz, Office for Cultural Diversity Noreen McInnes, Office for Liturgy & Spirituality Charlotte Fajardo, Assistant to the Vicar Diocesan Offices for Pastoral Ministries Music Ministry: Dr. Steven Van Wye, Director of Music Randy Glover, Director of Gospel Choir Lupe Rios, Cantor Pentecost Choir Gospel Choir Rufino Zaragoza, OFM, Liturgical Music Consultant Catholic Cultural Communities The Diocese of San Diego gratefully acknowledges the hospitality of Good Shepherd Parish ministries, staff and volunteers.
Music Reprinted by Permission with OneLicense.net No. A-706245 Gathered As One, Paul A. Tate and Deanna Light, Text and music © 1997, WLP. Kyrie, Music: Mass of Joy and Peace, Tony Alonso, © 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. Gloria, Music: Nueva Misa Latinoamericana © 2001, Mauricio Centeno and José Córdova. Published by OCP. Lord, Send Out Your Spirit, Text: Refrain trans., Lectionary for Mass, © 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL; verses, New American Bible, © 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Music: Michel Guimont, © 1994, 1998, GIA Publications, Inc. Alleluia! Give the Glory!, Refrain © 1991, 2007, Ken Canedo and Bob Hurd. Music © 1991, Ken Canedo. Text and music published by OCP. Mass of the Nations, General Intercessions, Donna Peña, Tune: © 2000, GIA Publications, Inc. Text: © 2000, GIA Publications, Inc. Santo, Anunciamos tu muerte, Amén, Letra: Misal Romano, tercera edición © 2014, US Conference of Catholic Bishops – Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana. Derechos reservados. Con las debidas licencias. Música © 1994, 2009, Bob Hurd. Obra publicada por OCP. Multilingual Lamb of God, Music © 2006, 2008, Rufino Zaragoza, OFM. Published by OCP. Taste and See/Các B n Hãy N m Thu/Gusten y Vean, Vietnamese text and music © 1983, 2009, Dong Dao. Published by OCP. English: Rufino Zaragoza, OFM; Spanish verses adapted by Eleazar Cortés. English text, Spanish verses text, and music © 2009, 2010, Rufino Zaragoza, OFM. Published by OCP. Spanish refrain text © 1970, Conferencia Episcopal Española. Used with permission. Ven, Espíritu Santo, Letra © 2002, Paula Richard. Obra publicada por OCP. Música © 2002, Cristóbal Fones, SJ. Obra publicada por OCP. Other Permissions Readings: Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, second typical edition © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Roman Missal: Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy. All rights reserved. Excerpts from the Misal Romano, tercera edición © 2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved. Clip Art: ©1992, 1993, 1994, Archdiocese of Chicago. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Mary, Mother of the ChurCh, Gather us, the children of God, beneath your holy mantle. Be our refuge and our help. Embrace us, the Mystical Body of Christ, with the loving care and protection you swaddled the infant Jesus at his birth. Lead us, by your example, that we may also say “yes” to bring the love of Christ to the world. Pray for us, that inflamed by the same Spirit poured out at Pentecost, to boldly go forth and announce the Gospel of the Lord. And welcome us, at the end of our earthly pilgrimage, to join you and the Holy Trinity at the heavenly banquet with all the Angels and Saints. Mary, Mother of the Church. Pray for us. Holy Angels of God. Pray for us. St.Joseph. Pray for us. San Diego de Alcalá. Pray for us. St.John Vianney. Pray for us. St.Pio of Pietrelcina. Pray for us. Venerable Augustus Tolton. Pray for us. St.José María Robles. Pray for us. St.Faustina Kowalska. Pray for us. St.Teresa of Calcutta. Pray for us. St.Pope John Paul II. Pray for us. All holy men and women. Pray for us. AMEN.
María, Madre de la IglesIa, Reúnenos, a todos nosotros hijos de Dios, bajo tu Santo manto. Sé nuestro refugio y nuestro ayuda. Abrázanos, el Cuerpo Místico de Cristo, con el cuidado amoroso y protector con el que envolviste al Niño Jesús en su Nacimiento. Guíanos, con tu ejemplo, para que también digamos “sí” a llevar el amor de Cristo al mundo. Ruega por nosotros, para que llenos del Espíritu derramado en Pentecostés, salgamos valientemente a anunciar el Evangelio del Señor. Y Recíbenos, al final de nuestro peregrinaje terrenal, para reunirnos contigo y con la Santísima Trinidad en el banquete celestial con todos los Ángeles y Santos. María, Madre de la Iglesia. Ruega por nosotros. Santos Ángeles de Dios. Rueguen por nosotros. San José. Ruega por nosotros. San Diego de Alcalá. Ruega por nosotros. San Juan Vianney. Ruega por nosotros. San Pio de Pietrelcina. Ruega por nosotros. Venerable Augustus Tolton. Ruega por nosotros. San José María Robles. Ruega por nosotros. Santa Faustina Kowalska. Ruega por nosotros. Santa Teresa de Calcutta. Ruega por nosotros. Papa San Juan Pablo II. Ruega por nosotros. Todos los santos hombres y mujeres. Rueguen por nosotros. AMÉN.
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