OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...

Page created by Leroy Gonzales
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...

            Our people strategy 2021 – 2025 1
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...

                                                                                               Providing a safe and
                                         Attracting and                                        healthy working
                                         retaining our people                                  environment for our people,
                                         with the required skills                              placing wellbeing at the
                                         for a workforce of                                    heart of staff experience,
                                         the right size, shape,                                encouraging our people to
                                         cost, and agility.                                    maintain and promote their
                                                                                               health and those of others.

                                     OUR WORKFORCE                                              OUR HEALTH
                                                                                               AND WELLBEING

                                         Creating capability                                   Attracting and motivating
                                         by motivating and                                     our people with an
                                         engaging our people                                   attractive reward offer
                                         with their learning                                   including pay and
                                         and development for                                   non-financial elements,
                                         all required skills and                               recognising and
                                         the adaptability and                                  acknowledging good
                                         agility for change.                                   performance.

                                  OUR LEARNING AND                                         OUR REWARD
                                DEVELOPMENT CULTURE                                      AND RECOGNITION

        Nurturing a working                                                                                                Being guided by the staff
        environment in which our                                    Welcoming to all,                                      governance standard,
        people are inspired to give                                 supporting, encouraging                                working in partnership
        their best every day, actively                              and developing our                                     with trade unions, ensuring
        engaging with the aims and                                  people regardless                                      that our people are well
        values of the college with                                  of background –                                        informed, involved in
        opportunities to contribute to                              respecting diversity and                               decisions which affect
        its community, decision-                                    promoting inclusion.                                   them and are treated
        making and future direction.
                                                                                                                           fairly and consistently.

    OUR STAFF EXPERIENCE                                      OUR STAFF EQUALITY,                                          OUR EMPLOYEE
      AND ENGAGEMENT                                        DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION                                         RELATIONS

2   Our people strategy 2021 – 2025
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...
     is to develop a highly skilled,
     enterprising and resilient workforce.


      Inspire                        Support economic                Strengthen                       Lead with
      and enable                     recovery and                    our                              vision and
      success for all                growth                          communities                      empathy

        The purpose of the People Strategy is to provide an effective framework to achieve the above vision
                   and goals and is structured around the following aims, themes and values:

                            Attracting and retaining        Enabling and driving                    Nurturing a

        Aim                   our people with the
                               required skills and
                                                           delivery of learning for
                                                         outstanding attainment and
                                                                                                  culture in which
                                                                                                    our people
                           commitment to our values          student experience                        thrive

       People                       People                     Performance                        Staff Experience
       LINK TO                                             Students at the centre
                               Welcoming to all                                               Always striving for better
    COLLEGE VALUE                                           of everything we do

•   Workforce                                             •   Staff Experience and Engagement
•   Health and Wellbeing                                  •   Staff Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
•   Learning and Development Culture                      •   Employee Relations
•   Reward and Recognition

                                                                                      Our people strategy 2021 – 2025 3
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...
OUR WORKFORCE                                                                                       WHERE DO WE
                                                                                                     WANT TO BE?
                                                                                                     Attracting and
                                                                                                     retaining our people
WHERE ARE WE NOW?                                                                                    with the required skills
                                                                                                     for a workforce of
The college has an excellent               Levels of retention are stable with an                    the right size, shape,
reputation and strong identity             employee turnover rate of 14%, in
                                                                                                     cost, and agility.
with opportunities for career              line with the sector national average
development, job security and              of 14% (Source: Office for National
a flexible approach to work-life           Statistics 2019) and an average rate
balance.                                   over the last three years also of 14%.
                                                                                       in regards to people and succession
The volume and quality of applicants       All leavers are invited to complete an      planning and suitability of roles, now
for posts is strong and very few           exit interview to identify reasons for      and for the future.
vacancies are unfilled. The college’s      leaving and offer the opportunity for
                                           valuable feedback.                          A flexible bank resource of staff is also
selection process ensures the validity                                                 in place to meet short term staffing
of selection decisions to recruit the      A workforce planning exercise and           requirements – such arrangements
optimum candidates. The college’s          resultant workforce plan is developed       are on a fixed term, contractual basis,
Student Association are involved in        each year to ensure the organisation        avoiding the use of ‘zero hours’
lecturing selection processes.             achieves its workforce requirements –       contracts.

HOW DO WE GET THERE?                                                         HOW WILL WE
Ongoing work to enhance the college’s reputation as an                       RECOGNISE SUCCESS?
employer of choice, with a promotion of the favourable
employment offer of competitive pay, generous leave                          The first indicator is the achievement of a
entitlement, pension provision, opportunities for                            zero unfilled vacancy rate. A further indicator
development and other employee benefits.                                     is an ongoing, stable employee turnover
                                                                             rate and favourable feedback from leavers
Reviewing staff structures as part of the annual and ongoing
                                                                             from the organisation. The final indicator is a
workforce planning exercise to achieve - within the staffing
                                                                             workforce with the required mix of roles, skills
budget - the optimum mix of types and numbers of roles to
                                                                             within the staff cost envelope of the college’s
deliver and support learning to ensure enhanced student
experience and attainment.
Establishing an integral link between workforce planning
aims and learning and development activities whether at
individual or team level, to develop and improve required

4    Our people strategy 2021 – 2025
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...
  AND WELLBEING                                                                             WHERE DO WE
                                                                                            WANT TO BE?
                                                                                            Providing a safe and healthy
                                                                                            working environment for our

                                                                                            people, placing wellbeing at
                                                                                            the heart of staff experience,
                                                                                            encouraging our people to
The college provides a safe, healthy       (89%), workplace stress, primarily               maintain and promote their
working environment through                related to workload, is reported as              health and those of others.
effective induction, supportive            having been experienced by 34%
line management with additional            of respondents in the previous 12
support from health and safety             months. At a college, team and
and HR partners, sickness absence          individual level appropriate support
management, wellbeing initiatives          and interventions are made to address
and access to occupational health,         this.
counselling, physiotherapy, flu
                                           The average sickness absence rate for
vaccinations and an employee
                                           2017 -2020 was 5.3%.

assistance service for all staff.
                                           The college currently has NHS
99% of respondents in the 2020 Staff
                                           Healthy Working Lives Silver Award
experience survey agreed that the
                                           accreditation.                                   Was the average
college takes positive action on health
and wellbeing.                                                                              sickness absence
Whilst respondents in the above                                                             rate for 2017 -2020
survey felt supported by colleagues
(94%) and by their line manager

HOW DO WE GET THERE?                                                 HOW WILL WE
Through continuing to support and promote staff’s health,            RECOGNISE SUCCESS?
safety and wellbeing.
                                                                     A key indicator will be a sickness absence
NHS Healthy Working Lives Gold Award accreditation will be
                                                                     percentage of 4% or lower.
undertaken to enhance this further and signal to staff (current
and prospective) the importance of health and wellbeing.             Achieving NHS Healthy Working Lives Gold
                                                                     Award accreditation will demonstrate that
The college will continue to monitor, develop and improve
                                                                     health supporting activities are undertaken
safe working practices within the organisation.
                                                                     and indicate organisational commitment to
Further work will be undertaken to support managers in               its aims.
managing and promoting health and wellbeing within their
                                                                     Favourable feedback gathered through the
teams, in particular to manage workplace stress, ensuring
                                                                     annual Staff experience survey and an aim of
effective support, communication, manageable workload
                                                                     zero reportable health and safety incidents
and work/life balance through agile working and other
                                                                     are further indicators.

                                                                                        Our people strategy 2021 – 2025 5
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...
 CULTURE                                                                                        WHERE DO WE
                                                                                                WANT TO BE?
                                                                                                 Creating capability by
                                                                                                 motivating and engaging
WHERE ARE WE NOW?                                                                                our people with their
                                                                                                 learning and development
All staff have the opportunity to        All new staff undertake a corporate                     for all required skills
further their own learning and           induction covering essential                            and the adaptability and
development and the college invests      statutory and mandatory training                        agility for change.
significantly in ongoing professional    and introduction to college values,
development activities. The college      practices and processes.
and its associated partners offer a
                                         Activities focussed at developing
range of development opportunities
                                         managers’ skills and capacities are
to all staff and these are underpinned
                                         also undertaken.
by a commitment in time and financial
terms for these to be undertaken.        The college is Investors in People
                                                                                           “”The college is
                                                                                             Investors in People
                                         silver accredited which signals a
All staff undertake a personal                                                               silver accredited which
                                         commitment to the growth and
learning planning activity annually to                                                       signals a commitment
                                         development of staff to their full
identify learning and development                                                            to the growth and
                                                                                             development of staff
                                                                                             to their full potential.
By equipping staff with necessary        to foster an inclusive, collegiate         will be expected to commit to
skills and foster behaviours to ensure   environment. Managers and leaders          their continuous professional
excellent student experience and         embody college values and have the         development utilising the college’s
attainment, embodying the college’s      capability and confidence to engage,       personal development process. A
values. In particular reviewing and      develop, support and challenge their       demonstrable link will be essential in
developing an enhanced induction         aligned staff.                             linking the learning and development
for new lecturers, linking to their                                                 activities which are committed to
                                         Equipping managers and leaders with
professional standards.                                                             with the college’s aims and priorities.
                                         the required skills and confidence
                                                                                    A further element of objectives and
Providing support to enable efficient    to successfully respond to, adapt to,
                                                                                    review will be added to the personal
and effective working practices,         enact and manage change as well as
                                                                                    development process.
through a culture of collaboration,      the capabilities to engage, develop,
continuous improvement and clear         support, challenge and promote             Using the Investors in People
ways of working.                         excellent performance within their         framework, further improvements
                                         aligned staff.                             to the college’s learning and
Creating a community of supportive,
                                                                                    development culture will be
empathetic managers and leaders          To do so managers and staff

HOW WILL WE                              The indicators for success are
                                         having staff with the required skills,
                                                                                    and evaluation of the personal
                                                                                    development process and activities
RECOGNISE                                performing highly in appropriate roles
                                         to realise the college’s vision and aims
                                                                                    which are undertaken, together with
                                                                                    gold Investors in People accreditation
SUCCESS?                                 – quantified through a monitoring          and engagement with its framework.

6    Our people strategy 2021 – 2025
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...
  RECOGNITION                                                                                  WHERE DO WE
                                                                                               WANT TO BE?
                                                                                               Attracting and motivating
                                                                                               our people with an attractive
WHERE ARE WE NOW?                                                                              reward offer including
                                                                                               pay and non-financial
Core elements of employee reward             career average earnings pension                   elements, recognising
are set nationally within the college        scheme (benefitting from employer                 and acknowledging good
sector.                                      contributions, life cover and ill health          performance.
                                             protections), generous special leave
For support staff pay awards are
                                             entitlements (in excess of statutory
applied nationally and work is
                                             requirements) and access to a range of
continuing on a national job evaluation
                                             other employee benefits such as retail
exercise for the sector. Lecturers’                                                     In the 2020 staff experience survey
                                             discounts, ‘cycle to work’ scheme and
pay has been harmonised nationally.                                                     88% of staff were satisfied with the
                                             free physiotherapy.
Other concluded national negotiation                                                    level of recognition they receive for
includes some other elements of              Opportunities are available for flexible   good work.
employee reward such as leave which          working to support work-life balance.
offers generous annual leave to both
                                             Recognition is afforded to staff for
staff groups.
                                             notable and significant contribution at
In addition to pay and annual leave,         the ‘Celebrating Success’ staff event
the reward offer for staff includes a        annually.

The college will implement national        Further opportunities to enhance
pay and other reward elements of           employee benefits will be explored
terms and conditions.                      and developed.
Awareness raising of the reward            The ‘Celebrating Success’ event will
offer will be undertaken for existing      be adapted and improved to better
and prospective staff.                     offer opportunities for recognition of
                                           staff effort and performance.

HOW WILL WE RECOGNISE SUCCESS?                                                                  The College has an
                                                                                                annual Recognition
The indicators for success is a zero                                                            Awards to celebrate
unfilled vacancy rate, ongoing                                                                   the contributions
monitoring and reporting on employee                                                               and successes
turnover and favourable staff experience                                                              of staff.
survey results for areas associated with
reward and recognition.

                                                                                          Our people strategy 2021 – 2025 7
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...
 ENGAGEMENT                                                                            WHERE DO WE
                                                                                       WANT TO BE?
                                                                                       Nurturing a working environment

                                                                                       in which our people are inspired
                                                                                       to give their best every day,
                                                                                       actively engaging with the aims
The college’s staff satisfaction level       Activities enhancing staff experience     and values of the college with
is 89% - using the indicator of              are undertaken in relation to             opportunities to contribute to
respondents ‘agreeing’ or ‘strongly          health and wellbeing and college          its community, decision-making
                                                                                       and future direction.
agreeing’ with the statement: ‘I am          community. An ‘ideas lab’ staff
enthusiastic about my job’ in the staff      suggestion scheme is in place.
experience survey (2020).
                                             However the above survey also
The above survey indicated significant       identified areas of focus for the
strengths with the principal’s               college in relation to communication,
communication with staff – various           involvement in decision-making.
methods are used and events take
place to inform and engage with staff

throughout the organisation.

HOW DO WE GET THERE?                                                                 staff satisfaction
Involving all staff in the development      mechanisms such as the staff                   ‘Agreeing’ or
of staff experience and engagement          survey and college-wide and team         ‘strongly agreeing’ to
improvements, with areas of focus           interactions, and are encouraged
identified from the staff experience        to contribute their experience,             ‘I am enthusiastic
survey.                                     expertise and ideas to improve staff           about my job’
                                            experience and engagement further.
The college will implement such                                                       Staff experience survey
improvements in partnership with            Continuing the ‘ideas lab’ staff                         (2020)
trade unions, managers and staff.           suggestion scheme to enable staff
                                            to be able to share good ideas to
Ensuring staff have the opportunity
                                            support college aims.
to have a voice, through

The indicators for success will be the
ongoing monitoring and reporting
on employee turnover and favourable
staff experience survey results for areas
associated with staff experience and

8    Our people strategy 2021 – 2025
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...
                                                                                                        WHERE DO WE
                                                                                                        WANT TO BE?
                                                                                                        WHERE toDO
                                                                                                        Welcoming     all, WE
                                                                                                        WANT      TO   BE?
WHERE ARE WE NOW?                                                                                       supporting, encouraging
                                                                                                        and         to all,our people
The             ARE WE
    college is committed to its NOW?
                                core Equality and diversity is a focus for                              supporting,ofencouraging
                                                                                                        –   developing
                                                                                                                         our people
                                                                                                                      diversity  and
value of being welcoming to all, has            all staff induction and management
               is committed     to its core     Equalityin  and  diversity  is a focus for              regardless inclusion.
                                                                                                        promoting   of background
an                    plan in place    to       training      regards   to discrimination
value of being    welcoming      to all, has    all staff induction and                                 – respecting diversity and
ensure all staff, regardless of protected       and   unconscious      bias.management                  promoting inclusion.
an equality   action  plan  in place
characteristic, are welcomed, retained to       training in regards to discrimination
ensure  all staff, regardless                   The
                                                and college     is silver LGBT charter mark
and  developed.      A specificofgender
                                   protected          unconscious      bias.
characteristic,                                 accredited.
equality actionare    welcomed,
                   plan              retained
                        is also in place.       The college is silver LGBT charter mark
and developed. A specific gender                The   college monitors and reports
The  college   is aplan
                    ‘disability                 accredited.
equality action         is alsoconfident’
                                 in place.      on the fairness and effectiveness of
employer in relation to attracting and          The college
The college    is a ‘disability confident’      equality    andmonitors     and reports
                                                                 diversity activities through
retaining  people    with disabilities.         on  the   fairness  and  effectiveness   of
employer in relation to attracting and          workforce monitoring.
                                                equality and diversity activities through
retaining people with disabilities.
                                                workforce monitoring.

The collegeDO
           will takeWE   GET
                    forward all THERE?
                                   encourage  applications
                                   from applicants and fromfrom BAME
                                                             making a                             employment from applicants and from
actions within the gender equality              backgrounds.
                                                full contribution to the college’s work           making a full contribution to the
The college
action         will take
         plan, such       forwardaction
                      as positive   all         from applicants
                                                once   in post. and from making a                 college’s work once in post.
actions   within  the gender    equality        The   college will improve
                                                full contribution              awareness
                                                                    to the college’s    work
initiatives to address gender-based
action plan, such     as positive  action       of
                                                In managers
                                                       in post.and
                                                once                 others
                                                                  with        involved inand
                                                                        the Equalities
occupational     segregation     and                                                              In conjunction with the Equalities and
initiatives to address   gender-based           recruitment
                                                Widening Accessof unconscious
                                                                       Committee,  biaspositive
supporting the younger workforce. In            In conjunction    with  the Equalities    and     Widening Access Committee, positive
occupational     segregation     and            through
                                                action     relevant
                                                        employee     training.
                                                                      recognition    awards
regards to race    equality, the                Widening     AccessfromCommittee,     positive    action employee recognition awards
supporting      further
              the        work
                   younger      to focuswill
recruitment and selection policy          and   and   certification        organisations          and certification from organisations
                                                action  employeefurther  work to focus
                                                                      recognition    awards
encourage     applicants
be revised in further
                line with   from
                            the toacross
                                Scottish  the   promoting equality for groups with                promoting equality for groups with
Undertaking              work      focus  and   and
                                                and encourage
                                                      certificationapplicants    from
                                                                    from organisations
government's  and   removing
                  minorityfrom   any
                             ethnic  real or    protected     characteristics   will be           protected characteristics will be
encourage     applicants          across  the   across  the
                                                promotingand community
                                                               equality     and  removing
                                                                         for groups    with
               toolkit to  employment
                       in order   to real or    explored         achieved.                        explored and achieved.
community     and   removing     any            any  real or  perceived    barriers
                                                protected characteristics will be    to
perceived barriers to employment                explored and achieved.

The collegeWILL      WE RECOGNISE
           will use equality and            SUCCESS?
                                 A further indicator is the staff
diversity reporting to identify and             experience survey results from areas
The college
indicate       will usetoequality
          the extent               and
                           which the            A further indicator
                                                focussing           is the
                                                           on equality  andstaff
                                                                             diversity.                      The college is a
diversity reporting    to identify
college attracts and employs staff  and         experience survey results from areas                      ‘Disability Confident’
indicate the
reflecting  theextent  to which
                diversity   of thethe
                                   local        focussing on equality and diversity.                         TheEmployer
                                                                                                                 college is a
college  attracts
community.         and   employs    staff                                                                 ‘Disability Confident’
reflecting the diversity of the local                                                                           Employer

                                                                                                    Our people strategy 2021 – 2025 9
OUR PEOPLE STRATEGY 2021/25 - West Lothian ...
RELATIONS                                                                       WHERE DO WE
                                                                                WANT TO BE?
                                                                                Being guided by the staff

                                                                                governance standard, working
                                                                                in partnership with trade unions,
                                                                                ensuring that our people are
The college has local forums            Employee relations have been            well informed, involved in
focussing on employee relations with    influenced by the national bargaining   decisions which affect them
a joint JNCC (joint negotiating and     landscape, progress has been made       and are treated fairly and
consultative committee) for UNISON      regarding matters which can be
and EIS.                                consulted upon locally.
There are open channels for trade       The college is committed to the
union – management communication        Colleges Scotland staff governance
outwith the above formal meetings.      standard.

The college will continue to work in
partnership with trade unions, taking
a constructive approach to employee

The indicators for success will be a    Monitoring and reporting will also
constructive climate for management-    be undertaken on the use of formal
trade union partnership working and     grievance procedures, whether
favourable staff experience survey      individual or collective.
results in regards to decision making
and communication.

10   Our people strategy 2021 – 2025
Implementation, monitoring and review
of The People Strategy

 The People Strategy will be   The People Strategy will be
 monitored by the Finance      taken forward by the Vice
 & General Purposes            Principal (Finance & Corporate
 Committee and at whole        Services) and Head of HR and
 Board level.                  People Development with
                               key indicators for success
                               being monitored and actions
 The People Strategy will      undertaken.
 be reviewed in 2025
 in conjunction with the
 Strategic Plan.

                                               Our people strategy 2021 – 2025 11
West Lothian College,
     Almondvale Crescent,
     Livingston, West Lothian EH54 7EP
     Tel: 01506 418 181
     Email: enquiries@west-lothian.ac.uk

     Find us on                            www.west-lothian.ac.uk
12      Our people strategy 2021 – 2025
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