Our ICE (Service Development) Workplan 2021/22 - UK Power ...
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Introduction I am pleased to share with you our Service Development Workplan for 2021/22. The new initiatives were developed following customer feedback in collaboration with our stakeholders and colleagues. Since April 2020 we have successfully completed 36 initiatives and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve over the next 12 months. Mark Adolphus This year we will be continuing our focus on improving our customer Director of Health, Safety, service, connecting new technologies to our network and also the Sustainability & Connections changing energy world, which includes the electrification of heat and mark.adolphus@ukpowernetworks.co.uk the move to EVs. 07875 118004 Despite the unusual year we have had due to COVID-19, it has been great to see so many of you still attending our online events and forums. I hope that it is not too long before we can start meeting in person once again. We will keep you updated our progress against the plan through our forums, email updates and our quarterly reports. As you know, our plan is always flexible and we appreciate any feedback or comments you may have. Thank you for your continued support, I look forward to continuing to work with over the coming year. 2
Developing our workplan Our workplan is developed through a robust and This ensures that our plan is inclusive and transparent process which involves extensive represents what our customers have asked us stakeholder engagement over a 12 month period to deliver. The process for delivery of our including customer forums, scrutiny panels, customer workplan is outlined in the diagram. surgeries and one-to-one meetings. Service Stakeholder Development (ICE) feedback gathered workplan published through the year Refined plan Service shared with wider improvement stakeholder initiatives community identified Initiatives and Plans challenged Draft plan targets discussed by scrutiny panels developed with targets at customer forums and timescales 3
Service Development Workplan 2021/22 Customer Segments Metered ICPs and IDNOs Highway Services Distributed Energy Resources Service Development Plan Market segment Strategy Area Reference Initiative Measure Target Date Develop a heat information pack supporting Community Energy 1.21 Publication of the heat information pack by target date September 2021 groups’ transition to low carbon heating Provide assistance for all approved applications to the Green 2.21 Planned capacity available for customers’ use by target date Ongoing Recovery Scheme to ensure successful deployment Determine the viability of part funded reinforcement works 3.21 being undertaken by an ICP by retrospectively testing the Report published by target date March 2022 Changing energy world concept using previously completed projects Promote our RIIO-ED2 flexibility needs to existing and Deliver proactive communications plan and complete flexibility 4.21 November 2021 new customers tender by target date Use the standardised ENA Open Networks Common Evaluation 5.21 Methodology in place by target date September 2021 Methodology for network investment decisions Develop a new flexibility product to enable storage connections 6.21 Publish flexibility product design for consultation by target date November 2021 in demand constrained areas Develop and test a Site Planning Tool for customers looking 7.21 to electrify their fleets and optimise their electrical power Site Planning Tool available for testing by target date September 2021 requirements Complete research and segmentation analysis of SMEs to support Segmentation analysis complete and communication plan 8.21 the development of a communcations plan to enable their July 2021 developed by target date transition to EVs Develop and make available a modular 11kV substation solution Modular substation tested and lessons learnt circulated by 9.21 December 2021 to support the roll-out of EV charging hubs target date Connecting new technologies Develop and trial an Application Programming Interface (API) to 10.21 allow Charge Point Installers to integrate their software solutions API available to pilot by target date March 2022 with the UK Power Networks online customer portal Share the learning from the UK Power Networks Charge 11.21 Collective Local Authority EV project with other Local Authorties Workshops held and learning disseminated by target date February 2022 and Supply Chain partners Complete research project into the accessiblity of public EV Research project complete and learnings published by 12.21 charging points for disabled customers and share learning with December 2021 target date stakeholders 4
Service Development Workplan 2021/22 Customer Segments Metered ICPs and IDNOs Highway Services Distributed Energy Resources Service Development Plan Market segment Strategy Area Reference Initiative Measure Target Date Develop and publish a revised Heat Strategy in collaboration with 13.21 Heat Strategy published by target date February 2022 customers, stakeholders and industry experts. Develop and launch new Heat and Net Zero webpage to provide 14.21 New webpage launched by target date April 2021 a knowledge library for customers and stakeholders Connecting new Consult stakeholders on technical documents for connecting Feedback gathered from stakeholders on areas of improvement 15.21 December 2021 technologies heat technology for our technical standards on heat technology Develop and share knowledge library to support off-gas grid Knowledge library developed and available to customers and 16.21 March 2022 communities transition to low carbon heating solutions wider stakeholders by target date Publish and share advanced heat decarbonisation and energy Forecasts published to our website, and focus groups held 17.21 July 2021 efficiency forecasts with stakeholders Hold workshop to consider how co-ordination between separate 18.21 Develop list of recommendations by target date December 2021 connection applications can be improved Investigate proposed substation design ideas for possible 19.21 deployment in two scenarios; EV charging locations and Investigation completed and findings published February 2022 temporary connections Adoption of virtual audits/inspections as part of inspection policy 20.21 Process to be adapted to include virtual audits within timeframe September 2021 (HSS 02-004) Under take process review of HV self-connect Mechanism 3 with the aim of reducing operational activities associated with Maintain our focus on 21.21 Review complete and findings published by target date December 2021 the re-application of circuit main earths when undertaking customer service connections work Review our training application process for ICP & IDNO operatives 22.21 Review complete and findings published by target date November 2021 to identify improvements Extend the scope of 'small service self-service' to include IDNO 23.21 New scope available and updated documentation published August 2021 3-phase (up to 100A) connections Roll-out revised queue management connection milestones 24.21 Process rolled out by target date July 2021 process in line with ENA programme Publish customer journey with SLAs and checklist of key activities 25.21 Customer journey published by target date September 2021 associated with the provision of a generation connection 5
Service Development Workplan 2021/22 Customer Segments Metered ICPs and IDNOs Highway Services Distributed Energy Resources Service Development Plan Market segment Strategy Area Reference Initiative Measure Target Date Review the implementation and effectiveness of the online 26.21 Report published by target date October 2021 Outage Planning Tool 27.21 Agree and implement enhancements to the DG Mapping tool Enhancements implemented by target date March 2022 Publish a guidance document on the Statement of Works (SoW) 28.21 process to include timescales and costs. Further consider if Guidance document published by target date October 2021 visibility of the process/applications can be provided Maintain our focus on Agree and implement enhancements to the Street Furniture customer service 29.21 Enhancements implemented by target date March 2022 online unmetered Faults Form Agree and implement enhancements to the Street Furniture 30.21 Enhancements implemented by target date March 2022 online unmetered Faults Map Agree and implement enhancements to the Highway Services 31.21 Enhancements implemented by target date March 2022 Connections online Application Form Produce a guide to help customers with street furniture 32.21 Guidance document published by target date June 2021 electrical connections 6
How to contact us – email or call us directly Name Position Email address Mobile number Mark Adolphus Director of Connections mark.adolphus@ukpowernetworks.co.uk 07875 118004 Neil Madgwick Head of Service Delivery neil.madgwick@ukpowernetworks.co.uk 07875 119389 Stakeholder Engagement and Account Manager Adam Lakey adam.lakey@ukpowernetworks.co.uk 07875 114290 (Metered Demand & Competition in Connections) Distributed Energy Resources Manager Steve Halsey steve.halsey@ukpowernetworks.co.uk 07875 116241 (Distributed Generation) Customer Services Manager Sharon Alexander sharon.alexander@ukpowernetworks.co.uk 07875 114870 (Highway Services & Disconnections) ukpowernetworks.co.uk UK Power Networks UK Power Networks (Operations) Limited Registered office: Newington House, 237 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 6NP @UKPowerNetworks Registered number: 3870728 registered in England and Wales APRIL 2021 UK Power Networks Connections Engagement
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