2022 Salvationist Service Corps Application - Youth Down South
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2022 Salvationist Service Corps Application We are so thrilled that you are considering being a part of Salvationist Service Corps in 2022! It is an exciting opportunity to learn more about the world, to learn more about yourself, and to serve God. We are excited to share that, while the vision of the SSC program remains the same, the structure of the program is shifting. Instead of being a 1-year endeavor that stands alone, we looking to expand it into a two-year experience. The new model will include a Spring Break Boot Camp in March, required reading and assignments to learn more about the population with which you will be working, and virtual check-ins in the months prior to deployment. Though these things will require an extra amount of commitment and investment from our SSC team members, we believe that the experience will be more robust and impactful as a result. YEAR 1: SSC team members serve in the United States, engaging in a mission focused on a particular population or group in need. (e.g., foster youth in Florida) YEAR 2: SSC team members serve overseas, using the training and skills that they have gained in a new capacity and setting, but to the same kind of population or group in need. (e.g., orphans in Uganda) Because this is considered “Year 1” of this new structure, all of our SSC teams have the privilege this year of serving within the Southern Territory. This provides us with a special opportunity to sew into the people and programs that exist in our own backyard. The two teams that we will be assembling for the 2022 season include the following: • Mission #1: Creative Writing Prison Ministry o A team will host a creative writing workshop at one or more prisons across the Southern Territory. There will also be opportunities to lead Bible studies, engage in times of worship with the inmates, as well as serve in a variety of capacities at the corps near the various prison locations. • Mission #2: Creative Arts Service Team at Children’s Village o A team will travel to the Children’s Village to teach Jesus Theatre to the court-appointed foster care children. There will also be opportunities to lead Bible studies, engage in times of worship with the children, as well as serve in a variety of capacities at the corps and Salvation Army community centers near Children’s Village. In order to be considered, please complete each of the following steps by the deadlines listed. 1. January 7th: SSC Applications are due to Jessica Fagerstrom. This means that you need to have all of your references, as well as the link to your completed interview video, sent in to THQ by that date. 1
2. January 14th: Two online questionnaires should be completed and sent in to The Lanier Practice, Inc by this date. The Youth Department/SSC Application Committee partners with an outside mental health team, The Lanier Practice, Inc., to help in the review of SSC applications. Once you have submitted your application, a member of their team will contact you to schedule a one-on-one virtual interview. Prior to your interview, they'll ask you to complete two online questionnaires that ask about your style of working and relating to others around you. 3. February 11th: SSC Teams will be announced. 4. March 11th – March 14th: If selected, you will be required to attend the SSC Spring Break Boot Camp over this long weekend. This will be held at the Evangeline Booth College in Atlanta, GA. At this Boot Camp, you will learn more about your mission, build relationships with your team members, and refine the skills that you will need in the field. 5. May 23rd: Personal fundraised money is due to THQ’s Youth Department. You will be asked to raise $750 to go towards the cost of your trip. This is a way to show personal commitment to the mission. It also helps you build a team of people around you who will lovingly pray for you while you are gone. 6. May 30th – June 3rd: SSC Orientation at Camp Grandview in Jasper, GA. 7. June 3rd – 5th: Commissioning Weekend “Send Off” in Atlanta, GA. 8. June 6th - July 18th: SSC teams are deployed. 9. July 19th – 22nd: SSC Team Debrief at THQ in Atlanta, GA. 10. July 23rd – August 1st: Territorial Youth Institute at Camp Walter Johnson. We ask that all SSC members attend. Before you begin filling out the application, consider spending time in prayer. If you are chosen, you will be required to do many things which are outside of your comfort zone. We hope that you will choose to join us! 2
2022 Salvationist Service Corps Application Basic Information Name: ________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Email: _________________________________________________________________ Current Address: ________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________ State: _______ Zip: ________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________ Age as of June 1 of this year __________________ Birth Date: __________________ Permanent Address if different than above: City: ____________________________ State: _________ Zip ___________________ Alt. Phone Number ______________________________________________________ Citizenship/ Are you eligible to work in this country? ___________________________ Emergency Contact Name: _________________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________________ Phone Number: _____________ Corps Officer: ____________________________ Corps _______________________ Division: ______________________________________________________________ Do you speak any other languages fluently? If yes, which one(s)? _________________ Are you applying to be a team leader? _______________________________________ Would you consider being a team leader if asked? _____________________________ While we can’t promise that you will get your first choice, please put a check next to the mission in which you would prefer to participate. • Mission #1: Creative Writing Prison Ministry___________________________ • Mission #2: Creative Arts Service Team at Children’s Village _____________ 3
2022 Salvationist Service Corps Application Interview Video Please answer the questions below in a 3-5 minute video. You can post this video on Youtube as an “unlisted” video. Please send the link to your application video to jessica.fagerstrom@uss.salvationarmy.org. Spiritual Life 1. Please tell us about your relationship with God. When were you saved? What is He doing in your life now? 2. Why are you applying to be a part of Salvationist Service Corps? 3. In what three areas would you most want to grow during this experience should you get accepted? Why? Church Life 4. How long have you been a part of your corps? 5. Describe your relationships with your corps. Are you currently active? If so, explain your role(s). Working With Vulnerable Populations 6. This summer, you will be working with one of two vulnerable groups: inmates or foster children. What experience, if any, do you have working with vulnerable populations? Declaration of Truth To the extent of my knowledge, the information on this application is truthful and accurate. I authorize the Territorial Youth Department to make inquiries about me with the references listed on this application. Signed _________________________________ Dated ________________________ 4
2022 Salvationist Service Corps Application References Please provide the following information for four references and ask all four of your references to complete the appropriate forms, scan them, and e-mail them directly to the following e-mail address: jessica.fagerstrom@uss.salvationarmy.org. Please have them indicate your name in the e-mail’s subject line. Your references should not be family members. Reference 1 – Divisional Youth Secretary (use DYS specific reference form) Name __________________________________________________________________ Division: ________________________ Phone number __________________________ Reference 2 – Corps Officer Name _________________________________________________________________ Corps Name ____________________________________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________________________________________ Reference 3 – Peer/ Friend/ Local Officer Name __________________________________________________________________ Relationship to you _______________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________ Reference 4 – Employer/ Teacher/ Professor Name __________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________ 5
2022 Salvationist Service Corps Application Reference Form The person who has given you this form is applying for the Salvationist Service Corps. The Salvationist Service Corps is an intense six-week mission experience which allows Salvationists to experience God’s plan for all people. It exists to invite Young Adults into a deeper walk with the Lord and a broader perspective of The Salvation Army. The Salvationist Service Corps is not for just anyone. It is for young adults who are ready to serve others and give of themselves. Applicants should be mature in their Christian walk. For more information, please log onto www.youthdownsouth.org. We ask that you complete this form as honestly as possible in order to give us an accurate picture of the applicant. Thank you for your time in completing this form, scanning it, and e-mailing it to jessica.fagerstrom@uss.salvationarmy.org. Please indicate the name of applicant in the subject line. Thank you! THQ Youth Department Southern Territory The Salvation Army Applicant’s Name: _____________________________________________________ How long have you known the applicant? __________________________________ Written Questions: Please type your responses on a separate piece of paper and attach to this application. 1. Tell about a time when you and the applicant had differing views on a situation. How did the applicant handle himself/herself? What was the outcome? 2. Tell about a time when this individual was doing something that took a lot of effort. What did they do to stick with it? How did that situation turn out? Declaration of Truth: To the best of my knowledge, the information on this reference is truthful and accurate. I authorize The Salvation Army Territorial Youth Department to verify my statements and answers with those of the applicant’s other references and with myself by phone or email. Printed name: __________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________ 6
2022 Salvationist Service Corps Application Divisional Youth Secretary Reference Form The person who has given you this form is applying for the Salvationist Service Corps. The Salvationist Service Corps is an intense six-week mission experience which allows Salvationists to experience God’s plan for all people. It exists to invite Young Adults into a deeper walk with the Lord and a broader perspective of The Salvation Army. The Salvationist Service Corps is not for just anyone. It is for young adults who are ready to serve others and give of themselves. Applicants should be mature in their Christian walk. We ask that you complete this form as honestly as possible in order to give us an accurate picture of the applicant. Thank you for your time in completing this form, scanning it, and e-mailing it to jessica.fagerstrom@uss.salvationarmy.org. Please indicate the name of applicant in the subject line. Thank you! THQ Youth Department Southern Territory The Salvation Army Applicant’s Name: ______________________________________________________ How long have you known the applicant? ____________ Written Questions: Please type your responses on a separate piece of paper and attach to this application. 1. Tell about a time when you and the applicant had differing views on a situation. How did the applicant handle himself/herself? What was the outcome? 2. Tell about a time when this individual was doing something that took a lot of effort. What did they do to stick with it? How did that situation turn out? 3. When have you seen this person in a leadership role? What was it? How did he/she perform? 4. Have you ever seen this person perform in front of others (i.e. lead a song, speak, give a testimony)? How? What was the outcome? 5. If he/she has worked for you, what is his/her work ethic like? Does he/she take initiative? Does he/she need a lot of supervision? Does he/she get along well with others? Would you hire him/her again in a higher position? Declaration of Truth: To the best of my knowledge, the information on this reference is truthful and accurate. I authorize The Salvation Army Territorial Youth Department to verify my statements and answers with those of the applicant’s other references and with myself by phone or email. Printed Name: ___________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________________ 7
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