OSI - 2020 Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!

Page created by Annie Mendoza
OSI - 2020 Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!



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        Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!
 Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) camps for kindergarten to high school
OSI - 2020 Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!
MOSI 2020
   MOSI’s Summer Science Camps bring science,         MOSI’s Summer Science Camps offer:
   technology, engineering, arts, and math            • A wide range of fun camps for every interest
   (STEAM) alive through hands-on experiments           from kindergarten through eighth grade
   and building projects. From launching rockets,     • Instruction by certified teachers and              Contents
   building robots and extracting DNA, we are          experienced science and technology                  Science Camps • Completed Kindergarten  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   about creating the experiences that expand          educators in a positive environment
   interests and make dreams a reality. Doing real    • Opportunities to conduct experiments and           Science Camps • Completed 1st Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                         Grade                                                                                                          4

   science with the tools and technologies used        use cutting-edge equipment and technology           Science Camps • Completed 2nd Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                         Grade                                                                                                        5
   by industry professionals is just one way MOSI     • Access to current science and technology in
                                                                                                           Science Camps • Completed 3rd Grade  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-6
   Summer Science Camps inspire our campers            one of the best science centers in the world
   with a can-do attitude that can last a lifetime.   • Upgrades available for extended care from          Technology Camps • Completed 2nd or 3rd Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                                   Grade                                                                                 6-7
   Real science coupled with exciting experiments,     7 – 9 am and 4 – 6 pm.                              Science Camps • Completed 4th or 5th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                                Grade                                                                                        7–8
   simulations, explorations, and inventions will     • Each camper receives a MOSI Summer
                                                                                                           Technology Camps • Completed 4th or 5th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–9
   help you discover the innovator within.             Science Camp 2020 T-shirt
                                                                                                           STEAM Career Camps – Completed 6th, 7th, or 8th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
   Become a MOSI                                      Ready for a summer of science adventures?
                                                                                                           Technology Camps • Completed 6th, 7th or 8th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   Member today and                                   Review the camp descriptions and use the
                                                                                                           Travel Camps • Completed 6th, 7th or 8th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                                    Grade                                                                                       12
   save 25% on camp fees                              Schedule-At-A-Glance on pages 13–14 to help

   Designing video games, creating                    plan your summer. Complete the enclosed              Schedule-At-A-Glance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13–14
   art with lasers, searching for fossils,            registration form or register online at mosi.org.
                                                                                                           How to Register for Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   using DNA to solve crimes, and                     Call us with any questions at 813-987-6000.

   cooking up edible slime are just                                                                        Camp Registration Form  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–17
                                                                                  Each camper receives a
   some of the thousands of                                                        MOSI Summer Science     MOSI Membership Form  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
                                                                                     Camp 2020 T-shirt.
   Summer Science Camps
   experiences waiting for you.
   It’s easy to find the right                                                                                    Travel Included • Camps with this icon include field trips to other exciting destinations
   summer camp for you at MOSI.

                                                                                                                                                                  THANKS TO THE GENEROUS SUPPORT FROM
                                                                             Multiple-week discounts
                                                                             make it easier to attend
                                                                             all summer long,
                                                                                                           MOSI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, community-based institution and a leader in STEAM education dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives by making science real.
                                                                             with up to $225 off.          This program is sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs with support from Hillsborough County and the Hillsborough
                                                                                                           County Board of Commissioners: Sandra Murman, Ken Hagan, Lesley “Les” Miller, Jr., Stacy White, Mariella Smith, Pat Kemp and Kimberly Overman. Florida Department of
                                                                                                           State: Laurel Lee, Secretary of State - Florida Arts Council Division of Cultural Affairs

1 • Register now at mosi.org                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Register now at mosi.org • 2
OSI - 2020 Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!
MOSI 2020
   SUMMER SCIENCE CAMPS                                                                                                       COMPLETED FIRST GRADE

       COMPLETED KINDERGARTEN                                                                                                 Full Day Science Camps
                                                                                                                              Fee $279                                                  Kitchen Wizards
                                                                                                                              Member Fee $209                                           July 6 - 10
       Full Day Science Camps                                                                                                                                                           Learn the kitchen magic of breads and other
       Fee $279
                                                                  Kitchen Concoctions!
                                                                                                                              Allow your child to explore at MOSI camp!                 concoctions. From simple soda to homemade soft
                                                                  July 13 - 17
       Member Fee $209                                                                                                                                                                  pretzels, what ingredients make bread rise, cause
                                                                  Cooking and chemistry are closely related, as you will
                                                                  learn in this camp full of measuring and mixing! Make       Lego My Legos!                                            bubbles and make things yummy?
       It’s never too early to engage your young scientist with                                                               June 1 - 5
                                                                  some chemical reactions and some tasty treats as you
       fun and exciting activities!
                                                                  stir up some fun!                                           Can you build the tallest tower from newspaper? Can       Superhero Academy
                                                                                                                              you create your own city using LEGOs®? Experiment         July 13 - 17
       Discovering Dinosaurs                                                                                                  with different materials to see what works best!          Shoot a spider web. Lift a car. Become invisible. Use
      June 1 - 5
                                                                  Construction Junction
                                                                                                                              Become an architect and an engineer in this building      science to become a superhero complete with costume
                                                                  July 20 - 24
      Scientists are discovering new facts about these                                                                        camp full of LEGOS®!                                      and cool superhero name. Rescue kittens in trees, lasso
                                                                  Explore engineering in this session for future designers!
      incredible creatures every day! Learn what’s new, help                                                                                                                            bad guys, and save the day. Discover your special super
                                                                  Find out about bridge building, levers, pulleys and gears
      build a volcano, watch it erupt and make your own fossil
                                                                  in this block building bonanza!                             Chocolate Factory Fun                                     power!
      as you explore the world of dinosaurs.                                                                                  June 8 - 12
                                                                  Moon Pies                                                   Turn your desserts into science labs! Explore the         Running with the Dinosaurs
       Make it Up!                                                                                                            science and art behind melting sugars into hard candy     July 20 - 24
                                                                  July 27 - 31
       June 8 - 12                                                                                                            and fudge. Discover ways to create houses from sweets.    Live the life of dinosaurs through chomping
                                                                  Want to be an astronaut? Explore space and create
       Do you love creating? Go green in this camp that                                                                       Create edible artwork to add to the fun. Science was      experiments, dino growls, and pteranodon glider
                                                                  your own star constellation. Make craters on your
       explores ways to help the environment! Make games                                                                      never this delicious!                                     flights. Become a paleontologist and search for
                                                                  moon and discover how the moon changes. Visit the
       and toys from recycled materials and explore the art of                                                                                                                          fossils. Practice hunting like a velociraptor, and protect
                                                                  Saunder’s Planetarium in this out-of-this-world camp
                                                                  about the moon, planets and stars!                          Create, Construct, Invent!                                yourself like an ankylosaurus!
                                                                                                                              June 15 - 19
      All About Bugs!                                                                                                         Kick-start your future as an inventor by experimenting    Animal Bots
      June 15 - 19
                                                                  Summer Science Bash
                                                                                                                              with levers, pulleys, and other simple machines to        July 27 - 31
                                                                  August 3 - 7
      Get up close and personal with the world of bugs as you                                                                 launch marbles down winding tracks. Think up new          Dive into the field of LEGO robotics as we use the
                                                                  Summer fun is crammed into this last week of camp!
      explore the insects that call the garden home. Through                                                                  inventions. Take part in various build challenges make    latest WeDo 2.0 kits to make robots that can dance,
                                                                  Try out “cool” hands-on science experiments. Every day
      science experiments, insect art projects and real life                                                                  your own creations in MOSI’s maker space!                 draw, or act totally silly. Test out your kinetic inventions
                                                                  is full of fun, games and adventure that you think up!
      bug encounters you will learn how insects see, study                                                                                                                              by building an animal-bot zoo or silly circus. No
      the butterfly lifecycle and discover how insects help the                                                               How to Be a Mad Scientist                                 programming experience needed.
      garden grow.                                                                                                            June 22 - 26
                                                                                                                              Have you ever wanted your own secret laboratory           Summer Science Bash
       Super Me!
      June 22 - 26
                                                                    Summer Camp                                               where you hatch your plan to take over the world? Well,
                                                                                                                              join the camp that’ll show you how to make powerful
                                                                                                                                                                                        August 3 - 7
                                                                                                                                                                                        Summer fun is crammed into this last week of camp!
      Save the day by becoming a superhero! Choose your
      superpower, create your own comic, make a costume
                                                                    Volunteer Opportunities                                   potions, scary inventions, and laugh in a sinister way.
                                                                                                                              Muah ha ha ha!
                                                                                                                                                                                        Try out “cool” hands-on science
                                                                                                                                                                                        experiments. Every day is full
      and do good deeds in this Super Duper session!                                                                                                                                    of fun, games and adventure
                                                                    Do you know a student who’s 15 or older and               Slime Attack                                              that you think up!
       Icky & Sticky!                                                                                                         June 29 – July 3
      June 29 – July 3
                                                                    is looking for a great volunteer opportunity?
                                                                                                                              Prepare to get messy as we whip up a week full of zany
      In this slimy class where mixing, stirring, pouring and                                                                 goos and oohs. Make moving magnetic slime, combine
      measuring create some gross mixtures, you get to get                                                                    chemicals to create color-changing, fizzing and glowing
      messy! Make some cool gooey stuff in this camp as you         Information on our Summer Science Camps
                                                                                                                              reactions. Discover what common, ordinary things
      experiment with goo, globs, oozes and blobs.                  Volunteer Counselor positions will be posted              from your kitchen can make you a mad scientist
                                                                    on our website this spring.                               feared by those who like to be clean.
       Funny Farmers
      July 6 - 10
      Find out where your favorite food comes from by               mosi.org/get-involved/volunteer/
      becoming a farmer! Grow plants from seeds, learn
      about veggies and fruits and milk a “cow”. Meet real
      barnyard animals like goats, ducks and chickens!

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OSI - 2020 Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!

     Full Day Science Camps                                          Don’t Try This at Home                                         Chill Out                                                       Adding the “A” in STEAM!
     Fee $279                                                        July 6 - 10                                                    June 8 - 12                                                     July 27 – 31
     Member Fee $209                                                 Explode hotdogs in the microwave and slide down a              It might be hot outside, but the science inside is cool as      Unleash your creative side as you use science to create
                                                                     Jell-O covered slide. Explore the silly side of science that   ice. Chill out and learn about everything frozen in this        even more unique artwork. Learn about the science of
     Explore a galaxy of fun this summer at MOSI. Prepare for        you’ve always wanted to try but have never been allowed.       cool camp. Conduct science experiments with dry ice             color, music, and more! Use a splash of chemistry and a
     launch! Morning and afternoon extended hours available.         Press your hands into wet concrete and drench your             that will bubble, smoke, and even glow. Make delicious          stroke of genius to craft a masterpiece. Gain a deeper
                                                                     friends with soda in this fun, but messy camp!                 frozen treats like liquid nitrogen ice-cream, popsicles, and    understanding of what makes the world around us
     BURP! The Human Body                                                                                                           slushies.                                                       beautiful.
     June 1 – 5                                                      Adventures at Hogwarts
     Have you ever wondered why we burp, or sneeze? Learn            July 13 - 17                                                   Spies and Ciphers                                               Summer Science Bash
     about your heart, stomach, bones, and more in this camp         Your letter has arrived! Get ready to stir up potions,         June 15 - 19                                                    August 3- 7
     where it’s okay to be gross! Break down food, build lungs,      levitate objects, and even make things disappear. Explore      Do you have what it takes to be an agent of international       Summer fun is crammed into this last week of camp! Try
     and make a robot hand in this health science camp!              the history of dragons and other mythical beasts. Lead         espionage? Make and break codes, design and test the            out “cool” hands-on science experiments. Every day is full
                                                                     your team to victory in the Quidditch Tournament, and          latest gadgets, and learn to walk away from an explosion        of fun, games and adventure that you think up!
     The Art of Science                                              show off your magical skills.                                  without looking back! Cryptography, technology, and
     June 8 – 12                                                                                                                    chemistry combine to make a one of a kind top secret
     Unleash your creative side as you use science to create         Nature Explorers                                               adventure. Details classified.
     unique artwork. Learn about the science of color, music,        July 20 - 24                                                                                                                   Technology and Engineering Camps
     and more! Use a splash of chemistry and a stroke of             Spend a little time outside this summer! Pull out your         The Science of Sports
     genius to craft a masterpiece. Figure out what makes the        magnifying glass and get ready to learn about trees,           June 22 - 26
     world around us beautiful.                                      flowers, bugs and more. Plant seeds and look for               Run, jump, and play all week long! Have you ever                COMPLETED 2ND – 3RD GRADE
                                                                     animal tracks. Do experiments on water and soil, and           wondered about the science of throwing farther, running
     Sweet Science                                                   use recycled materials to build projects that help the         faster, or leaping higher? Physics and biomechanics
     June 15 - 19                                                    environment.                                                   combine as you measure your heart rate, lung capacity,          Fee $279
     Feed your sweet tooth and your brain as you cook up                                                                            and reflexes. Design sports equipment, prosthetics, and         Member Fee $209
     delicious goodies with science. Experiment with sugar           Super Stars                                                    even your own new game!
     and chocolate to make fudge. Build gingerbread houses           July 27 – 31                                                                                                                   Be inspired and become a problem solver with technology
     with edible windows! Fool your taste buds and your              In this space themed adventure learn about stars, planets,     Junkyard Astronauts                                             camps that will help you see the sky’s the limit!
     senses. Design and “market” your own candy bar!                 moons and more. Make a comet, take a mission to Mars,          June 29 – July 3
                                                                     and get an up-close look at the cosmos in our Saunders         Build and launch high-flying rockets using everyday             Minecraft Builders
     Tinkering Kids                                                  Planetarium. Make and launch your very own paper               materials. Experiment with different propulsion systems         June 1 - 5
     June 22 – 26                                                    rocket and other cool “space-crafts”                           including solid fuel and air pressure. Show off your            Your next Minecraft masterpiece is only a few blocks away!
     This camp is for kids who like to make interesting, artistic,                                                                  creativity with daily space challenges and launch your          Learn the techniques, tips, and tricks for building like the
     and technical inventions! We will make a variety of             Summer Science Bash                                            summer sky-high!                                                pros. Work individually and in small teams to accomplish
     amazing projects that move, draw, fly, grab and most of         August 3 - 7                                                                                                                   some of the build challenges and work in one large group
     all make kids think! Campers will bring home projects           Summer fun is crammed into this last week of camp! Try         Fabulous Innovations                                            to design and build a large-scale city!
     they make throughout the week.                                  out “cool” hands-on science experiments. Every day is          July 6 - 10
                                                                     full of fun, games and adventure that you think up!            Do you love creating? Then this camp is for you! Come           Code Lab 101
     Make It or Break It                                                                                                            spend your week exploring various materials and mediums.        June 8 - 12
     June 29 – July 3                                                                                                               Campers will be encouraged to use self-expression and           Hello, World! Kick-start your career in computer science
     Conduct experiments that test everyday items to their           COMPLETED THIRD GRADE                                          imagination as they create, design, code, build, tinker and     by using drag-and-drop coding tools to create interactive
     limit. Build a model house and see how well it stands                                                                          invent in MOSI’s maker space!                                   stories, puzzles, and mini-games. There’s no need for
     up to hurricane strength                                                                                                                                                                       previous programming experience to have a great time
     winds or an earthquake!                                         Full Day Science Camps                                         Planet Protectors                                               coding in this camp!
     Investigate the strength of                                     Fee $279                                                       July 13 - 17
     ropes made from different                                       Member Fee $209                                                Have you ever wanted to save the world? Design robots           Junior Computer Game Designers
     plastic bags. Create your                                                                                                      to clean up our beaches and oceans. Make your own water         June 15 - 19
     own superglue and put                                           Formula for a fabulous summer: MOSI Summer Science             test strips, track the health of trees, and build bee hotels.   What happens behind the scenes of video game creation?
     it to the test by seeing                                        Camp + You + Curiosity = 2 Much Fun! Morning and               Learn how to make a difference and have fun doing it!           Think like a game designer as you use easy-to-master tools
     how much weight it can                                          afternoon extended hours available.                                                                                            to create interactive favorites like pong, brick breaker, and
     handle. Push science                                                                                                           Wizard’s Workshop                                               more! Learn how programming, art, and imagination come
     and your designs                                                Fizz, Bang, Boom!                                              July 20 - 24                                                    together to make popular games. Beginners welcome!
     to the edge in this                                             June 1 - 5                                                     Discover the magic of science and unlock the secrets of
     engineering camp.                                               Shoot fireworks and create explosions! Get ready to get        the wizarding world in this Harry Potter themed adventure.
                                                                     loud as you try experiments that will surprise you and         Create potions, study owls and other curious creatures,
                                                                     take your breath away. Use chemistry in ways you never         and head to the astronomy tower to uncover the mysteries
                                                                     have before to make things that glow in the dark or fizz       of the stars. Practice crafting illusions to enchant family,
                                                                     in water!                                                      fairies, and fiends at our grand finale!

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OSI - 2020 Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!
LEGO Machines                                              COMPLETED 4TH & 5TH GRADE                                     MOSI Mythbusters
       June 22 - 26                                                                                                             June 29 – July 3
       You’ve played with LEGO, but never quite like this!                                                                      Bust modern urban myths and popular beliefs using
       Why settle for making static structures when you can       Full-Day Science Camps                                        electrifying hands-on experiments and wild inventions.
       have moving parts? Add some excitement to your             Fee $279                                                      Can you sneak past motion detectors? Can air cause
       builds as you add LEGO Mindstorm components to             Member Fee $209                                               your stomach to explode? Is milk or water better to
       your creations to bring your ideas to life.                                                                              treat a mouth full of hot peppers? Get to the truth
                                                                  Engage youth with the energizing activities                   behind the myths you choose with explosive, yet safe
       Robot Rumble                                               experienced in our day camps. Morning and                     results. It’s no myth that this camp is awesome.
       June 29 – July 3                                           afternoon extended hours available.
       Interested in what makes robots work? Curious about                                                                      The Battle of Hogwarts
       programming their commands? Want to make a                 MOSI: Agents of S.T.E.A.M.                                    July 6 - 10
       robot fighting machine? Well, now you can! In Robot         June 1 - 5                                                   Celebrate the climactic end of the Harry Potter series
       Rumble, you’ll gain first-hand experience in working        Recruits, we are looking for a few good men and              through a live action role playing extravaganza. Learn
       with LEGO’s flagship EV3 robots and you’ll have the         women that are interested in science, technology,            the various skills of wizardry at Hogwarts. Learn
       chance to build the ultimate battlebot for the camp’s       engineering, and mathematics. Thwart those who               stage swordsmanship, acting, storytelling, and solving      Summer Science Bash
       final showdown. Will your robot reign supreme?              would use this knowledge for their own vile purpose          mysterious puzzles. Create the art of illusion with         August 3 - 7
                                                                   in order to take over the world. Understand how to           potions you concoct and learn to create costumes            Summer fun is crammed into this last week of camp!
       Lights, Cameras, ACTION!                                    crack codes and solve puzzles using the principles of        and work with theatrical makeup. Play in a Quidditch        Try out “cool” hands-on science experiments. Every day
       July 6 - 10                                                 STEAM. Build structures and use computers to design          tournament for added fun. Let’s band together for a         is full of fun, games and adventure that you think up!
       Join us in this action-packed adventure as we make          defensive systems to protect the Earth. Future agents        week of exciting adventures!
       the movie of the summer, starring YOU! Are you             - you will live in the shadows and hide in the darkness
       the villain or one of the henchmen? Perhaps the             in order to have level 1 clearance. Are you up to it?        Talented Tinkerers
       mad scientist responsible for it all? Are you just a                                                                     July 13 – 17                                                Technology and Engineering
       concerned citizen in our make-believe world? Find          Rocket Science                                                This camp provides students the rare opportunity to
       your role, and who knows, maybe you’ll join a league       June 8 - 12                                                   grow from being a user of information to being a creator
       of heroes who saves the day.                               Start the week building and launching model rockets,          of something that is innovative. Participants will have     COMPLETED 4TH & 5TH GRADE
                                                                  and then use your skills to create a one-of-a-kind            the opportunity to create, design, code, build, program,
       Minecraft Art and Prop-making                              rocket of your design. Gain knowledge of the physics          tinker, craft and invent while collaborating with their
       July 13 - 17                                               of propulsion and flight. Experiment with different           peers. Participants will be encouraged to use self-         Fee $279
       Bring the world of Minecraft to life by creating your      types of reentry and capture systems like parachutes          expression and imagination to make their own design         Member Fee $209
       own character head, 3D mobs, tools, and more for you       and nets. Experiment with the chemistry of fireworks          come to life!
       to take home! Use it for decoration in your room, or       to discover the formulas behind their colors. Travel                                                                      Seek out inspiration in technology camps that promote
       show your friend you care by giving them a golden          to Kennedy Space Center with MOSI’s Space & Flight            Space Academy                                               creativity, critical thinking and imagination through
       apple. Need some ideas? We’ve got you covered; each        team (To allow for travel time for the field trip, Friday’s   July 20 - 24                                                invention, game design, media production and
       day will have designated times where you can jump          hours are 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.)                                    Includes one overnight                                      programming. Morning and afternoon extended hours
       into the blocky world to explore, build, defend, or to                                                                   Can you handle the excitement and challenge                 available.
       simply look for inspiration.                               Jr. MOSI MD                                                   of astronaut training camp? Work together with
                                                                  June 15 - 19                                                  teammates to create a robotic planet rover. Conduct         Minecraft Worlds
       Computer Artists                                           Explore several aspects of health and medical                 space and astrophysics experiments to prepare               June 1 - 5
       July 20 - 24                                               disciplines from first responders to heart surgeons.          you for life in space. Train to successfully complete       Explore and create marvels of architecture in different
       Use simple-yet-powerful digital tools to create digital    Participate in immersive, hands-on activities such as         a mission. On Thursday, we’ll search the skies for          Minecraft worlds! Challenge yourself to building and
       works of art. Let your creativity run wild as you learn    performing dissections. This camp will give you a             nebulae, galaxies, and planets with powerful telescopes     design projects that simulate skills used by real-world
       the basics of computer graphics and make your own          foundation of knowledge that will be helpful to your          while we construct a giant-sized space station with         architects, urban planners, and engineers and learn tips
       pixel creations to take home. Share your creations         success in the medical profession.                            MOSI overnight. MOSI provides meals from dinner on          and tricks used by video game map creators to lay out
       with family and friends!                                                                                                 Thursday through lunch on Friday.                           your world.
                                                                  Jr. Iron Chef
       Minecraft Immersion                                         June 22 - 26                                                 Inventive Chemistry                                         Robot Showdown
       July 27 - 31                                                Bring your appetite and taste buds to the most               July 27 - 31                                                June 8 - 12
       You’ve played Minecraft, but never quite like this. Step    delicious science camp ever! Apply microbiology and          Wield the power of chemistry to create amazing              Work in teams to build robots that can navigate through
       into the virtual world of Minecraft and get a chance        chemistry to discovering ways to improve the taste,          formulas and products from soap to fireworks. Use the       mazes, play robot sports, and compete in the battle
       to experience a new dimension in gaming as we use           nutrition, and the look of foods such as yogurt, cheese,     creative side of chemistry to create colorful dyes. Use     arena. Work with LEGO’s top-of-the-line EV3 kits and
       the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset to explore the      desserts, and snack munchies. Create candies and             the useful side of chemistry to put out fires and analyze   their intuitive visual programming language to make
       many biomes of everyone’s favorite sandbox game.            new varieties of chocolate in the lab. Enter a cooking       the nutrition of food. Experiment with the science          your ultimate robotic creation come to life! Learn
                                                                   competition where your knowledge of science as well          behind Pop Rocks® and other candies to bust up some         programming and engineering skills on your way to
                                                                   as your master chef skills will win you the title of         myths in the lab.                                           victory.
                                                                  “Iron Chef”!

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Minecraft Engineers                                        Computer RPG Makers                                        Innovative Athletics                                          Fab Lab
     June 15 - 19                                               July 27 - 31                                               June 15 – 19                                                  July 20 - 24
     Learn about circuits and logic gates using everyone’s      Unleash your imagination to create role-playing            So do you want to throw a football, shoot a basketball,       Use the tools in the Fab Lab to make some wonderful
     favorite blocky game, Minecraft! Build with LEGO           adventure games like Pokémon and Final Fantasy.            or hit a baseball like the pros? Then this camp is for        creations! Create awesome projects using a 3-D
     and other 3D pieces in the real and virtual world. Use     You’ll learn how to design RPG games by creating           you. Learn the mechanics behind throwing a football           printer. Create tools like a flashlight or wrench using
     Minecraft to model real-world feats of engineering         worlds, characters, and quests. Make artwork for your      50 yards down the field with accuracy and making              materials that are at your disposal. Create cool molds
     such as bridges, buildings, and computer components.       game by using graphics editing applications to give        a three – pointer from 22 feet away on the court.             using polymers and metals. These activities are just
                                                                your game a unique touch.                                  Discover why sports teams use not only the science            scratching the surface of what you will be able to
     Jr. Minecraft Modding                                                                                                 of biomechanics to help their players compete more            accomplish in this class. At the end of the week, you
     June 22 - 26                                               Computer Artists                                           efficiently but also use data analytics to improve their      will agree that this class was Fab–tastic!
     We all know that Minecraft is a ridiculously fun           August 3 - 7                                               overall athletic performance. This camp will show you
     sandbox game, but it gets even better once you add         Use simple-yet-powerful tools such as Magica Voxel,        the STEAM of sports.                                          MOSI MD
     mods. In this camp, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look    and Paint.NET to create digital works of art. Let your                                                                   July 27 - 31
     at what it takes to create a Minecraft mod for the PC      creativity run wild as you learn the basics of computer    Materials Matter                                              Interested in exploring career options in the fields of
     as you customize graphics, tweak lines of code, and        graphics and make your own pixel creations to take         June 22 - 26                                                  health and medicine, but not quite sure what area
     play-test your builds. No programming experience is        home. Share your creations with family and friends!        What do you get when you cross metallurgy, physics,           you might enjoy and excel in the most? Then this
     required for this course.                                                                                             chemistry, civil engineering, and mechanical design?          awesome, but not for the faint of heart, camp is for
                                                                                                                           Materials Science - explore the materials used to             you! We will explore several aspects within a variety of
     Minecraft Contraptions                                                                                                make stuff stronger, lighter, and just plain better.          health and medical disciplines from first responders
     June 29 – July 3                                           STEAM Career Camps @ MOSI                                  You’ll see science transformed into technology                to heart surgeons. Participate in immersive hands-
     You’ve played Minecraft, but never quite like this. Step                                                              through engineering by having a contest to create the         on activities such as performing mammal heart and
     into the virtual world of Minecraft and get a chance to                                                               strongest cement and concocting elastic polymers.             brain dissections, suturing up patients, making an
     experience a new dimension in gaming as we use the         COMPLETED 6TH – 8TH GRADE                                  Join us in the lab during a fast-paced week of learning       emergency triage, or investigating a mysterious fatal
     Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset to explore the many                                                               and fun! This camp is offered in partnership with the         outbreak that is sweeping the nation. You will learn
     biomes of everyone’s favorite sandbox game.                                                                           American Society of Materials.                                about surgical procedures, anatomy and physiology,
                                                                Full-Day Science Camps                                                                                                   risk factors, advanced scientific research, and
     Java Game Programming                                      Fee $332                                                   MOSI Iron Chef                                                much more. This camp will give you a foundation of
     July 6 - 10                                                Member Fee $250                                            June 29 – July 3                                              knowledge that will be vital to your success in the
     Get ready for an exciting week of programming where                                                                   Do you have what it takes to be the next MOSI Iron            medical profession.
     you’ll learn the basics of this versatile language using   Strange Stuff                                              Chef? Find out in this exciting camp where you will be
     the Greenfoot Development Environment! Did you             June 1 - 5                                                 challenged to create culinary masterpieces featuring          STEAM Quest
     know that Java has topped the charts as one of the         Delve into the strange stuff of science that peaks         a “secret ingredient.” Master basic kitchen skills,           August 3 – 7
     most sought-after skills for years? Your future self       the curiosity and challenges the scientist in all of us.   discover how to put your own twist on recipes, and            Do you like science? I mean do you really like science?
     will thank you for getting this head-start. No prior       Experiment with purple liquids that change to blue,        find out how to make tasty creations under pressure           Does your passion for STEAM adventure make you
     programming experience necessary.                          to pink to green, or create marvelous lava lamps with      from professional chefs. Make a variety of tasty treats       want to unleash your inner Indiana Jones? Participate
                                                                layered liquids. Learn what triggers reactions with        from appetizers to desserts. Learn new ways to make           in fun STEAM challenges that will have you tied up in
     Game Design 101                                            hands-on experiments. Explore strange, bizarre, weird      cooking even more fun and unique by experimenting             stitches. Compete in teams to become the greatest
     July 13 - 17                                               science phenomena along with impressive-science like       with foams, flames, and other science tricks. Explore         Steam Questers in MOSI history… until Summer
     Experience first-hand the process for creating a video     properties of matter and nanotechnology. Program           the world through the cuisine and cooking techniques          Science Camp 2021.
     game from start to finish. Discover the secrets behind     includes endothermic and exothermic reactions.             from other cultures. Enjoy a delicious week becoming
     creating exciting video game experiences and work                                                                     the ultimate gourmet connoisseur.
     with tools used by professional game designers to          Cosmic Ventures
     develop an idea into a playable level.                     June 8 – 12                                                The Thrill of Victory
                                                                Welcome to Heliocentric Inc.! As a member of our           July 6 – 10 AND July 13 - 17 (2 – Week Camp)
     In a Galaxy Far, Far Away                                  engineering design team, you will collaborate with         Calling all gamers! E-Sports is all the rage and MOSI
     July 20 - 24                                               others this week to design long – distance space           is challenging you to take part in a new camp. This
     Be a part of the phenomenon that has swept the             vehicles, space stations, and quick assembly terrestrial   is a camp where you can sharpen your skills while
     galaxy by making your own Star Wars episode. Learn         bases. Your team will also be responsible for designing    instructors give you great tips and guide you through
     how to battle with lightsabers as well as how to direct,   probes that will journey farther and faster than any       some of the most fun games in the E-Sports genre.
     act, or operate a camera to create movie magic. Use        other before it. These terrestrial bases must be able to   Become a member of a competitive team as you all vie
     special effects to be transported to distant worlds and    adapt to any environmental changes that may come           to become the best team in camp. This camp requires
     build movie props to use on the set. End the week with     about. From solar flares that impact the moon to dust      a consecutive two-week commitment. In this camp,
     a movie premiere for your friends and family.              storms that can ravage the Martian surface. Some           you will grow with the community of gamers to make
                                                                challenges include designing a prototype of a probe        yourself better. The best part of this camp is that
                                                                that can land on a comet or a vehicle that can land        there are no skills are required to participate. There will
                                                                safely on Mars. Travel to Kennedy Space Center with        be many fun surprises in store for you. So get ready
                                                                MOSI’s Space & Flight team (To allow for travel time for   because it’s: GAME ON!
                                                                the field trip, Friday’s hours are 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.)

9 • Register now at mosi.org                                                                                                                                                                                              Register now at mosi.org • 10
OSI - 2020 Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!
Technology and Engineering
                                                                                                                          Travel camps

                                                                                                                          COMPLETED 6TH - 8TH GRADE
                                                               Minecraft Modding
   Fee $279                                                    July 13 - 17
   Member Fee $209                                             Whether it’s Galacticraft or Pixelmon, half the fun of     Camp size is 13 students per van with 2 adults
                                                               playing Minecraft comes from the mods you use. In this     Camp Hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
   Minecraft Immersion                                         camp, you’ll learn the skills needed to make your own
   June 1 - 5                                                  mod for Minecraft. Create textures, edit code, and add     Make “Adventure” your middle name as you
   You’ve played Minecraft, but never quite like this. Step    armor, blocks, items, tools, and more to create a unique   experience nature in its raw state for a challenging
   into the virtual world of Minecraft and get a chance to     mod made by you!                                           experience filled with fun and laughter. Let our
   experience a new dimension in gaming as we use the                                                                     experienced instructors take you on a memorable
   Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset to explore the many     Behind the Scenes!                                         journey. Bring your friends! Morning and afternoon
   biomes of everyone’s favorite sandbox game.                 July 20 - 24                                               extended hours available.
                                                                Show the world your skills as a director, producer,
   Circuit Hackers                                             editor, or actor by putting together a short video that    Program Fee: $475
   June 8 - 12                                                 we’ll showcase on Friday. Learn how to develop a           MOSI member: $355
   Learn how to design, build, and modify electronic           script, characters, and a story, and get a behind-the-
   circuits starting from the ground up to make things that    scenes look at how a video production is put together.     Dolphins & Manatees
   buzz, glow, or move! Discover the inner workings of the     Use our green screen to add special effects for a cool,    July 13 - 17
   electronics all around us and compete in games using        impressive look!                                           Dive into the underwater world of two amazing
   electric and robotic creations.                                                                                        marine mammals: dolphins and manatees. Set sail
                                                               Virtual Reality Game Design                                to observe wild dolphins from the deck of a charter
   Python Computing                                            July 27 - 31                                               boat as they play and swim. Snorkel crystal-clear
   June 15 - 19                                                Explore new boundaries with virtual reality! Design and    springs to seek out gentle manatees as they graze.
   What do YouTube, Google, Reddit, Instagram, and             develop games for the Oculus Rift VR headset and see       Go on a fossil hunt to collect prehistoric manatee
   Yahoo Maps have in common?? They all use Python as          what’s possible with this new technology. Experience a     ribs and the teeth of sharks. Meet with experts in
   their backbone! Experience the versatility of the Python    new era of game design as you immerse yourself in the      conservation and dolphin and manatee first aid.
   programming language and learn why so many of the           virtual worlds you create.                                 Campers should be comfortable swimming.
   world’s biggest websites and applications trust it to run
   their programs.                                             Physical Computing***                                      Endless Summer
                                                               August 3 - 7                                               July 20 - 24
   3D Modeling and Design                                       The Arduino is a credit card sized programmable           Includes 2 nights of camping
   June 22 - 26                                                microcontroller that lets you create high tech gadgetry    Grab your friends and get ready for a fun-filled
   Use powerful 3D software to create realistic worlds         such as a digital thermometer, an intruder alarm, and      week. Discover, explore, and camp in the wilds
   with buildings, vehicles, and more for use in 3D games.     more! Learn to code with Python and develop your skills    around some of Florida’s most beautiful springs
   Learn the history of 3D modeling and try your hand          in computer science and electrical engineering. Take the   and rivers. Bring a mask and fins every day because
   at designing virtual creations throughout the week to       arduino home at the end of camp to further hone your       you are in store for an awesome water adventure.
   showcase on Friday.                                         skills.                                                    Learn about the wildlife and aquatic creatures
                                                                                                                          that depend on Florida’s inland waterways. Spend
   Ready? Set. Game on!                                                                                                   Wednesday morning tubing down the Ichetucknee
   June 29 – July 3                                                                                                       River and cabin camping Wednesday afternoon
   School’s out, gaming’s in! Join in on the fun as we make    ***Additional $50 fee applies due to take home             through Friday morning at Gold Head Branch
   our way through our collection of games for Xbox,           electronic components. Each camper will take home an       State Park in Keystone Heights, FL. Cool off Friday
   Playstation, and Nintendo consoles and yes, even PC         Arduino with components to expand.                         afternoon before coming home at Rainbow Springs
   games. Learn tips and tricks from your peers and share                                                                 State Park.
   some of your own (Konami code anyone?).

   Prototyping 101                                                                                                        WHAT TO BRING:
   July 6 - 10                                                                                                            All travel camps involve outdoor activities and
   Use cutting-edge technology to design and create                                                                       swimming. Wear outdoor clothes with a swimsuit
   models of tools, spaceships, and other inventions                                                                      underneath and sneakers that can get wet. Bring
   directly from your imagination. Create a prototype of                                                                  a towel, hat, sunscreen, lunch, snacks and lots of
   your idea using powerful 3D software and bring it to                                                                   frozen beverages.
   life using one of our 3D printers. Design the ultimate
   invention in this exciting camp that shows you how you
   can “make anything.”

11 • Register now at mosi.org                                                                                                                                                    Register now at mosi.org • 12
OSI - 2020 Become a MOSI member and save 25% on camps!

        Use this guide to plan out your summer. Find your age group, type of camp, and week(s)
        you want to take. Complete the registration form or register online at www.mosi.org.

                          SCIENCE                 SCIENCE                      SCIENCE                       SCIENCE                       TECHNOLOGY                   SCIENCE                       TECHNOLOGY                    STEAM CAREER                     TECHNOLOGY
                          CAMPS                   CAMPS                        CAMPS                         CAMPS                         CAMPS                        CAMPS                         CAMPS                         CAMPS                            CAMPS
                          COMPLETED               COMPLETED                    COMPLETED                     COMPLETED                     COMPLETED                    COMPLETED                     COMPLETED                     COMPLETED                        COMPLETED
                          KINDERGARTEN            1ST GRADE                    2ND GRADE                     3RD GRADE                     2ND & 3RD GRADE              4TH & 5TH GRADE               4TH & 5TH GRADE               6TH – 8TH GRADE                  6TH – 8TH GRADE
                          9 a.m. – 4 p.m.         9 a.m. – 4 p.m.              9 a.m. – 4 p.m.               9 a.m. – 4 p.m.               9 a.m. – 4 p.m.              9 a.m. – 4 p.m.               9 a.m. – 4 p.m.               9 a.m. – 4 p.m.                  9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

                          Program fee: $279       Program fee: $279            Program fee: $279             Program fee: $279             Program fee: $279            Program fee: $279             Program fee: $279             Program fee: $332                Program fee: $279
   CAMP FEES              MOSI member: $209       MOSI member: $209            MOSI member: $209             MOSI member: $209             MOSI member: $209            MOSI member: $209             MOSI member: $209             MOSI member: $250                MOSI member: $209

   Session 1              Discovering Dinosaurs   Lego My Legos                BURP! The Human Body          Fizz, Bang, Boom!             Minecraft Builders           MOSI: Agents of S.T.E.A.M     Minecraft Worlds              Strange Stuff                    Minecraft Immersion
   June 1 - 5

   Session 2              Make it Up!             Chocolate Factory Fun        The Art of Science            Chill Out!                    Code Lab 101                 Rocket Science                Robot Showdown                Cosmic Ventures                  Circuit Hackers
   June 8 - 12

   Session 3              All About Bugs!         Create, Construct, Invent!   Sweet Science                 Spies and Ciphers
                                                                                                                                           Jr. Computer Game
                                                                                                                                                                        Jr. MOSI MD                   Minecraft Engineers           Innovative Athletics             Python Computing
   June 15 - 19

   Session 4              Super Me!               How to be a Mad Scientist    Tinkering Kids                The Science of Sports         LEGO Machines                Jr. Iron Chef                 Jr. Minecraft Modding         Materials Matter                 3D Modeling and Design
   JUNE 22 - 26

   Session 5
                          Icky & Sticky!          Slime Attack                 Make It or Break It           Junkyard Astronauts           Robot Rumble                 MOSI Mythbusters              Minecraft Contraptions        MOSI Iron Chef                   Ready? Set. Game on!
   June 29 – July 3

   Session 6              Funny Farmers           Kitchen Wizards              Don’t Try this at Home        Fabulous Innovations          Lights, Camera, ACTION!      The Battle of Hogwarts        Java Game Programming         The Thrill of Victory**          Prototyping 101
   July 6 - 10

   Session 7              Kitchen Concoctions!    Superhero Academy            Adventures at Hogwarts        Planet Protectors
                                                                                                                                           Minecraft Art & Prop
                                                                                                                                                                        Talented Tinkerers            Game Design 101               The Thrill of Victory**          Minecraft Modding
   July 13 - 17

   Session 8              Construction Junction   Running with the Dinosaurs   Nature Explorers              Wizard’s Workshop             Computer Artists             Space Academy                 In a Galaxy Far, Far Away     Fab Lab                          Behind the Scenes
   July 20 - 24

   Session 9              Moon Pies               Animal Bots                  Super Stars                   Adding the “A” in STEAM       Minecraft Immersion          Inventive Chemistry           Computer RPG Makers           MOSI MD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Virtual Reality Game
   July 27 - 31

   Session 10             Summer Science Bash     Summer Science Bash          Summer Science Bash           Summer Science Bash                                        Summer Science Bash           Computer Artists              STEAM Quest                      Physical Computing***
   August 3 - 7

                                                      **This camp is a two week commitment. Program fee is $664 or $500 for MOSI members   ***Additional $50 fee applies due to take home electronic components. Each child will take home an Arduino and components to expand it with

13 • Register now at mosi.org                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Register now at mosi.org • 14
HOW TO REGISTER                                                                                                   2020 Registration Form A

                                                                                                                      Please use separate form for each child
                                                                                                                      A Child’s Name___________________________________________________ Gender:_________________________
        MOSI offers three ways to register: drop-off,          CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS
        mail-in, or online.                                   • Scholarships are available for those who need
                                                                                                                      Birthdate_________________________________________________________ Grade Completed by June 1, 2020 _____
                                                                 financial assistance.
        Mail to:     MOSI Summer Science Camp 2019            • Scholarship awards for on-site day camps are          School Attending__________________________________________________
                     4801 E. Fowler Avenue                       based on family income, student interest, and
                     Tampa, FL 33617-2099                        student merit. Written proof of financial need is    I/we, the undersigned parent(s) of the minor child named above, hereby grant permission for my/our child to
                                                                 required.                                            participate in all activities in and around MOSI as part of the program described below. In addition, I/we hereby
        Drop-Off: MOSI Guest Services Desk                    • Scholarship applications are available at MOSI
                                                                                                                      grant permission for my/our child to participate in all field trips which may include travel, walking through
                  Sunday – Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.            or online at mosi.org beginning in April. You
                                                                 will be notified by the end of May regarding your    wooded areas, wading or swimming, and other activities, including, but not limited to those activities included
        Online:     MOSI.ORG                                     scholarship.                                         in the program description. Further, I/we agree to assume all risks and liabilities associated with my/our child’s
                    Payment by credit card only.              • There is a limited amount of scholarships and are     participation in said program(s) and to hold MOSI harmless from all claims which may arise as a result of such
                    Camp registration is finalized once          received on a first come, first served basis,        participation. In case of emergency, MOSI has permission to take my child to the nearest hospital.
                    payment is processed. Discounts are          begining April 1.
                    applied during the processing of                                                                  Parent Signature___________________________________________________ Date____________________________
                    payments.                                  OTHER CAMP INFORMATION
                                                              • Each class is designed for the skill and social       B Parent/Guardian’s Name__________________________________________________________________________
        Payment*                                                 aspects of a particular age group. Please observe
       • Cash: In person only, please                            the age and grade categories.                        Address _________________________________________________________ City____________________________
       • Check: Payable to MOSI                               • Program capacities are subject to change.
       • Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard, American Express,     • A $5 fee will be charged for each change made to      State____________________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________
          and Discover                                           the original registration.
                                                                                                                      Day Phone ____________________________________ Evening Phone ______________________________________
          Please verify account name, number, and             • Campers must provide their own lunch. Lunch is
          expiration date.                                       NOT available for purchase.
                                                                                                                      Cell Phone ____________________________________ Email_______________________________________________
        FOR INFORMATION, CALL (813) 987-6000 OR                DROP OFF & PICK UP
                                                                                                                      Place of Work ____________________________________________________________________________________
        1-800-995-6674 or e-mail sciencecamp@mosi.org         • Children may be signed in 15 minutes before the
                                                                 start of the program and must be signed out no       Emergency Contact in Summer:
        REGISTRATION                                             more than 15 minutes after the end of the
        Summer science camp registrations will not be            program. Children are not to be left unattended.     Name_________________________________________ Relationship to Child__________________________________
        taken over the phone.                                 • A fee of $1 per minute is charged for late pick up
       • Register early to ensure admission into your            after 4:15 p.m.                                      Phone ________________________________________
          desired camps.                                      • MOSI offers extended care in the morning from
       • Complete one form per child. Additional forms           7 - 9 a.m. and in the afternoon from 4 – 6:00 p.m.   If your child has a condition that needs special attention, please advise (include allergies and medication)_________
          available online.
       • Online registration is available at MOSI.ORG. Just   CANCELLATION & REFUND POLICY                            ________________________________________________________________________________________________
          click on Summer Science Camp 2020 logo, then        MOSI reserves the right to combine or cancel
          click 2020 Summer Science Camp link.                classes that have not met the minimum enrollment.       ________________________________________________________________________________________________
       • Choose camps based on grade completed as of          Campers will be placed in an alternative class
          June 1, 2020.                                       when possible. If MOSI cancels a class, payment         Member Status:
       • Complete the registration form fully. Keep a copy    will be fully refunded. For special circumstances,         I am a MOSI Member Membership Number________________ Name on Membership ______________________
          for your records.                                   a 75% credit or refund will be granted for written
                                                                                                                         I am not a MOSI Member
       • Confirmation of camp registration and program        requests made 14 or more days before the first day
                                                                                                                         I am joining/renewing MOSI Membership at this time (Attach membership application)
          information should be received within 24 hours.     of the camp session. A 50% credit or refund will
          Please review the camp registration information     be granted for written requests made 13 or fewer
                                                                                                                      Turn this form over and complete each section.
          and note the start dates for each camp. Refunds     days prior to the first day of the camp session. No
          will not be issued for missed camps.                refunds will be granted on or after the first day of     •	Extended Care fees are based on the number of weeks needed.
       • Camp fees include all program fees, supplies,        the camp session. Contact the Summer Science             •	Campers must provide their own lunch. Food is NOT available for purchase.
          admission, and a t-shirt per camper.                Camp Registrar Monday - Friday, from 10 a.m. - 5
       • Multiple week discounts are available.               p.m. at (813) 987-6000. All requests must be in
                                                              writing and sent to:
                                                              MOSI Summer Science Camp 2020, 4801 E. Fowler
                                                              Avenue, Tampa, FL 33617.

                                                              *All registrations subject to camp availability.
15 • Register now at mosi.org                                                                                                                                                                                           Register now at mosi.org • 16
2020 Registration Form B                                                                                                         MOSI Membership Form

        C Child’s Name___________________________________________________________________________________                               Become a Member today and SAVE on MOSI Summer Science Camps! A MOSI Membership is more than just access
                                                                                                                                        to year-long fun. Embrace the power of your inner geek with endless exposure to Science, Technology, Engineering,
        Camp Selections
                                                                                                                                        Arts, and Math (STEAM). With discounts on Summer Science Camps, and more, along with free or reduced admission
        Use the “Schedule-At-A-Glance” pages to help complete this form
                                                                                                                                        to more than 450 local and national attractions, a Membership to MOSI is pure genius.

        Camp Title                                                                     Grade      Session #       Fee
                                                                                                                                        Please check one:     New Member          Renewing                Membership Levels (please check one):
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                           Title:     Mr.        Mrs.      Ms.       Miss       Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Levels         Dual          Party of 5     Party of 8
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                           ___________________________             _____________
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                           Primary Member Name                     Birth Date
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $65         $99           $149
                                                                                                                                        Title:     Mr.        Mrs.      Ms.       Miss       Dr.
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                           ___________________________             _____________
                                                                                                                                        Secondary Member Name                   Birth Date                Payment
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                             Membership Amount________ $         Cash         VISA
                                                                                                                                        Contact Information
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                 Donation Amount________ $       Discover     Mastercard
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                           ______________________________________________                                  Total Due_
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Due_____ $      American Express
                                                                                                                                        Address/Apt.                                                                            _________     Check (payable to MOSI)
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                           _________________________             ________ __________
        _____________________________________________________________________________________                                           City                                  State    Zip                ________________________________           ____________
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Credit Card #                               Expiration Date
        Line 2 – Special Multiple Week Discount: Determine the                       1. Total Camp Fees $________________               ______________________________________________
        number of weeks that the camper is registered for MOSI                                                                                                                                            _____________________________________________
                                                                          2. Minus Multiple Week Discount $ _____________                                                                                 Printed Name on Card
        summer camp. Determine the number of weeks that siblings                                                                        ______________________________________________
                                                                               Subtract multiple week discount from camp fee subtotal   E-mail
        are registered for MOSI summer camp. Add the number                    (Line 1 minus line 2)                                                                                                      _____________________________________________
        of weeks together and determine final discount. Sibling                                                                         How did you hear about MOSI Membership?                           Signature
                                                                                         (If registering for
        registration forms must be submitted at the same time to
                                                                               Physical Computing Camp +$50) $ ________                   Mail                       Email                    TV          For office use only
        qualify for multiple week discounts.
                                                                                                                                          MOSI staff                 Facebook                 Radio       Date ____/____/____
        3 - 5 weeks take $75 Off
        6 - 8 weeks take $175 Off                                                                                                         MOSI website               Referred by:_______________             Vista Processed          Siriusware Processed
                                                                                        Camp Fee Total $ ________________
        9 weeks or more take $225 Off                                                                                                      Other: ______________________________________                  Promo Code______ Sale #________ Member #_______

        D Extended Care              Circle Session(s)             No. of Sessions
        Morning Care 7–9 a.m.        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10          ___________ X     $15 Members /$20 Program fee =____________
        Afternoon Care 4–6 p.m.      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10          ___________ X $15 Members /$20 Program fee =____________
                                                                                        Extended Care Total $____________

        F Donations
        Help us send a kid to camp who can’t afford it.                                      Donation Total $_____________
        Payment Please check one                                          Total Fees Enclosed (C+D+E+F) $______________
           Cash (in person only)		                                                           in the amount of $____________
           Check (payable to MOSI)             Check #_______________________________ in the amount of $____________
           MasterCard / VISA / American Express / Discover (circle one)
        Card #___________________________________________ Exp._____________________________________________
        Name on Card____________________________________ Signature________________________________________

        Office Use Only: Registrar’s Initials ___ Date of Processing ____

17 • Register now at mosi.org                                                                                                                                                                                                           Register now at mosi.org • 18
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