Original Article Biological effects of electrical stimulation on pelvic floor muscle strength and neuropeptide Y expression
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Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(3):2427-2434 www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0088906 Original Article Biological effects of electrical stimulation on pelvic floor muscle strength and neuropeptide Y expression Jie Zeng*, Juan Liu*, Chunyan Zeng, Dunjin Chen The Third Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510150, Guangdong, China. *Equal contributors. Received November 25, 2018; Accepted January 8, 2019; Epub March 15, 2019; Published March 30, 2019 Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to evaluate neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression and pelvic floor muscle strength of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and diabetes rats before and after ES (electrical stimulation), and to compare the neuromuscular morphology and pathological features. Materials and Methods: Animal models of SUI or diabe- tes were induced by vaginal balloon dilation, or high-fat high-energy diet plus STZ injection respectively. The strength of pubococcygeal muscles were measured utilizing a biomechanical system, NPY expression was detected by ELSIA assay and western blotting. The histology of pelvic floor muscles was analyzed by H&E staining. Results: Stationary contractility and forced contractility of pelvic floor muscles in rats of SUI or diabetes were significantly increased after ES treatment. The NPY concentration in plasm of SUI or diabetes groups were largely promoted, and increased expression of NPY amount was correlated with enhanced muscle contractility before and after ES treatment. The pubococcygeal muscle morphology of SUI or diabetes animal models has appeared similar myogenic neurogenic performance, which may be good simulated the etiology of pelvic floor dysfunction. Conclusions: The present study has shown ES increases the release of NPY as a neurotransmitter, which reflects the recovery of the damaged nerve to increase the muscle strength. ES may be an ideal physiotherapy for SUI patients in clinical. Kewords: Stress urinary incontinence, SUI, electrical stimulation, ES, pelvic floor muscles, neuropeptide Y, NPY, muscle strength Introduction Therefore, physiotherapies targeted to the re- covery of pelvic muscles have become part Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) is a position and of the clinical management of SUI and have function disorder of pelvic organs that has achieved outstanding effects [5]. Specifically, many different causes [1]. Patients who have electrical stimulation (ES), one of the most com- PFD usually exhibit various clinical symptoms, mon interventions used by physiotherapists, such as pelvic organ prolapse (POP), chronic manages to produce muscle hypertrophy, nor- pelvic pain, and stress urinary incontinence malize the reflex activity of the lower urinary (SUI) [2]. SUI is the complaint of involuntary tract, and increase circulation to muscles or the urine loss on effort or exertion such as cough- capillary system [6]. ing or sneezing, and it is frequently diagnosed and recognized as the most common type of UI Previously, an animal model of SUI was estab- in women [3]. It has been reported that nearly lished by using vaginal balloon dilation, and 30 billion US dollars are spent each year on the dysregulation of transforming growth factor clinical therapy of SUI, which is much more than (TGF)/Smad signaling pathway was found to total cost for breast, ovarian, and cervical can- possibly play an important role in the patho- cer [4]. genesis of SUI. Expression of TGF-β receptor II (TβR-2) and Smad7 protein was significantly in- Although reasons for SUI are currently unknown, creased [7]. As for the current study, postpar- more and more research has been focused on tum rats with SUI as well as rats with diabetes the supporting system changes of the pelvic were used, because both of these groups have floor, especially dysfunction of pelvic muscles. typical SUI symptoms. ES treatment was used
ES increased pelvic floor muscle strengh and NPY expression Table 1. Results of the sneezing experiment emptied again and filled with a volume of me- in the SUI animal model thylene blue solution equaling half of the ma- Sneezing Experiment ximum bladder capacity. The sneezing reflex Groups Number was induced by inserting a piece of severed Positive (+) Negative (-) rat’s beard into the nostril to increase abdo- Control 5 0 5 men pressure. If any amount of methylene bl- SUI 10 10 0 ue outflow was observed from the external meatus, the sneezing experiment was consid- to test whether it can increase pelvic muscle ered positive. For evaluating the diabetes ani- strength and resolve the dysfunction. To assess mal model, the body weight and blood glucose its effects, a neurotransmitter of neuropeptide were examined after 1 month on the high-fat, Y (NPY) amount was detected by enzyme-linked high-energy diet and injections. Only rats with immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western typical symptoms of diabetes were considered blotting and the histological characteristics of to be induced with type 2 diabetes. Glucose pelvic muscle tissue were analyzed. standards of type 2 diabetes in the present study were set as fasting blood-glucose >11.1 Materials and methods mmol/L or postprandial blood sugar >16.7 mmol/L. Establishment of SUI and diabetes in animal models Electrical stimulation as the normal treatment Eight-week-old healthy female Wistar rats were All rats in the control, SUI, and diabetes grou- provided by the experimental animal center of ps were given ES for the pubococcygeal mu- Guangdong province, and randomized into scles. ES was performed with the MyoBravo three groups: the control group (n=5), the SUI electro stimulation instrument (MTR+Vertiebs group (n=10), and the diabetes group (n=10). GmbH, Berlin). A vaginal probe was inserted, Rats in the control group were non-pregnant and a medium-frequency (25 Hz) alternating and without any treatment, rats in the SUI current was administered for stimulation with group underwent normal parturition plus po- a duty cycle of 1, 3, 6, 12, and 30 times. The st-partum vaginal balloon dilation for 6 hours, interval was 60 seconds, and total cycle time and rats in the type 2 diabetes group were was 343 second. Each rat received a 30 min- developed with high-fat high-energy diets plus ute session every 2 days, and the strength of Streptozocin (STZ, Sigma, USA) injections. pelvic floor muscles was assessed at baseline Vaginal balloon dilation and STZ injections were and after the completion of the experimental performed as previously described [7]. Ethics sessions (7 days). were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Ethics Committee of Guangzhou Medical Strength measurement of the pubococcygeal University. muscles Evaluation of SUI and diabetes in animal mod- The pubococcygeal muscles of all rats were dis- els sected on day 7 and attached to a tension transducer by using the non-plastic thread (10 The SUI and diabetes animal models were eval- cm). Muscle strength was measured by using uated by sneezing experiment and glucose a biomechanical test system (BL-420, Cheng- test, respectively. For the sneezing experiment, du, China). Briefly, initial force was set as 1 rats of the SUI group were intraperitoneally gram and stabilized for 3 seconds, and then ES anesthetized with 2% pentobarbital sodium (25 Hz, 50 ms, 3.6 V) of the pubococcygeal (0.2 mL/100 g), and the bladder was emptied muscles was performed for 3 seconds. Chang- by an epidural catheter. The maximum bladder es of muscle strength were recorded as resul- capacity was measured by filling the bladder ts of stationary contractility. After 3 min of rest, with methylene blue (Jili, Jiangsu, China), dis- the thread was extended to 10.5 cm, and ES of solved in sterile saline, until the first drop of pubococcygeal muscles was performed imme- urine leakage outside the external orifice of diately. Changes of muscle strength were re- urethra was observed. Then, the bladder was corded as results of forced contractility. 2428 Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(3):2427-2434
ES increased pelvic floor muscle strengh and NPY expression Table 2. Results of the glucose test in the diabetes animal model (3000 rpm) before and aft- After (mmol/L) er ES treatment. Supernatant Groups Number Before (mmol/L) was obtained and used for 1 month 2 months 3 months NPY measurement. Ninety-six Control 5 3.58±0.54 3.60±0.67 3.72±0.48 3.84±0.57 well plates were used, and Diabetes 6 3.47±0.59 21.3±1.82 16.8±1.26 23.3±0.79 NPY production was detected by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits (CSB-E13431r, Wuhan, China) following the manufac- turer’s protocol. Western blot analysis The pubococcygeal muscle ti- ssue was collected from rats in the diabetes group before and after ES treatment, hom- ogenized, and lysed in rad- io immune-precipitation ass- ay (RIPA, Bio-teke Corporati- on, China) buffer with 1 mM phenylmethanesulfonyl fluori- de (PMSF, Bio-teke Corpora- tion, China). The protein con- centration was measured us- ing the Bio-Rad protein ass- ay kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). Forty micrograms of each pr- otein was separated on 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate pol- yacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) and then transferred to cellu- lose acetate membranes (Mi- llipore, MA, USA). The mem- branes were blocked with 5% non-fat dry milk in Tween/Tr- is-buffered solution (TTBS) for 2 hours at room temperature, followed by incubation with ra- bbit anti-NPY (1:500, Abcam, USA) and rabbit anti-glycer- aldehyde 3-phosphate dehy- drogenase (GAPDH, 1:5000, Figure 1. ES enhanced the strength of pelvic floor muscles in rats of the SUI Abcam, USA) antibodies ov- and diabetes groups. Both stationary contractility and forced contractility of pelvic floor muscles in rats of the SUI and diabetes groups were significantly ernight at 4°C. The membra- enhanced after ES treatment (*, p
ES increased pelvic floor muscle strengh and NPY expression Statistical analysis Data analysis was perform- ed using SAS program (SAS version 8.1, USA). Student’s t test was used to compare the two means. One-way analysis of variances (ANOVA) was us- ed to compare more than two means. A p value of less than 0.05 was regarded as signi- ficant. Results Establishment of SUI and dia- betes in animal models According to the results of the sneezing experiment, all 10 rats in the SUI group were verified as having SUI (Table 1). As for the diabetes gro- Figure 2. ES increased the amount of NPY expression in rats of SUI and dia- up, 6 of 10 rats were recog- betes groups. The NPY concentration in the supernatant of peripheral blood nized as having type 2 diab- from rats in the SUI or diabetes groups was significantly increased after ES etes based on the 3 months (A, *, p
ES increased pelvic floor muscle strengh and NPY expression Figure 3. Increased NPY was correlated with enhanced strength of pelvic floor muscles before and after ES treat- ment (Pearson r=0.98, p
ES increased pelvic floor muscle strengh and NPY expression trunk, such as the abdomin- als, quadrates lumborum, sp- inal muscles of multifidus, hip muscles, the diaphragm, and pubococcygeal muscles [9]. In essence, the pelvic floor mu- scles are the floor of the core. In the present study, contrac- tility of pelvic floor muscles was found in rats of the SUI group and the diabetes gro- up was significantly enhanc- ed after ES treatment, which indicates its prominent effe- cts. The physiological objecti- ves of ES are to produce mu- scle hypertrophy and increa- se circulation to muscles. It may increase conscious aw- areness of muscles to prod- uce improved ability to perf- orm voluntary muscle contr- action [10]. Interestingly, the enhanced co- Figure 4. Histological characteristics of pelvic floor muscles before and after ES treatment. For SUI rats before ES, muscle fibers were swollen and the ntractility of pelvic floor mus- cytoplasm was lightly stained (arrow, A). The striations were not prominent. cles follows with the increas- After ES, no pathological changes were observed in the target fibers. Muscle ed expression of NPY, which bundles had integrated structures with a pink appearance (arrow, B). For suggests its potential value diabetes rats, muscle fibers showed chain changes, similar to myogenic to assess the effects of ES neurogenic changes (arrow, C). After ES, the nucleus numbers under sarco- lemma had significantly increased in partial muscle fibers (arrow, D). treatment. NPY, a 36-amino- acid neuropeptide, is involved in the regulation of blood flow cells (Figure 5). After ES, the nucleus numbers and is commonly found among the nerve fibers under sarcolemma had significantly increased [11, 12]. NPY is always synthesized in the neu- in partial muscle fibers. Slightly swelling endo- ron and then transported to the vaginal wall thelial cells were found to be embedded in the through the nerve axon; therefore, NPY is one endo-neural membrane, and the disarrange- of the most abundant neuropeptides observ- ment of neuron fibers was observed less ed underlying the vaginal epithelium [13]. For frequently. example, the staining of NPY protein was found in the anterior vaginal wall tissue of healthy Discussion women by Hu et al [14]. In menopausal pati- ents with POP, as the symptoms intensify, NPY There is a growing need to understand how expression decreases progressively. Results of physiotherapies impact SUI symptoms, impair- ELISA and Western blotting in the present study ments, and functional limitations. The target of showed not only the NPY concentration but physiotherapies is the pelvic floor muscles. The also its protein amount from rats of SUI and pelvic floor consists of striated muscles arran- diabetes groups significantly increased after ged in a dome-shaped sheet, which is usually ES, and expression of NPY was correlated with described as a sling [8]. These muscles are muscle contractility. Based on these results, referred to as lying within either the deep or the increased amount of NPY in the pelvic floor superficial pelvic floor. Although it is infrequent- muscles is proposed to be related to nerve ly discussed, the pelvic floor has an important recovery or regeneration, resulting in a change role in the function of core muscle stabilization. in blood flow, atrophy, and pelvic floor laxity The core muscles are known as muscles of the [15]. 2432 Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(3):2427-2434
ES increased pelvic floor muscle strengh and NPY expression the pubococcygeal muscle morphology in both SUI and diabetes rat models have sh- own similar myogenic chan- ges. Neurogenic myopatholo- gy may provide the answer to the etiology of pelvic floor dy- sfunction, and clearly explain the pathological mechanis- ms of ES treatment on SUI symptoms. Conclusion In summary, the present stu- dy found that, the increased concentration of NPY in SUI and diabetes rats after ES treatment was related to the recovery of the pubococcygeal muscle strength, which may be related to NPY in promoting the generation of the pelvic floor muscles and blood ves- Figure 5. Neural changes of pelvic floor muscles before and after ES treat- sels. ES treatment has shown ment. Swollen neuronal cells were observed in SUI rats before ES. Con- considerable therapeutic eff- densed nuclei with marked hyperchromatism and dissolution of Nissl bodies ects, and would be an ideal (arrow, A) were also observed. After ES, few neuron cells showed swelling physiotherapy to solve pati- and partial dissolution of Nissl bodies (arrow, B). For diabetes rats before ents’ SUI symptoms. ES, neural changes included the congestion of blood vessels and swelling of endothelial cells (arrow, C). After ES, slightly swollen endothelial cells were Acknowledgements found to be embedded in the endoneural membrane, and disarrangement of neuron fibers was observed less frequently (arrow, D). This study was supported by funds from National Natural To further explore the histological characteris- Science Foundation of China (Grant No. tics of pubococcygeal muscles, H&E staining 8167060599). and histological analysis were performed. The neurons and muscle fibers showed ischemic Disclosure of conflict of interest changes in the SUI group before ES. Muscle fibers were swollen, and the cytoplasm was None. lightly stained. Neural changes included swe- lling neuronal cells, condensed nuclei with Address correspondence to: Dunjin Chen, The Third marked hyperchromatism, and the dissolution Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University, of Nissl bodies. The diabetes group showed Guangzhou 510150, Guangdong, China. Tel: 86-20- typical pathological changes, muscle fibers dis- 81292183; Fax: 86-20-81292407; E-mail: djch- played chain changes, the congestion of blood engz@126.com; gzdrchen@gzhmu.edu.cn vessels, and swelling of endothelial cells. After ES, muscle bundles had integrated structures References with a pink appearance in the SUI group, and [1] Ahmad AN, Hainsworth A, Williams AB, Schizas few neurons showed swelling and partial disso- AM. A review of functional pelvic floor imaging lution of Nissl bodies. In the diabetes group, modalities and their effectiveness. Clin Imag- the nucleus numbers under sarcolemma had ing 2015; 39: 559-65. significantly increased in partial muscle fibers. [2] Van Geluwe B, Wolthuis A, D’Hoore A. Laparos- Slightly swelling endothelial cells were embe- copy for pelvic floor disorders. Best Pract Res dded in the endoneural membrane. Results of Clin Gastroenterol 2014; 28: 69-80. 2433 Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(3):2427-2434
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