Antidiabetic Effects of the Senolytic Agent Dasatinib - Mayo ...

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Antidiabetic Effects of the Senolytic Agent
Omid Salaami, MD; Chia-Ling Kuo, PhD; Matthew T. Drake, MD, PhD;
George A. Kuchel, MD, CM, FRCP(C); James L. Kirkland, MD, PhD, FRCP(C);
and Robert J. Pignolo, MD, PhD


Objective: To evaluate the antidiabetic effects of the senolytic agent dasatinib in older patients with
type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methods: This retrospective cohort study included enterprise-wide Mayo Clinic patients using
Informatics for Integrating Biology at the Bedside from January 1994 through December 2019. The
antidiabetic outcomes (change in hemoglobin A1c value, serum glucose concentration, and diabetic
medications) after 1 year of a strongly senolytic tyrosine kinase inhibitor, dasatinib (n¼16), was
compared with a weakly senolytic tyrosine kinase inhibitor, imatinib (n¼32).
Results: Relative to imatinib, patients treated with dasatinib had a mean reduction of 43.7 mg/dL
(P¼.005) in serum glucose concentration (to convert glucose values to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555)
and required 28.8 fewer total daily insulin units (P¼.08) in the setting of a 4.8-kg relative weight loss
(5.3% of total body weight; P¼.045). Linear regression analysis suggests that the relative difference in
weight accounts for 8.4 mg/dL of the 43.7 mg/dL blood glucose value decrease, or 19.2%. Relative to
imatinib, patients treated with dasatinib had a mean 0.80 absolute point (P¼.05) reduction in
hemoglobin A1c and required 18.2 fewer total daily insulin units (P¼.16) in the setting of a 5.9-kg
relative weight loss (6.3% of total body weight; P¼.06).
Conclusion: Dasatinib may have antidiabetic effects comparable to contemporary diabetic treatments
and may be considered for use as a novel diabetic therapy. Future studies are needed to determine
whether these results are translatable to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without underlying
malignant diseases and to determine whether the antidiabetic effects of dasatinib are due to its
senolytic properties.
                                         ª 2021 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research   n   Mayo Clin Proc. 2021;nn(n):1-9

                                                                                                                                From the Department of

        ype 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM),                      chronic myelogenous leukemia in 2001 and
                                                                                                                                Geriatric Medicine, Duke
        affecting an estimated 31 and 425                    was soon followed by other TKIs, such as                           University, Durham, NC
        million people in the United States                  dasatinib in 2006. Sporadic case reports sug-                      (O.S.); UConn Center on
and worldwide, respectively,1 entails signifi-                gested that TKIs, primarily imatinib, may                          Aging, University of
                                                                                                                                Connecticut School of
cant morbidity and mortality. The preva-                     improve glycemic control or even result in                         Medicine, Farmington,
lence of T2DM increases with aging,                          complete remission of T2DM.3-8 A subse-                            CT (C.-L.K., G.A.K.); and
                                                                                                                                Division of Endocri-
affecting approximately 18 million Ameri-                    quent retrospective cohort study of patients                       nology, Diabetes, Meta-
cans older than 65 years.2 Despite improved                  with (n¼17) and without (n¼61) T2DM                                bolism and Nutrition
                                                                                                                                (M.T.D.), Department of
understanding of the pathophysiologic pro-                   found that treatment with various TKIs (suni-
                                                                                                                                Medicine and Kogod
cess of T2DM, current oral pharmacologic                     tinib, sorafenib, dasatinib, and imatinib) was                     Center on Aging (M.T.D.,
therapies are noncurative and limited in                     associated with lower serum glucose                                J.L.K., R.J.P.), and Division
                                                                                                                                of Geriatric Medicine and
efficacy.                                                     levels. This finding was limited by a small                         Gerontology (R.J.P.),
    Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are used               T2DM cohort, heterogeneous malignant neo-                          Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
for the treatment of select malignant neo-                   plasms, and possible confounding by progres-                       MN.

plasms. Imatinib was the first TKI approved                   sion of the malignant disease and weight
for Philadelphia chromosomeepositive                         changes.9 Currently, experts recommend

Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9 n                                                                             1 n ª 2021 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

    close monitoring of glucose level on initiation            Exclusion criteria were a TKI indication of
    of TKIs because of the potential concern for               hypereosinophilia syndrome (treated with
    hypoglycemia.10 However, other studies                     concurrent glucocorticoids) for both groups
    examining this issue have been inconsis-                   and the use of any prior TKI for the imatinib
    tent.11,12 The literature is limited by retro-             group. Because dasatinib is typically used as
    spective observational studies with small                  a second-line agent, excluding patients with
    number of diabetic patients (

                                                           Adults in i2b2 data set

                           Total adults prescribed imatinib                  Total adults prescribed dasatinib
                         with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus              with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
                                        n=279                                             n=118

                                           No diagnosis of type 2                          No diagnosis of type 2
                                           diabetes mellitus prior                         diabetes mellitus prior
                        n=80                to starting imatinib or         n=50           to starting dasatinib or
                                           glucocorticoid-induced                          glucocorticoid-induced
                                                   diabetes                                        diabetes

                                             Incomplete data at                               Incomplete data at
                        n=126               baseline or one year            n=44             baseline or one year
                                                  follow-up.                                       follow-up.

                         n=7               Imatinib never initiated          n=3           Dasatinib never initiated

                                           1 year of imatinib not                          1 year of dasatinib not
                        n=15                                                 n=5
                                                completed                                        completed

                                            Prior use of tyrosine
                                               kinase inhibitor

                Imatinib cohort, n=32                               Dasatinib cohort, n=16

  FIGURE 1. Selection of study participants and identification of dasatinib and imatinib cohorts. i2B2,
  Informatics for Integrating Biology at the Bedside.

RESULTS                                                               and 1-year data were complete in 12 of 16
                                                                      and 13 of 16 individuals for serum glucose
Characteristics of Study Participants                                 concentration and hemoglobin A1c level,
A total of 9,311,258 individuals were                                 respectively.
screened for use of either dasatinib or imati-                            Tables 1 and 2 provide baseline charac-
nib. There were 279 and 118 individuals                               teristics of the study participants with
included in the imatinib and dasatinib groups,                        respect to changes in serum glucose concen-
respectively (Figure 1). A total of 247 individ-                      tration and hemoglobin A1c level, respec-
uals were removed from the imatinib group                             tively. Baseline parameters, including mean
because of failure to meet inclusion and                              age at diagnosis of malignant disease, sex,
exclusion criteria, resulting in a cohort of 32                       race, type of malignant disease, prior use of
individuals. Baseline and 1-year data were                            TKI, serum glucose value, insulin depen-
complete in 26 of 32 and 22 of 32 individuals                         dency, total daily insulin requirement, oral
for serum glucose concentration and hemo-                             antihyperglycemic agents, and weight, were
globin A1c level, respectively. A total of 102                        evaluated between the dasatinib and imati-
individuals were removed from the dasatinib                           nib groups. In comparing serum glucose
group after application of inclusion and                              values, there were no statistically significant
exclusion criteria, resulting in a cohort of 16                       differences between the groups other than
individuals. In the dasatinib group, baseline                         prior TKI use (P¼.007). In comparing
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9   n                               3

                                                                                                                 2.5 kg) compared with 1 of 9 insulin-
    TABLE 1. Baseline Characteristics of Dasatinib vs Imatinib: Serum Glucose
                                                                                                                 dependent patients (weight decrease of
                                                                                                                 18 kg) in the imatinib group.
                                                   Dasatinib             Imatinib            P valued
                                                                                                                     Table 4 displays the change in hemoglo-
    No.                                               12                    26                                   bin A1c values after 1 year of either dasatinib
    Male                                            7 (58)               17 (65)               .728              or imatinib. Relative to imatinib, the dasatinib
    Race, White                                    10 (83)               24 (92)               .577              group had an absolute decrease in hemoglo-
    Malignant disease                                                                                            bin A1c value of 0.80% (P¼.05). Total daily
      CML                                           9 (75)               13   (50)             .178              insulin requirements decreased by 18.2 units
      ALL                                           2 (17)                1   (4)              .230
                                                                                                                 (P¼.16), whereas use of other antihypergly-
      GIST                                          1 (8)                11   (42)             .060
                                                                                                                 cemic agents was unchanged (P¼.93). Rela-
      Melanoma                                        0                   1   (4)              >.99
                                                                                                                 tive body weight decreased by 5.9 kg
    Age at diagnosis (y)                          61.710.9            64.011.0               .304
                                                                                                                 (P¼.06), equivalent to a change of 6.3%
    TKI before dasatinib or imatinib              4/12 (33)                   0                .007
    Baseline glucose (mg/dL)                       14548                13239                .414
                                                                                                                     A sensitivity analysis that excluded 5 pa-
    On insulin                                      4 (33)               7 (25)                .714
                                                                                                                 tients with prior TKI use in the dasatinib
     Average total daily units                      7147                6752                 .907
                                                                                                                 group is shown in Tables 5 and 6. This
    On oral agents                                 10 (83)               19 (73)               .689
     No. of agents                                 1.20.8               1.00.8               .568
                                                                                                                 found that relative to treatment with imati-
                                                                                                                 nib, patients treated with dasatinib had a
    Baseline weight (kg)                          98.523.5            95.623.0               .728
                                                                                                                 larger magnitude of hypoglycemic effect for
      ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CML, chronic myelogenous leukemia; GIST, gastrointestinal
      stromal tumor; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
                                                                                                                 both serum glucose and hemoglobin A1c
      To convert glucose values to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555.                                                   values as well as a significant reduction in
      Categorical variables are presented as number (percentage). Continuous variables are presented             body weight.
      as mean  standard deviation.                                                                                  A simple linear regression (Figure 2) was
      P values were obtained using a 2-tailed 2-sample t-test assuming unequal variances for continuous
      variables or Fisher exact test for categorical variables. Boldface P values represent statistical
                                                                                                                 used to evaluate the association between
      significance.                                                                                               change in body weight and changes in either
                                                                                                                 serum glucose concentration or hemoglobin
                                                                                                                 A1c level for the dasatinib and imatinib groups
                                    hemoglobin A1c values, there were no statis-                                 separately. The mean change in glucose con-
                                    tically significant differences between the                                   centration was 0.42 mg/dL (95% CI, 5.85
                                    groups other than prior TKI use (P¼.01)                                      to 6.69) per kilogram decrease in weight
                                    and gastrointestinal stromal tumor diagnoses                                 in the dasatinib group but 2.44 mg/dL (95%
                                    (P¼.02).                                                                     CI, 0.75 to 4.13) per kilogram in the imatinib
                                                                                                                 group. The between-group difference did not
                                    Change in Glycemic Control after 1 Year of                                   reach statistical significance (P¼.49). The
                                    TKI Therapy                                                                  hemoglobin A1c decrease was 0.10% (95%
                                    Table 3 displays the change in serum glucose                                 CI, 0.04 to 0.17) per kilogram weight loss
                                    values after 1 year of either dasatinib or imati-                            in the dasatinib group, which was similar to
                                    nib. Relative to imatinib, the dasatinib group                               the value of 0.08% (95% CI, 0.04 to 0.13) in
                                    had a decrease of 43.7 mg/dL (P¼.005) in                                     the imatinib group (P¼.63).
                                    serum glucose concentration (to convert
                                    glucose values to mmol/L, multiply by                                        DISCUSSION
                                    0.0555). Total daily insulin requirements                                    In this study, we report that dasatinib,
                                    decreased by 28.8 units (P¼.08), whereas                                     compared with imatinib, lowers serum glucose
                                    use of other antihyperglycemic agents was                                    values in patients with preexisting T2DM by
                                    unchanged (decrease by 0.04; P¼.66). Rela-                                   almost 45 mg/dL, with perhaps a reduction
                                    tive body weight decreased by 4.8 kg                                         of total daily insulin requirements (28.2
                                    (P¼.045), equivalent to a change of 5.3%                                    daily units; P¼.08) and absolute reduction of
                                    (P¼.03). Of note, 2 of 4 insulin-dependent                                   hemoglobin A1c values (0.80%; P¼.05).
                                    patients in the dasatinib group did not require                              This hemoglobin A1c decrease is quantitatively
                                    any insulin (weight decrease of 1.5 and                                      comparable to that which occurs with the use
                                                                                                          n                        n
4                                                                                    Mayo Clin Proc.          XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9

  TABLE 2. Baseline Characteristics of Dasatinib vs Imatinib: Hemoglobin A1c Valuesa,b
                                                            Dasatinib                          Imatinib                       P valuec
  No.                                                            13                               22
  Male                                                        9 (69)                           11 (50)                           .31
  Race, White                                                11 (85)                           20 (91)                           .18
  Malignant disease
    CML                                                      11 (85)                           13 (59)                          .15
    ALL                                                      2 (15)                             1 (5)                           .54
    GIST                                                        0                              8 (36)                           .02
    Melanoma                                                    0                                 0                             >.99
  Age at diagnosis (y)                                     62.611.2                         66.610.3                           .31
  TKI before dasatinib or imatinib                          4/13 (31)                             0                              .01
  Baseline hemoglobin A1c (%)                                6.90.8                           6.50.8                           .24
  On insulin                                                 6 (46)                            7 (32)                            .48
   Average total daily units                                 6951                             5649                             .65
  On oral agents                                              9 (69)                           19 (86)                           .38
      No. of agents                                          1.10.9                           1.20.7                           .71
  Baseline weight (kg)                                     102.819.6                        95.924.1                           .36
   ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CML, chronic myelogenous leukemia; GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumor; TKI, tyrosine kinase
    Categorical variables are presented as number (percentage). Continuous variables are presented as mean  standard deviation.
   P values were obtained using a 2-tailed 2-sample t-test assuming unequal variances for continuous variables or Fisher exact test for
   categorical variables. Boldface P values represent statistical significance.

of hypoglycemic agents commonly used as                                 following reasons: like dasatinib, it is a TKI;
first-line agents, such as metformin and sulfo-                          it is used in the treatment of similar malignant
nylureas, which typically lower hemoglobin                              neoplasms; and compared with dasatinib, it
A1c values by 1% to 2%; thiazolidinediones,                             represents the less efficacious end of the
by 0.5% to 1.4%; glucagon-like peptide 1 re-                            spectrum of senolytic agents.
ceptor agonists, by 0.5% to 1.5%; sodium-                                    The improved glycemic control in pa-
glucose co-transporter 2 receptor antagonists,                          tients treated with dasatinib compared with
by 0.5% to 0.7%; and dipeptidyl peptidase 4                             imatinib was in the context of a relative
inhibitors, by 0.5% to 0.8%.16 Imatinib was                             weight loss of 4.80 kg (P¼.045) after 1
chosen to be the control group for the                                  year, or 5.3% of total body weight. There

  TABLE 3. Serum Glucose and Other Glycemic Indices After 1 Year of TKI Therapya,b,c
                                                         Dasatinib                Imatinib              Difference            P valued
  No.                                                       12                       26
  Serum glucose (mg/dL)                                31.434.2               12.343.6                 43.7                 .005
  Total daily insulin units                            23.522.2                 5.319.2                28.8                 .08
  Other antihyperglycemic medications                      0.00.0              0.040.45                  0.04                .66
  Weight (kg)                                          1.624.89               3.189.30                    4.80               .045
  Body mass (%)                                         1.72.3                  3.68.9                    5.3                .03
   TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
    To convert glucose values to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555.
   Values are presented as mean  standard deviation.
    P values were obtained using a 2-tailed 2-sample t-test assuming unequal variances for continuous variables or Fisher exact test for
    categorical variables. Boldface P values represent statistical significance.

Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9     n                                                  5

     TABLE 4. Hemoglobin A1c and Other Glycemic Indices After 1 Year of TKI Therapya,b
                                                            Dasatinib                Imatinib               Difference           P valuec
     No.                                                       13                       22
     Hemoglobin A1c (%)                                   0.741.06                0.061.25                  0.80                .05
     Total daily insulin units                            18.821.9               0.615.3                 18.2                  .16
     Other antihyperglycemic medications                   0.10.3                0.10.6                      0.0                .93
     Weight (kg)                                           3.07.6                  2.810.1                    5.9                .06
     Body mass (%)                                         3.13.06                 3.29.6                     6.3                .04
       TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
       Values are presented as mean  standard deviation.
       P values were obtained using a 2-tailed 2-sample t-test assuming unequal variances for continuous variables or Fisher exact test for
       categorical variables. Boldface P values represent statistical significance.

    was no statistically significant difference in                          regardless of T2DM status,9 whereas prior
    relative weight change seen for the reduction                          case reports have found improvements
    in hemoglobin A1c. Weight loss is key to                               including     remission    of    preexisting
    improving glycemic control, and intentional                            T2DM.5,6,8,17,18 Our finding of an absolute
    weight loss of 10% has been reported to                                improvement of serum glucose values by
    reduce hemoglobin A1c by 0.81% (or about                               31.4 mg/dL, including 2 of 4 patients who
    23 mg/dL) in patients with T2DM.17 Our                                 no longer required insulin within 12 months
    linear regression analysis (Figure 2)                                  of dasatinib initiation, is consistent with
    comparing change in glucose concentration                              prior literature on the antidiabetic proper-
    with change in weight for the dasatinib and                            ties of dasatinib. Retrospective cohort
    imatinib groups suggests that the relative                             studies are conflicting about the impact of
    difference in weight accounts for only 8.4                             imatinib on glycemic control, with some
    mg/dL of the 43.7 mg/dL blood glucose value                            reporting a modest improvement in serum
    decrease, or 19.2%.                                                    glucose concentration (9 mg/dL)9 and other
        The magnitude of improvement in glyce-                             studies reporting no improvement.11,12,19
    mic control in response to treatment with                              These observations are consistent with our
    TKIs is not well established in the current                            finding of an absolute increase in serum
    literature. A previous retrospective cohort                            glucose concentration of 12.3 mg/dL in
    study found that dasatinib treatment lowers                            patients treated with imatinib. The few
    mean serum glucose values by 52 mg/dL                                  cohort studies that examined the impact of

     TABLE 5. Serum Glucose and Other Glycemic Indices After 1 Year of TKI Therapy, Excluding Prior TKI
                                                            Dasatinib                Imatinib               Difference           P valued
     No.                                                        8                       26
     Serum glucose (mg/dL)                                33.630.1               12.343.6                 45.9                 .007
     Total daily insulin units                              3330.0                 5.319.2                38.3                 .30
     Other antihyperglycemic medications                       00.0               0.040.45                  0.04                .66
     Weight (kg)                                           2.84.71                 3.29.30                    6.0               .02
     Body mass (%)                                         2.73.8                  3.68.9                     6.3               .02
       TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
       To convert glucose values to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555.
       Values are presented as mean  standard deviation.
       P values were obtained using a 2-tailed 2-sample t-test assuming unequal variances for continuous variables or Fisher exact test for
       categorical variables. Boldface P values represent statistical significance.

                                                                    n                        n
6                                                Mayo Clin Proc.        XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9

  TABLE 6. Hemoglobin A1c and Other Glycemic Indices After 1 Year of TKI Therapy, Excluding Prior TKI
                                                                    Dasatinib              Imatinib    Difference            P valuec
  No.                                                                   9                     22
  Hemoglobin A1c (%)                                              1.081.09              0.061.25       1.14                 .02
  Total daily insulin units                                       22.028.4              0.615.3     21.4                   .32
  Other antihyperglycemic medications                              0.10.3               0.10.5          0.0                 .91
  Weight (kg)                                                      5.08.1                 2.810.1        7.9                 .04
  Body mass (%)                                                    5.00.9                 3.29.6         8.3                 .03
   TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
    Values are presented as mean  standard deviation.
   P values were obtained using a 2-tailed 2-sample t-test assuming unequal variances for continuous variables or Fisher exact test for
   categorical variables. Boldface P values represent statistical significance.

TKI treatment on glycemic control included                                       TKI treatment and controlled for weight
heterogeneous malignant neoplasms, had                                           change.
small populations of patients with and                                               There are several limitations to our
without T2DM, observed patients for a var-                                       study. First, included patients had heteroge-
iable duration, and did not control for longi-                                   neous malignant disease indications at base-
tudinal weight changes. Our study used the                                       line for the selection of 2 TKI therapies, and
largest cohort of T2DM patients receiving                                        underlying disease aggressiveness was not
                                                                                 directly measured. This was mitigated by
                                                                                 our requirement for 1 year of continuous
                                                                                 TKI therapy, a requirement that excluded
   serum glucose (mg/dL)

                                                                                 patients who died within 1 year of TKI initi-
                                                                                 ation or in whom disease progression devel-
        Change in

                                                                                 oped that would have prompted a change in
                             0                                                   TKI therapy. Second, 5 of 16 individuals in
                           –50                                                   the dasatinib group received prior TKI
                                                                                 therapy. Given prior reports of a class antidi-
                                 –20    –10    0     10     20          30       abetic effect of TKIs,20 this may have
                                       Change in weight (kg)                     underestimated the magnitude of a pure
                                 Group      Dasatinib        Imatinib            dasatinib effect and therefore increases the
                                                                                 robustness of our findings regarding the po-
                                                                                 tential antidiabetic effects of dasatinib. This
       hemoglobin A1c (%)

                                                                                 is supported in our sensitivity analysis,
          Change in

                                                                                 which excluded 5 patients with prior TKI
                             0                                                   use. Third, nonpharmacologic interventions
                                                                                 to improve glycemic control, such as exer-
                                                                                 cise and dietary changes, could not be
                                                                                 directly measured. Instead, weight was
                                 –20    –10    0     10     20          30
                                                                                 considered a reasonable proxy. Fourth,
                                       Change in weight (kg)
                                                                                 serum glucose and hemoglobin A1c levels
                                 Group      Dasatinib        Imatinib            were sometimes lacking, creating smaller
                                                                                 subcohorts. Finally, this study was of a sin-
  FIGURE 2. Association between change in
                                                                                 gle health care system, which limits external
  serum glucose concentration or hemoglobin
  A1c level and change in weight in the dasatinib
  and imatinib cohorts.                                                              Potential confounders included changes
                                                                                 in oral antihyperglycemic agent and
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9               n                                      7

    management of malignant disease. Changes                  would also explain why the strong senolytic
    in oral antihyperglycemic medications were                agent dasatinib would produce greater
    negligible. Only 1 of 16 patients treated                 glycemic control compared with the much
    with dasatinib had a change (from 1 to                    weaker senolytic agent imatinib.15 In addi-
    0 oral medications). Of 32 patients treated               tion, it also suggests that the combination
    with imatinib, 7 had a change (3 patients dis-            of 2 agents with senolytic activity, dasatinib
    continued medications, 1 of whom discontin-               and quercetin, might have even greater anti-
    ued 2 medications; 4 patients started new                 diabetic effects in humans with T2DM than
    medication, with a net change of 0). Another              treatment with dasatinib alone. If deter-
    potential confounder is management of                     mined to be true, this raises the intriguing
    malignant disease that could affect weight,               possibility that senolytic treatment either
    especially edema, which is a known adverse                alone or in combination might need to be
    reaction to TKIs (particularly dasatinib). In             given only intermittently, akin to a “hit
    our cohort, we do not suspect that it played              and run” approach, because repopulation of
    a major role because clinically significant                senescent cells after clearance in response
    edema is an indication for a change in                    to senolytic exposure is expected to occur
    therapy.                                                  during the order of weeks.23
        The potential mechanism behind the                        Current senolytics such as dasatinib and
    antidiabetic effects of TKIs remains an area              quercetin are limited by cost and adverse ef-
    of continuing investigation. Potential mecha-             fect profile; safer and improved drugs target-
    nisms based on in vivo and in vitro studies               ing senescence are needed. The natural
    suggest the following: Abelson tyrosine                   flavonoid fisetin has been reported to have
    kinase (c-Abl) inhibition increases beta cell             similar senolytic properties to dasatinib and
    survival; platelet-derived growth factor re-              quercetin in progeroid and aged mice.24 If
    ceptor and epidermal growth factor receptor               the glycemic benefit of dasatinib is indeed
    inhibition improves insulin sensitivity; and              through senescence clearance, fisetin is an
    inhibition of vascular endothelial growth                 attractive alternative senolytic in future
    factor receptor 2 reduces insulitis.20 Antidia-           clinical trials.
    betic effects from multiple TKIs may be a
    result of influences on 1 or more of these                 CONCLUSION
    various targets.                                          This retrospective cohort study found that
        Apart from these potential roles for TKIs             dasatinib used for the treatment of malignant
    in modulating glycemia, increasing evidence               disease may have an antidiabetic effect com-
    from animal models suggests that cellular                 parable to or perhaps even greater than that
    senescence may be a key driver of T2DM.                   of contemporary antidiabetic medications in
    Excessive calorie intake in mice to induce                patients with preexisting T2DM. Our find-
    T2DM resulted in the generation of                        ings suggest that dasatinib or related seno-
    increased senescence factors, including up-               lytic drugs may become novel diabetic
    regulation of p53 and insulin resistance.21               therapies. Future studies are needed to
    Likewise, hyperglycemia itself was found to               determine whether these findings can be
    cause cellular senescence in the renal tubules            translated to patients with T2DM but
    in a type 1 diabetes mellitus mouse model.22              without underlying malignant disease. In
    Furthermore, mice with T2DM that were                     addition, further investigation is also needed
    treated with senolytic agents (dasatinib and              to determine whether the antidiabetic effect
    quercetin) had reduced cellular senescence                of dasatinib is due primarily to its senolytic
    markers and improved glucose tolerance in                 properties. If so, the effectiveness of
    addition to enhanced insulin sensitivity.14               combining senolytic drugs, such as dasatinib
    These findings suggest that the antidiabetic               and quercetin, for the treatment of T2DM
    effects seen with certain TKIs may be due                 could be greater than that of treatment
    to their senolytic properties. Indeed, this               with dasatinib alone.

                                                       n                        n
8                                    Mayo Clin Proc.       XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9

Abbreviations and Acronyms: T2DM, type 2 diabetes                         9. Agostino NM, Chinchilli VM, Lynch CJ, Koszyk-Szewczyk A,
mellitus; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor                                     Gingrich R, Sivik J, et al. Effect of the tyrosine kinase inhibi-
                                                                             tors (sunitinib, sorafenib, dasatinib, and imatinib) on blood
                                                                             glucose levels in diabetic and nondiabetic patients in
                                                                             general clinical practice. J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2011;17(3):
Potential Competing Interests: J.L.K. has the most relevant
financial interest related to this paper: patents on senolytic            10. Breccia M, Molica M, Alimena G. How tyrosine kinase inhibitors
drugs are held by Mayo Clinic. Research findings related                      impair metabolism and endocrine system function: a systematic
to those patents that are cited in this paper were previously                updated review. Leuk Res. 2014;38(12):1392-1398.
reviewed by the Mayo Clinic Conflict of Interest Review                   11. Dingli D, Wolf RC, Vella A. Imatinib and type 2 diabetes. Endocr
Board and are in compliance with Mayo Clinic Conflict of                      Pract. 2007;13(2):126-130.
Interest policies.                                                       12. Mariani S, Tornaghi L, Sassone M, Basciani S, Buzzetti R, Gam-
                                                                             bacorti-Passerini C, et al. Imatinib does not substantially modify
Grant Support: This publication was supported by the Na-                     the glycemic profiles in patients with chronic myeloid
tional Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (UL1                      leukaemia. Leuk Res. 2010;34(1):e5-e7.
                                                                         13. Palmer AK, Tchkonia T, LeBrasseur NK, Chini EN, Xu M,
TR002377) and the Robert and Arlene Kogod Professor-
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