The skin in psoriasis: assessment and challenges - Clinical ...

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The skin in psoriasis: assessment and challenges - Clinical ...
The skin in psoriasis: assessment and challenges
                                                  V. Oji, T.A. Luger

Department of Dermatology,                 ABSTRACT                                    tologist, who first diagnoses the skin
University Hospital Münster, Germany.      The coexistence of psoriasis arthritis      disease. Hence, both specialties play an
Vinzenz Oji, MD                            (PsA) and psoriasis vulgaris in about       important role in early disease detec-
Thomas A. Luger, MD, Prof.                 20% of patients with psoriasis leads to     tion and determining the course regard-
Please address correspondence to:          a need for rheumatologic-dermatologic       ing further treatments of PsA as well as
Vinzenz Oji, MD,                           team work. We summarise the role of         psoriasis.
Department of Dermatology,                 dermatologists in assessment of the skin    This paper refers to the tasks of der-
University Hospital Münster
Von-Esmarch Straβe 58,
                                           in psoriasis.                               matologists in assessment of the skin
48149 Münster, Germany.                    Chronic plaque psoriasis must be dif-       in a patient with psoriasis and/or PsA.
E-mail:               ferentiated from other subtypes such as     Clinically challenging aspects will be
Received and accepted on September 29,     generalised pustular psoriasis (GPP)        addressed to strengthen the collabora-
2015.                                      or palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP).           tion of dermatology, rheumatology, as
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2015; 33 (Suppl. 93):   Therapeutic management is based on          well as general medicine, to care for
S14-S19.                                   the evaluation of the disease severity.     patients with psoriasis. First of all the
© Copyright Clinical and                   Quantitative scoring of skin severity       diagnosis of psoriasis must be identi-
Experimental Rheumatology 2015.            includes calculation of the Psoriasis       fied. The differential diagnoses includes
                                           Area and Severity Index (PASI), body        eczema or mycosis fungoides, and the
Key words: plaque psoriasis,               surface area (BSA) as well as the Der-      distinct type of skin psoriasis should
generalised pustular psoriasis,            matology Life Quality Index (DLQI).         be defined, i.e. psoriasis vulgaris (PV)
palmoplantar pustulosis, PASI,             These scoring systems do not replace        manifesting as chronic plaque psoriasis
DLQI, BSA, PGA, comorbidity                the traditional dermatologic medical        has to be distinguished from generalised
                                           history and physical examination of the     pustular psoriasis (GPP), palmoplantar
                                           patient. The skin should be examined        pustulosis (PPP), or acrodermatitis con-
                                           for additional skin diseases; moreover,     tinua suppurativa (6, 7). We focus on
                                           patients should be monitored for co-        PV and summarise the specific clinical
                                           morbidity, most importantly PsA and         tools which are commonly used for the
                                           cardiovascular comorbidity.                 assessment of disease severity, and de-
                                                                                       scribe some challenges that may occur.
                                           Introduction                                Assessment of the skin of patients with
                                           Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory         PV or PsA is a component of a com-
                                           skin disease affecting about 2% of the      plete dermatological examination:
                                           Caucasian population (1). About 20%         thoroughly performed it takes into ac-
                                           of the patients have psoriatic arthritis    count important individual aspects of
                                           (PsA) (2, 3). Many patients with pso-       the skin status such as the number of
                                           riasis are not aware of their PsA; and      melanocytic nevi or the tendency to
                                           the prevalence of undiagnosed PsA is        skin dryness and atopy (Table I). Im-
                                           still high as has been shown in a recent    portantly, patients have to be moni-
                                           systematic meta-analysis. Accordingly,      tored for skin tumours or precancerous
                                           up to 15.5% of patients with psoriasis      lesions such as basal cell carcinoma,
                                           had undiagnosed PsA (4). Dermatolo-         squamous cell carcinoma or actinic
                                           gists usually are the doctors consulted     keratoses, respectively, taking into ac-
                                           in cases of new-onset psoriasis (5). In     count the often increased cumulative
                                           collaboration with rheumatologists          risk of carcinogenic sun exposure, UV
                                           they should screen their patients with      light treatment and/or immunosuppres-
                                           psoriasis for PsA, as PsA is a progres-     sive therapies (8).
                                           sive disease, and a subgroup of patients
                                           develops progressive damage and loss        Key features of skin psoriasis
                                           of function in the first few years of the   Psoriasis vulgaris (PV) is diagnosed
                                           disease (4). On the other hand, in about    by the characteristic psoriatic plaques
                                           6 to 18% PsA may precede skin lesions       consisting from salmon red sharply
Competing interests: none declared.        (3, 4). Then it usually is the rheuma-      bordered macules covered with silvery

The skin in psoriasis: assessment and challenges - Clinical ...
Dermatological assessment of psoriasis / V. Oji & T.A. Luger

Table I. Dermatological assessment of patients with psoriasis.                                                 teal cleft, groins, and retro-auricular ar-
                                                                                                               eas have not been examined. Involve-
Definition of psoriasis type/s                       Concomitant skin disorders or history of these
  Plaque psoriasis (Psoriasis vulgaris)                Infections                                              ment of the lips is possible; involve-
  Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP)                        Tumours                                                 ment of the mucous membrane would
  Acrodermatitis continua suppurativa                  Eczemas                                                 be extremely unusual (1, 9). However,
  Generalised pustular psoriasis (GPP)                 Lichen planus                                           considering potential differential diag-
  ± Psoriasis arthritis (PsA)                          Vitiligo
Predilection sites of the skin                         Alopecia areata                                         noses such as lichen planus or adverse
  Scalp (retroauricular)                               Urticaria                                               reactions of systemic therapies (Fig. 2)
  Extensor sites                                       Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring                        inspection of the mouth should be per-
  Nails                                                Cutaneous lupus erythematodes
                                                                                                               formed in all patients with psoriasis.
  Flexural / genitals (gluteal cleft)                  Scars (after tumour excision)
General aspects of the skin                          Comorbidity / cardiovascular risk factors                 Nail psoriasis is extensively described
  Pigmentation type                                    Body Mass Index (BMI)                                   elsewhere in this supplement. In short,
  Number of nevi                                       Hyperlipidaemia                                         15–50% of patients with psoriasis have
  Skin dryness                                         Hypertension
  Mucous membrane (tonsils)                          Other diseases or history of these*
                                                                                                               nail changes. This figure increases to
  Teeth                                                Rheumatologic / orthopaedic                             85% in patients with psoriatic arthritis
  Conjunctivae                                         Gastrointestinal / hepatic / renal                      (10). Nail pitting, oil spots and onych-
                                                       Neurological / psychiatric                              olysis are highly diagnostic (11).
                                                       Cancer / haemolymphatic
                                                                                                               Distinct subtypes of psoriasis
*incl.   screening for psychological distress, fatigue, smoking and alcohol consumption.                       Plaque psoriasis should be differenti-
                                                                                                               ated from other psoriasis forms, which
scales. Knees, elbows, scalp and um-                   It presents with erythematous sharply                   are clinically distinct and have a differ-
bilicus are commonly affected (Fig. 1).                demarcated areas, typically without sil-                ent genetic background (1, 9, 12). GPP
Importantly, the diagnosis of inverse                  very scaling. Patients may not address                  is now regarded an autoinflammatory
psoriasis, in which only the flexural                  symptoms of inverse psoriasis. Hence,                   skin diseases (DIRA/DITRA, etc.) (13).
folds are affected, should not be missed.              psoriasis cannot be excluded if the glu-                It has a different, more rapid disease

Fig. 1. Clinical examples of distinct forms of psoriasis and special localisations of psoriasis vulgaris: severe chronic plaque psoriasis (PASI 21.6) (a), pal-
moplantar pustulosis in a female patient with Sapho syndrome (b), generalised pustular psoriasis in a patient with IL36 receptor mutations (c), acrodermatitis
continua suppurativa in a patient also suffering from psoriasis vulgaris (d), psoriasis capitis as most common location of psoriasis vulgaris (e), severe nail
psoriasis (f), inverse psoriasis first misdiagnosed as mycosis (g), isolated palmar psoriasis vulgaris (h), and psoriasis of the external ear canal and scalp (i).

The skin in psoriasis: assessment and challenges - Clinical ...
Dermatological assessment of psoriasis / V. Oji & T.A. Luger

Fig. 2. Clinical examples of concomitant skin diseases in patients with psoriasis: squamous cell carcinoma in a patient, who regularly used sun bathing as
self-therapy (a), basal cell carcinoma origination from a scare in a patient suffering from psoriasis arthritis treated with methotrexate (b), mild lichen planus of
the gingiva in a patient under biologics (c), multiple actinic keratoses in a patient with plaque psoriasis, who had received a high cumulative dosage of UVB
light therapy (d), palmar pustulosis (e) and mild exanthema (f) in a female with nail psoriasis and psoriasis arthritis, who had received a TNF-alpha blocker.

course characterised by flares, continu-                defined by pustular eruptions, initially                Plaque psoriasis:
ous development of pustules, often with                 affecting the tip of the fingers and nails,             assessment of disease severity
fever (1, 6, 13). PPP is a very chronic                 often affecting the bony structures of                  In psoriasis initiation of therapy and
disease of the feet and/or hands char-                  the distal phalanxes (1, 6) (Fig. 1). Co-               monitoring of the therapeutic effective-
acterised by persisting sterile pustules                existence of different types of psoriasis               ness are based largely on evaluation of
with or without hyperkeratotic derma-                   may occur. PsA can be associated with                   the disease severity. Therefore, scoring
titis (1, 14).                                          each of them, but frequency and type                    of skin severity is a necessity in psoria-
Several reports document that biologic                  of the arthritic component might differ,                sis care. More than 44 different scoring
therapies with TNF-antagonists may                      e.g. PPP may be more often associated                   systems were used in 171 randomised
cause de novo occurrence or exacer-                     with SAPHO syndromic sternoclavicu-                     clinical trials of psoriasis therapies
bation of this form of psoriasis (15).                  lar and sternomanubrial tenderness and                  between 1997 and 2000 (17). Com-
Acrodermatitis continua suppurativa is                  pain (16).                                              mon tools to score psoriasis include
                                                                                                                determination of the area involved
Table II. Examples of relevant clinical severity scores for plaque psoriasis and their items.                   in relation to the whole body surface
                                                                                                                (Body Surface Area, BSA) (18, 19),
  Erythema Desqua- Infiltration BSA Psychosocial History of Calculated                                          the Physician Global Assessment (19)
		         mation			                  impact the illness        by
                                                                                                                and the Psoriasis Area and Severity In-
						treatment                                                                                                 dex (PASI), which was constructed by
                                                                                                                Frederiksson and Pettersson (19, 20) in
PASI                   +           +            +            + - -                              Physician       order to assess the severity of PV. The
BSA                    -           -            -            + - -                              Physician       PASI score includes a number of well-
PGA                    +           +            +            - - -                              Physician
                                                                                                                defined dermatological parameters,
LS ⁄ PGA               +           +            +            +			                               Physician
                                                                                                                e.g. skin redness and infiltration cor-
SPI                    +           +            +            + + +                              Physician
                                                                                                                responding to the inflammatory com-
saSPI                  +           +            +            + + +                               Patient
                                                                                                                ponent of the disease, and allows for
proSPI                 +           +            +            + + +                              Physician
                                                                                                                scoring of skin area involvement (see
SAPASI                 +           +            +            + - -                               Patient
PASI: Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; BSA: Body Surface Area; PGA: Physicians Global Assessment;             The Salford Psoriasis Index (SPI) is
LS: Laatice System Physician’s Global Assessment; SPI: Salford Psoriasis Index Simplified Psoriasis             derived from combining a converted
Index; saSPI: self-assessment Simplified Psoriasis Index; proSPI: professional Simplified Psoriasis In-
dex; SAPASI: Self Administered Psoriasis Area Severity Index. [adapted from Puzenat et al. 2012 (24)].
                                                                                                                figure of the PASI, a second score in-
                                                                                                                dicating psychosocial disability, and a

Dermatological assessment of psoriasis / V. Oji & T.A. Luger

third score based on historical informa-
tion (21). Chularojanamontri et al. re-
cently published a modified version of
the SPI renamed to Simplified Psoriasis
Index (22). However, no single instru-
ment captures all dimensions of psoria-
sis severity (23). Puzena et al. selected
six relevant clinical severity scores
SAPASI) (Table II) and compared their
methodological validations and quality
(24). They conclude that the PASI is the
most thoroughly validated score and
can be recommended for quantitative
evaluation of clinical severity of pso-
riasis. This conclusion is in agreement
with the recommendations of current
consensus guidelines for the manage-
ment of psoriasis (8, 25).

The Psoriasis Area and Severity
Index (PASI):
everyday clinical practice
For calculation of the PASI four main
body areas are assessed: the head (h),
the trunk (t), the upper extremities (u)
and the lower extremities (l), corre-
sponding to 10, 20, 30 and 40% of the
total body area, respectively (Fig. 3).
The area of psoriatic involvement of          Fig. 3. Assessment of disease severity in psoriasis vulgaris: PASI scheme and calculation; the neck
these four main areas (Ah, At, Au and         is assessed together with the heat; buttocks are assessed with the legs (a). Example of a patient with
                                              plaque psoriasis (arms and trunk); the total sum of the PASI of this patient was 15.3 (b).
Al) is given a numerical value: 0 = no
involvement; 1 =
Dermatological assessment of psoriasis / V. Oji & T.A. Luger

Dermatologic evaluation includes             Table III. Internet resources for the assessment and management of skin psoriasis*.
assessment of health-related quality         PASI
of life and comorbidity                    
The assessment of psoriasis severity       
should take into account its burden on     
health-related quality of life (HR-QoL)
(23). As mentioned above, the PASI is  
insufficient to assess functional disabil-   Dermatological guidelines for the management of patients with psoriasis
ity secondary to specific localisations of
skin lesions, e.g. on the face, hands or
nails. Moreover, patients with psoriasis     *last   accessed 6-9-2015.
often suffer from pruritus, cutaneous
pain, burning sensations, bleeding, and/     tologic diseases, neoplasm or allergy                manifestations may have a substantial
or social-life impairment (23, 25). In       (Table I). From epidemiologic studies                impact on the dynamic or static Phy-
clinical practice evaluation of all these    it has been well established that severe             sician Global Assessment (PGA) (19),
symptoms might be perceived as cum-          psoriasis is associated significantly                which can alter the classification of
bersome; however, validated scales as-       with a moderate increase of risk for dia-            mild disease to moderate-to-severe dis-
sessing the burden of plaque psoriasis       betes and obesity (5, 33). A recent pop-             ease (23):
on HR-QoL are the Dermatology Life           ulation-based Swedish register study                 • involvement of visible areas
Quality Index (DLQI) (28), the Short-        showed that mild and severe psoriasis                • involvement of major parts of the
Form 36 (SF-36) and the Skindex 29           are associated with increased mortality                 scalp
and Skindex 17 (23) that may be com-         rates as patients with severe psoriasis              • involvement of genitals
pleted by the patients in 3–15 minutes.      die on average 2.6 years younger than                • involvement of palms and/or soles
The DLQI consists of 10 questions con-       age-, sex-, and residency-matched con-               • onycholysis or onychodystrophy of
cerning symptoms and feelings, daily         trol subjects. The increases in all-cause               at least two fingernails
activities, leisure, work, and school,       mortality observed were largely attrib-              • pruritus leading to scratching
personal relationships and treatment.        uted acutely to increased cardiovascu-               • presence of single recalcitrant
All questions relate “to the last week”,     lar mortality (34). For this reason, new                plaques
and the score ranges from 0 (no impair-      dermatological guidelines do not only
ment of life quality) to 30 (maximum         refer to the skin, but also recommend to             Definition of treatment effectiveness
impairment). The tool has been trans-        determine the Body Mass Index (BMI)                  The reduction in PASI of ≥75% (Δ
lated into at least 21 different languag-    (upper limit: 30 kg⁄m2) and/or waist cir-            PASI ≥75) has been considered to in-
es. There is a children’s version of the     cumference (upper limit: 94 cm in men,               dicate treatment success after an antip-
DLQI (29), the Children’s Dermatology        80 cm in women) in patients with mod-                soriatic treatment has been initiated (8,
Life Quality Index (CDLQI), and a text       erate to severe psoriasis (23).                      25). Clinical studies on the effectiveness
and cartoon version of this has been de-                                                          of systemic therapy in plaque psoriasis
scribed (30) (Table III).                    Combination of skin assessment                       may note that a certain proportion of
A definition of the different scores of      tools and therapy algorithm                          patients experienced a 75% reduction
the DLQI and their impact on patients’       A recent consensus program for the                   in their PASI scores over a 3-months
life allows a reliable grading of the im-    treatment of plaque psoriasis defined                treatment period and report this as a
pact on quality of life (31). By using       a number of important items related to               percentage of people achieving “PASI
this definition in psoriasis, a DLQI 10 and DLQI >10                    used in combination with the dynamic
chiatric, orthopaedic or other rheuma-       The presence of the following disease                PGA of the nails (11).

Dermatological assessment of psoriasis / V. Oji & T.A. Luger

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