Importance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome
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Original Article 77 Turk J Endocrinol Metab 2019;23:77-84 Importance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome Hipofiz Sapı Kesinti Sendromunda Manyetik Rezonans Görüntülemenin Önemi Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine, Hatay, Turkey *Department of Radiology, Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey **Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey ***Clinic of Endocrinology and Metabolism, M. Akif İnan Training and Research Hospital, Şanlıurfa, Turkey ****Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey Objective: To evaluate the importance of magnetic reso- Amaç: Hipofiz sapı kesinti sendromu hastalarının takip ve nance imaging in the treatment and follow-up of patients tedavisinde manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin önemini de- with pituitary stalk interruption syndrome. Material and ğerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma grubumuz, Methods: The study included patients who were admitted 2009-2013 yılları arasında endokrinoloji ve metabolizma to the Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinic of our hospital hastalıkları polikliniğimize başvuran hastalardan oluşmak- from 2009 to 2013. Pituitary functions, growth and deve- tadır. Hasta takibinde hipofiz fonksiyonları, büyüme ve ge- lopment curves, and magnetic resonance imaging findings lişme eğrileri ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları of the patients were evaluated during the follow-up period. değerlendirmeye alındı. Bulgular: Çalışma grubumuz üç Results: The study included three men and two women. erkek ve iki kadın hastadan oluşmaktadır. Dört hastamızda Four patients had multiple pituitary hormone deficiency. All çoklu hipofizer hormon yetmezliği saptandı. Hastalarımızın cases were diagnosed with short stature with respect to hepsi kronolojik yaşlarına göre kısa boylu olmaları nedeni their chronological age. Four patients were diagnosed with ile değerlendirilirken tanı konuldu. Dört hastamıza çocuk yaş pituitary stalk interruption syndrome in their childhood. Iso- grubunda tanı konulmuştu. Sadece bir hastada izole bü- lated growth hormone deficiency was observed only in one yüme hormon eksikliği mevcuttu. Sonuç: Hipofiz sapı ke- patient. Conclusion: Pituitary insufficiency should be con- sinti sendromlu olguları değerlendirirken hipofiz yetmezliği sidered when evaluating pituitary stalk interruption dikkate alınmalıdır. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemede hipo- syndrome. The presence of pituitary stalk and the change in fiz sapının varlığı ve ön hipofiz bezinin büyüklüğünün zaman the size of the anterior pituitary gland are crucial magnetic içinde değişimi, hipofiz bezinin fonksiyonlarının takibinde resonance imaging findings in monitoring pituitary functi- önemlidir. Ayrıca, hipofiz sapı kesinti sendromlu erişkin yaş- ons. In addition, evaluating the size of the pituitary gland taki hastalarda, hipofiz bezinin büyüklüğünün değerlendi- may allow early detection of pituitary insufficiency in adult rilmesi, hipofiz yetmezliğinin erken tanısına olanak sağlaya- patients with pituitary stalk interruption syndrome. bilmektedir. Keywords: Hypopituitarism; ectopic neurohypophysis; Anahtar kelimeler: Hipofiz yetmezliği; ektopik nörohipofiz; isolated growth hormone deficiency; izole büyüme hormon yetmezliği; magnetic resonance imaging; short stature; manyetik rezonans görüntüleme; pituitary stalk interruption syndrome boy kısalığı; hipofiz sapı kesinti sendromu Introduction hypothyroidism, or delay of secondary sex- Pituitary insufficiency occurs because of iso- ual characteristics. One of the rare causes DOI: 10.25179/tjem.2018-61562 lated or multiple anterior pituitary hormone of pituitary insufficiency is pituitary stalk in- deficiency (MPHD). The diagnosis of pitu- terruption syndrome (PSIS). Although the itary insufficiency is based on clinical fea- etiology of PSIS remains unclear, organo- tures including growth retardation, central genesis defects caused by a traumatic birth Address for Correspondence: Eren Gürkan, Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Hatay, Turkey Phone: +90 5446367484 E-mail: Received: 27/05/2018 Received in revised form: 14/01/2019 Accepted: 03/03/2019 Available online: 01/04/2019 ®Copyright 2019 by Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism Association Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism published by Türkiye Klinikleri
78 Gürkan et al. Turk J Endocrinol Metab Importance of MRI in PSIS 2019;23:77-84 and by genetic and environmental factors less than 5 cm/year (from three years to pu- are supposed to play a role (1-4). The clini- berty), and of less than 6 cm/year (for pu- cal features and magnetic resonance imag- berty); 3) child-like facial appearance and ing (MRI) findings of PSIS have been known small and short symmetrical body structure; for a long time. The characteristics of MRI 4) normal intelligence; 5) backbone age rel- findings in PSIS include a decrease in the ative to chronological age; and 6) the size of the anterior pituitary gland, increase plasma level of GH being less than 6 µg/L in in or disappearance of the signal in the ec- at least two GH stimulation tests and the topic location of the neurohypophysis, hy- plasma level of insulin-like growth factor 1 poplasia, or absence of the pituitary stalk (IGF-1) being lower than the normal range (5-8). This study aimed to investigate the according to age and gender. In adult pa- importance of MRI in the treatment and fol- tients, the diagnosis of GH deficiency was low-up of patients with PSIS. based on the plasma level of GH (less than 3 µg/L) in insulin tolerance test and IGF-1 Material and Methods being lower than the normal range accord- This study included patients with PSIS who ing to age and gender (10). were admitted to the Endocrinology and Me- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technique tabolism Clinic of our hospital from 2009 to 2013. In addition, this is a retrospective All patients were scanned in the supine po- clinical observation study; therefore, no sition using 3 Tesla MRI systems with a head ethics committee approval was obtained. coil. The images were obtained in the sagit- But, this study was carried out adherence to tal and coronal planes using T1, T2 and guidance for ethics review of health-related sagittal fat-suppressed T1 sequences, coro- research with human participants of the nal planar dynamic imaging, and postcon- WHO (2011), and the Declaration of Helsinki trast T1 sagittal and coronal planes. The of the World Medical Association (2013). The cross-sectional thicknesses were 1 mm in hormonal levels having a role in the growth dynamic images and 3 mm in other se- and development processes and MRI find- quences. The assessments of the images ings were evaluated. Growth hormone (GH) were performed by the same neuroradiolo- deficiency was demonstrated with at least gist. The anterior pituitary gland, pituitary two growth hormone stimulation tests (with stalk size, and location of the neurohypoph- insulin, clonidine, or L-dopa). Cortisol defi- ysis, as well as the presence and localization ciency was determined on the basis of the of accompanying malformations, were as- measurement of cortisol level in the same sessed. Normal height of the pituitary gland tests or the measurements of baseline was accepted as 6 mm (upper surface plain plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or slightly concave) for patients less than 12 and cortisol levels, which were performed in years of age, 10 mm for patients in puberty the morning (at 08:00 am). A low-dose (upper surface convex, more convex in ACTH stimulation test was performed in re- girls), 9 mm for women and 8 mm for men quired cases. Thyroid hormone deficiency in young adulthood, and 12 mm for women was determined on the basis of low serum- in gestation (11). Hypoplastic pituitary gland free thyroxine level that was incompatible could be described as a half-moon-shaped with the thyroid-stimulating hormone level gland observed on the sella with a maximum (
Turk J Endocrinol Metab 2019;23:77-84 Gürkan et al. Importance of MRI in PSIS 79 cause of short stature at the age of eight deficiency are presented in Table 2. Accord- years; Case 3: a 27-year-old woman diag- ingly, midline defect was observed only in nosed with MPHD as a result of the evalua- one patient with MPHD. Ectopic neurohy- tion after primary amenorrhea; Case 4: a pophysis was present in all patients. Adeno- 19-year old woman diagnosed with isolated hypophysis size was normal from the growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) while childhood of the patient with IGHD. In addi- being examined because of short stature at tion, there was a thin stalk in the same pa- the age of ten years; and Case 5: a man di- tient (Table 3). agnosed with hypogonadism and short In all patients, the neurohypophysis was de- stature at the age of 35 years. Therefore, tected in an ectopic location. In addition, it patients were diagnosed with short stature was localized in the hypothalamus or its sur- with respect to their chronological age. roundings in Cases 1, 2, and 3 (Figure 1, MPHD was observed in our four patients, ex- Figure 2, Figure 3). Moreover, it was in the cept for Case 4. The features of the patients pituitary stalk in Case 4 (Figure 4) and was are presented in Table 1. One case of IGHD localized in the surrounding of the hypothal- and three cases of MPHD were diagnosed amus in Case 5 (Figure 5). In most of our during childhood. MRI findings of the pa- cases, the height of adenohypophysis was tients according to the type of their hormone considerably decreased. Adenohypophysis Table 1. Age, gender, and pattern of hormone deficiency in the studied cases. Case Number Age Sex Hormone deficiency Case 1 18 Male GH, FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH Case 2 18 Male GH, FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH Case 3 27 Female GH, FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH Case 4 19 Female GH Case 5 35 Male GH, FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH GH: Growth hormone; FSH: Follicle-stimulating hormone; LH: Luteinizing hormone; ACTH: Adrenocorticotropic hormone; TSH: Thyroid stimulating hormone. Table 2. Distribution of magnetic resonance imaging findings according to the type of hormonal deficiency in the studied cases. IGHD MPHD Hypoplastic pituitary gland 0 4 Absent stalk 0 4 Thin stalk 1 0 EPPBS (median eminence) 0 4 EPPBS (stalk) 1 0 Midline brain anomalies 0 1 IGHD: Isolated growth hormone deficiency; MPHD: Multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies; EPPBS: Ectopic posterior pituitary bright spot. Table 3. Features of the studied cases according to the magnetic resonance imaging findings. IGHD (n=1) MPHD (children) (n=3) MPHD (adult) (n=1) Adenohypophysis size Normal Small Small Visualization of a thin stalk Yes No No EPPBS (Median eminence) Normal Yes Yes EPPBS (stalk) Yes No No 79
80 Gürkan et al. Turk J Endocrinol Metab Importance of MRI in PSIS 2019;23:77-84 a b Figure 1: a) Coronal post-contrast T1 section, b) sagittal fat-suppressed T1 section. Hyperintensity of the neu- rohypophysis is observed in the vicinity of the ectopically located hypothalamus. Sella has not developed, the he- ight of the adenohypophysis has markedly decreased, and the pituitary stalk is not visible. Cerebellar tonsils are ectopic and the Arnold-Chiari type 1 malformation is observed (Case 1). a b Figure 2: a) Coronal post-contrast T1 section, b) Sagittal fat-suppressed T1 section. Pituitary stalk does not ap- pear in the coronal section. Neurohypophysis hyperintense signal is observed in the vicinity of the hypothalamus in sagittal section. The height of adenohypophysis is observed to be decreased in both sections (Case 2). a b Figure 3: a) Coronal post-contrast T1 section, b) Sagittal fat-suppressed T1 section. The pituitary gland is not vi- sible in coronal section. Neurohypophysis is ectopically located in the vicinity of the hypothalamus in the sagittal section (Case 3). a b Figure 4: a) Coronal post-contrast T1 section, b) Sagittal fat-suppressed T1 section. The neurohypophyseal hype- rintense signal is observed to be ectopic and located posterior to the pituitary stalk in the sagittal section. In addi- tion, the pituitary stalk is observed to be long and thin in the coronal section (Case 4). 80
Turk J Endocrinol Metab 2019;23:77-84 Gürkan et al. Importance of MRI in PSIS 81 a b Figure 5: a) Coronal post-contrast T1 section, b) sagittal fat-suppressed T1 section. The height of the adenohy- pophysis has decreased extremely and the neurohypophyseal hyperintensity signal can be observed in the ectopic location adjacent to the hypothalamus in sagittal section. Pituitary stalk is observed to have interrupted in coronal section (Case 5). was not observed only in Case 3 (Figure 3), esis. The third hypothesis, on which a con- and it was normal in size in Case 4 (Figure sensus has been most commonly reached, 4). Pituitary stalk was not observed in pa- is congenital hypoplasia or dysplasia be- tients with MPHD (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure cause of genetic or organogenesis defects of 3 and Figure 5). Long and thin pituitary stalk the pituitary gland and resulting pituitary in- was noted in the patient with IGHD (Figure sufficiency (2,15). 4). Moreover, in Case 1, cerebellar tonsils In the study by Bar et al. (16), severe hor- were ectopic and Arnold-Chiari type 1 mal- monal abnormalities and radiological findings formation was observed (Figure 1). were reported in the PSIS cases diagnosed during the neonatal period. In addition, they Discussion have reported MPHD at a rate of 100% and a The pituitary gland originates from different nonvisible anterior pituitary lobe at a rate of embryonic structures and comprises adeno- 33% in this group. In this study, MPHD was hypophysis and neurohypophysis (12). Fac- present in four of five childhood cases. PSIS is tors such as genetic defects, pituitary stalk associated with several midline malforma- injury, and perinatal trauma may lead to an tions such as septal agenesis, partial corpus incomplete downward migration of neurohy- callosum agenesis, aqueductal stenosis, optic pophysis which in turn results in infusion de- nerve hypoplasia, and the Arnold-Chiari type fects (13). Several hypotheses have been 1 malformation. The presence of extra-pitu- proposed to explain PSIS. The first hypoth- itary malformations is not associated with esis is exposure of the pituitary stalk to is- more severe hormonal and radiological char- chemia during breech (14). In this study, acteristics (16, 17). In this study, the patient four of five patients were born by breech. with Arnold-Chiari type 1 malformation was However, the lack of hypoxic damage to the consistent with the literature. organs and the structures having the same In a study on the relationship between pitu- vascular support, as well as the lack of itary gland visibility and pituitary hormone pathological evidence, weakens the first hy- deficiency, 74 patients with PSIS in whom the pothesis. Second, head trauma during most common presenting symptoms were breech delivery may cause mechanical rup- short stature and absence of pubertal devel- ture of the pituitary stalk and stretching of opment were evaluated and panhypopitu- the pituitary stalk, pituitary gland, and mo- itarism was reported to be considerably more bile brain structures. This hypothesis seems common in those with an invisible pituitary to be widely accepted because of the certain stalk (18). Accordingly, it has been suggested incidence of breech delivery in the published that invisible pituitary stalk on contrast-en- studies. Most of these study groups have no hanced pituitary MRI may be an indicator of genetic analysis. In addition, MPHD devel- clinical severity in PSIS (18-20). The absence ops in patients with breech presentation of the pituitary stalk in our case series was who were delivered via cesarean section the most crucial indicator for MPHD. This (15); this also weakens the second hypoth- finding was consistent with those reported in 81
82 Gürkan et al. Turk J Endocrinol Metab Importance of MRI in PSIS 2019;23:77-84 the previous studies. Maghnie et al. (21) and In a large series of PSIS, clinical and hor- Genovese et al. (22) emphasized the impor- monal features and neuroradiological ap- tance of contrast injection to obtain an opti- pearances, as well as PIT1, PROP1, HESX1, mal image of a thin pituitary stalk. They LHX3/LHX4, PROKR, TGIF, OTX2, and SOX3 observed that the pituitary stalk could be mutations, which were thought to affect overlooked with the use of unenhanced pitu- these characteristics, were investigated. itary MRI. In cases of isolated pituitary hor- LHX4 and HESX1 mutations were detected mone deficiency (IPHD), the visualization of in a group with familial or consanguineous the stalk in contrast-enhanced images is con- marriage. The possible genetic variants may sidered a sign of partial preservation of the occur during early embryogenesis and are hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal blood (23). demonstrated in Figure 6 (25, 26). In our IGHD case, the integrity of the pitu- In a study conducted to demonstrate an un- itary stalk was observed to be preserved. derlying genetic etiology in PSIS, GPR161 In addition to the clinical findings related to mutations were detected in the mutation the absence of the pituitary stalk, thinning analysis of two affected siblings and one un- of the pituitary stalk demonstrates disease affected sibling in a consanguineous family. progression from IPHD to MPHD and the an- HESX1, LHX4, OTX2, SOX3, and PROKR2 terior pituitary function is associated with mutations were detected in approximately the changes in the size of the anterior pitu- 5% of patients with PSIS (27). The multi- itary gland. These may allow early detection genic pattern was found in PSIS using of hormone deficiency, particularly during whole-exome sequencing technique (28). puberty (17, 24). In this study, PSIS diag- According to our opinion, PSIS has multi- nosis was established in adulthood in Case genic etiology. The evidence is needed to 5, and all these radiological findings were show the functional significance of the genes demonstrated in this case. mentioned in the published studies. Figure 6: A guide for planning genetic screening for hypopituitary patients based on clinical findings (26). 82
Turk J Endocrinol Metab 2019;23:77-84 Gürkan et al. Importance of MRI in PSIS 83 Study limitation the Article: Eren Gürkan, Yonca Anık; Criti- One of the main limitations of this study is cal Review: Eren Gürkan, Yonca Anık; Ref- the lack of genetic evaluation. Another limi- erences and Fundings: Eren Gürkan, Özlem tation is the small sample size. However, our Zeynep Akyay, Berrin Çetinarslan; Materials: rare group of patients with PSIS is interest- Eren Gürkan. ing as they have different findings. References Conclusion 1. Tauber M, Chevrel J, Diene G, Moulin P, Jouret B, PSIS is rare but a crucial syndrome because Oliver I, Pienkowski C, Sevely A. Long-term evolu- of its clinical outcomes. MRI findings will tion of endocrine disorders and effect of GH therapy in 35 patients with pituitary stalk interruption continue to assist in the diagnosis and fol- syndrome. Horm Res. 2005;64:266-273. [Crossref] low-up of patients with PSIS until the func- [PubMed] tional significance of the genes that have 2. Maghnie M, Larizza D, Triulzi F, Sampoalo P, Scotti been detected is understood. Therefore, pi- G, Severi F. Hypopituitarism and stalk agenesis: a tuitary insufficiency should be considered congenital syndrome worsened by breech delivery? Horm Res. 1991;35:104-108. [Crossref] [PubMed] when evaluating patients with PSIS. When 3. Melo ME, Marui S, Carvalho LR, Arnhold IJ, Leite CC, the MRI findings are consistent with PSIS, Mendonça BB, Knoepfelmacher M. Hormonal, pitui- the presence of pituitary stalk and change in tary magnetic resonance, LHX4 and HESX1 evalua- the size of the anterior pituitary gland are tion in patients with hypopituitarism and ectopic posterior pituitary lobe. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). accepted, as crucial imaging findings reflect 2007;66:95-102. [Crossref] [PubMed] [PMC] the pituitary gland function. Evaluating the 4. Simon D, Hadjiathanasiou C, Garel C, Czernichow P, size of the pituitary gland may provide early Léger J. Phenotypic variability in children with detection of anterior pituitary hormone defi- growth hormone deficiency associated with poste- ciency in adult patients with PSIS. rior pituitary ectopia. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2006;64:416-422. [Crossref] [PubMed] Source of Finance 5. Fujisawa I, Kikuchi K, Nishimura K, Togashi K, Itoh K, Noma S, Minami S, Sagoh T, Hiraoka T, Momoi T. During this study, no financial or spiritual Transection of pituitary stalk: development of an ec- support was received neither from any phar- topic posterior lobe assessed with MR imaging. Ra- maceutical company that has a direct con- diology. 1987;166:487-489. [Crossref] [PubMed] 6. Kelly WM, Kucharczyk W, Kucharczyk J, Kjos B, Peck nection with the research subject, nor from WW, Norman D, Newton TH. Posterior pituitary ec- a company that provides or produces med- topia: an MR feature of pituitary dwarfism. AJNR Am ical instruments and materials which may J Neuroradiol. 1988;9:453-460. negatively affect the evaluation process of 7. Kikuchi K, Fujisawa I, Momoi T, Yamanaka C, Kaji this study. M, Nakano Y, Konishi J, Mikawa H, Sudo M. Hypot- halamic pituitary function in growth hormone defi- Conflicts of interest cient patients with pituitary stalk transection. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1988;67:817-823. [Crossref] The authors declare no conflicts of interest [PubMed] with respect to the research, authorship, 8. Simmons GE, Suchnicki JE, Rak, Damiano TR. MR and/or publication of this article. imaging of the pituitary stalk: size, shape, and en- hancement pattern. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1992;159:375-377. [Crossref] [PubMed] Authorship Contributions 9. Shalet SM, Toogood A, Rahim A, Brennan BM. Idea/Concept: Eren Gürkan, Yonca Anık; The diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency in Design: Eren Gürkan, Özlem Zeynep Akyay, children and adults. Endocr Rev. 1998;19:203-223. [Crossref] [PubMed] Berrin Çetinarslan, Mine Filiz Çizmecioğlu; 10. Molitch ME, Clemmons DR, Malozowski S, Merriam Control/Supervision: Eren Gürkan, Yonca GR, Vance ML. Evaluation and treatment of adult Anık, Mine Filiz Çizmecioğlu; Data Collection growth hormone deficiency: Endocrine Society Cli- and/or Processing: Eren Gürkan, Özlem nical Practice Guidelines. J Clin Endocrinology Zeynep Akyay, Yonca Anık, Berrin Çeti- Metab. 2011;96:1587-1609. [Crossref] [PubMed] narslan, Mine Filiz Çizmecioğlu; Analysis 11. Yousem DM, Grossman RI. Neuroradiology (3rd ed). Philadelphia: Mosby; 2010:279-321. and/or Interpretation: Eren Gürkan, Yonca 12. Patkar D, Patankar T, Krishnan A, Prasad S, Shah J, Anık, Filiz Çizmecioğlu; Literature Review: Limdi J. MR imaging in children with ectopic pitui- Eren Gürkan, Mine Filiz Çizmecioğlu, Özlem tary gland and anterior hypopituitarism. J Postgrad Zeynep Akyay, Berrin Çetinarslan; Writing Med. 1999;45:81-83. 83
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