Orientation Workshop Wilf Campus - Information Technology Services - Yeshiva University

Page created by Cody Ramsey
Orientation Workshop Wilf Campus - Information Technology Services - Yeshiva University
Information Technology Services

                                        Orientation Workshop
                                                  Wilf Campus

                                               Fall 2021 & Spring 2022
                                  ITS                                    1
Orientation Workshop Wilf Campus - Information Technology Services - Yeshiva University
   Information Security
   How to Find Your Default Credentials
   YUAD Account
   Luminus Portal / MYYU
   YU Wireless Computers & Mobile Devices
   Google Apps & Gmail Account
   Microsoft Office 365
   YU Instructure Canvas
   Zoom for Students
   ITS Office Hours & Phone Number
   Summary of Services

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Orientation Workshop Wilf Campus - Information Technology Services - Yeshiva University
Information Security

 Never share your passwords with anyone
 Keep your personal computer’s and smartphone’s operating system and
  software apps updated
 Inquiries for Yeshiva University’s Information Security handbook
    Email infosec@yu.edu
    Visit http://www.yu.edu/itsportal
     and click on “YOUR accountability and Information Security”

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Orientation Workshop Wilf Campus - Information Technology Services - Yeshiva University
How To Find Your Default Credentials

 Visit:     yu.edu/findid
 Click:     “Find your YUAD, Account Name, and Email Address”
 Submit:    Last name & Banner ID or Last name & SSN
 Results:   YUAD ID, Default Password [for first time users], Email Account, and

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Orientation Workshop Wilf Campus - Information Technology Services - Yeshiva University
How To Find Your Default Credentials

 Default password is used for first time users
 Default Password is the first letter of your last name (lowercase), followed by the
  last four digits of your Social Security Number
 Example of default password: b9876
 International Students
 Default Password is the first letter of your last name (lowercase), followed by the
  last four digits of your Banner ID

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Orientation Workshop Wilf Campus - Information Technology Services - Yeshiva University
YUAD Account Provides Access To:

 All Labs and Library PCs
 Printing
 YU Wireless (WiFi)
 YU Instructure Canvas

                YUAD stands for Yeshiva University Active Directory

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Orientation Workshop Wilf Campus - Information Technology Services - Yeshiva University

 Go to https://insidetrack.yu.edu/
 Select “Faculty, Students and Staff”
 User ID is your YUAD username and your password is the same as your YUAD

“Student” tab includes                                                      “Financial Aid” tab includes

   Student Accounts (statements, payments, etc)                               Financial aid status and holds
   Student Records (account holds, grades, unofficial transcripts)            Award package and history
   Registration Status (including schedule and add/drop classes)              General financial aid information
   Final grades and Transcript

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Luminus Portal

           USERNAME: is      PASSWORD:
             your active       Default
           directory name     password

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 Includes: Apps, Drive, Gmail, Calendar, Contacts
 Password: Received at your personal email address
    Note: Google Account and YUAD password change independently.
     If you change one, the other WILL NOT CHANGE.

 Username: YUADusername@mail.yu.edu
 Use: Administration, faculty, and MYYU use Gmail address to send
  announcements, updates, and course information
  (Canvas updates and messages are also sent to Gmail address)

 Configure email app on your phone
                                                   ITS               10
Microsoft Office 365

 Go to Office.com, Click the “Sign in” button
 Sign in using your YU Email address as a username (including @mail.yu.edu) and
  your YUAD password
 Click on the "Install Office Apps" button to download Office365 apps – good for
  up to five devices [desktops, laptops, smartphones]
 Log into Office Mobile Apps and sync across everything
 Live edits with others, great for projects and peer review

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Microsoft Office 365

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YU Instructure Canvas
All classes are taught through Canvas. Canvas is where you will upload
assignments, see announcements, and access Zoom sessions.                              Visit:

                                        MUST include “ YUAD\” in the username format
                                                                                       Credentials: Use your YUAD
                                                                                       username in the following
                                                                                       format “YUAD\username”
                                                                                       and then type your password

                                                                                       Help: “Help” tab on the left
                                                                                       when you login

                                                                                       Support: (866) 570-3034 or
                                                                                       email info@canvaslms.com

                                                                                       Note: DO NOT TYPE IN YOUR
                                                                                       YU EMAIL AS USERNAME
                                                         ITS                                                          13
Canvas Includes:

• Course Syllabus
• Course Announcements and Grades
• Course Materials and Assignments
• Access to contact professor and other students

                                       ITS         14
Canvas Webpage

                             Assignments or
Courses,                     Important Dates
Notifications, and
posted by professors
                             View Posted Grades

Messaging Inbox
 Student-to-Student
 Student-to-Teacher

                       ITS                     15

 All YU live sessions are taught within Zoom

 Please sign up for a free Zoom ”basic” license at Zoom.us. Use your YU email address and any
  password you choose. Basic licenses only allow 40 minutes to host a meeting, but unlimited

 Faculty will post the link to Zoom classes within Canvas, the LMS, on the Zoom tab.

                                                      ITS                                        16
Wilf Computer Lab Locations and Hours
                                    Number of
   Building         Rooms                             Printers          Hours

                     1103         18 Windows PCs      1 B&W          Mon – Thurs:
                                                                    9 AM – 8:00 PM
  Belfer Hall        1105         20 Windows PCs      1 B&W             Friday:
                                                                    9 AM – 2:30 PM
                                                                    9 AM – 5:00 PM
  Gottesman                                                          Click here for
                 Entire Library   60+ Win, 5 Mac   2 B&W, 1 Color    Library Hours
 Morgenstern    Basement Lounge   7 Windows PCs       1 B&W            24 Hours

    Muss             262              1 PRS           1 B&W

    Rubin            207              1 PRS           1 B&W

                                        ITS                                           17
Computer Labs

• YU username & YU password
• Save files on OneDrive, Google Drive or Flash Drive
• Log out from Lab computers then leave the room
• Unsaved work will be lost

                                        ITS             18
Printing JobCost
Add documents    Uploaded                                       The
from Personal   Documents                                       print.yu.edu

                        Add Printing Funds
ITS Office Hours & Phone Number

Office:         Belfer Hall 1315
                2495 Amsterdam Ave
Email:          helpdesk@yu.edu
Phone:          1. 646-592-4357 Teams 4357
FAQs and Web:   yu.edu/itsportal
HelpDesk        Contact YU Helpdesk for assistance 24/7

                                    ITS                   20
Summary of Services
What          Site                 Username                Password       Service
                                                                          YUAD username, Banner ID,
Find ID       yu.edu/findID        Last name & SS#
                                                                          Email Address
                                   Banner ID - 800
MYYU          yu.edu/MYYU                                  PIN            Register/Schedule/Transcripts
Email         gmail.com            Gmail address           Gmail password Gmail
Canvas        yu.instructure.com   YUAD\username           YU password    Course management
Office 365    office.com           Gmail address           YU password    Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams
Printing      print.yu.edu         YU username             YU password    Printing
Computers                          YU username             YU password    Internet
                                   YU username             YU password    Wireless Internet
IT Portal     yu.edu/itsportal     Gmail address           YU password    FAQs, IT Work Study, etc.
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