Operational Aftershock Forecasting for 2017-2018 Seismic Sequence in Western Iran

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Operational Aftershock Forecasting for 2017-2018 Seismic Sequence in Western Iran
vEGU21: Gather Online | 19 – 30 April 2021
                                                 EGU21-15824, Session SM7.1

Operational Aftershock Forecasting for 2017-2018 Seismic
                Sequence in Western Iran
  Hossein Ebrahimian & Fatemeh Jalayer
  Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture,
  University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Italy
Operational Aftershock Forecasting for 2017-2018 Seismic Sequence in Western Iran
Starting Point                  Methodology             Application              Conclusion

Conceptual framework for quasi real-time hazard and impact forecasting within an ongoing seismic sequence in terms
 of occurrence, ground-shaking, damage, and losses in a prescribed forecasting interval (in the order of hours to days)

              Regional data, building inventory, population
             density, seismic micro-zonation, other required                    Quasi real-time earthquake catalog
              thematic maps related to the monitored area

             ETAS: Epidemic Type Aftershock                  Aftershock               Sequence-tuned updating of model
             Sequence model; spatio-temporal             occurrence model(s)                    parameters
          occurrence; every earthquake within the
         sequence is a potential triggering event for
         subsequent earthquakes by generating its                                          Operational forecasting of
           own Modified Omori aftershock decay.                                             aftershock occurrence

                                                           Ground motion               Forecasting of aftershock ground-
                                                         prediction model(s)                       shaking

                  This study                             Empirical/Analytical
                                                                                       Forecasting of aftershock damage
                                                          Fragility model(s)

                Retrospective early                        Loss model(s)                      Impact Forecasting
             forecasting of seismicity
            associated with the 2017-
             2018 seismic sequence                                                        Expected            Expected
             activities in western Iran                                                Financial Losses       Fatalities

Operational Aftershock Forecasting for 2017-2018 Seismic Sequence in Western Iran
Starting Point         Methodology             Application            Conclusion

Fully simulation‐based framework for robust estimation of seismicity distribution
       in a prescribed forecasting time within an ongoing seismic sequence

 A Bayesian updating approach           A stochastic procedure is used in       The procedure leads to the
 based on an adaptive MCMC              order to generate plausible             stochastic spatial distribution of
 simulation technique is used to        sequences of events that are            the forecasted events and
 learn the ETAS model parameters        going to occur during the               consequently to the uncertainty
 conditioned on the events that         forecasting interval (the real          in the estimated number of
 have already taken place in the        sequence is unknown at the time         events, corresponding to a
 ongoing seismic sequence before        of forecasting).                        given    forecasting      interval
 the forecasting interval.                                                      (Robust seismicity forecasting)

           STAGE 01                                 STAGE 02                                STAGE 03
    Learning ETAS model parameters           Generating plausible sequences     Estimating spatial distribution of events

Ebrahimian H, Jalayer F (2017) Robust seismicity forecasting based on Bayesian parameter estimation for epidemiological
spatio-temporal aftershock clustering models. Sci Rep 7, 9803. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-09962-z.
Ebrahimian H, Jalayer F, Maleki Asayesh B, Zafarani H (2021) Operational aftershock forecasting for 2017-2018
Kermanshah seismic sequence in Western Iran. Bull. Seismol Soc Am (in Preparation).

Operational Aftershock Forecasting for 2017-2018 Seismic Sequence in Western Iran
Starting Point              Methodology                    Application                Conclusion

     The conditional rate of occurrence of events (the seismicity rate)
                           based on ETAS model
                                                                                                            Kt                     Kr
         ETAS  t , x, y, m θ, seqt , Ml   e   mM    K e 
                                                                   m M 
                                                                                     j      l
                                                                                      t  t  c  r  d 
                                                                                                                         p                  q
                                                                                                                               2        2
                                                                        t j t
                                                                                                              j                j
                                                                                              ETAS  t , x , y θ,seqt ,Ml 

The rate ETAS is at time t (with respect to a reference time), in the cell unit centered at the
Cartesian coordinate (x, y)A (where A is the aftershock zone), with the magnitude M≥m,
conditioned on:
 the vector of ETAS model parameters   [, K, , c, p, d, q].
 the observation history up to the time t denoted as seqt={(tj, xj , yj, mj), tj
Operational Aftershock Forecasting for 2017-2018 Seismic Sequence in Western Iran
Starting Point              Methodology                    Application            Conclusion

                                     Robust seismicity forecasting

      E  N  x , y , m seq , M l    N b  x , y , m M l  
                                                   Tend                                            
                                                T  ETAS  t , x, y , m θ, seq, M l  dt         p  θ | seq , M l  dθ
                                                θ  start                                           

 A robust estimate of the average number of events (E[·])
 in the spatial cell unit centered at (x, y) with M≥m in the                             The conditional probability
 forecasting interval [Tstart, Tend], which is calculated over                           density function (PDF) for 
 the domain of the model parameters  .                                                 given the seq and Ml.

 Nb(x, y, m|Ml): average number of events occurred due to the background seismicity with
 magnitude M ≥m in the forecasting interval [Tstart, Tend].

      IAT1             IAT2          IAT3            IATi                                Forecasting interval

To               t1             t2       t3                 ti                 Tstart                           Tend      Time (t)

             Sequence of events (seq) To ≤ ti
Operational Aftershock Forecasting for 2017-2018 Seismic Sequence in Western Iran
Starting Point          Methodology               Application             Conclusion

                                Robust seismicity forecasting
      E  N  x, y, m seq, Ml    Nb  x, y, m Ml  
            Tend                                                                           
         T ETAS  t, x, y, m seqg, θ, seq, Ml  dt  p  seqg | θ,seq, Ml  dseqg   p  θ | seq, Ml  dθ
        θ  seqg  start                                                                     

 The robust estimate for the average number of aftershock events should also consider all
  the plausible sequences of events seqg (i.e., the domain seqg) that can happen during
  the forecasting time interval.

 A plausible seqg is defined as the events within the forecasting interval defined as
  seqg={(IATi =ti-ti-1, xi, yi, mi), Tstart≤ ti ≤Tend, mi ≥Ml}.

 The use of the term “robust” here implies that a set of possible model parameters is used
  to estimate the conditional number of events N(x, y, m|seq, Ml) rather than a single
  nominal model parameter.

Starting Point         Methodology               Application             Conclusion

                               Robust seismicity forecasting
     E  N  x, y, m seq, Ml    Nb  x, y, m Ml  
           Tend                                                                           
        T ETAS  t, x, y, m seqg, θ, seq, Ml  dt  p  seqg | θ,seq, Ml  dseqg   p  θ | seq, Ml  dθ
       θ  seqg  start                                                                     

This Equation can be solved via a fully simulation‐based framework:
• Vector of model parameters  are sampled from p(|seq, Ml) using an adaptive Markov
    Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation technique.
(1) The samples  are used to generate plausible sequences seqg taking place within the
    forecasting interval [Tstart, Tend] according to p(seqg| seq, Ml).

Note: The sequence of events that precede Tend is {seq, seqg}, where seq remains unchanged
(observed data) among plausible samples; Thus, a robust estimate for the average number of
events can be obtained based on the plausible model parameters.

Starting Point                     Methodology                      Application                                       Conclusion

                                                  About the model parameter K

                                                                                                                   m j Ml                  Kt                                    Kr
                ETAS  t, x, y, m θ, seqt , Ml   e                     m M l 
                                                                                            K e                                                                    
                                                                                                            t  t  c  r  d 
                                                                                                                                                                  p                              q
                                                                                                                                                                              2              2
                                                                                              t j t
                                                                                                                                                 j                            j
                              [, K, , c, p, d, q]                                                                            ETAS  t , x , y θ,seqt ,Ml 

Method (a) Calculate K: Considering that K is directly affected by No (i.e., the number of events
taken place before the forecasting interval [Tstart, Tend]), it has an analytical closed‐form
expression, and its distribution can be derived based on other ETAS parameters. Thus, the vector
of model parameters  has six parameters  = [, , c, p, d, q].
  Tstart                                                                 IAT1             IAT2                          IATi                                  Forecasting interval

        t, x, y θ, seq, M  dx dy dt  N
                                             l                o
   To       x, y A Total conditional intensity including       To                t1             t2       t3                                       Tstart                           Tend       Time (t)

                    also background seismicity rate                             Sequence of events (seq) To ≤ ti
Starting Point           Methodology                   Application                Conclusion

                      Kermanshah 2017‐2018 Seismic Sequence
                                                                    Seismic Sequence from 11/01/2017 up to 01/12/2019


                                                                          M7.3                                 Sanandaj
                                                            35            12/11/2017        Ezgele       M5.9
                                                           34.5                                               Kermanshah
                                                                                           Sarpol-e Zahab


                                                           33.5                                        Ilam
Map of active faults of Iran (prepared by: B.
       Maleki Asayesh, IIEES, Iran)                                      2.5  M < 3                             Ilam
                                                            33           3M
Starting Point        Methodology      Application       Conclusion

                     Kermanshah 2017‐2018 Seismic Sequence

                       Ezgeleh MS                  Tazehabad event
                         Mw7.3                          Mw5.9
                       12/11/2017                    25/08/2018
       06:00 UTC

                                                                Sarpol‐e Zahab event
            630 casualties, immense
            buildings’ damages and                                  25/11/2018
            economic losses

From 12/11/2017 up to 18/04/2020 (i.e., in the time interval of around 2.5 years after the
Ezgeleh MS), about 9000 seismic events were recorded by Iranian Seismological Center, IRSC,
in the area shown in Figure. From this pool of seismicity, 2318 events have Mw≥2.5. In addition
to the Ezgeleh MS, 19 events with Mw≥5.0, and more than 125 events with magnitude larger
than 4 and less than 5 (4≤Mw
Starting Point             Methodology            Application            Conclusion

                                     Kermanshah 2017‐2018 Seismic Sequence

                                     Ezgeleh MS                              Tazehabad event Sarpol‐e Zahab event
                                       Mw7.3                                      Mw5.9             Mw6.3
                                     12/11/2017                                25/08/2018        25/11/2018
                     06:00 UTC

                                         Daily observed number of events (starting from 6:00 UTC each day)
                                                                         M7.3 at 12/11/2017 - 18:18:16UTC
                                                                         M5.0 at 20/11/2017 - 15:23:39UTC
Number of events

                                                                         M5.5 at 11/12/2017 - 14:09:57UTC
                    60                                                                                                 M  2.5
                    40                                                                                                 M  3.0


                     0                                                         7























































Starting Point                     Methodology                       Application                 Conclusion

Distribution of the ETAS model parameters (marginal PDF’s of posterior and prior)
       with their statistics (mean and COV) after Mw 7.3 at 12‐November 2017
  [Tstart, Tend]
                                                                  c [day]               p                d [km]                    q                     K

                                sample             mean=0.39            mean=0.04         mean=1.12            mean=1.36             mean=1.04        mean=208.40
  [12/11‐21:00,                 prior              COV=0.43             COV=0.29          COV=0.09             COV=0.19              COV=0.03          COV=0.34

  13/11‐06:00];          ML=1.12
  Ml =2.5                 COV=0.16
                     1     2   3      4        1    2   3      4    0.05 0.1 0.15     1       2       3    1    2   3      4     1       2       3   500 1000 1500

                                   sample          mean=0.64            mean=0.04         mean=1.11            mean=1.40             mean=1.05            mean=73.31
  [13/11‐00:00,                    prior           COV=0.24             COV=0.27          COV=0.08             COV=0.17              COV=0.03              COV=0.41

  13/11‐06:00];          ML=1.21
  Ml =2.5
                    1      2   3      4        1    2   3      4   0.05 0.1 0.15      1       2       3    1    2   3      4     1       2       3   200 400 600

                                    sample         mean=0.72            mean=0.04         mean=1.20            mean=1.46             mean=1.05            mean=31.41
  [13/11‐06:00,                     prior          COV=0.20             COV=0.30          COV=0.12             COV=0.18              COV=0.03              COV=0.33
  Ml =3.0                 COV=0.12

                    1      2   3      4        1    2   3      4   0.05 0.1 0.15      1       2       3    1    2   3      4     1       2       3   50    100 150

                   mean=MLE                  mean=2.00            mean=0.03        mean=1.10             mean=1.00            mean=1.50
  Prior                                                                                                                                                    –
                   COV=0.30                   COV=0.30             COV=0.50         COV=0.30              COV=0.30             COV=0.30

Note: To provide the forecast for each time window, the observation history, seq, comprises all the
events form To up to Tstart with M≥Ml. For the first forecasting interval (Tstart=12/11/2017‐21:00, i.e., 2
hours and 42 minutes after the main event) , the seq includes exactly 28 events with M≥2.5.

Starting Point   Methodology   Application           Conclusion

                        Seismicity forecasting

                                        The forecasted seismicity maps (98%
                                        confidence interval) for the number of events
                                        with M≥Ml; the earthquakes within the
                                        corresponding      forecasting  interval   are
                                        illustrated as coloured dots (distinguished by
                                        their magnitudes) + main event of Mw7.3.
   103                                  The observed (green star) vs. forecasted
   92                                   number of events (error‐bar format) with
71 64                                   M≥Ml: the median value (the 50th percentile)
   50                                   marked with a gray‐filled square; the 16th and
                                        84th percentiles (marked with blue numbers);
                                        the 2nd and 98th percentiles (marked with red

                                                                                                      
                                       P  M  m   1  exp   E  N  x, y, m seq, M l   dx dy 
                                                              x , yA                                 
                                                                                                      

                                       The first seismicity forecasting map shows 9 hours
                                       forecasting starting 2 hours and 42 minutes after
                                       the main event.
Starting Point      Methodology          Application        Conclusion

                                Seismicity forecasting

      61                                                73
      55                                                61
      49                                             53 50
   43 41
      34                                                39

The second seismicity forecasting map shows 6       The third seismicity forecasting map shows 24
hours forecasting starting 5 hours and 42 minutes   hours forecasting starting around 12 hours after
after the main event.                               the main event.
Starting Point        Methodology                 Application          Conclusion

Simplifications within the robust seismicity forecasting framework
ETAS model parameter K is estimated by a closed‐form expression in
method a, where the restricted condition that No events took place in
the aftershock zone at the time of starting the forecast is satisfied for
individual generated samples 

                                   Ir is solved                                                   Proposed
                                                                 Calculate K (method a)
                                   numerically                                                     Method

 Integral over the whole
    aftershock zone A:                                                   Calculate K (method a)
                 dx dy                                                                                    Method
    r                        Approximated with I that
                   
        x , yA r  d
                 2    2 q
                                 is over infinite space; thus,
                                              I    1
                                                                          Learn K through the             Fast
                                                                          Bayesian Updating              Method
                                                                              (method b)

Relaxing the calculation of the spatial contribution of ETAS model
over the whole aftershock zone I (i.e., assuming           I   1),
which manifests itself both in the likelihood estimation for
drawing the samples  as well as generating the sequence seqg.

Starting Point   Methodology   Application   Conclusion

Simplifications within the robust seismicity forecasting framework

Starting Point     Methodology         Application       Conclusion

  Discussion on the effect of considering the integration over the
                      whole aftershock zone
(1) The first forecast, which might be the most important one (while less observed data is
    available at the time of forecasting), has higher dispersion and lower median by relaxing
    the estimation of I . This increase can mainly be attributed to the increase to some extent
    in the rate of rejection of samples through MCMC procedure. This is a key issue as there
    might be particular cases (not observed here in this case study), where this approximation
    results in biased estimates.

(2) As the sequence evolves, the difference between to two methods becomes negligible. This
    observation has been also made in Schoenberg (2013), where the assumption of an
    infinite spatial domain was shown to have negligible effect on likelihood.

(3) As a general observation within the five forecasting intervals in Table 3, the time of
    conducting the Semi‐Fast method is around 75% of the required time for performing
    Proposed method. Thus, Semi‐Fast method can be used to reduce the computational cost
    of calculating I , knowing that it may not be reliable for early forecasts after the
    occurrence of a main event.

Starting Point     Methodology         Application        Conclusion

                   Discussion on the effect of calculating K
(1) For the first and foremost forecasting interval, Fast method did not properly manage to
    capture the number of events. This is mainly due to the lack of observed data used for
    learning parameter K through MCMC procedure within the Fast method (note that ETAS
    model parameters  has 7 variables in this method). Thus, K becomes quite sensitive to the
    choice of the prior (i.e., non‐informative prior does not work properly and the informative
    prior forces the posterior distribution of K to follow similar trend to prior). This is by no
    means a trivial problem and may cause significant underestimation in the early forecasts (as
    can be seen in the first column of Fast method in Table 3).
(2) As the sequence evolves, the forecasts issued by the Fast method become more similar to
    those obtained by Semi‐Fast method (and consequently the Proposed method). This is an
    interesting observation showing that Fast method is reliable as the sequence evolves.
(3) Similar to Semi‐Fast method, this method is also exposed to high rate of sample rejections
    through MCMC procedure which may lead to biased estimates.
(4) The time of conducting the Fast method is less than 50% of the required time for
    performing Semi‐Fast method, making the procedure appealing (not reliable for early
    forecasts after the occurrence of a main event).
Starting Point     Methodology         Application       Conclusion

                                      Final Remarks
 It is recommended to do the Proposed method at least for early forecasts. As the sequence
  evolves, it is possible to do the Fast (or even the Semi‐Fast) methods. We observe that after
  an initial transition time (in the order of few hours to accumulate enough events for updating
  the model parameters), the model quickly and automatically tunes into the sequence and
  provides forecasts that are reliable in most cases (the observed number of events are within
  plus/minus one standard deviation of the distribution provided by the robust framework).

 The Proposed method is quite efficient, and the most challenging first forecast (2 hours and
  42 minutes after the main event) is performed around 40 minutes on a normal PC. Moreover,
  the model updating and forecasting procedure is carried on without human interference and
  use of expert judgement.

 We have proposed a fully simulation‐based procedure for both Bayesian updating of ETAS
  model parameters and robust operational forecasting of the number of events of interest
  expected to happen in each forecasting time frame.
 The robust seismicity forecasting framework herein is conditioned on the available catalogue
  of events and the epidemiological model adopted for capturing the spatio‐temporal
  aftershock clustering.
Thank you for your attention!

vEGU21: Gather Online | 19 – 30 April 2021
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