OOur Lady of Peace Parish - St. Patrick

Page created by Danielle Lee
OOur Lady of Peace Parish - St. Patrick
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Fill us with the ZEAL of Saint Patrick,
     that we may boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus;

Enliven us with the GENEROSITY of Saint Louis,
    that we may joyfully serve in Christ’s name;

Inspire us with the COURAGE of Saint Thomas More,
    that we may faithfully build your Kingdom

           Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
OOur Lady of Peace Parish - St. Patrick
Our Lady of Peace Parish

                            Rev. Timothy P. Reis, Pastor
                        Rev. Michael Ciryak, Parochial Vicar
                      Rev. Deacon Robert Craig, Parish Deacon
                      Rev. James Butler, Daily Mass Assistant

             Parish Office                                Mass Schedule

        386 Luther Avenue                               St. Patrick Church
   Somerset, Massachusetts 02726
      Phone: (508) 673-7831                Saturday Vigil Mass       4:00 p.m.
       Fax: (508) 567– 5177                Sunday Morning Mass       8:00 a.m.

    Office email:sldfo@comcast.net                      St. Louis de France
 Fr. Reis email : frtreis@diocese-fr.org
      Website: olopsomerset.org            Sunday Morning Masses     7:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m
       Our Lady of Peace Parish                          St. Thomas More

             Office Hours                  Saturday Vigil Mass       4:00 p.m.
           Monday-Friday                   Sunday Morning Mass       9:00 a.m.
        8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
                                             Daily Mass at St. Louis de France Church
           Faith Formation                          Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.
         Phone: (508) 679-1236
                                                   Sacrament of Reconciliation

                                               Is available at St. Thomas More Church
             Parish Staff
                                                        And St. Patrick Church
Mrs. Wendy Thibault, Admin. Assistant
                                                          Saturday afternoon
 Ms. Virginia Wade, Office Assistant
                                                            3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
           Faith Formation
           Mrs. Anne Cabral

           Music Directors
              Heidi Dion
            Adam Turcotte
            Frank Wilhelm

            Parish Facilities
       Bill Mathieu, Tony Silvia,
             Eduardo Vieira
OOur Lady of Peace Parish - St. Patrick
                                                                                    5/6 August

                                                                   Budget                            $8,931.70
     Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                            Peter’s Pence                     $2,090.00
                August 12/13
             St. Louis de France Church                                      2nd Collection 19/20 August
7:30 AM John M. Costa                                  By Family
10:30 AM Josefa da Cunha                                                           PARISH ASSESSMENT
              St. Thomas More Church
4:00 PM    Pauline Tremblay                            By Family
           Bernard F. Winn Birthday Remembrance        By Family            A STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION
9:00 AM    Martha M. McVey Anniversary                 By Family
           Luis & Ted Ramos Anniversary                By Family   “ He said, ‘Come.’ Peter got out of the boat and began
                                                                   to walk on the water toward Jesus”
                   St. Patrick Church
4:00 PM    George Desrosiers 1st Anniversary    By Family
           Edward Lewandowski                   By Family          When we hear Jesus calling, do we respond as Stew-
           Lawrence Porter Birthday Remembrance By Family          ards and tr ust that He knows what He’s doing? If
8:00 AM    Pasquale (Pat) Accardo Birthday Remembrance             so, we are walking on water! When we say “yes” to
                                                       By Family   Jesus, we feel the power of his presence in our lives.
           Grace Lotrionte Birthday Remembrance By Family          We can feel the freedom it gives us! Listen how Jesus
                                                                   is calling you to live the extraordinary life He has in-
Monday,    August 14, 2023                                         tended for you.
           St. Maximilian Kolbe
8:00 AM    James & Gertrude Butler
7:00 PM    Mary Lou Vaughan        Birthday Remembrance
           Emelia Antunes          Anniversary
Tuesday,   August 15, 2023
           The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 AM The People of the Parish
12:05 PM Charles & Olive Mendes                                    Kindly take a moment to pray for the inten-
Wednesday, August 16, 2023                                         tions, the welfare, the healing and salvation of…
           St. Stephen
8:00 AM Michael Saulino                                By Family   Tina Ramos, Lisa Gibeault, Benjamin, Weiland
Thursday, August 17, 2023                                          Medley, Bruce Beaulieu, Beth Fournier, Fran
8:00 AM Rita Brezina                                               O'Shaughnessy, Rick Machado, Pamela Garcia, Fr.
      Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time                            Jim Butler, Jeannette Kenyon, Elizabeth Raymond,
                                                                   Frank Benevides, Pauline Kelly, Kathleen Sullivan,
                 August 19/20                                      Msgr. Edmund Fitzgerald, Doris Massa, Kathy
                                                                   Medeiros, Gina Di Pietro, Carmen Pinette, Carole
             St. Louis de France Church                            Bernardo, Eleanor Buckley, Roland & Eileen Thi-
7:30 AM Intention Available
                                                                   bault, Edward Thibault, Beth Miranda, Nancy No-
10:30 AM Kathryn Jones                             By Family
         Yvonne Ouellette 9th Anniversary         By Daughter
                                                                   vacek, Sr. Agnes Bonneville, Janina Asselin, Bill
                                                                   Conforti, Ray Karnasiewicz, Carole Chagnon, Carol
                                                                   Ducharme, Stephen Ledo, Elizabeth Faria, Kim C,
              St. Thomas More Church
4:00 PM    Sharon May Durant                           By Family   Genevieve Plant, Dorothy Shea, Dorothy Judge, Mi-
           Cheryl Bendickson                           By Family   cah Smith, Mary McNulty, Carolyn, Eleanor Gag-
           Patricia Vieira                             By Family   non, Donald Provencal, Patricia Kolakowski, Jo-
           Mary D. O’Brien                             By Family   anne Hartman, Kenneth Hall, Paul & Joyce Cartier,
9:00 AM    Intention Available                                     Robert C. Evans, Jr., Victoria Evans, Barbara
                                                                   Pineault, Cheryl R., Jean Terra, John Lotrionte,
                   St. Patrick Church                              Joan Souza, Debbie Mello, Diana Targee, David
4:00 PM    Intention Available                                     Menard
8:00 AM    Olivia Angelini 2nd Anniversary             By Friend
OOur Lady of Peace Parish - St. Patrick
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
                                          Holy Day of Obligation

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation, will be celebrated on Tuesday, August 15.
There will be three Masses celebrated for the holy day. The schedule is as follows:

              Monday, August 14             Vigil Mass at 7:00 p.m. - at St. Patrick Church
              Tuesday, August 15            Mass at 8:00 a.m. - at St. Louis de France Church
                                            Mass at 12:05 p.m. - at St. Thomas More Church

The collection taken on the holyday is for the good works of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Many thanks for
your generosity!

      AUGUST 2023


             August 1 — Judith Dionne
             August 2—Pamela Cordeiro
             August 3— Robert Gauthier
              August 4— Kali Carvalho
               August 5—Raye Harris
              August 6—Denise Smith


     The Raffle is being run in conjunction with
      Catholic Financial Life Chapter # N442

                                                               UPCOMING EVENTS AT
         BAZAAR & CRAFT MEETING                                 OUR LADY OF PEACE

The countdown is on to the Annual Bazaar & Craft          x   August 27th meet-and-greet with
Fair! ALL are invited to attend this meeting. WE              Fr. Tim and Fr. Michael
NEED YOUR TALENT.                                         x   September 10th - Parish Breakfast
                                                          x   September 23rd - Meat Pie Supper
Thursday, August 24th at 6.30pm. St. Patrick church
hall.                                                     Stay tuned for more information on all these Parish
“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the
kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
                                                Mark 10:14

          At Our Lady of Peace Parish, we all work together
          to protect our children. Please visit the Diocesan
          Safe Environment page for information on how                         In person Registration!
          we protect the faithful, and the steps involved to                    2023-2024 School Year
minister, work, or volunteer in the Diocese. https://
www.fallriverdiocese.org/office-of-safe-environment/)             August 26th
                                                                  After 4pm Mass at St. Thomas More & St. Patrick
PRAYING THE ROSARY                                                Church Foyers
The Rosary is prayed after daily mass at
                                                                  August 27th
St. Louis de France church Monday to
Thursday.                                                         After 8:00 mass (St. Patrick)
                                                                  After 9:00 mass (St. Thomas More)
                                                                  After 10:30 mass (St. Louis de France)
   Please remember in your prayers, those whose
      funerals were celebrated this past week.
                                                                     Or Register Online beginning August 13th at:
                       Robert Pearson                              https://olopsomerset.org/religious-education/
                      Jean Washington
                       Michele Leary                                   RAFFLE PRIZES AND DISCOUNTED RATES
                                                                            FOR EARLY REGISTRATIONS
                                                                  (Payment & registration must be received before Sep-
                                                                           tember 10th for discounted rates)

                                                                        Deadline for Registration & Payment:
     SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE NEWS                                       September 24th. (All Classes begin)

One of the Social Justice Committee’s founding members,
Gene Boyle, died on July 22 in California.

We, the Social Justice Committee, give thanks for Gene’s
facilitating our participation in social justice issues and for
always remembering the poor and marginalized.

His funeral mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Somer-
set on Saturday August 26th at 10 am, followed by intern-
ment at St. Patrick’s Cemetery and then a reception at Ago-
ro’s. To read full obituary, please go to mccor-

         The Sanctuary Lamp at St. Patrick Church
                   Will be lit this week

             In Loving Memory of
             Kailyn-Faith Donovan
               By Grandparents

 The Blessed Mother Candle at St. Thomas More Church
             Will be lit this week

              In Loving Memory of
                 Martha McVey
                   By Family
By Dr. Scott Hahn

Sinking Fear

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)

1 Kings 19:9, 11-13
Psalm 85:9-14
Romans 9:1-5
Matthew 14:22-33

How do we find God in the storms and struggles of our lives, in the trials we encounter in trying
to do His will?

God commands Elijah in today's First Reading to stand on the mountain and await His passing by.
And in the Gospel, Jesus makes the disciples set out across the waters to meet Him.

In each case, the Lord makes himself present amid frightening tumult - heavy winds and high
waves, fire and earthquakes.

Elijah hides his face. Perhaps he remembers Moses, who met God on the same mountain, also
amid fire, thunder, and smoke (see Deuteronomy 4:10-15; Exodus 19:17-19). God told Moses no
one could see His face and live, and He sheltered Moses in the hollow of a rock, as He shelters
Elijah in a cave (see Exodus 33:18-23).

The disciples, likewise, are too terrified to look on the face of God. Today's Gospel is a revelation
of Jesus' divine identity. Only God treads across the crest of the sea (see Job 9:8) and rules the
raging waters (see Psalm 89:9-10). And the words of assurance that Jesus speaks - "It is I" - are
those God used to identify himself to Moses (see Exodus 3:14; Isaiah 43:10).

Even Peter is too overcome by fear to imitate his Lord. His fears, Jesus tells him, are a sign of his
lack of faith. And so it often is with us. Our fears make us doubt, make it hard to see His glory
dwelling in our midst.

Yet, we should know, as we sing in today's psalm, that His salvation is near to those who hope in
Him. By faith we should know, as Paul asserts in today's Epistle, that we are heirs to the promises
made to His children, Israel.

We must trust that He whispers to us in the trials of our lives - that He who has called us to walk
along the way of His steps, will save us whenever we begin to sink.

                               A service of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
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