ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers

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ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
Educating cancer patients         Developing a program to meet        Helping patients navigate the
on diet and exercise to improve   the needs of adolescent and young   clinical, psychosocial, and financial
their overall health | 24         adults with cancer | 32             aspects of cancer care | 42

This publication is a benefit of membership
Association of Community Cancer Centers

March | April 2020

Outcomes from a
Community-Based Cancer
Survivorship Program

                                                                               Association of Community Cancer Centers
ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
ACCC 37th


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ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
contents                                                                               Oncology Issues
                                                                                       March | April 2020
                                                                                       Vol. 35 | No. 2

24          Supporting Cancer Survivors in Making
            Healthful Lifestyle Changes
            by Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, Jennifer R. Bail, Teri
            Hoenemeyer, Dorothy W. Pekmezi, Maria Pisu, Karina I.
            Halilova, Michelle Y. Martin, and Laura Q. Rogers

32          The In-Betweeners: A Focus on
            Young Adults with Cancer

            by Kristin S. Donahue and Anne Marie Fraley Rainey

42          Guided Patient Support
            by Jessica Sima, Lora Anderson,
            Marianna Wolfmeyer, and Jill Benedeck                                      Impact of a
56          Improving Care Coordination:
            A Model for Lung Cancer
                                                                                       Cancer Survivorship
                                                                                       Program on Quality of
68 The
            Managing Immunotoxicities in a Virtual Space
                                                                                       The Fort Worth Program for
       Virtual Toxicity Team at                                                        Community Survivorship uses
   Johns Hopkins University                                                            a personalized assessment and
                                                                                       referral process to address unmet

70 The
                                                                                       psychosocial needs of cancer
            Networking for Health                                                      survivors.
        Virtual Toxicity Team                                                          by Rachel Funk-Lawler, Heidi
                                                                                       Hamann, Laura Howe-Martin,
   at Jefferson Health                                                                 Bijal Balasubramanian, Michael S.

72 The
                                                                                       Businelle, Jeffrey Kendall, Joanne
            It Takes a Village
                                                                                       M. Sanders, Sarah N. Price, and
       Virtual Toxicity Team at                                                        Keith Argenbright
   Cleveland Clinic


       2    From the Editor | Right to Try: Two Years In                          12   Tools | Approved drugs, and more

       3    President’s Message | The Year of the Biosimilar                      14   Spotlight | Portneuf Cancer Center, Pocatello,
       4    Fast Facts | Wellness trends to watch in 2020, and more
                                                                                  74   Action | ACCC Welcomes Its Newest Members,
       6    Issues | Policy Round Up                                                   and more

       8    Compliance | Preparing for E/M Changes to Outpatient Visits in 2021   76   Views | The Hairstylist Melanoma Challenge

                                                                                        OI | March–April 2020 | accc-cancer.org         1
ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
                                                          Right to Try: Two Years In
    ONCOLOGY ISSUES                                       BY JENNIE CREWS, MD, MMM, FACP
            The Official Journal of the
    Association of Community Cancer Centers

         Jennie R. Crews, MD, MMM, FACP                                                           ay 30,          Instead of using Right to Try, many
                                                                                                  2020,        physicians and manufacturers prefer using
                Executive Director
           Christian G. Downs, JD, MHA                                                            marks the    the FDA’s Expanded Access Program, which
                 Medical Director
                                                                                       two-year anniversa-     was established in 1987 and offers some
          Leigh Boehmer, PharmD, BCOP                                                  ry of the passage of    advantages over Right to Try. Expanded Access
                Managing Editor                                                        the federal Right to    has similar eligibility requirements but
                Monique J. Marino                                                      Try law. Like the ex-   provides patients with broader options by
                Associate Editors                                                      periences in states     allowing access to drugs in earlier phases of
                 Barbara Gabriel                                                       that have passed        development. The program also provides
                Maddelynne Parker                                                      similar legislation,    third-party oversight and guidance to
                 Amanda Patton                                                                                 physicians on drug dosing and safety
                                                                                       there was consider-
                 EDITORIAL BOARD                          able debate over the benefits versus harms           monitoring. The FDA reports that 99 percent
           Nadine Barrett, PhD, MA, MS                                                                         of the applications it receives are approved,
                Jennifer Bires, LICSW
                                                          that a national Right to Try law would usher
              Stephen Cattaneo, MD                        in. Proponents argued that existing process-         usually within a few days. About 20 percent of
          Linda Corrigan, MHE, RHIT, CTR                  es for patients seeking non-U.S. Food and            these requests come from oncologists, and in
              Sigrun Hallmeyer, MD                        Drug Administration (FDA)-approved, poten-           June 2019 the FDA launched Project Facilitate
               Robin Hearne, RN, MS                                                                            to streamline the Expanded Access Program
        Sarah Hudson-DiSalle, PharmD, RPh
                                                          tially life-saving medication were arduous,
                   Jeff Hunnicutt                         and a more direct approach was needed                by providing a single point of contact for
               Bridget LeGrazie, APN                      to improve patient outcomes. Opponents               oncology requests.
               Anne Marie F. Rainey                       worried that this law would threaten patient            Thus far, it appears that Right to Try has
         Bryan Schmalhofer, MBA, RT(R)(T)                                                                      not substantially benefited patients and is
          Kelay Trentham, MS, RDN, CSO
                                                          safety, clinical trial enrollment, and stake-
                 Gretchen Van Dyck                        holder legal and financial liability.                not favored by providers or manufacturers.
                                                             Since the passage of Right to Try, reality        So, who is benefiting from this law? Perhaps
                     President                            looks quite different. The law allows patients       organizations seeking to monetize this
          Ali McBride, PharmD, MS, BCOP                   with a life-threatening illness who have             legislation. A clinical research organization
                  President-Elect                         exhausted approved options or are unable to          has emerged with plans to broker Right to Try
                Randall A. Oyer, MD                       participate in a clinical trial to receive an        access between manufacturers and medical
                     Secretary                            investigational drug (that has been through          organizations by providing patients with
      Krista Nelson, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C, BCD                Phase 1 testing) from a manufacturer by              medication and collecting real-world data on
                    Treasurer                             providing written informed consent to their          outcomes. The Access Hope clinical research
            David Penberthy, MD, MBA                      treating physician. However, there is no             organization (CRO) was founded by an
            Immediate Past President                      obligation on the part of the physician to           attorney with experience in biotech and Right
            Thomas A. Gallo, MS, MDA
                                                          pursue the request, the manufacturer to              to Try legislation. Its website cites benefits of
             ACCC Board of Trustees                       provide the drug, or the insurance company           this business model to patients, providers,
         Olalekan Ajayi, PharmD, MBA                      to pay for treatment or treatment-related            and sponsors for whom “Right to Try creates
         Nadine J. Barrett, PhD, MA, MS                   complications. The law also offers liability         heretofore unthinkable flexibility, legal
         Nina K. Chavez, MBA, FACMPE                                                                           immunity, and time and cost reductions
       Amanda Henson, MSHA, MBA, FACHE                    protections for physicians and manufacturers.
         Una Hopkins, DNP, RN, FNP-BC                        Thus, Right to Try truly is a “right to try,”     while creating new data”1 and “truly exclusive
                 Jeff Hunnicutt                           leaving patients with little assurance and           control over your data.” 1 The website also
         Barbara Jensen, RN, BSN, MBA
                                                          potentially high risk. It is difficult to know for   states that Access Hope also will be exploring
          S. Michelle Shiller, DO, MSPT                                                                        “patient pay” 1 for services and medications.
           Lawrence D. Wagman, MD                         certain how many people have tried to access
       Wendi Waugh, RT(R)(T), CMD, CTR, BS                investigational drugs under this law because            Red flag? Perhaps the concerns originally
                                                          there are no mandated reporting require-             raised by opponents to Right to Try are
    Oncology Issues serves the multidisciplinary
      specialty of oncology care and cancer               ments. News outlets cite two patients who            founded after all.
              program management.                         have used Right to Try—one with glioblas-            Reference
                                                          toma and one with Lou Gehrig’s disease. It is        1. Access Hope CRO. For Sponsors/CROs.
      Oncology Issues (ISSN: 1046-3356) is published
       bimonthly for a total of 6 issues per year by
                                                          unknown whether either benefited from the            Available online at ahcro.com. Last accessed
     Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 530 Walnut Street,      treatments they accessed.                            February 18, 2020.
   Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106, on behalf of the
   Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC),
  1801 Research Blvd, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20850-
     3184, USA. US Postmaster: Please send address
   changes to Oncology Issues, c/o The Sheridan Press,
   PO Box 465, Hanover, PA 17331. Copyright © 2020
  by the Association of Community Cancer Centers. All
   rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored, transmitted, or disseminated in any
form or by any means without prior written permission
     from the publisher, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

2      March–April 2020 | OI
ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
ACCC PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                                                                              Coming in Your ­2020
The Year of the Biosimilar                                                                            ONCOLOGY ISSUES
BY ALI MCBRIDE, PHARMD, MS, BCOP                                                                       “Prescribing” Exercise and
                                                                                                       Nutrition in Cancer Care

                                                                                                       Medical Marijuana
                                          ith the   effective biosimilar implementation vary
                                                                                                       (Cannabinoid-Derived Products)
                                          advent    based on the size and resources of the specific
                                          of        program and can include:                           for Cancer Patients
                            biologics decades       • State and federal legislation
                                                                                                       Developing a Model of Risk
                            ago, the practice of    • Reimbursement and coverage challenges
                            oncology was            • Electronic health record processes and           Modification for Breast Cancer
                            forever changed.           integration issues                              Using Integrative Oncology
                            Today, the United       • Insufficient or ineffective education for
                            States has the             healthcare team members and patients            Helping Patients Navigate the
                            largest market for      • Pharmacy and therapeutics (P&T)                  Clinical, Psychosocial, and
                            biologics in the           integration                                     Financial Aspects of Cancer Care
world, accounting for nearly 50 percent of all      • Pharmacovigilance processes and an
prescription drug expenditures. This class of          understanding of biosimilar outcomes,           Telemedicine Improves Access
drugs also represents the nation’s fastest             which have been associated with a lack of       to Supportive Group
growing pharmaceutical sector. More than 80            knowledge of biosimilars
percent of the revenue from biologic therapy        • Uncertainty around therapeutic outcomes.         Psychotherapy for Young Adults
is derived from oncology indications, and this      As we move into this new decade, biosimilars       with Cancer
percentage is expected to increase in coming        represent terrific innovation and (as yet)
years as the use of these essential drugs                                                              Electronic Multidisciplinary
                                                    unrealized potential for cost savings. Use of
expands throughout clinical care. These             these therapies may help cancer programs           Conference (eMDC): Case
trends are not limited to the United States,        improve access to care, reduce total health-       Planning in the Virtual Space
however, as the global biologics market is          care expenditures, and meet alternative
expected to top $100 billion by 2023.1              payment model goals and requirements. If we
                                                                                                       Developing and Implementing
    The Biologics Price Competition and             are to realize the full potential of these         a Radiation Oncology App to
Innovation Act of 2009, which created an            therapies, however, integration of biosimilars
abbreviated pathway to approval for
                                                                                                       Improve the Patient Experience
                                                    is critical and must be achieved through
biosimilar agents, was designed to increase         interdisciplinary education of the entire          Cancer Life reiMagined: The
competition with reference biologics to lower       cancer team—from physicians and nurses to          CaLM Model of Whole-Person
prices, increase patient access, and accelerate     pharmacy staff to financial navigators and
innovation. Anticipated cost savings with the                                                          Cancer Care
                                                    patients and beyond. We can all play a vital
introduction of biosimilars in the U.S. market      role in the education, advocacy, and safety        Implementing Genetic Cancer
was estimated to be from $40 billion to $250        needs inherent with this new class of
billion over the following 10 years.2 The added                                                        Screening and Testing in a
                                                    anti-cancer therapies.
advantages of biosimilar implementation                                                                Medically Underserved
under alternative payment models, such as           References
the Oncology Care Model and Merit-Based             1. GBI Research. Global immunology market
Incentive Payment System are still yet to be        to surpass $100 billion by 2023. Available         Reducing Revenue Loss and
fully realized.                                     online at: gbiresearch.com/media-center/
                                                                                                       Patient Financial Toxicity with
    To date, more than 25 biosimilars have          press-releases/global-immunology-
been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug             market-to-surpass-100-billion-by-2023. Last        Pharmacy Pre-Certification and
Administration (FDA), including rheumatol-          accessed February 18, 2020.                        Denials Management
ogy therapies, oncology supportive care             2. Deloitte. Winning with biosimilars:
agents, and therapeutic oncology drugs. The         opportunities in global markets. Available         Food Security: A Key
first biosimilar, filgrastim-sndz, was approved     online at: www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/          Component in One Practice’s
in 2015, and as of early 2018 more than 60          Deloitte/us/Documents/life-sciences-health-        Financial Advocacy Program
biosimilars were enrolled in the FDA’s              care/us-lshc-biosimilars-whitepaper-final.pdf.
biosimilar development program.3 Despite            Last accessed February 18, 2020.                   Researching the Use of Virtual
this aggressive approval and development            3. Dolan C. Opportunities and challenges in        Reality (VR) in the Oncology
landscape, integration of biosimilars into the      biosimilar uptake in oncology. Am J Manag
U.S. market has been slow. Barriers to              Care. 2018;4(11):S237-S243.                        Infusion Clinic
                                                                                                       Optimizing Provider Access in
                                                                                                       the Rural Healthcare Setting by
                                                                                                       Utilizing a Physician-Advanced
                                                                                                       Practice Provider Model

                                                                                                            OI | March–April 2020      3
ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
more online @
             Trending Now in Cancer Care
RESOURCE As the demand for cancer services rises in the U.S.,
cancer programs continue to rank three factors as top chal-
lenges to growth: payer reimbursement requirements, the                                                      Physician Wellness
                                                                                                              Leaders Needed
move to value-based payments, and uncertainties in drug
pricing reform policies. In ACCC’s 2019 survey, the vast majority
(88%) of respondents selected improving care coordination as                                                   STAT!
a top opportunity for cost savings. Other areas identified for
cost savings opportunities included: improving symptom
management (85%); utilization of lower cost drugs through
                                                                                                            In a 2019 consensus paper, the
implementation of pathways (76%); and reducing variations in
care (72%). Read key findings at accc-cancer.org/trends.                                                    National Academy of Medicine’s
                                                                                                            Action Collaborative on Clinician
        Pursuing Quality Cancer Care for                                                                    Well-Being and Resilience recommended
BLOG    Sexual and Gender Minority Patients                         an executive level physician wellness leader in ALL healthcare delivery
These patients are often misrepresented or overlooked in
healthcare. Although social acceptance has grown for sexual         organizations. Most organizations have no such leader and
and gender minority communities, LGBTQ-specific health risks        many believe there is a shortage of qualified candidates to draw from.
and recommended screenings are not consistently taught to
healthcare providers and patients. One way to improve care of       Source. NAM. Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional
                                                                    Well-Being. Available online at nap.edu/catalog/25521 taking-action-against-clinician-
this patient population is to promote and collect sexual and        burnout-a-systems-approach-to-professional.
gender minority information whenever patient demographics
are collected, for example adding language that asks patients
their preferred name and pronouns to create gender-neutral
intake forms. Read more at accc-cancer.org/acccbuzz-SGM.            Top 4 Challenges Managers Face
                                                                    • Juggling management of my team with my other
             The Immunotherapy Patient
PODCAST      Perspective                                                 responsibilities—68%
Journalist Mary Elizabeth Williams, one of the first patients       • Hitting team goals—14%
treated with combination immunotherapy, discusses her
experience as an immunotherapy patient and how to bridge            • Getting my team to collaborate with one another—11%
communication gaps among patients, providers, and research-
                                                                    • Retaining my employees—4%
ers. At the ACCC 36th National Oncology Conference, Williams
shared that communication boils down to “making sure                Source. 2019 State of
patients and providers are on the same page. Telling the same       One-on-Ones Report.
stories, because stories are how we make decisions. Communi-
cation is about empathy and being clear. It’s not optional.”
Hear more at accc-cancer.org/podcast.

             BiomarkerLIVE Resource Library
WEBINAR      and Lexicon
The important role that biomarkers and molecular profiling
play in cancer diagnosis and treatment continues to
grow, but keeping pace with this rapidly evolving field can
be challenging. ACCC’s BiomarkerLIVE program puts a
library of resources and a comprehensive glossary of terms
at your fingertips, giving you the knowledge and tools to
discuss biomarker testing with colleagues and patients.
The BiomarkerLIVE Advisory Committee has developed
a webinar on how to use these valuable tools, with expert
review of the current cancer biomarker landscape and three
case examples. Learn any time, anywhere! accc-cancer.org/

4   accc-cancer.org | March–April 2020 | OI
ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
                          5         Wellness Trends
                                    to Watch in 2020
                                                                                        Give EHRs
                                                                                        an “F” Grade
                                                                                        In a recent study, the usability of current EHR systems received a
                                                                                        grade of “F” by physician users. The same study found a strong
                                                                                        relationship between EHR usability and physician burnout. Study
                                                                                        authors recommend, “Given the association between EHR usability
                                                                                        and physician burnout, improving EHR usability may be an
                                                                                        important approach to help reduce healthcare professional burnout.”

                                                                                        Source. Melnick ER, et al. The association between perceived electronic health record usability
                                                                                        and professional burnout among U.S. physicians. Mayo Clinic Proc. DOI: 10.1016/j.
1. Financial Wellness. With 64% of Americans                                            mayocp.2019.09.024.

experiencing stress about money,1 more employers are offering
financial wellness programs to educate employees and help
improve employee health and productivity.                                               Generational Differences
2. Technology Integration. As wearables and online
                                                                                        in Physician Burnout
platforms allow users to sync data in real-time, more                                   • 48% of Generation X physicians report burnout,
employers will move to mobile platforms for health interac-                                 compared to 39% of Baby Boomer physicians and 38%
tions. Allowing employees to connect with their health info via                             of Millennial physicians.
mobile platforms make employer health programs more
                                                                                        • 50% of Baby Boomer physicians say that burnout has had
accessible to remote employees.
                                                                                            a strong and/or severe impact on their lives, compared to 46%
3. Wellness at Work. From company walking groups to                                         of Generation X physicians and 38% of Millennial physicians.
onsite fitness facilities, more employers are seeing the
                                                                                        • 77% of Millennial physicians say that burnout has impacted
benefits of small investments, like standing desks and
                                                                                            their relationships, compared to 73% of Generation X physicians
healthier food options in breakrooms.
                                                                                            and 69% of Baby Boomer physicians.
4. Flexible Work/Life Balance. Advanced technology
                                                                                        Source. Medscape National Physician Burnout & Suicide Report 2020. medscape.com/
and an always-on culture means that work isn’t restricted to                            slideshow/2020-lifestyle-burnout-6012460?faf=1#1.
an office or from 9-5. More employers are embracing flexible
working hours and remote work in response to Gen Z and
Millennials pushing for greater work/life balance.

5. Health Coaching. More employers will add health
coaches to their benefits. These coaches can help employees
set goals, identify obstacles, and find solutions, creating
healthier, more productive workplace cultures.

Source. StayWell Shares Top 5 Employer Wellness Trends in 2020. staywell.com.

1 American Psychological Association. Stress in America: Paying With Our Health. apa.

                                                                                                                      OI | March–April 2020 | accc-cancer.org                        5
ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
Policy Round Up

   n this election year, U.S. healthcare policy      remains a topic of great interest to ACCC      ability to determine coverage of next-
   is center stage. To help its members keep         member programs. Data from the 2019            generation sequencing laboratory tests for
   current on recent policy issues that may          ACCC Trending Now in Cancer Care Survey        other inherited cancers.
affect their programs and patients, ACCC             found that in the next two years, 35
provides a brief update.                             percent of cancer programs plan to use         Importation of Prescription
                                                     telehealth for delivery of genetic             Drugs
CY 2021/2022 Medicare                                                                               As part of the administration’s push to lower
                                                     counseling (already difficult to access in
Advantage and Part D Proposed                                                                       prescription drug prices, the FDA released a
                                                     rural areas), 28 percent for symptom
Rule                                                                                                proposed rule and draft guidance on drug
                                                     consults, 28 percent for oral chemother-
On Feb. 5, the Centers for Medicare &                                                               importation into the United States. The
                                                     apy adherence and support, 28 percent for
Medicaid Services (CMS) released CMS-                                                               proposed rule would authorize states,
                                                     symptom monitoring (e.g., through an
4190-P, which would:                                                                                wholesalers, or pharmacists to submit
                                                     app), 24 percent for psychosocial
• Require Part D plans to offer real-time                                                           proposals to import prescription drugs from
                                                     counseling, and 22 percent for nutrition
  drug price comparison tools to beneficia-                                                         Canada into the United States. The rule
  ries starting Jan. 1, 2022, to allow                                                              excludes importation of biologics and
  consumers to shop for lower-cost                Comment deadline on the proposed rule is          infused drugs.
  alternative therapies under their               April 6, 2020.                                       The FDA issued draft guidance that
  prescription drug benefit plan.                    Together with the Medicare Advantage           describes pathways that drug manufacturers
• Allow a second, “preferred” specialty tier      and Part D proposed rule, CMS released the        would use to import prescription drugs
  in Part D with a lower cost-sharing             2021 Medicare Advantage and Part D                (including biologics) into the United States
  amount.                                         Advance Notice Part II, in which the agency       that are FDA approved, manufactured abroad,
• Require Part D plans to disclose the            solicits comments on potentially developing       and originally intended for sale in a foreign
  measures they use to evaluate pharmacy          measures of generic and biosimilar utiliza-       country.
  performance in their network agree-             tion in Medicare Part D as part of a plan’s          The proposed rule comes after the Dec. 28,
  ments. This would allow CMS to track and        star rating. Comment deadline on Advance          2019, administration release of a notice of
  report publicly how plans are measuring         Notice Part I and Part II proposals was Friday,   proposed rulemaking on drug importation
  and applying pharmacy performance               March 6, 2020.                                    and draft guidance. These actions follow the
  measures.                                                                                         administration’s “Safe Importation Action
• Strengthen network adequacy rules for           Coverage for Diagnostic Tests                     Plan,” released in July 2019, which laid out
  Medicare Advantage plans by codifying           Using Next-Generation                             pathways for importing certain prescription
  CMS’s existing network adequacy                 Sequencing                                        drugs into the United States.
  methodology. The proposed rule has              On Jan. 27, 2020, CMS issued a National
  provisions addressing access to care in         Coverage Determination that expands               340B Under Scrutiny
  rural areas and encouraging use of              coverage of U.S. Food and Drug Administra-        In early January, the Government Account-
  telehealth in all areas. For rural areas, the   tion (FDA)-approved laboratory diagnostic         ability Office (GAO) released a report calling
  agency proposes to lower the percentage         tests that use next-generation sequencing         on the Health Resources and Services
  of beneficiaries required to live within the    for patients with germline, or inherited,         Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S.
  maximum time and distances standards            ovarian or breast cancer. CMS also gave           Department of Health and Human Services
  from 90 percent to 85 percent. Telehealth       Medicare Administrative Contractors the           (HHS), to improve processes for assuring that

6   accc-cancer.org | March–April 2020 | OI
ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
participating non-governmental hospitals       HRSA lacks the authority to determine the        • Provide more details and future opportu-
meet 340B Drug Pricing Program eligibility     adequacy and appropriateness of state              nities to comment on the Oncology Care
requirements. The GAO report recommends        Medicaid policies and procedures to prevent        First Model before finalizing the model.
that HRSA:                                     duplicate discounts. On Jan. 8, 2020, CMS        Read the full letter at accc-cancer.org/
• Implement a process to verify that all       issued guidance on “Best Practices for           advocacy.
   non-governmental hospitals have             Avoiding 340B Duplicate Discounts in
   contracts in place, including throughout    Medicaid” (medicaid.gov/sites/default/files/     Medicaid Block Grants: Impact
                                               Federal-Policy-Guidance/Downloads/               on Cancer Patients
   hospitals’ audit periods.
                                               cib010820.pdf).                                  On Jan. 29, 2020, CMS released guidance that
• Amend its contract reviews to include an
                                                                                                would permit states to receive a block grant
   assessment of whether contracts meet
   statutory requirements.                     ACCC Response to Center for                      for adults not otherwise eligible for Medicaid
• Provide better guidance on contract          Medicare and Medicaid                            (i.e., adults younger than age 65). Dubbed the
                                               Innovation on Oncology Care                      “Healthy Adult Opportunity,” the agency is
                                               First Model                                      referring to the plan as a demonstration. In
HHS agreed with the GAO recommendations        ACCC provided comments to the Center for         accepting the block grant—capping the
except for the recommendation to set up a      Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s (CMMI)        state’s federal funding for Medicaid
process to verify that all non-governmental    request for information on its concept for the   beneficiaries—the state would have greater
hospitals have contracts in place. HHS says    Oncology Care First Model. Though applaud-       flexibility in determining benefits’ coverage
that HRSA does not have the resources to       ing CMMI for making the Oncology Care First      and benefit from a less cumbersome process
carry out the recommended verification         Model voluntary and envisioning a multi-         for adding work requirements and other
process and that it would over-burden the      payer model, ACCC urged CMMI to:                 restrictions. Oncology stakeholders, along
agency.                                        • Make significant changes to the risk           with patient advocacy groups, expressed
   Later in January, the GAO issued a second      tracks for purposes of performance-based      concerns that transformation of Medicaid
340B report calling on HRSA and CMS to take       payment episodes.                             through block grants could reduce access to
                                                                                                care and result in the rationing of services for
action to prevent drug manufacturers from      • Structure the prospective payment for
                                                                                                the most vulnerable patient populations. As
paying duplicate discounts under Medicaid         care management and certain other
                                                                                                with Medicaid work requirements, the
and the 340 Drug Pricing Program. In              services as a supplemental payment.
                                                                                                agency’s legal authority to push this plan
response, HHS and 340 participating            • Provide more detail on the methodology
                                                                                                forward is likely to be the subject of
hospitals asserted that HRSA cannot legally       for the novel therapy adjustment and
follow the GAO’s request to examine states’       ensure that the final adjustment
duplicate discount prevention policies and        adequately accounts for the cost of           Christian G. Downs, JD, MHA is executive
procedures and then act to enforce these if       innovative and often life-saving new          director, Association of Community Cancer
providers do not comply. CMS states that          therapies.                                    Centers, Rockville, Md.

                                                                                                OI | March–April 2020 | accc-cancer.org       7
ONCOLOGY ISSUES - Association of Community Cancer Centers
Preparing for E/M Changes
to Outpatient Visits in 2021

          here is no argument that the                At the same time, the American Medical        Straightforward
          Evaluation and Management (E/M)         Association (AMA) convened a taskforce            • Self-limited.
          coding guidelines are in need of an     dedicated to updating the E/M CPT® codes.         • Minimal or no data review and/or
update. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid       The AMA came up with guidelines based               analyzed.
Services (CMS) has not updated E/M                solely on medical decision-making (MDM)           • Minimal risk from treatment (including
guidelines since 1997, with many providers        and time, as well as a dedicated prolonged          no treatment) or testing. (Most would
and coders still following the 1995 guide-        services code specific to outpatient E/M            consider this effectively as no risk.).
lines. The use of electronic health records       visits. This meant that history and/or
                                                  physical exam would no longer be used to          Low
(EHRs) has prompted requests for updates.
                                                  determine the billable level. In an about-face,   • Stable, uncomplicated, single problem.
The ability to copy and paste documentation                                                         • Two documents or independent historian.
                                                  CMS did away with most, but not all, of the
from another provider’s visit notes and                                                             • Low risk (i.e., very low risk of anything
                                                  changes finalized in the CY2019 PFS rule and
templates, which incorporate full documen-                                                            bad), minimal consent/discussion.
                                                  instead aligned with those established by
tation of the Review of Systems and Physical
                                                  the AMA. The agency’s decision allows for
Exam, can result in documentation that is         consistency and continuity of coding and          Moderate
more complex than what took place during          billing for all patients across all payers.       • Multiple problems or significantly ill.
the encounter, creating issues not foreseen       Because most commercial and private payers        • Count: Three items between documents
in 1995 or 1997.                                  follow AMA guidelines when using CPT                and independent historian, or interpret or
   It is not uncommon to see E/M visit notes      codes, it made sense for CMS to do the same         confer.
run pages long and with no clear documen-         and not create more work and confusion for        • Would typically review with patient/
tation of what is actually new and part of the    providers.                                          surrogate, obtain consent and monitor, or
patient encounter. Additionally, the ability to       At the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale      there are complex social factors in
pull in statements from elsewhere in the EHR      Symposium in Nov. 2019, the AMA provided            management.
creates an issue with continuity, because         updated definitions, time ranges, and MDM
                                                  criteria for the outpatient E/M codes
these statements may be old or outdated                                                             • Very ill.
and no longer pertain to the patient’s            (99202-99215) that go into effect Jan. 1,
                                                                                                    • Same concepts as Moderate.
current situation, resulting in contradictory     2021. The following is a summary of the
                                                                                                    • Discussion includes difficult topics or
documentation.                                    changes for CY 2021 as we know them now,
                                                                                                      decisions for the very ill patient that could
   To solve this, CMS issued sweeping             with the expectation that more updates and
                                                                                                      happen for which physician or other
changes to the outpatient visit codes             information may come during the CY 2021
                                                                                                      qualified healthcare professional will
(99201-99215) in the CY 2019 Medicare             CMS rulemaking cycle, as well as AMA coding
                                                                                                      watch or monitor.
Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule,         updates for the CY 2021 CPT Manual.
                                                  Beginning Jan. 1, 2021, practitioners will        When counting the number and/or
CMS-1715-F, which go into effect Jan. 1,                                                            complexity of data reviewed and analyzed,
                                                  select either MDM or time on which to base
2021, including collapsing visit levels from                                                        three different categories are part of the
                                                  their documentation and coding.
three individual reimbursed rates to one.                                                           MDM:
Based on stakeholder feedback that showed         MDM Criteria                                      • Tests, documents, orders, or independent
that many disagreed with these reimburse-         Providers who select MDM for documenta-              historian(s)—each unique test, order, or
ment changes, the agency convened                 tion and coding can select from four levels,         document is counted to meet a threshold
additional stakeholder meetings.                  using these updated AMA parameters:                  number.

8   accc-cancer.org | March–April 2020 | OI
• Independent interpretation of tests is not
  reported separately.
• Discussion of management or test
  interpretation with external physician/
  other qualified healthcare professional/
  appropriate source (not reported

Time-Based Criteria
Providers who use the time-based parameter
must understand that more is required than
just the mention of the total time spent on
the date of the encounter. Documentation
must include and support all of the work
provided to which time was attributed on
that date of service by the billing practitioner
and may not include ancillary staff time. The
AMA stresses that the following items are to
be accounted for and/or included when
using the time-based option:
• Preparing to see the patient (e.g., review
   of tests)
• Obtaining and/or reviewing separately
   obtained history                                  CPT 99201 will be deleted effective Jan. 1,      definition, but more is expected at the time
• Performing a medically necessary                 2021.                                              of the 2021 MPFS rulemaking cycle. Code
   appropriate examination and/or                                                                     GPC1X (the full Healthcare Common
   evaluation                                      Prolonged Services Code
                                                                                                      Procedure Coding System code will be
• Counseling and educating the patient/            A new prolonged services code will be
                                                                                                      released by CMS) is defined as visit complex-
   family/caregiver                                available Jan. 1, 2021, that is only for use
                                                                                                      ity inherent to E/M associated with medical
• Ordering medications, tests, or                  with level 5 outpatient visit codes, 99205
                                                                                                      care services that serve as the continuing
   procedures                                      and 99215. Updates will be made to codes
                                                                                                      focal point for all needed healthcare services
• Referring and communicating with other           99358 and 99359 and providers will no
                                                                                                      and/or with medical care services that are
   healthcare professionals (when not              longer be allowed to bill them in addition to
                                                                                                      part of ongoing care related to a patient’s
   reported separately)                            the new and established outpatient visits.
                                                                                                      single, serious, or complex chronic condition.
• Documenting clinical information in the          This new code has not been assigned a full
                                                                                                      (Add-on code, list separately in addition to
   electronic or other health record               CPT number, but the definition for the new
                                                                                                      office/outpatient evaluation and manage-
• Independently interpreting results (not          99xxx code will be prolonged office or other
                                                                                                      ment visit, new or established.)
   reported separately) and communicating          outpatient evaluation and management
                                                                                                          As CY 2021 comes closer, more education
   results to the patient/family/caregiver         service(s) (beyond the total time of the
                                                   primary procedure that has been selected           and information from both the AMA and
• Care coordination (not reported
                                                   using total time), requiring total time with or    CMS is needed to help providers adjust to
                                                   without direct patient contact beyond the          these new E/M guidelines. Both organiza-
The AMA also notes that practitioners should                                                          tions understand the need for the change
                                                   usual service on the date of the primary
make every effort to improve their ability to                                                         and are developing resources to assist
                                                   service; each 15 minutes (list separately in
document electronically in the EHR to avoid                                                           providers and coders in understanding these
                                                   addition to codes 99205, 99215 for office or
penalizing the patient and payer by charging                                                          big changes so that everyone starts off with
                                                   other outpatient E/M services).
a higher level of code billed.                                                                        their best foot forward in this new E/M
   Tables 1 and 2, page 10, list the updated       Complexity Code                                    landscape.
definitions and time-based ranges for these        In 2021 CMS is adding a complexity code as
new patient visits, 99202-99205, and               an add-on to the E/M outpatient codes. This        Teri Bedard, BA, RT(R)(T), CPC, is director,
established patient visits, 99211-99215.           new code is a revision of language finalized       Client Services at Coding Strategies, Inc.,
These will replace the current definitions and     in the CY 2019 MPFS final rule. At present not     Powder Springs, Ga., and Revenue Cycle,
time ranges used in CY 2020.                       much is known about this code beyond the           Inc., Cedar Park, Tex.

                                                                                                     OI | March–April 2020 | accc-cancer.org         9
Table 1. New Patient Visit Code Updates for 2021

                                                                                                          TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES
     CPT CODE                                          DEFINITION
                                                                                                          ON DATE OF ENCOUNTER

 99201            Deleted for 2021                                                                        N/A

                  Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and
 99202            management of a new patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or      15-29
                  examination and straightforward medical decision-making.

                  Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient,
 99203            which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and low level of      30-44
                  medical decision-making.

                  Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient,
 99204            which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and moderate          45-59
                  level of medical decision-making.

                  Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient,
 99205            which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and high level of     60-74
                  medical decision-making.

     Table 2. Established Patient Visit Code Updates for 2021

                                                                                                          TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES
     CPT CODE                                          DEFINITION
                                                                                                          ON DATE OF ENCOUNTER

                   Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an estab-
                                                                                                          No time is part of this code
 99211             lished patient, which may not require the presence of a physician or other qualified
                                                                                                          in 2021
                   healthcare professional. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are minimal.

                   Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an estab-
 99212             lished patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination      10-19
                   and straightforward medical decision-making.

                   Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an estab-
 99213             lished patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination      20-29
                   and low level of medical decision-making.

                   Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an estab-
 99214             lished patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination      30-39
                   and moderate level of medical decision-making.

                   Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an estab-
 99215             lished patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination      40-54
                   and high level of medical decision-making.

10    accc-cancer.org | March–April 2020 | OI
Access the most essential abstracts
and guidelines presented at the
2019 ASCO Annual Meeting—FOR FREE!
Through its new ASCO DirectTM Highlights online courses, the Association of Community
Cancer Centers delivers today’s most up-to-date research and clinical data education. Expert
faculty place abstract findings into clinical context and discuss how the results may change
the current standard of care.
                                                                                             Y            FREE

Each of these courses aim to contextualize practice-changing updates pertinent to
community-based cancer care teams.
Identify emerging trends and strategies designed to improve the quality of patient care
through twelve CME/CNE/CPE-accredited courses—between 30 and 45 minutes each—
which cover the following topics:
       •   Breast Cancer
       •   Cancer Genomics & Molecular Diagnostics
       •   CAR T-Cell Therapies
       •   Genitourinary Cancers
       •   Gynecologic Cancers
       •   Healthcare Delivery & Survivorship
       •   Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic, & Gastrointestinal Cancers
       •   Leukemias & Lymphomas
       •   Lung Cancer
       •   Melanoma & Skin Cancers
       •   Multiple Myeloma
       •   Quality Management & Care Improvement

       Enroll today in one, two, or all twelve courses
               and earn up to 7.0 credit hours.
                             This educational activity is jointly provided by AXIS Medical Education and the Association
                             of Community Cancer Centers. If you have any questions about the accreditation of this
                             program please contact AXIS at info@axismeded.org.

                             This activity is supported in part by educational grants from Astellas and Seattle Genetics;
                             Amgen; Celgene Corporation; Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.; Lilly; Merck & Co., Inc. and TESARO, Inc.
Approved Drugs                                    (enfortumab vedotin-ejfv) (Astellas             seeking approval of belantamab
                                                  Pharma Inc. and Seattle Genetics, Inc.,         mafodotin (GSK2857916) for the
• On Jan. 9, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug         astellas.com, seattlegenetics.com) for the      treatment of patients with relapsed or
  and Administration (FDA) approved               treatment of adult patients with locally        refractory multiple myeloma whose prior
  Ayvakit™ (avapritinib) (Blueprint               advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer        therapy included an immunomodulatory
  Medicines, blueprintmedicines.com) for          who have previously received a PD-1/L1          agent, a proteasome inhibitor, and an
  the treatment of adults with unresect-          inhibitor and a platinum-containing chemo-      anti-CD38 antibody.
  able or metastatic gastrointestinal             therapy before or after surgery or in a
  stromal tumor harboring a platelet-                                                           • AstraZeneca (astrazeneca.com)
                                                  locally advanced or metastatic setting.
  derived growth factor receptor alpha exon                                                       announced that the FDA has granted
  18 mutation, including PDGFRA D842V           • On Jan. 23, 2020, the FDA granted               orphan drug designations to PD-L1
  mutations.                                      accelerated approval to Tazverik™               Imfinzi® (durvalumab) and anti-CTLA4
                                                  (tazemetostat) (Epizyme, Inc., epizyme.         antibody tremelimumab for liver cancer.
• On Dec. 20, 2019, the FDA granted               com) for the treatment of adults and
  accelerated approval to Enhertu®                                                              • Kite (kitepharma.com) announced that it
                                                  pediatric patients aged 16 years and older
  (fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan-nxki)                                                               has submitted a BLA to the FDA for the
                                                  with metastatic or locally advanced
  (Daiichi Sankyo, daiichisankyo.com) for                                                         investigational chimeric antigen receptor
                                                  epithelioid sarcoma not eligible for
  patients with unresectable or metastatic                                                        (CAR) T-cell therapy, KTE-X19, for the
                                                  complete resection.
  human epidermal growth factor receptor                                                          treatment of adult patients with relapsed
  2 (HER2)-positive breast cancer who have      • On Dec. 16, 2019, the FDA approved              or refractory mantle cell lymphoma.
  received two or more prior anti-HER2-           Xtandi® (enzalutamide) (Astellas Pharma
                                                                                                • CytoDyn (cytodyn.com) filed for break-
  based regimens in the metastatic setting.       Inc., astellas.com) for patients with
                                                                                                  through therapy designation for its
                                                  metastatic castration-sensitive prostate
• On Jan. 8, 2020, the FDA approved                                                               targeted therapy, leronlimab (PRO 140),
  Keytruda® (pembrolizumab) (Merck,                                                               as an adjuvant therapy for the treatment
                                                                                                  of metastatic triple-negative breast
  merk.com) as a monotherapy for the            Drugs in the News
  treatment of patients with bacillus                                                             cancer.
  Calmette-Guérin unresponsive, high-risk,      • The FDA has approved an investigational       • Bristol-Myers Squibb (bms.com)
  non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer with         new drug application for a phase 1 trial of     submitted a BLA to the FDA for
  carcinoma in situ with or without               ACE1702 (Acepodia, acepodia.com), a             Lisocabtagene Maraleucel (liso-cel),
  papillary tumors, who are ineligible for or     targeted cancer therapy created by a            its autologous anti-CD19 CAR T‑cell
  have elected not to undergo cystectomy.         proprietary chemical process that directly      immunotherapy including individually
                                                  links anti-tumor antibodies to the surface      formulated CD8+ and CD4+ CAR T-cells for
• On Dec. 27, 2019, the FDA approved              of natural killer cells. It will soon enter
  Lynparza® (olaparib) (AstraZeneca and                                                           the treatment of adult patients with
                                                  in-human clinical trials in HER2-positive       relapsed or refractory large B-cell
  Merck, astrazeneca.com, merck.com) for
                                                  solid tumors.                                   lymphoma after at least two prior
  the maintenance treatment of adult
  patients with deleterious or suspected        • Amgen (amgen.com) and Allergan plc.             therapies.
  deleterious germline BRCA-mutated               (allergan.com) announced the submis-          • AstraZeneca (astrazeneca.com) and
  metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma            sion of a biologics license application         Merck (merck.com) announced that a
  whose disease has not progressed on at          (BLA) to the FDA for ABP 798, a biosimilar      supplemental new drug application for
  least 16 weeks of a first-line plati-           candidate to Rituxan® (rituximab).              Lynparza® (olaparib) in combination with
  num-based chemotherapy regimen.               • GlaxoSmithKline (gsk.com/en-gb)                 bevacizumab has been accepted and
• On Dec. 18, 2019, the FDA granted               announced that the FDA has granted              granted priority review by the FDA for the
  accelerated approval to Padcev™                 priority review for the company’s BLA           maintenance treatment of patients with
                                                                                                  advanced ovarian cancer who are in

12   accc-cancer.org | March–April 2020 | OI
complete or partial response to first-line     patients with relapsed or refractory acute          (selinexor) as a new treatment for
  platinum-based chemotherapy with               myeloid leukemia.                                   patients with relapsed or refractory
  bevacizumab. The FDA has accepted and                                                              diffuse large B-cell lymphoma after at
                                               • Eli Lilly (lilly.com) announced that the FDA
  granted priority review to a second                                                                least two prior multi-agent therapies
                                                 granted priority review for an NDA for
  supplemental new drug application for                                                              and who are ineligible for stem cell
                                                 selpercatinib (LOXO-292) for the
  Lynparza® (olaparib) for patients with                                                             transplantation, including CAR T-cell
                                                 treatment of patients with advanced RET
  metastatic castration-resistant prostate                                                           therapy.
                                                 fusion-positive non-small cell lung
  cancer and deleterious or suspected
                                                 cancer, RET-mutant medullary thyroid
  deleterious germline or somatic
                                                 cancer, and RET fusion-positive thyroid          Approved Genetic Tests and
  homologous recombination repair gene
                                                 cancer.                                          Assays
  mutations who have progressed
  following prior treatment with a new         • Roche (roche.com) announced the                  • Myriad Genetics, Inc. (myriad.com)
  hormonal agent.                                submission of a supplemental BLA to the            announced that the FDA has approved
                                                 FDA for Tecentriq® (atezolizumab) in               BRACAnalysis CDx® for use as a
• MacroGenics, Inc. (macrogenics.com)
  announced that it has submitted a BLA          combination with Avastin® (bevaci-                 companion diagnostic test by healthcare
  for margetuximab, an investigational,          zumab) (Genentech, gene.com) for the               professionals to identify patients with
  Fc-engineered, monoclonal antibody that        treatment of patients with unresectable            metastatic pancreatic cancer who have a
  targets HER2, for the treatment of             hepatocellular carcinoma who have not              germline BRCA mutation and are
  patients with metastatic HER2-positive         received prior systemic therapy.                   candidates for treatment with PARP
  breast cancer in combination with            • Kura Oncology, Inc. (kuraoncology.com)             inhibitor Lynparza® (olaparib).
  chemotherapy.                                  announced that the FDA has granted fast          • IceCure Medical Ltd. (icecure-medical.
• OBI Pharma, Inc. (obipharma.com)               track designation to tipifarnib for the            com) announced that it received FDA
  announced that the FDA has granted             treatment of patients with HRAS-mutant             clearance for expanded indications of
  orphan drug designation to OBI-999 for         head and neck squamous cell carcinomas             Cryoablation Technology, a non-
  the treatment of gastric cancer.               after progression on platinum therapy.             surgical liquid nitrogen cryoablation
                                               • Seattle Genetics, Inc. (seattlegenetics.           technology that destroys benign and
• Bristol-Myers Squibb (bms.com)
  announced that the FDA has accepted            com) announced that it has submitted an            cancerous tumors by freezing. The new
  and granted priority review to its             NDA to the FDA for tucatinib in combina-           FDA clearance will enable the company
  supplemental BLA for Opdivo®                   tion with trastuzumab and capecitabine             to market its solution for the treatment
  (nivolumab) in combination with                for treatment of patients with locally             of cancerous and benign tumors of the
  Yervoy® (ipilimumab) for the first-line        advanced unresectable or metastatic                kidney; liver; and ear, nose, and throat;
  treatment of patients with metastatic or       HER2-positive breast cancer, including             and further neurology indications.
  recurrent non-small cell lung cancer with      patients with brain metastases, who have         • Myriad Genetics, Inc. (myriad.com)
  no epidermal growth factor receptor or         received at least three prior HER2-directed        announced submission of a supple-
  anaplastic lymphoma kinase genomic             agents separately or in combination in             mentary premarket approval applica-
  tumor aberrations.                             the neoadjuvant, adjuvant, or metastatic           tion to the FDA for its myChoice® CDx
• Precigen, Inc. (precigen.com) announced                                                           test to help predict outcomes of
  that the FDA has granted orphan drug         • Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. (karyo-               women with first-line platinum-
  designation to PRGN-3006, an investiga-        pharm.com) announced that it has                   responsive advanced ovarian cancer
  tional therapy using Precigen’s non-viral      submitted an NDA to the FDA seeking                treated with PARP inhibitor Zejula®
  UltraCAR-T™ therapeutic platform for           accelerated approval for Xpovio®                   (niraparib).

                                                                                                OI | March–April 2020 | accc-cancer.org       13
Portneuf Cancer Center
Pocatello, Idaho

        ortneuf Cancer Center calls Pocatello,     clinic is the “hub” of the cancer center and is   multidisciplinary breast clinic, which allows
        Idaho, home. It overlooks the              adjacent to the radiation oncology suite. It      patients to meet with their medical
        sprawling valley of the Portneuf River     features 10 exam rooms and a laboratory           oncologist, radiation oncologist, and surgeon
that leads to a beautiful reservoir. Surround-     draw station.                                     all in one visit. The nurse navigator is key to
ing mountains create panoramic views in               Radiation oncology services are located        this coordinated planning and responsible for
every direction. The cancer center, which          opposite to the outpatient clinic and infusion    ensuring that any extra testing is scheduled
opened in 2004, is located in its own              suite. The cancer center boasts an Elekta         and completed before the clinic visit.
single-story building on the campus of             Infinity™ linear accelerator, cone beam           Individuals with colon or rectal cancer follow
                                                   computed tomography scanner, and large            a similar patient flow, and the aim with all
Portneuf Medical Center and operates as a
                                                   bore computed tomography scanner.                 other patients is to meet the cancer center’s
hospital outpatient department. The cancer
                                                   Patients can receive a range of treatments,       goal of scheduling a consultation within
center treats patients from southeastern
                                                   including 3D conformal, intensity-modulated       three to five days of the initial referral.
Idaho and cares for a diverse rural
                                                   radiation therapy, volumetric-modulated arc           The cancer center takes pride in its
population.                                                                                          multidisciplinary approach to cancer care
                                                   therapy, image-guided radiation therapy,
                                                   stereotactic body radiation therapy, and          and the variety of supportive services it
Under One Roof
                                                   stereotactic radiosurgery. The radiation          provides patients. (Patients can take
Patients at Portneuf Cancer Center do not
                                                   oncology suite is staffed by three radiation      advantage of these services at any point
have to travel to separate locations for
                                                   therapists, one medical dosimetrist, and one      during their treatment journey.) All patients
care—medical oncology, radiation oncology,
                                                   medical physicist.                                meet with the program’s social worker and
dietitians, and a social worker all provide care                                                     full-time dietitian at the start of their
                                                      In addition to the infusion suite nurses
under the same roof. “The beautiful thing                                                            treatment. The dietitian establishes a good
                                                   and radiation suite, the Portneuf Cancer
about this is that when patients walk into         Center is staffed by two medical oncologists,     nutritional base for patients, who may
the cancer center, our staff knows their name      two radiation oncologists, three certified        schedule follow-up visits, if necessary.
and the patients become part of the fabric of      physician assistants, one oncology nurse          Patients can also self-refer to meet with the
our center,” explains Mary Keating, director of    navigator, one licensed social worker, three      social worker and financial counselors.
marketing.                                         financial counselors, one registered dietitian,   Portneuf Cancer Center has received the
   Housed within the cancer center is an           and two certified tumor registrars. All of the    American Society of Clinical Oncology’s
infusion suite, clinic, and radiation suite all    center’s medical oncology providers and staff     Quality Oncology Practice Initiative
on one floor with patient flow in mind. The        are hospital employed; radiation oncologists      certification.
infusion suite, located at the north end of the    are contracted.
cancer center, includes 10 infusion chairs                                                           Outreach Clinics
                                                      Most patients are referred to the cancer
that look out onto the Portneuf Valley                                                               Like other healthcare providers serving a
                                                   center by Portneuf Medical Center’s surgeons
through floor-to-ceiling windows and 2             or primary care physicians, which streamlines     large rural area, Portneuf Cancer Center’s
private infusion rooms with a hospital bed         the referral process. The cancer center also      delivery of patient-centered care can be
and private bedroom. The infusion suite is         sees patients referred from outside of the        affected by its patients’ geographic location,
staffed by 6 nurses—4 full-time, 1 part-time,      Pocatello area.                                   ability to travel, and weather conditions. In
and 1 as needed (PRN). Three of the nursing           The leading cancer sites treated at            response to the needs of patients living in
staff hold oncology-certified nursing              Portneuf Cancer Center include breast, lung,      rural settings and to reduce the travel burden
credentials and two others have Vascular           colorectal, and prostate. Patients with breast    for these patients and their families, Portneuf
Access Board certification. The outpatient         cancer may be seen at the cancer center’s         Cancer Center has opened four satellite

14   accc-cancer.org | March–April 2020 | OI
cancer clinics. Farthest from main clinic in        hospital runs a free shuttle for travel to the
Pocatello is the clinic at Steele Memorial          cancer center from either the guest house
Hospital in Salmon, Idaho (about 210 miles          or RV park; valet service is available for
away); the closest satellite clinic is located at   those who drive.
Caribou Memorial Hospital in Soda Springs,
Idaho (about 56 miles away). These clinics are      Access to Cutting-Edge
staffed daily with licensed practice nurses, a      Treatment and Clinical Trials
certified medial assistant, and a physician         For patients who need treatment beyond
assistant. A medical oncologist from                Portneuf Cancer Center’s capacity or access
Portneuf Cancer Center visits the clinics once      to clinical trials, the cancer center
a month, spending two days each in Soda             facilitates referrals to the Huntsman Cancer        thoracic tumor board is attended by
Springs and Salmon and a full or half-day at        Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah. Portneuf         cardiologists, pulmonologists, and cardio-
the remaining two satellite sites. Depending        Cancer Center has established a streamlined         thoracic surgeons.
on the clinic location, oncologists will see        referral process with the institute and                Because the Portneuf Medical Center and
between 6 to 20 patients face-to-face.              coordination is prioritized by both programs.       the cancer center’s staff are a close, tight-knit
Chemotherapy, which is overseen by a                This referral pathway creates greater               group, they are in conversation with one
medical oncologist, is available at each clinic.    opportunities for Portneuf Cancer Center’s          another frequently to discuss patients’
   Should a patient need to be seen by the          rural patient population, especially those          treatment. “They do not hesitate to pick up
oncologist other than during a scheduled            with more complex or rare diseases, to access       the phone to call whichever discipline they
visit, the physician assistant or certified         specialist care and clinical trials.                need to talk to regarding the patient,”
medical assistant at the clinic uses telehealth                                                         explains Jenni Adams, RN, BSN, OCN, cancer
so that patients can be seen by their                                                                   center director. Therefore, tumor boards are
                                                    Patient-Centered Care
oncology provider. The Portneuf Cancer                                                                  not the only place in which multidisciplinary
                                                    Portneuf Cancer Center sees a variety of
Center oncologists see about 15 to 20                                                                   cancer care is prioritized, because collabora-
                                                    patients and prioritizes their care in many
patients a month via telehealth appoint-                                                                tion among clinicians and staff takes place
                                                    ways. Because it is located next the Fort Hall
ments. The cancer center has seen tremen-                                                               every day.
                                                    Reservation, its staff works closely with
dous growth in its patient population with                                                                 Portneuf Cancer Center is proud to have its
                                                    the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. A social               clinicians and staff working side by side every
the implementation of these outreach clinics
                                                    worker/navigator helps Fort Hall Reservation        day. In fact, this close, collaborative environ-
because they enable patients to stay in their
hometowns with their families. If patients          patients navigate and coordinate care with          ment may be an advantage of caring for
need radiation or combination therapy, they         Portneuf Cancer Center. About 10 to 20              patients in its rural setting—the cancer center
are treated at the cancer center in Pocatello.      percent of the cancer center’s patient              has not experienced high turnover rates
Patients who must travel to the main facility       population travels from Fort Hall.                  among its nurses, therapists, and/or
can take advantage of the resources available          There are cultural considerations in             providers. “This is a big advantage to
at the Portneuf Medical Center to help them         treating this specific patient population, and      patient-centered care,” explains Robb Dye,
with the financial burden of treatment and          the center’s staff takes pride in its ability to    MSW, licensed clinical social worker. “It is all
travel.                                             effectively coordinate and care for these           behind the scenes.” This approach has helped
                                                    patients. To further accommodate its diverse        establish crucial relationships among its staff
Transportation and Lodging                          patients, staff members—a medical oncolo-           and clinicians that patients experience and
                                                    gist and social worker—speak fluent Spanish         benefit from firsthand. These care providers
                                                    or can help translate for its Spanish-speaking      know their patients’ names and stories, and
Portneuf Medical Center has a guest house
                                                    patients, helping to eliminate cultural and         patients are greeted by the same smiling face
and RV park on its campus to accommodate
                                                    language barriers to care.                          at every cancer center visit.
visiting patients, their families, and visitors
                                                       To further its patient-centered focus,
who travel long distances or who may
                                                    Portneuf Cancer Center holds three tumor
experience weather disruptions that could           boards—a general tumor board, a breast-
impact treatment schedules. The RV park has                                                                Select supportive care
                                                    specific tumor board, and a thoracic tumor
six paved, full hookup sites available at no                                                               services include:
                                                    board—each scheduled once a month. The
cost, situated by picnic tables and majestic                                                               • Nutrition services
                                                    tumor board brings together Portneuf
mountain views. Cancer center patients are                                                                 • Financial counseling services
                                                    Medical Center’s urologists, surgeons,
given priority and can reserve a spot through                                                              • Psychosocial services
                                                    radiologists, interventional radiologist,
their nurse navigator or social worker. The                                                                • Support groups
                                                    pathologists, nursing staff, navigators,
guest house is located just two miles away          medical oncology, radiation oncology, and
                                                                                                           Approximate number of new analytic
from the main hospital, can house two               support staff. Its three breast surgeons               cases seen in 2019: 400
families, and is also free of charge. The           attend the breast tumor board, while the

                                                                                                       OI | March–April 2020 | accc-cancer.org        15
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