Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center

Page created by Rafael Henderson
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
Once on This Island
    A Musical
Book and Lyrics by                              Music By
   Lynn Ahrens                              Stephen Flaherty
             Based Upon the novel “My Love, My Love” by Rosa Guy
  Originally Directed and Choreographed on Broadway by Graciela Daniele
Playwrights Horizons, Inc. Produced ONCE ON THIS ISLAND Off-Broadway in 1990
     Originally Produced on Broadway by The Shubert Organization, Capital
                                 Cities/ABC, Inc.
     Suntory International Corporation and James Walsh, In Association with
                               Playwrights Horizons
                     Once on This Island
  Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre
International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also
                           supplied by MTI.

     This production is sponsored by:
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
Directing & Design Team
       Director:            Assistant Director:              Music Director:
       Betty Hart            Mykai Eastman                 Lee Ann Scherlong

     Choreographer:                                  Production Stage Manager:
Christopher Page-Sanders                                  Lindsay Sullivan

 Music Tracks Creator:                                     Costume Designer:
Donna Kolpan Debreceni                                     David J. Castellano

     Scenic Design:         Lighting Design:                  Props Design:
      Philip Cope           Vance McKenzie                  Lindsay Sullivan

   Sound Designer:         Technical Director:             Master Carpenter:
     Curt Behm                Mike Haas                      Kevin Chung

    Scenic Artist:             Run Crew:                   Master Electrician:
    Dustin Hartley         Gilbert “Gib” Smith              Emily Maddox

                      Oliver Stone         Brad Paulling
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
House Rules
 Video and/or audio recording of this production is
     a violation of United States copyright law, an
       actionable Federal offense and is strictly
  Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, and any
             other noise making devices
  If you need to leave the theatre during the act,
  please wait until the lights are bright enough to see
      and walk along the front of the stage to the
    entrance you came in. Because of the physical
  layout of our space, you will not be allowed to re-
     enter the theatre until the act is over. You can
     watch the rest of the act on the Closed-Circuit
          Television in the Stanton Art Gallery.

 When you donate to Town Hall Arts Center, you help
 support dreams, families, and so much more! Your
  contribution to THAC is more important than ever
         before during these uncertain times
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
MUSICAL NUMBERS                                                              Authors
                                           Lynn Ahrens won Tony, Drama Desk, and Outer Critics Circle Awards and received two
                                           Grammy nominations for Broadway’s Ragtime. For Twentieth Century Fox’s animated
                  Act I                    feature film Anastasia, she was nominated for two Academy Awards and two Golden
           Prologue/We Dance               Globes. She and longtime collaborator Stephen Flaherty received the Oscar Hammerstein
              One Small Girl               Award for Lifetime Achievement, and in 2015 they were inducted into the Theater Hall of
                                           Fame. Broadway: Anastasia; Once on This Island (Olivier Award, Best Musical; Tony
              Waiting For Life
                                           nominations, Best Book and Score); Seussical (Grammy nomination); My Favorite Year; Chita
      And the Gods Heard Her Prayer        Rivera: The Dancer’s Life; Rocky; Madison Square Garden’s A Christmas Carol; Ragtime
                   Rain                    (2010 Broadway revival). Off-Broadway and regional: Lincoln Center Theater’s Dessa Rose,
                                           The Glorious Ones (both Drama Desk-nominated) and A Man of No Importance (Outer
                                           Critics Circle Award, Best Musical); Lucky Stiff; Little Dancer (Kennedy Center world
There will be one 15-minute intermission   premiere). Film and television credits include “A Christmas Carol” (NBC-TV); Camp (IFC
                                           Films); “Schoolhouse Rock” (ABC-TV) and others. She is a Council Member of the Dramatists
                  Act II                   Guild of America, a co-founder of the Dramatists Guild Fellows Program, and a Lilly Award
    The Sad Tale of the Beauxhommes        winner for Lyrics.
                 Ti Moune
                                           Stephen Flaherty is the composer of the Broadway musicals Ragtime (Tony, Drama Desk,
            Mama Will Provide              OCC Awards, two Grammy nominations), Seussical (Grammy, Drama Desk
         Waiting For Life – reprise        nominations), Once on This Island (Tony nomination, Olivier Award, Best Musical)
                 Some Say                  and Rocky. Additional Broadway includes Chita Rivera: The Dancer's Life (original songs)
            The Human Heart                and Neil Simon's Proposals (incidental music). Stephen has also written four musicals at
               Pray – reprise              Lincoln Center Theatre: The Glorious Ones (OCC, Drama Desk nominations), Dessa
                                           Rose (OCC, Drama Desk nominations), A Man of No Importance (OCC, Best Musical, Drama
                Some Girls
                                           Desk nomination) and My Favorite Year. Other theater includes In Your Arms (Old
                  The Ball                 Globe), Little Dancer (Kennedy Center), Lucky Stiff (Playwrights Horizons) and Loving
            Andrea Sequence                Repeating: A Musical of Gertrude Stein (Chicago's Jefferson Award, Best New Musical.) Film
      Promises/Forever Yours – reprise     includes Anastasia (two Academy Award and two Golden Globe nominations), the
           Wedding Sequence                documentary After The Storm and Lucky Stiff. Mr. Flaherty's concert music has premiered at
                A Part of Us               the Hollywood Bowl, Boston's Symphony Hall, Carnegie Hall, the Guggenheim Museum and
                                           Symphony Space. This year celebrates Stephen's 32-year collaboration with lyricist-librettist
          Why We Tell the Story
                                           Lynn Ahrens. Stephen and Lynn are members of the Dramatists Guild Council and co-
                                           founders of the Dramatists Guild Fellows Program. In 2015 they were inducted into the
       Setting: French Antilles            Theater Hall Of Fame. Upcoming: the stage adaptation
                                           of Anastasia. AhrensAndFlaherty.com.
             Time: 2022
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
Letter from the Director                                                                                                  I have whole heartedly enjoyed the rehearsal and tech
                                                                      The exquisite thing that Town Hall Arts Center (THAC) did
                        Betty Hart                                    when they decided to hire the first black female director
                                                                                                                                    process for this show. I have been profoundly moved and
                                                                                                                                    touched by the power and wonder of telling this story. I
                                                                      in the forty-year existence of this theatre is be part of
                                                                                                                                    am grateful to the artists and designers who have
                                                                      changing the narrative. Robert Michael Sanders and the
                                                                                                                                    collaborated with me to bring this story to life. Thank
Once on this Island has been a profound journey for all of us.        leadership of this Theatre chose to be intentional about
                                                                                                                                    you, Phil, Dave, Vance, Curt, and Lindsay, for bringing this
From the audition process where we encountered over fifty             giving artists of color the chance to not only tell a story
                                                                                                                                    story to life. Your designs are wonderful and I’m grateful
actors of color (a rarity in Colorado theatre), to the callback       about people of color, but to have it helmed by a woman
                                                                                                                                    to each of you. Thank you to Mike and all of the crew for
process where performers cried and hugged at the end because          of color. This singular action caused artists to come to
                                                                                                                                    everything & to Donna for creating the tracks! To
it was a joyous and moving experience to be in a room with            THAC for the first time. No one in this cast has ever
                                                                                                                                    Matthew, Robert Michael and the staff of THAC, I have
people who looked like them, to the first weeks of rehearsals         worked at THAC before. Few in this cast have ever
                                                                                                                                    loved working with you.
where we were masked and didn’t really know what everyone             worked together before.
looked like, to the wonder and discovery of faces when masks                                                                        This journey would not have been the same without
                                                                      Bringing us together caused a chain reaction that none of
came off, to the tears and laughter that came from our check in                                                                     working alongside four-time collaborators Chris and
                                                                      us anticipated. As we built community, shared our
questions, to watching the cast blossom and grow, to seeing this                                                                    LeeAnn. The choreography and music direction are
                                                                      stories, and did the work of putting this musical on its
team openly discuss the themes in this play.                                                                                        exquisite and partnering with you two is always a
                                                                      feet, a healing began. People who had felt othered felt a
                                                                                                                                    pleasure and a tremendous joy. Thank you to Lindsay,
Once on this Island was adapted from the novel “My Love, my           sense of belonging. People who had been timid in the
                                                                                                                                    our stage manager, for all of your deep care for this cast
love, or The peasant Girl” by Rosa Guy. The novel shows us an         past began to walk in power and authority. People felt
                                                                                                                                    and keeping us working smoothly. And, thank you, to
island of haves and have nots, an island where people are judged      free to be who they are and to expand and grow in new
                                                                                                                                    Mykai, for assisting me and this team in little and large
by the color of their skin, and the concept of colorism (a            ways.
                                                                                                                                    ways. You four are my dream team. I appreciate your
discriminatory practice based on skin tone) is prevalent. This is a
                                                                      This allowed us to discuss racism, colorism, and classism,    artistry, your hearts, your friendship, and support.
world where the gods are in control and can inhabit the bodies
                                                                      and look at this story, set in the French Antilles, and see
of people to speak. The book has themes of racism, colorism,                                                                        To the cast of Once on this Island, thank you. Words
                                                                      where it intersects with modern day America. We also
classism, sacrifice, and the power of love and forgiveness.                                                                         cannot fully express how deeply I value each and every
                                                                      explored the themes of love and forgiveness. It's easy to
                                                                                                                                    one of you. I am grateful we get to tell this story
As we shared the stories of our lives, we discovered that the         imagine the anger one might feel when one has been
members of this cast have experienced many of the themes in           marginalized. It’s less easy to see and experience the
this story. They have experienced racism and discrimination           choice to love. This cast made the choice to love each        And, to you, the audience: You are why we tell the story.
here in the state of Colorado (as well as other parts of the United   other. And the cast made the beautiful choice to love         Thank you for supporting live theatre. Thank you for
States) and within the theatre community here in Colorado.            themselves—imperfections and weaknesses, strengths            choosing Town Hall Arts Center. Thank you for going on
These artists have been told what they cannot do, and                 and gifts-- to love themselves wholly and freely. The cast    this journey. I hope you leave a little lighter than you
unfortunately, some of them believed what they were told.             also began to embrace the themes of forgiveness. Like Ti      came in. I hope you’ll remember that love is stronger
Members of this cast have been told there’s no place for them in      Moune in this musical, the cast has embarked upon or          than death and that forgiveness is a beautiful choice that
the theatre profession—that they cannot sing, dance, or act.          decided to continue to be part of the path of forgiveness.    adds light to a sometimes all too dark world.
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
The entire cast of Once on This Island is made up of People of Color. We are African-American, Afro-Latina,
                     Black, Brown, Chicana, Filipino, Hispanic, Indigenous, and Mixed.

           Camryn Nailah(Ti Moune) is thrilled to take                Steffen Beal (Daniel) is a budding actor born
           center stage in her first show with THAC! Her              and raised in Denver, CO. He graduated from
           favorite roles include Ella in R&H’s Cinderella            Metropolitan State University of Denver in
           (Vintage Theater), Crystal in Little Shop of               December 2021. He majored in Creative
           Horrors (Sasquatch Productions), and Sarah in              Writing with a minor in Theatre. He is also
           Ragtime (Boulder Dinner Theater). Before                   passionate about Music, Film, and Visual Art
           travelling and performing with international               avidly creating.
           nonprofit “Up With People”, Camryn began
           her pursuit of a BFA in Musical Theater from
           Howard University in Washington D.C. Full of
           Joy and Love, Camryn is forever grateful to
           her family and friends who continue to
           support her while she fulfills her life’s purpose
           on stage.

           Nnamdi Nwankwo (Agwe) is a Colorado                        Nicole Siegler (Erzulie) Local credits include:
           based singer, actor, director, and writer. He is           10 Ways to Survive Life in Quarantine (Josie
           excited to be joining THAC for the first time.             and Jules, Polar Express (Hero Girl), Lion King
           Recent performances include “L’enfent et les               (Rafiki), Moana (Moana), Shrek (Princess
           sortiléges” with Boulder Opera as a resident               Fiona), Mamma Mia! (Lisa), Grease (Kenickie),
           artist, the world premiere of Elephant at                  and Alice in Wonderland (The Caterpillar).
           Benchmark Theatre, and workshopping
           Intelligence, a new opera by Jake Heggie
           and Gene Scheer, with Eklund Opera’s New
           Opera Workshop. He holds a BA in Theatrical
           Performance from Stephen F. Austin State
           University and a Master’s in Vocal
           Performance from CU Boulder under the
           teaching of Dr. John Seesholtz.
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
Arabella Beaubrun (Asaka) is very excited to          Heidi Carann Snider (Papa Ge) is thrilled to be
be in her first show with THAC! She moved             making her Littleton debut at THAC! She
from New York to Colorado seven years ago,            recently graduated from Colorado Mesa
and always had a passion for singing and              University where she received her BFA in
acting, and furthered her abilities at Eubie          Musical Theatre. You may have recently seen
Blake Theatre Company (NYC). She has been             her in Factory Five Five’s world premiere of
in the McDonald’s Gospel Choir (NYC),                 Winter Tales! Previous stage credits include
singing back-up for Shirley Caesar, as well as        Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, Muzzy Van
performed at AMTC Summer Shine where she              Hossmere in Thoroughly Modern Millie, and
did 10 showcases. Past credits include the            Richard Henry Lee in an all-female production
Center Stage Series (Singer), South Pacific           of 1776. Heidi is excited for future projects and
(Bloody Mary), Hairspray (Dynamites), and             looks forward to working with like-minded
Rain (Miss Ruby). Arabella would like to give a       individuals who share her passion for
shout-out to her mom and brother for always           storytelling. Visit www.heidicsnider.com for
encouraging her to follow her dreams.                 more info!

Marcelina Ramirez (Mama Euralie) is super               Robert Payo (TonTon Julian and Daniel’s
excited to make her debut at THAC!                      Father) Rob’s blessed journeys with theater
Marcelina has performed in many local                   have taken him all over Denver and beyond
theatres such as Aurora Fox, Fearless Theatre,          by way of many musical favorites: Pippin
Evergreen Players, PHAMALy, Su Teatro, Milibo           (Lead Player), In the Heights (Kevin), Miss
Art Theatre, and most recently this summer as           Saigon (Engineer) – and now this wonderful
the Dragon in the premiere of To Slay the               show – as well as dramatic roles in Mosque
Dragon at the Fine Arts Center – Colorado               (Abdul), The Oldest Boy (Lama), and Dracula
Springs. When not on stage, she is a published          (Renfield). Rob offers his heartfelt thanks to
poet, Indigenous advocate, and creator of               you, our audience, for supporting theater at
Dream Cast with the incredible IDEAs                    such a critical time. Give thanks and to the
organization - fighting for the rights of BIPOC         Gods, we dance!
actors. Marcelina would like to dedicate this
show to her two nieces, Alessandra and
Amora. If is for you two that I love, sing, and
forgive. It is for you two, that I tell this story.
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
Victoria Perez (Andrea/Ensemble) is more           Michaela Murray (Ensemble) is extremely
than excited to be taking her first professional   excited for her first show at THAC! She has
bow at THAC. Most recent credits include:          been seen at the Vintage Theater, 5280 Artist
Clue (Wadsworth), Mary Poppins (Mary               COOP, and The Spark Creates! She has been
Poppins), Pater and the Starcatcher (Molly         a performer all of her life and is excited to see
Aster), The Little Prince (The Little Prince), A   her journey continue. She would like to thank
Midsummer Night’s Dream (Puck), and Peter          her family and friends for their constant
Pan (Wendy). She is also a Colorado State          support!
Thespian Officer, the President of St. Mary’s
Troupe #1206, and a proud finalist in the
Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall.
She thanks her family, friends, teachers, and
the entire cast and crew for all of their love
and support! She hopes you enjoy the show!
Check her out on Instagram: @wictoria

Jahalia Coleman (Ensemble) is a professional       Sophia Montoya-Suson (Ensemble) is a recent
performer from Boulder, Colorado and is            Drake University graduate with a BFA in
currently pursuing her degree in Event and         Musical Theatre. You may have seen her in
Meeting Management with a minor in Theater         Vintage Theater’s production of Young
at MSU Denver. During her time there she was       Frankenstein last fall! Some of her favorite
a part of a production of Guys & Dolls but has     credits include Singin’ in the Rain (Zelda
most recently been performing around CO            Zanders/Dance Captain), Pippin (Ensemble),
and the country with Wands and Wishes              and Into the Woods (Florinda/Witch u/s).
Occasions as a Mermaid and Princess actress.       Sophia is ecstatic to be working with such a
Jahalia is ecstatic to be part of this             talented group or artists and can’t wait for
production and being back on stage,                you all to see the show!
supporting her fellow cast and crew mates
during these exciting performances.
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
Isaac Rosen (Ensemble) is so excited to be         Evan Duncan (Little Ti Moune at certain
making his debut at THAC with this stellar cast.   performances/Ensemble) Evan’s passion is for
He has appeared in a number of roles in the        theater, and she is excited to perform at
Denver area; most recently as Professor Plum       THAC! Evan has performed in a variety of
in Clue with Parker Arts, and as the Neighbor      theater productions and as a solo vocal artist
in The Noteworthy Life of Howard Barnes with       for the last four years. Evan has previously
Forge Light Theatricals. Isaac would like to       played the roles of Annie, and Grimhilde in
thank his friends and family for their constant    Neighborhood Music’s productions of Annie
support, in particular Heidi and Mikki for         and Descendants 3, as well as participating
carpooling to rehearsals.                          as a vocalist in the Arts for Autism concert at
                                                   the Gershwin Theatre in New York City. She
                                                   has performed as a solo

Sophia Stewart( Little Ti Moune at certain         Iliana Lucero Barron (Ensemble) is a Latinx
performances/Ensemble) is thrilled to be           Performer-Director-Creative-Advocate based
performing in her acting debut at THAC!            in Denver, who is a first-generation college
Sophia is nine years old and has enjoyed           graduate (CU-Denver). She has worked in
singing, dancing, and acting her whole life.       multiple capacities throughout the CO
She also enjoys jujitsu, soccer, paddle            theatre community including: DCPA, Central
boarding, and traveling. Sophia would like to      City Opera, Mirror Image Arts, Inside the
thank the Directing team for their guidance        Orchestra, Colorado Theatre Guild, IDEA
and confidence as she begins this fantastic        Stages, Casa Milagro Youth Solutions, and
journey.                                           more. As a performer: Northside (Su Teatro),
                                                   Shakespeare In Love (Vintage), Shakespeare
                                                   in the Parking Lot Tour (DCPA). As a Director:
                                                   The Sojourners Project: Busing(IDEA Stages &
                                                   Control Group Productions), Frida Kahlo and
                                                   the Bravest Girl in the World ( Central City
                                                   Opera). Enjoy the show!
Once on This Island A Musical - Town Hall Arts Center
Directors, Designers, and Technicians
Betty Hart (Director) is elated to make her Town Hall Arts
Center directorial debut. Recent credits include By the Way,       Mykai Eastman (Assistant Director) is a Director and Playwright
Meet Vera Stark (Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center), Polaroid      who recently relocated to Denver. He dedicates his career to
Stories (Metropolitan State University of Denver), An Iliad        giving a voice to the voiceless. With a B.A. in Theatre, and an
(Creede Repertory Theatre), The Scottsboro Boys and Crowns         M.A. in Professional Communication (University of Tampa), Mykai
(Vintage Theatre), Hooded, or Being Black for Dummies              takes a multi-disciplinary approach to theatre that pushes
(Aurora Fox), Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill (DCPA Garner       boundaries of what is expected on stage. With the goal of
& Galleria & Vintage Theatre). Next up: Local Lab 11 (Local        expanding the American theatre audience, Mykai is working on
Theater Company) and Blackademics (Vintage Theatre).               publishing a dramatic theory that combines stage and screen
Special Awards: 2018 & 2021 True West Award winner. Betty is       practices for producers to implement in their productions. He
an associate artist of Local Theater Company in Boulder, Co.       would like to thank God, his family, and friends for their
                                                                   undeniable support.

Lindsay Sullivan(Production Stage Manager and Props                Lee Ann Scherlong (Music Director) is a Performer, Teaching Artist,
Designer) is dipping her toes back in the Colorado Stage           Music and Stage Director. As a performer, she has appeared with
Management waters. She was working as an Equity Stage              various organizations including Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra,
Manager at the Aurora Fox for over 13 years and now, after a       Fort Collins Symphony Orchestra, Robert Shaw Festival Singers, the
6-year retirement, was talked into Stage Managing again by         William Halt Master Chorale, Opera Fort Collins, Colorado Music
the THAC staff. She is feeling relieved that she is getting back   Festival, and the Metropolitan Choral Festival. She has performed
with new and old friends. She has two boys: Easton (11) and        with several theatre companies including Performance Now,
Asher (7), who keep plenty of drama, comedy, and musicals          Spotlight Theatre, Fort Collins Children’s Theatre, Northglenn
every day. She is excited to be Stage Managing two shows           Youth Theatre, Cherry Creek Theatre, Union Colony Dinner
for THAC next season. Thank you to my sweet husband who            Theatre, MidTown Arts Center, Aurora Fox, and Vintage Theatre.
has been so supportive of my venture back into creative            Performance credits include: Tuck Everlasting (Vintage), Caroline,
mode.                                                              or Change (Aurora Fox), 42nd Street, Sound of Music, Fiddler on
                                                                   the Roof, Beauty and the Beast, Hello, Dolly! (Performance Now),
                                                                   Sound of Music (Evergreen Chorale)
Directors, Designers, and Technicians
Christopher Page-Sanders (Choreographer) Originally from St.   Philip Cope (Set Design) A Littleton native, Philip is happy to be
Louis, MO, he received his formal dance training from the      back at THAC where he saw shows as a child and spent some
Center of Creative Arts (COCA) and as a BFA Dance Major        time in the early aughts building shows. His most recent work has
from the University of Missouri-Kansas-City (Conservatory of   been at Vintage Theater where he designed Five Guys Named
Music and Dance). Christopher is the Founding Co-Artistic      Moe, Scottsboro Boys, Crowns, Lady Day at the Emerson Bar and
Director of NU-World Contemporary Danse Theatre. As a          Grill, 12 Days of Christmas, and The Language Archive. He is
performer, he has danced extensively with national and         delighted to be working with old friends and new on this show, all
international dance companies such as the Cleo Parker          thanks to Betty for the opportunity to play in this sand box with
Dance Ensemble, Hanna Kahn Dance Company, Leah Glenn           these people. He would like to dedicate this show to his son,
Dance Theatre, and Owen/Cox Dance Group. As a                  Oliver, who is just the best.
Director/Choreographer, he has worked with theatre
companies such as Aurora Fox, COCA Presents, Fly North
Theatricals, Metro Theater Company, The Reparatory Theatre     Vance McKenzie (Lighting Design) is a freelance lighting designer
of St. Louis (Imaginary Theatre Company), THAC, Vintage        and resident lighting designer at Miners Alley. Recent designs
Theatre, as well as teaching and choreographing for            include Moon Over Buffalo (Miners Alley), I Do, I Do (Arvada
Chapman University, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance, Davis          Center), and Medea (UCCS). Other designs include The
Contemporary Dance Company, Deeply Rooted ECS,                 Foreigner, White Christmas, and She Loves Me at the Arvada
Denver School for the Arts, Dwana Smallwood Performing Arts    Center, Beauty and the Beast (UNC), District Merchants, and
Center, and Park Hill Dance Academy. He currently sits on      Once (Miners Alley), Mamma Mia!, Sister Act, and Ghost (Lake
the Board of Directors for Vintage Theatre. He is a two-time   Dillon Theater Company), and Jekyll & Hyde at Candlelight
recipient of The Leni Wylliams Award from Cleo Parker          Dinner Playhouse.
Robinson Dance, and a two-time True West Award winner for
his work on Amplify (Arvada Center) and The Scottsboro Boys
(Vintage), for which he also won a 2020 CTG Henry Award for    Donna Kolpan Debreceni (Tracks Creator) was delighted to be
Choreography. “On the shoulders of my ancestors and            asked to create the backing music tracks for this lovely show!
mentors, I Dance!”                                             Some of her favorite’s she has tracked for THAC include Guys and
                                                               Dolls, Wizard of Oz, Gypsy, Young Frankenstein, and The
                                                               Producers. Enjoy the show!
Directors, Designers, and Technicians
David J. Castellano (Costume Design) is a Colorado native,
and this is his first outing with THAC! He’s had the pleasure of   Matthew Dugger (Sound Board Operator) has been with THAC
working for several companies including Richard Frankel            since 2019 and is excited to continue his work here. This is his 10th
Productions, William Ivey Long Studios, The Colorado               main stage production with Town Hall.
Shakespeare Festival, Stella Adler Studio, and Stray Cat
Theatre. Favorite projects include Little Shop of Horrors
(Broadway & National Tour), Twentieth Century (Broadway),
Octopus, Shipwrecked!, An Entertainment, and Spring
Awakening. David graduated from the University of Evansville
with a BFA in Theatre Design and Technology, and Ohio
University with an MFA in Scenic and Costume Design. He is a
member of USA829.                                                  Gilbert “Gib” Smith (Run Crew) is a recent graduate of
                                                                   Metropolitan State University of Denver’s BFA Theatre Technology
                                                                   and Design program. He’s excited to return to the industry from a
                                                                   pandemic induced sabbatical. As always, he’d like to thank his
                                                                   legs for supporting him, his fingers for being there to count on,
Curt Behm (Sound Design) is very grateful to be back Sound         and his arms for being by his side.
Designing again this season for THAC. He is a 2019 True West
Award winner and has been mixing and/or designing
theatrical productions and mixing bands for 30+ years.
Favorites include: American Idiot, Hedwig and the Angry
Inch, Dracula, Violet, Young Frankenstein, Sweeney Todd,
Jesus Christ Superstar, and mixing Blues artist Susan Tedeschi.
Curt would like to thank Betty and the THAC staff for the
continued opportunities and his family for their love and
never-ending support.

                                                                                      Mocha – Once on This Island
                                                                                      Support Dog
Talk Back                                       Spotlight Series
 Sunday April 24th
                                                   Discussions with ACC Professors on
                                                      topics related to our season
                                                        Once on This Island
   following the                                         Spotlight Lecture

 2:00pm matinee.                                     Sunday April 10th @ 5:00pm

Moderated by the                                         Professor Jomil Ebro
                                                 “A Case of Melancolony: Postcolonial

Director: Betty Hart
                                                    Biopower in Once on This Island

                        Stanton Art Gallery
THAC’s Stanton Art Gallery is curated by The Littleton Fine Arts Guild (LFAG). Exhibits run
  in conjunction with our Main Stage productions. Open during Box Office hours M-F
          10am-5pm. FREE Admission. Browse and purchase great local art!

                       Life is a Beach – March 15-May 8
                         Celebrations – May 27-June26
Staff                                              Board of Directors

Chief Operating Officer/                                          President…………………….………………...……J.D. McCrumb

      Education Manager…………Robert Michael Sanders                 Vice President………….…………...…………………Sam Cheris

                                                                  Treasurer………………………..……………..…Lynne Lehr-Buck
Director of Programming……………………..Matthew Kepler
                                                                  Secretary………………………..…………………...……Lori Perry

Technical Director……………………………..………Mike Haas                       Immediate Past President…………..…….……….Denise Kato

                                                                  Member………………………………..…….…..……….Deb Kelly
Patron Experience Manager………….…..Savannah Reeves
                                                                  Member……………………………..………………….Jackie Loh

Operations Manager……………..Sarah Alexander-Wininger                 Member………………………………..………….Christine Tatum

                                                                  Member……………………………..…...……….Lisa McKeegan
Master Carpenter…………………......……………Kevin Chung
                                                                  Member…………………………..…………………….Hailey Thiel

Scenic Artist/Videographer……………...………Dustin Hartley               Member…………………………..………….Dr. Danielle Staples

                                                                  Member…………………………..…………………Allen Jimenez
Education Assistant……………….……………LuAnn Buckstein
                                                                  Emeritus…………………………….……………….Darrell Schulte

Patron Experience Associates….....................Dave Johnson,   Emeritus………………………………..………………Dave Taylor
                                Kendra Pierce, Hanna Tripp,
                                  Jacob Luria, Willa Bograd,
                                 Ashlee Arline, Hayley Jarrett
                                                     Sustaining Patrons
Don & Lynne Buck                                Beth Elland                     Greg & Karen Gulley
Dale Campau                                     Nancy Gary                      June Travis
Vineta Campau                                   Sam Cheris & Susan Perlman      Al Stutson

                                                   Executive Producers
Ed & Laurie Bock                                Beth Elland                     Jackie Loh
Richard & Martha Boon                           Bonnie & Jim Neuman             Kathryn Diane Pearce
Dick & Anne Dugdale                             Norma Nash                      Lori & Wade Perry
Kim & Ted Graham                                Mollie & Richard Miles          David & Janet Taylor
Patricia & Terry Howard                         J.D. & Briana McCrumb           Jim Taylor
Denise Kato                                     Kristy Miller                   Karen Thouvenin
Phil & Deb Kelly                                Richard Dehnck & Kim Morss      Richard S. Wartel
                                                Brett & Becky Narlinger

Cunthia & Eric Allred                           Linda Diekvoss & Paul Parish    Anonymous
Bob & Karlyn McCrumb                            Mike & Kellie Giesen            Millie Miles
The Barber Family                               Gerry & Karen Glancy            Barbara Miller
Libby Bortz                                     Kim & Glenn Graham              Laura Moes
Barbara Bowman                                  Maron Hindman                   Alex Nash
Marlene & Mike Boyle                            Andrea Hyatt                    Bill & Barbara Reese
Robert & Linda Bushman                          Eric Johannisson                Ms. Susan (Sukie) & Tim Schroeder
Kippi Clausen                                   LaDonna Jurgensen               Patti Sherrod
Danine Crane & Mary Dickinson                   Suzanne Koegle-Johnson          Marlene Siegel
Sue Barrett Delphi in memory of Laura Barrett                                   James R. Thornton
Brad & Darlene Locke                            Ellen Stewart & Donald Vancil   Christopher Lyons
Bill & Kathy Adams                              Charles Towne
                                        Associate Producers
Carol Alber                          Sarah Alspector                 Elizabeth Barber
John & Evangeline Allen              Linda & Doug Andreen            Sharon Barnes
Lori Allington                       Marilyn Ahrens                  Edward & Kathy Bartlett
Jeff & Mickie Allison                Michelle & Cora Baker           Michael & Marilyn Berg
The Best Family                      Kathleen Hoy-Gipe               Marie Pilkington
Mamie & Bill Bloom                   Cody Jacobs                     Carol & Richard Boorom
Jacqueline Powers & Jonathan Rhoda   Anita Kannady                   Judith B. Prince
Stacy McVicker & Doug Bridwell       Lois Keene                      Richard Riddell
Sheryl Kepler                        Mrs. Helen Santilli             John & Marilyn Bruce
Mary Lou Kingery                     Carla Seeliger                  Shanti Chacko
Mary Lou Seeliger                    Danine Crane & Martin Hartley   Sharon & Burrell Landes
Michael Shaffer                      Jim & Marcie Collins            Barbara Larson
Sheri Skolnick                       Barbara Coddington              Gloria Leeper
Sara Smaling                         Bob Colwell                     Mary Linhardt
Cari Smith                           June Anne Curry                 Edmund Lynch
Constance Steeples                   Jean Davenport                  Joan Markle
Ivo & Beth Steklac                   Robert & Debra Decker           Rob & Carole Mason
Sharon Stewart                       Larry Matthew                   Allyson Stickelman
Max Douglas                          Raymond & Louise Durbala        Dorothy Mauro
Walt Strubbe                         Yolanda McAllister              Tina Talbert
Norma & Carrie Edson                 Susan & James Mcnamee           Colleen Thumm
Donna Ericson                        Catherine Miller                Marjorie Trueman
Joan Facchinello                     Debbie Misrack                  Jasmin Wagner
Bill & Pam Forrest                   Pat & Richard Nearman           Bruce Wilkins
Greg Glasgow & Kathryn Mayer         Stephen & Linda Odiorne         Judith Wilson
Geoff & Susan goodman                Frank O’Hara                    Keith Winkel & Dottie Travestad
Patty & Rich Goodwin                 Lil Owens                       Bette Henson
                                 Associate Producers cont.
Peter Padilla                    James O’Keege & Sara Yerkey                      Barbara Hosler
Christine & Frederick Pfaffman   Cheri Kresch, Warren Hunts, Larry Rinaldo & Sue Metzker

Dave Aldridge                    Janette Ballard                                  Jon Benz
Gary Alfred                      Herb & Shirley Banister                          Martha Bello
Jim & Barb Allamian              Lynnette Barbee                                  Steve Berger
Beth & Edward Allen              Suzanne Barkley                                  Dianne Bloch
Lori Allington                   Nancy Battilega                                  Larry Bograd
Phylis Anderson                  Gary & Nancy Baughman                            Catherine Bojan
Jenny Ayers                      Jane Becker                                      Barbara Bordas
Michelle Baker                   William Beenck                                   Robert & Sandy Bosco
Roger Bale                       Debbie Behrens                                   Gary & Judy Bowman
Barabara Brann                   Jan Dougan                                       Ancella (Andy) Hart
James Broderick                  Richard Dutton                                   Sonya Ellingboe
Bridget Brown                    John Gerkin                                      Ellin Hayes
Mary Brown                       Mark Effertz                                     James Hayes
Nannette Brown                   Dwight Eisnach                                   Brian Hayungs
Robert Bruner                    Kim Ela                                          Joan Hazen
Jim Burke                        Clarann Elkins                                   Jayne Heath
Patricia Caillouet               Megan Elward                                     Paul Hedquist
Paul Campagna                    Glenn & Lynn Erickson                            Beth Hemenway
Craig & Cheryl Chamberlain       Craig & Therese Faessler                         Cassandra Herbert
Ed & Kay Chambers                Ben Falletta                                     Mr. Alan Hirsch
Lorie Chandler                   Laura Fenn                                       Darlene Hockman
Cory Chandler                    Shaina Ferguson                                  Gail Hogge
Nanci Cheberenchick Karakurt     Jeffrey Finnin                                   Marian Hollingshead
                                   Directors cont.
Arlene Chenoweth               Rev. Robert Fisher      Mary Jo Honiotes
Jean Chernosky                 Lois Florkey            Cheryl Houser
Richard Childs                 Kim Frederick           Christina Howery
Cece Cohan                     Allan & Maxine Fulton   Dave Hunt
Daniel Cohen                   Henry Gardiner          Charles Huskey
Gene Collins                   Leslie Garske           Karen Ikard
Rita Collins                   Greg Glasgow            Tamara Jarrett
Curtis Converse                Catherine Glenn         Sandra Jensen
Roberta Corrada                Paul Goldfarb           Dave Johnson
Craig Couture                  Jack Graber             DeLynn Johnson
David Crane                    S. Thomas Gray          Karen Johnson
Karen Crossen & Jeff May       John & Dianna Greene    Kathy & Bob Johnson
Lisa Curtis                    Fred & Sandra Gregory   Nancy Johnson
Robert Daly                    William Gregory         Pam Johnson
James Davis                    Mark Greider            Debbie Johnson-Sasso
Steven Dawes                   Don Grewe               Tamra Johnston
John de Leon                   John Grimsley           Sheila Jones
Ivy Delon                      Mrs. Julie Guest        William Kacena
Kathy Derrick                  Pat Gunckel             Ross Kaminsky
Dana & Michael Dew             Bruce Guthals           Karen Kaplan
Mary DiGrappa                  Lynne Hagan             Rebecca Kast
Jim Doescher                   Linda Hall              Leigh Kaszyk
James Donohue                  Warren & Helen Hanks    Kelly Kates
Peggy Dormaier                 Barbara Hansen          Alison Kauffman
Mary & Stan Doten              Tammy Harcrow           Ed Kautz
Sally Doty                     David & Carol Harguth   Gail Keeley
                                  Directors cont.
Nancy Kern                    Ernest Lord Jr             David Muir
Carol Kessler                 Miriam Luedecke            Susan Mulhern
Janet Kester                  Joan Lund                  Scott & Pamela Munstock
Nancy King                    Jennifer Luther            Diane Muscianisi
Kevin Kirk                    Barb Lyddon                Char Nauman
Carolyn Klein                 Edmund Lynch               AJ Nedzesky
Debi Koch                     Karen MacDonald            Vi Nicholson
Rebecca Koch                  Christine MacDonald        Vicki & Helmut Oehring
Leigh Ann Kollath             Janet Macpherson           Corinne O’Flynn &
Beth Kramer                   Stella Macumber            Jenny Hanes
Jackie Kremers                Dr. Bill & BK Maniatis     Janet Okerman
Susan Krisl                   Connie Maniatis            Gail Owens
Dirschl Lacy                  Debbie March               Cindy Pangell
Anton Lang                    Mara & Stephen Marks       Darlene Park
Karen Laine                   Lea & Tom Marshall         Brenda Parsons-Hier
Mark Lane                     Ann “Liz” Martin           Steven Patterson
Beverly Larson                Mary Jo Martin             Mark Payne
Barbara & David Larson        M. Kendall & Frederick     Jon Peterson
Karen Leak                    Martin                     Kenneth & Cindy Peterson
Barabara & Lindsay Leaman     Thomas & Kathleen Martin   Nancy & Jim Peterson
Shari Leary                   Ken Martinelli             James Phelps
Robin Lee                     Michael Massey             Gretchen Platt
Bill Leeper                   John Maus                  Suzann Pratt
Meredith Leighty              August Mayer               Tim & Stephanie Price
Mike Lewallen                 Matt McColm                Phil Price
Mary Lidstone                 Kristi McCulley            Ashley Pryor
Terry Lien                    Debbie McGough             Maryann Ray
                              Lisa McKeegan
                                     Directors cont.
John Lillie                     Susan McPhillips &      Jan Reid
Valeri Limes                    Mary Beth Curry         Elizabeth Reinhardt
Mary Linhardt                   Michael Megrdichian     Cathy Reith
Suzanne Lipfert                 Christie Meldrum        Christen Resmo
Cara Lippitt                    Carol Melzer            Sue & Dennis Reynolds
Lorraine List                   Jane Miller             David Rhodes
Debra Lister & Christy Elm      Nancy Miller            John Rhyne & Alan McDonald
Yvonne Liverant                 Andrew Milstein         Barabara Robb
Bill Loftis                     Barbara Monday          Lorna Roberts
Kathryn Long                    Nancy Morehead          Allan Robertson
Elaine Long                     Richard Morse           Christine Robinson
Joanna Lord                     Bob Morton              Michael Robinson
Gloria Rosener                  Sandra A Mossman        Dorothy Rognerud
Ann Ross                        Sharon Stewart          Denise Welch
Kathy Rowe                      Susan Stieg             LaRayne Welman
Jim Rudolf                      Kristen Stipe           Bob West
Dale & Mary Jo Rutt             Carol Stobbelaar        Deb Whisnant
Kenneth & Megan Ryan            Jeff Stoddard           Lea White
Katherine San                   Tammy Stone &           Ilene Wieder
Gary Schanbacher                Carroll Reichen         Barbara Wiens
Sharon Scheele                  Lou Sullivan            Bruce Wiesley
Durwin Schmitt                  Sally Taylor            Patti Wiggam
Michelle Schmitz                Charles & Terry Terry   Janet Williams
Ellen Schmitz                   Colleen Thumm           Marcia Williams
Karen Schoonover                Christine Thurstone     Rachel Wilson
Ryan Schultz                    Betty & Joe Timmer      Marion Wilson
Kelle Schwartz                  Nancy Tomicich          Virginia Wilson
                                Karen Torp
                                  Directors cont.
James Sherwood                Kathy Truman            Sharon & Cliff Wink
Jim Shira                     Rebecca Van Buren       Steve Witter
Ann Shockley                  Sandra Van De Hey       Jim Wolfe
Dale Sevcik                   Linda Van Der Veer      Barbara M. Wolvin
Clara Sitter                  Lisa & Jim Vandewege    Lady Abigail Wurmnest
Marriott Smart                Marilyn Venard          Cheryl Wyatt
Sylvia & Greg Smith           Joseph Violet           Catherine Wyngarden
Peter & Patricia Smith        Barbara & Steve Vogel   Joyce Young
Terri & David Sondheimer      Michael Wallen          Diane Young
Myrna Sorenson                Nicole Walpole          Joe Young
Stu & Pam Spath               Patricia Warner         Gale Zasada
Kenny & Dianna Starnes        Dawn Watson             Trudy Zermeuhlen
Elizabeth Steklac             Jill & Dick Webb        Robert & Joanne Zimmer
                              Todd Webster
                   Volunteers needed for several positions:

                                       STEP ONE
This quick 1-page form fills us in on the type and amount of support you would
                              like to provide to THAC.
                                       STEP TWO
   Savannah Reeves, Patron Experience Manager, will reach out to you via
email upon receiving your interest form. You will receive position descriptions,
 information on how to sigh up for Orientation and Training Session, as well as
            info on how to sign up for volunteer shifts you would like!
                                      STEP THREE
                                      STEP FOUR
                          SCHEDULE VOLUNTEER SHIFTS
  Once you've attended a Volunteer Training Session you can register for as
many shifts as you would like! We currently ask that Volunteers support at least
     12x per calendar year in order to be considered an active volunteer.
                                       STEP FIVE
Support THAC in welcoming Patrons home and back to live theater! Arrive 1.5
                                     hours before
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