On Developing Generic Models for Predicting Student Outcomes in Educational Data Mining - MDPI

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On Developing Generic Models for Predicting Student Outcomes in Educational Data Mining - MDPI
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               cognitive computing

On Developing Generic Models for Predicting Student
Outcomes in Educational Data Mining
Gomathy Ramaswami * , Teo Susnjak                         and Anuradha Mathrani

                                          School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Massey University, Auckland 0632, New Zealand;
                                          T.Susnjak@massey.ac.nz (T.S.); A.S.Mathrani@massey.ac.nz (A.M.)
                                          * Correspondence: g.ramaswami@massey.ac.nz

                                          Abstract: Poor academic performance of students is a concern in the educational sector, especially
                                          if it leads to students being unable to meet minimum course requirements. However, with timely
                                          prediction of students’ performance, educators can detect at-risk students, thereby enabling early
                                          interventions for supporting these students in overcoming their learning difficulties. However, the
                                          majority of studies have taken the approach of developing individual models that target a single
                                          course while developing prediction models. These models are tailored to specific attributes of each
                                          course amongst a very diverse set of possibilities. While this approach can yield accurate models in
                                          some instances, this strategy is associated with limitations. In many cases, overfitting can take place
                                          when course data is small or when new courses are devised. Additionally, maintaining a large suite
                                          of models per course is a significant overhead. This issue can be tackled by developing a generic
                                          and course-agnostic predictive model that captures more abstract patterns and is able to operate
                                          across all courses, irrespective of their differences. This study demonstrates how a generic predictive
                                          model can be developed that identifies at-risk students across a wide variety of courses. Experiments
                                          were conducted using a range of algorithms, with the generic model producing an effective accuracy.
                                   The findings showed that the CatBoost algorithm performed the best on our dataset across the
Citation: Ramaswami, G.; Susnjak, T.;
                                          F-measure, ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve and AUC scores; therefore, it is an excellent
Mathrani, A. On Developing Generic        candidate algorithm for providing solutions on this domain given its capabilities to seamlessly handle
Models for Predicting Student             categorical and missing data, which is frequently a feature in educational datasets.
Outcomes in Educational Data
Mining. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,      Keywords: machine learning; early prediction; CatBoost; at-risk students; educational data mining
6, 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/

Academic Editor: Min Chen
                                          1. Introduction
Received: 23 November 2021
                                                In today’s competitive world, higher education (HE) institutions need to deliver
Accepted: 30 December 2021
                                          efficient and quality education to retain their students. The extensive blending of digital
Published: 7 January 2022
                                          technologies into HE teaching and learning environments has resulted in large amounts
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral      of student data that can provide a longer-term picture of student learning behaviours. To
with regard to jurisdictional claims in   understand and assist student learning, HE providers are implementing learning analytics
published maps and institutional affil-   (LA) systems; these systems provide data-driven insights about students to assist educators
iations.                                  in determining their overall academic progression. This technology is particularly being
                                          leveraged to predict at-risk students and identify their learning problems at early stages,
                                          with the purpose of initiating timely interventions and tailoring education [1–3] to each
                                          student’s level of need.
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
                                                LA approaches typically rely on educational data collected from various learning
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
                                          activities provided via online learning platforms, such as learning management systems
This article is an open access article
                                          (LMSs) [4]. LMSs are web-based learning systems that offer a virtual platform for facilitating
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
                                          teaching and learning, such as providing students with online course content, tracking
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
                                          student interactions, enabling peer communication over online forums, delivering course
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/          assessments to students, or releasing assessment grades [5]. Various stakeholders have
4.0/).                                    different objectives for using an LMS. For instance, Romero and Ventura [6] suggest that

Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc6010006                                       https://www.mdpi.com/journal/bdcc
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                                    students use an LMS to personalise their learning, such as review specific material or
                                    engage in relevant discussions as they prepare for their exams. Meanwhile, teachers rely
                                    on an LMS to deliver their course content and manage teaching resources in a relatively
                                    simple and uniform manner [7] without worrying about pace, place or space constraints.
                                    Irrespective of how an LMS is used, user interaction with the system generates significant
                                    and detailed digital footprints that can be mined using LA tools.
                                         The most widely used open source LMS is Moodle (i.e., Modular Object-Oriented
                                    Dynamic Learning Environment). It facilitates instructors to create online lessons that can
                                    be used in any of the three delivery modes: face-to-face, entirely online, or blended [5].
                                    Moodle is mostly used as a communication platform for educators to communicate with
                                    students, as well as to publish course materials and grade student assignments. Students
                                    can therefore benefit from Moodle by having more interactions with their instructor and
                                    their peers, as they engage with the course content. Every activity performed in Moodle is
                                    captured in a database or system log, which can then be analysed to examine underlying
                                    student learning behaviours via LA approaches. A deeper investigation may be conducted
                                    if any indicators pertaining to at-risk students are identified [7]. A modelling process
                                    translates these indicators (extracted from training data) into predictive insights, which can
                                    be used on new data (or test data) to gauge student online behaviours. Teachers can then
                                    support at-risk students in overcoming their learning difficulties [8].
                                         Most of the research into predicting student performance and identifying at-risk
                                    students has focused on developing tailor-made models for different courses. There are
                                    multiple problems with this approach, such as the issue of scalability and overhead in
                                    developing, optimising and maintaining custom models for each course within the HE
                                    provider’s vast array of course offerings. This approach brings to the fore both human
                                    resource and technical expenses. Even if these challenges can be overcome, course-specific
                                    models are likely to perform poorly across numerous courses due to data insufficiency,
                                    resulting in overfitting. This is a tendency for courses that may have small cohorts, or for
                                    courses that have been newly set up and thus do not have historic data from which patterns
                                    can be learned through machine learning.
                                         An alternative approach is to develop generic predictive models that operate across all
                                    of the disparate courses, though only a few works have attempted this strategy to date [9].
                                    This is a technically more challenging approach due to the fact that more experimental
                                    rigour is required in the feature engineering phase, whereby more generic and abstract
                                    features that describe students’ learning patterns need to be devised in a way that they are
                                    course-agnostic. The present study focuses on building a generic (or portable) model using
                                    a machine learning algorithm to generate a classifier for predicting student final outcomes.
                                         Therefore, the motivation of this study is to demonstrate how a generic, course-
                                    agnostic predictive model can be developed that has strong portability attributes and can
                                    thus be effective at predicting students’ final outcomes across disparate courses. Further-
                                    more, this research demonstrates how an effective model can be built using a variety of
                                    student attributes that range from demographic to those that capture students’ academic
                                    performances. We perform numerous experiments by developing models at different time
                                    frames (two, four, six and eight weeks into a course) to examine how early in the course an
                                    effective prediction can be made. Our experiments involve multiple algorithms, and we
                                    note the CatBoost algorithm as being the most effective on our dataset.
                                         Against this backdrop, the rest of the paper is organised as follows. The next section
                                    reviews existing studies on LA, with emphasis on the various machine learning techniques
                                    used to predict students’ academic performance. Next, the datasets used in this study are
                                    described, followed by our proposed algorithmic approach. The results are then presented,
                                    findings are discussed, and conclusions are made thereafter.

                                    2. Review of Related Studies
                                        Prediction of student academic performance has drawn considerable attention in the
                                    educational field. For instance, predicting whether a student will pass or fail a course, and
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                                    then notifying the instructor about the at-risk student, can enable the instructor to intervene
                                    and provide the student with learning pathways to improve their performance [10]. Several
                                    studies have reported success in predicting student academic performance using various
                                    educational data mining techniques. This review covers related works on prediction using
                                    a generic (or course-agnostic) model and early prediction techniques within the scope of
                                    the study.

                                    2.1. Related Study Exploring Prediction Using Generalised Model
                                         Chen and Cui [11] applied a deep learning approach—long short-term memory (LSTM)
                                    networks—to analyse student online behaviours for early prediction of course performance
                                    using the students’ LMS data. The prediction performance of the LSTM networks approach
                                    was compared against eight conventional machine learning classifiers and AUC was used
                                    as the evaluation metric. The model generalisability was evaluated using the data derived
                                    from semester 1 and semester 2. The results showed that test AUC scores for semester
                                    1 were around 0.75, which was higher than those obtained for semester 2, as the training
                                    data was also from the course in semester 1.
                                         The motivation of Zambrano et al. [9] was to study the portability of student perfor-
                                    mance where the knowledge extracted from a specific course can be applied directly to
                                    a different course from the same degree and with similar levels of LMS usage. Using J48
                                    decision trees, the authors created a predictive model based on 24 courses to classify the
                                    students into a pass or fail category. The model achieved an AUC loss value of 0.09 and
                                    0.28 when using the courses to the same degree, and an AUC loss range from 0.22 to 0.25 for
                                    courses with similar levels of Moodle usage.
                                         LMS data and in-between assessment grades were used in another study [7] to predict
                                    student performance. Multiple linear regression was used to induce predictive models at
                                    the end of the course and evaluate the efficacy of the available features within LMS. To
                                    assess whether the data could offer an intervention during a course, linear and logistic
                                    regression was applied to the features at the end of each week of the course. The results
                                    showed the LMS usage data to be a weak predictor here unless other assessment data were
                                    also included, which ultimately improved predictions.
                                         In another study by Nakayama et al. [12], the performance of students in a blended
                                    learning course was predicted based on their note-taking activities and their individual
                                    characteristics, which were measured via student surveys. The possibility of predicting
                                    performance in final exams was evaluated by using the features of the contents of notes
                                    taken by students throughout the course and overall participant characteristics. The results
                                    showed that features of note-taking activities play a major role in predicting the final
                                    exam scores.
                                         Gasevic et al. [13] built different logistic regression models for nine undergraduate
                                    courses to predict student performance (pass or fail). They used LMS logs and student
                                    information from the institutional student information system to build one model that
                                    would cover all the courses, as well as one model per course. The authors computed the area
                                    under the ROC (receiving operating characteristic) curve (AUC) values. The generalised
                                    model for all the courses showed an acceptable accuracy (0.5 ≤ AUC < 0.7). However, the
                                    models specifically built for a particular course achieved excellent (0.8 ≤ AUC < 0.9) or
                                    outstanding (AUC ≥ 0.9) performances.

                                    2.2. Related Study Exploring Early Prediction of Student Performance
                                         The main reason to predict student performance is to identify the at-risk students,
                                    intervening and customising learning strategies in time to support them in achieving better
                                    results; however, most earlier studies have focused on predicting students’ final course
                                    results once all the student course data was gathered, which would leave no time for such
                                    interventions. Upon recognising this issue, more researchers have recently attempted to
                                    predict student outcomes earlier in their course of study. For instance, González et al. [14]
                                    tried to identify struggling learners at early stages of the course. They used LMS data to
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                                    predict student performance at set points along the way, when 10%, 25%, 33% and 50%
                                    of the course had been completed. Different classification algorithms, namely Decision
                                    Tree (DT), Naïve Bayes (NB), Logistic Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), and
                                    Support Vector Machine (SVM), were used to evaluate the prediction accuracy. MLP
                                    achieved the best performance on this dataset, with 80% accuracy when 10% of the course
                                    had been delivered and 90% accuracy when half of the course had been completed.
                                         A solution proposed by Queiroga et al. [14] used students’ interaction with their virtual
                                    learning environment to identify at-risk students as early as possible. Classic DT, MLP, LR,
                                    random forest (RF), and the meta-algorithm AdaBoost (ADA) were used. The proposed
                                    approach utilised genetic algorithms (GA) to tune the hyperparameters of the classifiers,
                                    and the results were compared with the traditional method without hyperparameter
                                    optimisation. The prediction model was run every two weeks for a 50-week duration
                                    course. The results showed that the highest AUC score was achieved using the GA during
                                    the initial period. There was a considerable decrease in performance from week 30 due to
                                    the increase in the number of input attributes.
                                         A study by Zhao et al. [15] used Moodle data to predict student performance in the first
                                    quarter of a semester. They used the fuzzy rule-based classification method (FRBCS) and a
                                    modified FRBCS to predict the learning outcomes of students. The results showed that the
                                    modified FRBCS method provided higher stability and better performance compared to
                                    the unmodified FRBCS method.
                                         A study made by Ramaswami et al. [16] tried to estimate the earliest possible time
                                    within a course at which reliable identification of students at risk could be made. The
                                    input data were a combination of LMS, demographics and assignment grades. Four
                                    different classifier algorithms were tested: NB, RF, LR and k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN).
                                    Two experiments were conducted, one using all the features and the other using features
                                    selected for their high prediction accuracy. LR produced the best accuracy of 83% in week
                                    11, and the authors noted that it is better to apply feature selection approaches rather than
                                    select all features for making predictions due to overfitting.
                                         Howard et al. [17] attempted to determine the ideal time to apply an early warning
                                    system in a course. LMS data along with student grades and their demographic information
                                    were used as input data for the prediction model. After testing multiple predictive models,
                                    the Bayesian additive regressive trees (BART) model yielded the best results with a mean
                                    absolute error (MAE) of 6.5% as early as week 6, precisely midway through the course.
                                    This point in the course is sufficiently early so that remedial measures can be taken by the
                                    teacher, as required.
                                         To sum up, various models have been proposed by researchers and a variety of
                                    different machine learning approaches have been used to mine educational data for student
                                    performance prediction. Moreover, some excellent results have been achieved using an
                                    assortment of different methods, with no one method outshining all other methods (refer
                                    to Table 1), unsurprisingly in line with the “No Free Lunch” theorem [18]. In general, a
                                    recent systematic literature review [10] into predicting student performance has found that
                                    reported accuracies range widely and are influenced by many factors, with the bulk of the
                                    studies appearing to achieve predictive accuracies between ~70% to ~90%.
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                                    Table 1. Machine learning algorithms applied in educational environments.

    Authors            Prediction Goal             Evaluation Measures                 Methods Compared              Best Performers
                                                    Prediction Using Generalised Model
      [11]           Binary classification                  AUC                                 LSTM                      LSTM
       [9]           Binary classification            AUC, AUC loss                              DT                  Proposed method
       [7]           Binary classification                Accuracy                  Linear and logistic regression   Proposed method
      [12]              Course grades          R-squares and prediction error         Support vector regression      Proposed method
      [13]           Binary classification                  AUC                                  LR                  Proposed method
                                                  Early Prediction of Students’ Performance
                                                                                       DT, NB, LR, MLP neural
      [19]           Binary classification           AUC, F-measures                                                      MLP
                                                                                          network, and SVM
      [14]         Multiclass classification                AUC                      DT, RF, MLP, LR, ADA, GA              GA
      [15]          Binary classification                F-measures                  FRBCS and modified FRBCS        modified FRBCS
      [16]          Binary classification          F-measures, accuracy                 kNN, RF, NB, and LR                LR
                                                                                      RF, BART, PCR, KNN, NN,
      [17]               Final grades                       MAE                                                          BART
                                                                                              and SVM

                                    3. Datasets
                                         The data used in this exploratory research was extracted from courses offered at an
                                    Australasian HE institution in a blended learning environment. Tayebinik and Puteh [20]
                                    have defined blended learning as a fusion of traditional face-to-face and online learning,
                                    where instructional delivery happens across both traditional and online courses, such
                                    that the online component becomes a natural extension of traditional learning. Data
                                    from various semesters were included in building the prediction model. The purpose
                                    of considering courses of different durations was to make sure our models could handle
                                    courses of different lengths and attributes. Single course-specific predictive models are
                                    commonly able to provide better performance when they have sufficient historic data, but
                                    they are not easily scalable to port to other courses. Data from the LMS (Moodle) action
                                    logs, the Student Management System (SMS) and the Enrolment Management System
                                    (EMS) were used for the study. These are described next.

                                    3.1. Action Logs from Moodle
                                          Moodle’s built-in features track student activities in each course [21]. The courses
                                    comprise online modules pertaining to subject readings (provided via book resources,
                                    URL links or web pages), assessments (in the form of assignments or quizzes) and forum
                                    discussions. For the purposes of this study, the log data directly related to student activities
                                    were extracted from Moodle, while instructor data were excluded.
                                          Each event record in the log signifies various actions (started, viewed, created, up-
                                    dated, etc.) performed by students on Moodle; data related to eight types of learning
                                    activities were collected. Table 2 shows the percentage of various activities logged by
                                    course. It should be noted that the usage of these activities varies across courses, and not
                                    all activities may be relevant for every course.
                                          For instance, quiz activities do not form part of many courses, such as for Internet Pro-
                                    gramming or Application Software Development courses, amongst a few others; therefore,
                                    log data are not available for them (see Table 2). Numerical representations were calculated
                                    for each course module.

                                    3.2. Enrolment Management System
                                         The usage of the LMS and therefore the amount of logged data is scarcer in earlier
                                    parts of a course, which can be expected to lead to a lower predictive accuracy at initial
                                    stages of a course. Hence, demographic information and pre-academic data, such as age,
                                    gender, citizenship and entrance requirements, from the EMS were also utilised to augment
                                    the total dataset.
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                                         Table 2. Information about the courses and corresponding log attributes.

                                    Course Size                                                         Logged Activities in %
                                                     Number of    Distribution
   Course Name      Semester
                                                    Assessments   High   Low
                                Male       Female                                Forum   Quiz   Folder     Assign     Resource   Book   URL    Page
                                                                  Risk   Risk
  Introduction to
                       1            39       73          3        65      47      30     34.1    9.8         8.9         1.4     8.6    3.7     1.6
  Introduction to
                       2            51       73          3        67      57      27     31.3    12.8        6.9         1.1     12.6   4.6     2.5
                       1            67       48          4        94      21      42.1    -      1.1         24         21.1      7     0.9     2.9
      and the
 Information Age
                       3            21       12          4        20      13      43.5    -      0.8        23.9        22.1      5     0.9     2.9
      and the
 Information Age
  of Information       1            78       15          3        68      25      34.2    -       -         23.1        17.4     4.9    16.6    3.1
  of Information       2            75       42          6        71      46      35.8    -       -         22.2        16.6     5.8    17.2    1.5
     Software          1            87       10          6        58      39      23.4    -       -         34.7        34.3      -     7.5      -
                       2            61       5           4        37      29      33.7    -      0.3         17         37.1      -     7.3     4.2
 System Analysis
                       2            68       25          4        65      28      33.1    7      4.1         8.4        21.2     16.5   6.6    0.09
  and Modelling

                                         3.3. Student Management System
                                              The SMS provided assessment data consisting of in-between assignment grades,
                                         quizzes, final exams and total course marks. Some of the assessments were online and
                                         logged in the Moodle LMS, while other assessments were offline and handed in on paper
                                         or via other systems.

                                         4. Method
                                               Before the students’ data could be accessed for conducting any form of analysis, ethics
                                         approval was required. An ethics application was submitted to the Human Research Ethics
                                         Committee at the host HE institution, and subsequently, approval to proceed was attained.
                                               Once the data were obtained, a design decision was made to use a derivative of the
                                         final course mark for each student as the target (or dependent) variable for prediction. The
                                         final course mark is based on weighted averages of the marks that students received from
                                         the online assignments and the final examination.
                                               Student support services at the given institution require predictive outputs that indi-
                                         cate only two possible outcomes for each student, namely if they are at risk or otherwise.
                                         Therefore, in order to conduct machine learning, each student in the historic dataset record
                                         needed to be labelled as being either at risk or not. A subsequent design decision needed to
                                         be made on how to define each of these two categories so that models could be generated.
                                         An early assumption was made that students with a mean final course mark of 50% or less
                                         were likely to be at-risk students due to the fact that these students have not successfully
                                         completed numerous courses. However, initial experiments using this threshold yielded
                                         highly imbalanced datasets and consequently poor models.
                                               Subsequently, the threshold for defining at-risk students was adjusted and fixed at 60%
                                         or less for a mean final course mark, with the remainder being considered not at-risk. This
                                         threshold decision was supported by the underlying data, which revealed that the mean
                                         course mark for students who eventually abandoned their qualification studies was 61%,
                                         and only 15% of students who eventually completed their qualification studies achieved a
                                         mean course mark of 60% or less. The adjusted threshold addressed the class imbalance
                                         problem to a sufficient degree since most machine learning algorithms can handle some
                                         imbalance, and standard performance evaluation measures can still be effective unless
                                         large amounts of imbalance exist [22].
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                                          The raw data from the LMS log files were processed in order to engineer features
                                    used for building the predictive models. This data processing step converted raw data
                                    into variables that captured normalised and relative attributes of each student in respect
                                    to their cohort. In doing so, features were generated that were course-agnostic and thus
                                    generic. This entailed calculating the rolling mean of the actions performed by students
                                    over multiple weeks rather than displaying the counts of the actions performed by students
                                    each week. The rolling mean was calculated from the averages of actions from every week
                                    and is represented as a single column, hence reducing the number of feature columns. In
                                    addition to the rolling mean, the Z-score (or standard score) was also calculated, which
                                    relativised a student’s score on a given feature with that of their peer’s based on the degree
                                    of deviation from the mean. When in-between assessment grades were available, they
                                    were added to the input data and the same procedure was followed, which meant that the
                                    assessment features were not tightly coupled with the specific courses.

                                                                                Z=                                             (1)
                                         In Equation (1), X denotes the value of the independent variable, µ is the cohort mean
                                    score for the independent variable and σ is the standard deviation of the independent
                                         Students’ prior course grades had an impact on the students’ performance, as the prior
                                    course grade was linearly related to the final score (Figure 1). Hence, the prior grades of
                                    the students along with the count of pass/fail for previous courses were measured. Table 3
                                    represents the various numerical and categorical features that were used for this study.

                                    Figure 1. Comparison of prior score with final score of students.
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                                    Table 3. Feature description.

                                             Feature Name                               Description                           Type
                                                                      The mean score achieved by a student from
                                     Average score of prior courses                                                        Numerical
                                                                      across all previous course scores
                                     Maximum score achieved in        The maximum score achieved by a student from
                                     prior course                     their previous courses
                                                                      The Z-score of a student in respect to the
                                     Prior course deviation score                                                          Numerical
                                                                      deviation of the cohort mean
                                     Assignment score                 The assignment scores received by a student          Numerical
                                                                      The Z-score of the student’s mean assignment
                                     Assignment deviation score                                                            Numerical
                                                                      score as a deviation from the cohort mean
                                     Prior role description           Student’s previous year’s primary activity           Numerical
                                                                      The engagement score expressed as a Z-score of
                                     LMS deviation score                                                                   Numerical
                                                                      a student as a deviation from the cohort mean.
                                                                      The count of all activities performed by a student
                                     LMS engagement score                                                                  Numerical
                                                                      on the Moodle platform.
                                     Citizenship                      The nationality of the student                       Categorical
                                     Age                              Age of a person                                      Categorical
                                     Highest school qualification     Highest school qualification at admission            Categorical
                                     Study mode                       Study by distance/online or on-campus                Categorical
                                     Gender                           Gender of the student                                Categorical
                                     English proficiency test         English proficiency                                  Categorical

                                    4.1. Predictive Modelling
                                         The prediction was performed using classification algorithms that classify a given
                                    instance into a set of discrete categories; in our case, the pre-defined categories are at risk or
                                    not at risk. There is a wide range of algorithms supporting classification used throughout
                                    the literature. Choosing the optimal algorithm is difficult since they differ in numerous
                                    aspects, such as learning rate, robustness and the amount of data required for training, as
                                    well as their biases and behaviours on different datasets.
                                         This study used the recently developed CatBoost [23] algorithm for prediction tasks.
                                    CatBoost was chosen since it is flexible in its ability to work with both categorical and
                                    numeric features and is able to seamlessly function in the presence of missing values. A
                                    categorical feature is a feature that has a discrete set of values that are not essentially
                                    comparable with each other. In practice, categorical features are usually converted to
                                    numerical values before training, which can affect the efficiency and performance of
                                    the algorithm. However, CatBoost has been designed with the specific aim of handling
                                    categorical data. The ability to handle both categorical and missing data represents a
                                    considerable technical advantage over other algorithms, and a recent interdisciplinary
                                    review [24] has found it to be competitive with other state-of-the-art algorithms.
                                         CatBoost is a category boosting ensemble machine learning algorithm that uses the
                                    gradient boosting technique by combining a number of weak learners to form a strong
                                    learner. It does not use binary substitution of categorical values; instead, it performs a
                                    random permutation of the dataset and calculates the average label value for every object.
                                         The combinations in CatBoost are created by combining all categorical features already
                                    used for previous splits in the current tree with all categorical features in the dataset. Cat-
                                    Boost thereby reduces overfitting, which leads to more generalised models [23]. CatBoost
                                    uses ordered target statistics (Ordered TS) to tackle categorical features for a given value of
                                    the categorical feature, which means that the categorical feature is ranked before the sample
                                    is changed with the expectation of the original feature value. In addition, the priority and
                                    its weights are included. In this way, the categorical features are changed into numerical
                                    features, which effectively decreases the noise of low-frequency categorical features and
                                    improves the robustness of the algorithm [25]. The performance of CatBoost was bench-
                                    marked against four other standard machine learning algorithms: Random Forest [26],
                                    Naïve Bayes [27], Logistic Regression [28] and kNearest Neighbours [29].
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                                    4.2. Machine Learning Procedure
                                         The machine learning procedure used the hold-out method to perform the experiments
                                    where the order of occurrences of the training-test split was maintained. The experiments
                                    were implemented using Python [30], which has built-in functions suitable for estimating
                                    and refining the results of predictions.

                                    4.3. Model Evaluation
                                         After designing the classification model, the next step is to evaluate the effectiveness of
                                    the model. This study used total accuracy, recall, precision and the F-measures derived from
                                    a confusion matrix [31]. The total accuracy alone can be a misleading evaluation measure if
                                    the dataset is imbalanced because a model often favours learning and the prediction of a
                                    value of the most frequent class. This can give a misleading impression that the classifier
                                    has generalised better than it really has. In such circumstances, it is preferable to use the
                                    F-measure, which considers both precision and recall; an F-measure is the harmonic mean
                                    of precision (or positive predictive value) and recall (sensitivity) shown in Equation (2).

                                                   F − measures = 2 ∗ ( Precision ∗ Recall )/( Precision + Recall )              (2)

                                         Precision is the measure of classifier’s exactness
                                                                        Precision =                                              (3)
                                                                                      TP + FP
                                         Recall is the measure of the classifier’s correctness.
                                                               Recal or True Positive Rate =                                     (4)
                                                                                               TP + FN
                                    where TP denotes TruePositive, FP signifies FalsePositive, FN represents FalseNegative,
                                    and TN denotes TrueNegative.
                                         Further, the AUC (Area Under the Curve)—ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics)
                                    curve is a performance measurement for a classification problem at several threshold
                                    settings [32]. ROC is a probability curve, and AUC signifies a measure of separability
                                    and is used for distinguishing between the class labels. AUC rates range from 0 to 1.
                                    The acceptable AUC range for a predictive model depends on the context. Typically, in
                                    most research areas, an AUC rate above 0.7 is preferred [33]. In general, higher AUC
                                    scores indicate models of higher quality. The following equations are used for calculating
                                    AUC-ROC. In our study, we used the accuracy, F-measure and AUC as evaluation metrics.
                                    Our decision to use accuracy, F-measure and AUC as evaluation metrics is supported by a
                                    recent systematic literature review [10] into the usage of predictive models in LA contexts.

                                    4.4. Experimental Design
                                         Our experimental design was devised in a manner that robustly evaluated the ability
                                    of our generic models to port across different courses and different deliveries of the same
                                    courses. We used a modified k-fold cross validation approach to evaluate our generic
                                    models. Given that our dataset is made up of seven different courses, and a total of
                                    10 separate deliveries of those courses, we decided to train a model using nine course
                                    deliveries and test against the remaining hold-out course offering. We repeated this process
                                    10 times with a different combination of training and hold-out courses in order to arrive at
                                    our final, aggregated evaluation scores for our models.

                                    5. Results
                                        The results from our evaluations in regard to portability of the generic (or course-
                                    agnostic) prediction model and feature selection approaches are described here.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 6                                                                                           10 of 16

                                    5.1. Overall Performance Comparison of Classifiers
                                         The generalisability of all the generic classifier models is shown in Table 4, which
                                    records the aggregated model evaluation across all the hold-out datasets, together with the
                                    standard deviation over the 10 separate train/test executions. The best performing scores
                                    are in bold.

                                    Table 4. Performance scores of various classifiers.

                                           Classifiers              F-Measure             Accuracy                  AUC
                                           CatBoost                 0.77 ± 0.024           75 ± 2.1              0.87 ± 0.023
                                        Random Forest               0.67 ± 0.025           67 ± 2.4              0.74 + 0.015
                                         Naïve Bayes                0.67 ± 0.023           68 ± 2.3              0.71 ± 0.034
                                      Logistic Regression           0.68 ± 0.031            67 ± 3               0.73 ± 0.025
                                     K-Nearest Neighbors             0.71 ± 0.02           71 ± 2.4              0.72 ± 0.022

                                         We can observe from the results that the F-measure scores range from 0.67 to 0.77, with
                                    CatBoost achieving the highest score. The variability across the different algorithms on all
                                    10 datasets is similar, indicating that all algorithms generated generic models with a stable
                                    behaviour on all the courses.
                                         The overall accuracy of all the algorithms has similarly ranged between 65% and 75%,
                                    with the result from CatBoost again clearly outperforming the other algorithms on these
                                    datasets. The accuracies of the bottom three algorithms, namely Naïve Bayes, Random
                                    Forest and Logistic Regression, did not exhibit significantly divergent accuracy results.
                                         The AUC is a particularly effective measure of the effectiveness of the decision bound-
                                    ary generated by the classifiers tp separate out the two class labels representing at-risk
                                    and not at-risk students. These scores range from 0.71 to a very high score of 0.87, with
                                    CatBoost once more producing the best result and demonstrating that it has generated a
                                    classifier with the most effective decision boundary.

                                    5.2. Classifier Performance Snapshots
                                         The experimental results indicate that CatBoost is the most effective algorithm on these
                                    datasets and feature set, across the various standard algorithms considered in the study.
                                    Our attention now turns to examining the behaviour of the best performing algorithm on
                                    one of the hold-out datasets (Computer Applications and the Information Age—Semester
                                    3). Our motivation was to analyse the ability of the algorithm to produce generic models
                                    that can identify at-risk students at early stages of a course so that in a practical setting,
                                    timely interventions can be initiated. To that end, we partitioned the dataset into 2, 4, 6 and
                                    8 week intervals. We trained a CatBoost classifier on each snapshot/partition of the dataset
                                    in order to simulate a real-world scenario where only partial information is available at
                                    different stages and points in time of a course.
                                         Figure 2 depicts the F-measure and AUC score for the CatBoost classifier on the hold-
                                    out dataset, depicting the metric scores at each of the 2, 4, 6 and 8 week snapshots in time.
                                    As expected, we observe that there is generally an improvement in the generalisability of
                                    the classifier as a course progresses and more data and a richer digital footprint are acquired
                                    for each student. However, the predictive accuracy as expressed by both AUC and the
                                    F-measure is still very high at an early 2-week mark, meaning that an accurate identification
                                    of at-risk students can already be made within two weeks of a course’s commencement,
                                    and that necessary interventions can be conducted as required in a timely fashion. Similar
                                    patterns were observed on the remaining nine hold-out datasets at the same snapshots
                                    in time.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 6                                                                                          11 of 16

                                    Figure 2. F-measure and AUC plot of CatBoost on the Computer Applications and the Information
                                    Age—Semester 03 hold-out dataset.

                                    5.3. Feature Importance
                                          Feature importance analysis is an important aspect of machine learning, as it enables
                                    practitioners to understand what the key factors are that drive the predictions. In this
                                    analysis, we are able to quantify how much each feature of the data contributes to the
                                    model’s final prediction, thus introducing some measure of interpretability.
                                          In this study, we used the Shapely Additive Explanations (SHAP) method [34] for
                                    estimating feature importance and model behaviour. The SHAP method has the additional
                                    ability to depict how changing values of any given feature affect the final prediction. The
                                    SHAP method constructs an additive interpretation model based on the Shapley value. The
                                    Shapley value measures the marginal contribution of each feature to the entire cooperation.
                                    When a new feature is added to the model, the marginal contribution of the feature can
                                    be calculated with different feature permutations through SHAP. The feature importance
                                    ranking plot from the training data is shown in Figure 3, representing the generic model
                                    from Section 5.1.
                                          In the SHAP feature importance graph seen in Figure 3, each row signifies a feature.
                                    The features are arranged from the most important at the top to the least consequential
                                    at the bottom. The abscissa corresponds to the SHAP value (Figure 4), which influences
                                    the final prediction. Every point in the plot denotes a sample, where red represents a
                                    higher feature value and blue represents a lower feature value. The vertical line on the
                                    plot, centred at 0 represents a neutral contribution towards a final prediction. As the points
                                    on the graph move further to the right on the x-axis from this vertical line, the higher the
                                    positive contribution becomes towards the prediction of a student succeeding. The inverse
                                    is true for the strength of a contribution towards a prediction for an at-risk student as the
                                    values extend into the negatives on the x-axis.
                                          In our model, the assignment grades (both current and prior grades) played a vital
                                    part in prediction, which is unsurprising. We can observe from the graph that as the
                                    maximum grade for a student increased, the stronger this became as a predictor for positive
                                    outcomes. The reverse relationship also held; however, it was more acute, indicating that
                                    lower assignment grades had a stronger negative contribution than higher assignment
                                    grades for positive outcomes.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 6                                                                                            12 of 16

                                    Figure 3. Feature importance ranking plot with CatBoost SHAP.

                                    Figure 4. Shapley force plot of a sample.

                                          The above figure depicts the behaviours of the model at a global level. However, the
                                    SHAP method can also explain a given prediction for an individual student using a SHAP
                                    force plot (refer to Figure 4). The force plot depicts the extent to which each of the most
                                    significant features is pushing a final prediction towards a negative or positive prediction.
                                    The ‘base value’ on the graph represents the mean prediction value, which can be regarded
                                    as a 50/50 point. Values to the right of the base value represent a final positive prediction
                                    and the inverse for the final values on the left. In the example below, we see that the
                                    assignment deviation score, the rolling assignment average score and the part-time study
                                    mode of a student most strongly influence the final prediction towards a positive prognosis
                                    for this specific student. Meanwhile, the age of the student has some influence towards a
                                    negative outcome prediction.
                                          While feature importance shows what variables affect predictions the most, and force
                                    plots indicate the explainability of each model’s predictions for an individual student, it
                                    is also insightful to explore interaction effects between different features on the predicted
                                    outcome of a model. A dependence scatter plot seen in Figure 5 demonstrates this. The
                                    x-axis denotes the value of a target feature, and the y-axis is the SHAP value for that feature,
                                    which relates directly to the effect on the final prediction. Figure 5a denotes that there
                                    is generally a positive correlation between LMS engagement scores and the assignment
amplified further for those with higher assignment scores.
                                          Figure 5b considers the feature interaction of learner age and LMS engagement
                                     scores. Age of a student plays a significant role in the generated models. As the age of a
                                     student increases, the effect on the model predictions for positive outcomes becomes
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 6                                                                                          13 of 16
                                     stronger. From approximately age 26 onwards, increases in the student age                    carry a
                                     stronger positive effect on model predictions for positive outcomes until age 40, from
                                     which point there do not appear to be any further increasing positive effects. Higher LMS
                                       scores. Two noteworthy patterns emerge from Figure 5a. First, we can see that students
                                     engagement scores generally interact positively with age for successful outcomes. It is
                                       who score highly on the assignment scores but exhibit poor engagement levels with the
                                     striking that those who are most at-risk are those in their early twenties with LMS engage-
                                       LMS receive strongly negative outcome predictions by the model. We also see there is a
                                       threshold ofhaving
                                           scores           no clear
                                                    0.4 for the      positive effect
                                                                LMS engagement       onand
                                                                                 score, prediction  outcomes
                                                                                           those that          for this
                                                                                                      score above  thisthreshold
                                                                                                                        student demo-
                                       are positively correlated with the model’s predictions for successful outcomes, which is
                                          amplified further for those with higher assignment scores.

                                    (a)                                                                       (b)

                                          Figure 5. Two SHAP scatter dependence plots: (a) left graph depicting the interaction between LMS
                                          engagement scores and assignment scores, (b) right graph depicting the interaction between learner
                                          age and LMS engagement scores.

                                           Figure 5b considers the feature interaction of learner age and LMS engagement scores.
                                      Age of a student plays a significant role in the generated models. As the age of a student
                                      increases, the effect on the model predictions for positive outcomes becomes stronger.
                                      From approximately age 26 onwards, increases in the student age carry a stronger positive
                                      effect on model predictions for positive outcomes until age 40, from which point there do
                                      not appear to be any further increasing positive effects. Higher LMS engagement scores
                                      generally interact positively with age for successful outcomes. It is striking that those who
                                      are most at-risk are those in their early twenties with LMS engagement scores having no
                                      clear positive effect on prediction outcomes for this student demographic.

                                          6. Discussion
                                            The results have clearly indicated that generating viable generic models that are not
                                      tightly coupled to specific attributes of different courses is possible. The generic model
                                      has shown an effective average accuracy of around 75% across quite diverse courses. The
                                      diversity was seen in the fact that courses had varying numbers of assessments, differing
                                      distributions in their usage of the messaging Fora. Some courses used quizzes, books and
                                      various online learning resources, while others did not, or they differed greatly in their
                                      emphasis of their usage. The generic models were able to handle widely disparate courses,
                                      and despite them, produce useful predictive models even at earliest stages of a course’s
                                      delivery in order to permit timely interventions for at-risk students if necessary.
                                            The 75% accuracy was stable across all the diverse courses, and it is comparable to
                                      predictive accuracies attained in published research. It could be argued that 75% accuracy
                                      may not be high enough to instil sufficient confidence in the models. However, one needs to
                                      keep in mind that the defined categories of ‘at-risk’ and ‘not at-risk’ are not black-and-white,
                                      clear-cut categories. These categories are moving targets and students are likely to fall
                                      into either category at different times of their study, or perhaps during different courses
                                      that they might be undertaking. Therefore, these categories embody many grey areas, and
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 6                                                                                          14 of 16

                                    due to the lack of hard boundaries, the predictive accuracy can always be expected to
                                    be somewhat compromised when converting this complex problem describing a shifting
                                    continuum into a well-defined binary problem. One strategy to overcome this limitation
                                    is to instead focus on success prediction probabilities, which produce continuous valued
                                    outputs between 0 probability of success to 1, denoting complete confidence in successful
                                    outcomes. In addition to relying more on these outputs rather than on hard-thresholded
                                    binary categories, one can produce weekly probability predictions and monitor the change
                                    in the delta from one week to the next in order to generate deeper insights into the risk
                                    profile of a given student.
                                          As for the superior performance of CatBoost over the other algorithms on these
                                    datasets, some of this can be attributed to the higher complexity of CatBoost over the other
                                    algorithms used in this study. CatBoost is a gradient boosting algorithm that makes it
                                    considerably more sophisticated than our benchmarking algorithms, capable of inducing
                                    more complex decision boundaries with some safeguards against overfitting. These internal
                                    mechanics undoubtedly contributed, but also the fact that it is able to seamlessly handle
                                    both missing and categorical data, which is not the case with the implementations of
                                    the other benchmarking algorithms. Both the missing data and categorical (mixed) data
                                    challenges often faced in the LA datasets, as well as the need to generate highly complex
                                    decision boundaries, do seem to indicate that this algorithm should form a part of the suite
                                    of algorithms that practitioners consider using in this problem domain.

                                    7. Conclusions
                                           The large volumes of LMS data related to teaching and learning interactions hold
                                    hidden knowledge about student learning behaviours. Educational data mining methods
                                    have the potential to extract behavioural patterns for the purpose of improving student
                                    academic performances via prediction models. Early prediction of students’ academic
                                    performance enables the identification of potential at-risk students, which provides oppor-
                                    tunities for timely intervention to support them while at the same time encouraging those
                                    students who are not at risk to get more out of the course via data-driven recommendations
                                    and suggestions.
                                           This study considered the problem of developing predictive models that have the
                                    capability to operate accurately across disparate courses in identifying at-risk students.
                                    Our study demonstrates how such generic and course-agnostic models can be developed in
                                    order to overcome the limitations of building multiple models, where each model is tightly
                                    coupled with the specific attributes of different courses. The portability of one model across
                                    multiple courses is useful because such generic models are less resource-intensive, easier to
                                    maintain, and less likely to overfit under certain conditions.
                                           We formulated the machine learning problem as a binary-classification problem that
                                    labelled each student as either at risk of failing the course or otherwise. We demonstrated
                                    how features can be engineered that are not tightly coupled to the specifics of each course,
                                    and thus retain the property of being portable across all course types. Our experiments used
                                    Moodle log data, student demographic information and assignment scores from various
                                    semesters. Diverse courses were considered in order to robustly evaluate the degree to
                                    which our models were generic and portable.
                                           The experiment was carried out using the commonly used Random Forest, Naïve
                                    Bayes, Logistic Regression and k-Nearest Neighbours algorithms, as well as the recently
                                    developed CatBoost algorithm. Across several performance metrics used in the experi-
                                    ments, the results indicated that the best performance was achieved using CatBoost on
                                    our datasets. CatBoost has capabilities in handling categorical features and missing data,
                                    while maintaining competitive generalisation abilities compared to current state-of-the-art
                                    algorithms. We performed a series of experiments in which we simulated the progression of
                                    a teaching semester, considering how early on within a given semester we could accurately
                                    identify an at-risk student. For this, our experiments considered data at regular intervals
                                    (i.e., at the end of week two, four, six and eight). Our results showed that from as early
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 6                                                                                                    15 of 16

                                    as two weeks into a course, our generic, course-agnostic model built using CatBoost was
                                    viable for identification of at-risk students and had the potential to reduce academic failure
                                    rates through early interventions.
                                         Further, we observed that attributes related to assignment grades (current and prior
                                    grades) have a greater impact on model performance relative to other features. Also,
                                    students’ pre-enrolment data such as study mode, highest school qualification and English
                                    proficiency contributed positively to the model prediction. However, one of the most
                                    significant challenges in the space of predictive LA is to address how developed models
                                    can be effectively deployed across new and diverse courses. Our future work will expand
                                    the capabilities of our proposed model to an even broader set of courses.

                                    Author Contributions: Conceptualisation, G.R., T.S. and A.M.; Writing—original draft, G.R., T.S.
                                    and A.M.; Writing—review & editing, G.R., T.S. and A.M. All authors have read and agreed to the
                                    published version of the manuscript.
                                    Funding: This research received no external funding.
                                    Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
                                    Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
                                    Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interests.

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