Customer Experience Management - Technology Architecture & API Nagendra C L, CTO/Chief Architect

Page created by Valerie Castro
Jun 28th 2019

Customer Experience
Technology Architecture & API
Nagendra C L, CTO/Chief Architect
Content Overview

Technology               Infrastructure               Performance
Introduc on         3    Opera onal Regions       6   Security              10
OpenAPI Pla orm     4    Global PaaS              8   Benchmarks            11
Architecture        5    Data Residency           9

Open API                 Advanced API                 Survey Channels/Dispatch
Access Control      13   Context Pre-Fills       27   Channel Comparison    33
Ques onnaire        14   Real- me Push           28   Data I/O              34
Data Slice & Dice   20   SSO                     29   In-Store/On Loca on   36
Survey Tokens       23   Delivery Workflow        30   Post Purchase         37
                         Granular Authoriza on   31   Online                38
                                                      Tailored              39
                                                      Sliced Marke ng       40
                                                      Contact Center        41
Introduction to CEM Analytics Platform
 Cloud Cherry’s Customer Experience Management Analy cs Pla orm(CEMP) enables brands &
 businesses to perform real- me acquisi on of Customer Experience(CX) data from their customers
 using mul ple channels to acquire, engage & analyze their customers.

 Why Collect & Analyze Data Real-Time ?

 Ÿ Real- me data allows you to engage customers in an almost one-on-one, real- me conversa on to
   provide mul ple chances to amend before any service issues move to be discussed online causing
   dispropor onate damage to the brand.
 Ÿ Real- me data analysis help businesses understand how customers perceive their products so that
   they can adapt them, or their marke ng, if need be highly curve fi ng their marke ng or servicing
 Ÿ Data drill down analysis enables businesses to perform pre-impact risk analysis before tweaking
   any offering to iden fy what areas cause the most commo on or happiness to customers, which
   an non-real- me overall sa sfac on score can’t iden fy and only shows up in a ermath.
 Ÿ Tracking enterprise-wide insights on single dashboard saves lot of me to manage quality across
   wide array of loca ons servicing customers.

   Œ                                                                                    Ž
 Aquire                                        Analyze                                 Insight
 Paper Survey                                                                        Real me Analy cs

 Email Survey                                                                        Drill Downs
                                            Analy cs Engine
  Web Survey                                                  Management             RT No fica ons
                                                              Services API

 Tablet Survey                                                                       Excel Reports
                                  Data Acquisi on
                                  Services API
            API                                                                      API

                                                                      è Technology Stack & Architecture
Aquire                                                   Analyze                                                   Insight

        Na ve                       Customer Experience Management Analy cs Pla orm
                                                                                 Management Dashboard
        - Android           Capture                                                                                    Bootstrap, AngularJS
        - iOS               Acknowledge
        - Windows           Digi ze

                                    OPEN API                     CloudCherry
                                                                 Analy cs Engine
                                     REST API                                                Management
                                                                                             Services API
                                                                                                                            REST API
                                                                                                            OPEN DATA
                                                       Data Acquisi on
                                                       Services API
                                                                                      OPEN STANDARDS

        Import Exis ng Data                                                                                             Export Analyzed Results
   3rd Party Developer Integra on                                                                                             or Raw Data
                                                                                                                    3rd Party Developer Integra on

                                                                            Big Data Store
                                                                           Terabyte Ready
Pla orm Built On
Aquire                                                                                Analyze                                                                           Insight
                                               Customer Experience Management Analy cs Pla orm

                                REST/JSON          OPEN API                                                        Analy cs Worker Cloud
                                                                                                             Azure Web App PaaS                    Azure Cloud Service PaaS

                                .NET SDK
                                                    REST API                                                          CEM Pla orm API
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Analy cs Workers
                                                                                                                                                                                             AutoScale -          +
                                PHP Package                                                                      AutoScale -      +

                                Java Lib                            Voice/Text Gateway
                                                                                 WebApp PaaS
                                                                            AutoScale -    +
Insights & Analy cs
CEM Dashboard

                                                                    Email Gateway                                                                  MongoDB Data Store                     Account Analy cs Store
                                                                         Azure Availablity Set
                                                                            AutoScale -    +                                                       Azure Private VNet VM Set              Azure DocumentDB

                                                                                                                        Edge Deployment                        Availability Set
                                                                                                                                                                         Replica Set

                                                                    Social Listening
                                                                          Cloud Service PaaS
                                                                            AutoScale -    +
                               Tablet App
Journey Touchpoints
CEM Data Channels

                                                                                                                                                                                        Encrypted Data Recovery Site Off

                         @ Email

                                                                                                                                                                  Automa on

                                                         Analy cs

                               Social Listen
                         +     15+ Channels
                                                                        IBM Watson                             Azure Service Bus                 Redis Cache                   Azure Scheduler                  Applica on Insights

     Pla orm Built On
Aquire                                                                                    Analyze                                                                   Insight
                                                           Customer Experience Management Global API

                                                                   try e
                                                                 Fa ure

                                                                un lur
                                                                                                                                        East US - Virginia

                                                              OS Fail

                                                              Re lure
                                                              DC ure

                                                              Co Fai
Resiliency Matrix

                                  Resiliency Matrix



                                                                                                                                                                Redis Cache    Service Bus     NoSQL Store
                                  Single Server        û      û û û û
                                  IaaS                 ü      û û û û                                                                   West US - California

                                  PaaS                 ü      ü ü û û
                                  Global PaaS+         ü      ü ü ü ü
                                                                                                                                                                Redis Cache    Service Bus     NoSQL Store
                                                                                                                                       Azure DocumentDB
                                                           +Each Global Region is Independent of Other                                  North EU - Ireland
Collec on & Analy cs

                                                             Data Store Zones are Spread Within Country
CEM Global Users

                                              Œ   DNS Lookup
                                                                                                                                                                Redis Cache    Service Bus     NoSQL Store
                                            (which IP do we talk to ?)                                                                 Azure DocumentDB
                                                                                                           East US - This Way!         West EU - Netherlands

                                                                                                                                                                Redis Cache    Service Bus     NoSQL Store

                                              Ž Talk to East US          Azure Traffic Manager                                           Azure DocumentDB
                                             it’s Online and Super Fast                                          SouthEastAsia - Singapore
                           (New York)          to your loca on(20ms)
                                                                                       Lookup Best Route Right Now
                                                                                                                                                                Redis Cache    Service Bus     NoSQL Store
                                                                                                                                       Azure DocumentDB
CEM API Monitoring

                                                                                                                                        South India - Chennai
                                                                          Global  Analy cs Store
Real-Time Rou ng

                                                                          East US         Online          20ms
                                                                          West US         Online          100ms
                                                                                                                                                                Redis Cache    Service Bus     NoSQL Store
                                                                          North EU        Online          120ms                        Azure DocumentDB
                                                                          West EU         Online          140ms                         Central India - Pune
                                                                          Singapore       Online          150ms
                                                                          South India     Degraded        600ms
                                                                          Central India   Online          160ms                                                 Redis Cache    Service Bus     NoSQL Store

     Globally Available On

                                                  California + Virginia           Netherlands + Ireland               Chennai + Pune     Singapore                      London + Cardiff           Toronto + Quebec
Technology Platform and Architecture
     Cloud Cherry’s Customer Experience Management Pla orm was architected and designed leveraging
     the best prac ces of efficient cloud compu ng, the pla orm is architected to be
     open(OpenStandards/OpenData/OpenAPI), to perform (see benchmarks), to be secure (PCI-DSS Level
     1) and long las ng (based upon rock solid enterprise grade Microso ’s Azure Pla orm).

     The pla orm is offered as a So ware as a Service(SaaS) solu on to businesses, while being deployed
     on the cloud as a Pla orm as a Service(PaaS) on-top of Microso Azure. SaaS frees businesses from
     chores of running a complex IT system just to support data collec on, and lets’ their technical teams
     to be er u lize me to develop systems and install interac ve and dynamic visualiza on tools that
     allow decision makers to analyze, view and benefit from the data, than to be occupied collec ng it.

     The pla orms open philosophy of implemen ng Open Standards and Open API allows businesses full
     control to own their data in-contrast to online applica ons owning the data that customer’s generate;
     unlike proprietary solu ons that only facilitates easy collec on of data, but no way for data to exit,
     your data is best trusted with open pla orms that don’t mine it themselves or use it for adver sing.

                                                                 CloudCherry SaaS =
                                          CEM Analy cs + Open Standards + Enterprise Reliability from Microso

                               On Premises                                             IaaS                                                         PaaS                                                                   SaaS
                                                                 (Infrastructure as a Service)                                               (Platform as a Service)                                                (Software as a Service)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cloud Cherry
                                                                                                                                                                                     Managed by your organization

                                 Feature Use                                         Feature Use                                                 Feature Use                                                            Feature Use
                                 Application                                         Application                                                 Application                                                            Application
Managed by your organization

                                                     Managed by your organization

                                                                                                              Managed by your organization

                                  DataStore                                           DataStore                                                   DataStore                                                              DataStore
                                   Runtime                                             Runtime                                                     Runtime                                                                Runtime
                                 Middleware                                          Middleware                                                  Middleware                                                             Middleware
                                     OS                                                   OS                                                         OS                                                                     OS


                                Virtualization                                      Virtualization                                              Virtualization                                                         Virtualization
                                   Servers                                             Servers                                                     Servers                                                                Servers

                                   Storage                                             Storage                                                     Storage                                                                Storage
                                 Networking                                          Networking                                                  Networking                                                             Networking
                                   $$$$$+                                                $$$$                                                        $$$                                                                     $

                                                                                                                                                                                   è Global PaaS Delivered
Global PaaS Delivered
CloudCherry’s CX Pla orm Deployment is a Global PaaS Deployment.

PaaS itself w/o even being global is possibly the highest form of deployment compared to all other
alterna ves that exist today; PaaS when combined with global deployment, delivers the most rock
solid infrastructure performance, reliability and dependability that any analy cs data pla orm could
hope for in being highly available & infinitely scalable.

Design feature of CX Global PaaS :

Ÿ Disposable/Stateless Instances : Instances are fully managed where servers are built up & torn
                       down all the me.
Ÿ                      De-centralized/Decoupled Design : All regions are independent of each other with compute de-
                       coupled & data store de-coupled.
Ÿ                      Performance Caching - Near network performance from edges serving CX (ex: 15ms is a response
                        me for a survey token on 2nd use onwards)
Ÿ                      Global & Regional Backplanes - Co-ordina ng the cha er within region and within global
Ÿ                      Distributed NoSQL Store - Globally distributed NoSQL data store.

                                                                                                                                                                             Global PaaS

                                                              PaaS Region US                                                                 PaaS Region EU

                                                             Web API PaaS                                                                            PaaS Region EU
                                                                                                                                            Web API PaaS         SG
                                                                             -                                                                           - PaaS
                                                                                                                                                    Web API
                                                                                 Servers Added On Demand

                                                                                                                                                                Servers Added On Demand

                                                                                                                                                                                          PaaS  -
                                                                                                                                                                                          PaaS Region
                                                                                                                                                                                               Region EU
                                                                                                                                                                                                Servers Added On Demand

                                                                                                                                                                              Web API PaaS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Servers Added On Demand
    Mongo Global BackPlane

                                                                             +                                                                              +
                                                             Analy cs PaaS                                                                  Analy cs PaaS
                             Redis BackPlane

                                                                                                                                                    Analy cs PaaS                                                         +
                                                                             -                                                                              -
                                                                                                                                                                            Analy cs- PaaS
                                                                                 Servers Added On Demand

                                                                                                                                                                Servers Added On Demand

                                                                                                                                                                                                Servers Added On Demand

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Servers Added On Demand
                                               Service Bus

                                                                             +                                                                              +                                  +                          +

                                                                                                                                                  è Global Data Sovereignty
Choice of 5 Continents for Data Residency & Sovereignty
CloudCherry CEM Pla orm provides more than 5+ global loca ons as op on for CEM programs to
operate out of, these enable security conscious businesses to maintain control over the loca on
where regulated data and documents physically reside.

Privacy and data residency requirements vary by country and customers of CEM services need to
consider the rules that cover each of the jurisdic ons they operate in as well as the rules that govern
the treatment of data at the loca ons where the CEM service provider provisions their services (e.g.,
their data centers), with CloudCherry customers can select their choice of loca on to meet the
regulatory requirements.

Depending on the specific countries in which businesses operate, companies may need to keep
certain types of informa on within a defined geographic jurisdic on. Addi onally global API loca ons
also provides shortest latency to improve speed of access to your customers.

     Sovereign Zones                        Loca ons                         Regulatory Compliance
                                  API      California + Virginia
           United States                   California + Virginia
                                  Backup   Oregon (Encrypted)

                                  API      Netherlands + Ireland
           European Union                  Netherlands + Ireland
                                  Backup   Frankfurt (Encrypted)

                                  API      Chennai + Pune
           Indian Subcon nent              Chennai + Pune
                                  Backup   Mumbai (Encrypted)

                                  API      Singapore
           Singapore(+SE-Asia)             Singapore                          MTCS Level 3
                                  Backup   Singapore (Encrypted)

                                           London + Cardiff
           United Kingdom                                                     G-Cloud v6
                                  Backup   Ireland (Encrypted)

                                           Toronto + Quebec
                                  Backup   Oregon(Encrypted)

                                                             è Data Storage, Security, Privacy & Compliance
Data Storage, Security, Privacy & Compliance
CloudCherry’s Customer Experience Management Analy cs Pla orm provides a solid cloud hosted
solu on to store terabytes of data based upon NoSQL datastore for real- me retrieval on demand.

NoSQL databases were developed from the ground up to be distributed, scale out databases. They
use a cluster of standard, physical or virtual servers to store data and support database opera ons. To
scale, addi onal servers are joined to the cluster and the data and database opera ons are spread
across the larger cluster. NoSQL databases are built to tolerate and recover from failure making them
highly resilient.

Data Ownership & Privacy :

Customer data belongs to you, CloudCherry’s staff does not have access to customer accounts, unless
customers share their login/password for assistance in setup or support.

Storage Security :

CEM Pla orm is deployed upon Microso Azure, with NoSQL cluster on a private VNET (virtual
network not accessible to general internet) and Azure has been validated for PCI-DSS Level 1

Transmission Security :

All API endpoints use HTTPS Secure Protocol with Extended Valida on(EV), the EV SSL Cer fica on is
2048 bit key, with public key signed by GeoTrust using SHA-256. Sensi ve API Calls are SSL
enforced(where it refuses to connect unencrypted), while rest of the call connect in both encrypted
and normal mode providing control and choice to the business users.

Infrastructure, Network, PaaS Security Safeguards:

All Security safeguards and reliability assurances of Microso Azure Apply to CEM PaaS, Refer to
Azure Security, Privacy, and Compliance Whitepaper to learn more.
( h p://go.microso .com/fwlink/?linkid=392408&clcid=0x409 )

                                                                           è Performance Benchmarks
Built for Scale, Lean and Efficient Architecture
CloudCherry is freshly built, without any of bulky legacy pa erns nor having gone overboard with
micro-services - as elegant as it can get - lean, decoupled, distributed and to be global. Just about
right mix of efficiency and agility to scale.

For instance, CloudCherry’s Global PaaS API endpoints handle over half million experiences every
month with 7 global regions across the world opera ng as just one. Lean engineering has kept CEM
Pla orm responsive, each and every line has been carefully chosen to be efficient and secure, en re
code base has been performance op mized and benchmarked before deployment.

  Real- me Numbers                                        Global API Live Snapshot

    25M + Experiences

    140M + Ops/Year

   < 100ms Worldwide

   < 500ms Analytics

 Sample snapshot of total response mes from the pla orm API end point to a sample test loca on.

 Global API Endpoint :
 Compute Metric : NPS ( Real- me / High Precision / Not Sampled / Not Cached )
 OpenAPI Call: /api/FlashNPS

 Benchmarked in the Same Region as Data Residency, As Measured on Live Ac ve/Hot Account

             Ac on                 Real- me Compute                      Response Time*
                                                                                    Lower is Be er

       NPS                Net Promoter Score Over 100K Responses               1.00 Seconds
       NPS                Net Promoter Score Over 200K Responses               2.20 Seconds
       NPS                Net Promoter Score Over 500K Responses               5.20 Seconds
       NPS                Net Promoter Score Over 1 Million Resp.              10.40 Seconds

                                                                                    è CX Analy cs Data API
Customer Experience Measurement & Analytics API
API provides full access for integra on into external applica ons and workflow or to access your data
when you want, how you want.

What can I do with API ?                                                                    è API Live Explorer

The API consists of REST Calls that enables you to make use/integrate/improve every func on that is
possible on the official app & official web insight center.

Ÿ   Setup/manage ques onnaires for data collec on
Ÿ   Gather & collect feedback data using API
Ÿ   Issue unique tokens with bills(PoS Integra on)
Ÿ   Sta s cally analyze collected data & generate reports
Ÿ   Add & manage real- me no fica ons & se ngs
Ÿ   Export reports or analysis or raw data
Ÿ   Setup/Manage Sub-Users & Roles

API Language Compa bility : C/C++, Objec ve-C, Swi , C#/.NET, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python
OS Compa bility : Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, Android, WindowsPhone

                               Cherry API Request - Response Flow
             API Consumer                                                        Cherry API Provider

                                   Œ Auth Request
                                                                     Bearer Token
                                    Token Issue                     Authorization
                                                                     Service          Management

              API Client


                                   Ž Token + Request                 Settings
                                           Response                 Answers          Services
                                     {                               CDM/Insight
                                         "userName": "demo",
                                         "hasRegistered": true,
                                         "loginProvider": "bearer"

                                                                                       è API Access & Authoriza on
API Access & Authorization
    Accessing API requires :

    Ÿ Valid/Ac vated Cloud Cherry Account
    Ÿ Ac ve Pay Per Response Plan
    Ÿ Login To Dashboard or/& update se ngs before accessing API

    There are 2 authen ca on methods for the API: HTTP Basic authen ca on and OAuth2. The easiest
    way to authen cate is using HTTP Basic authen ca on. Enter your username and supply your
    password or API Key as the password. Star ng much more secure oAuth2 is similar to obtaining a
    one- me pass to a conference hall with many talks going on, you need to produce your id only once
    at the entrance to be en tled for entering any room, this pass(here token) iden fies your account
    without needing to verify id(here login/password) at every rooms entrance(here your REST Service

    Example Basic Auth :
    curl -u  h ps:// ons

           Sample oAuth2 Authentication Call :

           Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
           Body : grant_type=password&username=&password=

                  "access_token": "61Abkh..",
                  "token_type": "bearer",
                  "expires_in": 86399,

                  "userName": "",
                  "email": "",
                  "primaryRole": "User",
                  "managedBy": "",
                  ".issued": "Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:56:04 GMT",
                  ".expires": "Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:56:04 GMT"

           Retain the "access_token" for rest of session(or until .expiry) to use for making every other API call,
           add header “Authorization: Bearer {access_token}” to every further API request to be identified as
                                                                     è Ques onnaire Management Using API
Questionnaire Management Using API
    Survey ques onnaire can be setup and managed using the API, including func on such as :

    Ÿ Create 25+ Different Type of Ques ons
    Ÿ Setup condi onal ques ons based on me, place, date or on answer to another ques on
    Ÿ Re re/update/delete exis ng ques ons

           Sample Call to Retrieve Questions List :

           Content-Type: application/json

           Response is a array with questions(if they exist in the account), below is a sample response with a
           single question

                    "id": "53621..", "user": "",
                    "setName": null,
                    "sequence": 2,
                    "text": "How would you rate our staff",
                    "displayType": "Select",
                    "multiSelect": ["Evil", "Average", "Attentive", "Superheroes"],

                    "staffFill": false,
                    "displayLocation": null,
                    "userWeight": 2.0, "cdmWeight": 0.0,
                    "conditionalToQuestion": null,
                    "conditionalAnswerCheck": null,
                    "conditionalNumber": 0,
                    "analyticsTag": null,
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "questionTags": ["Staff"],
                    "goodAfter": null, “goodBefore": null, "timeOfDayAfter": null, "timeOfDayBefore": null,
                    "isRetired": false,
                    "note": null
           } .. ]

                                                                                          è Ques on Structure
Question Structure
          Ques ons are represented as JSON when request type is for “applica on/json” or XML when
          reques ng call specifies “applica on/xml”, both the formats represent the same informa on fields.
          Each ques on is iden fied with a unique iden fier assigned by the API on crea on, this unique id is
          used to reference the ques on for modifica on.

                          setName : Optional group name for group questions
                          sequence : Order this questions will be displayed to user
                          text : The main text of the question for query to user
                          displayType : Question is displayed and accepted for input as one of the choices
                                     Select - Choose one item from list of items(less than 5 choices)
                                     Dropdown - choose one item from list of items displayed as drop down(for more than 5
                                     MultiSelect - choose more than one item from list
                                     OrderBy - Order a list of item according to priority or importance
                                     Star-5 - Rating using 1 to 5 Stars
                                     Smile-5 - Rating using 1 to 5 Smiles
                                     Like-5 - Rating using 1 to 5 Likes
                                     Text - Accept a single line of text
Question Data Structure

                                     MultilineText - Accept a multiple lines of text
                          multiSelect : Choices valid for a selection or dropdown as a array of string
                          staffFill : Questions reserved for surveyor/staff to prefill before handing the data collection over to
                          surved user.
                          displayLocation : Array of locations where the question is only valid for display
                          userWeight : Analytics weight for importance of answer to this question, 1 = 1x
                          conditionalToQuestion : Optional id of the question this depends upon
                          conditionalAnswerCheck : Array of conditional check answers(when text) or an single
                          operator(when number), operators for comparison on numeric answers are [ 'eq' ] for equal to /
                          [ 'lt'] for less than / [ 'gt'] for greater than
                          conditionalNumber : Numeric answer that the conditional answer check operator(eq/lt/gt) is
                          applied on.
                          isRequired : Optionally force user to answer, and do not skip
                          questionTags : Tags set for user to filter using(ex: “Staff” for questions on performance of staff)
                          goodAfter : Optional Date after which the questions is good to be displayed after
                          goodBefore : Optional Date after which the questions should not displayed after
                          timeOfDayAfter : Optional time of day after which the questions is good to be displayed after
                          timeOfDayBefore : Optional time of day after which the questions should not displayed after
                          isRetired : Optionally do not display this question anymore but keep the data collected so far
                          note : user note to add context

                                                                                     è Create Your First Ques on Using API
Create Your First Question Using API
    Fresh ques ons can be created using API by pos ng informa on that the ques on will use in the
    format of the ques on data structure, all fields that are needed are only essen al, any un-used or
    later for use fields can be skipped during crea on, these will take the default values.

           Sample Call to Create New Question:

           Content-Type: application/json

           Body :
                    "setName": null,
                    "sequence": 11,
                    "text": "Sample Question",
                    "displayType": "Text",

                    "multiSelect": [],
                    "StaffFill": false,
                    "displayLocation": [],
                    "userWeight": 1,
                    "cdmWeight": 1,
                    "analyticsTag": null,
                    "isRequired": false,
                    "isRetired": false,
                    "goodAfter": null,
                    "goodBefore": null,
                    "timeOfDayAfter": null,
                    "timeOfDayBefore": null

           Response : Successful addition will return the complete question with a API assigned id, using
           which the question can be referenced going forward.

           “displayType":"Text" .."

                                                                                         è Update a Ques on
Update a Question Using API
    Exis ng ques ons can be updated using API by pos ng changed informa on that the ques on will
    use in the format of the ques on data structure, use a copy of exis ng ques on containing the
    unique ques on ID as obtained from the API to apply the changes required before pos ng it back to
    the API.

    Update Func ons: Modify Content Displayed, Change Answer Type, Add Condi ons, Set Tags, Set
    Analy cs Weights, Re re
           Sample Call to Update Existing Question:

           Content-Type: application/json

           Body :
                    "id": "53bd1fd...",
                    "user": "demo",
                    "setName": null,
                    "sequence": 11,

                    "text": "Sample Question 1",
                    "displayType": "Text",
                    "multiSelect": [],
                    "staffFill": false,
                    "locationSpecific": null,
                    "displayLocation": [],
                    "userWeight": 1,
                    "cdmWeight": 1,
                    "conditionalToQuestion": null,
                    "conditionalAnswerCheck": null,
                    "conditionalNumber": 0,
                    "analyticsTag": null,

           Response : Successful modification will return complete modified question for verification.


           "text": "Sample Question 1",
                                                                                       è Delete a Ques on
Delete a Question Using API
    Exis ng ques ons can be deleted permanently during tes ng or when not required.

    Once a ques on is deleted all references connec ng it to responses already collected specifically to
    this is lost, to retain specific answers while archiving a ques on, set it to re re the ques on via a
    update instead of dele ng, re ring ensures data con nuity & flow over decades as answers from
    ques ons that existed in past(now re red) will show up only when retrieved for that specific me

           Sample Call to Permanently Delete Existing Question:

           Content-Type: application/json

           Response : True or False

                                                                      è Response Management Using API
Response Management Using API
   Survey responses collected can be managed using the API, including func on such as :

   Ÿ       Retrieve all collected responses
   Ÿ       Filter collected responses by me frame, loca on or answered as
   Ÿ       Archive responses to be excluded from analy cs summary
   Ÿ       Delete responses that are not required permanently

   A single response is a collec on of answers from a single respondent/person, each response
   structure contains all the answers that were collected for the ques ons displayed.

           questionId : Unique ID of the question the answer is for

           questionText : Text of question displayed while collecting the answer
           textInput : Text Answer when provided by user
           numberInput : Number Answer when provided by user

           id : Unique ID of the response assigned by API, use this to access this response for modification
           locationId : Optional Location where this response was collected, if locations have been setup

           responseDateTime : Time Stamp of response collection in ISO-8601 format(YYYY-MM-
           archived : Status of response, set when it is archived to exclude from analysis
           notes : Any internal notes associated with this response
           responses : Array of Answer Structure(as above) [ Answer , Answer ]

                                                                                    è Filtering Data Using API
Filtering Data Using API
       Finding the needle in the haystack, especially a big hay stack requires fine grained filter control, and
       this is provided by the API so business users can narrow data sets to exactly what they require than
       retrieve the en re haystack to find it themselves.

       Ÿ Match for responses collected at loca on(like downtown only)
       Ÿ Match for responses collected at a er or before dates, or a er a certain me of day or before(like
         evening in downtown)
       Ÿ Match responses collected during a specific day of week(like sunday evenings in downtown)
       Ÿ Match for responses collected that contains a specific answer(like sunday evenings in downtown
         responses from first me visitors who answered yes to their first visit ques on)

                   location : Array of String Of Locations
                   afterdate : DateTime after which the response was collected, ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-
                   beforedate : DateTime before which the response was collected, ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-
                   filterquestions : Match responses that contain a specific answer, array of responses matches,
                   similar to conditional question matching
                                      "questionId": Unique question ID to match answer with
Filter Structure

                                      "questionText": text of question, so API knows its real
                                      "answerCheck": Array of conditional check answers(when text) or an single
                   operator(when number)                operators for comparison on numeric answers are [ 'eq' ] for equal to /
                   [ 'lt'] for less than / [ 'gt'] for greater than
                                      "number": Numeric answer that the conditional answer check operator(eq/lt/gt) is
                   applied on.
                   archived : Match archived(true) or normal(false),
                   days: Match responses collected during specific days of week, Array of Number(Monday = 1,
                   Sunday = 6)
                   aftertime : Time of Day after which the response was collected, ISO-8601 format(YYYY-MM-
                   beforetime : Time of Day before which the response was collected, ISO-8601 format(YYYY-MM-

                                                                                è Retrieve Filtered Responses Using API
Retrieve Filtered Responses Using API
    Responses can be retrieved from API by pos ng a filter specifica on for matches to be performed.

           Sample Data Retrieval Using a Filter Specification:

           Content-Type: application/json
           Body :

                  "location": [ “Downtown” ],
                  "afterdate": "2014-06-10T07:00:00.000Z",
                  "beforedate": "2014-07-10T06:59:59.999Z",
                  "filterquestions": [],
                  "archived": false,
                  "days": [1,     2,    3,    4,      5],
                  "aftertime": "2014-07-09T22:12:03.140Z",
                  "beforetime": null

           Response : Array of Response Containing Answers
                 "id": "52c7d3437c1e0c12ac50e538",
                 "user": "demo",
                 "locationId": "Downtown",
                 "responseDateTime": "2013-12-30T09:24:19.839Z",

                 "responses": [
                                 "questionId": "53621e417c1e0c0ad41ce051",
                                 "questionText": "How would you rate our staffs",
                                 "textInput": "Superheros",
                                 "numberInput": 0,

                                                                             è Retrieve Analy cs Using API
Retrieve Analytics Using API
    Detailed Analy cs Per Loca on can be retrieved from API by pos ng a filter specifica on for matches
    to be performed.

           Sample Analytics Retrieval Using a Filter Specification:

           Content-Type: application/json
           Body : Filter Spec

                  "all Locations": {
                          "locationName": "All Locations",
                          "perDayResponseCount": [27,32],
                          "mdm": 83,
                          "totalResponses": 59,
                          "locationSummary": [{
                                  "askedQuestion": {
                                          "text": "Rate Your Coffee Strength",
                                          "displayType": "Star-5",
                                  "response": { "5": 19, "4": 4, "3": 3 }

                          "wordCloud": ["good", ""delicious"],
                          "liked": "Colors",
                          "disliked": "Music",
                          "netPromoter": {
                                  "questionText": "Would you recommend our Cafe to family and friends",
                                  "promoters": 76,
                                  "passive": 14,
                                  "detractors": 10,
                                  "netPromoters": 66
                          "npsAnalytics": {
                                  “detractors": "Speed"

                                                                     è Mul ple Channels Surveys Using API
Multi-Channel Surveys Using API Tokens
          Businesses are mul faceted and customer interac on happen at many levels, making it essen al to
          aggregate data from very different channels to arrive into one screen for analysis. Survey tokens
          enable presen ng single survey on any channel while enabling customizing per user using built-in
          pre-fill data.

          A typical token is composed of just few characters but enables embedding survey ques onnaires
          with preset data(known as staff-fill on tablet mode) and have set life me (one use, mul use, valid
          a er, valid before).

          Using Survey Tokens Enables

          Ÿ              Tablet to use Token in-place of login/password for survey staff.
          Ÿ              Collect customer feedback over a web survey (ex. on your own website)
          Ÿ              Collect customer feedback over a email (ex. a er a hotel checkout or service interac on)
          Ÿ              Trackable surveys by individual responders using single-use tokens per customer over API to get
                         unique URL per customer.

                         User : API access username, questionnaire set for this user will be presented
                         Note : Note on use of token(ex. “For email to customers”)
                         PreFill : Optional Pre-Fill to include(For speed or to later track response to a unique customer).
                         PreFillViaAPICallBack : Optional automated API End point to obtain pre-fill from.
                         ValidTill : DateTime after which responses are not accepted, ISO-8601 format(YYYY-MM-
                         ValidUses : # of responses that are accepted(can be one time use or any number set)
Survey Token Structure

                         Location : Select questionnaire from this location if set
                         RewardCode: Text/HTML to email for response back to surveyed user
                         EmailQuestion : QuestionID which collects a email address to email the RewardCode or thank you

                         (Web Only)
                         CityQuestion : Prefill City Name to this question from which the survey was submitted
                         StateQuestion : Prefill State Name to this question from which the survey was submitted
                         RegionQuestion : Prefill Region Name to this question from which the survey was submitted
                         SamplingMode : When Set, will pick random question(s) to present on every survey.
                         PerSamplePresent : This many questions per sample are presented.

                         MicroCampaign : Online Micro Survey Control(see CloudCherry 360 for more information)

                                                                                      è Create Your First API Survey Token
Create Your First API Survey Token
    Fresh and unique tokens per specific survey or even specific to surveyed customer can be created
    using API by pos ng informa on that the survey token will use in the format of the survey token
    data structure, all fields that are needed are only essen al, any un-used or later for use fields can be
    skipped during crea on, these will take the default values.

           Sample Call to Create New Survey Token :

           Content-Type: application/json

           Body :
                    "preFill": [{
                            "questionId": "53d10eea3ec2411e8c1baa36",
                            "questionText": "Enter your customer number",
                            "textInput": null,

                            "numberInput": 2345,
                    "validTill": "2014-10-31T18:30:00.000Z",
                    "validUses": 1,
                    "location": “Downtown”,
                    "rewardCode": "Thank you for letting us improve our service",
                    "emailQuestion": "53d10eea3ec2411e8c1baa3c",
                    "note": "Email After Service Interaction #23456"

           Response : Successful addition will return the fresh token being assigned by API ready for use in
           web/email (ex.

                 "id": "DM-21988",
                 "user": "demo",
                 "note": "Email After Service Interaction #23456",

                                                                 è Get Survey For Presenta on Using Token
Get Survey For Presentation Using Token
    Survey with complete ques onnaire including ac ve ques ons, theme, colors, logo & texts can be
    retrieved for presenta on on a custom applica on or device for response collec on.

    Pre-fill provides method to personalize tokens, if set while crea ng a token, will be available to
    enable custom response collec on client to skip presen ng pre-fileld ques ons to the responder.
           Sample Call to get Survey By Token:


           Content-Type: application/json
                 "logoURL": "",
                 "backgroundURL": null,
                 "businessName": "Café Beta",
                 "businessTagline": "Brewing the Best - Always",
                 "colorCode1": "#F70D11",
                 "colorCode2": "#CECECE",
                 "colorCode3": "#FFFFFF",
                 "welcomeText": "Welcome to customer satisfaction questionnaire",
                 "thankyouText": "Thank you for sharing your views",
                 "questions": [{

                         "id": "547ef14d44ed4d230088b989",
                         "sequence": 1,
                         "text": "Rate Our Coffee Variety",
                         "displayType": "Smile-5", ...
                         "id": "547ef85e44ed4d230088b9b1",
                         "sequence": 2,
                         "text": "Rate Effectiveness Of: Barista",
                         "displayType": "Star-5", ...
                 "preFill": null

                                                        è Submit Response Using Mul -Channel Token
Submit Response Using Multi-Channel Token
    Responses once collected using a token survey a er presenta on on custom channel/device can be
    posted back to API pla orm for Analy cs and Dashboard Access.

           Sample Call to Post a Response after Collection:

           Content-Type: application/json

           Body :
                    "locationId": "Downtown",
                    "responseDateTime": "2015-01-10T10:44:17.455Z",
                    "responses": [{
                            "questionId": "547ef11244ed4d230088b981",

                            "questionText": "Enter your customer number",
                            "textInput": null,
                            "numberInput": 2345,
                            "questionId": "547f3e0244ed4d1900dc68e3",
                            "questionText": "How can we improve, let us know",
                            "textInput": "Valet parking would be nice for this location",
                            "numberInput": 0,

           Response : Successful addition will return the complete response with a response id assigned by
           API for further reference.

                   "id": "54b1028f8c62c31cf036eaf7",
                   "locationId": "Downtown",
                   "responseDateTime": "2015-01-10T10:44:17.455Z",}

                                                è Prefill Contextual Informa on Using API For Survey Token
Prefill Contextual Information Using API For Survey Token
             Adding the context to data provides great benefits by integra ng experien al data with transac onal
             data to derive ac onable analy cs that can significantly impact the bo om line for the business
             collec ng customer data. Contextual informa on can be automa cally pre-filled using a API end-
             point(as oppose to a staff filling it manually); API end point setup by you will receive the complete
             response on submission and respond back with pre-fill data to make the response more complete

                         Sample Call Posted after a Response is Collected:

                         Content-Type: application/json

                         Body :
                                  "locationId": "Downtown",

                                  "responseDateTime": "2015-01-10T10:44:17.455Z",
                                  "responses": [{
                                          "questionId": "547ef11244ed4d230088b981",
                                          "questionText": "Customers’s purchase value(Staff-Prefill)",
                                          "textInput": null,
                                          "numberInput": 0
                                          "questionId": "547f3e0244ed4d1900dc68e3",
                                          "questionText": "Enter your bill number",
                                          "textInput": null,
                                          "numberInput": 1234,

                         Sample Prefill Returned By Your API Endpoint:
                         Response : You can lookup information to pre-fill on your side to match that of any filed provided
Your API Response

                         by customer(ex. mobile #, bill #) and provide pre-fill data to add context to this survey response. (
                         shown is a prefill of adding transaction value using the bill number which could have been pre-filled
                         by the sales clerk; other example pre-fills could be demographics using a membership number)
                                         "questionId": "547ef11244ed4d230088b981",
                                         "questionText": "Customers’s purchase value(Staff-Prefill)",
                                         "numberInput": 100,000

                                                                                      è Real- me Push No fica on on API
Real-time Push Notification on API
          Real- me no fica ons set with any criteria filter or even for every response(when criteria set is
          generic match-all such as ‘Any Ra ng : Less Than 6’) collected can be forwarded to your own API for
          further processing, for example you can react to a real- me ra ng event from a customer in store
          that needs to be further pushed using your central CRM for ac on from the right call center staff.

          Set the URL of the controller/script that can receive the complete answer as JSON POST by crea ng a
          new no fica on in the dashboard, with the URL as the target(in-place of email des na on), this will
          trigger no fica on to your server.

                         Sample JSON POST to your Server/API/Code:

                         Content-Type: application/json

                         Body :
                                  "notification": "Answered With Less Than 12",
                                  "answer": {
                                         "LocationId": "Downtown",

                                         "ResponseDateTime": "2014-12-20T14:34:08.426Z",
                                         "Responses": [{
                                                 "QuestionId": "547ef11244ed4d230088b981",
                                                 "QuestionText": "Rate The Service You Received",
                                                 "TextInput": null,
                                                 "NumberInput": 3,
                                                 "QuestionId": "547ef11244ed4d230088b982",
                                                 "QuestionText": "Would you like us to contact you",
                                                 "TextInput": “Yes”,
                                                 "NumberInput": 0,

                         Reply after receive expected by API is a HTTP OK(200), if the API does not receive a successful

                         response from your API or receives a error(404) it may stop sending any more notifications to that

                                                                                    è Single Sign-On(SSO) Automa c Login
Single Sign-On(SSO) Automatic Login
         Large businesses can enable Role based SSO(Single Sign On) for their users who are already
         authen cated by their intranet/website or email system or so ware such as CMS/ERP/CRM/PoS;
         SSO prevents duplica on of effort to create and maintain o en hundreds of username/password
         profiles for large businesses with many employees.

         SSO works by building a informa on packet(JSON) with the authen cated user’s informa on and
         then encryp ng the packet to obtain a SSO token that can be passed on to CloudCherry API for
         automa c login.

                                    Œ                                                                         Ž
                                                                       {JSON}        Redirect to CC

                                   Logs-in                                        h ps://api../?ssokey
                                                                      SSO Token

                    Your User            Your Corporate Site      Generate                                Automa cally
                                        /Email/CMS/ERP/CRM   Encrypted SSO Token                           Logged-in
 User Information

                             "Userid": "manager", // Unique sub-user/role name(created at sign-on when not existing).
                             "Role": "Manager", // Manager(for All Access) or ManagerReadOnly(For select locations).
                             "Email": “"// Verified Email address of user by your system.
                             "Locations": [], // Optional list of locations to lock ‘ManagerReadOnly’ into.
                             "TimeStamp": "2015-04-26T19:10Z" // Current Time UTC ISO-8601 format.
                                                                         [ Download Sample Token Generation Snippet ]
                    .NET :
Encrypted Token

                             // json is as above, account is primary username, ssokey as set in primary account settings
                             String token = GetSSOToken(json, account, ssokey);
                    Java :
                             String token = GetSSOToken(json, account, ssokey);

                    Redirect browser to :{account}&ssotoken={token}

                    API will automatically create the account when non existed, or modify existing sub-user roles as per
                    the User Info JSON and drop into Dashboard with specific permission set; here on, user can set-
                    up/customize the views, reports or execute analytics drill-downs as a normal subuser would do.

                                                                          è Across-Channel Survey Delivery Workflow
Across-Channel Survey Delivery Workflow
       Fully Managed Global Survey Delivery Pipeline

       Global delivery plans enable delivery of personalized experiences across channels using powerful
       workflows that can be configured once and then securely re-used across me within your own
       transmission channels, for instance, mobile app push no fica ons or even to operate highly secure
       zero knowledge survey invites CEM program.
                                                                   Across Channels(15+)
                                             Delivery     +      Reminders            +
                                                                                Thro ling Analy cs        +
                                                                 w/o PII (Any pseudo iden fier)
                             In Next 30s             1 Day Later                               3 Days Later                                Shown for 30 Days
                         (invited for survey)     (a er email open)                          (on no response)
                                                                                                 Your Mobile App          9:15 AM

                                                         Don’t Keep us wai ng,                                                                                                             ...
Survey Token
                                                                                                                                                  One question for you
                                                                                                Never stop imorving                               How likely would you recommend us to
                                                         h p://                    Help us deliver a great experience                your friends and family ?
                                                                                                                                                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                                                                                every me!. è
                                                         Help us deliver a great ..                                                                           Not at all   Maybe   Yes,Sure!

(w/ Delivery Plan Id)
                               @ Email                           Text/SMS                                Push Note                                           Website

                     (Bounce Checked)    (DND Checked)                              (Unsub Checked)                                 (Unsub Checked)
                                                                               Any Channel/Per Customer                        Any Channel/Per Customer
                "Description" : "You are receiving this as you are a customer of acme corp",
                  "UniqueCustomerIDByPreFilledQuestionTag" : "RealtionshipNo",
                  “RemindOnlyAfterOpenDays”: 1,
                  "Schedule" : [
                        "OnChannel" : “email://"
                        "Subject" : "Hello!",
                        "TextBody" : "Hello,\nPlease share your experience,\nFill out our survey at *|Survey URL|*"
Delivery Plan

                        "OnChannel" : “sms://twilio"
                        "TextBody" : "Don’t keep us waiting,\n*|Survey URL|*\nHelp us deliver a great experience every
                time!.\nOptout: *|Unsubscribe URL|* "
                        "OnChannel" : “json://mobile-push"
                        "TextBody" : "Never stop improving\nHelp us deliver a great experience every time!. ",
                        “DelayByDays” : 3
                        "OnChannel" : “mircocherry://”
                                                                                      è Permissions w/ Granular Authoriza on Filters
Roles & Permissions w/ Granular Authorization Filters
          CEM/EEM deals with measuring experiences; and these experiences can be of a service, interac on
          or of a journey(of customer or an employee).

          Minimizing data collec on is not just the goal of GDPR, but an effec ve strategy to achieve
          organiza onal clarity and to retain happy customers; as to make things complex is far easier than to
          make things simple and elegant. This is made possible by using granular authoriza on filters.

          Unique Approach of One Survey - Many Views/Uses

          Let's consider a airline needing to add experience measurement as a feedback to improve service
          across departments, this first needs overall measurement of experiences of its customers, but also
          on behalf of many departments detailing various aspects of delivering experiences, everything from
          ground-services that is responsible for check-ins to marke ng that is responsible for se ng
          percep ons, in a tradi onal market research scenario, every department may run their own detailed
          surveys to determine how the experience was so they can use that feedback to improve their

          Now from the customer’s perspec ve, customers are lot more happier if they were surveyed just
          only once on light easy to click through survey taking less than 90 seconds of their me, this would
          yield more broader par cipa on compared to answering two surveys with 5 pages taking 30
          minutes; one from ground team and another from lounge division to understand each of their areas
          of opera ons - instead a be er strategy would be, if the overall survey can itself can probe lounge
          experience to only those who visited the lounge by stealing extra 30 seconds.

          In this situa on, how will the lounge team have permission and access to experience data ? without
          running their own survey ?, a simple elegant approach that works where the smallest granular of a
          survey is a single ques on and a answer, and is to set as authoriza on of access to this survey based
          on grain(Q=A), enabling lounge team to look at lounge data for customer who actually visited the
          lounge while not necessarily having access or being swamped with en re universe of data.
                         Lounge Team                 Ground Team                  Marke ng
                              Auth Filter                 Auth Filter                  Auth Filter
Granular Filtering

                        Visited Lounge = Yes        Checked Bag = Yes           Lounge -or- Bag = Yes

                                                    Cascading Authoriza ons
                                                                                                      Applied Auth
                             Department                      Role                      User   =      Non-promoter
                                Filter:                      Filter:                   Filter:
                        Watched Brand Ad = true        Business Class = Yes           NPS < 9        marketed customer
                                                                                                     flying business

                                                                   è Examples of Granular Authoriza on Filters
Examples of Granular Authorization Filters

                          CEM                                                                              Airline                                                                                             Lounge Team
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Auth Filter
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Visited Lounge = Yes
Team Based Access

                                                                                  Mkt.                       Lounge                    Ground
                                                   Manager #1
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Marke ng
                                Lounge -or- Ground                                      Visited Lounge                                           Checked Bag                                                         Auth Filter
                                NOT FILLED

                                                                                        NOT FILLED

                                                                                                                                                 NOT FILLED

                                                             xyz                                                     xyz                                                      xyz
                                                             Visited Lounge
                                                                                                                     Visited Lounge
                                                                                                                                                                              Checked Bag                     Lounge -or- Bag = Yes
                                                             Checked Bag                                             Favorite : Blue                                          Favorite : Blue
                                                             Favorite : Blue                                         Member # 23456                                           Member # 23456
                                                             Member # 23456

                                             Rate the area you see we need to improve
                                             upon ?
                                                                                                     Rate the area you see we need to improve
                                                                                                     upon ?
                                                                                                                                                              Rate the area you see we need to improve
                                                                                                                                                              upon ?
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ground Team



                                              Comfort                                                 Comfort                                                  Comfort
                                              Price                                                   Price                                                    Price                                                 Auth Filter
                                              Speed                                                   Speed                                                    Speed
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Checked Bag = Yes
                          EEM                                                                        Company
Department Level Access

                                                                               BU #1                      BU #2                    BU #3                                                                       On BU #1
                                                  Manager #1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Auth Filter
                                                Stores #1-5                                          Stores #6.10                                   Stores #11.15                                             Store = 1-5

                                       Staff #1.1.1                Staff #1.1.2                Staff #6.1                    Staff #6.2             Staff #11.1                    Staff #11.2

                          EEM                                                                                                                                     #

                                                                               BU #1                      BU #2                    BU #3
Ad-hoc Access

                                                  Manager #1
                                                                                                                                                                                                               On Manager
                                                Stores #1-5                                          Stores #6.10                                   Stores #11.15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Auth Filter

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Store = 1-5 -or- 11-15

                                       Staff #1.1.1                Staff #1.1.2                Staff #6.1                    Staff #6.2             Staff #11.1                    Staff #11.2

                                # Use Not Equal To(!=) Operator for BU #3, But not Stores #11.15

                                                                                                                                                                                                         è Channel Comparison Matrix
Channel Comparison

      Channel                 Using                  Go Live Effort                               Works Great For

Œ    In-Person            Tablet Device     None - Signup w/ TestDrive Data   In-Store, In-Branch, On-site, At-Desk, At-Resturant

    Online               Website           Minimal - Add URL To Site         Business Website
Ž    Email                Click Link        None - Copy URL To Email           After Service Interaction, After Visit/Checkout

    QR Code              SmartPhone        None - Print Poster               High Footfall Areas Such as Counters, Events,
                                                                              Conference, Airports, Railway Stations, Malls

                                                                                                                                                    Internet Free
    Paper Survey         Pen & Paper       None - Print Survey               Offline with Zero Technology
‘    Voice                Telephone(PSTN)   None - Copy Phone PIN & Call      Fully Automated Contests, Product Feedback
                          / SIP Transfer                                      Or Anonymous Staff/Employee Tip Off Lines
’    SMS/Text             Mobile Phone      Minimal - Connect To Raspberry    Radio Ad Measurement ( SMS XYZ to YZX )
“    Email Incoming       Email Incoming    None-Setup Forwarding             Email Text Analytics For feedback@ Email Id’s
}    eSignature           Email Outgoing    None-Copy Signature Token Image Passive Experience Measure, Ticketing Or Staff
10   MicroSurvey          Online/Browser    Minimal - Add JS URL to Header  Online Contextual, eCom, Lead Gen & Conversion
11   API Survey Token     API Call          Little - Single API Call
                                                                            Privacy Protected Yet Trackable Using Pre-fill Data

                                                                                                                                                    CEM API
12   API Data Pull/Push   API Call          Little - Single API Call        Enterprise Analytics/One Screen/Real-time
13   API Data Import      Excel Sheet       Minimal - Paste Into Excel        Import Existing Data Collection
14   API Complete         API Calls         Large - Multiple API Calls        Complete Product Integration
15   Social Listening     Twitter           None - Enter Twitter @username    Social Media Sentiment Map/#Event Sentiment
                                                                                                      See “Create Your First API Survey Token”
                                                                                                      See “Retrieve Filtered Responses Using API”
Data I/O Scope : Cloud Integrations - Ticketing/CRM/Marketing
             Key Facts:
             Ÿ CRM -vs- CEM: All CEM data is on-demand, i.e only upon survey token(i.e invite) crea on or upon
               a customer responding to a survey will addi onal detailing start, not before, CloudCherry as a
               CEM system does not act a system of records for en re universe of customers - which is CRM.

             Ÿ Unlike CRM's, CEM Systems do not hold data of customer who do not opt to voluntarily interact
                          with it; if there is a record in CEM system, it means a customer voluntarily took me to
                          understand / read and answer the survey ques onnaire - i.e conscious human ac on.

             Ÿ CEM systems never bulk query/copy data from even fully integrated CRM’s preemp vely.

             Ÿ CEM analy cs works on basis of sampling, than interviewing every customer there is; a 5%
                          randomized sample response rate is considered good sta s cally to base decisions upon, thus at
                          no point in me will a CEM system hold data on all customers - 100% of popula on.


                                                            Ÿ       Open support tickets in Helpdesk on             (Example) Open tickets for customers
                                                                    triggers from CloudCherry on a real-            who may rate as detractors, letting your
                                                                    time basis Outbound                             staff pro-actively attempt to make
                                                                                                                    things right.

                            Survey     Outbound             Ÿ Set up workflows with in CRM and send                          (Examples)
                                                              CloudCherry surveys real-time to your
                           Two-way     Inbound
CRM / System of Records

                                                              customers      Survey                                         1. Send surveys from within CRM
                                                            Ÿ Push data received in CloudCherry into                        with rich details from CRM(ex: Add
                                                              CRM real-time Outbound                                        a age-group).
                                                            Ÿ Set up notifications in CloudCherry and
                                                              create tickets in Salesforce Service Cloud.                   2. Open tickets for customers who
                                                              Updates made in the Salesforce ticket will                    may rate as detractors, letting your
                                                              flow back into the corresponding                               staff pro-actively attempt to make
                                                              CloudCherry response. Two-way                                 things right.
                                                            Ÿ Identify customer cohorts in CloudCherry
                                                              and push these into Salesforce marketing                      3. Slice/Dice CX Data to build
                                                              cloud to create targeted marketing                            targeted marketing campaigns.
                                                              campaigns Outbound

                            Outbound                            Ÿ    Identify customer cohorts in CloudCherry               (Example) Slice/Dice CX Data to

                                                                     and push them into Marketo marketing                   build targeted marketing
                                                                     cloud to create targeted marketing                     campaigns.
                                                                     campaigns Outbound

                                                                                             All logos, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners
Data I/O                                                                                          WildCard / On-Premise Integrations
Integration with any on-prem/cloud software (ERP/CRM) is possible if it
offers a scheduled/sliced CSV export(almost all enterprise solutions do)

                                                                                                         Account Analy cs Store System of Records
                                                                                                         On-Premises/On-Cloud                                                                                      Store On

                                                                             Œ                                                                                             

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               On Premises
                                                                                                                                                        Place CSV/XLS on SFTP/S3/Azure
                                                                  Setup One-time/Recurring Schedule
                                                                   CSV Export on Select Sliced/Logic


                                                     CX Analytics                                                                    Customer
                                                                                                                                     Func onalID vs Department      Status                   Time
                                                     Dashboard Access
                                                                                                                                     122XXXX        Sales          Resolved                 90s
                                                                                                                                     123XXXX        Reten on        Lost                    5 mins

   Complete Interaction Experience                                                                                                                                                 Pickup and Map

                                  Department : Sales
                                  Outcome: Resolved
                                                                                                                                                                          Upon Finding New CSV File
                                  Time: 90 Seconds
                                  Topics: Branch, Teller

                How likely would you recommend us to
                                                                         Answered                         Tell us how we can make your
                                                                                                          experience even better!
                                                                                                                                                                                              CLI Dispatcher

                your friends and family ?
                                                                                                          Have a great day ahead! ..
                     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                            Not at all       Maybe    Yes,Sure!
                                                                                Gaining Happy Customer                                        Personalized Survey                                   On Premises                                              Cloud
                                                                                        Survey                                                Invites Dispatched
                                                                                                                                                                                                Delivery Work ow Dispatcher
   Complete Interaction Experience

                                  Department : Reten on
                                  Outcome: Lost
                                  Time: 5 Minutes                        Answered                         We’re sorry to see you go, share
                                  Topics: Branch, Teller
                                                                                                          what we could have done
                How likely would you recommend us to                                                      better ?

                your friends and family ?
                     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                            Not at all       Maybe    Yes,Sure!

                                                                                                                                                                 All logos, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners
                                                                                  Loss of Sale Survey
                                                                                (Department Retention)
Survey Pattern #1

In-Store/Location - Service Experience Survey


                                            For Billing
                     Customer                                                             POS Staff

                                                                                             Complete Pre-Fill
                                                                                             (ex: value, bill #,
                                                                                              membership #)
                                          Store Token: CC-23456

                                                                                                 Op onal
                                       Would you like to fill a survey ?

     Sure, Show me now                Would you like to take our short                                        No, Email/ No SMS Me
                                    experience survey while we complete
                                                your billing ?
                                                                          14th Jan 2014

                                                                                                   Emailed : Please Take our survey here
                                                                                                    h p://

                                                                                            At Home/Office or
                                                                                            On Mobile Survey

                                                                                              Comple on

             Op onal                                                                                      Op onal
Pre-fill Contextual Info Using API                                                         Pre-fill Contextual Info Using API
    (Whitepaper Page #22)                                                                     (Whitepaper Page #22)
Survey Pattern #2

Post Purchase Product/Sevice Experience Survey & Loyalty Incentive


                                                                  For Billing
                           Customer                                                                POS Staff

                                                                                                     Including value, bill #,
                                                                                                         POS Pre-Filled
                                                                                                         Unique Token

                                                                                                            Op onal
                                                                  Bill w/ QR Survey

                                                                     Café Beta
                                                        Bill 23456                Apr 4th 2016
          Emailed : Your Discount Code : NXT5OFF

                                                        1. Cappuccino                x2      $10

                                                                             SubTotal        $10
                  (enhance repeat sales)

                                                                        Service Charge        $2
                                                                         Amount Due          $12
                                                         5% Off on Your Next Order
                                                                       Scan QR code on
                                                                       your phone to
                                                                       complete a short
                                                                       ques onnaire
                                                         Or visit h p://CloudCherry.NET/RK-61952

                                                   At Home/Office or
                                                   On Mobile Survey
                                                      Comple on

Survey Pattern #3

Online Website/Purchase Experience Survey ( MicroCherry )

                                                 Engaged Customer
                                                                                              One question for you                     ...
                                                                                              How likely would you recommend us to
                                                                                              your friends and family ?
                                                                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

                                                 Post ac vity trigger :                                   Not at all   Maybe   Yes,Sure!

              Customer                              - Page Visit
                                                    - Page Scroll
                                                    - On Checkout
                                                    - About to leave
                                                    - Delayed
                                                    - Sampled Traffic

                                                                                                                                           Disappears in few seconds
                                                                                                                                               on no-interaction

                                                                       One question for you                                                          ...
               Find out how you can convert                          How likely would you recommend us to
                      your detractors                                your friends and family ?
                                                                          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                                                                 Not at all                            Maybe                 Yes,Sure!
                         Query Only Detractors
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