Omeo District Recovery Update

Page created by Andrea Bell
Omeo District Recovery Update
Omeo District
Recovery Update                                                                          MAY 2021

O m e o M ount ain Bike                     be progressively implemented as trail        Visit Victoria has also recently launched
Destination Project update                  user numbers increase.                       the new ‘All Kinds of Wonder’
Implementation of the Omeo Mountain         Work on the proposed Omeo MTB                magazine, aimed at driving tourism
Bike Destination Project has been           website and marketing also continue.         in Gippsland.
gaining momentum in recent months,          A recent article in Flow Mountain Bike       Developed from bushfire recovery
with East Gippsland Shire Council           featured the project and successful          initiatives, the magazine has a heavy
approving the project’s planning            tenderer Common Ground Trails,               focus on East Gippsland, with a nod
permit and awarding a contract for the      highlighting the recently constructed        to the other three parts of Gippsland
construction of trails – both significant   Omeo Pump and Skills Track and the           across its 16 pages.
milestones.                                 project vision.                              The aim of the magazine is to drive
The planning approval processes             Other related project investments within     awareness of our beautiful part of
however, are not yet complete as            Omeo are being progressed by Council         the world and allow for planning and
the Victorian Civil and Administrative      with funding support from Bushfire           visitation for autumn and into early
Tribunal (VCAT) has recently notified       Recovery Victoria and Council’s own          winter.
Council of an objection to the planning     funds. Improvements to Livingstone           Over 330,000 copies of the magazine
permit being lodged.                        Park are currently in design with works      being distributed across Victoria,
This notification means that trail          planned for the 2021-22 financial year.      including Gippsland as an insert, and
construction cannot commence until          The design will include elements from        are available at all East Gippsland
the VCAT matter has been resolved.          the Livingstone Park Master Plan such        VICs.
The VCAT process has nominated a            as improved playground and picnic
final hearing date of 18 November           area facilities, access and safety
                                                                                         Rebuild Support Service
2021.                                       improvements to the swimming area,
                                            vehicle parking and a pedestrian / bike      The Rebuild Support Service can
Council is progressing with background                                                   support any landowner who lost a
                                            bridge linking the caravan park trail.
works, with the hope that the VCAT                                                       dwelling or sheds in the 2019/2020
matter can be resolved This includes        The Livingstone Park upgrade
                                                                                         fires, particularly in navigating the
the MTB Operational Plan, Emergency         compliments the recently completed
                                                                                         approvals that may be needed for
Management Plan and Maintenance             Pump and Skills Track, which has
                                                                                         rebuilding. In many cases, registering
Management Plan being initiated.            proven to be a great success for the
                                                                                         with the RSS can also inform eligibility
Stakeholders such as Victoria Police,       young and young at heart and for those
                                                                                         for financial rebuild support.
Ambulance Victoria, SES, Omeo               who take in the park ambience. The
                                            pump track is a popular place to be          For more information about the RSS
Regional Hospital, Department of
                                            for locals and tourists on or off a bike!    there are several options:
Environment, Land, Water and Planning
and community are in the process of                                                        • Contact the team directly at BRSS@
being consulted for input.                  Open for business
Particular attention is being placed        We would like residents and visitors           • Make contact through your bushfire
on rider safety; this is not just wearing   alike to know that our Visitor Information       recovery support worker
helmets! Good trail design and              Centres (VICs) are open across East            • Through your local Bushfire Recovery
maintenance will help minimise injuries     Gippsland, including weekends, to                Victoria (BRV) Hub
and the need for the extraction of          help inform and guide you on all               • On our Bushfire Rebuilding web page
patients. Stakeholders and adjoining        the wonderful places, activities and             https://www.eastgippsland.
landholders are invited to contact          accommodation our region has to offer. 
Council’s project manager Ian Cameron       To learn more about exploring your               bushfire-rebuilding
to discuss how we can ensure good           own backyard, or to showcase our             The RSS can meet with residents one-
emergency access to the trails.             beautiful area to visitors, pop into         on-one in BRV hubs or Council’s Omeo
In anticipation of a positive VCAT          one of our VICs, visit our website           Customer Service Centre, or provide
outcome, a road safety assessment has             support by phone or video conference
also been carried out on Connleys Road,     tourism, or the Visit East Gippsland         depending on your accessibility or
with recommendations anticipated to         website            preference.
Omeo District Recovery Update
Omeo District
Recovery Update                                                                                      MAY 2020

Councillors visit
Councillors and senior officers were in the High Country for
two days at the start of May, having many discussions with
individuals and community groups and committees around
recovery, preparedness, maintenance requests, support for
facilities and funding opportunities. Visits included Tambo
Crossing, Swifts Creek, Benambra and Omeo, with a Council
Meeting in Swifts Creek.

                                                                            Plans for a major upgrade at Swifts Creek Recreation Reserve are well
                                                                            underway. Pictured are, from left Cr John White, Cr Arthur Allen, Rod
                                                                            Walker, Cr Tom Crook, Mick Batty, Cr Kirsten Van Diggele, Robert Reid,
                                                                            Jeremiah Topperwein, Keren Walker, Raymond Gallagher, Crs Trevor
                                                                            Stow, Sonia Buckley and Jane Greacen, Anne Richardson, Jane Rowe,
                                                                            Kath Smith, Cr Mark Reeves and Mayor Cr Mendy Urie.

Tambo Crossing residents discuss their plans for improved resilience
during emergency incidents. Pictured are, from left Cr Kirsten Van
Diggele, Cr Jane Greacen, Brad Smith, Andrew ‘Rambo’ Travis, Fiona
Angus, Jamie Johnson and Cr Tom Crook.

                                                                            Jodie Pitkin, General Manager Place and Community talks to community
                                                                            members at Benambra.

Current and former East Gippsland Shire Councillors were happy to
share stories at Benambra. Pictured are Cr Trevor Stow, former councillor
Ben Buckley who served for more than 25 years, Cr Tom Crooke and
Trudy Anderson, also a former councillor.
Cr J ane G re a c en
(right) caught up with
friend Mrs Sharon
Firebrace-Sinnott at the
community catch-up in
Benambra earlier this
                                                                            General Manager Assets and Environment Fiona Weigall met Graeme
                                                                            and Elijah Sinnott at the Benambra community gathering.

    Anthony Nelson                            (03) 5153 9432                                     Contact Council
    Place Manager -                           0427 039 500                                       5153 9500
    Omeo District                                  
Omeo District Recovery Update
Omeo District
Recovery Update                                                                                MAY 2020

National Emergency Medal between Tambo Crossing and Swifts satellite system has been installed in
opportunity              Creek. This link intends to create a East Gippsland. Together with the solar
The National Emergency Medal is               transmission ring between Bairnsdale,            system or a generator, this provides
an award available to persons who             Melbourne and Wangaratta and                     a safety net communication system
provided either significant or sustained      provide new and better coverage in               for the Omeo Recreation Reserve if
service (or both) during a nationally         several areas, including Omeo, Ensay,            the mobile telecommunication network
significant emergency.                        Tambo Crossing, Dinner Plain and                 fails. Council has applied for further
The bushfires of 2019/2020 were               Mount Hotham.                                    STAND satellite units to be installed at
declared a nationally significant             The installation of this link is the crux of a   other facilities.
emergency for the purpose of the              much larger mobile network project - the         We have engaged a consultant to help
National Emergency Medal on 2                 High Country Transmission Upgrade.               identify and consolidate the priorities
December 2020.                                The $6.4 million project is jointly co-          for digital connectivity improvement
The Medal is managed by the Office of         funded by Telstra, and the Victorian and         (resilience, coverage, literacy, etc.)
the Governor General and is open to           Federal governments, and is focused              across East Gippsland. This work
members of the community, volunteers          on improving telecommunications                  and upcoming engagement and
or agency staff that have provided            coverage, resiliency, and connectivity           data collection strategies will inform
sustained service being:                      in high fire danger areas, and future-           Council to produce a consolidated list
                                              proofing telecommunications for the              of priorities for advocacy and planning
 • Service in the protection of lives
                                              region.                                          with telecommunication providers and
    and property; or in the service of
    interests, that are not their own;        Other key upgrades within the High               State and Federal governments.
                                              Country Transmission Upgrade are:                To learn more about the Regional
 • In direct response to the emergency
    (including support that enables or          • Upgrades to existing sites at Tambo          Connectivity Program, Mobile Blackspot
    facilitates the emergency response).          Crossing, Ensay and Mt. Hotham               Program, funded projects and future
                                                  Airport                                      funding opportunities, visit the Federal
 • In East Gippsland (or other fire
    impacted municipalities).                   • Capacity and 5G upgrades to two              Government’s Communications
                                                  sites in Mt Hotham and Dinner Plain          Department website.
 • Between 21 November 2019 and
    20 February 2020                            • New transmission system installations
                                                  at 12 exchanges including Dinner             Did you know?
 • The minimum duration of service
                                                  Plain, Hotham Village, Harrietville,
    of 5 days                                                                                  We have a new grant application portal
                                                  Omeo, Swifts Creek, Wangaratta,
To learn more about the Medal and its                                                          called Grant Guru. Check it out at
                                                  Morwell, Bright, Everton, Myrtleford,
history, eligibility criteria, or to apply,                                          
                                                  Ensay and Tambo Crossing
visit the Governor-General’s website          Telstra has announced that the detailed                        planning work for the project is now             Last road bridge reopened
australian-honours-and-                       being finalised, and work is expected            On Friday 30 April we officially
awardsnational-emergency-                     to commence before the end of 2021.              marked the successful completion of our
medal/bushfires-2019-20                                                                        bushfire-impacted timber road bridge
                                              Telstra and NBN Co have increased
                                              their capacity with mobile/relocatable           replacement program. During the fires
Telecommunications update                     telecommunications units that can be             we had 13 timber road bridges and
We have worked alongside Telstra and          used to reinstate telecommunications             two heritage listed pedestrian bridges
Alpine Shire Council to submit a now          following a disaster (e.g. mobile NBN,           destroyed or damaged beyond repair.
successful application for the Federal        Skymuster trucks, etc.).                         Our first bridge replacement – the
Government’s Regional Connectivity            The Commonwealth Government’s                    Waterholes Creek bridge in Deptford
Program to improve telecommunications         STAND program is piloting the                    – was replaced within six weeks of the
across East Gippsland.                        installation of satellite communication          fire impacting the area. The remaining
The focal point of the application was        systems in relief centres and similar            12 bridges have been completed over
the installation of a 42-kilometre fibre      facilities. Omeo Recreation Reserve              the past 12 months, with works totalling
optic link through the Tambo Valley           is one of eight locations at which a             more than $4.5 million.
Omeo District Recovery Update Omeo District Recovery Update Omeo District Recovery Update
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