OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org

Page created by Edgar West
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
OH5 Pride Report
District Governor Joe Jackson
                                           November, 2021
     Contact Info:
  District Governor
   Joe Jackson
   shoelessjj71@gmail.com    From the District Leadership

  Vice District Governor     Look for updates from DG Joe Jackson (pg. 2), an
    Debbie Luttrell          URGENT reminder from Lion Steve Kaplan (pg. 3), and
                             Lion Ben Dawson, OH5 GST (pg. 4).
  Cabinet Sec/Treasurer
   Mike Kerek
   mjkerek@msn.com           ROARING BACK from the Pandemic
                             This month, the focus is on what clubs are doing to
  Send Information for
  the Pride Report to:       bounce back. Please look over the holiday sales
    Jane Jarrow              (starting on pg. 7) and the upcoming activities (starting
   lionjjarrow@gmail.com     on pg. 17) that suggest… we’re baaaacckkk!
  District Webmaster:
    Lee Bolyard              Spotlight on Service from One of Our Own!

    OH5 District Dates      PDG Lion Jackie Miller is honored for her commitment
  Cabinet Meeting –         to service and to Lionism (p. 6).
     November 13
                             LIONS EXCHANGE
  Cabinet Meeting –
      February 26
                            Here is a place to check out requests from other Clubs
  OH5 Convention            in the District for help on their projects/activities, or to
   March 11-12, 2022        post your own (page 6).
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
“Working Together, It All Fits”
            Alerts and Reminders from
           District Governor Joe Jackson

      They Won Club Excellence Awards…
               Are You Next?
Congratulations to both Worthington Noon and Reynoldsburg for
earning Club Excellence Awards from LCI! Any Lions Club can apply
for this award; please send me your club’s application to be signed
(shoelssjj71@gmail.com ).

               Peace Poster/Peace Essay Contest
     All entries for this years contest are due to DG Joe Jackson by
     November 15. Remember, the theme is, “We are all connected.”
     More about the Peace Poster Contest:
     More about the Peace Essay Contest:

                        Super Braxton 5K
Super Braxton 5K is November 6 at Summit High School in Reynoldsburg.
This event is a great opportunity to raise funds to contribute to oncology
research. Thanks to the many Lions and other families that help organize
this event. Remember, you can register as a virtual runner and enjoy your
Saturday morning coffee at home or another venue.

                 Video Enhancement Machines
  Video Enhancement Machines are available to assist low vision individuals
  in OH-5. These machines are old school and function without any computer
  assist. There are other ways to help low vision individuals; however, newer
  machines can be too expensive for many folks in need. Currently, there are
  two older machines left; they could be used in the library of a long-term
  care facility or by an individual. Please contact DG Joe for more information
  at shoelessjj71@gmail.com
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
Unclaimed Funds Reporting
         An URGENT Reminder (Warning!) from Compliance Chair
                                Lion Steve Kaplan
According to the Ohio Unclaimed Funds Law (Revised Code
Chapter 169), all businesses (including Lions Clubs) that operate
 in the State of Ohio, are required to file an Annual Report of
Unclaimed Funds to the Ohio Department of Commerce. Lions
Clubs usually do not have any unclaimed funds (abandoned bank
accounts, safety deposit boxes, paychecks). However, clubs must still file an
annual negative report.
The negative report may be filed electronically through the Ohio Business Gateway
or by printing out form OUF-1 from the Ohio Department of Commerce website. If
filling out the printed form, include all of the contact information at the top. The
FEIN is the same as your club’s EIN (never write in a Social Security Number). The
Report Year is the current calendar year. Check the “NO” box, sign, date, and mail
to the address on the bottom of the page.
The State’s annual unclaimed funds reporting deadline is NOVEMBER 1. Failure
to file could result in civil penalties of $100 per day. If you need any assistance,
contact your district compliance chair,
Lion Steve Kaplan @ skpk1984@aol.com.

     Columbus Northeast Lions PDG Ray Empson and Secretary Jeff Craig
                   donating $1000 to the Salvation Army.
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
The Westerville Lions welcomed their newest member, Lion Phillip
Kline, at the October 21st installation. L to R: Lion Bill Phythyon,
President, Lion Debbie Bennati, Membership Chair, and new Lion
Philip Kline.

                             Get Ready to Serve
                          From GST Lion Ben Dawson
I want to thank everyone for participating in the FALL INTO SERVICE. I saw 9 clubs
during that time on MYLION, but MYLION’S website is acting up a lot. I am sure
other clubs did service in October and have not added them in because of
reporting problems. I have found it easier and simpler to report service using the
MYLION app. The problem is not many people using app. Download MYLION app
(you will need your member id to register). Have your club secretary send you
Membership report showing your id. It’s easy from there. Download how to use
from MYLCI or contact me I will be glad to help. All officers should have the app.
After attending some club meetings, Zone meetings, etc, I assure you our District
   You’ll find information about the global cause of protecting our environment
                                      on pg 5.

                             PDG Barry Brandt – Bexley Lions Club

                             Lion Bob Sheetz – Worthington Noon Lions Club

                           They will be missed…
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
Focus on PDG Jackie Miller – SHE SERVES!
Congratulations to PDG Jackie Miller for being recognized by her
employer, State Auto Insurance, with the Jay Yano Community
Service Award. Lion Jackie speaks eloquently to her commitment
to service, and to Lionism, in the video announcing her award
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3CZiVZO168 ). In her honor,
 State Auto presented an impressive award to PDG Jackie, and a
VERY impressive donation for $2500 to LCIF.

We, as Lions, take our activities and service as an everyday part of our lives. It is
good to remember that we share a commitment that is not necessarily pursued
with such enthusiasm by others – and that when they know and hear what we are
all about, they may be inspired, as well!

                              LIONS EXCHANGE
  (The Lions Exchange provides a chance for Clubs throughout OH5 to share resource or to
                ask for help with service projects – WE SERVE (together)!!!

 The Worthington Noon Lions are collecting socks to be shared with folks in
 homeless shelters. Contact Lion Gary Holloway (
 gary.holloway.ohio@gmail.com ).
 The Westerville Lions are collecting plastic bags and film to earn another
 bench from TREX recycling (and sharing it with the Olentangy Lions who are
 also collecting. Contact Lion Jane Enneking ( janemenneking@gmail.com ).
 PDG Eileen Brenner, of the Sunbury Lions, has several boxes of brand new
 music instruction books (for learning to play guitar, piano, etc.). If you know a
 school or program in need, contact PDG Eileen at eileenlb2010@yahoo.com .
 The Sight and Hearing Committee is compiling a listing of where eyeglass
 collection boxes are located. Please contact PDG Jackie Miller at
 The Tri-Village Lions invite you to visit the Lions College Fan Fundraiser at
 lionscollegefanfundraiser.com , starting November 1, and watch as fans of the
 Ohio State Buckeyes show the fans for That School Up North who has the
 Best Damn Fans in the Land. Throughout the month of November, you can
 watch the score of our own “grudge match” with the Ubly Lions of Michigan,
 and donate, if you choose, to see the Buckeyes move on down the field!
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
 (Don’t Wait – Deadlines Approaching!)

    As the holidays approach, a number of clubs in OH5 are mounting
  fundraising projects that celebrate the season AND provide funding for
 contributions and service projects. Please look over all the offerings here
and choose to pay, play, contribute, eat, and enjoy – all in the support of the
                                Lions of OH5!

Northridge Lions Poinsettia Sale – Order by November 17
Olentangy Lions Club Holiday Madness – Game Starts November 8
Tri-Village Lions Holiday Pies – Order by November 4
Worthington Noon Lions Poinsettia Sale – Order by November 13
Columbus Northern Lions Car Wash Coupons – Order by November 15
Bexley Lions Club Buckeye Sale – Order by November 15 or December 8
Springfield National Trails Cheese & Snacks Sale – Order by November 27
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
Olentangy Lions Club
                              HOLIDAY MADNESS
           ALL profit goes to support Delaware County food programs
                                     Only 100 tickets will be sold with $1500 returned to players
                                       Cost of each entry is $20. Winners are determined by closing
                                        $500 will go to help Delaware County food programs
                                     value of Dow each day. One winner per day except Thanksgiving.
                                      Entrants   name
                                             Contact   anywill be placed
                                                           member            on aLions
                                                                    of Olentangy   10x10 grid. Each block will be
                                     a value from 00 to 99.orThe cents value of the Dow’s closing value
                                                  Mail the
                                     will determine     your winner
                                                             entry andeach
                                                                       payment  to: First winner will be chosen on
                                                    November 8. Game ends December 10th.
                                                        Bob Dotson
                                                    519 Commons Drive
                                       Only 100 tickets  willOHbe43065
                                                     Powell,      sold with $1500 returned to players.
                                            $500 will go to help Delaware County Food Programs.
                                      For more information call 614-389-4799 or 740-591-8077

                                                              WINNING AMOUNTS BY WEEK

                                                  Week 1 pays $40, $40, $40, $40 and $100
                                                  Week 2 pays $40, $40, $40, $40 and $100
                                                  Week 3 pays $40, $40, $40, $00 and $100
                                              No winner on Thanksgiving Day (Dow Closed)
                                                  Week 4 pays $40, $40, $40, $40 and $100
                                               Week 5 pays $100, $100, $100, $100 and $100
                                                    Each entry can win more than once

  --------------------------------------------------------------cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                              Olentangy Lions Club
                    OLENTANGY LIONS                                                                 PLEASE PRINT

                   HOLIDAY MADNESS 2021                                           Name:___________________________
                                                                     Thank You!

      Cost of each entry is $20. Winners are determined by                        E-Mail:__________________________
      closing value of Dow each day. One winner per day
      except Thanksgiving. Entrants name will be placed on a                      Phone:___________________________
      10 X 10 grid. Each block will be a value from 00 to 99.
      The cents value of the Dow’s closing value will determine                   Address:_________________________
      the winner each day. First winner will be chosen on
      November 8th. Game ends December 10th.                                      City, Zip:________________________

          Proceeds benefit Food for needy programs

Mail your entry/payment to: Bob Dotson, 519 Commons Drive, Powell, OH 43065
                For more information call 614-389-4799 or 740-591-8077
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
At Thanksgiving You Can
                          EAT WELL and DO GOOD
                          With the Tri-Village Lions!
Order pies from the famed Der Dutchman Restaurant and Bakery to serve to your family and
friends as part of your Thanksgiving feast. Consider ordering more pies to be donated, in your
name, to Thanksgiving dinners offered by churches and shelters throughout Central Ohio for
folks who are less fortunate.
This is a fundraising event for the Tri-Village Lions. The price for the each pie is set to include
roughly $5 for the Tri-Village Lions. We will use that money to support the many service and
philanthropic activities for which the Lions are known.
Please let us know how many pies, of which variety you would like to order for your own use,
and how many pies you wish to donate.
                                       # of Pies                      Amount(at $15 per pie)
Dutch Apple
Sugar Free Apple
Sugar Free Cherry
                          Total # Pies:              Total Amount Due:
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Street Address: _____________________________________________________
Contact Phone #: ____________________________________________________
Email address (if available) ____________________________________________

(or you can submit payment with the order - checks to be made out to “Tri-Village Lions Club”)
Northwest Blvd).
Orders must be sent to Lion Tom Dolbow (3107 Halesworth Rd, Columbus, OH
43221), emailed to tom@dolbowinsurance.com or called in/texted to Lion Tom at
OH5 Pride Report District Governor Joe Jackson - e-district.org
Worthington Noon Lions is helping
                        Ohio State School for the Blind (OSSB)
WNLC is asking you to participate in our Poinsettia Fund-Raiser. We as ‘Lions’ do these activities for
the betterment of our community; therefore, count on one another’s support in similar fund-raisers.

Our Poinsettia Plants are supplied by the superior wholesaler, Straders of Grove City. Straders has
an excellent reputation for quality products at competitive prices.
WNLC is providing the following selections:
   ü A large Poinsettia, 8 1/2 “pot, 12 to 18 blooms that will be available in Red, White, Pink and
      Marble, priced at $18.00.
   ü A medium Poinsettia, 6 1/2”pot, 6 to 8 blooms that will be available in Red, White, Pink and
      Marble, priced at $12.00.
   ü All plants will be well presented; the 8 ½ pot will be in a green foil wrapping and enclosed in a
      clear plastic sleeve. The 6 ½ pot will be in a gold foil wrapping and enclosed in a clear plastic

Straders has provided an order deadline; therefore, for us to meet their date all orders must be given
to a WNLC Poinsettia Chair by Saturday November 13th.

Straders will deliver all our plants on December 4th. You can pick up your plants between 9am to
noon on December 4th at the Worthington Community/Recreation Center. The Center is at 345 E
Wilson Bridge Rd, Worthington, OH 43085.

Payment is requested in advance by check only, payable to Worthington Noon Lions Club.

Print off the Poinsettia Order Form on the page that follows, then mail or call the Poinsettia Chairman
listed below for assistance. You complete the bottom ‘quantity’ half. Complete your contact
information. Sign your name then cut/tear in half. You keep the top part for your records.
Return the bottom half with your Check to the WNLC Poinsettia Chairman by Saturday November

You can contact
Poinsettia Chair Lion Tim Lee at 614 935 0489, tlee4855@aol.com
6868 Bonnie Brae Lane, Columbus, 43235
Worthington Noon Lions Club thanks you for your support.
Worthington Noon Lions Club

                             2021 POINSETTIA ORDER FORM
                    Large Poinsettia 8 1/2 ” Pot (12 to 18 Blooms per pot) for $18.00
                    Medium Poinsettia 6 1/2” Pot (4 to 8 Blooms per pot) for $12.00

      Plants will be delivered on SATURDAY – DECEMBER 4, 2021
                         TO ORDER OR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT:

              Lion Member Name ____________________________________

              Lion Member Phone number: ____________________________

               ORDER DEADLINE:                 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2021

        CUT HERE - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PURCHASER KEEP THE TOP HALF OF THIS ORDER FORM - - - - - - - - - - - - -



   8 ½” Pot                  # RED # WHITE                # PINK           #MARBLE               TOTAL                  $ AMOUNT
   (12 to 18 blooms)         _____ _______                  ______          _________             #______                $__________
   $18.00 each

  6 ½” Pot                   # RED         #WHITE # PINK                     #MARBLE            TOTAL                    $ AMOUNT
  (4 to 8 blooms)            ______         _______ ______                    _________          # _____                 $_________
  $12.00 each
                                                    GRAND TOTAL PLANTS                          #________                 $__________

     Print Purchaser Name:            ___________________________________________________

     Phone:              _____________________________

     Address:           _________________________________________________

                              Purchaser SIGNATURE _____________________________________________

                                             Lion Member Name: _____________________________________________
                    ORDER AT: www.bexleylionsclub.com

  One Dozen (12)      Buckeye for HEROES     TWO Dozen (24)      Pack Party Tub (50)
Homemade Buckeyes       One Dozen(12)      Homemade Buckeyes    Homemade Buckeyes
      $8.00           Homemade Buckeyes         $16.00                 $35.00
                            SHIPPING = DELIVERY
       Bexley Lions Club Members will be hand delivering orders twice:
      right before Thanksgiving & Hanukkah and right before Christmas
     Please indicate any special instructions in the notes field at checkout
      At this time we are not shipping or delivering outside Central Ohio
2021 Springfield Na onal Trail Lions Club
                                                        Cheese and Snack Sale
                                  Pearl Valley Cheese ~ Fresno, OH                   Trophy Nuts ~ Tipp City, OH

   Colby Cheese                         Baby Swiss                     Cheddar Cheese                       Gouda                         Mild Swiss
Mild and versa le for snacking,          Cheese                           Great for snacking!           Creamy, bu ery flavor         Award winning! Sweet and nu y
                                   A mild so er bodied cheese with                                                                              flavor.
          or slicing.
                                      smaller Swiss type holes           12 oz: $7.00                   12 oz: $7.00
    12 oz: $7.00                                                                                                                         12 oz: $7.00
                                       12 oz: $7.00

   Mixed Nuts with                         Cranberry                           Peanut                       Cashews                      Chocolate
      Peanuts                               Trail Mix                          Squares                       Halves                     Malted Milk
     Peanuts, Brazils, Cashews,       Peanuts, raisins, cranberries,
                                      pepitas, sunflower seeds, al-      Blanched peanuts nestled in a   A favorite snack, roasted,
    Filberts, Almonds, Pecans—                                                                                                       Milk chocolate coa ng filled
               6oz bag                 monds, walnuts—6oz bag              candy crunch —6oz bag         lightly salted —5oz bag
                                                                                                                                     with malted milk —7oz bag

             $4.00                             $4.00                             $4.00                         $4.00                         $4.00

                                             Enjoy a Basket of all 5 Snacks for just $16.00!
2021 Springfield National Trail Lions Club Cheese and Snack Sale                                                                                                                           Last Day to Order: November 28, 2021
Pearl Valley Cheese, Fresno, Ohio ~ Trophy Nuts, Tipp City, Ohio                                                                                                                                   Delivery: December 9th or 10th

                                                                                                                             $30.00 Basket:                                                                                                                                                        Total
                                                                                                             Four 12 oz pieces, Summer Sausage & Crackers
                                                                                                          Circle a basket and select 4 cheeses for each basket.
                                                                                                                    Colb= Colby      BSw= Baby Swiss
                                                                                                           Ched= Cheddar Gou=Gouda MSw= Mild Swiss




                                                                      Gouda 12 oz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cashew Halves

                      Colby 12oz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Peanut Squares

                                                      Cheddar 12 oz
                                                                                                       Basket #1 (pick 4): _2_Colb __BSw _1_Ched __Gou _1_MSw

                                                                                    Mild Swiss 12 oz

                                   Baby Swiss 12 oz
                                                                                                                                                                                          Cranberry Trail Mix
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Basket of all 5 Snacks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Choc Malted Milk Balls

                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): _1_Colb _1_BSw _1_Ched _1_Gou _1MSw

                                                                                                                                                                  Mixed Nuts w/ Peanuts
     Customer Name:
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
1)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
2)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

3)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

4)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

5)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

6)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

7)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

8)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

9)                                                                                                     Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

10)                                                                                                    Basket #1 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #2 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw
                                                                                                       Basket #3 (pick 4): __Colb __BSw __Ched __Gou __MSw

  Starting Right NOW… THIS WEEK!!!

Come join the fun as the Lions of OH5 plan events and provide
opportunities to gather safely and have some fun, just as we did in
the “Before Time.”

District OH5 and the Reynoldsburg Lions Club:
Super Braxton 5K - November 6
New Albany Lions Club:
Turkey Shoot and Gun Raffle – November 13 and November 20

Tri-Village Lions Club:
Pub Trivia Quiz – November 21

Westerville Lions Club:
Rudolph 5K Virtual Walk/Run – December 6 thru December 13

Ohio Lions Winter Retreat – January 14-16, 2022

District OH5 and the Grove City Noon Lions Club:
District OH5 Bowling Tournament – February 19, 2022
SUNDAY, November 21, 1:00-5:00 PM
          31st Tri-Village Lions Pub Trivia Contest
                   The Tri-Village Lions Challenge You!!

     Did you know that Albert Einstein was a Lion???
        (He wasn’t. But if he HAD been, he probably would have been really good at Trivia!!)

In addition to competing for the overall honors (and prize!) for the contest,
those Lions Clubs that field a team of 4 (Lions, family, friends) to play on behalf
of their club will also be eligible to win LIONS BRAGGING RIGHTS – a “traveling
trophy” that currently bears the names of the Worthington Noon Lions and the
Beechcroft Lions.
WHEN:      Sunday, November 21
           1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
WHERE: Smokehouse Brewing Company
       1130 Dublin Rd, Columbus, OH 43215
Questions? CONTACT:             Lion Jeff Davis
$10/person entry fee ($40 per team)
        Tempt your taste buds and take a chance on some of this year’s themed
                               raffle baskets, as well!
Rudolph 5K Virtual Run/Walk hosted by Westerville Lions
Club sponsored By Nationwide Children's Hospital and
Salaita Orthodontics
Sun December 6 - Sun December 13 2020
$25 Registration ends December 6, 2020 at 2:00pm EST

The Westerville Lions Rudolph Run/Walk 5K is a family-encouraged 5K event which typically kicks
off the Westerville Lions Children’s Christmas Parade in early December. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic, this year's 5K Run/Walk is going virtual! The parade itself has been cancelled with plans
to resume in December of 2021. The Rudolph 5K Run/Walk will generate funds to benefit
Westerville area organizations.

Westerville Lions Club
The Westerville Lions Club was founded in 1928 as the community’s first service club. It is
comprised of local men and women who individually and jointly volunteer their time to provide
service to the Westerville community. All profits from any Lion event will go toward Lions charitable
organizations that will fight the major causes of preventable and reversible blindness.

We have a select number of keepsake knitted caps printed by Rising Moon Custom Apparel that
will be included in race bags with a few lucky randomly-selected registrants. Additionally, all
participants will receive a pair of Christmas socks, as well as a pair of gloves with finger-tabs that
allow you to text. Race bags will also include local restaurant coupons and other handouts.

Registration – Paste this link in your browser to register for the Rudolf 5K Virtual Run/Walk
step right up!
                        Come to the
                 Ohio Lions Winter Retreat
                                 January 14-16, 2022
                                Maumee Bay State Park
                                1750 State Park Road #2
                                   Oregon, OH 43616

                                         Theme is

Registration paid by 1 Dec 21: $125
Registrations 2 Dec 21 – 3 Jan 22: $140
No registrations will be accepted after 3 Jan 22
Register online at www.ohiolions.org
Or send in the registration form and make all checks payable to: “THE OHIO LIONS” and specify LIONS
WINTER RETREAT in the memo line and to: Ohio Lions, 4074 Hoover Rd., Grove City, OH 43123

NO CANCELLATIONS WILL BE REFUNDED AFTER 4 JAN 22                         .
                  IN HONOR OF TOM KALINOWSKI
Saturday, Feb. 19, 2022
Registration begins at noon | Bowling starts at 1 p.m.

Wayne Webb’s Columbus Bowl
3224 South High St., Columbus, OH 43207

  2022 Entry Form $125 per team ($25 per bowler, includes shoes)
  Early-bird registration open until Friday, Dec. 31. $100 per team ($20 per bowler)

Club Name:______________________________________________________________________________

Contact Name:____________________________________________________________________________

Team Name:_____________________________________________________________________________

Email Address:________________________________________ Cell Phone:_________________________

                                           TEAM LINE-UP
                                  All are welcome, Lions and future Lions
                                     Player’s Name                                            Handicap (blank if unknown)






Mail entries (one per team) to: Lion Toni Gray, 6180 Dietz Dr., Canal Winchester OH, 43110 or email completed form
to tgray@pilotdogs.org. Questions, call 614-214-0204.

            Make checks payable to: Grove City Noon Lions Community Fund (GCNLCF)
   Handicap will be 90% of 230 so every team has a chance. If no handicap or book, it will be computed after bowling.
   Vacant in 210 with 0 handicap.
Games and Prizes: include raffle prizes and 50/50. For every future Lion you bring, you will receive a raffle ticket for a
special prize! The 50/50 raffle is in honor of Grove City Noon Lions Club    Jim Heller.
You can also read