Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum

Page created by Brad Wang
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
Winters Heritage House Museum

                                                                          of Elizabethtown History!
Published quarterly by the Elizabethtown Preservation Associates, Inc.                       Autumn 2021

In This Issue —                   Desserts both Debated and Delivered
                                  Summer Sowing Summarized
                                  Frolicking Fibers Finessed at Fair
                                  Volunteer Values Voiced
                                  Magnificent Mural Mending Mission

                                                                         (717) 367-4672
       Permit No. 1
                                                                Elizabethtown, PA 17022
  Elizabethtown, PA
                                                                         47 East High St.,
    Non-profit Org.
                                                                             P.O. Box 14
   US Postage Paid        Return Service Requested
                                                        Winters Heritage House Museum
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
Events Calendar for Fall 2021
       Museum Happenings
                                                       Fall Exhibit — Picture Shows, the Evolution of Elizabethtown
                                                          Imagery October1-29 during museum hours. Enjoy
Gardens Ho(e)!          A Green Space Update              refreshments opening day Oct. 1, 10am-3pm.
                                                          From daguerreotypes and stereographs to glass slides and still
                                                          photography, explore Elizabethtown through the unfolding of
                                                          photographic technology. Donation appreciated.

                                                       Stereograph Class — October 30, 10am to noon. $15/person
                                                          Learn to make your own 3-D photos! Based on stereograph
                                                          technology of the 1860s, you too can create, print and view
                                                          your own 3-dimensional photos! This 2-hour class will teach
                                                          you all you need to know. A stereo viewer is included in the
                                                          cost. Limited class size. Please register by October 22.

                                                       Haunted Elizabethtown Tour — October 16-31 Take a spooky
                                                         tour of Elizabethtown at your own pace, using your cell
                                                         phone. Visit the website for registration and tour start info.

                                                       Elizabethtown Heritage Craft Show — November 12 & 13
A successful gardening summer led to a successful       Our annual craft show opens Friday 4pm-8pm, and Saturday
gardening fall as far as vegetable production went!     9am to 3pm.
Our Garden Committee, a group of five hard-             Meet our local artisans, shop for unique quality handmade
working museum volunteers, planted, grew, tended        gifts & foods, and support our community!
and harvested over 200 pounds of food for the           Admission is a $3 donation or a food bank contribution.
Elizabethtown Community Cupboard this season!         New Years Eve — Welcome 2022 with Elizabethtown’s sister
This was the first full year for gardening in Owen      city, Letterkenny, Ireland, at 7pm. Activities organized in
Heistand’s Eagle Scout project of raised garden         cooperation with Christ Lutheran Church, begin in the
beds...the lovely stand-up height was a great plus to   museum at 4pm. Enjoy children’s crafts, hearth cooked
working them!                                           foods, and other demonstrations. Ring in 2022 at 7pm at the
                                                          church. Activities are free, donations are welcome.
The herb beds of the Four-Square Garden (upper
left) were “ooh-ed” and “aah-ed” over by museum visitors and 3rd grade EASD school children alike.
Elizabethtown Fair entries netted the group several ribbons and $12.75 in winnings!

The P&J green space project (pictured right) was planted for us in
the spring by Junior Girl Scout Troop 70417. The center
ornamental is actually a tobacco plant donated by Lynda Ulrich. It
has a lovely flowering spike, and we found it historically
appropriate and fun!

If you would like to help us plan out and play with next year’s beds,
please email the museum and we will add you to the group’s
communication loop! (Winters-HH@ElizabethtownHistory.org)
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
Special thanks to our

                                           Winters Heritage House Museum
                               Property Preservation Campaign Supporters
                                                       (as of September 8, 2021)

M Forrey wall covering Inc.   Paula Leicht                          Michael Weaver
Debra Wohl & David Bowne      Barb Eberly                           Vincent Bresch
Rebman Eyecare                John & Ingeborg Smith                 Susan & Ben Seibert Pontano
Richard Kaelberer             Susan Digruttolo                      Vada Clemens
Weis Markets                  Jane Lenox                            Joe & Cheryl Malpezzi
DDMP                          Robert & Judy Scharf                  Elizabethtown Rotary Club
Anonymous                     Patsy Reed                            Robert Brain
Spence Candies                Brush with Birds                      Gregory Hitz
Nikolaus & Hohendal, LLP      Mr. & Mrs. Barry Shaw                 Meade Bierly
Builders Specialty Services   Gail Frey                             Margaret Bretz
John E Fullerton, Inc.        Jane McDonald                         Dan and Elizabeth
Greiner Industries, Inc       Jim Strutz
                                                                    Linda Itzoe
JB Hostetter                  Dale Williams
                                                                    Black Gryphon
Century Spouting              Darlene Fairfax
                                                                    Nan Papp
Wenger and Company, PC        Kathy Graham
                                                                    Larry Hoover
Saranna Brown Miller          David Hickernell
John & Sandra Snowden         Barb Murphy

 thanks to
 these local
 for their
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
The mural located in the South Market Street municipal
Our Local Murals                                             parking lot is titled Four Centuries of Elizabethtown
                                                             History (pictured mid-page).
Elizabethtown is lucky enough to be blessed with several     It depicts our community’s development from a Native
murals by local artist, Wayne Fettro. Painted in the early   American trading post in the 1740s into the 2000s.
2000s, several of these murals depict our town’s history,    Damage is largely from snow resting against the paint.
and are instrumental stops on the EASD Third Grade           Other areas are bubbling and peeling from age. These
Walking Tours of Elizabethtown that occur each autumn.       spots will need to be scraped down to the primer base
                                                             and repainted. Image areas will need to be carefully
Murals are large artworks commonly painted on blank          matched in color and paint technique.
walls of buildings. They are often outside and therefore,
by nature, are less than permanent works. However, the       The Donegal to Donegal mural (pictured at bottom) is
two murals below are so well done, we feel their lifespan    located in the East High Street municipal parking lot,
is worth extending.                                          and describes the journey of our area’s earliest European

                                                             immigrants from Northern Ireland to the Elizabethtown
Beyond adding visual interest to a community, the paint
                                                             area. This colorful mural has faded quite a bit from its
layer protects the building just as any layer of paint is
                                                             original glory and also shows damage from weather and
meant to do. In 2017, a Wayne Fettro mural painted on a
barn (close to the Rheems entrance of 283) was so badly
peeled and faded that the property owner finally had to      Restoration of the Donegal to Donegal mural will be
paint over it. The mural was beyond repair, and more         more intensive due to the loss of the once vibrant blues
importantly, the old barn boards needed fresh paint to       and greens. If you would like to see these murals
maintain the structure. Wayne no longer paints murals,       continue their presence in the Elizabethtown community,
so the owner sought out a mural artist and sponsor, and      it is very important that you support the WHHM
had a fresh creation installed, but the earlier mural has    Property Preservation Campaign.
been greatly missed.
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
Oh Those                       money, and energy               our history, find time for              Museum Wish List
                               ensured the town a              friendships, learn and
Volunteers!                    community-centered              explore new skills and            Story Hour leaders

In this era a new crop of      educational museum to           grow in abilities. The            3rd Grade Walking Tour
volunteers is greatly          enjoy and benefit from          museum offers a chance to          volunteers
needed. Read below how         these past 30 years.            do all that. Additionally,
volunteering can help our                                      the museum was           1960s-80s photos of
                               While the young museum
town!                                                          established exactly for that
                                                                                          Elizabethtown (to scan and
                               was initially led by the
                                                               purpose, rescued from      return)
Winters Heritage House         volunteers that rescued it,
                                                               demolition by a generation
has been a volunteer-run       over the years that                                      Cordless drill
                                                               that perhaps saw such a
organization since its         generation has passed the
                                                               need on the horizon.     Heavy duty staple gun
inception in 1989.             reins to younger people.
Volunteers and the             New volunteers are always What would YOU like to
                                                                                        A new garden shed—or one in
museum mutually benefit        welcome.                    see happening here? Is
                                                                                          great shape! (8x10 or so)
each other and add to our                                  there a new group that
                               Volunteering has been the
community; the volunteers                                  could help to enhance our  A cabinet, shelf unit or other
                               victim of a challenging
by their very presence,                                    community and build a          storage piece that would fit in a
                               circle. Since the 1990s,
knowledge, and energy,                                     sense of pride among our
                               people tend to have less                                   tall 22” wide x 14” deep space.
the museum by providing                                    upcoming generation?
                               free time for pursuing
meeting and program                                        What skills need to be
                               personal interests and
space, and a place to                                      taught? What memories
                               hobbies. A decline in
showcase and teach                                         recorded? The museum
                               volunteer numbers has in
traditional skills and                                     exists to support your
                               turn led to a reduction of
community history.                                         interests and enhance our
                               museum activities. Lost
                                                           town. The museum is
The founding members           programs include
                                                           you! The museum is
recognized the need to         volunteer-intensive
rescue the endangered          programs such as the
structures that today make     Scots-Irish Festivals,
up the museum, based on        Heritage Summer Camp,                 Elizabethtown Fair Fleece to Shawl
their historic significance.   and Pre-school Story
Contributions received         Hour. The museum is          The Winters Heritage House Museum’s textile group was
from the Elizabethtown         doing everything it can to   instrumental is providing the 2021 Elizabethtown Fair with
population enabled the         hang onto others; The        the Fleece to Shawl demonstration at this year’s fair. The
newly formed                   Annual Elizabethtown
                                                            Wednesday night demo ran from 3pm to 9pm. The group
Elizabethtown                  Heritage Craft Show, the
                               May Quilt Show, the 3rd      combed, spun and wove a shawl from sheep and alpaca
Preservation Associates to
purchase and restore the       Grade Walking Tours, as      fleece provided by local farms. The completed shawl was
colonial era log house and     well as our beloved Quilt, auctioned at the Fair Benefit auction, Friday evening.
its adjoined 1860s timber-     Textile, and Herb Garden
framed shop.                   groups. Such committees
                               and events seem so
People such as Alethia         aligned with the museum
White, Mary Karnes, Jean       mission that one would be
Leicht, Robert Brain,          hard pressed to imagine
Merle Black, Ruth Seibert,     the place without them.
Esther Winters, Jane
Newcomer, and many             The catch to this all is that
others contributed their       in this era, more than ever
energy, time and               before, Community is
resources. Such personal       sorely needed. People
investments of time,           need a place to understand
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
boundaries exist and to reflect upon his
Dear Elizabeth                                                                           own indiscretions.
Our Historic Advice Column
                                                                                         You as well need re-examine the adage;
The spirit of our town founder, Elizabeth                                                “neither a borrower nor a lender be”.
Hughes, residing here from 1750 to 1760,                                                 And prior to all action, consider ‘tis well
offers her advice to our generation.                                                     possible the magistrate may yet set you
Please send your questions to:                                                           in the stocks aside yon Joe for your part
                                                                                         in creating this situation.
Dear Elizabeth,
c/o Winters Heritage House Museum
email; Winters-HH                                                                                          Yours truly,
Dear Elizabeth,
                                             Dear Elizabeth,
                                                                                         Dear Elizabeth,
My 17-year-old son David plays video
games all day. He is a pro at Donkey         Over the years, my neighbor Joe and I       Would you happen to have a recipe for a
Kong, but what I’d like to see is a little   have often shared our tools for yardwork,   fruity summer dessert of some sort? I’d
more interest in making some money and       home repairs, car repairs, etc. Lately,     love to surprise the girls at my card club
developing a little independence. He         however, he has been quite lax about        with some historic tart!
refuses to even discuss working much         returning things, and it is becoming a           ‘Aces High’ Tea and Cards Group
less go out and hunt for a job. How do I
                                             bigger and bigger problem. He has failed
motivate him?
                                             to return some very expensive tools, and
                  Donkey Kong Mom            when I ask for them he just tells me he     Dear Cards Tart,
                                             will “bring them over”, which never         Dessert in the colonial frontier, I fear, was
                                                                                         fairly beyond our measure. Such niceties
Dear Donkey Mom,                         The straw that broke the camel’s back           were reserved for those who might afford
                                         was when I noticed my other neighbor            an extravagance of sugar, a surplus of food
As a parent, ’twas your task to have
                                         using my chainsaw. I asked him to return        and time to dawdle over such trivialities.
apprenticed your son to a chosen career
                                         it to me, and he said Joe was charging
when he was nearer to 8 or 10 years of                                                   Do pray pick a few apples on your way and
                                         him to use it! How do I get my tools
age. Alas! Now he is a man grown, and                                                    enjoy the bounty that you find on your own
                                         back, and keep the peace with my
appears as dependent upon your care as a                                                 doorstep.
tender-years child. If you act with haste
and negotiate cleverly, you might yet be                                                 What truly astounds me is the event at
                                                     Taken-advantage-of Tom
able to indenture him away for several                                                   which you plan to present such an
years as a farm hand or as a seaman          Dear Tom Turkey,                            outlandish display of status! A house of
aboard ship. This will encourage him to
                                                                                         women at cards would swift become welcome
skills and independence, as well as make     Sadly, such well-meant kindness rarely
                                             enhances a friendship. In all likelihood,   company of Joe and Tom at the public
him eligible for marriage, a state you
also should have arranged by this point.     your neighborly rapport with Joe is         stocks. ‘Twould be most kind of you to
I wish you well in these late ventures.      beyond repair. Unless you feel otherwise,   relieve them of some of the rotten offal

           Yours ,                           I would encourage you to raise concerns     that might otherwise be theirs to accrue
                                             of this petty theft with your town          alone!
                  Elizabeth                  constable. Perhaps a day in the stocks
                                             and a branding of the hand (with a “T”               Truly aghast,
                                             for thievery) would remind Joe that
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
Historic Apple Tansey (Please don’t tell Elizabeth!)
                                                     A recipe for apple tansey appears in The Compleat
                                                     Housewife: or, Accomplished Gentlewoman’s
                                                     Companion by E. Smith. The book was first printed in
                                                     London, in 1739. It became the first cookbook to be
                                                     printed in the United States in Virginia in 1742.

                                                     This easy recipe dates to the colonial era and is grain and
                                                     gluten free. It's lightly sweetened, so makes a perfectly
                                                     suitable breakfast as well as an easy dessert.

    3 apples, peeled, cored and sliced thin
    3 tablespoons butter
    4 large eggs
    2 tablespoons whipping cream
 2 teaspoons rose water (or substitute vanilla extract
though flavor will be different)
    ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
    2 tablespoons sugar

1. Preheat the oven broiler.
2. In an 9 or 10-inch cast iron skillet, melt butter over medium heat on the stove top.
3. Add apples and cook about 5 to 8 minutes, turning as needed, until slightly softened.
4. Arrange apples as desired, remembering that the apple tansey will be flipped and the bottom will become
the top. Once apples are arranged, allow to caramelize over the heat as you prepare the egg mixture.
5. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, whipping cream, rose water, nutmeg, and sugar until smooth. Pour
over apples and continue to cook for 3 to 4 minutes or
until the edges and bottom are set.
6. Transfer skillet to the oven and cook under the
broiler an additional 2 to 3 minutes until the egg is
completely cooked and top is lightly browned.
7. Remove skillet from oven. Set a large, flat plate over
the top of the skillet and carefully flip over to release the
tansey onto the plate.
8. Cut into slices and serve garnished with powdered
sugar or vanilla ice cream.

From https://oureverydaylife.com/
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
KEEP YOUR                                                 Preservation
SHIP                                                      The WHHM
                                                          Property Preservation Campaign is underway. If
                                                          you haven’t yet contributed, please consider
Memberships are our primary
                                                          supporting the museum and helping us reach these
resource for maintaining the
museum. Please take the time to renew your
annual membership, or consider a 5-year membership.        Roof renovations to the 1812 German Log house
If you renew early we will add the membership year to
your existing due date.                                    Exterior siding replacement (rotten wood) on
                                                            the Scots-Irish portion.
Membership Form              NEW           ReNEW
                                                           HVAC upgrades for public spaces
_________________________________________                  Technology upgrades to support educational
Address:                                                    initiatives
                                                           Restoration of two Wayne Fettro murals
Phone:                                                     Storage facility upgrades for Seibert Genealogy
                                                            Library materials.
_________________________________________                  Bathroom upgrades throughout the museum
Membership level (circle one below)
                                                          To learn more about becoming a force of support
Individual—$25               Patron — $100                for these efforts, please contact EPA secretary,
Family — $40                 Sponsor — $250               John Snowden:        John@HollingerServices.com
Sustaining — $60             Benefactor — $500                    Your help makes all the difference!
5-Year Individual Membership —-- $100

      Thank you for your support!                         Winters Heritage House Museum
                                                          P.O. Box 14 / 47 East High Street
You may also begin or renew you membership via our        Elizabethtown, PA 17022
website. The various level benefits are listed there as   717 367-4672
                                                          Regular Hours: March through November;
Please complete and send this form to the address
                                                          Wed., Thurs., Fri., 10am to 3pm
provided below. The museum does not receive mail on-      and by appointment
      Winters Heritage House Museum                       Winter Hours by appointment or chance.

               P.O. Box 14                                    www.ElizabethtownHistory.org
         Elizabethtown, PA 17022                              Winters-HH@ElizabethtownHistory.org
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
Winters Heritage House Museum
                       Property Preservation Campaign

History Hero                  — $5,000+

   Recognition on mural as a restoration sponsor

Cabin Master                   — $2,500+

   Tavern Dinner evening for 6 at the

       Winters Heritage House Museum

Chinking Champion                         — $1,000+

   Free passes for your staff to Winters Heritage House Museum’s annual
    Elizabethtown Heritage Craft Show.

Log Setter             — $750+

   1 year free membership in Winters Heritage House Museum
    and NARM (North American Reciprocal Museum Program)

Foundation Builder                       — $250+

   1 year free membership for Winters Heritage

Frontiersman              — $100+

   Newsletter and website recognition of your gift.

Pioneer       — $1   to $99

   2 Free passes to the Winters Heritage House Museum annual
    Elizabethtown Heritage Craft Show
Of Elizabethtown History! - Winters Heritage House Museum
An opportunity to double your contribution dollars!
Dear Museum Friend,

It seems ‘community’ is needed now more than ever before. You know as well as I, that
Winters Heritage House is a place to build it, preserve it and share it.

The WHHM Property Preservation Campaign hopes to raise $100,000 to finance
crucial property repairs and upgrades to our buildings, as well as restore two of
Elizabethtown’s community murals. We are more than a third of the way there! Your support
is essential.

Quite happily, a very opportune window for expanding community help has opened; A

I would like to support the Winters Heritage House at the following level:
       History Hero — $5,000+

       Cabin Master — $2,500+
       Chinking Champion — $1,000+             Preservation
       Log Setter — $750+                       Campaign
       Foundation Builder — $250+                   Form
       Frontiersman — $100+

       Pioneer — $1 to $99

My contribution amount: _____________

Contact Name: ___________________ Business Name (optional): _________________________

Address: _________________________ City:               Winters Heritage House Museum
______________________ State: _____ZIP: ________                    P.O. Box 14

Phone: _______________________ Email:                 Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022
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