The Hydrant -

Page created by Leroy Chang
The Hydrant -
XXV No. 4                                                             October 2019

                     The Hydrant
               A Bulletin for Intermountain Therapy Animals Members

       All of the photos on the next pages show
that ITA teams were needed in an abundance
this summer. These fun visits and events would
not be possible without all of these lovely faces
and animal heroes.
       Thanks to people like you, a foster child
in summer camp has the courage to work
through their fears, a child with a new
prosthetic hikes to the to the peak, and a child
dealing with cancer treatment is allowed to just
be a kid again.
       Paws at Woofstock was a huge success
because of all of our lovely volunteers, guests,
donors, and supporters. We have the greatest
group of people surrounding this organization,
all with the common goal of enhancing the
quality of life through the human-animal bond.
We are looking forward to the holiday months
and what joy they may bring.

                                                          ITA Happenings

The Hydrant -
Camp Hobé is a summer camp for children in        Teams from Helena at Exploration Works
cancer treatment through Primary Children’s        which aims to encourage a passion for
     and is located near Tooele, Utah.                 science in Montana’s youth.

  Mark Juraschka & Peabody                  Eagle Mount is an organization that implements
                                          recreational therapy for kids with disabilities. Here
featured in St. Rose Dominican                   are teams hiking to Palisades Falls at
     Hospital in Las Vegas                    Hyalite Youth Camp through Eagle Mount.

The Hydrant -
Royal Family Kids
    Camp is a camp for
    children in the foster
    care system that
    aims to give children
    a normal childhood
    experience like
    going to camp. Here
    are teams at one of
    their camps in
    Liberty, Utah.

    Eric Eikenberry’s
    Otis greeting
    Marine Reservists
    at Camp Navajo
    in Arizona.

    Helena Chapter
    Summer BBQ

The Hydrant -
ITA 2019 Gala: Paws at Woofstock

The Hydrant -
New Teams: Utah Chapters

                                              Suzanne Doutre
                                               adding Sasha

       Maureen Feighan and Quincy
        Carol Bruggers and Nellie
         Bob Tomsky and Anok
                                               Carol Prince
                                               adding Nikki

 Linda and David Weiskopf           Ralph and Donna Morelli
      adding Harvey                       adding Juno
The Hydrant -
New Teams: Montana & Idaho

              Tess Glazier with Quinzy and
             Supporting Member Pam Mann
                        in Helena

  Wendy Sesselman                     Bonnie Hong
   adding Cooper                       and Murphy
   in Montana City                    in Idaho Falls

The Hydrant -
Ready to R.E.A.D.®

      Clarice Nelson
         and Ava

      Debra Sorenson
         and Griff

The Hydrant -
Retiring Teams

     Cathy Kendall                Shannon Allsop       BJ Archambault
  (Canine partner Alice still        and Kiya            and Mizpah
visiting with another member)

       Jodie Bridges                Sandra Gilson       Debbie Schirf
        and Boomer                   and Casey         and Ruthie Mae

         Tom Hitch                         8
                                Sharon Williams-Webb   Diane Carson
        and Pepper                    and Nick         and Peaches
The Hydrant -
Retiring Teams

     Jan Lebaron                Ellie Ienatsch          Debby Bertoch
      and Emmy                   and Willow              and Taggart

                Tim and Lisa Miller with Benny, Moki, and Max

Chrissy Brand           Diane Sedlacek           Monica Nealis and Samantha
and Marbles              and Nanook                  Stenzel with Comet
The Hydrant -
Until We Meet Again

Kathy Bolte’s Theo                             Julie Bett’s Raus

          He was a very special guy and loved
        everyone he ever met. When someone
         would say to me "I think your dog likes
          me" I always agreed, but knew in my
      heart that he loved every person and dog
           he ever met. He often came to my
      therapy office greeting clients who I knew
       liked dogs. Then a client would sit at one
        end of my large couch and he would curl
         up at the other end --unless the person
        got upset, as he then would move down
           and curl up next to them. It always
        brought smiles to their faces. Our family
                misses him tremendously...
                   - Suzy Saltiel’s Quinn
Jill Bryson’s Woopie    Ashley Sacharny’s               Mary Martin’s Ellie
                       retired therapy dog

                       With a heavy heart we say goodbye to ITA member
                       Marilyn Williams who passed away on 8/29/19.
                       Marilyn comforted patients and clients through ITA
                       with her miniature Schnauzer, The Taz, for the past 6
                       years. They visited numerous facilities including the
                       VA, St. Mark’s Hospital, Huntsman Cancer Institute,
                       plus rehab, behavioral, and senior care facilities. She
                       dedicated so much of her time to serving other
                       people and was a bright light in the lives of many. She
                       was also a huge supporter of ITA's behind the scenes
                       opportunities, often the first to volunteer.
                       Delightfully, Marilyn was very proud of The Taz and
                       made sure that she was famous everywhere they
                       went. Marilyn taught The Taz many tricks to bring
                       smiles and joy to their clients. These tricks also came
                       in handy as The Taz was one of the stars at our
                       productions of The Pupcracker. They were an
                       incredible team and will be so missed.
The Scratching Post
                                Interview with a Therapy Cat
                                 Featuring Ann Goplen’s Suzi

What is Suzi’s favorite part of volunteering as a therapy cat?
Being the queen of the room on the couch or table she occupies! Hearing all the stories from the
students about the pets they miss at home while giving them some good head butts and lots of
Where is Suzi’s favorite place to be pet?
A good ear scratch and down along her spine.
Are there any places that Suzi doesn’t like to be pet?
She doesn't like energetic pets on her belly.
What population does Suzi like to visit the most?
College Students
What is Suzi's favorite hobby outside of volunteering?
Snoozing in the sunshine.
How did Suzi join the family?
She was dropped off at a friend's vet clinic in a cardboard box with no lid. When they got to the
clinic in the morning, they heard this tiny meowing coming from the bushes. The next day when I
went in to pick up the ashes of my first blue heeler Agatha who did not believe cats needed to
inhabit this earth, Suzi chose me. Suzi climbed up on my shoulder and into my sweatshirt hood and
went to sleep.
Why did you know that Suzi would be a good therapy cat?
Her calm nature and ability to adapt to new situations without being fearful. She truly loves people
and seeks attention.
What is Suzi's favorite treat and/or toy?
"Cat Dancer" fleece on a fishing pole to chase about.
Does Suzi like other animals?
Yes, she and Midnight (canine brother) grew up together and were best buds. Since his passing,
she snuggles with my golden retriever Kona and plays and wrestles with 80 pound puppy Fjell. She
doesn't mind working with other cats or dogs in the same room with her, but may throw a stink eye if
they are too rowdy.
What is one of your most special stories about Suzi’s volunteer experiences?
When people are so excited that a cat is there! Its great to see people be able to experience the
benefits of therapy animals even if they aren't dog people. The energy of the interaction is different
than with dogs.

Member Moment
A story from St. George member Art Reid who handles canine partner,
Tillie, along with his wife, Katherine Reid:

We would like to pass along a tender story of one of our visits this past
week. One of our assignments is to visit the Coral Desert Rehabilitation
Center in St. George, UT. For each visit we are given a list of patient’s
rooms that have requested to see Tillie. On this occasion as we were
walking down the hall, a lady came out of a room that we were not
assigned to visit, and asked if we could please come in and see her
brother. This type of request is not unusual, and happens on most visits.
As we went into the room we saw an elderly man on his back in the bed,
along with the man’s sister and another couple. We took Tillie over to the
bed that was lowered and I lifted her front paws up on the side of the bed
so that man could see her. She slowly sniffed the man’s hand and then
gave it a gentle lick. He looked at her and smiled and said, “pretty dog.”
The others in the room seemed over joyed. It seems he had not responded
to anyone all day and had just looked at the ceiling with a blank stare. We
stayed there a little longer as he reached out and rubbed his hand against
Tillie’s fur. When we left, the sister of the man came out with us and with
tears in her eyes gave Katherine a big hug and thanked her for bringing
Tillie in to see her brother. Just to see him open up and smile meant so
much to her.

We understand this is a simple story and one of many visits made by those
involved with Therapy Animals, but it is gratifying to see how it made
such a positive impact on this family by just helping them to see their
loved one simply smile.

Billy the 3-Legged Border Collie
“When Billy was found as a stray wandering around Vernal, Utah, in the late summer
of 2017, he was hopping around on three legs because his front right paw was
missing. No one really knows what happened to Billy, but CAWS, the organization that
rescued him from the Uintah County Shelter, suspects that his paw got stuck in an
animal trap, and he was somehow able to get free. After CAWS took him in, his right
front leg was amputated, and he recovered for around a month with a foster family.
As it so happened, Billy was living with the same foster family from whom I adopted
my first dog, and they told me that Billy was just like my dog: friendly and well-
behaved. Because I'm a sucker for a special needs dog, an overnight trial visit turned
into a permanent adoption. About 9 months after adopting him, he walked right up to
ITA volunteer Peggy Chudd, who was having breakfast outside at The Bagel Project.
She suggested that because he was so friendly I should consider looking into
working with him as a therapy dog with Intermountain Therapy Animals.

I have always been a big believer in the healing power of animals, so I was sold. By
December 2018, Billy had passed his temperament test, and once we passed all of
our background checks, we were regularly visiting patients at the University of Utah
Hospital and kids at Salt Lake County Youth Services. Watching Billy with patients
and with kids is amazing. At home, he's squirmy and doesn't sit still for long even if
it's just hanging out with me watching TV. At the hospital, Billy has laid in bed with
patients for over an hour, resting his head on their laps and giving them kisses. At
Salt Lake County Youth Services, he lets kids hug him, give him kisses, and brush
him, reminding them of a family pet, or simply allowing them to be vulnerable and
connect with each other. The fact that he is a tripod dog makes his visits even more
special to patients and to kids. As long as Billy is up for it, I look forward to sharing
his sweet disposition with as many people as possible.”

- Holly Shick

Doggie Bite Tips
A couple of our members have recently had the terrible experience of having a stranger’s dog bite their
therapy animal while off duty. Luckily, all the dogs involved are doing well! The following info was shared with
us afterwards and is from the link below. We thought we should summarize and share it with all of you.

Remember these steps as best as you can, but know that there isn’t “one-size-fits-all solution”.

Immediately After
• It seems obvious, but remove your dog from the situation first. Allow them to walk if they are able and watch
  their gait and for bleeding. Even the most gentle animal can bite their owner when scared or hurt. Be cautious
  if you have to lift or carry them.
• Gather as much information from the other owner as you can. This might not always be possible, but it is very
  helpful to know the other dog’s vaccination history.

Assessing the Dog Bite
• “The severity of a dog bite is dependent on a variety of factors. A bite may encompass anything from a tiny
  nick to a series of wounds that require veterinary attention.” Err on the side of caution when assessing your
  dog’s injuries and take them to the vet if you have any doubt.
• “The puncture you see on the outside of the skin is the ‘tip of the iceberg’ in a bite wound injury. This is
  because a bite is both a crushing and shearing injury. Often, tissue can be damaged under the puncture, and
  a pocket is created. There may be bleeding or nerve damage under the skin that cannot be seen through the
  puncture. The tooth carries bacteria with it into the pocket and sets up a good environment for an abscess to
• Depending on where the dog was bit plays a factor as well. The mouth or nose area heals very quickly and
  would not be as big of a concerns as a leg, torso, or neck bite.
• If your animal is acting lethargic or having trouble breathing, take them to a vet right away!

Treating the Bite
• For smaller bites: the wound will be evaluated, surrounding hair clipped, disinfect with antibacterial solution,
  lavage the wound with saline, and finally start antibiotics. Pain meds may also be administered.
• Worse infected bites:“If a puncture or deep pocket is found, then the veterinarian will suggest anesthetizing
  the dog to remove damaged tissues, and place a drain to allow the dog’s body to get rid of any pooling
  infection.” Drains are removed 3-5 days later and stitches are removed 10-14 days later. Even with surgery,
  dogs will often go home the same day with oral antibiotics and pain medication.
• Very serious injuries: x-rays or ultrasounds may be suggested to look for broken bones or contusions. Vets
  can also use these tools to see if the bite has perforated the chest cavity or abdominal cavity.
• There may also be reason to quarantine your dog for 10 days if there is a concern for rabies.

Preventing Infection
• This is one of the most important steps after a dog bite.
• Dog antibiotics are usually administered to prevent infection.
• Don’t allow your dog to lick or scratch their wound. This is where the cone of shame comes in. There are
  different options that may be more comfortable like a soft fabric cone or a donut-shaped collar.

Getting Back to Normal
• This can take some time.
• To prevent another situation like this, evaluate what caused the dog bite in the first place. If your dog was bit
  in the home by a housemate, you’ll want to figure out what triggered the fight.
• Learn dog body language and especially understand what your own is telling you. Is your dog relaxed, or
  tolerating the situation?
• Be prepared to change plans. If you go somewhere with too many rowdy dogs, be ready to leave and go on a
  walk elsewhere. Don’t force them into the same situations.
• “It isn’t just physical care that’s necessary with a bite, but behavioral care and management are important as
  well. It’s very likely that a dog will be fearful of whatever caused a bite, so he may be hesitant to interact with
  other dogs following a dog attack. He also might react aggressively to other dogs, and I mean all other dogs,
                                                           15 that you seek professional help. Don’t force
  not just the one who bit him. In this case, it’s imperative
  interactions or socialization, because if reintroduction isn’t done properly, it can make the issue worse.”
The next 3 pages are from the Intermountain Stories
                newsletter and features 3 of our SLC Chapter teams!

Three of IMC's pet therapy teams: Susan Daynes with Dresden, Linda Richards with Lizzie, and Karin Kirchho with Charlie.

How do our therapy dogs impact our patients and our team?
I've seen it with my own eyes: A therapy dog and its owner approach a visitor
in the hallway of Intermountain Medical Center and the visitor's demeanor
changes as soon as he sees the dog. The visitor's posture changes; he bends
                                                                  16extends to
forward as if in greeting. A smile breaks out on his face. His hand
pet. His voice is gentle as he speaks to the dog. Those are the physical
responses of almost every person who meets our therapy dogs.
Three of IMC's pet therapy teams: Susan Daynes with Dresden, Linda Richards with Lizzie, and Karin Kirchho with Charlie.

How do our therapy dogs impact our patients and our team?
I've seen it with my own eyes: A therapy dog and its owner approach a visitor
in the hallway of Intermountain Medical Center and the visitor's demeanor
changes as soon as he sees the dog. The visitor's posture changes; he bends
forward as if in greeting. A smile breaks out on his face. His hand extends to
pet. His voice is gentle as he speaks to the dog. Those are the physical
responses of almost every person who meets our therapy dogs.

Intermountain Therapy Animals, the organization that provides our hospital
pets, says its mission is to enhance people's quality of life through the
human-animal bond. Their motto is: Pets Helping People. Ten teams of
owners and dogs visit IMC's patients, families and sta on a continuing basis.
Here's what the experience is like for three of these caregivers.

Susan Daynes says being a therapy dog owner brings meaning to her
life. For 18 years, she's visited patients almost exclusively in Rehab. The
reason for visiting there is simple: Susan's son, Tim, broke his neck in an
accident when he was 16, and she witnessed the unequalled help Rehab
provided in the most di cult time of his life. Tim's rst service dog helped
her to see how invaluable that human-animal relationship really is. With his
dog, he was able to navigate the world, including the University of Utah,
where he completed bachelor's and master's degrees.

Today, years after Tim's experience in Rehab, Susan says, "I am a di erent person. I didn't have a lot of direction, but this has
been so meaningful. I wouldn't be the same person if not for this experience."

Susan sees how visits from dogs — like her yellow lab, Dresden — a ect patients. "Patients say things to Dresden they wouldn't
say to anyone else," she says. "In Rehab, patients incorporate physical therapy with Dresden by throwing balls for him to
retrieve. One patient who was re-learning to walk put Dresden into his wheelchair, then pushed the chair around the oor.
Everyone laughed and the patient got in the walk he needed."

We have said it before, we’ll say it again, we love Lili Chin’s art work and the
messages that she shares on her website: She
creates free resources for anyone to use and share in order to
educate the community on some serious need to know
information about our furry best friends.

In Other News
“On behalf of our Royal Family Kids Camp, I would like to say ‘thank you’ to your
volunteers who gave their time and energy to come to Camp, and spend time
with our kids. We had 23 kids, ages 7-11, who are in the Utah foster care system
in northern Utah come to Camp. Your volunteers and dogs spent several hours
over 2 different days with the kids, talking about the dogs, letting the kids pet the
dogs and have some moments when they could just ‘be’ with the dogs. These
moments meant a lot to some of the kids that just needed something special that
only a dog can give. Please thank your volunteers for us for giving these kids
some special memories… Many of these children have never experienced a
week in a positive, loving and healthy environment. Thank you and your team for
making their week at camp special.”
- Pam Kramer-Dalton (Camp Director)

 Paws at Woofstock (pictured on the 4th page) had a lot of wonderful items
 donated for the silent auction. Thank you to many individuals and also all of these
 business for donating items:              • Utah Symphony Utah Opera
 • Plant and Grow  Nursery                 • Utah Museum of Fine Arts
 • Tracy Aviary                            • Nu Skin
 • Utah’s Hogle Zoo                        • Contender Bicycles
 • Loveland Living Planet Aquarium         • Hale Centre Theatre
 • Barley’s Canine  Recreation Center      • Harmons
 • Pet Rescue Education                    • Great Harvest
 • San Doggy Pet Grooming                  • Trader Joe’s
 • Ma & Paws Bakery                        • Patagonia
 • Youth  Care Treatment  Center           • Randon Aviation
 • Carmelite Monastery                     • RC Willey
 • Canyon Cover Pilates                    • Hires Big H
 • V Chocolates                            • Kara’s Chocolates

                               In honor of R.E.A.D.’s 20th Anniversary
                               we will be holding an online auction
                               during all of November, the month
                               when R.E.A.D. first began. We will
                               have some popular repeat items from
                               the gala, new items, and an animal
                               themed section. Watch for the emails,
                               more details  to come!
 All dates in the SLC and local chapters unless otherwise stated

10/3 + 10 + 17: ITA Workshop Classes
10/5: Helena Chapter Team Screenings
10/12: Bozeman Chapter Workshop + St. George Workshop
10/13: St. George Screenings
10/20: New Member Screenings + Bozeman Chapter Screenings
10/24: Continuing Education: Understanding Dog Language
10/31: Happy Halloween!
11/3: Daylight Savings + Bozeman Chapter Orientation
11/28 + 29: Happy Thanksgiving! (ITA Office Closed)
12/7: Bozeman Chapter R.E.A.D.® Workshop
12/7 + 8: Christmas Photo Box Event
12/15 : ITA Christmas Party
12/23 - 1/2: Happy Holidays! (ITA Office Closed)

                              Compiled By Sabrina Walker (ITA Volunteer Services)
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