Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis

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Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis
      Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient
      Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis
          Thomas Delate, PhD, MS1,2; Julia K Nguyen, PharmD3; Jonathan T Truong, MD4; Fang Niu, MS5;
          Arman Haghigatgoo, PharmD3                                                                                                                                 Perm J 2021;25:20.297
          E-pub: 05/26/2021                                                                                                                   

              ABSTRACT                                                                          strongly recommends vancomycin as first therapy choice
                 Background: Use of daptomycin at doses ≥ 6 mg/kg for                           for a duration of 6 weeks or alternative parenteral/highly
              treatment of osteomyelitis is increasing in clinical practice; un-                bioavailable oral antimicrobial therapy despite the low
              fortunately, limited data are available to guide optimal dosing and               quality of supporting evidence.2
              duration. The objective of this study was to assess daptomycin                       Despite its historic low acquisition cost, concerns may limit
              dosing and duration regimens for osteomyelitis treatment.
                                                                                                vancomycin use as monotherapy in methicillin-resistant
                 Methods: This was a retrospective, multi-site, cohort study
                                                                                                S. aureus (MRSA) osteomyelitis due to its treatment failure
              conducted in an integrated healthcare delivery system. Non-
              pregnant patients ≥ 18 years of age with osteomyelitis diagnosed
                                                                                                rates as high as 46% and emergence of vancomycin-
              between November 1, 2003 and June 30, 2011, ≥ 2 weeks out-                        intermediate S. aureus.3-5 In addition, costly routine moni-
              patient daptomycin therapy, and ≥ 1 month of follow-up were                       toring and pharmacokinetic dose adjustments to prevent
              included. Daptomycin doses < 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 mg/kg at du-                         vancomycin-associated nephrotoxicity and renal failure sup-
              rations of < 6 weeks and ≥ 6 weeks were examined with univariate                  port consideration of other empiric anti-MRSA agents.6
              and multivariate analyses to assess treatment success and all-                       Daptomycin is a rapid, concentration-dependent bactericidal
              cause mortality.                                                                  agent that, unlike vancomycin, is able to kill high inocula of
                 Results: A total of 247 patients were included, with 39 (15.8%),               both susceptible and resistant (vancomycin mic >1.5 µg/mL)
              37 (15.0%), 107 (43.3%), and 64 (25.9%) receiving < 6 mg/kg                       staphylococci in 24 hours.7 It is administered via once daily
              and ≥ 6 weeks, < 6 mg/kg and < 6 weeks, ≥ 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 weeks,
                                                                                                2- or 30-minute infusion, has a modest side effect profile,
              and ≥ 6 mg/kg and < 6 weeks of daptomycin therapy, respectively.
                                                                                                and penetrates bone.8 Available as a generic since 2016, its
              Patients had a mean age of 58 years and had received prior
              vancomycin therapy (65.6%). Patients receiving < 6 weeks of
                                                                                                acquisition cost no longer remains high as the first cyclic
              therapy were less likely to experience treatment success                          lipopeptide of its class. Unfortunately, there are few studies
              compared with ≥ 6 weeks (41.5% vs 25.3%, adjusted odds ratio =                    of daptomycin use in patients with osteomyelitis.
              0.55; 95% confidence interval = 0.31-0.98) independent of du-                         One observational study noted clinical success rates of
              ration. There were no differences across groups in mortality after                 81%-83% with first-line daptomycin dosing between 6 and
              adjustment.                                                                       10 mg/kg/d for treatment of staphylococcal osteomyelitis.9
                 Conclusion: In a diverse clinical population, daptomycin for                   A retrospective study of device-associated osteomyelitis strati-
              treatment of osteomyelitis of 6 weeks or longer duration was                      fied by daily daptomycin dose of < 6 mg/kg, 6-< 8 mg/kg,
              associated with success independent of dose. This finding sup-                     and ≥ 8 mg/kg reported that the longest time to treat-
              ports longer treatment with daptomycin as a first-line agent in
                                                                                                ment failure was observed in the 6 to < 8 mg/kg group.10
              antimicrobial stewardship initiatives.

          Key Points                                                                            Author Affiliations
                                                                                                 Pharmacy Outcomes Research Group, Kaiser Permanente National Pharmacy, Aurora, CO
            is retrospective cohort study evaluated 247 patients                               2
                                                                                                 Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
          who were treated outpatient with daptomycin for osteo-                                Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO
          myelitis. After multivariable adjustment, including MRSA                              3
                                                                                                 Kaiser Permanente Southern California Outpatient Infusion Pharmacy, Panorama City Medical Center,
          and risk scores, ≥ 6 weeks daptomycin treatment duration                              Panorama City, CA
                                                                                                 Kaiser Permanente Southern California Infectious Diseases Clinic, Lancaster, CA
          was associated with clinical success independent of dap-                              5
                                                                                                 Pharmacy Outcomes Research Group, Kaiser Permanente National Pharmacy, Downey, CA
          tomycin dose.
                                                                                                Corresponding Author
          INTRODUCTION                                                                          Julia K Nguyen, PharmD (; Thomas Delate, PhD, MS (
             Osteomyelitis, an inflammation of bone tissue commonly                              Keywords: antimicrobial stewardship, bone diseases, daptomycin, home infusion therapy, infectious, vancomycin
          caused by Staphylococcus aureus, requires adequate antimi-
          crobial therapy often in combination with extensive surgical                          Abbreviations: AHR, adjusted hazard ratio; ANOVA, analysis of variance; CCI, Charlson comorbidity index; ClCr,
          debridement.1 In vertebral osteomyelitis treatment guide-                             Creatinine Clearance; CPK, creatinine phosphokinase; FDA, Food & Drug Agency; IDSA, Infectious Diseases
                                                                                                Society of America; KPCA, Kaiser Permanente Northern and Southern California; Mg/kg, milligram per kilogram;
          lines, the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)                              MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; OPAT, outpatient
                                                                                                parenteral antimicrobial therapy

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                                                            The Permanente Journal For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2021 The Permanente Press. All rights reserved.     1
                                                                                     Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis

        Although available data continue to drive higher daptomycin                                            prescription after diagnosis were eligible for inclusion.
        dosing (ie, ≥ 6 mg/kg/d) for indications such as endocarditis                                          Confirmation of diagnosis was made with relevant positive
        and bacteremia, extrapolation may not be apparently appli-                                             bacterial culture from blood or overlying ulcers, wounds,
        cable to Staphylococcus predominant osteomyelitis.11 Prudent                                           fistulas, etc. for susceptible Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and
        dosing strategies for dose optimization are warranted for                                              Enterococcus within 6 weeks before and up to 2 days after
        antimicrobial stewardship, conservation of healthcare re-                                              initiation of parenteral antibiotic or via biopsy or radiog-
        sources, and patient safety. us, the aim of this study was to                                         raphy (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray, bone scan).
        describe the patterns of care and treatment outcomes for                                               In addition, patients had to have received at least 2 weeks
        daptomycin-containing dosing regimens for osteomyelitis in                                             of parenteral antimicrobial therapy in the outpatient
        the outpatient parenteral setting.                                                                     setting (defined as infusion center, skilled nursing fa-
                                                                                                               cility, or home), > 1 month of follow-up from conclusion
        MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                                  of therapy, and crossover exposure to daptomycin in the
        Study Design and Setting                                                                               setting of vancomycin allergy, vancomycin-resistant En-
           is was a retrospective, cohort study of outpatient                                                 terococcus, elevation in serum creatinine > 0.5 mg/dL while
        daptomycin use in patients with osteomyelitis conducted                                                on vancomycin, and vancomycin minimum inhibitory
        in the Kaiser Permanente Northern and Southern Cal-                                                    concentration (MIC) > 1 µg/mL. All diagnoses were
        ifornia (KPCA) regions. e KPCA regions are integrated                                                 verified via manual chart review. e study index date was
        healthcare delivery systems and serve approximately 8 million                                          the date of OPAT enrollment. Continuous enrollment in
        members. Patients diagnosed with acute osteomyelitis (ie,                                              KPCA during the 6 months prior to index date was required
        not recurrent defined as diagnosis within 2 weeks of onset of                                           to collect baseline characteristics reliably.
        symptoms) between November 1, 2003 and June 30, 2011
        were identified. Electronic chart reviews were conducted by                                             Data Collection
        multiple unblinded reviewers under the supervision of site                                                Information on osteomyelitis diagnoses and patient
        investigators. Patients were followed from date of dapto-                                              characteristics was obtained from queries of the KPCA
        mycin initiation until February 14, 2014; disenrollment                                                electronic, administrative databases. Patient characteristics
        from KPCA; or death.                                                                                   included age, sex, weight, and comorbidities. Information
           e KPCA outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy                                                 on daptomycin dose and duration of use were obtained from
        (OPAT) program receives referrals from hospital, infusion                                              the OPAT administration database. Information on clinical
        center, medical clinic, and skilled nursing facility settings                                          outcomes, prior vancomycin use, MRSA infection status,
        for treatment of long-term parenteral antimicrobials. e                                               adverse events, and mortality were obtained from electronic
        OPAT offers significant benefits through shorter or avoided                                               chart reviews.
        hospital stays, prevention of hospital-associated conditions,
        and improved patient quality of life.12 Antimicrobial stew-                                            Clinical Outcomes
        ardship oversight is provided by prescriber consultation with                                             e primary outcome was clinical success. is was
        the OPAT interdisciplinary team, which includes an infectious                                          defined as a composite of infection resolution and im-
        diseases physician, a specialist pharmacist, and a home health                                         provement. Resolution was defined as a subsiding of the
        nurse coordinator at initiation of care and during follow-up.                                          pathologic state based on clinical signs and symptoms of
        Coded and free-text medical, laboratory, emergency de-                                                 normal baseline surrogate biomarkers: C-reactive protein
        partment, hospitalization, and membership information                                                  and erythrocyte sedimentation rates, confirmatory imaging,
        from within the delivery system, as well as from contracted                                            or negative bacterial culture. Improvement was defined as
        and affiliated facilities, are captured in KPCA’s administrative                                         partial resolution of clinical signs and symptoms. Failure
        and claims databases. e Kaiser Permanente Southern                                                    was defined as clinical failure, microbiologic failure, death,
        California Institutional Review Board reviewed and ap-                                                 or premature discontinuation within 12 weeks of treatment
        proved all study activities. Because this was a retrospective                                          initiation. Clinical failure was defined as having no response
        evaluation, informed consent was not required.                                                         on the basis of ongoing signs and symptoms of infection
                                                                                                               and the presence of persistent abnormal biomarkers or
        Patient Population                                                                                     documented surgical intervention. Microbiologic failure
          Patients aged ≥ 18 years with a diagnosis of acute os-                                               was defined as persistent or relapsing S. aureus infection
        teomyelitis, defined as an International Classification of                                               demonstrated by either ongoing positive cultures leading
        Diseases Ninth Edition 730.xx related code, between                                                    to discontinuation of treatment or subsequent isolation
        November 1, 2003 and June 30, 2011 who were enrolled                                                   of S. aureus of the same strain type after apparent clinical
        in the OPAT for at least 2 weeks with a daptomycin                                                     improvement. Secondary outcomes included all-cause

2                          ·
    The Permanente Journal For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2021 The Permanente Press. All rights reserved.                         ·
                                                                                                                                                  The Permanente Journal
Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis

          mortality and daptomycin-related adverse events. Ele-
          vated serum creatinine was defined as > 0.5 mg/dL above
          the recorded value at time of initiation of therapy. Elevated
          creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) was defined as > 170 (U/L)
          with or without acute renal failure. Leukopenia was defined
          as an absolute white blood cell count of less than 4000/µL
          requiring change in therapy. An adjudication panel com-
          prised of study investigators representing infectious dis-
          eases medical specialty and outpatient parenteral antimicrobial
          pharmacy blinded to treatment reached consensus to de-
          termine final diagnosis and outcome(s) for questionable

          Data Analysis
             No a priori power analysis was performed because this
          study was primarily descriptive in nature and all patients
          meeting eligibility criteria during the study period were in-
          cluded. Patients were categorized based on initial daily dap-
          tomycin dose and continuous duration of therapy: ≥ 6 mg/kg                            Figure 1. Patient disposition.
          and ≥ 6 weeks, ≥ 6 mg/kg and < 6 weeks, < 6 mg/kg
          and ≥ 6 weeks, and < 6 mg/kg and < 6 weeks. Categorization
          of doses at < 6 mg/kg vs ≥ 6 mg/kg was performed to assess                            hardware, surgical debridement, inpatient length of stay,
          the lowest effective dose based on the FDA-approved                                    MRSA status, prior vancomycin use, and CCI. A Nelson–
          6 mg/kg dosing for S. aureus. Age was determined as of the                            Aalen cumulative hazard curve was constructed with
          index date. e presence of specific comorbidities was                                  the dose/duration groups to describe time to all-cause
          determined using the Quan adaptation of the Charlson                                  mortality. Safety of daptomycin use was described by
          comorbidity index (CCI).13 e algorithm was applied to                                frequency of reported adverse events and elevated cre-
          diagnoses collected during the 6 months prior to the index                            atinine phosphokinase. All data were analyzed using
          date to provide a 30-point comorbidity score for each                                 SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). e alpha
          patient. Comorbidities reported include chronic kidney                                was set at 0.05.
          disease stage 3-5, diabetes, and hypertension.
             Patient characteristics are reported as means and standard                         RESULTS
          deviations or medians and interquartile ranges for interval- and                         During the 8-year study period, 2464 patients were
          ratio-level variables (eg, age) and percentages for nominal-                          identified as having a diagnosis of osteomyelitis and had
          and ordinal-level variables (eg, sex, comorbidity history).                           received ≥ 2 weeks of OPAT. Of these, 1580 patients
          e Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess normality for                                 were initiated initially on vancomycin, and 247 patients
          interval- and ratio-level variables. Differences across/between                        met all eligibility requirements (Figure 1). ere were
          patient groups were tested using ANOVA/t-tests or non-                                39 (15.8%), 37 (15.0%), 107 (43.3%), and 64 (25.9%)
          parametric equivalent tests for interval- and ratio-level                             patients who received < 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 weeks, < 6 mg/kg
          variables and the χ 2 tests of association or Fischer’s exact                         and < 6 weeks, ≥ 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 weeks, and ≥ 6 mg/kg
          test for nominal- and ordinal-level variables. A multivariate                         and < 6 weeks of daptomycin therapy, respectively (Table 1).
          logistic regression model was constructed to identify factors                         ere were 65 (26.3%), 11 (4.5%), 137 (55.5%), 13 (5.3%),
          associated with clinical success including independent                                15 (6.1%), 3 (1.2%), and 3 (1.2%) patients who received 4,
          dose (< 6 mg/kg vs ≥ 6 mg/kg) and duration (< 6 weeks                                 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 mg/kg, respectively.
          vs ≥ 6 weeks) variables to increase power to detect differ-                               Patients primarily were male, were < 65 years of age, had a
          ences with these factors. A Cox proportional hazard model                             body mass index > 30, and had prior vancomycin exposure.
          was constructed to identify factors associated with time                              e majority of osteomyelitis sites were lower extrem-
          to all-cause mortality. All models were adjusted, based on                            ity infections (60.3%). e mean daptomycin dose was
          clinical judgement (eg, variable indicates a risk of more                             5.7 mg/kg (±1.3), and median duration of treatment was
          serious infection) and statistical analysis (ie, variable with                        36 days (interquartile range [IR] = 16-54 days). e
          p value < 0.2 in the across groups univariate analysis),                              median durations of prior antibiotic treatment and all
          for age, sex, diabetes comorbidity, presence of orthopedic                            combined antibiotic treatments were 10 (IR = 1-28) and

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                                                                                                                                              Table 1. Patient characteristics by daptomycin dose and duration (N = 247)
                                                                                                                                              Characteristic                                    < 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 wk (n = 39)   < 6 mg/kg and < 6 wk (n = 37)   ≥ 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 wk (n = 107)   ≥ 6 mg/kg and < 6 wk (n = 64)   valuea

                                                                                                                                              Age ≥ 65 years (n, %)                                       14, 35.9%                       21, 56.8%                       39, 36.4%                        20, 31.3%              0.074
                                                                                                                                              Female (n, %)                                               22, 56.4%                       14, 37.8%                       31, 29.0%                        26, 40.6%              0.023
                                                                                                                                              Infection site (n, %)
                                                                                                                                                  Head                                                      2, 5.1%                         0, 0.0%                         3, 2.8%                          1, 1.6%
                                                                                                                                                  Lower extremity                                         25, 64.1%                       28, 75.7%                       57, 53.3%                        39, 60.9%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE

                                                                                                                                                  Pelvis                                                   4, 10.3%                         0, 0.0%                         7, 6.5%                          3, 4.7%
                                                                                                                                              Spine                                                         3, 7.7%                         3, 8.1%                       28, 26.2%                        12, 18.8%
                                                                                                                                                  Thorax                                                    0, 0.0%                         2, 5.4%                         1, 0.9%                          2, 3.1%
                                                                                                                                                  Upper extremity                                          5, 12.8%                        4, 10.8%                       11, 10.3%                         7, 10.9%
                                                                                                                                              Mean body mass index (kg, SD)                               30.3 (6.1)                     33.2 (12.2)                      30.3 (7.4)                       30.3 (9.2)             0.674
                                                                                                                                              Diabetes comorbidity (n, %)                                 18, 46.2%                       21, 56.8%                       49, 45.8%                        30, 46.9%              0.699
                                                                                                                                              Kidney disease stage 3-5 (n, %)                             10, 25.6%                       13, 35.1%                       20, 18.7%                        18, 28.1%              0.198
                                                                                                                                              Surgical debridement (n, %)                                 31, 79.5%                       28, 75.7%                       78, 72.9%                        45, 70.3%              0.762
                                                                                                                                              Presence of orthopedic hardware (n, %)                      11, 28.2%                        4, 10.8%                       31, 29.0%                        18, 28.1%              0.157
                                                                                                                                              Mean inpatient length of stay (days, SD)                    3.9 (4.4)                       7.7 (11.3)                      6.7 (10.2)                       8.3 (11.1)             0.058
                                                                                                                                              Mean Charlson comorbidity index (SD)                        4.3 (2.99)                      5.2 (3.27)                      3.4 (2.51)                       4.3 (3.14)             0.022
                                                                                                                                              MRSA infection (n, %)                                       20, 51.3%                       14, 37.8%                       47, 43.9%                        24, 38.1%              0.543
                                                                                                                                              Other infectious agents (n, %)
                                                                                                                                                  Coagulase negative Staphylococcus                         3, 7.7%                        4, 10.8%                       20, 18.7%                        11, 17.2%              0.331
                                                                                                                                                  Diptheroids                                               0, 0.0%                         0, 0.0%                         1, 0.9%                          0, 0.0%              0.726
                                                                                                                                                  Enterobactericiae (Proteus, Morganella,                   3, 7.7%                         3, 8.1%                         7, 6.5%                          4, 6.3%              0.980
                                                                                                                                                  Providencia, Klebsiella)
                                                                                                                                                  Enterococcus                                             5, 12.8%                        5, 13.5%                         6, 5.6%                          5, 7.8%              0.345

The Permanente Journal For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2021 The Permanente Press. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                  Pseudomonas                                               2, 5.1%                         1, 2.7%                         2, 1.9%                          4, 6.3%              0.770
                                                                                                                                                  Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus              4, 10.3%                        4, 10.8%                       13, 12.1%                         7, 10.9%              0.987
                                                                                                                                                  Stenotrophomonas                                          1, 2.6%                         0, 0.0%                         1, 0.9%                          0, 0.0%              0.510
                                                                                                                                                  Streptococcus                                             2, 5.1%                         0, 0.0%                         1, 0.9%                          4, 6.3%              0.115
                                                                                                                                              Administered anti-infectives (n, %)
                                                                                                                                                  Cephalosporin, Carbapenem, or B-lactam                   4, 10.3%                        9, 24.3%                       11, 10.3%                         8, 12.5%              0.159
                                                                                                                                                  Combination of agents                                    4, 10.3%                         1, 2.7%                         6, 5.6%                          3, 4.7%              0.520
                                                                                                                                                  Other single agent                                        1, 2.6%                        7, 18.9%                         5, 4.7%                          3, 4.7%              0.010
                                                                                                                                                  Vancomycin only                                         28, 71.9%                       18, 48.6%                       82, 76.6%                        44, 68.8%              0.016

                                                                                                                                                  None                                                      2, 5.1%                         1, 2.7%                         3, 2.8%                          6, 9.4%              0.243
                                                                                                                                               Across groups comparison.
                                                                                                                                              MRSA = methicillin-resistant S. aureus.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis
Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis

            Table 2. Select patient characteristics by < 6 vs ≥ 6 mg/kg daptomycin dose and < 6 vs ≥ 6 wk duration (N = 247)
            Characteristic                                  < 6 mg/kg (n = 76)         ≥ 6 mg/kg (n = 171)             p-value1        6 wk (n = 101)          ≥ 6 wk (n = 146)           p valuea
            Age ≥ 65 years (n, %)                               35, 46.1%                       59, 34.5%                0.084            41, 40.6%                  53, 36.3%              0.495
            Female (n, %)                                       36, 47.4%                       57, 33.3%                0.036            40, 39.6%                  53, 36.3%              0.598
            Mean body mass index (kg, SD)                       31.8 (9.7)                     30.3 (8.1)                0.279            31.4 (10.5)               30.3 (7.1)              0.859
            Diabetes comorbidity (n, %)                         39, 51.3%                       79, 46.2%                0.457            51, 50.5%                  67, 45.9%              0.476
            Kidney disease stage 3-5 (n, %)                     23, 30.3%                       38, 22.2%                0.176            31, 30.7%                  30, 20.5%              0.069
            Surgical debridement (n, %)                         58, 77.3%                      121, 72.0%                0.385            71, 71.7%                108, 75.0%               0.568
            Presence of orthopedic hardware (n, %)              15, 19.7%                       46, 26.9%                0.228            21, 20.8%                  40, 27.4%              0.237
            Mean inpatient length of stay (days, SD)             5.4 (8.2)                     7.3 (10.6)                0.098            7.9 (11.0)                 5.9 (9.1)              0.086
            Mean Charlson comorbidity index (SD)                 4.8 (3.1)                      3.8 (2.8)                0.018             4.6 (3.2)                 3.7 (2.7)              0.025
            MRSA infection (n, %)                               34, 44.7%                       71, 41.5%                0.637            38, 37.6%                  67, 45.9%              0.196
            Administered anti-infectives (n, %)
            Cephalosporin, carbapenem, or β-lactam              13, 17.1%                       19, 11.1%                0.195            17, 16.8%                  15, 10.3%              0.131
            Combination of agents                                 5, 6.6%                         9, 5.3%                0.680               4, 4.0%                  10, 6.8%              0.334
            Other single agent                                   8, 10.5%                         8, 4.7%                0.085             10, 9.9%                     6, 4.1%             0.069
            Vancomycin only                                     46, 60.5%                      126, 73.7%                0.038            62, 61.4%                110, 75.3%               0.019
            None                                                  3, 3.9%                         9, 5.3%                0.657               7, 6.9%                    5, 3.4%             0.208
             Between groups.
            MRSA = methicillin-resistant S. aureus.

            Table 3. Select patient characteristics by clinical outcome status
            Characteristic                                                    Clinical success (n = 168)                           Clinical failure (n = 79)                        p value
            Daptomycin dose < 6 mg/kg (n, %)                                                54, 32.1%                                       22, 27.9%                                 0.495
            Daptomycin duration < 6 wk (n, %)                                               59, 35.1%                                       42, 53.2%                                 0.007
            Age ≥ 65 years (n, %)                                                           64, 38.1%                                       30, 38.0%                                 0.986
            Female (n, %)                                                                   63, 37.5%                                       30, 38.0%                                 0.943
            Mean weight (kg, SD)                                                        91.3 (27.4)                                         92.7 (28.7)                               0.719
            Diabetes comorbidity (n, %)                                                     75, 44.6%                                       43, 54.4%                                 0.151
            Surgical debridement (n, %)                                                 125, 74.4%                                          57, 72.2%                                 0.708
            Presence of orthopedic hardware (n, %)                                          50, 30.5%                                       14, 17.7%                                 0.044
            Mean inpatient length of stay (days, SD)                                        6.1 (8.3)                                       8.3 (12.9)                                0.281
            Mean Charlson comorbidity index (SD)                                            3.9 (2.9)                                        4.3 (3.0)                                0.310
            MRSA infection (n, %)                                                           70, 41.7%                                       35, 44.9%                                 0.636
            Vancomycin use (n, %)                                                       115, 68.5%                                          47, 59.5%                                 0.167
            Kidney disease stage 3-5 (n, %)                                                 37, 22.0%                                       24, 30.4%                                 0.156
            MRSA = methicillin-resistant S. aureus.

          49 (IR = 30-79) days, respectively. Patients in the < 6 mg/kg                                   In univariate analyses, daptomycin duration < 6 weeks
          and < 6 weeks group had the highest mean CCI (p = 0.022).                                     was associated with clinical failure (p = 0.007) (Table 3).
          Patients in the ≥ 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 weeks group had the                                         In multivariate analysis of clinical success, daptomycin
          highest percentage of vancomycin use (p = 0.016).                                             duration < 6 weeks was associated independently with
             Comparing patients who received < 6 mg/kg with ≥ 6 mg/kg                                   being less likely to achieve clinical success (adjusted odds
          of daptomycin, patients who received < 6 mg/kg were more                                      ratio = 0.56; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.31-0.97;
          likely to be female and had a higher mean CCI but were less                                   p = 0.046) (Table 4). Patients in the ≥ 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 weeks
          likely to have had vancomycin use (all p < 0.05) (Table 2).                                   group had the lowest mortality (12, 11.2%) compared with
          Comparing patients who had < 6 weeks to ≥ 6 weeks                                             the < 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 weeks (12, 30.8%), < 6 mg/kg and
          duration of daptomycin therapy, patients who had < 6 weeks                                    < 6 weeks (11, 29.7%), and ≥ 6 mg/kg and < 6 weeks (15,
          of therapy had a higher mean CCI and were less likely to                                      23.4%) groups (p = 0.015). After adjustment, there were no
          have had vancomycin use (both p < 0.05).                                                      differences in time-to-death across the groups (Figure 2).

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                                                                                     Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis

          Table 4. Patient characteristics tested for association with
          clinical success
                                                                        95% confidence
                                                                           interval               p
          Factor                                       Odds ratio        Lower      Upper       value
          Daptomycin dose < 6 mg/kg                        1.45           0.76        2.78       0.257
          Daptomycin duration < 6 wk                       0.56           0.31        0.97       0.046
          Female                                           0.84           0.45        1.57       0.588
          Age ≥ 65 years                                   1.03           0.50        2.10       0.945
          Diabetes comorbidity                             0.75           0.39        1.4        0.370
          Presence of orthopedic hardware                  1.98           0.94        4.17       0.071
          Inpatient length of stay                         0.98           0.96        1.01       0.181
          MRSA infection                                   0.90           0.50        1.63       0.731
          Vancomycin use                                   1.56           0.84        2.90       0.158
          Kidney disease stage 3-5                         0.74           0.36        1.42       0.404
          Charlson comorbidity index                       1.02           0.90        1.15       0.790
          c-statistic = 0.666; 95% confidence interval 0.594-0.737.
          MRSA = methicillin-resistant S. aureus.
                                                                                                               Figure 2. Nelson–Aalen cumulative hazard of mortality curve.
          Within the survival analysis, age ≥ 65 years (adjusted
        hazard ratio = 2.93; 95% CI = 1.38-6.24; p = 0.005) and                                                first study to identify that standard daptomycin dosing of ≥
        increased Charlson Comorbidity Index (adjusted hazard                                                  6 mg/kg for ≥ 6 weeks appears to be a reasonable treatment
        ratio = 1.22; 95% CI = 1.08-1.37; p = 0.001) were associated                                           option for S. aureus osteomyelitis. is finding is aligned
        with a higher likelihood of all-cause mortality (Table 5).                                             with the IDSA’s recommendations, based on expert opinion,
          In across-groups (≥ 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 weeks, ≥ 6 mg/kg                                                 for high-dose daptomycin (8-10 mg/kg) in select populations
        and < 6 weeks, < 6 mg/kg and ≥ 6 weeks, and < 6 mg/kg                                                  (eg, persistent MRSA bacteremia and vancomycin treatment
        and < 6 weeks) analyses, the frequencies of adverse effects                                             failures, native valve endocarditis caused by Staphylococci)
        were equivalent for overall adverse effects (n = 66; 26.7%;                                             even though IDSA does not explicitly recommend high-
        p = 0.189), elevated CPK that resulted in discontinuation of                                           dose daptomycin for osteomyelitis.14
        daptomycin (n = 47; 19%; p = 0.417), muscle cramps (n = 9;                                                Although suboptimal dosing of daptomycin has been
        3.6%; p = 0.605), elevated serum creatinine (n = 12; 4.9%;                                             attributed to the development of resistance during therapy
        p = 0.673, and paresthesia (n = 1; 0.4%; p = 0.148). ere were                                         and treatment failure, a more complex picture unfolds
        no differences in daptomycin discontinuation across the groups                                          for different types of bacteria and infections. High-dose
        (p = 0.165). In between-groups (< 6 mg/kg vs ≥ 6 mg/kg                                                 daptomycin 10 mg/kg was associated with lower 30-day
        and < 6 weeks vs ≥ 6 weeks) analyses, only the frequency of                                            mortality for the treatment of vancomycin-resistant En-
        overall adverse effects was higher in the > 6 mg/kg group                                               terococcus bacteremia compared with lower daily doses.15
        (30.4% vs 18.4%; p = 0.049) independent of duration.                                                   Limited information exists examining daptomycin use in
        Severe side effects, such as eosinophilic pneumonia and                                                 patients with osteomyelitis. In a small retrospective study,
        Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, were not observed.                                            Moenstar et al16 matched 17 daptomycin-receiving pa-
                                                                                                               tients to 34 vancomycin-receiving patients. ey reported
        DISCUSSION                                                                                             daptomycin dosing ranging from 3.7 to 7.2 mg/kg, and
           is retrospective cohort study of 247 patients with os-                                             significantly fewer patients treated with daptomycin had a
        teomyelitis from 2 integrated healthcare delivery systems                                              recurrence. Malizos et al’s9 retrospective study of device-
        who were treated with outpatient daptomycin identified                                                  associated osteomyelitis reported that the longest time
        that a dosing duration ≥ 6 weeks was associated indepen-                                               to treatment failure was observed in a ≥ 6 to < 8 mg/kg
        dently with clinical success (a composite of infection res-                                            treatment group, although the clinical significance of this
        olution and improvement). Additionally, we identified that                                              finding was limited due to small sample sizes for < 6 mg/kg
        dose was not independently associated with clinical success.                                           (n = 10) and ≥ 8 mg/kg (n = 6). Our findings support this
        Although we observed that patients in the ≥ 6 mg/kg dosing                                             evidence and provide additional information on the patient
        and ≥ 6 weeks duration group had the numerically highest                                               characteristics associated with daptomycin clinical failure.
        survivorship, our study was likely underpowered to identify                                               e strengths of our study include broad sampling to
        a statistically significant value. To our knowledge, this is the                                        reduce practice bias, nonmanufacturer sponsorship minimizing

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Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis

            Table 5. Cox proportional hazards modeling of all-cause mortality
                                                                                                                          95% confidence interval
            Factors                                                                 Hazard ratio                        Lower                       Upper                     p value
            < 6 mg/kg daptomycin dose and ≥ 6 wk duration                                1.96                            0.78                        4.91                        0.151
            ≥ 6 mg/kg daptomycin dose and < 6 wk duration                                1.45                            0.61                        3.47                        0.406
            ≥ 6 mg/kg daptomycin dose and ≥ 6 wk duration                                0.66                            0.26                        1.69                        0.391
            < 6 mg/kg daptomycin dose and < 6 wk duration                                  —                             ——                          ——                         ——
            Female                                                                       0.60                            0.29                        1.23                        0.162
            Age ≥ 65 years                                                               2.93                            1.38                        6.24                        0.005
            Diabetes comorbidity                                                         0.92                            0.48                        1.79                        0.813
            Presence of orthopedic hardware                                              0.33                            0.12                        0.94                        0.039
            Inpatient length of stay                                                     1.02                            1.01                        1.04                        0.025
            MRSA infection                                                               1.52                            0.80                        2.91                        0.205
            Vancomycin use                                                               1.08                            0.55                        2.11                        0.829
            Kidney disease stage 3-5                                                     1.45                            0.73                        2.90                        0.294
            Charlson Comorbidity Index                                                   1.22                            1.08                        1.37                        0.001
            MRSA = methicillin-resistant S. aureus.

          conflict of interest, high cohesion of OPAT antimicrobial                              factors) and unknown confounding may have been present.
          stewardship initiatives in an integrated healthcare delivery                          Patients who failed therapy may have been less likely to
          system, and validation of diagnoses with imaging and                                  remain on or to tolerate therapy for 6 weeks, thus leading to
          cultures. We did identify modest rates of adverse effects.                             fewer patients who experienced clinical success.
          Over 20% of patients experienced elevated CPK. Clinical                                 Future research to assess initiation of standard dose
          trial data identified 5.6% of patients experienced a CPK at 6                          daptomycin for first-line treatment of MRSA osteomyelitis
          mg/kg dosing.17 e authors extrapolated to higher doses                               and its effect on vancomycin-selective pressure may offer a
          and hypothesized that up to 15.3% of patients would                                   global antimicrobial stewardship strategy. is would
          experience a CPK elevation at 10 mg/kg.17 e upper                                    enhance current literature on dose-optimization dosing
          dose limit in our patients was 10 mg/kg; nevertheless, we                             protocols and the role of oral antibiotic therapy.18-20
          had a numerically higher rate of elevated CPK. Our                                    Exploration of vehicles such as acrylic microparticles to
          higher rate may be related to concomitant statin (owing to                            improve daptomycin activity/delivery can be affected by
          substantial diabetes comorbidity in our sample) and dapto-                            biofilm maturity and bacterial strain could facilitate drug
          mycin therapy dosing based on actual body weight in the                               enhancement.21 Evaluation of selective combination ther-
          earlier years of our study.                                                           apy such as rifampicin to overcome resistance where higher
             Our study did have limitations. Prior antibiotic exposure                          daptomycin dosing is unlikely to achieve therapeutic area
          without a washout-window limits the extrapolation of                                  under curve/MIC ratios would be informative.
          daptomycin’s effect in an antibiotic-naive population. As-
          sessment for reduced daptomycin susceptibility or poor                                CONCLUSIONS
          clinical response through repeat cultures was not performed.                            Osteomyelitis is a costly infection that can lead to
          Additionally, although the poor outcomes seen among                                   multiple complications and can become poorly responsive
          patients with < 6 weeks of treatment, dosing < 6 mg/kg, and                           to antibiotic treatment alone. is study identified that
          body mass index > 30 could be attributed to inadequate                                daptomycin dosing at a prolonged duration of ≥ 6 weeks
          dosing, the manufacturer FDA-approved dosing remains                                  was associated independently with clinical success after
          based on actual body weight up to a maximum of 6 mg/kg.                               adjustment for daptomycin dose and other potential con-
          is likely represented real-time dosing and was sufficient.                             founders. Future prospective research is needed to identify
          Although overall rates of daptomycin resistance in S. aureus                          the most appropriate daptomycin dosing and duration for
          remain rare, daptomycin susceptibility and MIC were not                               osteomyelitis. v
          performed during the study period. Furthermore, combined
                                                                                                Disclosure Statement
          antibiotic regimens with vascular reconstruction and sur-
                                                                                                    The author(s) have no conflicts of interest to disclose. No information in this
          gical debridement were not evaluated. We adjusted for                                 manuscript has been presented or published elsewhere. All information pertaining
          potential confounders; however, other (eg, socioeconomic                              to the role of the sponsor is disclosed on the title page.

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                                                                                     Patterns of Care and Treatment Outcomes for Outpatient Daptomycin-Containing Regimens in Osteomyelitis

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