NZ Laser Training Institute

Page created by Emma Griffith
NZ Laser Training Institute

© Copyright of NZ Laser Training Limited 2020. All Rights Reserved.
NZ Laser Training Institute

                                                                                           CONTENTS INDEX

About Us ....................................................................................... 3                         MEDICAL
Our Mission ................................................................................. 4                            GRADE
Micro Credentials ...................................................................... 5
NZQA Requirements ................................................................ 6

Short Courses .............................................................................. 7

                         GENERIC AND                                                                                       SIMPLIFIED
                         IMPARTIAL                                                                                         LASER
                         INDUSTRY                                                                                          SCIENCE

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NZ Laser Training Institute

                                                                                                 ABOUT US

                                                                                NEW ZEALANDS’ FIRST AND ONLY
                                                                                NQZA APPROVED & ACCREDITED
                                                                                LASER, IPL AND TATTOO REMOVAL

                                                                                HELLO AND WELCOME!
                                                                                NZ Laser Training was established in 2011 after recognising
                                                                                the industry needed an independent and expert education
                                                                                provider for cosmetic Laser and IPL (pulsed light). As an
                                                                                impartial consultant to local councils, the Ministry of Health
                                                                                and the Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC)- my goal
                                                                                has always been to ensure laser safety and best practice is
                                                                                upheld, protecting the public and ensuring operators of
                                                                                laser and IPL devices receive world leading state-of-the-art
                                                                                training and support to flourish in their professional careers.

                                                                                I have created engaging educational programmes to ensure
                                                                                our learners become compliant in industry regulations,
                                                                                and work to industry best practice standards, as well as
                                                                                gaining the highest level of education on offer, not only
                                                                                in New Zealand, but internationally. Our educational
                                                                                programmes are designed and suitable for: newly qualified
                                                                                beauty therapists, and those already working in the beauty
                                                                                aesthetic and laser industry; including medical practitioners,
                                                                                and tattooists seeking to train in laser tattoo removal.

                                                                                Learn laser science and laser safety as well as understand
                                                                                the science behind emerging technologies, and undertake
                                                                                training in practical applications of lasers and pulsed light
OUR EVOLUTION                                                                   (IPL) devices. Our Laser safety programmes assist with
                                                                                developing and maintaining safe workplace practices and
                                                                                include laser safety online certification and laser health
In Mid-2020, NZ Laser Training partnered up with Evolution                      safety officer certifications.
school of beauty, massage and spa (Whangarei) to apply
to NZQA for a new form of approved programme called a                           My team and I look forward to helping you become a
Micro-credential. As a category 1 private training provider                     professional industry Laser and IPL operator!
(PTE), Evolution school upholds one the best and reputable
beauty training programmes in New Zealand, with a view to
expand their scope of training delivery into the NZ market,
and NZLT being already the leading trainer provider in
this specialty area, it was a perfect synergy for the two to
combine forces. As exclusive providers to Evolution School
of Beauty Massage and Spa, we will take care of all your Laser
and IPL educational needs and can support your learning
with access to our skilled tutors who are all qualified adult
tutors with vast and relevant clinical expertise.

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NZ Laser Training Institute

                                                                                OUR MISSION


To become a laser technician you need to understand
complex laser science as it relates to the various devices
used, and how they are applied to the skin, and you will
need to be aware that when you change settings, you affect
the outcome for the client. It takes a long time to become
proficient when you can only access snippets of training,
and limited hands on practical - that’s where we come in!
NZ Laser Training has overcome this by encompassing more
than nine years of teaching laser experience specifically in
laser and intense pulsed light, now with the NZQA approved
Microcredential, we can also support your career goals to
become a formally certified technician, with the assistance
of fees free, and by giving you access to a longer more
comprehensive programme delivered over 16 weeks.

                                                                                EXCITING INDUSTRY
                                                                                NEWS – JULY 2020!
                                                                                It can be tricky to find        system in 2017/2018 when
                                                                                the time to commit to a         it was piloted in the trade
                                                                                longer field of study or to     sector.
                                                                                manage the practicalities
                                                                                of travelling to Australia or   Now approved and fully
                                                                                the USA to complete formal      running, NZ Laser Training
                                                                                studies in Laser / IPL.         is launching its formal
                                                                                                                Micro-credential      with
                                                                                You can now access quality      enrolments starting from
                                                                                Laser / IPL education via       September 1st 2020.
                                                                                the new NZQA approved
                                                                                Micro-credential with us        “Micro credentials are a
                                                                                – we would be delighted         brilliant and innovative
                                                                                to host you as our valued       framework, and NZ Laser
                                                                                learner!                        Training is delighted to be
                                                                                                                able to service industry
                                                                                A micro-credential is a         after many years of
                                                                                shorter, bite-sized learning    lobbying for regulations
                                                                                achievement that became         and industry best practice”
                                                                                a recognised part of New        – Ruth, NZ Laser Training.
                                                                                Zealand's      qualifications

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NZ Laser Training Institute

                                                    MICRO CREDENTIAL

INTRODUCING THE NEW                                                                  278 hours online studies

                                                                                     Using a world leading, state-of-art learning

                                                                                     26 hours virtual classroom
                                                                                     Using Zoom with our tutor for touch base,
NZQA Approved and Accredited: Cosmetic Lasers and Intense                            guidance, FAQ’s and technical advice
Light Source Therapies (Micro-credential)
Level 6
Pre-requisites apply – please check these out over the page                          96 hours of practical
                                                                                     Tapping into access to quality machines from our
Enrolment in the NZQA Micro Credential Programme can take                            preferred suppliers
4-6 weeks. The 2020 intake deadline is 28 July 2020.
400 hours of learning to be completed over 16 weeks

The aim of this new Micro-credential is to provide learners with                 MODULES TAUGHT INCLUDE:
specialised Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Cosmetic Laser skills.
We want industry to possess knowledge so they can critically                     •    Laser Safety - Safe Practice
lead, manage, analyse and evaluate clients' needs, and to                        •    Treatment Safety - Client Care
manage specialised IPL and Laser therapy treatments relating to                  •    Laser Science - Generic Laser Principles
Hair Removal , Skin Rejuvenation and Tattoo Removal.                             •    Anatomy and Physiology
                                                                                 •    Theory based Laser & Intense Light Source for Hair
On completion of this 16-week course learners will have skills                        Removal
and knowledge to operate in a professional and safe manner                       •    Five days of Practical Laser and Intense Light
(including compliance with relevant legal, insurance, health,                         Source training for Hair Removal
safety and hygiene obligations).                                                 •    Theory based Laser & Intense Light Sources for
The curriculum has been spearheaded by our Course Director                            Skin Rejuvenation
(Ruth Nicholson) a qualified adult educator with 16 years                        •    Five days of Practical Laser & Intense Light Source
industry experience including more than nine years specialising                       for Skin Rejuvenation
in teaching laser science and safety to beauty and medical                       •    Theory based Tattoo Removal
professionals to date. Ruth is supported by a team of industry                   •    Two days of Practical Laser Tattoo Removal
leading content experts, certified Adult Educators (both in NZ
and Internationally) with moderation and support by Phds, GPs
with specialities in skin cancers and other subject matter experts.              COURSE FEE
                                                                                 Total Fee: $7645.75 + GST ($8995 Incl. GST)
                                                                                 Government subsidy: This micro credential is partially
                                                                                 fees free, meaning that you may be eligible for the
                                                                                 contribution from the government if you meet the
                                                                                 The maximum amount the government can subsidise
                                                                                 is $5386.00 - the balance owing is paid by you.
                                                                                 Please check your eligibility here:
                                                                                 Includes a training kit for use with practical sessions
                                                                                 (IPL Safety glasses, and consumables)
                                                                                 Due to the wavelength ranges, Laser safety glasses will be provided
                                                                                 by us for use at the programme, however it is strongly advised to
                                                                                 purchase yoru own pair, which can be arranged.

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NZ Laser Training Institute
                                           NZQA REQUIREMENTS

  Are 18+ years of age upon enrolment;
  AND have achieved a MINIMUM of a Level 4 Beauty Therapy
  qualification on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework
  (Learner must complete the pre-enrolment interview)
  OR Level 5 New Zealand Diploma of Beauty Therapy or
  equivalent; OR: are a certified and or Qualified: Advanced
  Dermal Therapist, Enrolled or Registered Nurse, Cosmetic
  Nurse; Medical practitioner, Dermatologist, Cosmetic
  Physician, Plastic Surgeon, or Vascular Surgeon;
  OR: are employed in the tattoo industry, possess a minimum
  of 12 months' full-time industry experience, and can supply
  a letter from their employer supporting their enrolment in
  the micro-credential.

  If English is a second language: Learner must complete the
  pre-enrolment interview including a Language literacy and
  numeracy (LLN) assessment.
  All Learners must have access to internet via a device such
  as a mobile telephone or computer/ tablet to access online
  learning materials.

  Equilibrium by Elite Limited (Provider # 7902)

  NZ Laser Training also provides infrastructure templates
  via the Laser procedural manual and the Health & Safety
  Laser procedural manual. Check our our other educational
  offerings, with our short, non accredited, non NZQA
  approved programme which are industry approved.
  Go to page 7.

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NZ Laser Training Institute

                                                                      SHORT COURSES

These courses are Non-NZQA approved. They do not lead to issuing of any credit levels -
however learners gain a formal Certification issued by NZ Laser Training.

  LSC - BEAUTY         LSC - MED           LSC - SURG              CE1          CE1 - THEORY          SCLM             LTR              LHSO

  Laser Safety        Laser Safety          Vascular              Core              Core         Skin Cancers,   Laser Tattoo       Laser Health
  Certification         Medical             Surgical          Essentials of     Essentials of     lesions and     Removal            and Safety
                      Certification       Laser Safety         IPL & Laser       IPL & Laser      Melanoma       Certification         Officer
                                          Certification       Certification     Certification     Awareness                         Certification
                                                                                Theory only      Certification

 Online over 6 Online over 6 Online over 6                   3 day theory        Via Zoom        Online over 6 Online over 6 Online over 6
    weeks         weeks         weeks                        and practical         virtual          weeks         weeks         weeks
                                                                course           classroom

  $349 + GST          $349 + GST          $349 + GST         $1750 + GST        $1350 + GST       $450 + GST      $450 + GST         $450 + GST
                                                                  p/p                p/p
                                                                Group              Group
                                                               discount           discount
                                                                applies            applies

  Click here to       Click here to       Click here to      Click here to      Click here to    Click here to   Click here to      Click here to
   enrol now           enrol now           enrol now          enrol now          enrol now        enrol now       enrol now          enrol now

                     Visit our website for more info:
                                                        Get in touch with us today!
                          Enrolment inquiries please email:
                          Leave your details with our call centre 24/7 Ph: 0800 960 235
                                              And get a reply within business hours.

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