COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Collection: ABHH

COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Collection: ABHH
03 31 2020
                             COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Collection:
                         Donor Eligibility, Processing, Labeling, and Distribution
This COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma (CCP) collection protocol was prepared by AABB based on information provided by
members of the CCP Collection Working Group, in consultation with the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and
Research. The Convalescent Plasma Collection Overview (Attachment A) and Convalescent Plasma Implementation
Checklist (Form 1) supplement the protocol.

This document is intended to serve as an FDA reviewed protocol that will help ensure CCP collections:
    •    Are rapidly available under an acceptable set of collection, manufacturing, and distribution practices.
    •    Are well-coordinated locally and nationally to promote an adequate inventory and expanded access to FDA
         approved patient treatment.
    • Meet FDA and AABB criteria required for:
             o allogeneic blood donations, including consent, donor safety, and product safety, purity and potency.
             o eventual administration to a patient under an FDA approved IND.
    • Are distributed only to hospitals for use under an approved IND or a single patient emergency IND.
    • Are collected and labeled as a licensed* FFP or PF24 blood component:
             o to expedite CCP availability for treatment protocols by utilizing the existing component preparation
                  processes of licensed establishments, which represents the majority of collection establishments.
             o with attributes for antibodies to COVID-19 and the cautionary statement for administration under IND
             o tie tags may be used for the cautionary statement and the receiving hospital’s IND number.
             o OR use the alternative to label the collection as apheresis convalescent plasma using the appropriate
                  ICCBBA code.
*Registered (not licensed) establishments will determine the steps required for labeling and distribution of CCP
collections, including the same attributes and cautions.

CCP requires an FDA approved IND for administration to a patient but does not require an IND for collection,
manufacturing, and distribution. [Refer to FDA’s March 24th Communication]

This protocol is acceptable for use by AABB-accredited blood collection facilities. Facilities not accredited by AABB
should consider alignment with AABB Standards to ensure consistency in CCP collections. AABB may issue additional
requirements, including data collection requirements, for blood collectors providing CCP to hospitals for administration
under approved INDs.

Before collecting CCP, blood collection establishments should consider the following:
Preparation for a CCP collection program
    •   Develop SOPs for CCP collection and component preparation based on the information provided in this
        document and compliance with FDA regulations and AABB Standards. Identify compliance strategies necessary
        for CCP collections.
    •   Train staff on new SOPs, highlighting requirements that CCP collections meet all requirements for allogeneic
        donations, as well as additional requirements which are unique to CCP, such as documentation of testing for
        initial infection and recovery from infection (well and healthy on the day of donation), inventory management to
        easily identify CCP units, segregation in storage, shipping and labeling requirements, and distribution limited to
        hospitals with an approved IND.
    •   Provide education to staff describing the unique properties of CCP and the patients needing treatment with CCP.

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    •   Discuss donor and staff safety and address concerns, providing information necessary to understand that CCP
        donors are allogenic donors who are no longer ill and have tested negative for COVID-19 before arriving at the
        donor center, whenever possible.
    •   Prepare the Blood Establishment Computer System and labeling processes:
            o Select ICCBBA codes according to your collection process.
            o Identify special attributes and required cautionary statement.
            o Define limitations and criteria for distribution.
    •   Ensure recordkeeping procedures capture CCP donor eligibility and collection information, as required for all
        allogeneic blood donors.

Donor Recruitment
Blood collection establishments should establish a donor recruitment plan for recovered COVID-19 donors suitable to
local conditions to ensure the donor eligibility criteria are met and collections are adequate for use with approved
patient treatment nationally.

Coordinate with the available local resources:
   • Contact the public health departments, local hospitals, and health care providers that have treated COVID-19
       patients to develop a partnership to recruit recovered patients as volunteer CCP donors.
   • Develop appropriate process and messaging whereby treating clinicians and public health employees reach out
       to recovered patients already discharged from care and newly recovered patients as they are discharged from
   • Encourage local partners to provide recovered patients with “hard copy” documentation for both the patient’s
       initial positive diagnostic test AND a negative test for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of recovery. This documentation
       must be provided to the blood collection establishment and may be hand carried. Refer to donor eligibility.
   • Contact local media to deliver public service announcements requesting recovered COVID-19 patients contact
       blood collection establishments.

Donor Eligibility Criteria and Documentation – refer to FDA’s March 24th Communication, unless otherwise noted:
    •   Documentation of SARS-CoV-2 infection (diagnosis and recovery) as follows:
            o Prior diagnosis of COVID-19 by a laboratory test must be provided to the blood collection establishment
                prior to collection. Written documentation is required and may be hand carried by the potential donor.
            o Negative results for COVID-19 either from one or more nasopharyngeal swab specimens or by a
                molecular diagnostic test from blood [if less than 28 days have elapsed since the donor’s last
                symptom(s).] A partial list of available tests can be accessed at
    •   Potential CCP donors who have been symptom free for 28 days or longer are eligible as allogeneic donors under
        the precautionary measures in the FDA’s March 11th communication, with documentation of prior diagnosis but
        do not require the negative test to confirm recovery from infection. Donor recovery from COVID-19 prior to
        donation based on testing and resolution of symptoms is necessary for:
            o the safety of other donors and staff
            o as evidence that the potential donor is healthy and well on the day of donation, as required by donor
                eligibility criteria [if less than 28 days have elapsed since the donor’s last symptom(s).] FDA’s March 11th
                considerations do not include a negative test for COVID-19 for such a donor if collected 28 days after the
                last symptom. However, a facility may elect to apply more stringent criteria at any time.
    •   Donors must be male or females who are nulliparous or negative for HLA antibodies. This TRALI risk mitigation
        strategy is consistent with AABB Standards for AABB accredited blood collectors.
    •   The CCP donor must meet all allogeneic blood donor eligibility criteria on the day of donation.

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    •   The CCP donor may donate plasma once every 28 days as permitted by allogeneic donor eligibility criteria. Each
        medical director must determine when more frequent plasma donations are appropriate and set a policy to
        support both donor safety and the availability of CCP.

Donor Collection – refer to FDA’s March 24th Communication, unless otherwise noted:
Prior to donation, donor consent must be obtained (e.g. the AABB Donor History Questionnaire).
    • Additionally, consent for investigational product testing is required if not already incorporated in blood
         establishments standard consent form. Specific consent is required if samples for research are to be collected
         and stored.
    • CCP will be collected by apheresis as a licensed FFP or PF24 component. Production from whole blood can also
         be considered.
    • Blood collection establishments may follow their current policies for retrieval and quarantine. Refer to FDA’s
         March 11th optional precautionary measures.

Convalescent Plasma Processing
    •   Attachment A depicts the processing pathways available. Blood collection establishments should follow existing
        SOPs for collection of licensed FFP and PF24.
    •   CCP is an allogeneic collection for which all FDA regulations apply, including testing, processing, storage, and
        traceability [Refer to the FDA’s March 24th Communication]. Convalescent plasma products should include a tie
        tag making it possible to identify the unit for segregated storage of CCP inventory.

Labeling CCP as FFP or PF24 with attributes – refer to FDA’s March 24th Communication:
    •   Blood collection establishments will collect apheresis plasma suitable as an FFP or PF24 component and
        distribute these units to hospitals.
    •   The hospital’s issuance of the unit to a patient for treatment of COVID-19 must be done under an established
        IND pathway and may include establishing an acceptable result on a SARS-CoV-2 antibody assay to qualify the
        unit for use as CCP.
    •   Such a CCP collection would be labeled as FFP or PF24 with appropriate attributes and cautionary statement.

The labeling of these licensed blood components must:
    • Include the attribute indicating the antibody test result for the collection: “This product contains SARS-CoV-2
        antibodies measured using an investigational assay” and the result may be placed on the tie tag.
    • Include the cautionary statement, which may be placed on the tie tag, “Caution: New Drug--Limited by Federal
        (or United States) law to investigational use.”
    • ISBT Product Codes as an attribute:
        o Use the appropriate ISBT product codes for convalescent plasma collections.
        o These are evolving and facilities should consult the ICCBBA website, at, for current options.

Alternative Labeling of FFP or PF24 Collections as CCP units using ICCBBA codes:
Blood collection establishments may elect to label the product described above with the Convalescent Plasma
component name. Such a product would be unlicensed but could be shipped across state lines for administration under
an FDA approve IND (the IND number should appear on the tie tag). Refer to the FDA’s March 24th Communication.

Label requirements and 4x4 Label Example:
   • Must include the statement “Caution: New Drug—Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational
   • SARS-CoV-2 antibody assay results if available.

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    •   Ensure FDA registration number replaced the license number and other appropriate information for interstate
        shipping, if applicable.
    •   Remove the reference to the Circular of Information.

Separate bag codes are not currently available. When splitting COVID-19 convalescent plasma donations, use division
codes. Information for labeling plasma products can be found in the United States Industry Consensus Standard for the
Uniform Labeling of Blood and Blood Components Using ISBT 128.

Product Suitability – refer to FDA’s March 24th Communication:
    •   All product suitability requirements apply, and the unit may only be released to a facility with an approved IND.
    •   Product volume will vary and does not determine dose at time of administration.

National Product Registry:
Following production of CCP, blood establishments should register products available for national use at

RESOURCES – links to:
    FDA Communications:
    1. Investigational COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma - Emergency INDs – March 24, 2020
    2. Updated Information for Blood Establishments Regarding the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak – March 11, 2020
    3. Partial list of available tests:
    4. Investigational COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma - Emergency INDs Frequently Asked Questions – March 26, 2020

    Other resources:
    5. ICCBBA website:
    6. United States Industry Consensus Standard for the Uniform Labeling of Blood and Blood Components Using ISBT
    7. Cerus website and package inserts for those electing to implement PRT
    8. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES will be posted on AABB’s COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Resources webpage as new
       information becomes available.

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ATTACHMENT A - COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Collection Overview

              Prospective donor, ≥ 14 days well without symptoms, with written documentation of BOTH positive
               diagnostic assay (onset) and negative clearance assay (recovery), referred to collection facility by
                clinicians (local outreach per collection facility, national outreach per blood orgs., public health
                        department, professional societies, HHS et al)). Prescreening with DHQ if possible.

                                      Acceptable donor screening with DHQ, meeting
                                      all allogeneic criteria. Males or females who are
                                               nulliparous or anti-HLA negative

  Negative NP swab with EUA cleared                                                   Positive COVID antibody at specified
  molecular test if not available from
                                                         AND                            level with investigational assay if
                                                                                     (predonation or with donation testing)

 Tubes to research repository.                     Donor plasmapheresis (vs.                          Hospitals with no
 Additional donor consent and                      WB), including samples for                        local supply can use
        sampling plan.                               COVID antibody if not                            FDA’s eIND link**
                                                      done predonation

                                  Label and Distribute as licensed* FFP/PF24 OR alternative for
                                      CCP (ISBT-128 codes in progress) with specific attribute
                                     (antibody positive with investigational test), cautionary
                                statement and FDA approved IND#, or expanded access/eIND**
                                              PRT may be performed per local policy.
                                      Other product types may be evaluated per local policy.
                                List units in national inventory database Online link at AABB

         Storage locally with
          export availability                       AND/or                                         storage/expanded

                                  Distribute to transfusion service for use at hospital with FDA
                                    approved treatment protocols with patient consent and
                                              outcome documentation as required.
                                     *Registered blood establishments will determine steps
                                   necessary for distribution of CCP collected as FFP or PF24
                                           with attributes and cautionary statement.

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              Form 1: COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Implementation Checklist
This checklist template should be modified to reflect the center’s policies and processes.
□ Develop overarching procedure for convalescent plasma using the guidance provided in the document and
Attachment A
□ Define product manufacturing workflow
□ ISBT code implementation
□ Product label creation
□ Staff training on new SOPs, donor eligibility, product segregation, shipping and labeling requirements, and order
□ Facilitate internal education for collection, manufacturing, and distribution requirements
□ Process defined for recordkeeping of all steps (donor qualification through distribution)
Donor Eligibility and Collections
□ Process defined for donor recruitment
□ Process defined for donor screening (allogeneic + additional requirements and documentation)
□ Donor consent for collection and, if applicable, investigation/research
Convalescent Plasma Processing
□ Process defined for convalescent plasma manufacturing and storage, (pathogen reduction, if performed)
□ Process defined for segregating convalescent plasma from other frozen inventory
Labeling, Release and Distribution
□ Process defined to ensure products are labeled appropriately
□ Process defined to limit distribution to hospital with IND
□ Process defined for cGMP and Quality Assurance
□ Process defined for the receipt and fulfillment of customer orders for convalescent plasma

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