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CONTENTS 3 Artist Statement 4 Message by WinSon Loh 5~7 庄学腾抽象艺术语境下的峇峇娘惹文化传承 梅德顺博士/东南大学博士后 8 ~10 Legacy of the Baba Nyonya Culture in the Context of Chng Huck Theng’s Abstract Art Dr. Mei Deshun/Postdoctorate at Southeast University 11 ~ 37 Artworks 38 ~ 44 Artist’s Profile Published by : One East Museum & Art Sdn Bhd Design & Concept by : MarketSource Sdn Bhd Printed by : Laser Prepress Centre Sdn Bhd Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the copyright, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be addressed to the publisher. While all reasonable attempts at factual accuracy have been made, the publisher accepts no responsibility for any errors contained in this catalogue. Copyright © 2021 One East Museum & Art Sdn Bhd All Rights Reserved
ARTIST STATEMENT When I started collecting Straits Chinese porcelain when I was young, it was the vibrant colours and the majestic phoenix in the porcelain that caught my attention. It was indeed beautiful and mesmerising. Since then, I have produced a few phoenix paintings and crafted phoenix images on tiles but nothing too serious. This ‘Nyonya Ren - The Resurgence of the Phoenix’ is an important creation as it brings out the beauty and energy of the phoenix, resurfacing from the world of art, antique and culture. From the mid-19th century to before World War II, the Peranakan Chinese or the Nyonya Baba were a very influential and affluent society in Malaya, but the culture nearly vanished as this unique group was reclassified as ‘Chinese’ in general when the British government regained control after the war. It was not only until the 1970’s that scholars and researchers started to take a keen interest in the Peranakan Chinese hence, the culture was slowly revived. Today the Peranakan Chinese artifacts are highly collected especially the Straits Chinese porcelain that were once favoured and some, specially commissioned Patience, acrylic on canvas, 2001 by prominent families. The phoenix has always been an important symbol in the Peranakan Chinese families; not only is it an iconic mystical bird in Chinese history and culture but it personifies the feminine entity and was a symbolic representative to the Peranakan Chinese families as women were the head of families then. ‘Nyonya Ren - The Resurgence of the Phoenix’ is my way of bringing out the aesthetic and the importance of this heritage after spending almost two decades collecting, understanding and talking to the phoenix on the porcelain. These 13 paintings are works that have absorbed the spirit from the past, strengthened by the multi-faceted energy of the sun, the earth and my inspiration. All paintings are varnished to create a similar glaze perspective that one normally sees on famille rose porcelain. More importantly this series is to connect the historical importance with the hope to further promote and revive the Nyonya Baba culture. Chng Huck Theng 庄 学 腾 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 3
MESSAGE Little did I realise something I mentioned last year would trigger the highly artistic Chng Huck Theng to take action on what I said. The statement I made was during the pandemic period, collectors would go after artworks that convey positive energy and hope. And they would stay away from those that bring dark and negative vibes. Birds of a feather flock together. This 真的没有想到在去年我的一句话,提醒了 is the essence of his latest artworks. 充满艺术细胞的莊学腾,我说过在这疫情 Due to his exposure to Peranakan 之后或者之中 ,收藏家现在所要追求的应 Chinese artifacts for years, it’s not difficult for one to notice he is thorough in 该是充满正能量和充满希望的。灰暗以及 choosing colours and what he wants to express through his artworks. They are like 恐怖的更加避而遠之! masterpieces created by a porcelain master! 物以类聚人以群分!完全可以感受在他的 The ‘Phoenix’ series is going to stand out and spread positive energy of the new 创作之中!那因为由于他多年接触所谓的 generation. Who dares to say Huck Theng is not an artist of his own calibre? 粮惹事物,可以看到他所表达的颜色之中 又带有些细腻地方。竟然好像出自于陶瓷 大師的创作! “凤凰”油画系列将会脱颖而出满城也尽 是充满新生代的正确能量!现在还有誰敢 说他不是一个艺术家!? 盧咏申 WinSon Loh 盧 咏 申 PINKGUY diamonds are forever 4 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
庄学腾抽象艺术语境下的 峇峇娘惹文化传承 [马来西亚] 梅德顺博士/东南大学博士后 一、峇峇娘惹文化研究与凤凰的情怀表现 马来西亚独有的峇峇娘惹传统文化的起源发展,自航海家郑和远涉重洋的典故中,就 给历史定位了其独特性,无论从服饰、头饰、餐具或各种日常器皿等的图案中就呈现 出异质的视觉美感和意趣,小则可以是花草的审美寓意,大则可以是象征身份的各种 凤凰图腾的纹样。以中国文化百鸟之王——“凤凰”为例。据文献记载,雄的叫“ 凤”,雌的叫“凰”,总称为凤凰,亦称为丹鸟、火鸟、鶤鸡、威凤等各种称号,而 在马来西亚独有的峇峇娘惹传统文化的传承中,一般上都象征着祥瑞的寓意。在峇峇 娘惹传统家庭里都会备有许多大小不一的盖盅来装盛珍贵的食材和草药,为此凤凰的 图案也随之出现在娘惹瓷,特别是婚礼习俗的容器上,继承着独有的传统文化,“凤 凰”图案是历经几代峇峇娘惹家族里的日用器皿重要的象征与代表,特别是从南洋地 区传承和传播着中国文化的重要元素。 在华人传统家庭中成长的庄学腾,无疑地被中华传统文化有着深刻的影响,对传统思 想的深入认知,自从十四岁起对粉彩瓷器与雕塑有着浓郁的兴趣,加上庄学腾的祖母 是位娘惹,为此对“娘惹瓷器”深切地体悟其文化精神的意义,尤其是培养出对“娘 惹瓷器”1的钟爱情怀,从大学毕业后,就常往中国佛山景德镇、德化等多地走访考 究早期十九世纪槟城峇峇与娘惹社群兴旺时期的中国特制和外销陶瓷的根源与传播研 究,撰写出版了《藏》和《遗留》相关著作。此后,在槟榔屿古物收藏家协会主席的 业余时间还专门花了数年的时间,前后与他人共撰与拍摄出版了《海峡珍宝》陶瓷书 籍。 与此同时,从庄学腾他在海外西学归来的各种优质条件环境下,提升了他对中西艺术 文化融汇贯通思维的敏锐思维,当他看到很多关于峇峇与娘惹的日用器皿图腾图案在 工艺方面蓬勃发展时,却缺少了平面视觉的艺术作品,为此让他在本身的艺术创作中 时常地将这传统艺术的元素与现代艺术相结合,甚至情有独钟的将娘惹文化再现于画 布上,甚至透过使用了“娘惹瓷”的传统色彩的调子,例如红色(洋红、官粉)和绿 色(碧绿、水绿)等,以及在画面上将“凤凰”形态以层层釉上为之峇峇娘惹文化的 典型象征,力图在传统与现代之间找到共通点并确立自己的艺术个性的风格。从欣赏 他透过寻觅“凤凰”切入峇峇娘惹当代文化语境艺术的情怀表现来看,他不仅承载着 传统文化,而且也背负着艺术创新的使命,仿佛在每一幅现代艺术作品里细说以往小 时候自身生活的各种情感故事,激起人们在内心深处的涟漪,将峇峇娘惹文化真情表 露,特别是凸显“凤凰”图腾的娘惹文化于现代艺术领域革新洪流里。 1 娘惹瓷器(Peranakan Chinese Porcelain or Nyonya ware),是19世紀中至20世紀初晚清民国时期,在南洋 一带的娘惹向中国景德镇或江西省的私人瓷窑订制的粉彩瓷器。 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 5
二、抽象与观念的艺术品质 近现代的现实社会发展的洪流里,当新艺术思想和新观念的出现,往往会改变了人们 的审美情趣,抑或颠覆了其他艺术家重新为自己作品找寻另一种风格定位。以抽象艺 术为例,这已有相当的历史绘画风格主义在美术历史的洪流下仍见其曲折与起落, 或发展与停滞的情况,然而,像抽象与观念的艺术在大马美术史的代表人物不多, 其中的原因之一可能它不算是马来西亚艺术文化历史的原产物,但经庄学腾这位艺 术家多年来不懈地勇于追求各种观念的艺术创作,通过各种思考的过程和临界状况 (criticality)来对自己严格的训练,身体力行去探索艺术多方面的“可能性”和“ 观念”等的问题后,以各种创新的结合来为其大马当代艺术的处境赋予一个新的生 命,尤其是庄学腾大胆实践和注重发掘传统的题材,从现代绘画的结构和程式规范来 进行解构“抽象主义”,运用当代人的艺术眼光重新审视传统,以新的语言元素来“ 激活”凤凰系列作品应有的灵动之气,从享有自由的状态中描绘着属于自己的心灵艺 术图景。 对于庄学腾的抽象艺术创作,都获得了学界的高度评价,来自理科大学的 Hasnul J. Saidon(Journey towards abstraction, 2007)学者曾对此以“最大胆、最具有 直觉色彩”来作为评价,同时认为庄学腾放弃传统的油画技巧而采用泼、滴、染、涂 等的创作方法,在过程中以尽情挥洒为创作的泉源,是种充满生气和活力的表现,尤 其是在抽象作品的画面上,散发出高度纹理化的冷静感且带有祥和的形象,为视觉起 着平衡与调和的作用,提升对作品观感的愉悦性,这是可以称之为优质艺术作品的“ 品质”条件之一。 6 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
三、游走在科学与艺术创作的空间 创作对艺术家而言,是遵循的反映现实或艺术表现的基本原则和方法。一般上,在艺 术创作过程中,艺术家根据他们对现实生活的观点和认识,凭借他所接受的艺术传统 和个人的艺术修养,采取一定的创作方法,进行各种艺术形象的塑造或创作。由于艺 术家采取不同的创作方法,在他们反映现实社会、塑造符号、形象等方面,都有不同 的特点。 回顾庄学腾在数十年的艺术创作生涯里,惯用了“泼色”来追求另类正规性的视觉效 果,在一定条件下促进和加强了生活与艺术实践的关系,特别是从而提高对现实生活 的理解能力和艺术表现创造力。在他对“峇峇娘惹”传统文化形象的创作思维中,依 循着科学性的原理,甚至不以画笔待之,像抽象主义的代表人物美国画家杰克森·波 洛克(Jackson Pollock),带有强烈的情感冲动,行使“行动绘画”的行为,把液 体颜料、丙烯等滴泼或洒于画布上,从而彰显出艺术创作的不同思路脉络的创造力。 当研究庄学腾的创作技法,不难会发现他具备较全面的艺术素养,甚至爱挑战高难 度,常以科学原理(光能、热能、张力、重心、旋律等)的方法等来进行艺术创作, 尤其是透过各种亲身实验的科学方法将其绘画的记忆定格,创造了艺术家本身的另类 审美观念。著名哲学家、符号论美学代表人物苏珊·朗格(Susanne K. Langer) 曾说“审美虽是纯感性的,却积淀着理性的历史。” 庄学腾艺术创作的“理性科学” 与“文化历史”正是涵概了其艺术作品的相联系因素,特别是他在画面结构上的抽象 运动方向与形态结构的主轴方向基本上是一致性的,其“凤凰”形态的结构张力从某 一个中心向四面八方发射出来的视觉效果,仿佛象征着传统的娘惹文化缔造出新的生 命力或动力,让大众欣赏出另一个艺术与科学无限遐想的创意空间。 从艺术家的角度上来看,庄学腾对这科学与艺术领域进行探索、研究和发现,促使许 多创意系列的艺术作品产生,尤其是最为人知的“凤凰系列”,在画面上引导着大众 欣赏抽象艺术的内涵外,将当中的“科学”、“文化”、“历史”与“美术”相互擦 出火花的故事,同时融汇了“抽象” 的域度和探求现代艺术的深度,展示出作品的情 感多义、审美值域的各种不可界定性艺术精彩。 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 7
Translated English version Legacy of the Baba Nyonya Culture in the Context of Chng Huck Theng’s Abstract Art Dr. Mei Deshun / Postdoctorate at Southeast University 1. The study of Baba Nyonya culture and the expressions of the Phoenix The origin and development of Malaysia’s distinctive Baba Nyonya culture has positioned its uniqueness in history since the allusions of the Chinese navigator Admiral Zheng He’s travels across the oceans - from the likes of customs, architecture, clothing, headwear, cuisine, tableware (previously known as ‘Nyonya ware’ and now, appropriately termed as Straits Chinese porcelain), including various daily utensils, and more. Richly illustrated with beautiful motifs and hues, the Nyonya tableware is one of the most colourful porcelain wares made in China. The motifs painted onto the smaller tableware may feature flowers and plants, and the larger ones take the forms of various animal totems that represent status such as the phoenix. The phoenix reigns supreme over all other birds and is prominently featured in the Baba Nyonya culture in Malaysia as it symbolises status and has auspicious connotations. Chng Huck Theng, (Chng) grew up in a traditional Chinese family. His in-depth knowledge of customs and traditions, coupled with his Baba Nyonya family lineage (Chng’s paternal grandmother is a Nyonya) gave him a deep sense of cultural and spiritual understanding of his heritage and cultivated his love for ‘Nyonya porcelain’. Due to his fondness for porcelain and figurines, Chng, in the 1990’s made trips to Jingdezhen, Dehua, Foshan and other Chinese cities to explore the various famille rose Chinese porcelain ware that were popular during the prime of the Straits Chinese in Malaysia, ie; late 19th to the early 20th centuries. These imported porcelain was also used by the affluent Baba Nyonya (Peranakan) community around the same time. Upon his return, he wrote, photographed and published two books on ceramics, and in 2019, co- authored another, entitled “Straits Heritage Collection”. Chng, who is currently the Chairman of the Penang Antique Collectors Association, also noted that paintings rarely adorned the Peranakan homes and quickly realised that whilst patterns are flourishing in craftsmanship in terms of the totems on the artifacts, there is a lack of graphic art works. The phoenix has always been an important symbol in Peranakan families; apart from being an iconic mystical bird in Chinese history and culture, it personifies the feminine entity and was symbolic to the Peranakan Chinese families as women were the voice of their families then. 8 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
In his 13-piece series of ‘Nyonya Ren In trying to find common ground between tradition and modernity, Chng - Resurgence of the Phoenix’, Chng established his own artistic style. From the appreciation of his feelings and says that it is his way of conveying the expressions of cutting into the contemporary Baba Nyonya cultural context aesthetics and the importance of this and art through searching for the “phoenix”, he not only carries traditional heritage after spending almost two culture, but also bears the mission of artistic innovation, as if in every piece of decades collecting, understanding modern artwork, it describes the various emotional stories of one’s own life in and ‘talking’ to the phoenix on the the past and has aroused the inner ripples and reveals the true approach of porcelain. Reproduced onto canvas, the Baba Nyonya world, one that highlights the “Phoenix” in the modern art Chng brings out the phoenix onto field. his paintings through the use of the traditional colour tones of ‘Nyonya 2. The artistic quality of abstraction and concept porcelain’, such as coral red, black, When new artistic ideas come into play in these times of rapid social yellow, red, brown, indigo dark blue, development, the public will have different and perspectives of these new sky blue, indigo blue and green. These concepts; as such, the artists too, will also need to discover ways to redefine 13 paintings are works that have themselves in positioning their works. absorbed the spirit from the past, strengthened by the multi-faceted Not many artists are in the field of conceptualisation as abstract art is not energy of the sun, the earth and his part of the Malaysian culture and arts history. However, the artist - Chng Huck inspiration. All paintings are varnished Theng has been relentlessly pursuing his artistic creations with various concepts to create a similar glaze perspective for many years; while he explores different approaches and styles, Chng still that one normally sees on famille rose goes back to the fundamentals of painting. Through critical thinking and after porcelain. many attempts and research, vigorous training and personal exploration of the several “possibilities” and “concepts” of art, his combination of various innovations brings a new life to contemporary art in Malaysia. In particular, Chng boldly practiced and paid attention to the study of fundamental themes, and through his understanding, he deconstructed “abstraction” and also invited the artistic world to appreciate from his perspective. From the structure and programme norms of modern painting, Chng re-examined the tradition with contemporary art eyes, bringing alive his latest ‘Phoenix’ series with new age elements. Chng’s abstract art creations have been greatly praised within the academic circles. Highly respected scholar, Hasnul J. Saidon (Journey Towards Abstraction, 2007) from the University of Science, Malaysia (USM) once regarded Chng’s work as “audacious and most intuitive”. Chng gave up traditional oil painting techniques and adopted creative methods such as splashing, dripping, dyeing, pouring and through this process, brings about a good balance of energy, vitality, calm and serenity - considered one of the important attributes in creating good quality works of art. NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 9
3. Wandering in the space of scientific and artistic creation Between art and science.. From an artist’s perspective, he uses his knowledge, experience and creativity as the basic principles and methods to reflect reality or the artistic world. There are different ways to creating artwork and from their artwork, echo the message they wish to portray in different and unique presentations, which ultimately reflect their own characteristics. Looking back on Chng Huck Theng’s decades of artistic career, he used “splashing colours” to pursue alternative and formal visual effects. His work is different… special… but still in a way, allows the public to comprehend what his message is all about. The visual effects emitted in all directions seem to symbolise the traditional Baba Nyonya culture to create new vitality or power, allowing the public to appreciate another creative space of unlimited reverie of art and science. He follows scientific principles without using brushes; like the representative figure of abstraction, American painter Jackson Pollock, with very high emotional impulse and energy, exercises the behaviour of “action painting”- splashing or sprinkling liquid paint, acrylic, etc. on the canvas, thus demonstrating the creativity of different lines of thought in artistic creation. When studying Chng Huck Theng’s creative techniques and process, it is noted that he loves to challenge high levels of difficulty and often uses scientific principles (he adoped light, energy, heat, tension, center of gravity, movement, etc.) to produce his creative pieces. In particular, he freezes the memory of his paintings through various scientific methods of personal experimentation, achieving an alternative aesthetic concept of himself. Susanne K. Langer, a well-known philosopher and representative of semiotic aesthetics, once said, “Although aesthetics is purely perceptual, it collectively combines historical elements.” From an artist’s point of view, Chng’s exploration, research and discovery in this field of science and art have prompted many creative series of art works, especially the most well-known “Phoenix Series”, which guides the public to appreciate abstract art on canvas. It integrates the domain of “abstraction” and the depth of exploring modern art, showing the emotion of the work and its aesthetic values. In this instance, Chng’s artistic creations are a unique combination of curated science, art and culture. 10 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 11 The Resurgence Of The Phoenix... begins...
Coral Red Ground ~ Spirit Of Emerging 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 13
Indigo Dark Blue Ground~Attitude Of Enforcing 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas 14 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
Black Ground ~ Picture Perfect 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas 16 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
Black Ground ~ On Top Of The World 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 19
Grey Ground ~ A Diamond In The Rough 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas 20 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
Indigo Blue Ground ~ Safety In Numbers 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 23
Sky Blue Ground ~ To Break New Ground 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 25
Sky Blue Ground ~ A New Lease In Life 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas 26 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
Green Ground ~ Early Bird Catches The Worm 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas 28 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
Red Ground ~ To Blaze A Trail 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 31
Yellow Ground ~ Forces Of Protecting 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas 32 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
Green Ground ~ On Cloud Nine 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 35
Brown Ground - Follow The Leader 82cm x 56cm • 2021 • Acrylic on canvas NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 37
1994-PRESENT CHNG HUCK THENG chng@chtnetwork.com EDUCATION RECOGNITION/NATIONAL GIFTS AWARDS 1995 •• Master of Commerce, Wollongong 2018 •• “Relationship”, presented by the 2015 •• McMillan Woods Global Awards 2015, University, NSW, Australia Speaker of House as Penang State Gift “Personality - Curator Par Excellence of 1994 •• Bachelor of Commerce, Wollongong to the Central Academy of Fine Arts the Year”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia University, NSW, Australia Beijing, China 2010 •• London International Creative 2013 •• “Salam Melbourne” and “Salam Competition (LICC), Shortlist Winner, PUBLIC COLLECTION Victoria”, Sculptures selected as London, United Kingdom National Gift by the Government of 2010 •• Asia Art Award, Seoul, South Korea •• Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China Malaysia for presentation to the City 2005 •• Nokia and Le Prestige “Malaysian Top •• Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China of Melbourne and National Gallery of 40 under 40”, Malaysia •• Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Victoria, Australia (ENSBA), Paris, France •• “Salam London”, Sculpture selected as •• Singapore Art Museum (SAM), Singapore CHARITY National Gift by the Government of •• National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysia for presentation to the City 2020 •• 1) Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak of London during the Malaysia Night Shan, 2) Pertubuhan Komuniti •• National Gallery Victoria, Australia 2013 celebration at Trafalgar Square, Chest Pulau Pinang, 3) Penang •• City Hall, Melbourne, Australia London, United Kingdom Fo Yi Haemodialysis Society & 4) •• City Hall, London, United Kingdom Jawatankuasa Rumah Sejahtera •• University Museum and Art, Hong Kong 2011 •• “Hand in Hand, Together We Make Permatang Tinggi - RM20,000 A Better World”, Sculpture selected •• Ayutthaya University, Thailand •• School Breakfast Programme by by Malaysia Prime Minister for •• ABN Amro Bank (now RBS), Singapore PGAPP - RM46,000 presentation as National Gift to China •• Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia 2019 •• School Breakfast Programme by 2010 •• “Have a Thought”, Painting presented •• Thai Airways International PGAPP - RM80,000 by Consul-General of Malaysia •• European Commission, Malaysia •• Dementia Australia and Amnesia as National Gift to Shanghai Art Australia - AUD5,000 •• Embassy of Malaysia, France Museum 2015 •• McMillan Woods Global & Mom Cares - •• Embassy of Malaysia, Belgium 2009 •• “Determination”, Painting presented RM30,000 •• Embassy of Malaysia, Thailand by Ambassador of Malaysia to France •• One To Tree Foundation - RM11,000 •• Malaysia Consulate, Dubai, UAE together with Higher Education Minister of Malaysia as National Gift to 2014 •• WWF Foundation - RM8,500 •• Malaysia Consulate, Melbourne, Australia Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux- 2012 •• D’Homes Charity - RM3,500 •• Malaysia Consulate, New York, USA Arts (ENSBA), Paris, France •• Chung Ling High School AUCTION WORKS COMMISSIONED •• Henry Butcher, Malaysia and South East Asia INTERNATIONAL ART EVENTS Art Auction, 2018 April 2014 •• Contemporary art trophy for PIE 2021 •• London Art Biennale “2020 Art Awards - Pinnacle International •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2015 November Competition”, King House Gallery, Excellence Awards •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2015 January London, United Kingdom 2013 •• “Rise of the Taurus”, Lamborghini Kuala •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2014 May 2014 •• Venice Biennale “Conversation, 14th Lumpur Collection •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2014 January Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di •• “Age of the Greats”, Lamborghini Venezia” 2014, Venice, Italy •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2013 September Owner’s Collection •• Art Stage Singapore “Beyond •• Masterpiece Auction, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012 •• Contemporary art trophy for INPenang 2013 June Contemporary”, Art Stage Singapore, Awards Singapore •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2013 May •• Contemporary art trophy for 1Malaysia 2011 •• ArtExpo New York “What is An Apple”, •• Masterpiece Auction, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, International Tourism Night Floral New York, USA 2013 March Parade 2010 •• World Expo Shanghai “Better City, •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2012 November 2011 •• Contemporary art trophy for 1Malaysia Better Life”, World Expo Shanghai- International Tourism Night Floral •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2012 May Malaysia Pavilion, Shanghai, China Parade 38 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
•• Malaysian and Indonesian Modern and 2018 •• “Malaysia National Day Art Exhibition 2009 •• “Art, Life and Vision – 100 International Contemporary Art Auction, Malaysia, 2012 Bangkok 2018”, Bangkok, Thailand Artists Exhibition”, Conservatory of September •• “Penang Art Society Turns 65”, Penang, Fine Arts, Malaysia •• 33 Auction Singapore, 2012 April Malaysia •• “Penang Art Society@57”, Penang State •• Borobudor Auction Singapore, 2008 May 2016 •• “Blossom Art Festival”, Malaysia Art Gallery, Penang, Malaysia Chinese Cultural Art Consultative 2008 •• “The 70th Mokwoohoe Members SOLO EXHIBITION Council, Wisma MCA, Kuala Lumpur, Exhibition and Combined with The Malaysia Malaysian Figurative Artist”, 2021 •• “Nyonya Ren”, PINKGUY Gallery, Kuala •• “Past and Present”, Penang State Art Seoul, South Korea Lumpur, Malaysia Gallery, Penang, Malaysia •• “Creation”, Penang State Art Gallery, 2019 •• “Before Harapan”, PINKGUY Gallery, Penang, Malaysia 2015 •• “10th Anniversary Exhibition 2005- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia •• “Urban ArtBeat”, Starhill Gallery’s 2015”, Galeri Seni Mutiara, Penang, 2018 •• “I M Perfect Creation”, One East Malaysia Arts Festival at Starhill Gallery, Kuala Museum, Penang, Malaysia •• “Penang Art Society@Melbourne”, Lumpur, Malaysia •• “I M Perfect Creation”, MoCa@Loewen, SpACE@Collins, Melbourne, Australia •• “2nd International Art Expo Malaysia”, Singapore MEEC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2014 •• “Art Expo Malaysia 2014”, MATRADE •• “Energy in Abstract”, SpACE@Collins, 2007 •• “Artist’s Favourite”, Penang State Art Exhibition and Convention Centre, Melbourne, Australia Gallery, Penang, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2017 •• “Pahlawan”, PinkGuy Art Gallery, Kuala •• “WWF-Malaysia’s Art For Nature”, Island •• “Merdeka 50”, Galeri Seni Mutiara, Lumpur, Malaysia Gallery, Penang, Malaysia Penang, Malaysia 2016 •• “Relationship”, PinkGuy Art Gallery, 2013 •• “Arts Kuala Lumpur - London : Malaysia •• “L.I.F.E Experience”, Ascott Kuala Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Eye”, Nolias Gallery, London, United Lumpur, Malaysia •• “I M Perfect Creation”, SpACE@Collins, Kingdom 2006 •• “Vision 2006”, ABN ANBRO-USM Melbourne, Australia •• “Inheritance and Innovation towards Gallery, Penang, Malaysia 2014 •• “Foul”, PinkGuy Art Gallery, Kuala Harmony and Unity Art Exhibition”, The 2005 •• “LINK : Penang-Beijing”, ABN AMRO- Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese USM Gallery, Penang, Malaysia 2013 •• “What is An Apple?”, PinkGuy Art Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia •• “LINK : Penang-Beijing”, Capital Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia •• “Penang Art Society 60th Anniversary Normal University, Beijing, China •• “The Art of CHT” Luxury China Fair, Exhibition”, Penang State Art Gallery, 2004 •• “Penang Art Society 50th Anniversary Beijing, China Penang, Malaysia Exhibition”, Penang State Art Gallery, 2010 •• “Brain Imaging : What You See and •• “The Art of CHT” Luxury China Fair, Penang, Malaysia What You Want to See”, Pace Gallery, Beijing, China •• “Northern Vantage – 11 Malaysian Malaysia 2011 •• “5th New Expression of Asian Art”, Art Artists”, ABN AMRO-USM Gallery, •• “The Solo Exhibition by Malaysia’s Gallery National Museum, Bangkok, Penang, Malaysia Chng Huck Theng”, Seoul Metro Art Thailand •• “Northern Vantage – 11 Malaysian Center, South Korea •• “Mentality, Soka Gakkai Malaysia, Artists”, NN Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, 2008 •• “The Journey”, Linda Gallery, Jakarta, and Penang Art Society’s Jubilee Malaysia Indonesia Show”, Penang State Art Gallery, •• “Commemorative Art Exhibition in Aid 2007 •• “The Journey”, (Educational), Universiti Penang, Malaysia of Cancer”, Siraj Hospital, Bangkok, Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia •• “Collectors’ Collection”, Penang Art Thailand •• “The Journey”, Galeri Seni Mutiara, Society, Penang, Malaysia 2003 •• “Friends of CFA”, Art Point Gallery, Penang, Malaysia 2010 •• “Affordable Art Fair Singapore”, Penang, Malaysia •• “The Journey”, Artseni Gallery, Kuala Singapore 2002 •• “International Chung Ling Artists Lumpur, Malaysia •• “ASIA NOW”, Melbourne International Invitation Show”, Penang State Art 2004 •• “L’Art et la Maiere”, Alliance Fracaise de Fine Art, Melbourne, Australia Gallery, Penang, Malaysia Penang, Malaysia •• “ORIENT2010”, ASEAN-Japan Centre, •• “Penang Art Society Annual Tokyo, Japan Exhibition”, Penang State Art Gallery, 2002 •• “An Evening with Cartier and ABN •• “Merdeka 53”, Galeri Seni Mutiara, Penang, Malaysia AMRO Private Banking”, Cheong Fatt Penang, Malaysia 2001 •• “Penang Art Society Annual Tze Mansion, Penang, Malaysia •• “Asia International Art Exhibition”, Exhibition”, Penang State Art Gallery, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea Penang, Malaysia GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2009 •• “Malaysia International Art Exhibition”, 2001 •• “Past and Present in Penang”, Lekuan 2020 •• “Beyond 2000”, Penang Art Society, Dubai, UAE Art Gallery, Penang, Malaysia Penang State Art Gallery, Penang, •• “The 3rd Nam Song International Art •• “A Farewell to Sia Boey Market”, Malaysia Fair”, Seongnam Arts Center Museum, Penang State Art Galley / NYFC, 2019 •• “Traditional to Modern Calligraphy”, Seoul, South Korea Penang, Malaysia Penang Art Society, Penang State Art •• “The 71st Mokwoohoe Members Gallery, Penang, Malaysia Exhibition”, Seoul, South Korea 40 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
CURATORIAL WORKS ART AND ANTIQUE BOOKS WRITTEN ORGANISATIONS 2015 •• Arts Kuala Lumpur - Melbourne, by AND PUBLISHED 2016- Penang Antique Collectors MATRADE (Malaysia External Trade 2021 “Nyonya Ren”, One East Museum, 2021 Association (PACA) - President Development Corporation), SpACE@ 2019 “Straits Heritage Collections”, Penang 2010- One East Museum - Founding President Collins, Melbourne Australia Antique Collectors Association, 2019 2009- Penang Art Society - President 2014 •• Arts Kuala Lumpur - Melbourne, by 2019 “Before Harapan”, One East Museum, 2013- Association of Tourism Attractions MATRADE, SpACE@Collins, Melbourne 2019 Penang (ATAP) - Chairman Australia 2016 “I M Perfect Creation”, Royal East Pty. 2008-2011 National Art Gallery - Board Member 2013 •• Arts Kuala Lumpur - Melbourne, by Ltd., 2016 2008-2010 SENIKINI / Malaysia Art Now - Managing MATRADE, MiFA Events, Melbourne 2015 “Top 50 Malaysian Artists In Auctions Editor Australia 2015”, One East Museum, 2015 2003-2011 Dreamz Foundation - Co-Founder / •• “Delvin Cheah - I Can Draw”, One East 2014 “Top 50 Malaysian Artists In Auctions Chairman Museum & Art Sdn. Bhd., Penang, 2014”, One East Museum, 2014 Malaysia 2006-2008 State Museum Board, Penang - Board 2013 “In Love with Art, The Penang Chinese Member Performing Arts”, One East Museum, 2006-2008 Penang State Art Gallery - Committee PUBLIC SEMINARS 2013 Member 2021 “Collecting Chinese Antique in Malaysia”, “Delwin Cheah - I Can Draw”, One East 2001-2008 Penang Art Society - Member MNP Art Centre in Kuala Lumpur Museum, 2013 2004-2006 ArtGrup Penang - Founding Member 2019 “What’s the Recipes to Run A Business”, 2012 “Penang Elite-Faces of Tourism”, Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA), MarketSource Sdn. Bhd., 2012 Penang 2010 “Brain Imaging : What You See and “Time Machine of Culture ”, Graphic Design What You Want to See”, Pace Gallery, Association of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia., 2010 2017 “PARALLEL WORKING / SESSIONS - WCES 2009 “Bewilder”, MarketSource Sdn. Bhd., Young Entrepreneurs Roundtable”, World 2009 Chinese Economic Summit (WCES) 2017 in 2007 “The Journey”, ABN AMRO Bank, Prof Kuala Lumpur Hasnul J Saidon and Zanita Anuar, 2016 “The Development of Entrepreneurship and 2007 Successful Stories”, Han Chiang College and 2002 “The Migrated Figurines”, One-East Penang Chinese Chamber Marketing Sdn. Bhd., 2002 2015 “Malaysia Art Going Global”, MATRADE and 2001 “The Surviving Pieces”, One-East National Visual Art Gallery Marketing Sdn. Bhd., 2001 “Art as Social Innovator”, National Art Symposium 2015 ART AND ANTIQUE ARTICLES WRITTEN 2013 Keynote Speaker to 2nd SME Business Conference 2013 in Malaysia 2020 “King of Straits Chinese Porcelain”, EZ Vol 60, 2020 2007 “Art, Communication and Publicity”, Universiti Sains Malaysia 2019 “Famille Rose Chinese Porcelains in Penang”, EZ Vol 55, 2019 2004 “An Introduction to Famille Rose Chinese Figurines”, Penang Antique Collectors 2018 “The Big Business of Forging in Art and Association Antique”, EZ Vol 53, 2018 2003 “Late 19th / Early 20th century Famille Rose “Bowls with ‘Foot’ ”, EZ Vol 50, 2018 Chinese Porcelain”, 2016 "Malaysia Art 2016", EZ Vol 42, 2016 Southern Asia Ceramic Society 2015 "Hammering of the Rare - Straits 2002 “Chinese Porcelain and Art”, American Chinese Porcelains", EZ Vol 38, 2015 Women’s Association, Kuala Lumpur 2013 “Malaysian Auction - Understanding The Market”, EZ 30, 2013 2009 “The Missing Jigsaw”, EZ Vol 15, 2009 2004 “Nyonya Ware”, Treazures, Vol I, 2004 2003 “Figuring Out Our Figurines”, Penang : Beyond Aspiration. Penang : Intact Communication, 2003 2001 “Idol Fancies”, Malaysia Tatler, July 2001 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 41
LITERATURES / REVIEWS 2021 •• “Conversations with the Phoenix”, EZ Malaysia Vol 61, p84-87 2020 •• “The Year is 2020” King House Art Magazine, Issue 01, p70 •• “Changing Lives Through Art”, Buletin Mutiara, Penang State Government 2019 •• “庄学腾兼当企业家、艺术家、慈善家,能文能武勤贡献” (Chng Huck Theng, Contributing To The Society Through Business and Art), Guang Ming Daily, April 29 2016 •• “Business, Not as Usual”, The Star - Life Inspired, July 10 •• “Give Tax Incentives to Help Art Industry”, The Star - The Nation, June 13 2015 •• “槟艺协墨尔本展览绽异彩” (Penang Art Society@Melbourne), Oriental Press, July 6 •• “跨越文商界, 庄学腾创造社会价值” (The Value of Arts and Culture Beyond Business), Oriental Press, March 14 2014 •• “Expressions of Merdeka Day on Canvas”, New Straits Times, August 27 •• “10 Things About : Ch’ng Huck Theng”, Art Entrepreneur On A Mission, April 20 •• “庄学腾的笑艺术” (The Art of CHT), Sin Chew Press, March 16 •• “放眼成艺术都会” (Art Beyond Borders), Sin Chew Press, February 17 2013 •• “The Art of CHT”, EZ Vol. 30, p34-39 •• “庄学腾《苹果系列》画展14作品半小时卖光” (Apple series sold out within 30 minutes), August 1 2012 •• “Dragon Hunter”, The Star Metro, January 23 •• “收藏家钟情龙瓷” (Collector Obsessed with Dragon Porcelain), Guang Ming Daily, Jan 22 •• “33 Auction Raises SGD 2 million”, Malaysia Art Gallery Guide, issue 11 p39 •• “One East Museum”, Art Malaysia, issue 19 p88-92 •• “Anak Malaysia Goes International”, EZ Malaysia Vol. 27 p73-75 2011 •• “庄学腾 : 情迷瓷雕公仔”(Ch’ng : Obsessed with Porcelain carving doll), - Kwong Wah Jit Poh, December 9 •• “见证槟华人生活品位” (Recognising the lifestyle of Penang Chinese), Oriental Press, Sept 25 •• “真的!徐悲鸿真迹” (Masterpiece of Xu Beihong in Penang), - Kwong Wah Jit Poh, August 4 •• “世界艺术家:名作典藏” (The World Artist), American World Artist Association, p352-355 •• “Collectors’ Collection”, Penang Art Society •• “心路 II” (Mind II - Malaysian Artists), Soka Gakkai Malaysia 2010 •• “Shanghai Art Museum collects Ch’ng’s painting”, Art Guide vol. 31, p123 •• “Brain Imaging : What You See and What You Want to See”, Cover Page Story, Art Malaysia, issue 06 Jan/Feb 2009 •• “Mystical Adventure”, Dynasty (China Airlines inflight magazine), March •• “拼出不同火花抽象魅力无边” (Abstract Creativity), Oriental Press, July 4 2008 •• “Creation”, Penang Art Society •• “The 70th Mokwoohoe Members Exhibition and Combined with The Malaysian Figurative Artist 2008”, Mokwoohoe Fine Artist Association •• “Portrait of A Businessman as an Artist”, Malaysian Business, March 1-15 •• “Perjalanan Huck Theng Lewat Lukisan Abstrak”, Media Indonesia.com, July 8 2007 •• “Artist’s Favourite – Directory of Penang Artists”, Penang State Art Gallery •• “A Story in the Making”, Pinang II : Born Penang Proud to be Malaysian •• “The Heart Of An Artist”, Cover Page Story, Essenze, Q3-2007 2006 •• “Vision 2006”, ArtGrup Penang 2005 •• “LINK : Penang-Beijing”, ArtGrup Penang 2004 •• “Northern Vantage – 11 Malaysian Artists”, ArtGrup Penang •• “Shaking Up the Scene …”, Treazures, Vol I •• “The Accidental Artist”, Le Prestige, January issue •• “Stirred with Simplicity”, New Sunday Times, February 8 42 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
2003 •• “Looking through Colored Lenses”, Pinang : Beyond Aspiration •• “31 歲莊學騰擠入老行家行列” (Joining the Professionals at 31), Guang Ming Daily, June 28 •• “Call of the Mind”, Malaysia Tatler, July issue •• “Ch’ng Huck Theng – Art Collector”, V Mag, September issue 2002 •• “International Chung Ling Artists Invitation Show”, BOD Chung Ling High School 2001 •• “Ch’ng Huck Theng ”, Malaysia Tatler Cover Story, April issue (Cover Story) •• “Past and Present Artists of Penang”, Penang Tourist Newspaper, June issue •• “Fondness for Figurines”, The Star, June 1 •• “古玩背后故事更动人” (Fascinating Stories behind the Collectibles), China Press, June 10 •• “古玩物不是老人家才玩的”(Collecting not only for the old), Guang Ming Daily, June 10 •• “Porcelain futures”, The Edge, August 13 1997 •• “情困陶瓷艺术品” (Falling in love with porcelains), Guang Ming Daily, January 5 •• “心平气和辨真假” (Authentication via a peaceful mind), Guang Ming Daily, January 6 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX 43
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This will be my 19th solo art exhibition since I first started to paint during my university years in Australia. It has not been an easy path but I have enjoyed every second of it. I deeply appreciate the help I received on this amazing journey, especially from those who believe in my creativity and unselfishly pointed me in the right direction in pursuing my dream as a creator. No single artist can succeed in the world of art without genuine friendship and self-perseverance. For this exhibition ‘Nyonya Ren - The Resurgence Of The Phoenix’, I would like to record my special thanks to: Winson Loh of PINKGUY Gallery for according me a time slot in his ‘forever full’ exhibition space; Calvin Goon, Managing Director - Wealth Management & Customer Proposition of Affin Bank for sponsoring this art book; and Photographer Layzhou Yeap for capturing the art images so skillfully. My appreciation also goes to my fellow art collectors and friends who have always stood by and supported me since we first met. Additionally, I would also like to thank the collectors in the Straits Chinese antique and culture circle - it is because of your sharing of these unique porcelain that were once very popular among the Nyonya Baba community that intrigued me greatly; so great that I felt responsible to further preserve this important heritage. Last but not least, a big thank to all of you who have given me the inspiration and courage to summon the iconic Phoenix from antique porcelain onto contemporary art. 44 NYONYA REN ~ THE RESURGENCE OF THE PHOENIX
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