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NUFARM PRODUCT GUIDE 2019 ORNAMENTAL EDITION As a leader in ornamental plant protection, we balance innovation and improvement in efficiency, safety and simplicity to bring you a focused product portfolio that saves time and delivers results.
>> BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE DIPEL 2X DF ® THE FLEXIBLE SOLUTION FOR ORNAMENTALS. DiPel® 2X DF, a leading biological insecticide in the world, provides growers with a high PCP NO. 26508 IRAC NO. 11 potency resistance management tool for proven control of Lepidoptera pests. Plus, DiPel is ACTIVE INGR. Bacillus thuringiensis (57.0%) approved for organic production and safe to beneficial insects. (var. kurstaki) KEY BENEFITS FORMULATION dry flowable (wettable granule) • Most potent Bt insecticide on the market and unique mode of action making it an excellent CHEM. FAMILY biological (B.t. strain ABTS-351) tool for managing resistance PACKAGE SIZE 24 x 0.5 kg case, 5 kg bag • Immediately deters insects from feeding — death occurs within 1–3 days RAINFAST avoid application when • Dry flowable formulation is convenient, easy to handle, and highly tank mixable heavy rain is forecast • Not harmful to bees or beneficial insects making it a great tool for spring feeding caterpillars SURFACTANT NEEDED o (surfactant n • Zero pre-harvest interval (PHI) and no re-entry interval (REI), safe for humans recommended for hard-to-wet foliage) GREENHOUSE CROP INSECTS CONTROLLED APPLICATION RATES KEY USES outdoor- and greenhouse- grown ornamentals and greenhouse ornamentals shade trees Duponchelia fovealis 625 g/1000 L and herbs roses omnivorous leafroller 250 g/400 L chrysanthemums cabbage looper 125–250 g/400 L spruce budworm, gypsy moth, bagworm 125–250 g/400 L spring and fall cankerworm, fall webworm 125 g/400 L ornamental and shade trees elm spanworm 250 g/400 L tent caterpillar 65–125 g/400 L sea buckthorn gypsy moth 125–250 g/400 L NEW >> BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE XENTARI WG ® INSECTICIDE NOW AVAILABLE A UNIQUE BIOLOGICAL FOR TARGETED INSECT CONTROL. XenTari® WG is the only biological insecticide containing a natural, potent strain (ABTS-1857) of PCP NO. 31557 IRAC NO. 11 the microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies aizawai (Bta). XenTari WG combats corn ACTIVE INGR. Bacillus thuringiensis (48.1%) earworms, beet armyworms, and tomato loopers on ornamentals grown in outdoor and (subsp. aizawai) greenhouse settings. FORMULATION water-dispersible granule KEY BENEFITS CHEM. FAMILY biological (B.t.a. strain ABTS-1857) • Preventive control of devastating insect pests PACKAGE SIZE 24 x 500 g containers • Zero pre-harvest interval (PHI) – XenTari may be applied up to the day of harvest RAINFAST avoid application when • A good rotation partner with DiPel or other insecticides for resistance management heavy rain is forecast • Dust-free water-dispersible granule formulation SURFACTANT NEEDED o (surfactant n • Re-entry interval – 4 hours recommended for hard-to-wet foliage) GREENHOUSE CROP INSECTS CONTROLLED APPLICATION RATES INTERVAL KEY USES outdoor- and greenhouse- grown ornamentals outdoor and corn earworm, beet armyworm, 3–14 days as greenhouse 750–1000 g/ha tomato looper needed ornamentals This guide is intended to provide a product overview. See product labels for complete details and labeled use listing.
NEW >> FUNGICIDE AFFIRM WDG ™ FUNGICIDE NOW AVAILABLE A PROVEN LEADER IS NOW AVAILABLE IN CANADA. ffirm™ WDG Fungicide is a concentrated, easy-to-mix water-dispersible granule formulation. A PCP NO. 32920 FRAC NO. 19 With a unique mode of action, it works through contact and translaminar activity to deliver ACTIVE INGR. polyoxin D zinc salt (11.3%) excellent Botrytis blight and grey mould control. FORMULATION water-dispersible granule KEY BENEFITS CHEM. FAMILY polyoxins • Controls Botrytis blight and suppresses grey mould in outdoor-grown ornamentals PACKAGE SIZE 3 x 1.09 kg bag • Unique FRAC 19 offers a new tool for disease resistance management RAINFAST avoid application when • Works up to 14 days through contact and translaminar activity heavy rain is forecast • Tank mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides APPLICATION / SEASON three SURFACTANT NEEDED no DISEASES APPLICATION APPLICATION NOTES CONTROLLED RATES KEY USES outdoor-grown ornamentals Apply as a foliar spray, provide thorough coverage of foliage (and flowers when present) with minimal runoff. 150–584 g Botrytis blight, Begin as a preventive application when conditions favour disease /1000 L grey mould development and continue on a 7–14-day interval as needed to (suppression) (17–66 g maintain suppression. a.i./1000 L) Do not apply more than 3 applications per season. Not for use in greenhouses. NEW >> BIOLOGICAL FUNGICIDE BOTECTOR ® FUNGICIDE NOW AVAILABLE FIGHT GREY MOULD WITH BIOLOGICAL POWER. Protect your greenhouse and outdoor ornamentals from emergence to harvest with PCP NO. 31248 FRAC NO. Not Classified Botector® Biological Fungicide. Botector suppresses grey mould on many crops including ACTIVE INGR. Aureobasidium pullulans chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, poinsettias, and roses. (DSM 14940 and DSM 14941) KEY BENEFITS FORMULATION wettable granule • Protects 24 ornamental crops CHEM. FAMILY biological • Delivers effective preventive control of grey mould under low to moderate disease pressure PACKAGE SIZE 10 x 1.2 kg jug • May be applied weekly as needed RAINFAST avoid application when • Labelled for use throughout the entire growing season (from emergence/transplant up to one heavy rain is forecast week prior to harvest) SURFACTANT NEEDED no • The active ingredient, Aureobasidium pullulans, may be compatible with certain commonly KEY USES outdoor- and greenhouse- used pesticides grown ornamentals • May be applied as a foliar spray alone or in alternating spray programs with other registered crop protection products DISEASES APPLICATION APPLICATION NOTES CONTROLLED RATES Begin preventive applications soon after emergence or transplant if climate conditions are favourable for infection 1 kg/ha in as well as at first sign of disease onset. grey mould 500-2000 L/ha (suppression) Repeat as needed on a 7-day interval up to harvest. water volume Preferably apply in the morning or evening hours and during cool temperatures. FIELD-GROWN CONTAINER-GROWN NURSERY GREENHOUSE NURSERY
>> FUNGICIDE PRESIDIO ® POWERFUL PROTECTION WITH LOW-USE RATES. Presidio® Fungicide, a unique class of chemistry (FRAC 43), offers growers a low-use rate PCP NO. 30051 FRAC NO. 43 resistance management tool that combats tough downy mildew and Phytophthora crown ACTIVE INGR. fluopicolide (39.5%) and root rot diseases. Fluopicolide, the active ingredient in Presidio, protects outdoor and greenhouse ornamentals through locally systemic and translaminar activity. FORMULATION suspension concentrate CHEM. FAMILY benzamides KEY BENEFITS • Preventive with some curative reach-back activity PACKAGE SIZE 12 x 946 mL case • Systemic and translaminar movement throughout the plant RAINFAST 2 hours • Highly tank mixable APPLICATION / SEASON outdoor: two greenhouse: one DISEASES APPLICATION SURFACTANT NEEDED no APPLICATION NOTES CONTROLLED RATES KEY USES outdoor- (field and container FOLIAR: Apply the spray solution to all plant surfaces and to the grown, bedding plants and cut point of runoff. flowers) and greenhouse-grown OUTDOOR FIELD DRENCH: Use enough solution to wet the root zone of plants. ornamentals AND CONTAINER GROWN BEDDING Make foliar or drench applications on a 14–28 day schedule PLANTS AND CUT beginning when disease conditions are favourable, but prior 60–119 mL /ha to disease development. FLOWERS: downy mildew, PHYTOPHTHORA: For resistance management, Presidio Fungicide Phytophthora must be tank mixed with a labelled rate of another fungicide crown and root rot registered for the target pathogen, but with a different mode of action. Apply Presidio Fungicide in a tank mix with ALIETTE®. Follow the most restrictive use directions of either label. Application should be made prior to disease development. Apply as a broadcast spray in 190–380 L/ha or 19–38 L/1000 m2. GREENHOUSE Apply the spray solution to all plant surfaces and to the point of runoff. ORNAMENTALS: 292 mL /ha For resistance management, Presidio Fungicide must be used in a downy mildew tank mix with TORRENT™ 400SC Agricultural Fungicide, or another registered alternative from a different fungicide group that is effective against the target pest. DOWNY MILDEW ON ROSE DOWNY MILDEW Downy mildew is caused by a fungus-like water mould (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) and is a serious disease that can affect many ornamental crops in Canada. As an obligate parasite it requires a living host to infect. Once established in a region the disease can spread rapidly. Symptoms first appear as small yellow spots on the topside of older leaves. The yellow spots sometimes take on a “greasy” appearance. The center of the lesion will eventually turn tan or brown and die. Downy mildew primarily over-winters in the southern United States, Mexico, and in greenhouses where susceptible crops are grown year-round – yet it can travel incredible distances. The inoculum builds up on susceptible hosts in the spring. Sporangia are carried by air currents and storms. Sporangia may survive for several days before being deposited on susceptible ornamental crops. Once the disease becomes established, sporangia are disseminated from plant to plant. Primary spread is caused by splashing rains, overhead irrigation and moist air currents. Secondary spread is caused by insects, tools, equipment, the clothing of workers and through the handling of infected plants. Photo: Jean L. Williams-Woodward, University of Georgia, PHYTOPHTHORA ROOT AND CROWN ROT PHYTOPHTHORA ON FRASER FIR IN NURSERY Phytophthora rot root is one of the most devastating diseases to field- and container-grown ornamentals – especially to woody ornamentals. When the environmental conditions are favourable, Phytophthora develops very rapidly. Infection occurs when soils are wet and warm (20–30°C). The disease is associated with heavy rainfall, excessive irrigation, and/or poorly drained soil. Frequent, heavy irrigation increases the chance of disease. Phytophthora root rot decreases the root volume, preventing water and nutrient absorption by the plant. Plant roots often become brittle and turn brownish in color. Wilting is a common symptom as the disease progresses to the plant crown. Initial symptoms include a sudden permanent wilt of infected plants that remain green. The wilt progresses from the base to the ends, before the plant eventually dies. Resting Phytophthora fungi (chlamydospores and oospores) can survive in diseased roots, crowns, and crop debris in which it then spreads into the soil or potting media to infect new plants. Oospores germinate directly and infect plants or produce sporangia and zoospores. Zoospores are formed and released when the sporangia become saturated in water. Splashing and runoff water are common culprits for spreading Phytophthora. Zoospores may swim for several hours and infect plant tissues. Photo: USDA Forest Service , USDA Forest Service, This guide is intended to provide a product overview. See product labels for complete details and labeled use listing.
>> NON-SELECTIVE HERBICIDE CREDIT XTREME ® MIXED-SALT FORMULA FOR POWERFUL BURNDOWN. ith both potassium and IPA salts, Credit® Xtreme is the only glyphosate product to offer Dual W PCP NO. 29888 WSSA GROUP 9 Salt Technology™. The rapid uptake leads to quicker activity and rainfastness. Credit Xtreme ACTIVE INGR. glyphosate: isopropylamine salt has an acid equivalent content of 540 g/l glyphosate and treats 50% more acres than many (30.94%), potassium salt (22.99%) products which only have 360 g/l a.e. (equivalent to 540 g/l, or 4.5 lbs/ gal of the acid glyphosate) KEY BENEFITS • Contains proprietary Dual Salt Technology™ FORMULATION water-soluble liquid • Takes on the toughest weeds with quick burndown and complete control CHEM. FAMILY glycine • Excellent tank-mix compatibility, even in hard water environments PACKAGE SIZE 2 x 10 L case, 500 L tote, bulk • Fast translocation activity and rainfastness SURFACTANT NEEDED no • Treats more acres per case or tote than many alternative glyphosate products KEY USES post-emerge, non-selective weed control CREDIT XTREME CONTROLS MANY ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL WEEDS AND WOODY BRUSH AND TREES SEE PRODUCT LABEL FOR COMPLETE LIST, APPLICATION RATES AND USE DIRECTIONS • Apply to small actively growing weeds • Apply in clean water • Do not apply in hard water (use a softener such as AMS) WHAT IS A MIXED SALT FORMULA? • Applications to weeds under stress may not provide acceptable control • In high pH situations (6 or above) an acidifying agent is recommended IPA SALTS The original glyphosate formulation, IPA salts are proven, dependable TO SELECT THE BEST GLYPHOSATE, READ BEYOND THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT formulations with good mixing and handling characteristics. GLYPHOSATE IS GLYPHOSATE, BUT SALTS ARE NOT THE SAME POTASSIUM SALTS Not all glyphosate formulations are created equal, and just comparing the percentage of Potassium salts provide better rainfastness active ingredient is not enough to make an informed decision. and improved performance under adverse conditions as compared to The active ingredient – the stuff that kills the weed – in any glyphosate formulation is the IPA salts. glyphosate acid, and all glyphosate acid is the same. But in order to work more effectively as a herbicide, glyphosate acid is formulated with a variety of other chemicals to form salts. MIXED SALTS Those salts are then mixed with carriers and surfactants to form the herbicide. The most sophisticated glyphosate On the product label, the percent of active ingredient refers to the percentage of the total formulations are the mixed salts found that is made up of glyphosate salts. Because the molecular weight of the salts varies widely, in products such as Credit Xtreme. herbicides using different salts may have active ingredient percentages that differ, even These salts are a patented chemical though the net amount of glyphosate remains the same. So a product that contains 34% combination that deliver mixing active ingredient and uses mixed salts contains the same amount of glyphosate – and thus compatibility, rainfastness, and the same weed-killing power – as an IPA salt (the most common post-patent formulation) enhanced weed control activity. As labeled as containing 41% active ingredient. a result, growers achieve premium performance and flexibility with one LOOK FOR THE A.E., NOT THE A.I. glyphosate formulation. While this may appear confusing, there’s actually an easy way to sort it out: the acid equivalent. This is often listed on product labels and in sales literature, and it is the quickest way to determine the amount of glyphosate you’re actually buying. FIELD-GROWN CONTAINER-GROWN NURSERY GREENHOUSE NURSERY
>> SELECTIVE HERBICIDE SUREGUARD ® KEEP CONTAINER- AND FIELD-GROWN ORNAMENTALS AND MANY BARE GROUND AREAS WEED FREE. In addition to outstanding weed control in field-grown ornamentals, SureGuard® Herbicide NEW PRODUCT LABEL HIGHLIGHTS now features a new expanded label in Canada as a pre-emergence herbicide to control select grass and broadleaf weeds in and around container-grown ornamental deciduous and coniferous trees, including non-bearing fruit and nut trees. SureGuard also offers expanded NEW BARE GROUND APPLICATIONS vegetative management uses, including several new bare ground application areas. ADDITIONAL ORNAMENTAL USES SureGuard is proven to provide long-lasting pre-emergence control of a broad spectrum of weeds, now including common chickweed and waterhemp, plus the suppression of moss MORE LABELLED WEEDS and liverwort. SureGuard can be applied in the late fall or winter (after two hard freezes up to bud break in the spring) to deliver control that activates in the spring and lasts through EXPANDED LIST OF CONIFEROUS AND early summer. DECIDUOUS TOLERANT SPECIES KEY BENEFITS • Long-lasting, pre-emergent control of annual broadleaf weeds and grasses PCP NO. 29236 WSSA GROUP 14 • Low water solubility for long residual control of tough weeds in a nursery setting ACTIVE INGR. flumioxazin (51.1%) • Binds tightly to soil to reduce runoff FORMULATION water-dispersible granule • Novel mode of action supports resistance weed management strategies CHEM. FAMILY N -phenylphthalimide • Proven pre-emergent weed control that saves costly hand weeding PACKAGE SIZE 4 x 2.27 kg case • Broad-spectrum control of tough broadleaf weeds RAINFAST adequate moisture needed for • Excellent crop safety (when used as per label) activation, avoid application • When tank mixed with glyphosate, provides superior knockdown and long residual when heavy rain is forecast even on glyphosate resistant weeds APPLICATION / SEASON two SURFACTANT NEEDED a s needed WEEDS APPLICATION KEY USES outdoor container- and APPLICATION NOTES field-grown ornamentals, CONTROLLED RATES bare ground non-crop areas Canada fleabane, chickweed (common), COARSE- PRE-EMERGENCE: Apply prior to weed emergence. dandelion, Eastern black TEXTURE SOIL: nightshade, green foxtail, POST-EMERGENCE: When weeds are already emerged, 280 g/ha hairy nightshade, kochia, apply as a tank mix with glyphosate product, present as lamb’s-quarters (common), isopropyl amine or potassium salt, at 1.2 kg a.i./ha. Palmer amaranth, Apply only as a directed, shielded or hooded spray to APPLICATION FLEXIBILITY pigweed (green, redroot), established trees. ragweed (common), 0° 0° waterhemp Moisture is necessary to activate SureGuard Herbicide in soil SUREGUARD® MEDIUM- for residual weed control. When adequate moisture is not HERBICIDE SUPPRESSED: received after application, weed control may be improved TEXTURE SOIL: liverwort, moss, volunteer by irrigation with at least 1/2–1 cm of water. 420 g/ha FREEZE 1 FREEZE 2 canola (including tolerant varieties) Apply SureGuard after two hard freezes (late fall to early winter) until bud break in the spring to deliver control that activates in the spring and lasts through early summer. This guide is intended to provide a product overview. See product labels for complete details and labeled use listing.
NEW LABEL MORE USE SITES • MORE WEEDS CONTROLLED NOW LABELLED FOR MORE APPLICATION USES KEEP ORNAMENTALS WEED FREE BARE GROUND APPLICATIONS Once applied and activated by rain or •P arking areas, plant sites, substations, pumping stations, oil yards/substations and tank farms irrigation, SureGuard forms a herbicide layer on the soil surface. As weeds •B rick yards, industrial plant sites, lumber yards and storage areas germinate they come in contact with the •A round buildings and other structures (do not apply within any enclosed structure) herbicide layer and sunlight exposure •A long fence rows; on gravel surfaces and driveways which disrupts cell membranes and causes seedling death. ORNAMENTAL APPLICATIONS TOLERANT CONIFEROUS TREE SPECIES •E stablished container-grown ornamental deciduous and coniferous trees, including non-bearing fruit and nut trees • Cedars •E stablished field-grown ornamental deciduous and coniferous trees, including Christmas • Firs trees and trees produced for reforestation • Hemlock •N on-crop areas in and around ornamental nurseries • Junipers • Pines NOTE: • Spruce •O nly apply over top of dormant plants after two frost events. If plant is actively growing • Yew a guard should be used so that no product touches the actively growing plant *see label for additional species •D o not apply to trees established less than 1 year, unless protected from spray and details contact by non-porous wraps, grow tubes or wax containers TOLERANT DECIDUOUS TREE SPECIES • Non-bearing fruit trees SEE THE RESULTS IN FIELD-GROWN ORNAMENTALS • Ash • Dogwood • Lilac • Maple • Oak • Poplar *see label for additional species and details GLYPHOSATE PARTNER Proven to be an excellent tank mix partner with glyphosate TREATED WITH SUREGUARD UNTREATED CHECK herbicides to enhance knockdown performance and add long-lasting residual control (even on LIVERWORT CONTROL IN GROWTH ROOM glyphosate-resistant weeds) University of Guelph conducted a growth-room 100 study of the effectiveness of 15 herbicide treatments for liverwort. SureGuard’s active ingredient, 80 flumioxazin, was observed to have excellent control of liverwort 14 days following application. 60 % Control 40 20 UNTREATED SUREGUARD SUREGUARD + 0 107.3g ai/ha ADJUVANT SUREGUARD + SUREGUARD 107.3g ai/ha + ADJUVANT 0.25% v/v FIELD-GROWN CONTAINER-GROWN NURSERY GREENHOUSE NURSERY
GROWING BETTER SINCE 1916 More than 100 years ago, our history began with a goal to help New Zealand’s farmers. From New Zealand, we have grown to serve more than 100 countries worldwide. Today, our founders’ passion to help growers through quality solutions and unparalleled customer service remains at the heart of everything we do. 100 YEARS AND STILL GROWING NUFARM.CA ©2019 Nufarm. Always read and follow label directions. Credit® Xtreme is a registered trademark of Nufarm Limited. Affirm™ is a trademark of Nufarm Agriculture Inc. Botector® is a registered trademark of Nufarm Australia Limited. Dual Salt Technology™ is a trademark of Nufarm. Presidio® and SureGuard® are registered trademarks of Valent U.S.A. LLC. DiPel® and XenTari® are registered trademarks of Valent BioSciences LLC. TORRENT™ is a trademark of Engage Agro Corporation. ALIETTE® is a registered trademark of Bayer. 18-CAGHN-0001-D-EN 1/19
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