Generating Real-Time Profiles of Runtime Energy Consumption for Java Applications

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Generating Real-Time Profiles of Runtime Energy Consumption for Java Applications
Generating Real-Time Profiles of Runtime Energy
           Consumption for Java Applications
                                Muhammad Nassar, Julian Jarrett, Iman Saleh, M. Brian Blake
                                                   Department of Computer Science
                                                           University of Miami
                                                      Coral Gables, Florida, USA
                                             {j.jarrett, iman, m.brian.blake}

                                                                           To address these research questions, we introduce a unique
Abstract— Energy consumption of computer-based systems is a
growing concern, especially for large scaled distributed systems           method for profiling applications in terms of their runtime
that operate in data centers and server farms. Currently, there            power consumption. To support this method, we
exist many hardware implementations that holistically measure              conceptualized and developed a novel Energy Profiler for Java
the consumption of energy for hardware and software systems.               applications. The profiler integrates with Java applications in
These approaches are limited as they measure the current power             such a way that provides an energy consumption estimate for
consumption of the overarching system - an approach that does              the software in question. The profiler leverages the energy
not necessarily assist in making the underlying software more              model described in [1], where the authors estimate the power
power-aware while under operation. This paper introduces the               consumption of a computational model with N number of
algorithm and process of calculating the energy consumption of
                                                                           processors, a separate cache memory for each processor and
Java applications at runtime. This approach is evaluated using a
new energy profiler tool that is designed to integrate with a Java         main memory. This approach enables software developers to
application leveraging the underlying physical architecture of the         use energy efficiency as a key performance metric influencing
hardware. By incorporating the awareness of energy                         their software design decisions. Moreover, software engineers
consumption within the software application, then that                     will be able to abstract design practices and patterns that
application can dynamically choose the most energy-efficient               decrease the energy footprint of applications. We evaluate this
processing paths within its operations.                                    model by comparing estimated values produced from the
                                                                           energy profiler with measures produce from a physical power
Keywords - power consumption; java; energy; distributed systems;           consumption meter. Using varying programming constructs to
software profiling                                                         implement the same function, we show a significant degree of
                                                                           accuracy with our model and implementation when comparing
                       I.   INTRODUCTION                                   energy consumption trends to processing intensity.
Energy consumption is a significant global challenge. Data
centers and servers in the United States consume huge                                           II.   RELATED WORK
amounts of energy and consequently challenge the                           Many frameworks have been proposed to profile power and
sustainability of our natural resources [8,9,10]. The use of               energy consumption across different types of computer
enterprise service-oriented systems has only exacerbated the               systems. These frameworks utilize both hardware and software
challenges [7,16]. Furthermore, on an individual basis with                techniques for profiling energy and target both servers and
the prevalence of mobile devices, it is important to optimize              mobile devices. In the early work of one of the co-authors of
software operations in order to extend battery capabilities.               this paper, a method was proposed that leveraged design-time
                                                                           testing of web services using generic loads of web traffic. The
        What attributes are required and which are most                   energy was measured during a training phase and was used to
         effective in calculating energy consumption in a                  develop a model for a specific web service at various server
         runtime environment of a Java application?                        and software states [5]. The work described in [5] and [6]
        What are the challenges for disambiguating residual               uses a more predictive model applied towards the efficient
         power consumption from the hardware platform with                 power management of web services and redundantly deployed
         power consumed by the targeted software                           cloud environments.
         application?                                                         Some of the previous efforts in this area evaluate the overall
                                                                           system energy usage [11,12], while others have the capability
        Are there approaches for reducing the amount of                   of applying more granular measurement techniques to isolate
         residual power calculated within the software                     and profile individual components. The authors in [2]
         application-specific calculation?                                 introduce the PowerPak Framework; a combination of
                                                                           hardware and software components capable of low-level

Generating Real-Time Profiles of Runtime Energy Consumption for Java Applications
energy profiling of parallel scientific applications on multi-               Memory access energy: Em * TActive * (The amount of
core, multi-processor distributed systems. They use physical                  memory used in bytes)
instrumentation including sensors, meter circuits and data
acquisition devices for measurement. Software components                     Leakage Energy: El * TActive * X
consist of drivers for physical meters, sensors, and a user level         where, EPI is the energy consumed per CPU instruction (in
API for automated power profiling and synchronization of                  the instruction set of the CPU), TCPU is the total time the CPU
code. The framework is also capable of producing direct and               is active, Em is the energy consumed for a single memory
derived measurements and isolating individual component                   access, El is some hardware constant, TActive is the total time the
consumption through the use of fine-grained systematic power              system is active (including CPU idle time) and X is the CPU
measurements. PowerScope is a tool proposed by the authors                clock frequency.
in [3] to profile the energy usage of mobile applications                     This energy model is loosely based on the one described in
through statistical sampling. A digital multi-meter is used to            [1], and relies on the values obtained from the Java Virtual
sample both the power consumption and system activity and                 Machine (JVM). The computational energy component is
passes this information to a data collection computer running             computed as the product of the CPU frequency, the total time
the energy monitor. An energy profile is then generated and               the CPU is active – where these two terms provide the total
the data is analyzed offline to remove profiling overhead.                number of instructions executed – and the energy consumed
In [4], researchers at Microsoft present a Windows based fine-            per instruction, which is a chipset constant. The JVM provides
grained energy profiler by implementing and integrating a                 the total time the CPU is active, while the user is responsible
workload manager, an event logger and an energy profiler.                 for providing the CPU frequency, and the energy per
Event tracing is started by the workload manager, which                   instruction value, if available. Some assumptions are made
executes code under fixed loads of data. Tracing includes                 while calculating the computational energy component. The
kernel level tracing of components such as the CPU, Disk I/O,             system used for testing has an Intel Core 2 mobile chipset and
page faults, heap range creation and context switches. The                it is assumed that the CPU performed one instruction per
event logger simply logs all events generated by the workload             cycle. It is also assumed that the microprocessor is the sole
manager and the energy profiler is then used to correlate                 energy consumer and that other parts of the chipset – like the
system resource usage of an application.                                  north/southbridge – is not taken into account since the energy
    Some other efforts on the hardware level make use of                  model in [1] does not incorporate them. The Graphics
Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS). DVFS is a                   Processing Unit (GPU) is not incorporated in the model either,
widely used technique for power manipulation [13,15]. Its                 and is not taken into account. However, the tests presented in
basic idea is to decrease the CPU frequency to allow a                    later sections do not call for any GPU usage.
corresponding change in the supplied voltage. This in turn                    As for the memory access energy, since there is no direct
results in a reduction of the overall power consumption. DVFS             way of computing the exact number of memory accesses, and
is being used mainly to control the power consumed by the                 since the JVM provides the total amount of memory it uses
CPU cores rather than main memory. Despite this fact, the                 directly, an approximated calculation is used as described
writers of [14] successfully developed a memory frequency-                above. The total memory access energy is calculated as the
scaling algorithm that could reduce the power consumption of              product of the amount of memory used by the JVM, the total
main memory by around 14% on average without any                          time the application is active – where these two terms provide
noticeable performance degradation.                                       the total amount of memory that needs to be sustained for the
    Unlike the previous approaches, our tool does not require             lifetime of the application – and the energy consumed per
the use of external instrumentation for measurement. Our                  memory access, which is also a chipset constant. The JVM
approach for application profiling utilizes a plug-in that                provides the total amount of memory used, and the total time
operates in real-time and produces an estimate of the total               the application is active is calculated as the difference between
energy consumed by the application. The plug-in is provided               the end and start times of the application obtained directly
as a JAR file that can be imported into Java applications. This           from the JVM. The user provides the energy per memory
approach extends the state of the art as it allows application-           access value, if available.
level estimations. The profiler allows the applications to be                 The leakage energy component is calculated in the exact
more self-aware of their own energy signatures. We use a                  same manner as described in [1], which is the product of the
mathematical model that estimates the energy usage given a                CPU frequency, the total time the application is active, and El,
set of parameters describing the underlying hardware. We                  which is a hardware constant value provided by the user if
validate our model’s accuracy by comparing the estimated                  available.
values to the ones measured by an energy meter.
                                                                                         IV.    DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE
                     III.   ENERGY MODEL
                                                                          An energy profiler plug-in that implements the energy model
According to our model, the energy consumed by a software                 described in Section 3 was developed in Java. It is available as
system has 3 main components:                                             a JAR file which can be easily integrated into other Java
   Computational Energy: EPI * TCPU * X                                  applications. As shown in Figure 1, the plug-in gathers the
                                                                          data it needs from two sources, user input about chipset

Generating Real-Time Profiles of Runtime Energy Consumption for Java Applications
specific constants and CPU and memory performance
information from the JVM. The plug-in then applies this data
to the energy model to produce the energy consumption
    As shown in the class diagram described in Figure 2, the
application is split into three classes. The CPUMonitor class is
responsible for fetching CPU utilization information from the
JVM. The MemoryMonitor class gathers memory utilization
information from the JVM. The EnergyCalculator class
collects the data retrieved by these two components, plugs
them along with the hardware constants into the energy model,
and provides a total consumption estimate in Joules. The
hardware constant values EPI, Em and El are hardware-specific
and should be provided by the developers. If not provided, the
plug-in uses default values specific to the Intel Core 2 Duo
processor architecture. In order to use the plug-in to gather
energy consumption data, some steps need to be performed.
Before the code block whose energy consumption needs to be
analyzed, an object of type EnergyCalculator is declared and
the current CPU frequency in GHz is passed as a parameter to
its constructor. If the hardware constants EPI, Em and El are
known, another constructor is provided that accepts them as
parameters alongside the CPU frequency. If these constants
are not provided, default values are used as described earlier.
After the code block that is being examined, the method
PlugDataIntoModel() is called from the previously defined
                                                                                       Figure 2. System Class Diagram.
EnergyCalculator object. This method returns a string value
that represents the energy consumed by the enclosed code
block in Joules.
    Listing 1 shows how an EnergyCalculator class object can             EnergyCalculator calc(OperatingFrequency, EPI,
                                                                                                                 Em, El);
be used to profile the energy usage of Java code. As explained
earlier, the EnergyCalculator class object has to be initialized         
before the code block in question and a call to the
PlugDataIntoModel() method after the code block will
                                                                         String Energy_Consumption =
provide the energy consumption estimate. Listing 2 shows the                                    ;
pseudo-code of the EnergyCalculator class.
                                                                                      Listing 1. Energy Profiler’s Usage.

Generating Real-Time Profiles of Runtime Energy Consumption for Java Applications
public EnergyCalculator (CPUFrequency, EPI, Em, El)                   Figures 4 and 5 provide sample results illustrating the usage of
{                                                                     the profiler. Figure 4 illustrates a comparison between the
     CPUMonitor myCPUMonitor;
     MemoryMonitor myMemoryMonitor;
                                                                      estimated energy calculated by the energy profiler and the
     double StartTime = ;                                        actual readings obtained using the WattsUp meter. The test is
     double OperatingFrequency = ;                      conducted on a simple TCP implementation in Java. Figure 5
     double EPI = ;
                                                                      provides a similar comparison using a recursive
     double Em = ;                                   As noted in Figure 4, the estimated and measured energy
     double El = ;
                                                                      consumption values increased consistently with the rise in the
}                                                                     number of packets sent. The difference between estimated and
private void CalculateEnergyConsumption ()                            measured values increased as the load on the system increased.
{                                                                     This difference increased from around 10% on lighter system
     double memoryUsage = ;                   loads to approximately 18% with the highest tested load. We
     double cpuUsage = ;                   energy consumption since the energy profiler only measures
     double EndTime = ;
     double TotalTime = ;                        the consumption of the application in question, whereas the
}                                                                     WattsUp meter measures the entire system’s consumption.
public String PlugDataIntoModel()                                     Figure 5 shows that the estimated and measured values also
     CalculateEnergyConsumption();                                    increased consistently with the increase in the value of the
     double E_comp = ;
     double E_mem = ;                    To better understand calculated energy, we decomposed the
     double E_leak = ;
     double TotalEnergy = ;
                                                                      average relative contributions of computational energy,
     return TotalEnergy.toString();                                   memory access energy and leakage energy are approximated
}                                                                     to 85%, 10% and 5% for the TCP simulation application and
                                                                      90%, 3% and 7% for the Fibonacci sequence calculator
              Listing 2. Energy Profiler’s Pseudo-code.
                                                                      application. The level of contribution of each component is
                                                                      reasonable with respect to the results presented in the related
                                                                      works [17] and [18]. The obtained increase our confidence in
                                                                      the validity of the profiler. Within each experiment, the
                                                                      percentages are consistent as the load increased and the results
                                                                      are also consistent across different applications.

       Figure 3. Picture of the Watts-Up Measurement Devices.

                       V.     EVALUATION
The energy profiler can be used to estimate the energy
consumed by Java applications as well as compare the
consumption of different implementations of the same                      Figure 4. Estimated vs. Actual Energy Readings for a Simple TCP
algorithm. To validate our estimates, we compared energy                                           Implementation.
consumption output from the profiler to energy consumption
figures     obtained    from     the      WattsUp      meter
                                                                      Figures 6, 7 and 8, illustrate the results obtained when the
(, a physical device that
                                                                      profiler is used to measure the energy consumption of both
measures the real time energy consumption of electronic
                                                                      recursive and iterative implementations of a Fibonacci
devices in Watts. The WattsUp meter is shown in Figure 3.
                                                                      sequence calculator.

Figure 8. A Comparison between Recursive and Iterative Fibonacci
                                                                                                 Implementations on Ubuntu Linux 11.10.

Figure 5. Estimated vs. Actual Energy Readings for a Recursive Fibonacci
                                                                                 The average energy consumption values for each Fibonacci
                            Implementation.                                      term (from 25 to 55 in increments of 5) are recorded over 12
                                                                                 runs. The tests are repeated across three major operating
                                                                                 systems; Microsoft Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.8.5 and Ubuntu
                                                                                 Linux 11.10. The results for all three operating systems
                                                                                 demonstrated the same pattern. The nature of complexities of
                                                                                 the recursive and iterative Fibonacci implementations is
                                                                                 evident in the graphs, where the complexity of the iterative
                                                                                 implementation grows linearly while that of the recusrive
                                                                                 implementation grows exponentially. The results obtained
                                                                                 demonstrate the expected behaviors of both implementations.
                                                                                                           VI.    DISCUSSION
                                                                                 The results of our experiments demonstrate that the energy
                                                                                 profiler tool is effective in providing estimates that compare
                                                                                 favorably to real measurements. Although many factors are
                                                                                 involved when it comes to measuring the energy consumed by
                                                                                 different kinds of hardware, the profiler allows for the
   Figure 6. A Comparison between Recursive and Iterative Fibonacci              specification of the hardware constants EPI, Em and El of the
               Implementations on Microsoft Windows 7.                           underlying chipset as well as the CPU operating frequency.
                                                                                 For the sake of consistency and accuracy of the results, all of
                                                                                 the experiments are conducted on the same hardware with no
                                                                                 other applications running except the operating system itself.

                                                                                 A. Estimating Energy Consumption
                                                                                     The first of the two major functionalities of the profiler is
                                                                                 to provide absolute estimates of the energy consumed by a
                                                                                 certain Java application. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate how those
                                                                                 estimates compare to real measurements. It is worth
                                                                                 mentioning that in these figures, the energy usage estimates
                                                                                 obtained from the profiler are actually higher than those
                                                                                 collected by actual measurements. This would not normally be
                                                                                 expected since the profiler measures only the energy usage of
                                                                                 the Java application under investigation, while the WattsUp
                                                                                 meter measures the consumption of the whole system. This
                                                                                 could be explained by the fact that no other applications were
                                                                                 running while the experiments were being conducted - only
                                                                                 the application under investigation and the OS processes - and
   Figure 7. A Comparison between Recursive and Iterative Fibonacci              by the fact that a margin of error in the estimation is expected
                Implementations on Mac OS X 10.8.5.
                                                                                 since many hardware factors and constants are involved in the
                                                                                 calculation. Taking these facts and factors into consideration,

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