Nuclear Science Experiments for Teaching Laboratories
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Nuclear Science Experiments for Teaching Laboratories NUCLEAR MEASUREMENT SOLUTIONS FOR SAFETY, SECURITY & THE ENVIRONMENT 10 8 107 10 6 CE-138 CO-57 HG-203 SN-113 10 5 CS-137 Y-88 CO-60 CO-60 Y-88 Counts 10 4 10 3 10 2 101 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Energy (keV) WWW.CANBERRA.COM
Nuclear Science Experiments with Digital Electronics Laboratory Manual Turn-key Training Solutions Nuclear Science Experiments for Teaching Laboratories With a half century of experience in the nuclear measurements industry, CANBERRA is uniquely qualified to provide educational institutions with the tools for highly productive hands-on training in the fundamentals of nuclear physics through vocationally- relevant experiments. CANBERRA offers turn-key solutions to set up and/or refurbish physics teaching facilities with cutting-edge digital technology. A relatively modest investment yields a flexible equipment configuration that can serve undergraduate and post-graduate university training in addition to in-house training for industrial users. Experiment 8: Gamma-Ray Efficiency Calibration (shown below) demonstrates the procedure for measuring the efficiency of a NaI and a HPGe detector as a function of gamma-ray energy. 2
Nuclear Science Experiments with Digital Electronics Laboratory Manual CANBERRA Lab Kits CANBERRA has packaged a set of 12 experiments, focusing on various aspects of gamma-ray detection and analysis, which provides an understanding of basic principles to more complex nuclear physics applications. ProSpect®: Gamma Spectroscopy Software OSPREY™: Universal Digital MCA Tube Base for Scintillation Spectrometry All of these experiments can be executed with CANBERRA instrumentation and specialized ancillary equipment offered in Lynx®: Digital signal analyzer two Lab Kits. (Please note that most of the recommended radioactive sources are not included and are readily available.) The Nuclear Science Experiments with Digital Electronics Laboratory Manual provides a step-by-step guide to performing the experiments. The Laboratory Manual is available at, and unlimited copies may be printed as needed. OSPREY™ Lynx® The experiments are built around CANBERRA’s Osprey™ and Lynx® Digital Signal Analyzers. The versatility of these instruments enables the performance of fundamental experiments in high and low resolution gamma spectroscopy. Their advanced features allow for higher-level experiments, such as coincidence and anti-coincidence, with both hardware gating and event-by-event data collection. The Osprey and Lynx are easy to use and feature highly-stable digital electronics, thereby providing the optimum solution for laboratory instruction. The devices are controlled with ProSpect™ Gamma Spectroscopy Software which includes a flexible security feature to ensure that the student is only presented with the functions required for the class. This increases the productivity of the training. Nuclear measurement solutions for safety, security & the environment. 3
Nuclear Science Experiments with Digital Electronics Laboratory Teaching Solutions The Laboratory Manual and kits greatly simplify the purchase of equipment and implementation of these experiments (plus other experiments of your own design). They can be used to create individual student workstations or a central demonstration station, depending on available space and budget. And, of course, lab expansion is just as simple as adding more kits as needs dictate. LABKIT-Basic LABKIT-Advanced Supplement the starter Starter kit for Experiments 1 to 5 kit to complete Experiments 6 to 12 >> Osprey Digital MCA >> LYNX MCA >> ProSpect Gamma Spectroscopy Software >> BE2825 HPGe Detector System >> 802 2x2 NaI Detector >> LabSOCS Software >> LabKIT-Table: Apparatus for many of the >> 802-2x2 NaI Detector experiments, including an angular scattering table >> 2007P Preamplifier and base plate, NaI 2"x2" detector shielding, source collimation for LABKIT-SR-CS137, >> LABKIT-SRCEHLD: Set of Two HPGe Source scattering pillar, and absorber holder. Holders, including a fixed source holder for >> LabKIT-Abs: Sets of 4 generic absorber measurements at 25 cm and an adjustable source materials, including aluminum, copper, lead, and holder for measurements from 0 to 18 cm. polyethylene. >> LABKIT-NAICOLL: NaI 2" x 2" detector shielding >> LabKIT-SR-Cs137: 15 MBq (0.5 mCi) Cs-137 for use with LABKIT-Table assembly. source capsule, for use with the LABKIT-Table >> RCP-10-Cable: 10ft cable bundle including assembly. preamp, SHV-SHV, and two BNC-BNC cables. OSPREY™: ProSpect®: Gamma 802 2x2 NaI Shown: LabKIT-Table, LabKIT-Abs LabKIT-SR-Cs137 Universal Digital Spectroscopy Software Detector LABKIT-NAICOLL MCA Lynx®: Digital BE2825 HPGe LabSOCS 2007P LABKIT-SRCEHLD LABKIT-NAICOLL RCP-10-Cable signal analyzer Detector System Software Preamplifier 4
Nuclear Science Experiments with Digital Electronics Laboratory Teaching Solutions The Laboratory Manual presents the following twelve experiments. With LABKIT-Basic, students can perform experiments 1-5. To perform all twelve experiments, LABKIT-Basic and LABKIT-Advanced are required. Experiment 1 Experiment 6 Experiment 10 Gamma-Ray Detection Signal Processing Positron Annihilation with Scintillators with Digital Signal By using coincidence counting In this introduction to gamma-ray Electronics techniques and the Angular detection, students will identify Using the built-in Digital Signal Correlation table, students explore photoelectric effect, Compton Oscilloscope feature of the LYNX the geometrical behavior of scattering, and pair production in MCA, students observe the effects positron annihilation events. a spectrum and perform an energy of changing signal processing calibration using known reference parameters using several different Experiment 11 sources. acquisition modes. Mathematical Efficiency Calibration Experiment 2 Experiment 7 Mathematical modeling is Counting Statistics and High-Resolution increasingly used instead of source Error Prediction Gamma-Ray based efficiency calibration for Students will perform a series Spectroscopy with improvement in cost, flexibility, and of background and gamma-ray HPGe Detectors safety. In this experiment, students measurements with a NaI detector Semiconductor gamma-ray generate efficiency calibrations and apply statistical principles to detection is introduced and using CANBERRA's LabSOCS these measurements. students compare HPGe resolution efficiency calibration software and to NaI detector resolution. compare against traditional source based calibrations. Experiment 3 Gamma-Ray Absorption Experiment 8 in Matter (Basic) Gamma-Ray Efficiency Experiment 12 Students will measure the effective Calibration True Coincidence attenuation of a set of materials Using both a NaI detector and an Summing with varying densities and photon HPGe detector, the concept of Students observe true coincidence absorption cross sections. detection efficiency is explored. summing and quantify the effect on observed count rate using Experiment 9 LabSOCS mathematical efficiency Experiment 4 software. Compton Scattering Gamma-Ray Using the Compton Scattering Coincidence Counting table developed specially for this Techniques exercise, the principle of Compton Counting with multiple detectors scattering and the dependence on correlated in time can yield angular variation is demonstrated. incredible information about fundamental nuclear structures. In this experiment, students learn Experiment 5 these techniques by acquiring Half-Life Measurement and interpreting time-stamped Students calculate the half-life of list mode data for synchronized a short-lived nuclide using multi- detectors. channel scaling acquisition. Nuclear measurement solutions for safety, security & the environment. 5
Nuclear Science Experiments with Digital Electronics Laboratory Teaching Solutions As you can see in this sample, the format of each experiment begins with the goal and the equipment required. Each description includes the required steps together with the format of the data entry and the results. In some cases, the instructor may wish to produce his or her own laboratory script with this as a starting point. s ts with Digital Elect ronic Nuclear Science Experimen Laboratory Manual Experiment 1 wi th Gamma-Ray De tec tion Scint illa tor De tec tors Equipment Required: Purpose: ProSpect: ProSpect Gamma Spectroscopy Software scintillator 1 To demonstrate the use of a NaI rs a rays. Osprey Digital Tube Base MCA with connecto detector and its response to gamm Osprey : three domin ant gamma-ray 802-2x 2: NaI Detector 2" x 2" 2 To demonstrate the ry Scattering Table Assembl y: interactions with matter. LABKIT-Table : Teaching Laborato tion. NaI Detector Shielding 3 To demonstrate energy calibra 137 Cs button source 1 microcurie, ± 20% unc Radioisotope : 60 Co button source 1 microcurie, ± 20% unc Radioisotope : 88 Y button source 1 microcurie, ± 20% unc Radioisotope : LEARN MORE 6 environment. ns for safety, securit y & the Nuclear measurement solutio Please visit us at: for more information 6
Nuclear Science Experiments with Digital Electronics Laboratory Teaching Solutions Experiment 1 Experiment 1 1 Gamma-Ray Detection with Gamma-Ray Detection with 1 Scintillator Detectors Scintillator Detectors Theoretical Overview: How gamma rays are produced NaI(Tl) detectors Gamma-ray interactions with matter The maximum energy given to an electron in Compton scattering occurs for a scattering angle of 180°, and the Radioactive nuclei decay by emitting beta or alpha The thallium-activated sodium iodide detector, or NaI(Tl) There are three dominant gamma-ray interactions energy distribution is continuous up to that point (since particles. Often the decay is to an excited state in the detector, responds to the gamma ray by producing a small with matter: all scattering angles up to 180° are possible). This energy, daughter nucleus, which usually decays by emission of flash of light, or a scintillation. The scintillation occurs 1. Photoelectric effect known as the Compton edge, can be calculated from the a gamma ray. The energy level sequence and therefore when scintillator electrons, excited by the energy of the incident gamma ray energy. 2. Compton effect the gamma-ray energy spectrum for every nucleus is photon, return to their ground state. The detector crystal unique and can be used to identify the nucleus. The is mounted on a photomultiplier tube which converts the 3. Pair production For θ = 180°: energy levels and decay process of 22Na, 60Co and scintillation into an electrical pulse. The first pulse from the 137Cs are given in Figure 1-1. The term beta decay The photoelectric effect is a common interaction between photocathode is very small and is amplified in 10 stages by a low-energy gamma ray and a material. In this process means β- (electron), β+ (positron) emission or electron a series of dynodes to get a large pulse. This is taken from the photon interacts with an electron in the material capture by the nucleus. the anode of the photomultiplier, and is a negative pulse. Equation 1-3 losing all of its energy. The electron is ejected with an The NaI(Tl) crystal is protected from the moisture in the energy equal to the initial photon energy minus the air by encasing it in aluminum, which also serves as a binding energy of the electron. This is a useful process β- 60 Co β+ 22Na convenient mounting for the entire crystal/photomultiplier for spectroscopy since an output pulse in a detector is 2.506 EC unit. A schematic is shown in Figure 1-2. produced that is proportional to the gamma-ray energy, and: 1.173 137Cs β- as all of the energy of the gamma ray is transferred to 1.333 1.275 0.662 the detector. This produces a characteristic full-energy 1.333 peak in the spectrum that can be used for the purpose of 0 identifying the radioactive material. 137Ba 0 0 Equation 1-4 60 Ni 22Ne The photon can scatter by a free electron and transfer an amount of energy that depends on the scattering angle. Figure 1-1: Energy level sequences for 137Cs, 60Co and 22Na (energy levels in MeV) This process is called Compton scattering. The energy of the scattered photon E′ is: The spectrum for 137Cs shows that if the gamma ray scatters and escapes the crystal then the energy deposited will be less than the full-energy peak (see Figure 1-3). Equation 1-1 where E is the incident gamma-ray energy and θ is Figure 1-2: the angle of scatter. The term m0c2 is the rest mass of lllustration of a scintillation event in a photomultiplier tube the electron, equal to 511 keV. The energy given to the electron is: Equation 1-2 9 Nuclear measurement solutions for safety, security & the environment. 10 Experiment 1 Experiment 1 1 Gamma-Ray Detection with Gamma-Ray Detection with 1 Scintillator Detectors Scintillator Detectors Theoretical Overview Continued Experiment 1 Guide: The actual energy deposited depends upon the angle scattering interactions in the material. When the positron Photoelectric effect and Compton scattering Pair production of scatter as described in the equations above. The comes to rest, it annihilates with an electron producing 1. Ensure that the Osprey (with the NaI(Tl) detector 11. Clear the spectrum. spectrum shows that many pulses have energies in a a pair of 511 keV gamma rays that are produced connected) is connected to the measurement range below the Compton edge – called the Compton back-to-back. These can be absorbed through the 12. Replace the 137Cs source with a 88Y source. PC either directly or via your local network. Continuum. photoelectric effect to produce full-energy peaks at 13. Acquire a spectrum (use a count time such that 511 keV. A component due to Compton scattering can 2. Place the 137Cs source in front of the detector. If the gamma ray does not escape the crystal and there is at least 10 000 counts in each photopeak). also be observed. When a photon interacts with the 3. Open the ProSpect Gamma Spectroscopy scatters again giving up its remaining energy through the 14. Use annotations (using the right click menu) to crystal through pair production, one or both of the Software and connect to the Osprey. photoelectric effect, then its full energy will be deposited identify the 898 keV and 1836 keV full-energy annihilation photons can escape undetected from the in the full-energy peak (at 662 keV for 137Cs). This is 4. Adjust the MCA settings to correspond with peaks. Also Identify the single escape peak crystal. If one of the photons escapes undetected, then more likely for larger crystals. those listed in Table 1-1. It is recommended from 1836 keV, which should have an energy of this will result in a peak in the spectrum at an energy of Pair production can occur when the gamma-ray energy 511 keV less than the full-energy peak. This is called the to use these settings throughout this manual 1836 – 511 = 1325 keV. is greater than 1.022 MeV and is a significant process single escape peak. Similarly, if both photons escape unless otherwise specified. 15. Copy the spectrum to clipboard and paste into a at energies above 2.5 MeV. The process produces undetected, a peak will appear 1022 keV below the full- 5. Use the software to apply the recommended Word document (provide an appropriate caption for a positron and electron pair that slow down through energy peak, called the double escape peak. detector bias to the NaI(Tl) detector. the spectrum). 6. Set the amplifier gain such that the photopeak is 16. Save the spectrum. close to 40% of the full range of the spectrum. 7. Acquire a spectrum (use a count time such that there are at least 10 000 counts in the Energy calibration photopeak). 17. Load the 137Cs and 88Y spectra. 8. Use annotations (using the right click menu) to 18. By left-click dragging a region of interest across identify the Photopeak, the Compton Continuum each peak, determine the centroid channel for the 10 000 and the Compton Edge. 662 keV, 836 keV and 1836 keV full-energy peak. Sample Measurement: 137Cs Reference Standard 9. Copy the spectrum to clipboard and paste into a Note down the centroid channel and uncertainty for Word document (provide an appropriate caption each peak as presented by the tooltip in ProSpect. 7500 for the spectrum). 19. Using Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet or 10. Save the spectrum. graphing application, enter the energy, channel Counts 5000 Compton Continuum and the uncertainty in channel. Plot the energy vs. 662 keV Full-energy peak channel (with channel uncertainties displayed as Table 1-1: error bars). Standard Gain and Filter Settings for NaI 2x2 with Osprey or Lynx MCA 2500 20. Use the spreadsheet to calculate the energy Parameter Setting calibration coefficients. Enter these into ProSpect Acquisition Mode PHA using the Calibration tab for the detector. 0 LLD Mode Automatic 0 500 1000 1500 LLD % 0.1 21. Collect a 60Co spectrum and identify the energies Energy (keV) of the two full-energy peaks. Polarity Positive Figure 1-3: ULD % 100.0 Example spectrum of a 137Cs source BLR Mode Automatic Fast Disc Shape Normal Fast Disc Mode Automatic Manual Fast Disc 1.0 Rise Time 1.0 Flat Top 1.0 PUR Guard 1.1 Conversion Gain 2048 11 Nuclear measurement solutions for safety, security & the environment. 12 Nuclear measurement solutions for safety, security & the environment. 7
CANBERRA is part of AREVA AREVA is a world leader in nuclear power. The group’s offer to utilities covers every stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, reactor design and construction, and operating services. Its expertise and uncompromising dedication to safety make it a leading industry player. AREVA also invests in renewable energies to develop, via partnerships, high technology solutions. Through the complementary nature of nuclear and renewables, AREVA’s 45,000 employees contribute to building tomorrow’s energy model: supplying the greatest number of people with energy that is safer and with less CO2. Nuclear Measurement Solutions for Safety, Security and the Environment For more information please visit: C40783 — 12/2014
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