Compilation of FAQs Nov 2017 - Version 4.1 - For MPP - Marinet

Page created by Emily Bowman
Compilation of FAQs Nov 2017 - Version 4.1 - For MPP - Marinet
  Compilation of FAQs

Compilation of FAQs

Nov 2017

Version 4.1 – For MPP

  Document Name:
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  MyInfo Consolidated FAQs
Compilation of FAQs Nov 2017 - Version 4.1 - For MPP - Marinet
Compilation of FAQs

  About the Consolidated FAQ Document

  This document contains a structured list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) relating to MyInfo.
  The responses aim to help facilitate a deeper understanding of the MyInfo initiative, and provide
  key information required for supporting queries from the agencies and members of the public.

  These responses are organised under two key sections:

      1) Public Query Support (Applicable to Agencies and the Public)

         The “Public Query Support” section addresses queries in four key areas:

             1.   General Responses
             2.   Technical / Functional Queries
             3.   Data Related Queries
             4.   Privacy Related Queries
         The “Public Query Support” section addresses potential enquiries from the public, which
         may be published on the FAQ webpages of the various participating agencies, digital
         services and MyInfo.

      2) Internal Agency Support (Meant for Internal Reference)

         The “Internal Agency Support” section aims to support agencies in managing queries from
         the public and to assist with troubleshooting potential technical issues.

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  Figure 1 below depicts the overall FAQ framework:

  Figure 1: FAQ Framework

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  In order to navigate through the table of contents below, click “Ctrl + Left Click” to select a certain
  topic or question:

  Table of Contents:
  1.     PUBLIC QUERY SUPPORT ............................................................................................... 6
       1.1.   General Responses ................................................................................................... 6
         1.1.1.      What is MyInfo?.................................................................................................... 6
         1.1.2.      What are the benefits of MyInfo? .......................................................................... 6
         1.1.3.      How does MyInfo work for government digital services? ...................................... 6
         1.1.4.      How does MyInfo work for private sector services? .............................................. 6
         1.1.5.      Why does the Government require my information again? ................................... 7
         1.1.6.      Am I eligible for a MyInfo profile? ......................................................................... 7
         1.1.7.      Why don’t I qualify for a MyInfo profile? ................................................................ 7
         1.1.8.      Which government digital services can I use MyInfo for? ..................................... 7
         1.1.9.      Are there plans to extend MyInfo to other government digital services? ..............10
         1.1.10.     Which private sector services can I use MyInfo for? ............................................10
         1.1.11.     What are the supported mobile browsers for MyInfo? ..........................................10
         1.1.12.     What are the supported desktop browsers for MyInfo? ........................................10
       1.2.   Technical & Functional Related Queries .................................................................12
         1.2.1.      What are the key functions available on MyInfo? .................................................12
         1.2.2.      When will changes or updates to my personal data be reflected on my MyInfo
                     profile? ................................................................................................................12
         1.2.3.      Can I delete my profile?.......................................................................................12
         1.2.4.      What types of transactions are recorded under MyInfo’s transaction history? ......12
         1.2.5.      What is the “Manage Settings” function? .............................................................13
         1.2.6.      Why can’t I log-in to MyInfo? ...............................................................................13
         1.2.7.      How do I navigate my MyInfo profile? ..................................................................13
         1.2.8.      I am an Employment Pass / Work Permit holder but my occupation is inaccurately
                     reflected on my profile. How do I amend it? .........................................................13
         1.2.9.      Why is my MyInfo profile inactive and how can I reactivate it?.............................14
         1.2.10.     Who should I contact if I have issues with my MyInfo profile?..............................14
         1.2.11.     Who should I contact if I have digital service related issues?...............................14
         1.2.12.     What is the hotline for the MyInfo Helpdesk?.......................................................14
         1.2.13.     What are the opening hours for the MyInfo Helpdesk? ........................................14

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    1.3.   MyInfo Data Related Queries....................................................................................15
      1.3.1.     For government digital transactions, what data will be retrieved upon SingPass
                 authentication? ....................................................................................................15
      1.3.2.     For government digital transactions, will all my data be automatically retrieved? .16
      1.3.3.     For transactions with commercial entities, what data will be retrieved from my
                 MyInfo Profile? ....................................................................................................16
      1.3.4.     How can I update my Name/Sex/Date of Birth/Nationality/Country of
                 Birth/Race/Dialect in MyInfo? ..............................................................................16
      1.3.5.     My marital status in my profile is incorrect. How do I update my marital status? ..17
      1.3.6.     My school/occupation is not in the dropdown list. How do I update the Name of
                 School/Occupation fields in MyInfo? ....................................................................17
      1.3.7.     Why wasn’t my financial information auto-filled on the digital service form, like the
                 rest of my information? ........................................................................................17
      1.3.8.     Why isn’t my financial information showing up in my MyInfo Profile? ...................18
      1.3.9.     How current is my financial information, taking into account the down time? .......18
      1.3.10.    Why is my CPF information not available? I am transacting outside of the scheduled
                 maintenance periods. ..........................................................................................18
      1.3.11.    My CPF information appears to be incorrect. How do I fix this? ...........................18
      1.3.12.    Why can’t I see other CPF information besides what is displayed in MyInfo? Where
                 can I see it? .........................................................................................................18
      1.3.13.    I received an error message from MyInfo when I tried to retrieve my CPF information
                 to transact. What happened?...............................................................................19
      1.3.14.    How can I print my CPF Contribution history in MyInfo? ......................................19
      1.3.15.    Why are some fields on MyInfo non-editable? .....................................................21
      1.3.16.    My government-verified information is incorrect. What should I do? ....................21
      1.3.17.    Will the Government include more data fields in the future? ................................21
      1.3.18.    If I edit or change my data on MyInfo, will the data changes be updated across all
                 participating agencies? ........................................................................................21
    1.4.   Privacy Related Queries ...........................................................................................22
      1.4.1.     Will the Government be using data from my profile for other purposes? (e.g.
                 research, policy studies, etc.)? ............................................................................22
      1.4.2.     Will commercial entities be using data from my profile for other purposes? (e.g.
                 research, policy studies, etc.)? ............................................................................22
      1.4.3.     Who else can access the information on my MyInfo profile? ...............................22
      1.4.4.     Will the system administrators and Helpdesk staff be able to view my personal data?

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         1.4.5.     After my data is shared for the purposes of a digital service transaction, will the
                    digital service have access to all my MyInfo profile personal data? .....................22
         1.4.6.     Why is my consent required for certain transaction? ...........................................22
  2.     INTERNAL AGENCY SUPPORT (FOR INTERNAL ONLY) ..............................................23
       2.1.   Helpdesk Escalation .................................................................................................23
         2.1.1.     What is the helpdesk escalation procedure? .......................................................23
         2.1.1.     When should I route a call from my Agency to the MyInfo central helpdesk? .......23
         2.1.2.     What should I do if a user calls to update information on his / her MyInfo profile?
       2.2.   Other Support Related Queries ................................................................................23
         2.2.1.     Can I inactivate or reactivate the MyInfo profile on behalf of the user? ................23
         2.2.2.     Am I able to view or access a user’s MyInfo profile? ...........................................23
         2.2.3.     Can I make profile changes or updates on behalf of the user? ............................24
         2.2.4.     Can I view transactions associated to a user’s MyInfo profile? ............................24
         2.2.5.     Can I select a preferred mode of notification on behalf of the user? ....................24

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      1.1. General Responses

         1.1.1. What is MyInfo?
                MyInfo is a service that allows SingPass users to manage their personal data and
                pre-fill forms in digital services transactions. This includes government-verified
                data that is retrieved across participating Government agencies and data you
                contributed to form your Profile. This means that users need only provide personal
                data once to the Government, instead of repeatedly providing data for every online
                transaction. Users can view their own personal data profile here.

         1.1.2. What are the benefits of MyInfo?
                By using your profile, you can enjoy the following 3 benefits:

                •     No more repetitive filling of your personal information for multiple online
                      transactions with participating digital services;
                •     Reduce the incidence of mistakes as a result of human error;
                •     Eventually do away with the need for physical documents as verifications to
                      complete transactions.

         1.1.3. How does MyInfo work for government digital services?
                1. Authentication: After initiating a transaction, you will be directed to SingPass
                   to authenticate yourself.
                2. Verify and/or give consent: Upon logging in via SingPass, your personal data
                   will be retrieved from various participating public agencies into the digital
                   service form. Please verify that the information in the form is accurate. If
                   financial data is required for the transaction, your consent will be requested.
                3. Submit the application: Complete the transaction.

                       1. AUTHENTICATE          2. VERIFY                      3. TRANSACT

                                                Verify your personal data,     Submit the application.
                       Log in via SingPass to
                                                and give consent to the
                       authenticate yourself.
                                                retrieval of financial data.

         1.1.4. How does MyInfo work for private sector services?

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             1. Choose MyInfo option: you must click on the ‘Retrieve MyInfo’ button when using
                private sector digital services to launch the service.
             2. Authentication: Upon clicking ‘Retrieve MyInfo’, you will be directed to SingPass
                to authenticate yourself.
             3. Give consent: To protect your privacy, you are required to explicitly give consent
                for any information to be used with private sector digital services. If you do not
                give consent, you can proceed to fill up the form manually and submit the
                requested supporting documents.
             4. Verification: Once consent has been obtained, your details will be retrieved from
                various participating public agencies into the digital service form. Please verify
                that the information in the form is accurate.
             5. Submit the application: Complete the transaction.

         1.1.5. Why does the Government require my information again?
                The Government has restricted personal data-sharing practices on a need-to-know
                basis due to the confidential nature of your personal data.
                We recognise that this may have created unnecessary inconvenience, where you
                might be required to submit additional physical documents such as your CPF
                statements for verification.
                To simplify your online transactions, all SingPass have a MyInfo Profile. Eligible
                residents can choose to use their profile in digital services transactions to pre-fill
                online forms.

         1.1.6. Am I eligible for a MyInfo profile?
                SingPass users who have set up their 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) and have
                registered their e-mail address or local mobile number will be eligible for a MyInfo
                Profile. Foreigners who have a valid permit (e.g. work permit / employment pass)
                can also register for SingPass.

         1.1.7. Why don’t I qualify for a MyInfo profile?
                You will not be eligible for a MyInfo Profile under the following conditions:

                      •   You have an active SingPass account without a registered email or local
                          mobile number; or
                      •   You are a foreigner with an expired permit (e.g. renounced work permit /
                          employment pass); or
                      •   Your SingPass account has been deactivated or is dormant.

         1.1.8. Which government digital services can I use MyInfo for?
                The list of participating government digital services can be found here:

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         Agency                 Digital Service      Description
   1.    Ministry of Social &   Baby Bonus Online    For eligible parents to join the Baby
         Family Development     – Join Baby Bonus    Bonus Scheme and enjoy cash gift
         (MSF)                  Scheme               disbursement and Government matching
                                                     of deposits into the Child Development
                                Office of the Public For public to apply for a search of the
                                Guardian             Public Guardian registers.
                                - Online Search
                                Office of the Public For applicants to register an instrument
                                Guardian             as a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).
                                - Register LPA
                                Casino Exclusion For public to apply for casino exclusion
                                System               and check exclusion status.

                                                      Casino Exclusion prohibits individuals
                                                      from entering the casinos in Singapore.

                                                   There are three main types of Casino
                                                   Exclusion – Self-Exclusion, Family
                                                   Exclusion and Automatic Exclusion by
                                Casino Visit Limit Casino Visit Limit limits the number of
                                System             visits per month an individual can make
                                                   to the casinos in Singapore.

                                                    There are three main types of Casino
                                                    Visit Limits – Voluntary Visit Limit, Family
                                                    Visit Limit and Third Party Visit Limit.
                              Social                A one-stop resource centre on
                              Development           relationship skills, social interaction
                              Network               opportunities and information.
   2.    Inland       Revenue Updating of contact Updating of contact details held by IRAS
         Agency of Singapore details                via a web portal.
   3.    Housing              Application for flats Electronic application for HDB flats via a
         Development Board                          web portal.
   4.    Ministry of Manpower Foreign Domestic For renewal of work permit, and the
         (MOM)                Worker’s WINS         application for new foreign domestic

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   5.    Singapore     Police Electronic   Driver Online enquiry system for the public,
         Force (SPF)          Data Information & insurance and car rental companies to
                              Enquiry System      check a motorist’s driving license status
                                                  and eligibility for Certificate of Merit

                               e-Focus            Digital reporting hub for reporting of
                                                  crime or lost property.
                              PLUS –       Police Application for private lotteries permit.
   6.    Ngee-Ann             Online      Course    Online application system for NP
         Polytechnic (NP)     Application System    courses.
                              eRecruitment          Online application system for NP jobs.
                              Joint Polytechnic     Online application system for prospective
                              Admissions            students.
   7.    Singapore       Land Single      Contact   Online application for Temporary
         Authority (SLA)      Point for TOL         Occupational License
   8.    National             Hawker's Online       A portal for the management of stall
         Environment Agency                         licenses, tenancies, etc.
   9.    Agri-Food          & Pet          Animal   Online application for pet license.
         Veterinary Authority Licensing System
         of Singapore (AVA)
   10.   Singapore            Internet              Online application for students to register
         Examinations     and Examination           for GCE, O and A-Levels.
         Assesment      Board Registration
         (SEAB)               System
   11.   Temasek Polytechnic Course Application     Online application for status enquiry and
         (TP)                 Status Enquiry and    enrolment of courses.
   12.   Sport      Singapore SPORTSG               Digital service to allow members of public
         (SPORTSG)            Membership            to book facilities and sign up for
                              Management            programmes
   13.   Republic Polytechnic Alumni Portal         Update of alumni particulars
   14.   Nanyang Polytechnic NYP E-                 NYP Job Application System
         (NYP)                RECRUITMENT
                              EAE Joint Poly        For EAE application

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         1.1.9. Are there plans to extend MyInfo to other government digital services?
                To increase convenience, MyInfo will be rolled out to most of the SingPass 2FA-
                enabled digital services by mid-2018.

         1.1.10. Which private sector services can I use MyInfo for?

               Bank        Banking Product
               DBS         DBS Multiplier Savings Account
                           DBS eMulti-Currency Autosave Plus
                           DBS eMulti-Currency Autosave
                           DBS Multi-Currency Autosave Plus
                           DBS Multiplier Account
                           POSB Current Account
                           POSB Everyday Savings Account
                           POSB eSavings Account
                           POSB Payroll Account
                           MySavings Account
                           eMySavings Account
                           POSB SAYE Account
                           POSB eEveryday Savings Account
                           DBS 1 Click Particulars Update
               OCBC        OCBC 360 Savings Account
               SCB         Standard Chartered Bonus$aver
                           Standard Chartered MyWay Savings
               UOB         Krisflyer UOB Account
                           UOB ONE Card

         1.1.11. What are the supported mobile browsers for MyInfo?
                MyInfo is best viewed via the following mobile browsers:
                iOS: Safari versions 8.07 onwards
                Android: Google Chrome for Android versions 43 onwards
         1.1.12. What are the supported desktop browsers for MyInfo?
                MyInfo is best viewed via the following desktop browsers:

                1. Internet Explorer: Versions 9 onwards
                2. Firefox: Versions 39 onwards
                3. Safari: Versions 8.07 onwards

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                4. Chrome: Versions 43 onwards

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    1.2. Technical & Functional Related Queries

         1.2.1. What are the key functions available on MyInfo?
                You will be able to perform the following functions:

                      1. View your profile: You must have an active SingPass account for this.

                      2. Edit your profile: You may update your personal information for user
                         provided data fields.

                      3. View your Transaction History: You may view transactions and consent
                         associated with your profile that have occurred over the past 6 months.

                      4. Manage your settings: You may configure what information is displayed
                         in MyInfo, as well as when and how you would like to be notified on your
                         MyInfo transactions.

         1.2.2. When will changes or updates to my personal data be reflected on my MyInfo
                Your profile consists of two data field types:

                      •   User-provided Information – The information updated on user-provided
                          fields will be reflected after they have been updated and saved by the user.
                      •   Government-verified Information – For government-verified fields,
                          please contact the relevant source Agency update any information in your
                          profile. The duration of this process will vary depending on each Agency
                          and it will take an additional 1 working day for this information to be
                          reflected on MyInfo after verification by the relevant Agency.

                          In your profile, the green tick – “ ” – next to a data item indicates that the
                          data source was a public Agency.
                          The black tooltip icon – “ ” – provides useful information, including:
                              ▪ a description of the data field,
                              ▪ the source of data,
                              ▪ the latest verified date, and
                              ▪ how you can update the data field.

         1.2.3. Can I delete my profile?
                MyInfo serves as the Profile of your National Digital Identity. As such, you cannot
                delete it.

                If you do not wish to use your MyInfo Profile in digital services transactions, you
                may choose to key in the required data manually. You may need to submit
                supporting documents for verification should you do this.

         1.2.4. What types of transactions are recorded under MyInfo’s transaction history?

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                You can view your transactions and consent associated with MyInfo over the past
                6 months.
                The Transaction History tab will record the following events:

                •     A digital service has extracted your profile data for pre-filling purposes with
                      your consent; and
                •     Any changes you have been made to your profile.

         1.2.5. What is the “Manage Settings” function?
                The “Manage Settings” function allows you to configure what information is
                displayed in MyInfo, and to choose your preferred mode of receiving notifications.
                You can choose howyour income & CPF information is displayed in MyInfo, and
                   can choose to be notified when:
                •     Your profile has been modified; and/or
                •     A digital service has extracted your profile data for pre-filling purposes.

                You may choose to receive your notifications via mobile SMS or email. You can
                update your mobile number and e-mail via your SingPass contact detail page here.

         1.2.6. Why can’t I log-in to MyInfo?
                Please ensure that you have keyed in the correct password. If you are still unable
                to log-in, your MyInfo Profile may have been inactivated due to security and data
                privacy reasons. Please contact the MyInfo Helpdesk for assistance.

         1.2.7. How do I navigate my MyInfo profile?
                On the MyInfo landing page, you will be able to select various info sections of your
                profile by clicking on the corresponding icon at the bottom of the cover image titled,
                “Personal”, “Contact”, “Income & CPF”, “Employment & Education”, “Family”
                and “Other”. Clicking these icons will take you to the relevant section of your profile

         1.2.8. I am an Employment Pass / Work Permit holder but my occupation is
                inaccurately reflected on my profile. How do I amend it?
                Your employer will need to inform the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) of any changes
                in your employment details via the iSubmit function here. Please select request
                type ‘Work Pass Application Matters (Excluding Work Permit)’ if you are an S Pass
                or Employment Pass holder when submitting the document.

                For work permit holder, your employer needs to fill in the ‘Change of Work Permit
                holder’s occupation’ form and submit it through request type ‘Amendment of
                Information/Particulars for Foreign Workers and Foreign Domestic Workers’ here.

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                Your profile will reflect the updated employment details after MOM has approved
                the amendment.

         1.2.9. Why is my MyInfo profile inactive and how can I reactivate it?
                There are several reasons why your MyInfo profile may be inactive:
                      1. Your SingPass account is no longer valid;
                      2. Your employment pass or work permit is no longer valid; or
                      3. Your MyInfo profile has been inactivated by the system administrator due
                         to security and data privacy reasons.

                You may contact the MyInfo Helpdesk for assistance to reactive your profile.

         1.2.10. Who should I contact if I have issues with my MyInfo profile?
                You may contact the MyInfo Helpdesk for issues relating to your MyInfo profile.

         1.2.11. Who should I contact if I have digital service related issues?
                For issues relating to specific digital services, please contact the respective
                organisation you are transacting with. You may contact the MyInfo Helpdesk for

         1.2.12. What is the hotline for the MyInfo Helpdesk?
                Our hotline number is +65 6643 0567.

         1.2.13. What are the opening hours for the MyInfo Helpdesk?
                Our operating hours are from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm (Mondays to Fridays) and from
                8.00 am to 2.00 pm (Saturdays). We are closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.

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                1.3. MyInfo Data Related Queries

                      1.3.1. For government digital transactions, what data will be retrieved upon
                             SingPass authentication?
                              Personal data relevant to the transaction, such as the data found on your NRIC,
                              will be pulled into forms upon SingPass authentication.


        Residential Status                                                          Source Agency
Singapore Citizen                   Data Field                            Singapore Citizen
   / Permanent         Foreigner                                             / Permanent      Foreigner
     Resident                                                                  Resident
        ✔                           1. NRIC Number                                ICA             -
                          ✔         2. Foreign Identification Number               -             MOM/ICA

        ✔                 ✔         3. Name (as in NRIC)                          ICA            MOM/ICA

        ✔                 ✔         4. Sex / Gender                               ICA            MOM/ICA

        ✔                 ✔         5. Race                                       ICA            MOM/ICA
        ✔                           6. Dialect                                    ICA                -
        ✔                 ✔         7. Nationality                                ICA            MOM/ICA

        ✔                 ✔         8. Date of Birth                              ICA            MOM/ICA

        ✔                 ✔         9. Country of Birth                           ICA            MOM/ICA
        ✔                           10. Registered Address                        ICA                -
        ✔                           11. Type of Housing                         HDB/URA              -
        ✔                           12. Marital Status                           MSF                 -
        ✔                           13. Marriage Date                            MSF                 -

        ✔                           14. Divorce Date                             MSF                 -

                  ✔                 15. Occupation                                 -               MOM

                  ✔                 16. Name of Employer                           -               MOM
        ✔                           17. Secondary Race                            ICA                -
        ✔                           18. Residential Status                        ICA                -
        ✔                           19. Passport Number1                          ICA                -
✔                                   20. Passport Expiry1                          ICA                -

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            1.3.2. For government digital transactions, will all my data be automatically
                     No. The Government takes your privacy seriously. Consent will always be sought
                     for transactions that require confidential government-verified data, such as your
                     yearly income and CPF statements, before it continues.


    Residency Status                         Data Field                             Source Agency

    SC       PR       F                                                     SC            PR          F

        ✓        ✓   ✓    1. Yearly Assessable Income                     IRAS           IRAS       IRAS
    ✓        ✓       ✓    2. Year Assessed                                IRAS           IRAS       IRAS
        ✓        ✓   ✓    3. Ownership of Private Residential Property    IRAS           IRAS       IRAS

        ✓        ✓        4. CPF Contribution History                     CPFB          CPFB           -

        ✓        ✓        5. CPF Account Balances (OA/MA/SA)              CPFB          CPFB           -

            1.3.3. For transactions with commercial entities, what data will be retrieved from
                   my MyInfo Profile?
                     Commercial entities can only request personal data that is required for their
                     forms and to process your transaction. Consent will always be sought before any
                     personal data is retrieved.
            1.3.4. How can I update my Name/Sex/Date of Birth/Nationality/Country of
                   Birth/Race/Dialect in MyInfo?
                     These fields are government-verified, and reflect what has been registered with
                     the government.

                     To find out more about changing your residential address, please click here

                     To find out more about changing your Name in your NRIC, please click here

                     To notify MOM of changes if you are a Work Permit holder, please click here

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                To notify MOM of changes if you’re an Employment Pass holder, please click here

                Click here for a full listing of government-verified fields available in MyInfo.

         1.3.5. My marital status in my profile is incorrect. How do I update my marital
                The marital status in MyInfo reflects your marital status as it is registered with the
                Government. To update this field, please contact MSF via email at

         1.3.6. My school/occupation is not in the dropdown list. How do I update the Name
                of School/Occupation fields in MyInfo?
                The Name of School and Occupation fields are free-text fields; if you cannot find
                your school or occupation on the dropdown lists, you can enter the name of your
                school or occupation and save the changes.
                In the example below, “Sous Chef” is not found in the dropdown list. However, you
                can save “Sous Chef” as your occupation.

         1.3.7. Why wasn’t my financial information auto-filled on the digital service form,
                like the rest of my information?
                Upon SingPass authentication, MyInfo will auto-populate forms by pulling your
                personal data, such as name, NRIC and address, across participating government
                agencies. However, financial data such as yearly income and CPF statements will
                always require your consent before retrieval.

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         1.3.8. Why isn’t my financial information showing up in my MyInfo Profile?
                Due to scheduled maintenance during low transaction periods, IRAS and CPF
                information will be unavailable at the following times:
                CPFB:      Every day 5:00 am to 5.30 am
                IRAS:    Every Wed, 2:00 am to 6:00 am
                           Every Sun, 2:00 am to 8:30 am
                           (UTC +8hours)
                We seek your understanding as GovTech is working with CPFB and IRAS to
                minimise the inconvenience.
         1.3.9. How current is my financial information, taking into account the down time?
                Your latest CPF and IRAS information is reflected in MyInfo.

         1.3.10. Why is my CPF information not available? I am transacting outside of the
                 scheduled maintenance periods.
                If your CPF information is not reflected in MyInfo, please contact the MyInfo
                Helpdesk at +65 6643 0567 or email Our operating hours
                are from 8 am to 8 pm (Mondays to Fridays) and from 8 am to 2 pm (Saturdays).
                We are closed on Sundays and public holidays.

         1.3.11. My CPF information appears to be incorrect. How do I fix this?
                If you find any discrepancies in your CPF information please email the MyInfo
                Helpdesk at +65 6643 0567 or email Our operating hours
                are from 8 am to 8 pm (Mondays to Fridays) and from 8 am to 2 pm (Saturdays).
                We are closed on Sundays and public holidays.

         1.3.12. Why can’t I see other CPF information besides what is displayed in MyInfo?
                 Where can I see it?
                Upon your consent, MyInfo only retrieves your CPF account balances (Ordinary
                Account, Special Account, Medisave Account, Retirement Account if applicable)
                and your CPF employment-related contribution history (up to the past 15 months)
                to fill in digital services forms. Other CPF information will not be retrieved. Please
                visit to view other CPF information.

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         1.3.13. I received an error message from MyInfo when I tried to retrieve my CPF
                 information to transact. What happened?
                MyInfo was unable to retrieve your CPF information at the time. Please contact the
                MyInfo Helpdesk at +65 6643 0567 or email Our
                operating hours are from 8 am to 8 pm (Mondays to Fridays) and from 8 am to 2
                pm (Saturdays). We are closed on Sundays and public holidays.

         1.3.14. How can I print my CPF Contribution history in MyInfo?
                MyInfo aims to bring convenience to users when they transact online by allowing
                government-verified information, such as the CPF contribution history, to be
                transmitted on their behalf upon their consent. It is not meant to replace the existing
                website where the source information resides.

                To print out your CPF statement, please log in to the CPF Portal to retrieve your
                CPF statements.

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Compilation of FAQs


          Residency Status                                Data Field

     SC        PR            F

                ✓            ✓     1. Passport Number

                ✓            ✓     2. Passport Expiry

      ✓         ✓            ✓     3. Mailing Address

      ✓         ✓            ✓     4. Billing Address

      ✓         ✓            ✓     5. Contact Number (Home)

      ✓         ✓            ✓     6. Monthly Household Income

      ✓         ✓            ✓     7. Vehicle Number

      ✓         ✓            ✓     8. Relationship Data

      ✓         ✓            ✓     9. Highest Education Level

      ✓         ✓            ✓     10. Year of Graduation

      ✓         ✓            ✓     11. Name of School Attended

      ✓         ✓                  12. Occupation

      ✓         ✓                  13. Name of Employer

      ✓         ✓            ✓     14. SingPass Mobile No.

      ✓         ✓            ✓     15. SingPass Email

                             ✓     16. Dialect

                             ✓     17. Marital Status

                             ✓     18. Marriage Date

                             ✓     19. Divorce Date

                 “SC” – Singapore Citizen, “PR” - Permanent Resident, “F” – Foreigner

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         1.3.15. Why are some fields on MyInfo non-editable?
                Some of your personal data fields have been validated and retrieved from the
                relevant source agencies. As any changes would have to be verified by the
                relevant source agencies, such fields have been made non-editable. For more
                information, click on the tooltip icon beside the field name.

         1.3.16. My government-verified information is incorrect. What should I do?
                Government-verified fields are validated by various relevant source agencies.
                Please contact the relevant Agency to update your Government-verified fields if
                they are incorrect. Do refer to the tooltips to the right of each field for instructions
                on contacting the Agency responsible for updating the information.

                Please note that it will take approximately 1 working day for your MyInfo profile to
                reflect the updated data after verification by the relevant Agency.Where does the
                data for MyInfo come from?
                Your personal data is pulled from various participating public agencies. The full list
                of source agencies can be found here.

         1.3.17. Will the Government include more data fields in the future?
                The Government will be looking to increase the number of relevant data fields
                available on MyInfo in order to make your profile more comprehensive and useful
                for your future transactions.

         1.3.18. If I edit or change my data on MyInfo, will the data changes be updated
                 across all participating agencies?
                No. MyInfo does not forward your data to any organisation without your consent.
                Your personal information will only be shared (or passed on) when you perform a
                digital service transaction.

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    1.4. Privacy Related Queries

         1.4.1. Will the Government be using data from my profile for other purposes? (e.g.
                research, policy studies, etc.)?
                No. The data in your profile is only managed and used by you.
         1.4.2. Will commercial entities be using data from my profile for other purposes?
                (e.g. research, policy studies, etc.)?
                No. The data in your profile is only managed and used by you.
         1.4.3. Who else can access the information on my MyInfo profile?
                Due to the sensitive and confidential nature of your personal data, only you will
                have access to the information on your MyInfo profile. No personal data will be
                shared with participating digital services until you have authenticated yourself with
                your SingPass login.

         1.4.4. Will the system administrators and Helpdesk staff be able to view my
                personal data?
                MyInfo’s central system administrators and Helpdesk staff will not be able to
                access or view the personal data on your profile.

         1.4.5. After my data is shared for the purposes of a digital service transaction, will
                the digital service have access to all my MyInfo profile personal data?
                Participating digital services will only retrieve the required data fields as specified
                in the online forms at the point of transaction. No additional information will be

         1.4.6. Why is my consent required for certain transaction?
                When using MyInfo with government digital services, your consent is required to
                retrieve financial information from your MyInfo Profile.

                When using MyInfo with commercial entities, your consent is required before any
                personal information is retrieved from your MyInfo Profile.

                This “consent-based” approach ensures that your data is not shared without your

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Compilation of FAQs


    2.1. Helpdesk Escalation

         2.1.1. What is the helpdesk escalation procedure?
                The Agency helpdesk may receive MyInfo related queries directly from the public.
                The query should be resolved by the Agency with the support of the MyInfo FAQs,
                and Step-by-Step Manual. If the Agency is unable to close the query, it should then
                be escalated to the MyInfo helpdesk.

         2.1.1. When should I route a call from my Agency to the MyInfo central helpdesk?
                When a query is received, the Agency helpdesk should refer to the following
                documents including the MyInfo FAQs, and the Step-by-Step Manual to provide a
                resolution for the query.

                If a query cannot be resolved at your Agency, the helpdesk agent or customer
                service representative should escalate the case using an escalation template to
                the MyInfo Central Helpdesk via the dedicated hotline number +65 6643 0567 or
                via e-mail at

         2.1.2. What should I do if a user calls to update information on his / her MyInfo
                If a user calls in to update his / her MyInfo profile, the Agency’s helpdesk should
                determine the type of information that the caller wishes to update.

                If the caller would like to update a user provided data field, the Agency’s helpdesk
                should guide the user through the “View & Edit Profile” process.

                If the user would like to update a government-verified data field, the Agency
                helpdesk should indicate that these changes cannot be done manually. The
                relevant source Agency/agencies will have to be contacted for these updates to be

    2.2. Other Support Related Queries

         2.2.1. Can I inactivate or reactivate the MyInfo profile on behalf of the user?
                MyInfo’s central system administrators are the only ones able to inactivate or
                reactivate MyInfo profiles under permitted circumstances.

         2.2.2. Am I able to view or access a user’s MyInfo profile?
                Your Agency’s helpdesk support will not be able to access or view information on
                a user’s MyInfo profile.

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Compilation of FAQs

         2.2.3. Can I make profile changes or updates on behalf of the user?
                You will not be able to make profile changes on MyInfo on behalf of the user. If you
                are the source Agency representative, your Agency’s protocol must be followed in
                order to update the user’s personal information.

         2.2.4. Can I view transactions associated to a user’s MyInfo profile?
                MyInfo’s central system administrators are the only ones able to view the
                transaction history of users’ profiles under permitted circumstances.

         2.2.5. Can I select a preferred mode of notification on behalf of the user?
                Any changes to the preferred mode of notification can only be effected by the user.

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Compilation of FAQs

  This document should be distributed to all internal stakeholders within your Agency, particularly
  to your Agency’s helpdesk staff, customer service managers, and any other parties affected by
  the implementation of MyInfo. You may extract the relevant suggested responses for sharing with
  the public via your Agency’s or digital service’s website.
  In addition, all media-related queries will be managed by CMG, GovTech. Hence, please direct
  all media-related queries on MyInfo to Medha Lim (; 6211-1622) or
  Henna Jayabalan (; 6211-1203)

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