Page created by Katie Allen
               April 4, 2021             WORSHIPPING TOGETHER


     PADUA, PARK FALLS         PADUA SCHOOL                 BUTTERNUT                 ASSISI, FIFIELD
St. Anthony of Padua:                 Immaculate Conception :                          St. Francis of Assisi:        http://icbutternut.weebly. com

                                                                       Fr. Shaji Joseph Pazhukkathara
                                                                       Chet Ball, Robert Schienebeck
                                                                       Cluster / St. Anthony Office:
                                                                       276 So. 5th Ave.,
                                                                       Park Falls, WI 54552
                                                                       Phone: 715-762-4494
                                                                       Fax: 715-762-0079
                                                                       Rectory: 715-762-5435
                                                                       Daycare: 715-762-2024 ext. 5
                                                                       Daycare Director: Chealyn Damrow
                                                                       Parish Email:
                                                                       Secretary: Joan Page
                                                                       Immaculate Conception Office:
                                                                       410 Michigan St.,
                                                                       Butternut, WI 54514
                                                                       Phone: 715-769-3644
                                                                       Secretary: Tammy Radlinger
                                                                       St. Francis of Assisi:
                                                                       W7231 Balsam St.,
                                                                       Fifield, WI 54524
                                                                       Contact number: 715-762-4494
                                                                       Religious Education:
                                                                       SA C.R.E.: Kathy Rominske
                                                                       SA Confirmation: Rick Harter
                                                                       IC C.R.E.: Sandy Kennedy
                                                                       IC Confirmation: Bette Hirtreiter
                                                                       Online Bulletin:

Northwoods Catholic Community Worshipping Together
                                            Cluster Information
   ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION                                                            D a i l y M a ss o n Y o u T ub e
   If you are not able to come together to celebrate
    Mass and receive communion, please find time                             For Daily Mass and message please subscribe to
          to pray and receive Jesus spiritually.                             •      Fr. Shaji's YouTube channel: https://
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the                           
Most Holy Sacrament.        I love You above all                                    UCpOFFB5Z1tWhpzOuUXFMAhw
things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
                                                                             or go to the Facebook accounts of:
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacra-
mentally, come at least spiritually into my                                  •      St. Anthony Religious Education:
heart. I embrace You as if You were already                               
there and unite myself wholly to You. Never                                         SAPreligiouseducation.parkfalls.wisconsin/
permit me to be separated from You. Amen
                                                                             •      Immaculate Conception Catholic Church:
      Services listed below are livestreamed.
   You can watch on Facebook or you can go to                                •      St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church:
      YouTube and search for Fr. Shaji Joseph                             
  Pazhukkathara. When you watch the first time,
  please subscribe, it will automatically send you                           Once you go to any of these Facebook accounts you can
                                                                             watch there or you can subscribe to Fr. Shaji’s YouTube
                                                                             channel or search Fr. Shaji Northwoods Catholic Commu-
April 5, 2021 Monday                                                         nities.
Monday within the Octave of Easter                                                Let us keep distance physically from each other
 8:30 a.m. No Mass                                                                           and stay close in prayer.
                                               Live Streaming Schedule

 8:30 p.m. Rosary
April 6, 2021 Tuesday                                                                       CROSS CATHOLIC OUTREACH
Tuesday within the Octave of Easter                                          Dear Parishioners,
 5:00 p.m. Mass                                                                  Cross Catholic Outreach wishes to thank you
 8:30 p.m. Rosary                                                            for the welcome you extended to Father
                                                                             Pazhukkathara on our recent visit to your parish.
April 7, 2021 Wednesday                                                      On behalf of the poorest of the poor, we thank you
Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
 8:30 a.m. Mass                                                              for having shared in their lives. May our Lord
 8:30 p.m. Rosary                                                            continue to bless all of you for your love and
April 8, 2021 Thursday                                                        Yours in Christ,
Thursday within the Octave of Easter                                           Jim Cavnar, President
10:30 a..m. Mass
 8:30 p.m. Rosary
April 9, 2021 Friday                                                                              HAPPY EASTER!
Friday within the Octave of Easter
 8:30 a.m. Mass                                                                  We prayed, fasted and gave alms--and now we rejoice
  8:30 a,m, Rosary                                                                                          because Christ is risen! Our
                                                                                                           Lenten journey with CRS Rice
April 10, 2021 Saturday                                                                                   Bowl challenges us as we begin
                                                                                                           the Easter season to share the
Saturday within the Octave of Easter                                                                       joy of having a loving God that
 4:30 p.m. Mass                                                                                             is alive and accompanies us
 8:30 p.m. Rosary                                                                                           always. Let”s do he same by
                                                                                  being present to our global family by caring for their
April 11, 2021 Sunday                                                            material and spiritual needs. Don’t forget to turn in your
Divine Mercy Sunday                                                               CRS Rice Bowl at St. Anthony’s Church by April 11,
 8:00 a.m. Mass                                                                     2021, or donate online at
 9:30 a.m. Mass

Northwoods Catholic Community Worshipping Together
            St. Anthony of Padua                                         Immaculate Conception
Contribution Envelopes for St. Anthony’s are                    Daily Service: Daily word/communion services
available for pick-up at the church entrances. If               have resumed. They are held Monday, Tuesday,
your last name begins with A-L, your envelopes are              Thursday and Friday at 8:00 am. With Mass on
located at parking lot entrance; and if you last                Wednesday, which is streamed on YouTube, at 8:30
name begins with M-Z they are at the 5th Avenue                 a.m.
                                                                Rice Bowls: Please turn in your Rice Bowls by
                                                                either dropping them off at the office or putting
Contribution Statements: Your contribution                      them in the collection basket. Thank you for your
statement can be found in the vestibule.                        generosity!
                                                                Mass Information: The readings for each day,
                                                                including Sunday, can be found on the USCCB
                                                                worship.homiletics/.index.cfm. Go to the Readings
                                                                for this Sunday. Also, there is an app for your
                                                                smart phonefor the “Laudate” site. It has all the
                                                                prayers said during mass.

                                                                The Mass is live streamed in the parish hall, with                                    seating available. Please social distance & wear
        NOW HIRING!                                             masks. Thank you!

        Job Opening- Maintenance position
                                                                April Religious Ed. Calendar: Faith Formation
St. Anthony of Padua is looking for a part-time
                                                                April 7: Grades 1-5      1:50-2:50
maintenance person.
Approximately 20 hours.                                                  Grades 6-10 6:30-8:00
Main description: Mowing the lawn, snow removal,
upkeep of the building, and so on.                              April 10: 1st Eucharist Retreat for Grade 2
Please send a cover letter, resume, work                           @ St. Anthony’s       8:30-11:30
experience, and reference to:
                                                                April 14: Grades 1-5 1:50-2:50
Application for maintenance position
276 5th Avenue South                                            April 18: 1st Communion Mass at 8:00 a.m.
Park Fall, WI 54552                                             April 21: Grades 1-5 1:50-2:50
email to:
                                                                         Grades 6-10 6:30-8:00

              St. Francis of Assisi                             April 28: Grades 1-5 1:50-2:50

 April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday

In the beauty and hope of Easter, may the joy and love of
the Risen Christ live forever in your heart.                           Charismatic Prayer Meeting
                                                                        (Twice per month, on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays)
St. Francis Parish wishes everyone in our Northwoods
Community Cluster a Blessed Easter. Easter and Spring                            April 13, 2021
season brings new beginnings to our lives. Leave the                Meet in the Padua Center after 5pm Mass
things we have no control over behind us and focus on the
things we can make better for ourselves, family and                          For questions or more information,
friends.                                                                      please call Jim at 715-762-2916

Northwoods Catholic Community Worshipping Together
                  Mass Intentions                                              Sharing Our Treasures
Mon., April 5: Monday -Octave of Easter
  8:30 am † No Mass                               SA           St. Francis of Assisi:
Tues., April 6: Tuesday -Octave of Easter                      Adult                                             $      408.00
  5:00 pm Jim Kundinger                          SA            Loose                                             $       35.00
Wed., April 7: Wednesday -Octave of Easter                     Good Friday                                       $       10.00
  8:30 am † Richard Preisssner                    IC           Catholic Herald                                   $       20.00
Thurs., April 8: Thursday-Octave of Easter                     Total weekly contribution                         $      473.00
 10:30 am † Don Mockler                           SA
Fri., April 9: Friday-Octave of Easter                         St. Anthony of Padua
  8:30 am Richard Radlinger                       SA           Adult                                             $ 1533.00
Sat., April 10: Saturday-Octave of Easter                      Loose                                             $ 179.00
4:30 pm † Northwoods Catholic Communities         SA           Catholic Services Appeal                          $ 260.00
Sun., April 11: Divine Mercy Sunday                            EFT                                               $ 475.00
  8:00 am John Ernst, Sr.                        IC            Donations                                         $ 3056.00
  9:30 am Jim Thibedeau                          SA            Catholic Herald                                   $   20.00
11:00 am † Dale and Dewey Lannigan               SF            Total weekly contribution                         $ 5523.00
                                                               Immaculate Conception:
                                                               Adult                                             $ 1949.00
                                                               Loose                                             $ 143.00
                                                               EFT                                               $   65.00
                                                               World Concern Collection                          $   20.00
                                                               Total weekly contribution                         $ 2177.00

                                                               Electronic Funds Transfer for Weekly Offering:
 Pray for healing and good health                                Northwoods Catholic Communities’ parishes offer
    of mind, body, and spirit:                                 safe and secure electronic funds transfers for your of-
                                                                fering. Authorization forms can be picked up at the
Jude Alberts, Cyndi (Page) Anliker, Frank Baroka,
                                                                          office, mailed or emailed to you.
Dakota Bass, Craig Christian, Amy Cuddeback, Brian
                                                                 If you have any questions, please call the parish offices at:
Cuddeback, Lee Cuddeback, Mary Lou Cuddeback,
                                                                   Immaculate Conception--------715-769-3644
Bootsie Ertl, Bob Farkus, Joe Feit, Mary Feit, Sondra
                                                                   St. Anthony or St. Francis-----715-762-4494
Fischer, Jim Foley, Joanne Freiberger, Lorraine Furtak,
Josie Gotz, George Gunderson, Susie Habeck, Janice
Hoefferle Hammond, Bill Hein, Susan Hensley-Their,
Dick Herbst, Pat Hocher, Mark Hoffman, Janet
Hutchinson, Bob Jirschele, Tami Johnson, Mary Kempe,
Geneva Kilger, Adilynn Killinger, Neil Koshak, Dan
Kundinger, Rick Kundinger,Sr. Irene Kundinger, Linda
Lazarski, Fr. Ron Levra, Cliff Lindberg, Gene Lynch, Max        Please patronize our advertiser of the week!
Marvin, Fern Meyer, Theresa Meyer, Nola Michalski,
Bob & Grace Mongan, Theresa Nagel, Bonnie
Patterson, Kristin Pritzl, Pete Pritzl, Bob Rybak, Geri                    Angel Acres Farm
                                                                             “Where Heaven Meats Earth”
Schmidt, Kathy Schroeder, Brittany Seeger, Alana &
                                                                   Certified Organic & Sustainable Farm - 100% Berkshire Pork,
Heidi Slife, Susan Stanke, Scott Straetz, Diego Surman,                    Grass Fed Beef, Fresh Free-Range Eggs & more
Tom Teeters, Leigh Thompson, Curt Walker, Joan Weis,                             715-765-4298
Sandy Wendland, Ryan Wienke, Margaret Wolfe                        
PLEASE…. NOTIFY THE PARISH OFFICE OF ANY UPDATES                         Jeff and Eileen McCutchen

Northwoods Catholic Community Worshipping Together
 Pray;er to                                                    DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY is April 11, 2021! Our
                                                               cluster will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at
    Saint Joseph                                               2:30p.m. on April 11 at St. Anthony’s.
    Prayer by Pope Francis                                     Pope John Paul II proclaimed: “It is important then
                                                               that we accept the whole message that comes to
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the                  us from the Word of God on this Second Sunday
Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his                  of Easter, which from now on throughout the
only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you               Church will be called Divine Mercy Sunday.
Christ became man.
Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.. Obtain for us
grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from
every evil. Amen.

Please join Father Shaji for the Walk with St.
Joseph and rediscover the beauty of his life.
You can find this on You tube.
                                                                         2020/21 Catholic Services Appeal
                                                               Did you know CSA Funding for Catholic For-
       2020/21 Catholic Services Appeal                        mation supports and facilitates the Church’s mis-
      Online Giving to Catholic Services Appeal:               sion of providing opportunities for ongoing faith
 SA:           formation for adults? This includes, but is not lim-
 giving                                                        ited to baptism preparation, parenting, RCIA and
 SF:       adult Confirmation, men’s ministry, women’s min-
 IC:          istry, marriage enrichment and help for troubled
 giving                                                        marriages, separated/divorced support, bereave-
              G o al           Received        Remaining
     SA      $33,648        $14,081 (42%) $19,567              Online Giving to the Catholic Services Appeal provides
     SF      $ 4,834        $ 1,415 (29%) $ 3,419               donors with a secure and easy way to make a gift to the
     IC      $10,599        $ 2,140 (20%) $ 8,459              Catholic Services Appeal. Our parishes are automatical-
                                                               ly credited with your gift. For more information visit the
                                                                          Catholic Services Appeal website at
  Prayer for Clergy, Religious & Lay Leaders                           

Eternal Father, Thank you for the clergy,                       “Spirituality   and Poetry”
seminarians, religious women, staff and lay
leaders in our Diocese. I lift them all up to you,             April 14 - Wednesday 1:30- - 3:30 p.m. (Zoom)
but especially, name today. Sanctify them. Heal                Presenter: Elizabeth Amman, OP
and guide them. Continue to mold them into
the likeness and holiness of Your Son, Jesus, the              Sacred voices have left behind great nuggets of
Eternal High Priest. May his life be pleasing to               wisdom and God’s love for us. We will share
You. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.                              writing s from famous saints, leaders, people,
April 5)    Rev. Joseph Stefancin                              and poets from our day too. Register by April
April 6)    Rev. Thomas Thompson                               10th, 2021 .
April7)     Very Rev. James Tobolski
April 8)    Rev. Gerard Willger
April 9)    Rev. Andy (Barg) Anderson                          *from Marywood Spirituality
April10)    Rev. James Bartelme
April 11)   Rev. James Horath
Northwoods Catholic Community Worshipping Together
                                     Father Shaji’s Weekly Message
                                                 He is Risen! Alleluia!!
A couple of years ago I had the privilege to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We had the privilege to make the Way
of the Cross to Calvary and celebrated Mass at the Church of Holy Sepulcher. It was a faith filed moment. Calvary is not
a huge hill, considering where Jesus went to pray or where He transfigured, Calvary is a small one. Why? I don’t think
Romans want to climb the huge hill to kill somebody. They chose Calvary for their own convenience. For Jesus, it is not
just walking up the hill. He was scourged, crowned with thorns, and carrying the cross. He was carrying our burdens.
Jesus’ crucifixion site and Jesus’ tomb are in the Church of Holy Sepulcher.

The Old Testament readings of Easter Vigil recites the covenant history of salvation, beginning with creation and ex-
tending to the prophetic promises of a New Covenant. The first reading is from the Book of Genesis, we read the crea-
tion story (1:11-2:2). In the second reading from the book of Genesis, Abraham is asked to sacrifices his only son (22:1-
18). It is the high point of Abraham’s covenant relationship with God and blessing on his descendent. On Good Friday,
Our Heavenly Father allows his only begotten Son crucified on Calvary. In the third reading from the book of Exodus,
Israelites marched on dry land through the midst of the sea (14:15-15:1). At Easter Vigil, there is baptism and Christian
initiation take place. The parting of the sea is a critical Old Testament type of baptism.

The next two readings are from the book of Isaiah. In the fourth reading, the Lord will with his enduring love, resume
his covenant love for Zion and rebuild with precious stones and grant it righteousness and prosperity (54:5-14). This
reading shapes the mind of the believer, especially those who are receiving the Sacraments, about the dual reality of the
church as both Bride and Temple. The fifth reading is also from the book of Isaiah, which is an invitation for a meal.
The Lord’s thoughts and ways are higher and His Words will not return empty (55:1-11). This passage is associated with
the Gospel of Matthew (14:13-21) the account of the feeding of the five thousand. Ultimately it leads to Eucharist. This
reading prepares us to reaffirm our faith and particularly those who prepared to receive the Sacrament for the first time.
The sixth reading is from the book of Prophet Baruch which talks about wisdom and law (3:9-15, 32-4:4). It is an invita-
tion to walk towards the splendor of the Lord, live the faith to the full. The seventh reading is from the book of Ezekiel
tells about the restoration of Israel (Ezekiel 36:16-17, 18-28). The Lord will gather the Israelites from exile, cleans them
by sprinkling the clean water, and give them a new heart and a new spirit, so they can grow in the law of love. The Sac-
rament of the Baptism is the new cleansing and Holy Spirit renewing the heart to grow in the law of love.

In the Gospel of Matthew, we read an Easter Vigil, “After the Sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning; Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.” An ancient homily on Holy Saturday notes that “God has died in
the flesh and hell trembles with fear. He has gone to search for our first parent, as for a lost sheep. Greatly desiring to
visit those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death, he has gone to free from sorrow the captives Adam and Eve,
he who is both God and son of Eve.” Jesus on Easter Sunday morning does a new creation, brought new life. Easter
morning marks the day of Christ’s victory over death and sin.

This Easter experience is a past event, a present reality, and future hope. Easter is a celebration of present reality: Jesus
lives! Jesus died and rose again in the past, but that Jesus lives among us and within us right here, and right now. This is
our Easter proclamation. We experience his presence in our lives in many beautiful ways.

Easter is the celebration of future hope. When we are baptized we are given a share of the Resurrection of the Lord, we
become a new creation. Our hope is that we will share in the fullness of the New Life Jesus won for us through His suf-
fering and death. It is our hope in Christ that helps us endure challenges like the coronavirus. The coronavirus has
brought the pain of sickness, uncertainties, and confusion, but our faith gives us hope, beyond this pain and struggles,
Easter Sunday tells us there is hope. The fullness of hope and happiness is Eternal Life.

                                           Happy Easter to everyone!

Northwoods Catholic Community Worshipping Together
Religious Education/RCIA                         Children’s Column

                               Daily Novena Prayer to St. Joseph
                               March 10 to March 18

                               March 10th onwards every day at the end of the Mass we will say
                               the Novena Prayer to St. Joseph. March 19th we will celebrate the
                               Feast of St. Joseph. Please come and join daily Mass and Novena
                               to St. Joseph. If you are not able please join online. In this Year of
                               St. Joseph, in a special way ask the intersession of St. Joseph.

                               The special indulgences granted by the Holy See for the
                               Year of St. Joseph:
                               · Meditate for at least 30 minutes on the Our Father
                               · Participate in a spiritual retreat of at least one day that
                               includes a meditation on Saint Joseph
                               · Perform a corporal or spiritual work of mercy
                               · Recite the Holy Rosary in families and between the husband
                               and wife
                               · Entrust their work daily to the protection of Saint Joseph and to
                               all believers who invoke with their prayers the intercession of the
                               worker of Nazareth
                               · Pray the litany of Saint Joseph (for the Latin tradition)
                               · Pray any lawfully approved prayer or act of piety in honor of
                               Saint Joseph, for example, “To you oh blessed Joseph,”
                               especially on:
                               March 19th (Solemnity of St. Joseph)
                               May 1st (Feast of St. Joseph the Worker)
                               December 26th (Feast of the Holy Family)
                               The 19th day of every month
                               Every Wednesday

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