NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation

Page created by Franklin Coleman
NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation
         PARKS &

FALL 2021

NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation

EVENTS                                                              VIRTUAL
Geocaching.......................................... 4              .Adult Certificates & Courses....25-28
Halloween Events............................... 5                   Art for All Ages....................................24
Holiday Light Contest........................4                      Barre...................... ...................................20
September Concerts......................... 4                       Cooking Classes.................................. 23
                                                                    E-Sport Leagues..................................24

IN-PERSON                                                           Fitness Classes.................................29-31
Art - All Ages......................................... 7           Gardening................................................22
Archery.................................................... 7       Mah Jongg..............................................22           INDOOR HEALTH
Dance....................................................... 29     Pilates.......................................................29    & SAFETY
Dog Training........................................... 8
Driver’s Education................................ 8
                                                                    SAT Prep..................................................22
Fitness Classes.................................. 18-21             Tickets                                                             For the health and safety of our
                                                                                                                                        staff and all our participants, to
Goat Yoga........... .................................... 21                                                                            prevent the spread of COVID-19,
                                                                    Pick up in the office..............................3
                                                                                                                                        Northampton Township Parks
Ice Skating & Hockey .................... 14-16                     Print at Home with Promo Code......3                                and Recreation will comply with
Pickleball................................................ 12                                                                           CDC, PA State, and Bucks County
                                                                                                                                        Department of Health guidelines.
Sports................................................... 11-13          UNDERSTANDING
                                                                                                                                        Programs may be canceled at
Tae Kwon Do and Karate ...................13                             ERS / R / NR FEES                                              anytime if there is a change in these
                                                                                                                                        guidelines due to COVID-19. If you
Tennis........................................................ 17       • Early Registration Savings
                                                                          (ERS) is for residents of                                     choose to register for in-person
Volleyball.................................................. 17           Northampton Township.                                         classes and activities, you will be
                                                                          Residents are entitled to the                                 asked to comply with the protocols
                                                                          Early Registration Savings Fee                                upon entering any facility that is
    The Northampton Township                                              (ERS) when registering at least                               hosting a Parks and Recreation
                                                                                                                                        sponsored program. Protocols are
    Board of Supervisors and the                                          seven calendar days prior to
                                                                          the first day of class.                                       posted at the Recreation Center and
    Parks and Recreation Board
                                                                                                                                        online at NORTHAMPTONREC.COM.
    and Staff are committed                                             • Residents (R) is for residents
                                                                          of Northampton Township.                                      Thank you for your cooperation and
    to providing Northampton
                                                                        • Non-Residents (NR) is for                                     consideration of others!
    Township residents with
                                                                          participants not residing in
    quality recreation programs &
                                                                          Northampton and must pay the
    facilities.                                                           non-resident (NR) fee.
                                                                                                                                        ADVERTISE YOUR
                                                                                                                                        BUSINESS WITH
    Adam Selisker, Chairman
                                                                      DO YOU HAVE A TALENT                                              NTPR!
    Eileen Silver, Vice Chair                                         THAT YOU WANT TO                                                  Link your business with
    Dr. Kimberly Rose, Treasurer                                      SHARE WITH OTHERS?                                                Northampton Parks & Recreation
    Frank O’Donnell, Secretary                                         Parks & Recreation is always                                     as Website or Brochure Sponsor.
    Barry Moore, Member                                                looking for new programs.                                        You’ll get a “Bang for your
    PARKS & RECREATION BOARD                                           Call 215-357-5396 today!                                         Buck” with affordable, local
    Steve Bryer, Chairman
                                                                                                                                        For more information, visit:
    Jim Hembree, Vice Chairman                                                                                                 or call
    Mary Anderson, Secretary                                                                                                            215-357-6800 to customize your
    John Bishop, Member                                                                                                                 advertising needs.
    Marty Wade, Member
NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation

                                                                                                         ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAGIC?
2021 DISCOUNT                                                                                             YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN THE
TICKET PROGRAM*                                                                                          SOCIETY OF YOUNG MAGICIANS
We are pleased to announce that some attractions will be offering                                      Meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays at
discounted tickets this summer. Tickets are available at the                                           7:00 at the Recreation Center starting in September 23rd!
Administration Building, 55 Township Road, Richboro. Monday thru
                                                                                                              No worries, budding magicians are welcome
Friday 8:45 am to 4:15 PM. Pay by cash, credit card or check (checks
accepted only from Northampton Township residents). For more
                                                                                                                    to drop in throughout the year
information and ticket availability call the Parks and Recreation                                       The S.Y.M. helps gain confidence, improve reading skills
Office at 215-357-6800 ext 249. Purchase your tickets early as
                                                                                                       and helps make new friends who share similar interests.
supplies may be limited. Prices are subject to change. All sales final.
                                                                                                       For information contact Arlen Solomon at 215-696-2442
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT     GATE                              PARKS &             YOUR
THE PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE PRICE                             REC PRICE           SAVINGS              or or visit
  ADULT (AGE 13 & OVER)                          $39.31         $28.00              $11.31
  CHILD (AGES 2-12)                              $25.45         $20.00              $5.45                BUS
  reservations#currentGA Enter your information and the ticket barcode when prompted.
  Choose the day and time of your visit. Bring the reservation email and your ticket to Check-
  In. Arrive promptly on the day of your visit; call to reschedule if you will be more than an a
  half hour late. There is no time limit on how long you can stay, so take your time and be sure
  to SEA everything!
                                                                                                         Bus trips will not be presented in the Fall as Parks
    ADULT (12 AND OVER)                              $39.95          $34.00              $5.95
                                                                                                         & Recreation plans to wait a bit longer to ensure
     CHILD (3-11)                                    $29.95          $26.00              $3.95           safe travel procedures for all.
     SENIOR (65 AND OVER)                            $34.95          $30.00              $4.95
                                                                                                         But there are lots of adventures for you to
PRINT TICKET AT               GATE                              PARKS &             YOUR
                                                                                                         enjoy at your leisure, at home, anytime. Visit the
THE PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE PRICE                             REC PRICE           SAVINGS              Recreation website and click the travel link to
                                                                                                         start your journey. There are so many places to
                                                                                                         discover on your computer or device: near or far,
  SINGLE DAY (AGES 3 AND OVER)                   $89.99          $64.00              $25.99
                                                                                                         recreational or educational, fun or frivolous, and
  SINGLE DAY (AGES 3 AND OVER)                   $63.99          $37.00              $26.99
                                                                                                         many options in between.
BUSCH GARDENS/WATER COUNTRY USA                                                                          Check back to the website often for possible
  2-DAY/2-PARK TICKET         $116.99                            $73.00              $43.99              future trips for the holidays and 2022.
                                                 $114.99         $107.00             $7.99
  (Due to various limited-time promotions, all EZTicket prices are subject to change throughout
  the season. Please check attraction’s website for current pricing.)

MUSEUM OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION                                                                                        NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP
  ADULT GENERAL ADMISSION                        $21.00          $16.00              $5.00                             300TH ANNIVERSARY
  CHILDREN GENERAL ADMISSION                     $13.00          $10.00              $3.00
                                                                                                                   SLOGAN WINNER
                                                                PARKS &
                                                                REC PRICE
                                                                                    SAVINGS                          ANNOUNCED
CRAYOLA EXPERIENCE - EASTON, PA                                                                           In May 2021, the 300th Anniversary Committee announced
  ADMISSION (AGE 3 AND OVER)                     $24.99         $20.00              $4.99                the Slogan Contest and over 70 submissions were received.
SIX FLAGS GREAT ADVENTURE, JACKSON, NJ                                                                     All of the well-thought out and creative entries made the
   REGULAR (3 & OVER) THEME PARK $79.99                         $35.99              $44.00
   HURRICANE HARBOR WATER PARK $49.47                           $29.99              $19.48
                                                                                                           choice very difficult. Special thanks to everyone who put
                                                                                                            their time and effort into making this contest exciting!
MOVIE TICKETS                                                                                                                The results are in!
What is better than seeing a movie on the big screen?                                                           The winner of the 300th Anniversary Slogan
We have the tickets for you! Discount Tickets are available                                                    “Cherishing the Past, Celebrating the Present,
and can be purchased at the Township Administration                                                                     Welcoming the Future!” is…
Building, 55 Township Road., Richboro. Movie tickets
                                                                                                                          NANCY SAUERS
never expire.
                                                              GATE            SALE                       The committee is currently planning special events, sports,
                                                              PRICE           PRICE
                                                                                                         recreation and a community festival to honor Northampton
  PREMIER MOVIE TICKETS - REGAL CINEMA                        VARIES          $9.50                         Township’s heritage and build a stronger community
  AMC THEATERS (NOT VALID IN NJ, NY, CA)                      VARIES          $9.00                                         through celebration!

NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation

   MINI GOLF AT MUNICIPAL PARK                                                    DATES              Friday, September 10, 17, 24

   There is still time to enjoy the outdoors before the sun goes                  TIME               4:00–6:40 PM
   down! Anywhere Miniature Golf will be offering 18 holes of                                        Weather permitting
   mini-golf behind the Playground Pavilion. Sanitizing and social                LOCATION           Municipal Park
   distance protocols will be in place. Get a hole in one on the 9th
   or 18th hole to receive a free ice cream (up to $ 2 value) at the              FEE                $5 cash, 2 years and under play for free
   park concession stand!

                                                                             THE MIX
         JOIN US FOR 2 CONCERTS                                              SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 @ 5:00 PM
         IN SEPTEMBER                                                        Authentic harmonies, unique blend of music from the 60’s
         ADMISSION IS FREE!                                                  through the 80’s and all the hits you want to hear.

         Bring a lawn chair or blanket for seating.                          * Come early to enjoy a display of vintage and classic cars that will be
         RAIN or SHINE!                                                      showcased by local car enthusiasts on the walkway leading to the
         For more details, visit
                                                                             THE FABULOUS GREASEBAND
         WHERE                  Northampton Municipal Park                   FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 @ 6:30 PM
                                281 Hatboro Road, Churchville                Highly entertaining and energetic delivery of the greatest
                                Inclement weather on concert day?            dance songs. Bring the family, neighbors and friends.
                                Check the website after 3 PM the day
                                of the concert for updates.                  Come early and enjoy dinner! Tim’s Barbecue Food Truck will be at
         FREE!                  All ages welcome!                            the Amphitheater serving up delicious barbecue delights.


  Geo-what?! Geocaching is a worldwide treasure hunt that utilizes a handheld GPS unit and
  mind-bending clues. It’s a real-life adventure game where puzzles and challenges await you
  at each turn of the trail. Experienced staff will guide you as you learn how to use a GPS for
  geocaching, explore the outdoors as you search for hidden containers and solve a geocaching
  course. Puzzles and challenges await you at each turn of the trail. The hunt is on!

  Please wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. Bring a smart phone or a GPS device
  will be provided. Instruction provided by: GeoVentures, Inc.

   DAY         DATES     TIME                 INSTRUCTOR                  LLOCATION
                                                                           et’s GEOCACHE! Adventure Awaits at the Northampton Municipal Park.

                                                                           Northampton Municipal Park
   Saturday    10/2      9:00 AM - Noon       GeoVentures, Inc.     Geo-what?!  Geocaching is a worldwide treasure hunt that utilizes a handheld GPS
                                                                    unit and mind-bending clues. It’s a real-life adventure game where puzzles and
                                                                    challenges await you at each turn of the trail. Experienced staff will guide you as
  Resident: $5 per person ($18 for family of 4) | Non-Resident: $7 per person ($25 for family of 4)
                                                                    you learn how to use a GPS for geocaching, explore the outdoors as you search for
  Call 215-357-6800 ext. 256 for special pricing for larger families, scout, church or business groups.
                                                                    hidden containers and solve a geocaching course.
  Includes 2 hours of hands-on geocache hunting, navigation device       & “survival refreshments”.
                                                                    Puzzles and challenges await you at each turn of the trail. The hunt is on!

  MUNICIPAL PARK CHALLENGES                                               Please wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. Bring a smart phone or a GPS
                                                                          device will be provided. Instruction provided by: GeoVentures, Inc.

  Whether you walk in the Municipal Park by yourself, with your friends Where:
                                                                         or as a family, Parks Municipal
                                                                                    Northampton    &         Park – Amphitheater
  Recreation will keep you ACTIVE & ENGAGED this Fall with more challenges. Some are games,
                                                                        When:       SATURDAY, October 2, 9:00 am - Noon ( Rain date- TBD )
  some lift your spirits, some make you think and explore, while a few give you a chance to win
                                                                        Who:       Children 8 yr. thru adult. Register as individuals, families or
  a prize. And there are more to come in the months ahead. So, keep a lookout for    signs on the
                                                                                   groups ( scout troops, churches, synagogues, businesses,
  park paths and KEEP WALKING & ENJOYING!                                          team building).

                                                                                        Price:      Resident: Resident $ 5 per person ( $ 18 for family of 4)
                                                                                                    Non- Resident:       $ 7 per person ( $ 25 for family of 4)
VISIT US AT NORTHAMPTONREC.COM                                                4
                                                                                                    Call 215-357-6800 ext. 256 for special pricing for larger
                                                                                                    families, scout, church or business groups. Includes 2 hours
                                                                                                    of hands-on geocache hunting, navigation device & “survival
NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation

                                                      HALLOWEEN IS BAAA-ACK..
                                                       Mixing up old traditions with new ones!

      SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30                                                          45TH ANNUAL

Decorate your vehicle (Halloween or themed)
to be part of the Halloween parade.
Prize money will be awarded for:
  o Most Original
  o Funniest                                                        NORTHAMPTON MUNICIPAL PARK
  o Most Over the Top
  o Best Halloween Theme
                                                                        Saturday, October 30
  o Best-in-Show.                                                        11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Dress in costume to complement your display.
Your car will be located at the parking               This event is Free, however Pre-Registration on the P&R website is highly
                                                      encouraged to help us for planning purposes. Walk ins are welcomed.
lot behind the Maureen M. Welch School,
adjacent to the Municipal Park. Contestants           Please bring a Chair or Blanket for your seating comfort
from the Halloween parade and general public          Free Treat Bags for the first 300 children 12 yrs. & under, while supplies last.
will pass by your vehicle, as part of the parade      Refreshments will be available for sale along with 50/50 chances from the
route, to view and judge your creativity for          NORTHAMPTON LIONS CLUB.
prizes. LIMITED SPOTS, so register soon!
                                                      11:00 AM		         PARADE CHECK-IN
                                                      11:15 AM 		        ENTERTAINMENT & DJ
                                                      12:00 PM		         COSTUME PARADE (by age category)
    SCARECROW                                         Ongoing entertainment includes: Friendly Fortune Teller, Balloon art, face
    ROW                                               painting and more. Walk the decorated paths of Broomstick Alley, Pumpkin
                                                      Way, and cast your votes for favorites at Scarecrow Row or Trunk or Treat
    CONTEST                                           displays.
                                                      Halloween Parade: Let your creativity flow and dazzle the judges.
    SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31                                COSTUME CATEGORIES & PRIZES:
                                                      2 yrs. and younger.… Ages 3-5.…Ages 6-8…. Ages 9-12….Family Group….
                                                      New! Best Costumed Pet and Best Pet with owner(s)
                                                      Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 winners in each category.
                                                      FOR DETAILS, VISIT WWW.NORTHAMPTONREC.COM
                                                                         SPONSORSHIPS & ADS
Entries will be judged by the “People’s Vote”.      Parks and Recreation has many opportunities for business owners
Gift cards will be awarded for each category:
Winners will be announced Nov. 1 on the P&R
                                                   and residents to promote a business or help support one or many of
website. Scarecrow Row will be a part of the       the programs and special events through volunteerism or donations.
Halloween Parade route on Sat. Oct. 30. for
all to enjoy!                                                To find out more about ways to help and/or advertise,
                                                   contact Betty Satterley at 215-357-6800 ext. 256 or
Register online at: or
call 215-357-6800 x256
NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation

                                      SENT FROM THE                                                                                                                                                                                            LIGHT THE NIGHT
                                      OFFICE OF SANTA                                                                                                                                                                                       HOLIDAY LIGHT CONTEST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Proud of your holiday decorating skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and want to show them off?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Love seeing the neighborhood houses decorated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and want to see more?
                  Dear Children,                                                                                                                                                                                                            Then this is for you! Participate, Vote or do both!
                  Mrs. Claus and I are very excited to make the trip                                                                                                                                                                        PARTICIPANTS
                  back to Northampton Township this upcoming                                                                                                                                                                                The Top 3 “People’s Choice” winners will be
                  holiday season.                                                                                                                                                                                                           selected by total votes
                  Mrs. Claus wanted to let you know that she is                                                                                                                                                                             •      Register your home or business holiday display on
                  planning to read bedtime stories to you as she has                                                                                                                                                                      Free to participate
                  in the past. She will first check her busy schedule                                                                                                                                                                       •      Your address (no names), will be pinned on a google map
                  and determine what way is best for YOU to see her                                                                                                                                                                                that will be posted on the P&R website.

                  and also check with the Reindeer as well.                                                                                                                                                                                 •      Lights/display must be on each night beginning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Friday, December 10 between 5—10 PM.
                  As we plan new ways to keep in touch with you, we
                  ask that Mom, Dad and family members keep their                                                                                                                                                                           PRIZES
                  eyes out for e-blasts and website information. Our                                                                                                                                                                        1st place: Light the Night trophy and $100
                  friends at Northampton Parks & Recreation will                                                                                                                                                                            2nd place: $75
                  have more details in the coming months. And I hear                                                                                                                                                                        3rd place: $50.
                  they have many outdoor holiday ideas planned at                                                                                                                                                                           Winners will be announced the week of 01/03/22
                  the Municipal Park so be sure to check them out.                                                                                                                                                                          VOTERS (Viewing & Voting: 12/10–12/31)
                  So YES, we plan to celebrate the season with the                                                                                                                                                                          •      Check the NTP&R website,,
                  children of Northampton Township and beyond.                                                                                                                                                                                     Facebook or Instagram for the link to the google map.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Registered houses will be waiting for your visit.
                  Until then, stay well!                                                                                                                                                                                                           Please stay in your car!

                  Santa, Mrs. Claus                                                                                                                                                                                                         •      Vote for your favorite display by emailing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and indicate the house number &
                  and all of the Elves and Reindeer                                                                                                                                                                                                address. (1 entry per email address)

                                                                                                   TRAIL OF CHEER                                                                                                                                       Celebrate Your Holiday Season.
                    Take a walk for the holidays and enjoy the wonders of the
                  Take a walk for the holidays and enjoy the wonders of the holiday season.
Stroll the paths of the Northampton Municipal Park and take in the sights and sounds during daylight
                                                                                                                                                     Take a walk for the holidays and enjoy the wonders of the holiday season.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A live tree will be displayed at the
                                                                                                                                   Stroll the paths of the Northampton Municipal Park and take in the sights and sounds during daylight

                  holiday season. Stroll the paths of the Northampton Municipal
hours. Sing and carol along with a recording from the Bucks County Women’s Chorus at stations along
    the walkway starting at the Amphitheater. With a push of a button you can enjoy the melodies
                                           of holiday favorites.
                                                                                                                                   hours. Sing and carol along with a recording from the Bucks County Women’s Chorus at stations along
                                                                                                                                       the walkway starting at the Amphitheater. With a push of a button you can enjoy the melodies             Northampton Municipal Park for all to decorate!
                  Park and take in the sights and sounds during daylight hours.
                                                                                                                                                                              of holiday favorites.
 Continue your walk to delight in the festive decorations on the trees leading up to the Wetzel Pavilion.                           Continue your walk to delight in the festive decorations on the trees leading up to the Wetzel Pavilion.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Place one ornament on the tree to share
  The Rock United Girl Scout Service Unit will adorn the mall area with their outdoor visions of the                                 The Rock United Girl Scout Service Unit will adorn the mall area with their outdoor visions of the

                  Sing and carol along with a recording from the Bucks County
                                    holiday season for all to enjoy.                                                                                                   holiday season for all to enjoy.
Displays will be available for viewing starting Dec. 6 thru the end of December, weather dependent.                                   Displays will be available for viewing starting Dec. 6 thru the end of December, weather dependent.

                    Women’s Chorus at stations along the walkway starting at
                                            With special thanks to:                                                                                                              With special thanks to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     with the Community. Share a part of your
                  the Amphitheater. With a push of a button you can enjoy the
                       ROCK UNITED SERVICE UNIT
                                                                                                                                                            ROCK UNITED SERVICE UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tradition for all to enjoy.
                                     melodies of holiday favorites.
                              Take a walk for the holidays and enjoy the wonders of the holiday season.
                   Stroll the paths of the Northampton Municipal Park and take in the sights and sounds during daylight
                 Continue        your walk to delight in the festive decorations on the                                                                                                                                                          Let’s fill the tree with the spirit of the season.
                   hours. Sing and carol along with a recording from the Bucks County Women’s Chorus at stations along
                  trees     leading       up attothethe    WetzelWith    Pavilion.
                                                                            a push of a The
                                                                                        button Rock      United      Girl
                       the walkway   starting
                 Scout Service Unit will adorn
                                                                of holiday
                                                                                                you can enjoy
                                                                            mall area with their outdoor
                                                                                                              the melodies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Visit the for details
                    Continue your  walk to delight
                                visions      of the in the festive decorations
                                                         holiday        season on the treesall
                                                                                    for     leading up to the Wetzel Pavilion.
                                                                                               to enjoy.
                             The Rock United Girl Scout Service Unit will adorn the mall area with their outdoor visions of the
                                     Displays will beholiday    available
                                                                      season forfor
                                                                                 all toviewing
                                                                                        enjoy.     starting
                        Displays will6bethru    the
                                         available     end of
                                                   for viewing    December,
                                                               starting              weather
                                                                        Dec. 6 thru the            dependent.
                                                                                        end of December, weather dependent.

                                                                                                            With special thanks to:

                                                                                ROCK UNITED SERVICE UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *NO GLASS ornaments or garland please! Plastic, laminated paper or weather resistant,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        6                     only. Be sure to secure tightly with string or wire fasteners.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                One decoration per person. Ornaments should be disposable. Any lost, stolen or damaged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        items are not the responsibility of P&R .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Parks & Recreation will dispose of all decorations after 12/31.
NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation
                                 ART DEPT. STUDIOS, NEWTOWN PRESENTS:
                                 AFTER SCHOOL ART WORKSHOPS (AGES 6–12)
Is your child ready to unleash their creativity? Art Department Studios, Newtown is bringing Art
Workshops to the Rec! Each month, children will explore the design process with hands-on projects.
Every workshop is different—pottery painting, mosaics, fused glass, canvas painting and clay sculpting!
Class size is limited to 10—register now! Projects will be fired at the studio and available for pick up at
the Rec Center in about 10 days!

 DAY        PROJECT                                         DATES   TIME               INSTRUCTOR     LOCATION      CLASS #

            Slab Pencil Holder: Artists will use
            pencil holders using the slab technique!
            Participants will then decorate their pencil    9/27                                                    6976
            holders to match the décor in their bedroom
            for a perfect desk accessory!

            Monster Pinch Pots: Artists will create pinch
            pots and turn them into monsters just in time   10/18                                                   6977
            for Halloween!                                                                            28 Richboro
                                                                                       Art Dept.
 Monday                                                             5:00–6:30 PM                      Road
            Handprint Turkey Pinch Pots: Artists will                                                 Newtown
            create an adorable turkey using the pinch
                                                            11/15                                                   6978
            pot they make and a tracing of their
            handprint for its feathers!

            Ceramic Cookie Plate: Artists will get to
            design and paint their own cookie plate,
                                                            12/13                                                   6979
            perfect for any upcoming holidays, the
            winter season, or just for fun

Fee: ERS $35 | R $39 | NR $45

Archery is a universal lifetime sport—anyone can do it! Archery develops upper body and core strength
along with balance and hand-eye coordination.

Exploring Archery (Beginner): introduces the sport. All equipment is provided. Helps students practice
precision and proper form. Students develop at their own pace in a safe and fun environment

Intermediate Archery: Already mastered the basic fundamentals? Ready to refine your technique? Here
is the next step! Learn different skills and form mechanics that will make your bow work for you!
 DAY        LEVEL              DATES              TIME              INSTRUCTOR                     LOCATION           CLASS #

                               9/21-10/26         4:00-4:45PM                                                         7094

                               9/21-10/26         5:00-5:45PM                                                         7095
 Tuesday                                                                                           Rec Center Gym
            Ages 6-17
                               11/16-12/21        4:00-4:45PM                                                         7096

                               11/16-12/21        5:00-5:45PM                                                         7097
                                                                    Shooting Star
                                                                    Archery Academy
                               10/9-11/13         9:00-9:45AM                                                         6703
            ages 6 -12
                               10/9-11/13         10:00-10:45AM                                                       6704
                                                                                                   Veteran’s Park
 Saturday                                                                                          234 Durham Rd.
            Beginner                                                                               Newtown
                               10/9-11/13         11:00-11:45AM                                                       6705
            ages 13 & up

                               10/9-11/13         11:00-11:45AM                                                       6709
            (ages 10 - 17)

Fee: R $155 | NR $175
NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation

                    Approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, this 30-hour course covers all of the skills and
                    subjects necessary to prepare drivers to take the road. It is an extensive education program that teaches
                    students the most important topics that they will use every day in the real world driving atmosphere.
                    Check with your insurance company for information on discounted rates relating to Driver’s Education pro-
                    grams. Classes are conducted under the direction of: Mr. Bruce Duncan, Duncan School of Driving, Inc.
                    Classes are theory only. Arrange for “in car” instruction directly with Mr. Bruce Duncan at 215-357-0989.

                     DAY                   DATES             TIME                INSTRUCTOR                                LOCATION          CLASS #

                     Monday/Wednesday      9/20–10/20        6:30–9:30 PM        Bruce Duncan, Duncan School of Driving       Rec Center     6968

                    Dee: ERS $80 | R $89 | NR $99 10 Classes

                    Join a master gardener and get inspired to actively garden throughout the cold weather. Prepare your
                    garden soil for over-wintering, compost leaves, save your own seeds, plant spring flowering bulbs, care for
                    perennial vegetables and flowers, take cuttings to preserve plants, store frost sensitive roots and rhizomes,
                    raise salad greens indoors and sprout seeds for their freshest flavor. Bring your questions and share with
                    the group!
                     DAY        DATES      TIME                     INSTRUCTOR                    LOCATION                                   CLASS #

                                                                    Mary Crum,
                                                                                                  Newtown Township Administration
                     Saturday   10/9       2:00 - 3:00 PM           Penn State Master Gardener                                                6967
                                                                                                  Building, 100 Municipal Dr., Newtown
                                                                    60 years experience

                    Fee: ERS $10 | R $12 | NR $15

                     NEW IN-PERSON A TASTE OF FENCING (AGES 8-16)
                    Lunge into something different! Fencing is fun, safe, exciting, and a great form of exercise! It sharpens
                    your agility, balance, confidence, reflexes and even your mind! This course is designed as an introduction
                    to fencing. Attendance at first class is mandatory. Classes taught by certified Fencing instructors.
                    All necessary equipment will be provided.
                     DAY                   DATES             TIME                INSTRUCTOR                LOCATION                          CLASS #

                                           9/11-9/25                                                                                         6948

                     Saturday              10/16-10/30       2:00-3:00PM                                                                     6951

                                           11/6-11/20                                                      Laceworks Complex                 6953
                                                                                 Bucks County Academy
                                                                                                           287 S. Main Street
                                                                                 of Fencing
                                           9/14-9/28                                                       Lambertville                      6949

                     Tuesday               10/5-10/19        5:15-6:15PM                                                                     6950

                                           11/2-11/16                                                                                        6952

                    Fee: $119

                    Positive reinforcement based techniques will be taught using food, toys and affection as a reward.
                    This group course will cover topics such as eye contact, position changes (sit, down and stand),
                    leash skills, come/recall, house training and so much more! Each dog should be at least 2 months
                    old, accompanied by an adult (18+) and we highly recommend all age appropriate vaccines be
                    administered prior to your first class (please check with your Veterinarian for guidance.) Older dogs
                    welcome. Instructor reserves the right to remove a dog from the class at her discretion.
                    DAY            DATES                 TIME                        INSTRUCTOR              LOCATION                    CLASS #

                                                                                     Donna Meszaros, 25      Municipal Park
                    Saturday        9/25-10/23              9:30–11:00 AM                                                                6868
                                                                                     years of experience     Pavilion 2

                    Fee: ERS $170 | R $187 | NR $199 | 5 weeks

NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation
Are you wondering if dance is right for your preschooler? Or are you just looking for a class for your child
to move and have fun? Look no further! Little Stars Dance is the perfect introduction to creative dance
and basic tumbling through strength training. Join us! We can’t wait to start dancing!

 DAY                     DATES                                 TIME                INSTRUCTOR           LOCATION               CLASS #

 Wednesday               10/6 - 11/3                           1:30–2:15 PM        Kelli Robbins        Recreation Center      6891

 Wednesday               11/17 - 12/22 no class 11/24)         1:30–2:15 PM        Kelli Robbins        Recreation Center      6892

Fee: ERS $38 | R $42 | NR $48 | 5 weeks

Do you have a tiny dancer? Ballet for Tots is the perfect introduction to dance class through the basics
of ballet. Your child will enjoy learning in a warm and friendly atmosphere with an experienced ballet
instructor. Not only will you discover if dance is right for your little one, but this class will also enhance
your child’s rhythm, balance, flexibility, and posture.
 DAY            DATES                                  TIME                   INSTRUCTOR             LOCATION                 CLASS #

 Thursday       9/23 - 10/28                           5:00 - 5:45 PM                                                         6886
                                                                              Elena Lydon             Recreation Center
 Tuesday        11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)          5:00 - 5:45 PM                                                         6887

Fee: ERS $48 | R $53 | NR $60 | 6 weeks

Get those petite feet moving! Your child will learn proper ballet technique, vocabulary, and tap
fundamentals. He/she will begin to memorize dance movements in a sequence set to music. This class will
foster self-confidence and enhance rhythm, balance, flexibility and posture all while having fun! Has your
child taken Ballet/Tap already and is ready to move to the next level? The NEW intermediate level will
offer your little dancer the opportunity to level up!
 LEVEL & AGE       DAY              DATES                                TIME                 INSTRUCTOR         LOCATION     CLASS #

                                    9/23 - 10/28                         5:45 - 6:30 PM                                        6888
 Beginner                                                                                                        Recreation
                   Thursday                                                                     Elena Lydon
 (ages 5-7)                                                                                                      Center
                                    11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)        5:45 - 6:30 PM                                        6889

  NEW                               9/21 - 10/26                         5:00 - 5:45 PM                                        6943
 Intermediate      Tuesday                                                                      Elena Lydon
 (ages 5-8)                         11/16 - 12/21                        5:00 - 5:45 PM                                        6890

Fee: ERS $48 | R $53 | NR $60 | 6 weeks

Is your preschooler ready for action? Then he/she is ready for a fun-filled, non-stop 45 minutes of catch-
ing, throwing, dodging, jogging, kicking, rolling, throwing, and MORE! Group and individual activities with
an emphasis on building self-esteem, confidence, and fair play are planned for this high energy class! Don’t
miss out on this exciting introduction to physical education!

 DAY                       DATES                TIME                  INSTRUCTOR                   LOCATION                     CLASS #

                             10/4-11/1                                                                                          7101
 Monday                                         1:30–2:15 PM          Coach Vince Prozzillo        Recreation Center
                             11/15–12/13                                                                                        7102

Fee: RS $57 | R $63 | NR $71 | 5 weeks

NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP PARKS & - FALL 2021 - Northampton Township Parks & Recreation
 PRESCHOOL POTPOURRI                                                                              REGISTER
 (AGES 3–5)                                                                                        TODAY

 Your little one is discovering more and more each day. With improved coordination and
 thinking, the world begins to open up for preschoolers. Northampton Township Preschool
 Potpourri introduces preschoolers to art, math, science, and social skills in a natural sequence
 to nourish learning one step and a time. Preschool experience is critical, as it helps 3 and 4
 year old children develop the academic and life skills that will carry them into adulthood. Your
 child will learn, grow and play in a warm and caring environment. Preschool Potpourri has been
 the preschool experience of choice for many Northampton Township families. Our certified
 teaching staff is second to none. If your child turns three before October 15, 2021 and you would
 like more information about the preschool, visit the website at or
 contact Barbra Primavera, Program Supervisor at 215-357- 5396.

   AGE                 DAY                         TIME                       2020–2021 RATES PER MONTH

                       Tuesday, Thursday                                      $160
                       Monday, Wednesday, Friday                              $208
                                                    9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
   4+                                                                         $340
   4+ Kindergartners                                                          $380

 Yearly tuition is divided into 10 payments (Sept. thru June). A non-refundable $50 registration fee, not applied
 toward tuition is required to hold a spot in the 2021–2022 program. For non-residents a one time $30 non-
 resident fee is due with first payment. Must be completely potty trained and 3 years old by 10/15/2021. Due to
 COVID restrictions, availability is limited. Call now to reserve your spot!

                                                                               ENJOYING THE
                                                                               PARKS WITH YOUR
                                                                               BEST FRIEND?

                                                                                REASONS WHY TO SCOOP POO...

                                                                                •    Rain washes dog waste into ground and storm drains
                                                                                     which pollutes water, making drinking water unsafe

                                                                                •    Dogs’ waste is unhealthy and may contain harmful
   NORTHAMPTON JAMES E. KINNEY                                                       organisms such as E. Coli, campylobacter, parasitic

         SENIOR CENTER                                                               worms, toxoplasma and giardia. This presents a health
                                                                                     hazard for other pets and humans!
                                                                                •    Others step in it
• Bright 3,000 sq. ft room, seating for up to 200 people                        •    It’s your Duty and the LAW to Scoop your Dog’s Poop!
• Retractable partitions allow for smaller room size                                 Not picking up after your dog is punishable by a fine of
• Tables and chairs provided                                                         no more than $1000 or 90 day imprisonment. Township
• Staff will be on site to ensure that everything goes as                            Ordinance §2-105
  planned for your celebration or event.                                        Thank You for Being a Responsible Dog Owner!
• For additional information contact Sheila Jobs at 215-357-

                                              FOR ALL AGES
Learn soccer skills in a fun, non-competitive, educational environment! Through the use of fun, ready-
for action games and challenges, each player will learn the characteristics to become a successful
soccer player. The 2-3 year old class requires parent participation, due to COVID. The coaches cannot
give hands on guidance. No matter the level, Super Soccer Stars is the place to be!
Due to Covid - 19, the 2 - 3 year old class requires parent participation. The instructors cannot give
hands-on guidance. Shin Guards Recommended. Please bring your own soccer ball

  DAY                DATES                           AGE                   TIME                      LOCATION                   CLASS #

                                                                           8:00 - 8:40 AM                                       6984
                                                     Parent & Me: 2–3
                                                                           8:45 - 9:20 AM                                       6985
                     9/19 - 10/24
                                                     6-8                   9:30 - 10:30 AM                                      6986

                                                     8 - 10                10:45 - 11:45 AM                                     6987

                                                      4-5                  11:55 AM-12:45 PM                                    6988

                                                                           8:00 - 8:40 AM                                       6989
                                                     Parent & Me: 2–3                                Recreation Center
                                                                           8:45 - 9:20 AM                                       6990

                     11/7 - 12/19 (except 11/28)     6-8                   9:30 - 10:30 AM                                      6991

                                                     8 - 10                10:45 - 11:45 AM                                     6992

                                                     4-5                   11:55 AM-12:45 PM                                    6993

                     9/23 - 10/28                                                                                               6764
  Thursday                                           6 - 10                6:45–7:45 PM
                     11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)                                                                              6765

 Fee: ERS $109 | NR $125 | R $135 | 6 weeks

SSS Scrimmage Games are an opportunity for players to continue their soccer learning through guided
play. In addition to specific technical skills, players will learn teamwork, effort, focus and problem
solving. Playing in a game setting will help further develop your soccer star’s on-field skills and love of
the game.

 DAY                 DATES                           TIME                INSTRUCTOR            LOCATION                  CLASS #

                     9/23 - 10/28                                                                                        6996
 Thursday                                             5:30 - 6:30 PM      Super Soccer Staff    Recreation Center
                     11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)                                                                       6997

Fee: ERS $109 | R $125 | NR $135 | 6 weeks

Instructional and recreational basketball program for children. Players are taught the basics of
dribbling, passing, shooting, positioning, defense, and rebounding in a fun-oriented program. Then
they apply what they’ve learned in low competition games.

 LEVEL                 DAY             DATES                            TIME              LOCATION        INSTRUCTOR     CLASS #
 Little Hoop Stars     Thursday         11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)   5:30–6:30 PM      Welch           Jump           6938
                                                                                                                                              FILL FAST
                                                                                                                                            REGISTER NOW!
 Hoop Stars            Thursday         11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)   6:30 - 7:30 PM                                   6940

Fee: ERS $90 | R $99 | NR $112 | 6 weeks                                                                                                  VISIT US AT NORTHAMPTONREC.COM


                     IN-PERSON PICKLEBALL (AGES 18 & UP)
                     Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the nation... and now it’s here in Northampton! This mini-
                     tennis game is a mix of tennis, badminton and ping pong for two to four players. It’s easy to learn
                     and fun for all ages! If you are interested in trying something new, fun and social, and/or enjoy a
                     workout, this is the sport for you.

                     Pickleball Clinic – Learn the fundamentals of pickleball including game rules, scoring and basic
                     strategies to give you the tools you need to enjoy the game, with both practice and play each
                     week. Intended for beginners and players new to the sport. Paddles and balls will be supplied.
                     Pre-registration required. No drop-ins permitted.
                      SESSION   DAY          DATES                               TIME                   INSTRUCTOR   LOCATION            CLASS #

                                             9/21-10/26* (no class 10/12,
                                                                                 6:30PM-7:30PM                                            7088

                                             9/21-10/26* (no class 10/12,
                                                                                 7:30PM-8:30PM                                            7089
                                                                                                                     Holland Middle
                                             11/2-12/7                           6:30PM-7:30PM          Eric         School.              7090
                      Clinic    Tuesday
                                                                                                        Lundquist    400 East Holland
                                             11/2-12/7                           7:30PM-8:30PM                       Rd. Holland          7091

                                             12/14-1/18 (no class 12/28)         6:30PM-7:30PM                                            7092

                                             12/14-1/18 (no class 12/28)         7:30PM-8:30PM                                            7093

                     Fee: *ERS $55 | R $59 | NR $65 | 4 Weeks ERS $66 | R $71 | NR $81 | 5 Weeks

                     Junior: Skilled instructors will help Junior Golfers grow by teaching techniques to improve their skills
                     and instilling responsibility, acceptance, maturity, and patience - both on and off the course. All while
                     having fun! Teaching Professionals David Carey and John Petrie create a desire for the game of golf
                     as the participants learn and enjoy the time outside!
                     Adult: Come unwind after work and improve your skills! Whether you are a beginner or a weekly
                     golfer there is always room for improvement. We will work on all facets of the game - irons, woods,
                     short game and putting. Register early...Spots will fill fast!

                      LEVEL           DAY        DATES                TIME              INSTRUCTOR             LOCATION                 CLASS #

                      Junior                     9/9 - 10/7
                                      Thursday                         4:30 - 5:30 PM                                                   7022
                      (ages 7-15)                (no class 9/16)
                                                                                        David Carey,           Northampton Valley
                                                                                        over 15 years          Country Club,
                                                                                        of teaching            299 Newtown-
                                                 9/9 - 10/7                             experience             Richboro Road
                      Adult           Thursday                         5:30 - 6:30 PM                                                   7023
                                                 (no class 9/16)

                     Fee: ERS $80 | R $85 | NR $95 | 4 weeks || NO CLUBS, NO PROBLEM! GOLF ATTIRE REQUIRED

  •   ART WORKSHOPS                                      BACK FROM 2019:
  •   FENCING                                            • GAMES GALORE
  •   INTERMEDIATE BALLET & TAP                          • ADULT & JUNIOR
                                                           GOLF CLINICS


       Northampton Shotokan is committed to keeping children active and engaged during this
       challenging time! The Shotokan program is dedicated to developing healthy bodies, sound
       minds and self-esteem, all balanced with a deep respect for others. The Northampton Shotokan
       Karate club will directly support the growth of your child through a variety of classes, progressive
       challenges and individualized instruction. Help your child protect themselves mentally and
       physically, register today!
       Beginner = New Students
       Advanced Beginner = Returning Students There are no contracts to sign and there are no hidden
       fees. All classes are 5 weeks long unless otherwise marked. For more information on the karate
       program, please email Sensei Spivack at

        LEVEL           DAY        DATES                     TIME             INSTRUCTOR              LOCATION               CLASS #

        Beginner                                             6:30 - 7:15 PM                                                  6998
                                   9/21 - 10/26
        Advanced                                             7:30 - 8:15 PM                                                  6999
                        Tuesday                                               Andrew Spivack          Recreation Center
        Beginner                                             6:30 - 7:15 PM                                                  7000
                                   11/16 - 12/21
        Advanced                                             7:30 - 8:15 PM                                                  7001

       Fee: ERS $65 | R $69 | NR $75 | 6 weeks

   This class has been offered at the Recreation Center for over 25 years! Participants will learn
   techniques for defense including: kicking, punching, and blocking. Students will learn discipline,
   respect and gain self confidence through training.

       DAY              DATES                              TIME               INSTRUCTOR                LOCATION            CLASS #

                        9/22 - 10/27                                                                                        6893
       Wednesday                                           5:00–6:00 PM       John McDonald & Staff     Recreation Center
                        11/10 - 12/22 (no class 11/24)                                                                      6894

   Fee: ERS $50 | R $55 | NR $65 | 6 weeks

                                                   DON’T MISS OUT ON CLASS UPDATES.

A fun and highly instructional introduction to baseball for 3-5 year old boys and girls. Players learn the
basics of throwing, catching, fielding, batting, and base running, and then apply what they have learned in
fun, non-competitive games. Sessions are one hour long, one day per week, and include all instruction and
game play in one outing. Jump Start Sports staff coaches provide all instruction. Players receive a Major
League Baseball hat, team tee shirt and award.
 DAY            DATES                                    TIME*                INSTRUCTOR        LOCATION                    CLASS #

                                                         5:30–6:30 PM or      Jump Start
 Tuesday        9/14 - 10/19                                                                    Rec Center - CC260 Field    6937
                                                         6:30–7:30 PM         Sports

Fee: ERS $95 | R $105 | NR $119 | 6 weeks

                                 ICE SKATING
                                 ICE SPORTS (1185 YORK RD., WARMINSTER) OR AT REVOLUTION ICE GARDENS 1621
                                 MEARNS RD, WARMINSTER.
                                 In order to participate in the Learn to Skate Programs listed below all skaters MUST HAVE A LEARN TO
                                 SKATE USA MEMBERSHIP This $16 annual fee is good from July 1 - June 30. Obtain the membership by

                                 The skating rink ice area is cold. Please bring a warm sweater, jacket, gloves or mittens even if its warm
                                 outside. Snow pants are recommended for beginners. Rental skates are included.

                                 IN-PERSON LEARN TO SKATE SNOWPLOW SAM
                                           AND SNOWPLOW SAM TOTS (AGES 3–5)
                                 Designed to build confidence while learning to skate incorporating fun and games making class time an
                                 enjoyable experience for all. Whether you wish to pursue hockey or figure skating or just be able to enjoy
                                 the occasional arena visit with family and friends, Learn to Skate classes are the first step to success!
                                 REGISTRATION INCLUDES *30 minutes of Learn to Skate USA Certified expert instruction *30 minutes of
                                 free practice skating *Skate rental for lessons and practice sessions *Evaluation for advancement to next
                                 class SKATERS MUST HAVE A LEARN TO SKATE USA MEMBERSHIP $16 for annual membership from
                                 July 1 - June 30.
                                  DAY            DATES                            TIME                    LOCATION                 CLASS #

                                  Tuesday        9/14 - 10/19                     4:20 - 5:20 PM                                   6925
                                                                                                          Bucks Ice
                                  Tuesday        10/26 - 12/7 (no class 11/23)    4:20 - 5:20 PM                                   6926

                                  Thursday       9/16 - 10/21                     4:30 - 5:30 PM                                   6927

                                  Thursdays      10/28 - 12/9 (no class 11/25)    4:30 - 5:30 PM                                   6928
                                                                                                          Revolution Ice Garden
                                  Saturday       9/18 - 10/23                     10:50 - 11:50 AM                                 6929

                                  Saturday       10/30 - 12/11 (no class 11/27)   10:50 - 11:50 AM                                 6930

                                 Fee: $99 | 6 weeks

                                 IN-PERSON LEARN TO SKATE BASIC SKILLS (AGES 6 & UP)
                                 These lessons put the FUN in fundamentals as your skaters enjoy learning the basics of ice skating.
                                 Whether you wish to pursue hockey or figure skating or just be able to enjoy the occasional arena visit
                                 with family and friends, Learn to Skate classes are the first step to success! REGISTRATION INCLUDES
                                 *30 minutes of Learn to Skate USA Certified expert instruction *30 minutes of free practice skating
                                 *Skate rental for lessons and practice sessions *Evaluation for advancement to next class SKATERS
                                 MUST HAVE A LEARN TO SKATE USA MEMBERSHIP $16 for annual membership from July 1 - June 30

                                  DAY           DATES                             TIME               LOCATION                     CLASS #

                                  Tuesday       9/14 - 10/19                      4:20 - 5:20 PM                                  6931
                                                                                                     Bucks Ice
                                  Tuesday       10/26 - 12/7 (no class 11/23)     4:20 - 5:20 PM                                  6932

                                  Thursday      9/16 - 10/21                      4:30 - 5:30 PM                                  6933

                                  Thursday      10/28 - 12/9 (no class 11/25)     4:30 - 5:30 PM                                  6934
                                                                                                     Revolution Ice Garden
                                  Saturday      9/18 - 10/23                      10:50 - 11:50 AM                                6935

                                  Saturday      10/30 - 12/11 (no class 11/27)    10:50 - 11:50 AM                                6936


Learn to Play Hockey is a station-based program, which models USA Hockey’s ADM program.
Stations focus on different skills, where players get more reps in each drill. This creates more
opportunities to improve player skills. Stations rotate every few minutes. One station will be
a controlled scrimmage. We focus on the following areas: Skating, Stick Handling, Passing,
Shooting and Positional Play.
What does my child need to join?
*Full equipment is required *To participate in our Learn to Play program, players must be able
to skate. Ideally, players have completed “Learn to Skate” through Snowplow Sam Level 4.
Players can register for Learn to Skate and Learn to Play concurrently, however it is important
to note that the better a player can skate, the more they will get out of their Learn to Play
 DAY              DATES                            TIME                        LOCATION                       CLASS #

 Friday           9/17 - 10/22                      5:30 - 6:30 PM             Bucks County Ice               6903

 Friday           11/5 - 12/17 (no class 11/26)     5:30 - 6:30 PM             Bucks County Ice               6904

 Saturday         9/18 - 10/23                      11:00 AM - 12:00 PM        Revolution Ice Gardens         6905

 Saturday         10/30 - 12/11 (no class 11/27)    11:00 AM - 12:00 PM        Revolution Ice Gardens         6906

Fee: $135 | 6 weeks

Learn to Play Hockey is a station based program which models USA Hockey’s ADM program.
Stations will be set up focusing on different skills to improve. Stations rotate every few
minutes. The last 10 minutes players will have a controlled scrimmage. We will focus on the
following areas: Skating, Stick Handling, Passing, Shooting, and Positional Play. Group are
divided by age and skill level. This is not a hockey league but a skills and drills program. Each
child grows at their own pace. Full equipment is required.

 LEVEL      DAY             DATES                           TIME                          LOCATION                      CLASS #

 8U         Friday          9/17 - 11/12                     6:40 - 7:40 PM               Bucks County Ice              6944

                            12/3 - 2/25 (no class 12/24,
 8U         Friday                                           6:40 - 7:40 PM               Bucks County Ice              6945
                            12/31, 1/14, 2/18)

 12 U       Saturday        9/18 - 11/13                     12:10 - 1:10 PM              Revolution Ice Gardens        6946

                            12/4 - 2/26 (no class 12/25,
 12 U       Saturday                                         12:10 - 1:10 PM              Revolution Ice Gardens        6947
                            1/1, 1/15, 2/19)

Fee: $225 | 9 weeks


                                      TINY TOT FLOOR HOCKEY (AGES 4–8)
                                      In this indoor co-ed tiny tots floor hockey program, players will be placed on teams and taught basic
                                      skills, game safety and sportsmanship. No prior experience necessary. This program will be 10 minutes of
                                      practice with fun drills and a real game following. Jerseys will be provided to first time players.
                                          DAY         DATES                              AGE        TIME               INSTRUCTOR         LOCATION             CLASS #

                                          Thursday    10/7 - 10/28                        4–6       1:30 - 2:15 PM                                             6897

                                          Thursday    11/11 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)*     4–6       1:30 - 2:15 PM                                             6898
                                                                                                                       Coach Vince
                                                                                                                                          Recreation Center
                                          Wednesday   9/22 - 10/27**                      4-8       6:40 - 7:30 PM                                             6901

                                                      11/10 - 12/22
                                          Wednesday                                       4-8       6:40 - 7:30 PM                                             6902
                                                      (no class 11/24)**

                                      Fee: ERS $54 | R $60 | NR $68 | 4 weeks || *ERS $68 | R $75 | NR $85 | 5 weeks
                                      **ERS $81 | R $89 | NR $101 | 6 weeks

YOUTH FLOOR HOCKEY                                                                      ADULT FLOOR HOCKEY
GIRLS & BOYS (AGES 6–15)                                                                (AGES 17 & UP)
Leave the skates behind and join the best (and only) floor hockey                       Thursday Night belongs to Northampton
league in town! Players will have fun, develop hockey and team-                         Adult Floor Hockey! At the start of each
sports skills, and be eligible for end-of-the-season awards. All games                  season, participants are drafted by team
are played on Saturdays. See below for approximate division and                         captains following a scrimmage to show
schedule. 6 and 7 year old who are NEW to playing floor hockey                          off their skills. Games begin the following
and who register for the Fall will receive a 50% discount. You MUST                     week. Registration fills up quickly, and
register by phone at (215-357-5396) by September 10, 2021.                              no additional players may join after the
FALL 2021 SCHEDULE:                                                                     completion of the draft. ALL participants
Mites Division (6 to 9 years-old; 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM)                                    must register as a regular player. If a player
Pee Wee Division (10 to 13 years-old; 11:30 AM, 12:45 PM                                is drafted as a goalie, the household will be
Juniors Division (13 to 16 years-old; 2:30, 3:30 PM)                                    issued a $25 credit.

 DAY        DATES                  TIME               LOCATION         CLASS #           DAY         DATES                        TIME         LOCATION       CLASS #

            9/11 - 12/18           8:00 AM-           Recreation                                                                  8:00 PM -    Recreation
 Saturday                                                              6907              Thursday    9/9 - 12/16 (except 11/25)                               6908
            (except 9/18, 11/27)   4:00 PM            Center                                                                      12:00 AM     Center

Fee: ERS $113 | R $123 | NR $133 | 13 weeks                                             Fee: ERS $118 | R $129 | NR $145


                                 IN-PERSON              ADULT COED VOLLEYBALL (AGES 17 & UP)
                             Do you love volleyball? Looking for a little healthy competition? This very popular, highly competitive
                             recreational league is a great fit for men and women ready to serve up a great game! Players have a
                             moderate to intermediate skill level. If you think you can keep up, don’t wait... Register today!
                                 DAY              DATES                                               TIME                        LOCATION              CLASS #

                                                  9/21 - 10/26                                                                                          6895
                                 Tuesday                                                              7:45 – 9:45 PM              Recreation Center
                                                  11/16 - 12/21                                                                                         6896

                             Fee: ERS $54 | R $60 | NR $68 | 6 weeks

                                 IN-PERSON              SUSAN BOWMAN TENNIS SCHOOL (AGES 4–16)
                             PEE WEE TENNIS:
                             Introduce tennis to your 4-6 year old with a fun and exciting approach! Your up-and-coming tennis player
                             will develop hand-eye coordination along with movement skills. Participants will grow comfortable with
                             equipment and learn the parts of the tennis court. Basic tennis fundamentals and shots are taught
                             through lots of tennis-like games! Racquets available during instruction.
                             JUNIOR TENNIS:
                             Looking for a great place for your junior to start or brush up on tennis basics and advance further?
                             Juniors will improve hand-eye coordination and agility, perform racquet-handling skills, and become
                             familiar with the tennis court. Instructors zero in on building a strong foundation through basic strokes
                             and fun games associated with tennis. Match play is introduced, instructors will meet your junior player at
                             their ability level to foster their growth and love of the game.
                             INSTRUCTORS: Eric Lundquist, Director and Susan Bowman Tennis School Staff

                             Pee Wee, ages 4–6
                             Junior, ages 7-16
                             LOCATION: Tennis moves inside the Recreation Center in inclement weather. Family discounts apply after
                             the first family member participating in the same class. Parking is available behind the Recreation Center.

                                                 DAY                 DATES                            TIME                  LOCATION               LEVEL / CLASS #

                                                                                                                                                   Pee Wee: 7002
                                                 Monday              9/20 - 10/25
                                                                                                                                                   Junior: 7006
                                                                                                                                                   Pee Wee: 7003
                                                 Wednesday           9/22 - 10/27
                                                                                                                                                   Junior: 7007

                                                                                                                                                   Pee Wee: 7004
                                                 Monday              11/8 - 12/13                     5:30–6:30 PM          Recreation Center
                                                                                                                                                   Junior: 7008

                                                                                                                                                   Pee Wee: 7005
                                 INDOOR          Wednesday           11/10 - 12/22 (no class 11/24)
                                                                                                                                                   Junior: 7009

                                                                                                                                                   Pee Wee: 7083
                                                 Friday              11/5- 12/17 (no class 11/26)
                                                                                                                                                   Junior: 7084

                             ERS $89 | R $95 | NR $109 | 6 weeks

                                  SUSAN BOWMAN ADULT TENNIS (AGES 16 & UP) ALL LEVELS
                                   Are you ready to learn or develop your tennis game? Ideal for beginner and intermediate levels,
                                   this class will consist of drills, games and match play. Join us to learn this active, lifetime sport
                                   in a fun and energetic environment under the lights! Register now! In case of inclement weather,
                                   please check your email and text messages for the status of the evening class. Family discount
                                   applies after the first family member. Parking is available behind the Recreation Center.

                                                  DAY             DATES                                      TIME             LOCATION                       CLASS #

                                                                                                                               Recreation Center
                                       Outdoor    Monday          9/20 - 10/25                               6:30–7:45 PM                                    7010
                                                                                                                               Outdoor Courts

                                   Fee: ERS $125 | R $139 | NR $155 | 6 weeks

VISIT US AT NORTHAMPTONREC.COM                                               17
                                 IN-PERSON PILATES (Ages 18 & up)
                                 Focus on strengthening your upper and lower body, abdominal muscles, lower back and buns. Build
                                 strength and stability, improve your flexibility and lower your risk of injury. Register now and start your
                                 journey to feel Leaner, Calmer, Stronger!
                                  DAY         DATE                                        TIME               INSTRUCTOR               LOCATION              CLASS #

                                              9/30 - 10/28                                                                                                  6913
                                  Thursday                                                7:15 - 8:15 PM     Barbara Cavanaugh        Recreation Center
                                              11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)*                                                                                6914

                                 Fee: ERS $45 | R $50 | NR $55 | 5 weeks || *ERS $54 | R $59 | NR $68 | 6 weeks

                                 IN-PERSON TOTAL BODY FITNESS (Ages 18 & up)
                                 A fun and effective program that combines high and low impact aerobics, upper and lower body sculpting
                                 and abdominal toning. Bring a mat/towel and hand weights.

                                  DAY          DATES                                             TIME              INSTRUCTOR         LOCATION            CLASS #

                                               9/20 - 10/18                                                                                               6919
                                               11/8 - 12/13*                                                                                              6920

                                               9/22 - 10/20                                                                                               6921
                                                                                                                   Donna Heverly
                                  Wednesday                                                      6:00–7:00 PM                         Senior Center
                                                                                                                   ACE Certified
                                               11/10 - 12/22 (no class 11/24)*                                                                            6922

                                               9/20 - 10/20**                                                                                             6923
                                               11/8 - 12/22 (no class 11/24, 12/20)***                                                                    6924

                                 Fee: ERS $45 | R $50 | NR $55 | 5 weeks || *ERS $54 | R $60 | NR $68 | 6 weeks
                                 **ERS $81 | R $90 | NR $99 | 10 sessions || *** ERS $97 | R $107 | NR $121 | 12 sessions

                                 IN-PERSON TAI CHI (Ages 18 & up)
                                 Take time for yourself and calm your mind, body, and spirit in a low-impact environment for all fitness
                                 levels. Emphasis on fluid movement and a full, pain-free range of motion that is specifically designed to
                                 manage stress will wash your anxiety away, while developing muscle tone, building bone density, and
                                 improving your balance and flexibility. Our Tuesday class is appropriate for those with some exposure to
                                 Tai Chi, the Thursday class provides an introduction geared toward beginners.
                                  DAY          DATE                                TIME                           INSTRUCTOR            LOCATION           CLASS #

                                               9/21 - 10/26                        10:15 - 11:15 AM                                                        6915
                                               11/9 -12/14                         10:30 - 11:30 AM                                                        7104

                                               9/23 - 10/28                                                                                                6916
                                                                                   10:15 - 11:15 AM
                                               11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)                                      E. Story Biddle,                         7105
                                  Thursday                                                                                              Recreation
                                                                                                                  Certified Tai Chi
                                               9/23 - 10/28                        6:30–7:30 PM                                                            6917

                                               9/21 - 10/28                        10:15 - 11:15 AM                                                        6918
                                  Thursday                                         Tues: 10:30 - 11:30 AM
                                               11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)                                                                               7106
                                                                                   Thurs: 10:15 - 11:15 AM

                                 Fee: ERS $54 | R $59 | NR $68 | 6 weeks || *ERS $97 | R $106 NR $122 | 12 sessions
VISIT US AT NORTHAMPTONREC.COM                                             18

Are you new to Yoga? This class is a beginner yoga class. This calming stress-relieving yoga class
teaches you how to stretch and strengthen the body gradually. Emphasis is on building awareness of
the breath and the body. Poses are practiced at a slower pace with attention to alignment and detail.
Recommended for those newer to yoga or working with special concerns. Perfect for the student
looking for a gentle experience or those who need a change of pace. Various props will be used for a safe
practice and class will end in deep relaxation. Those with medical conditions, please check with your
physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga. Please bring a mat, yoga block and water. You
may also bring a towel or blanket to assist your practice.
 DAY         DATE                                TIME                INSTRUCTOR                   LOCATION                  CLASS #

             9/20 - 10/25                                                                                                   6909
                                                                     Barbara Cavanaugh,
 Monday                                          7:30 - 8:30 PM                                    Recreation Center
                                                                     AAAI-ISMA certified
             11/8 - 12/13                                                                                                   6910

             9/23 - 10/28                                                                                                   6973
                                                                     Barbara Cavanaugh,
 Thursday                                        9:00–9:55 AM                                      Recreation Center
                                                                     AAAI-ISMA certified
             11/4 - 12/16 (no class 11/25)                                                                                  6974

Fee: ERS $55 | R $59 | NR $69 | 6 weeks

IN-PERSON               YOGA FOR BEGINNERS: LEVEL II (Ages 18 & up)
Ready to take your Yoga game to the next level? Move beyond Level I! Level II is perfect for beginners or
experienced practitioners who would like to slow down their practice and get back to basics. Participants
will practice transitioning from the floor to standing in a slow, practiced flow. Standing, balance, and
seated posture variations will be introduced with modifications offered. An emphasis is placed on
fostering awareness of the mind-body connections. Class will end in deep relaxation, leaving you calm
and energized. Bring a mat, towel, and water.
 DAY            DATES                               TIME                  INSTRUCTOR                    LOCATION            CLASS #

                9/22 - 10/27                                                                                                6911
 Wednesday                                            6:30–8:00 PM        Maria Campbell                Recreation Center
                11/10 - 12/22 (no class 11/24)                                                                              6912

Fee: ERS $60 | R $66 | NR $75 | 6 weeks

This Mat Pilates class is a combination of exercises developed by Joseph Pilates. The class will focus
on stabilizing the core, improving posture and strengthening the total body! Utilizing props such as the
Pilates ball, light hand weights, the Pilates ring/circle as well as many others keeps class interesting and
ensures you’ll never take the same class twice! Don’t worry if you don’t have all the equipment, just show
up and the coach will give many options and all exercises can be done with body weight. All fitness
levels are welcome! Yoga Mat, Pilates ball, loop resistance band, Pilates ring and two light dumbbells are

 DAY          DATE                                      TIME              INSTRUCTOR            LOCATION                    CLASS #

 Monday       9/13 - 10/18 (no class 10/11)                                                     Newtown Township            6981
                                                                                                Administration Building,
                                                        11 AM - Noon      Aesha Tahir
                                                                                                100 Municipal Drive
 Monday       10/25 - 12/13* (no class 11/8, 11/29)                                             Newtown                     6982

 Thursday     9/16 - 10/21*                             9 - 10 AM         Aesha Tahir           Tamanend Park               6983
                                                                                                1225 Second Street Pike
 Thursday     10/28 -11/18**                            9 - 10 AM         Aesha Tahir           Southampton                 7100

Fee: ERS $54 | R $59 | NR $64 | 5 weeks || *ERS $64 | R $69 | NR $79 | 6 weeks || **ERS $44 | R $49 | NR
$59 | 4 weeks || The Monday Mat Pilates class in Newtown is your choice of in-person or virtual;
The Tamanend Park location is in-person only


          NEW       (Ages 18 & up)
          This yoga class honors the development and physiological changes taking place within the female body
          during this special time with practices of affirmation, meditation, pranayama (breathing), and asana
          (poses). Classes are structured based on all trimesters using appropriate modifications. This prenatal yoga
          class aims to prepare expectant mothers for delivery through mental and physical exercises to help widen
          and strengthen the uterus during pregnancy, delivery, and recovery.
           DAY        DATE                       TIME             INSTRUCTOR            LOCATION                  CLASS #

                                                                                        130 Almshouse Rd.         6955
           Tuesday    9/7-10/26                  6:30PM-7:30PM    Michelle El Khoury    Unit 106, Richboro

                                                                                        Virtual                   6956

          Fee: R $104 | NR $125

          NEW       (POSTNATAL, BABIES/TODDLERS, 3-12 MOS)
          This yoga class is dedicated to our postnatal moms and baby yogis 3 to 12 months who are starting to get
          to know the world. Babies and crawlers are accompanied by mother or caregiver. This yoga class aims in
          building back mother’s strength, baby massage, simple yoga poses that aid in development of fine motor
           DAY         DATE                      TIME             INSTRUCTOR            LOCATION                  CLASS #

                                                                                        130 Almshouse Rd.         6957
           Tuesday     9/7-10/26                 4:00-4:45 PM     Michelle El Khoury    Unit 106, Richboro

                                                                                        Virtual                   6958

          Fee: R $104 | NR $125

          NEW        IN-PERSON TODDLER YOGA (AGES 12-24 MOS)
          This yoga class is dedicated to our toddler yogis 12 to 24 months who are curious about everything!
          Toddlers are accompanied by parent or caregiver. This yoga class aims in exploration, movement, and
          breathing through simple communication and playful activities including yoga games and songs.

           DAY         DATE                      TIME             INSTRUCTOR            LOCATION                  CLASS #

                                                                                        130 Almshouse Rd.         6959
           Tuesday     9/7-10/26                 5:15 – 6:00 PM   Michelle El Khoury    Unit 106, Richboro

                                                                                        Virtual                   6960

          Fee: R $104 | NR $125

          IN-PERSON            BODY BY BARRE
          Are you ready for a one hour full body workout? Set to today’s hottest music, Body by Barre fuses ballet,
          pilates, sports conditioning and stretching. The moves are low impact, but will have intensity intervals of
          strength training followed immediately by deep recovery stretching. This regimented routine will evenly
          sculpt and quickly transform the entire body, resulting in a toned, trim physique. Classes begin with a
          warm up focusing on postural strength and alignment, followed by upper body exercises. A waist high
          sturdy surface will be used for flexible training, and to sculpt the lower body and abs. Class ends with
          core work and stretching. Many of the stretches and strengthening exercises are endorsed by sports
          medicine physicians and orthopedists. Yoga Mat, pilates ball and two light dumbbells required.

           DAY        DATES                      TIME                     INSTRUCTOR          LOCATION            CLASS #

                      9/14 - 10/19                                                            Hybrid—You           6975
                                                                                              choose in-person
           Tuesday                               9:30–10:30 AM            Aesha Tahir
                                                                                              at the Rec Center
                      10/26 - 12/14*                                                          or virtual           6980

          Fee: ERS $64 | R $69 | NR $79 | 6 weeks || *ERS $84 | R $89 | NR $105 | 8 weeks
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