SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park

SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park

        *pending approval from equestrian canada and usef - subject to changes
SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
Photo credit: MOI Photography

      For almost 100 years, Odlum Brown Limited has been committed to supporting the
      communities where we live and work. We believe that community involvement is a
foundation of community growth and it is at the root of our corporate culture.

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SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
Board Chair and CEO                            Jumps & Crew Chief
Jane Tidball /                   Markus Wieland /

President & Operations Director                Horticulture Manager
Chris Pack /                    Marieanne Baldwin /

Senior Manager - Tournament Logistics          Veterinarian
Shauna Moule /                 Paton & Martin
                                               Veterinary Services
Competition Customer Service                   604.856.3351
Billie Hobkirk Jane McDonald
Melissa Ulle                                   Farrier
                                               Nick Spencer
Graphic Design                                 604.537.5391
Ashley Lauren Toye /
                                               Show Photographer
Brand & Guest Relations Manager      
Drew Harkness /                  604.807.4685

Social Media                                   Media Photographer
Kaden Ave / Kady Hobbins                       Horse Network                    
                                               Cara Grimshaw
Senior Manager - Facility Operations 
Ian Kerr /
Accounting                                     ShowGrounds Live
Tina Coulter /         
Anesha Kaid /
Scheduling Manager                             Charlie Black
Skyler Brittner /      Davina Mercer
                                               Kevin Paynter
Ribbons & Awards                               Max Von Zimmerman
Lynne Denison Foster /          Steven James
                                               Stephen Kaita
                                               TJ Tullock
SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
Thank you to our sponsors.
Elite Sponsors              Title Sponsors                      Patron Sponsors
Longines                    Ascent Helicopters                  Aleron Equestrian           MG3 Holdings
Odlum Brown Ltd.            BB Equestrian                       Archway Equestrian          Morning Star Sporthorses
Onni Group                  Betker Horse Park Inc.              BFL Insurance               Murchies Fine Tea & Coffee
The ATCO Group              Big Sky Pure Golf                   Butet Sellier               Otter Co-Op
Volvo Canada                CWD Sellier                         Caledonia Stables           Petaluma Systems
                            Dexter Associates Realty            Canoe Financial             The Cormier Family
Grand Prix Sponsors         Emily Sandhack Real Estate          Circle B Ranch              The Fitzgerald Family
Artisan Farms               Foxstone Stable                     Clover Towing               The Gingras Family
Avenue Machinery            Grant Production Testing Services   Coastal Equestrian Build    The Mache Family
Evergate Stable             Lothlorien Farm                     Crooks Show Jumping         The Popescu Family
Kubota Canada               MarBill Hill Farm                   Foothills Horse Transport   Thumbs Up Farm
Maui Jim                    Sandman Hotel &                     Heater Sales & Service      Trademark Stables
Steel-Craft Door Products   Signature Hotels & Resorts          Highland Farms LTD          Twin Oaks Farm
                            Sky-Hi Jump Equipment               Imagination Lane            Villa Electric
                            The Ashby Group                     Joseph Richard Group        Villa Training
                            The Brown Family                    LMG Inc                     Wild Turkey Farm
                            7 UP Stables                        Meadow Lane Equine Clinic
SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
Thunderbird Show Park                                 Horse Transportation Services
24550 72nd Avenue                                     Foothills Horse Transport | 403-560-6677 or
Langley, BC V1M 3W8                                   1-877-583-9368 toll free
Phone: 604.888.4585                         
Fax: 604.888.5585
Toll Free: 1.888.818.2473                             Veterinarian                                          Paton & Martin Veterinary Services
Official Host Hotel                                   25930 40 Ave, Aldergrove, BC                                 V4W 2A5 604.856.3351
Sandman Hotel
8855 202nd Street Langley
BC V1M 2N9 | 604.888.7263
                                                      Feed Office
(Ask for the Thunderbird Show Park discounted rate)
Sandman Signature Hotel & Suites
8828 201 Street, Langley BC
                                                      Golf Cart Rentals
                                                      Greenside Golf Carts
V2Y 0C8 | 604.455.7263
                                                      Tel 778.808.3652 | Fax 604.746.9606
(Ask for the Thunderbird Show Park discounted rate)
Sandman Hotel Abbotsford Airport
3010 Mount Lehman Rd, Abbotsford BC
                                                      RV Rentals
V4X 2N1 | 604.859.7263
                                                      Travel Land RV Langley
(Ask for the Thunderbird Show Park discounted rate)
                                                      20529 Langley Bypass
Medical                                               Langley, BC | 604.530.8141
Langley Memorial Hospital                             Sales Tel 855.893.2841
22051 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC                         Service Tel 844.279.0337
V3A 4H4 | 604.514.6000
Abbotsford Regional Hospital                          Farm Equipment
32900 Marshall Rd, Abbotsford, BC                     Avenue Farm Machinery
V2S 0C2 | 604.851.4700                      
Glover Medical Walk-in Clinic                         1521 Sumas Way, Abbotsford, BC
101 - 5796 Glover Rd, Langley, BC                     V2T 6Z6 | 604.864.2665
V3A 4H9 | 604.530.3233
SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
2020 Hall of Fame

Brighton & Northern Light             Aladin Des Brimbelles & Evita P
$5,000 Maui Jim Welcome               $5,000 Trademark Farm and Friends U25
$40,000 ATCO Cup Grand Prix           $5,000 Trademark Farm and Friends U25
$40,000 Volvo Canada Cup

KYLE KING | USA                         KATIE LAURIE | NZL
Dustin 254 & Enzo                       Cera Carusa, Casebrooke Lomond &
                                        McCaw MVNZ
$5,000 Kubota Canada Welcome
$10,000 Friends of Tbird Grand Prix     $37,000 CSI2* Artisan Farms Welcome
                                        $10,000 Murchies Tea & Coffee Grand Prix
                                        $37,000 CSI2* Volvo Canada Cup
SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
BRIAN MORTON | CAN                           CARLY STEVENS | CAN
Cadillac                                     VIP Des Majuros
$73,000 CSI2* ATCO Cup Grand Prix            $10,000 Trademark Farm and Friends U25

                     EMILY WARD | GBR
                     Millioninmind & Evita
                     $5,000 Trademark Farm and Friends U25
                     $5,000 Canoe Finiancial U25
SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
Series are tabulated Sunday morning of each Tournament and                at the West Coast Classic, Summer Fort Welcome and BCHJA Fall
Presentations take place during the pre-show of the Sunday Grand          Finale. Series Champion will receive a Signature Tbird Prize.
Prix. Series Presentations will take place at the Summer Fort
Festival prior to the Grand Prix unless otherwise noted.
                                                                          Emily Sandhack Equestrian Real Estate Open
                                                                          1.35m Jumper Classics Series
Alf Fletcher Equestrian Excellence Award                                  Emily Sandhack is generously sponsoring each Open 1.35m
Established in 2010, the Alf Fletcher Equestrian Excellence Award         Classic from the Canadian Premier through to the Summer Fort
honors the memory of Alf Fletcher and his considerable lifetime           Festival. Each class winner will receive a saddle pad and the series
contribution to the horse industry. A $500 tbird bursary will be          winner will receive a cooler and tbird Signature Award.
presented to the rider who accumulates the most points in the CET,
Jump Canada Hunt Seat Medal, Thunderbird Good Hands 3’6”                  Leading Hunter Professional Award
and Seat, USEF Show Jumping Talent Search, ASPCA Maclay,                  This award will be presented during the World Champion Hunter
Dover Saddlery Hunter Seat Medal, CPHA Foundation WCE Medal               Rider Summer Fort Classic Tournament. Thunderbird is happy
and the WIHS Equitation medal classes held during Thunderbird’s           to recognize the hard working Professional Hunter Riders! Points
2021 Tournaments.                                                         will be accumulated in all Open Hunter Divisions. The leading
                                                                          Professional Rider will be acknowledged prior to the start of the
Canadian Hunter Derby Series - Presented by                               Sunday Grand Prix with a tbird Signature Award.
The Ashby Group
This award will be presented to the overall horse and rider combination   $125,000 MarBill Hill Farm U25 League Powered
that achieves the most points in the four Canadian Hunter Derby           by Grant Production Testing Services
classes held during the Western Family, Summer Fort Welcome,              tbird is proud to be a part of the Jump Canada U25 Young Riders
Summer Fort Festival and BCHJA Fall Finale competitions. The              Development Program, presented by Marion and Bill Cunningham
winner will receive a CWD Hunter Style 2G Saddle. Sponsored by            of MarBill Hill Farm and Grant Production Testing Servicies along
Karen and Christina Ashby of Dexter Associates Realty; a mother           with Trademark Farm and friends, Petaluma Systems and Canoe
- daughter team serving the Real Estate needs of the equestrian           Financial. Open to all athletes ages 16 to 25. Classes will run at
community in BC. Points accumulated will be the scores received           heights up to 1.40m. Division will be offered at the West Coast
for each class. Series Winner will be awarded at the BCHJA Fall           Classic, Summer Fort Classic, Summer Fort Festival and Harvest
Finale.                                                                   Celebration CSI3*, with a Series Winner presented at the Harvest
CWD 1.30m Open Jumper Division Award
CWD is pleased to present a state of the art CWD 2G Saddle to the         Overall Hunter Owner
2021 high point rider in the 1.30m Open Jumper Division. Stop by          Thunderbird is proud to recognize the owners of outstanding
the red CWD showcase and see the BC Representative for more               hunters. This award will be presented to the overall hunter owner
information and complimentary test rides.                                 whose horse(s) achieve the most points based on year long
                                                                          championship points. All hunter classes will count toward points,
Betker Family ‘My First Grand Prix’ Series                                and the owner will be presented with a tbird Signature Award prior
This award will be presented at the BCHJA Fall Finale to the horse
                                                                          to the Summer Fort Festival Grand Prix.
/rider combination who has accumulated the most prize money in
the Betker Family ‘My First Grand Prix’ Series. Classes will be held
SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
Sky - Hi Jumps Leading Trainer Award                                               Young Hunter Development Series
Sky-Hi Jumps is pleased to support the High Point Hunter &                         The Young Horse Hunter Development Series consists of two
Jumper Trainer Awards at Thunderbird Show Park. Sky-Hi Jumps                       classes at each of the 2021 tournaments. The series will be
will present the winner at each tournament with a beautiful jump set               tabulated as an accumulating score and the leading horse will be
made of durable aluminum designed for top performance, beauty                      presented with an award at the Summer Fort Festival.
and versatility. Leading Hunter Trainer will be awarded at the West
Coast Classic, Summer Fort Welcome and Summer Fort Classic.                        Crooks Show Jumping Young Horse Jumper
Leading Jumper Trainer will be awarded at the Western Family,                      Showcase Series Award
and Summer Fort Festival. Points accumulated based on results of                   This series is designed to encourage the development of young
all riders listed under each trainer.                                              show jumping talent by welcoming breeders to showcase superior
                                                                                   prospects at Thunderbird Show Park. These classes are one of
Thunderbird Champions Series                                                       the season’s special highlights and give breeders, trainers and
The Thunderbird Champions Series is designed to recognize and                      prospective buyers, the opportunity to view the results of our
reward outstanding performance for junior and amateur riders.                      industry’s best breeding programs in a competitive setting. The 4,
A tbird Signature Award will be presented to competitors who                       5, 6 and 7 year olds with the most accumulated points from the
accumulate top points during the season.                                           Western Family, Summer Fort Welcome and Summer Fort Classic
.75m to .85m Junior Amateur Jumper                                                 and Harvest Celebration will be presented with a tbird Signature
.90m Junior Amateur Jumper                                                         Award.
1.00m Low Child/AA Jumper
1.10m Child/Adult Jumper
Short/Long Stirrup Hunter
Pre Child/Adult Hunter
Modified Child/Adult Hunter


            height price class #

Short Stirrup Hunter Pony			                      2’3”          $45       122-126
Short Stirrup Hunter Horse			                     2’3”          $45       127-131
Long Stirrup Hunter			                            2’3”          $45       132-136
Pre Children’s Hunter			                          2’6”          $50       137-141
Pre Adult Hunter				                              2’6”          $50       142-146
Modified Child Adult Hunter		                     2’9”          $50       147-151
Baby Green Hunter		                               2’6”          $45       1-4
Show Park Hunter			                               2’9”          $45       7-10
Small Working Hunter 16h		                       3’0”          $50       15-18
Training Pony Hunter 		                         Resp. Hts       $45       227-230
Green Rider Hunter		                              1’8”          $45       112-116           Not offered at Summer Fort Classic or Festival
Novice Rider Hunter			                            2’0”          $45       117-121           Not offered at Summer Fort Classic or Festival
Walk Trot Hunter			                                -            $35       103-106           Offered at April Season Opener/BCHJA Fall Finale
Cross Rail Hunter			                               -            $35       107-111           Offered at April Season Opener/BCHJA Fall Finale

Misc Hunter Divisions can be entered on a class by class basis and will not jog.


			    CLASSICS height price class #
                                     All Riders entered are eligable for 2nd Rd of Classic

$250 Green Rider Hunter			                          1’8”        $50         469  Not offered at Summer Fort Classic or Festival
$250 Novice Rider Classic			                        2’0”        $50         471  Not offered at Summer Fort Classic or Festival
$300 Short/Long Classic			                          2’3”        $55         456
$300 Pre Child/Adult Classic		                      2’6”        $55         461
$300 Modified Child/Adult Classic		                 2’9”        $55         457
$400 Adult Amateur Classic		                        3’0”        $65         460
$400 Children’s Classic			                          3’0”        $65         459
$300 Child Pony Classic                          Resp Hts       $55         455
$300 Pony Classic                                Resp Hts       $55         458
                                                                                                   C LA S S I C S
$400 Junior/AO Classic                           3’3 & 3’6      $65         472
SUMMER FORT SERIES - Thunderbird Show Park
National Rated		                      Premier Rated
					                                          class division div prize            class    division div prize
				             height                         fee     fee     money fee             fee    money         class numbers
1st Year Pre Green Hunter		          3’0”     $50      $250     $200		             $50      $250     $200		             19-23
2nd Year Pre Green Hunter		          3’3”     $50      $250     $200		             $50      $250     $200		             24-28
Combined Working Hunter              3’6”       -      $250     $825                 -      $300     $1425		            29-33
Combined Working Hunter		            3’9”       -      $250     $825		               -      $300     $1425		            34-38
Combined Working Hunter		            4’0”       -      $250     $825		               -      $300     $1425		            39-43
Perf. Working Hunter 		              3’3”     $50      $250     $825		             $55      $275     $1225		            88-92
Perf. Working Hunter		               3’6”     $50      $250     $825		             $55      $275     $1225		            93-97
High Perf. Working Hunter		          4’0”     $55      $275     $925		             $70      $350     $1525		            98-102
Green Conformation Hunter		          3’6”      -       $250     $825		              -       $300     $1425		            77-81
Green Conformation Model		            -       $40        -       -		               $40        -         -		             76
High Perf. Con. Hunter		             3’9”      -       $250     $825		              -       $300     $1425		            83-87
High Perf. Con. Model                 -       $40        -       -		               $40        -         -		             82
Green Hunter 			                     3’0”      -       $250     $200		              -       $250     $200 		            56-60
Green Hunter 			                     3’3”      -       $250     $200		              -       $250     $200 		            61-65
Green Hunter 			                     3’6”      -       $250     $825		              -       $300     $1425 		           66-70
Green Hunter 			                     3’9”      -       $250     $825		              -       $300     $1425 		           71-75
Young Hunter - 5yrs & under          2’9”      -       $200       -		               -       $200       - 		             44-47
Young Hunter - 6yrs & under          3’0”      -       $200       -		               -       $200       -		              48-51
Young Hunter - 7yrs & under          3’3”      -       $200       -		               -       $200       -		              52-55
Model will receive 1/2 points towards divison championship.
Am. Owner Hunter 18 to 35		         3’3”     -         $250     $825		               -      $300     $1425		            207-211
Am. Owner Hunter 36 & Over          3’3”     -         $250     $825		               -      $300     $1425		            212-216
Junior Hunter 15 & Under		          3’3”     -         $250     $825		               -      $300     $1425		            177-181
Junior Hunter 16 to 17		            3’3”     -         $250     $825		               -      $300     $1425		            182-186
Child Pony Hunter                 Resp. Hts $50        $250     $200		             $50      $250      $200		            246-250

Am. Owner Hunter 18 to 35		   3’6”             -       $250     $825		               -      $300     $1425		            217-221
Am. Owner Hunter 36 & Over    3’6”             -       $250     $825		               -      $300     $1425		            222-226
Small Jr. Hunter 15 & Under		 3’6”             -       $250     $825 		               -     $300     $1425		            187-191
Small Jr. Hunter 16 to 17		   3’6”             -       $250     $825		                -     $300     $1425		            192-196
Large Jr. Hunter 15 & Under		 3’6”             -       $250     $825		                -     $300     $1425 		           197-201
Large Jr. Hunter 16 to 17		   3’6”             -       $250     $825		                -     $300     $1425		            202-206
Adult Am. Hunter 18 to 35 		  3’0”            $50      $250     $200		              $50     $250     $200		             162-166
Adult Am. Hunter 36 to 49 		  3’0”            $50      $250     $200		              $50     $250     $200		             167-171
Adult Am. Hunter 50 & Over 		 3’0”            $50      $250     $200		              $50     $250     $200		             172-176
Children’s Hunter 14 & Under  3’0”            $50      $250     $200		              $50     $250     $200		             152-156
Children’s Hunter 15 to 17 		 3’0”            $50      $250     $200		              $50     $250     $200		             157-161
Small Pony Hunter			          2’3”               -     $250     $525		                -     $275     $1025		            251-255
Medium Pony Hunter 		         2’6”               -     $250     $525                  -     $275     $1025		            256-260
Large Pony Hunter 		          2’9”               -     $250     $525		                -     $275     $1025		            261-265
Small Green Pony Hunter 		    2’3”               -     $250     $525		                -     $275     $1025		            231-235
Medium Green Pony Hunter      2’6”               -     $250     $525                  -     $275     $1025		            236-240
Large Green Pony Hunter 		    2’9”               -     $250     $525		                -     $275     $1025		            241-245

  Class will jog for soundness at completion of round. Refer to specifications. Please see schedule for placement of conformation, handy,
    stake and 1st round of classics. Please refer to up to date schedules in the show office for correct class numbers and combinations
Hunter Specifications
Please note: Once combinations or splits have been posted               Amateur Owner & Junior Hunters 3’3 & 3’6
online, no further changes will be made.                                Amateur Owner Divisions 3’3 & 3’6: To be ridden by amateur
                                                                        owners or an amateur member of the owner’s family. In either
EC Pre Green & Green Working Hunters                                    case, classes are restricted to riders who are no longer eligible to
Pre Green Hunter: A horse of any age in it’s first or second year
                                                                        compete as junior exhibitors. Leased horses are not eligible and
of showing over fences in classes 3’0 or higher at EC Sanctioned
                                                                        multiple ownership is not permitted unless all owners are of the
Competitions. First Year Pre Green horses will jump 3’. Second
                                                                        same family. Amateur owner divisions will be combined with other
Year Pre Green horses will jump 3’3. Cross entry is not permitted
                                                                        amateur owner or junior hunter divisions if less than six entries.
into any class with fences at 3’6 or higher. Art G303.
                                                                        Amateur Owner 18 to 35 Hunters 3’6 and 3’3, Amateur Owner
Combined Working Hunters: First Year Green Working Hunter               36 & Over Hunters 3’6 and 3’3. Amateur Owner Hunter 3’6 riders
3’6, Second Year Green Hunter 3’9, and Regular Working Hunter           may not cross enter into the Adult 3’ Hunters. Amateur Owner 3’3”
4’. A horse in its first year of showing over fences at 3’6 or higher   riders may compete in Adult 3’ Hunters on one other horse that
must be shown as a first year green horse. A horse in it’s second       they own. They may cross enter into the Adult Equitation. Amateur
year of showing over fences 3’6 or higher must be shown as              Owner 3’3 horses may not cross enter into the Amateur Owner 3’6.
a second year green horse. Any horse may show in the regular            Riders may not compete at 3’9” or over at the same competition.
hunter 4’. A horse’s green status is considered to be broken once       (Per Zone 9 Specs)
it competes over fences at 3’6 or higher.
                                                                        Junior Hunter: Riders must not have reached their 18th birthday
USEF Conformation, Green & Young Hunters                                as of December 1st of the previous calendar year for USEF and
Conformation Hunters: All conformation sections are to be judged        Jan 1st for EC. Junior Hunter divisions are as follows and will
70% performance, 30% conformation. Model Class will count for           be combined if less than 6 entries; Small Junior Hunter Younger
1/2 points toward division championship. Green Conformation             3’6, Small Junior Hunter Older 3’6, Large Junior Hunter Younger
heigh 3’6, High Performance Conformation height 3’9.                    3’6, Large Junior Hunter Older 3’6. Small Juniors are 16hh and
                                                                        under, Large Juniors are over 16hh and USEF horses must have
Green Hunters: (USEF HU131) Hunter eligibility begins when a            a Federation measurment card. Riders may not ride more than 2
horse of any age, competes for the first time in any over fences        horses in each 3’6 section. Riders/horses may not cross enter into
class with jumps at 3’0 or higher in any Hunter or Equitation class     Children’s Hunters from the 3’6 section.
held at a Federation or Equine Canada competition in North
America. A horse may compete in only one Green Hunter section           USEF Junior Hunter 3’3: Open to junior riders. Riders may not
at any one competition.                                                 cross enter into any class at 3’6 or higher in the hunter division,
                                                                        higher than 3’9 in the equitation division or higher than 1.25m in
Green Hunter 3’0 & 3’3: Horse may jump 3’0 or 3’3 for two               the jumper division at the same competition if they wish to collect
competition years (not necessarily consecutive). Green Hunter           USEF points. USEF horses and/or riders may not cross enter into
3’0 may not cross enter Hunter, Equitation or Jumper classes            the Children’s Hunter or Junior Hunter 3’6 division. No rider may
over 3’3. Green Hunter 3’3 may compete at 3’6 (hunter, jumper or        ride more than 3 horses. USEF riders and horses may cross enter
equitation) max 4 times to remain eligible for that divison. Horses     into the Children’s Equitation.
may not compete over 3’6 in hunter, jumper or equitation classes.
Green Hunter 3’6: Horse in it’s first competition year showing in       High Performance & Performance Working Hunters
classes 3’6 or higher. Please see USEF rule book (HU131 - b) for        Open to horses of any age and not restricted by any previous show
additional exceptions.                                                  records. Individual classes may be entered. Divisions offered;
                                                                        High Performance Working Hunter 4’0, Performance Working
Green Hunter 3’9: Horse in it’s second year (not necessarily            Hunter 3’6, Performance Working Hunter 3’3.
comsecutive) of showing in classes 3’6” or higher.
Young Hunters:
                                                                        Child Pony Hunters (USEF)
                                                                        Open to junior riders. Ponies may not cross enter into any rated
Young Hunter 2’9” - horses five and under.
                                                                        division. Smalls will show at 2’, mediums will show at 2’3 and larges
Young Hunter 3’0” - horses six and under.
                                                                        will show at 2’6. Riders may cross enter into rated ponies or any
Young Hunter 3’3” - horses seven and under.
                                                                        class where the height does not exceeds 3’0.
Young Hunter Section is open to any age-verified horse eligible
by age regardless of competition experience. May only compete
in one Young Horse fence height sectionat any one competition.
Young Hunters are not required to jog.
Hunter Specifications Cont.
Pony Hunters | Respective Heights                                          Miscellaneous Divisions
Open to ponies ridden by junior riders subject to the following            Modified Child/Adult Hunters 2’9”
restrictions: Junior “A” riders may ride large ponies only, Junior “B”     Open to Jr/Am horse/rider combinations where the rider does not
and Junior “C” riders may ride ponies of all heights, Large ponies         jump higher than 3’ at the same competition.
exceed 13.2 hands but do not exceed 14.2 hands, Medium ponies
exceed 12.2 hands but do not exceed 13.2 hands, Small ponies do            Baby Green Hunters 2’6”
not exceed 12.2 hands. To compete in classes restricted to ponies,         Open to horses and ponies that have not shown over a course of
a foreign pony must have an EC measurement card. Exception:                fences at any show or event prior to January 1st of the current year.
EC recognizes valid USEF measurement cards for all divisions               Cross entry is not permitted in classes with fences over 2’9”.
for American ponies recorded with USEF. Sign up times for
measurements are reserved through the competition office. Pony             Young Hunter Development Class 2’6”
divisions with less than 6 entries will be combined.Adults are permitted   Open to horses in their first year of showing.
to show (be judged on) large ponies in miscellaneous non-point
classes not limited to juniors. Adult amateurs may ride large ponies
                                                                           Pre Child | Pre Adult Hunters 2’6”
                                                                           Open to all horse/rider combinations where the rider does not jump
in adult amateur classes where fences do not exceed 3’. A pony
                                                                           higher than 2’9” at the same competition.
judged with an adult may not be judged in any class with a junior at
the same competition. Juniors of any age may show ponies of any            Short | Long Stirrup Hunters 2’3”
height in miscellaneous non-point classes.                                 Open to all horse/rider combinations where the rider does not jump
                                                                           higher than 2’6” at the same competition. There will be no oxers
Adult Amateur Hunter 3’0
                                                                           set in this division. Riders may not cross enter into Rated Ponies.
Horses or riders entered in adult amateur hunter sections may not
compete in the any amateur owner 3’6 or 3’3 section at the same            Short Stirrup Pony Hunters 2’3”
competition. Riders entered in adult amateur hunter sections may           Open to all pony/rider combinations where the rider does not jump
not compete in any other hunter class in which obstacles exceed            higher than 2’6” at the same competition. There will be no oxers set
3’3 or jumper class in which obstacles exceed 1.0m at the same             in this division. Riders may not cross enter into rated Pony Hunters
competition. Adult Amateur Hunters are offered in the following            and ponies may not cross enter into the short stirrup horse section.
sections: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35, Adult Amateur Hunter 36-
49, Adult Amateur Hunter 50+.                                              Green Rider Hunter 18”
                                                                           Open to riders in their first year of showing or under the age of
Adult Amateur Equitation 3’0                                               eight. May cross enter into Novice Rider Hunter 2’0”. Not offered at
Open to amateur riders who may not compete in any class where the          Summer Fort Classic or Summer Fort Festival.
fence height exceeds 3’3 in the hunter ring or 1.0m in the jumper ring.
                                                                           Novice Rider Hunter 2’
Children’s Hunter 3’0”                                                     Open to any riders in their second year of showing or under the age
Riders entered in Children’s Hunter sections may not compete in            of twelve. May cross enter into 2’3” classes. Not offered at Summer
any other hunter class where fences exceed 3’3” or jumper classes          Fort Classic or Summer Fort Festival.
where fences exceed 1.0m at the same competition. Horses and/or
riders entered in Children’s Hunter classes may not cross enter into       Cross Rail Hunter
any Junior Hunter section at the same competition. Horses entered          Rider may cross enter into Green Rider if rider qualifies (see Green
in Children’s Hunter classes may be shown in the Amateur Owner             Rider specs). Offered at April Season Opener and BCHJA Fall
Hunter section at the same competition if ridden by any immediate          Finale.
member of the child’s family. Children’s Hunter classes are offered
in the following sections: Child’s Hunter 15-17, Child’s Hunter 14         Walk/Trot Hunter
& Under.                                                                   Riders may not cross enter into any other divison. Offered at April
                                                                           Season Opener and BCHJA Fall Finale.
Children’s Equitation 3’0”
Riders may not cross enter into any hunter class where the fences          Training Pony Hunter
exceed 3’3” in the hunter ring or 1.0m in the jumper ring.                 Smalls jump 2’0”, mediums 2’3” and larges 2’6”.
$5,000 Presented by The Ashby Group                                  Friday, July 9
$20,000 Presented by the George & Dianne Tidball Legacy Foundation   Saturday, August 14
$5,500 Presented by the Ashby Group                                  Thursday, August 26
$2,500 Presented by the Ashby Group                                  Saturday, September 25

$5,000                                                               Thursday, August 12

$5,000 BUTET Sellier Open Derby                                      Thursday, August 12
$5,000 Hammersmith Stables Junior/Amateur Derby                      Thursday, August 12

$25,000 Presented by Foxstone Stables                                Thursday, August 19

$2,500                                                               Friday, July 2

$5,000                                                               Saturday, September 25

$5,000                                                               Saturday, July 10

$10,000                                                              Saturday, August 28

$1,500 Pony Hunter Derby                                             Thursday, August 19

$2,500 BB Equestrian 2'6"-2'9" Hunt & Handy                          Thursday, August 19
Medal Specifications
ARIAT National Adult Medal                                               Hunter Jumper association tabulting points for that region.The
Class #513 | Height: 3’0 | Class Fee: $50                                class will be judged under the same rules and regulations as the
Open to members of USEF or Equine Canada who are eligible to             CET Medal. The class is judged 60% over fences and 40% on the
compete in the Adult Amateur Hunter Section of this show. Riders         flat. No cross entry into the CET Medal at the same competition.
may not show in any jumper class 1.20m or higher at the same             Three entries are required to run the class. If less than 3 complete
competition. The top four riders are required to perform at least        the class, see G1108.7 for special points rules. Riders may not
two individual tests from USEF tests 1-19.                               cross enter 1.20m or higher.

ASPCA Maclay Medal                                                       CPHA Foundation WCE Junior/Amateur Medal
Class #501 | Height: 3’6 | Class Fee: $50                                Class #499 | Height: 1.10m | Class Fee: $50
Open to all junior riders of USEF or EC. All riders and trainers         Will be offered at the Canadian Premier, Fort Classic and Fort Festival.
are required to be active members of the National Horse Show             Open to current CPHA junior and amateur riders whose trainers are
Association. All riders to compete over fences and a minimum of          also members. 3 riders must complete course to recieve points. The
12, if available, will come back on the flat. Flat to count for 50% of   class will be judged under a modified power and speed format (Table II,
score. It is the riders responsibility to calculate points and number    Sec2(d)), with no time allowed for the power phase and a 375 meters/
of classes in which they have competed for eligibility. See USEF         minute time allowed for the speed phase.Horses will continue on to the
EQ110.8 for full Qualification/Eligibility rules. Three riders must      speed phase regardless of knockdowns or a refusal. A second refusal
complete the course for points to count.                                 will eliminate. One (1) point will be subtracted from the rider’s score
                                                                         for each commenced second taken over the time allowed and four
BCHJA 3’3” Junior/Amateur Hunt Seat Medal                                (4) points will be deducted for each knockdown on course. The open
Class #506 | Height: 3’3 | Class Fee: $50                                numerical scoring system will be used, with a score announced after
Open to all junior and amateur riders. BCHJA membership required         each round.
to collect points toward the Finals and Series Championship. Two         Dover Saddlery USEF Hunter Seat Medal
riders are required to fill the class. To be run under the same rules    Class #500 | Height: 3’6 | Class Fee: $50
as the Jump Canada Hunt Seat Medal. Finals will be held at the           Open to all junior members of USEF. To be shown over a course of
BCHJA Fall Finale. To qualify for the finals, riders are required to     not less than 8 obstacles at 3’6” which will include one combination
have acquired a ribbon in one of the classes during the current          with an oxer and two changes of direction. At least top 4 to ride off.
season. Series Champion points will also be accumulated from             Full points awarded in classes with 6+ riders, classes with 3-5 riders
all shows holding a BCHJA Medal class and be awarded at the              will be awarded 1/2 points. It is the riders responsibility to calculate
BCHJA Gala.                                                              points and number of classes in which they have competed for
CET Medal                                                                eligibility. See USEF EQ110.5 for full Qualification/Eligibilty rules.
Class #504 | Height: 1.10m to 1.15m | Class Fee: $50                     Hamel Foundation NHS 3’3 Medal
Open to riders until the end of the year they reach the age of 21.       Class #521 | Height: 3’3 | Class Fee: $50
Riders are required to have current Gold EC and CET memberships.         Rider and trainer must be current members of the National Horse
Points will not count retroactively. The class is judged 60% over        Show Association. Open to all junior members of USEF or EC,
fences and 40% on the flat. The class will be run under EC jumper        who have never competed in any National Equitation Finals at 3’6
rules. The flat phase is to include lengthening of stride and counter    (Maclay, USEF Medal, USEF Talent Search, WIHS, CET, Jump
canter. The course will consist of at least 10 fences 1.10m to 1.15m     Canada). All riders to compete over fences and a minimun of 12, if
in height with spreads to 1.40m. A time allowed will be established      available, will come back on the flat. Flat to count for 50% of score.
based on the speed of 350 meters per minute. Change of tack is
permitted between phases. Martingales are not permitted in the flat      Jump Canada Hunt Seat Medal
phase, and only running martingales are permitted over fences.           Class#514 | Height: 3’6 | Class Fee: $50
See Art. G1109 for addition tack and equipment restrictions. Three       Open to all Junior Riders that hold a current Equestrian Canada Gold
entries are required to run the class. If less than 3 complete the       membership. Judged 60% over fences and 40% flat. All contestants
class, see G1108.7 for special points rules.                             or a minimun of eight shall be called back to perform at a walk, trot
                                                                         and canter. From a minumum of four of the contestants, the judge
CET Mini Medal                                                           is required to call for a minimum of two or more requiremnets from
Class #505 | Height: 1.0m | Class Fee: $50                               Artical G1009, Tests. No change of tack between phases. Three
Open to junior and amateur riders who are members of Equestrian          entries are required to run the class. If less than 3 complete the
Canada. CET membership is not required, but for points to count          class, see G1105.4 for special rules. Riders may not cross enter
toward a provincial final, athletes must be members of the provincial    into a 3’0” medal class at the same competition.
Marshal & Sterling/USEF Pony Medal                                       participation in the first phase, whether it is jumping or flat phase,
Class #522| Height: Repective heights | Class Fee: $50                   constitutes entry into the class as a whole regardless of whether
Open to junior active members of USEF who have not yet reached           the rider is called back for the second phase. Six riders need to
their 18th birthday. Riders entered in this class cannot cross enter     complete the course to fill. 1* classes to contain a liverpool, 2*
into a USEF Hunter Seat Medal Class at the same competition.             classes to contain a water-filled water jump.
Ponies to jump their respective heights. Two tests (1-18, excluding
test 15) are required during the first round. To fill a class, three
                                                                         THIS Children’s Medal
                                                                         Class #512 | Height: 3’0 | Class Fee: $50
competitors must complete the course. Two cumulative refusals in
                                                                         Open to all junior members of USEF or Equine Canada who have
the USEF Pony Medal Finals will result in elimination.
                                                                         never competed in a National Equitation Final with fences at 3’6.
Northwest Foundation 14&U 3’0” Child Medal                               The top four riders are required to perform at least two individual
Class #498 | Height: 3’0” | Class Fee: $50                               tests from USEF test 1-19.
Open to riders 14 & Under (per USEF horse show age requirments)
who have not won this Final. To be judged over hunter type course
                                                                         Thunderbird Good Hands & Seat Medal
                                                                         Class #502 | Height: 0.9m, Class #503 | Height: 1.10m
at 3’0” in height. Combinations permitted. Liverpools not allowed.
                                                                         Class Fee: $50
Work off is required of at least 4 (if available) which may include
                                                                         Open to all junior and amateur riders. The course will consist of 10
USEF Eq Tests 1-17.Unconventional tack and equipment is
                                                                         or more jumps with a minimum of 2 combinations, (one will be a
penalized at the judges discretion. 3 must complete for points to
                                                                         triple). Tack is not restricted. A water jump or liverpool will not be
count. Four or more points qualify rider to compete in finals held at
                                                                         used. The finals will be held at the BCHJA Fall Finale. Finals will
the Northwest Autumn Classic.
                                                                         call for a top 4 ride off. Riders competing in the 0.90m TBGH&S
NCEA Junior Hunt Seat Medal                                              may not cross entry into 1.10m/3’6” or higher.
Class #507 | Height: 3’3 | Class Fee: $50
Open to all Junior members of the USEF or EC. Riders need not            Washington International Horse Show Eq. Medal
be members of the NCEA Medal to compete in the class, but                Class #509 Hunter, #510 Jumper, #511 Overall
only members will accrue points toward the Ranking List. Class is        Height: 3’6” | Class Fee: $50
pinned based on combined performance over two phases, fences             Current WIHS membership required if rider wants to collect points.
and flat. Competitors must use the same horse in both phases.            Open to members of USEF and EC who have not reached their
Fences Phase: To be shown over a minimum of eight fences 3’              18th birthday. Competitors will use the same horse in both phases.
3 in height, spread not to exceed fence height. The course may           Only those who have competed in both phases can receive a score
be either a Jumper or Hunter type course. Water obstacles and            in the final round. 6 riders need to complete the course to fill the
liverpools are not permitted. An open numerical scoring system           class. Riders will show in reverse order for the second phase based
must be used in the first phase, with each rider’s score announced       on first phase scores.
at the completion of their round.                                        Platinum Performance/USEF Talent Search
Flat Phase: The top 10 will be asked to return to the arena for a        Class #508 | Height: 1.15m | Class Fee: $50
flat phase performing at a walk, trot and canter and perform 2 tests     Open to members of USEF until the end of the year in which they
from USEF Tests 1-19. In addition, riders are required to perform        turn 21. Competitors must use the same horse in both phases. A
2 of 3 basic dressage movements of a shoulder-in, haunches-              water jump, liverpool or a jump simulating water will be used in
in or leg yield both directions of the ring at the discretion of the     the jumper phase. The jumping phase of the class shall be over a
judge. The Under Saddle performance of those riders selected to          course of at least 10 fences 3’6 to 3’9 in height with spreads to 5’0.
participate in this phase shall count 50% of the overall two phase       Each course will contain no fewer than three fences set at 3’9 in
performance. There is no minimum requirement to fill the class.          height. The course will include a double and a triple combination
Riders who do not return for the flat phase are not eligible for a       or three double combinations. Twenty riders or 50% of entries
ribbon overall per EQ107.6.                                              (whichever is greater) will be called back for a second phase. Rider
                                                                         participation in the first phase, whether it is jumping or flat phase,
Platinum Performance/USEF Talent Search                                  constitutes entry into the class as a whole regardless of whether
Class #508 | Height: 1.15m | Class Fee: $50                              the rider is called back for the second phase. Six riders need to
Open to members of USEF until the end of the year in which they          complete the course to fill. 1* classes to contain a liverpool, 2*
turn 21. Competitors must use the same horse in both phases. A           classes to contain a water-filled water jump.
water jump, liverpool or a jump simulating water will be used in
the jumper phase. The jumping phase of the class shall be over a         THIS Children’s Medal
course of at least 10 fences 3’6 to 3’9 in height with spreads to 5’0.   Class #512 | Height: 3’0 | Class Fee: $50
Each course will contain no fewer than three fences set at 3’9 in        Open to all junior members of USEF or Equine Canada who have
height. The course will include a double and a triple combination        never competed in a National Equitation Final with fences at 3’6.
or three double combinations. Twenty riders or 50% of entries            The top four riders are required to perform at least two individual
(whichever is greater) will be called back for a second phase. Rider     tests from USEF test 1-19.
Medal Specifications Cont.
Thunderbird Good Hands & Seat Medal                                        Washington International Horse Show Eq. Medal
Class #502 | Height: 0.9m, Class #503 | Height: 1.10m                      Class #509 Hunter, #510 Jumper, #511 Overall
Class Fee: $50                                                             Height: 3’6” | Class Fee: $50
Open to all junior and amateur riders. The course will consist of          Current WIHS membership required if rider wants to collect points.
10 or more jumps with a minimum of 2 combinations, (one will be            Open to members of USEF and EC who have not reached their
a triple) with a minimum of two changes of direction. Tack is not          18th birthday. Competitors will use the same horse in both phases.
restricted. A water jump or liverpool will not be used. The finals will    Only those who have competed in both phases can receive a score
be held at the BCHJA Fall Finale. Finals will call for a top 4 ride off.   in the final round. 6 riders need to complete the course to fill the
Riders competing in the 0.90m TBGH&S may not cross entry into              class. Riders will show in reverse order for the second phase based
1.10m/3’6” or higher.                                                      on first phase scores.

                            Derby Specifications
Canadian Hunter Derby                                                      USHJA National Hunter Derby
Junior/Amateur Section - Open to Junior/Amateur riders who                 Horses, riders, owners and trainers must be USEF/USHJA
may drop down one level from the highest height they have shown            members to collect points. Class will be two rounds with open
at with that horse at this show. Professionals may show Pre Green,         scoring and the top 10 will return for the second round. No horse
USEF Green 3’ & 3’3”, or Young hunters 3’ & 3’3” that have shown           cross entry between the USHJA National Hunter Derby and the
in their respective green or young horse division this year, and           USHJA International Hunter Derby. Fence height will be 3’ with four
must compete at the heighest height that they have jumped at that          high option fences set at 3’5”. Class will be run following USEF ‘3
show with that horse. Fences will be 3’ with 3’3” options or 3’3” with     refusal’ rule.
3’5” options.
                                                                           USHJA International Hunter Derby
Open Section - Open to any horse and rider. Fences will be 3’6”            The class will be two rounds with open scoring and the top tweleve
with option fences of 3’9” to 4’3”.                                        will return for the second round. There will be a minimum of 10
Both Sections: One round format, each competitor will receive              jumps. Fence height 3’6” to 4’0, with a maximum of 50% of the
a score comprised of three components:1. Hunter Score (out                 jumps set at 3’6” and four option jumps set at a minimum of 4’3”.
of 100) - The class is judged as a hunter handy class. 2. High             Class will be run following USEF ‘3 refusal’ rule.
Performance Bonus (up to 10 points) - Two bonus points                     Brown Family Child/Adult Hunter Derby
awarded for each high performance option taken on course                   Open to all Junior and Amateur riders who have not shown
3. Handy Bonus (up to 10 bonus points) - awarded at                        over 3’3” or 1.0m on any horse during this competition year. As
the judge’s discretion for additional handiness and high                   The Brown Family Derby Series has been established to foster the
performance displayed on course, including: efficiency of                  development of 3’ Child and Adult riders, and in the spirit of friendly
stride, unique turns and approaches, inside turns, slices,                 competition, the Brown Family and the competition managment
athleticism, boldness and impressive start and finish.                     ask that competitors respect the above specs. Round one is a
The course will include at least 12 jumps. Only the 3’6” section is a      hunter classic course with a minimum of 10 to 12 fences with 2
qualifier for the national finals. Formal attire is required. Please see   higher options. Round two will be a hunter handy round with 8 to 10
prize money chart for payout information.                                  fences with higher option jumps. Fence heights 3’, option fences
                                                                           3’3”. Cooler to first place and ribbons to eighth. Please see prize
                                                                           money chart for payout information.

                               height   fee                       class #                     specifications

Child Pony Equitation               2’-2’6”     $50		             556-558
Green Rider Equitation		             1’8”       $50		             523-525      Open to riders in 1st year showing
Novice Rider Equitation		            2’0”       $50		             526-528      Open to riders in 2nd year showing
Pony Equitation		                  2’3”-2’9”    $50		             559-561
Short Stirrup Equitation		           2’3”       $50		             529-531      Open to junior riders
Long Stirrup Equitation		            2’3”       $50		             532-534      Open to amateur riders
Pre Children’s Equitation		          2’6”       $50		             535-537      Open to junior riders
Pre Adult Equitation		               2’6”       $50		             538-540      Open to amateur riders
Modified Child Adult Eq		            2’9”       $50		             541-543      Open to junior and amateur riders
Children’s 14 & Under Eq		           3’0”       $50		             544-546
Children’s 15-17 Eq		                3’0”       $50		             547-549
A/A Equitation 36 & Over		           3’0”       $50 		            553-555
A/A Equitation 18-35		               3’0”       $50		             550-552
“A” Equitation			                    3’6”       $50		             515,516      15,16 or 17 on Jan 1 of current year
“B” Equitation			                    3’0”       $50		             517,518      12,13 or 14 on Jan 1 of current year
“C” Equitation			                    3’0”       $50		             519,520      11 and under on Jan 1 of current year

Heights and distances will be adjusted for ponies in “B” & “C” Equitation. Ponies will jump rated heights.

			                                                   height fee      stake$      class #             Classic            fee    class #
Park Jumper (April, WCC, WF, BCHJA)                   .75m      $50       -      300-303  .75m $500 Classic              $75     400
Jr/Am Jumper (April, WCC, WF, BCHJA)                  .75m      $50     $250     304-307
Welcome Jumper (CP, BCO, SFW, SFC, SFF)               .80m      $50       -      308-311
Jr/Am Jumper (CP, BCO, SFW, SFC, SFF)                 .80m      $50     $250     312-315  .80m $750 Classic              $85     401
Open Jumper (April, WCC, WF, BCHJA)                    .85m     $50       -      308-311  .85m $750 Classic              $85     401
Jr/Am Jumper (April, WCC, WF, BCHJA)                  .85m      $50     $250     312-315
Pony Jumper - Non Rated		                             .90m      $50     $250     316-319
Open Jumper			                                        .90m      $50     $250     320-323  .90m $750 Classic              $85     402
Jr/Am Jumper			                                       .90m      $50     $250     324-327
Pacific Open Jumper		                                 1.0m      $55     $250     328-331  1.0m $1000 Classic             $95     403
Low Childrens/Adult Amateur Jumper                    1.0m      $55     $250     332-335
Thunderbird Jumper		                                  1.10m     $55     $250     336-339  1.10m $1000 Classic            $95     404
Children’s Jumper		                                   1.10m     $55     $250     340-343
Adult Amateur Jumper		                                1.10m     $55     $250     344-347
Thunderbird Jumper		                                  1.15m     $55     $250     348-351  1.15m $1500 Classic            $120    405

			                     May/August                                 April/June/July/Sept
JUMPER DIVISIONS height class prize $
			                                                               class prize $ class #		 Classic                        fee    class #

Modified Jr/Am		                  1.15m        $85   $750         $65     $500      356-359
Open Jumper		                     1.20m        $85   $750         $65     $500      360-363
Low Jr/Am/AO		                    1.20m        $85   $750         $65     $500      364-367 $2500 Open Classic          $200      407
EC Youth Childrens                1.20m        $65   $500         $65     $500        399     (Offered at CP, WCC, SFC, SFF)
Open Jumper (Not at BCHJA)        1.25m        $85   $750         $65     $500      390-393
CWD 2G Open		                     1.30m        $85   $750         $65     $500      369-370 $2500 Open Classic           $200     408
Jr/Am/AO Jumper                   1.30m        $85   $750         $65     $500      372-374
Open Jmp (Not at BCHJA)           1.35m        $85   $750         $65     $500      375-377 $2500 Open Classic           $200     410
Jr/Am/AO Jmp (Not at BCHJA)       1.35m        $85   $750         $65     $500      394-397
High Jr/Am/AO Owner               1.40m        $85   $750         $65     $500      379-381
Open Jumper		                     1.40m        $85   $750         $65     $500      382-384 $2500 Open Classic           $200      411

       Class prize money is subject to change. Please refer to the schedules at each competition to verify prize money amounts.

                                Welcome to the 2021
                       World Championship Hunter Rider Series!
        Thank you to the exhibitors and managers who make this program so successful.
    All of the competitions listed below have been selected as 2021 WCHR Member Events
             and are eligible for inclusion in Regional and National point standings.

                                Be part of the fun in 2021!
CENTRAL MOUNTAIN                         NORTHEAST                                SOUTH CENTRAL                                 Showpark Ranch & Coast Classic
Summer In the Rockies III                Old Salem Farm May II                    Great Southwest Winter Series III             May 11-16, 2021 • San Juan Capistrano, CA
June 23-27, 2021 • Parker, CO            May 18-23, 2021 • North Salem, NY        February 17-21, 2021 • Katy, TX               Temecula Valley National I
Summer In the Rockies V                  The Saratoga Classic I                   Pin Oak Charity                               May 19-23, 2021 • Temecula, CA
July 7-11, 2021 • Parker, CO             June 16-20, 2021 • Stillwater, NY        March 31- April 4, 2021 • Katy, TX            Blenheim June Classic I
                                         Fairfield Co. Hunt Club June             Pin Oak Charity Horse Show III                June 9-13, 2021 • San Juan Capistrano, CA
MID ATLANTIC                             June 22-26, 2021 • Westport, CT          April 7-11, 2021 • Katy, TX                   Giant Steps Charity Horse Shows
Lexington Spring Premiere                Lake Placid                              Texas Shoot-Out                               August 3-8, 2021 • Petaluma, CA
April 28- May 2, 2021 • Lexington, VA    June 29-July 4, 2021 • Lake Placid, NY   April 28-May 2, 2021 • Tyler, TX              Menlo Charity Horse Show
The Keswick Horse Show                   Saratoga Special II                      Great Southwest Round Up                      August 10-15, 2021 • Atherton, CA
May 18-23, 2021 • Keswick, VA            July 15-18, 2021 • Stillwater, NY        May 6-9, 2021 • Katy, TX                      NATIONAL
Upperville Colt & Horse Show             Manchester Classic                       Show Jumping Classic
June 7-13, 2021 • Upperville, VA                                                                                                Devon
                                         July 21-25, 2021 • East Dorset, VT       May 19-23, 2021 • Fort Worth, TX              May 27-June 6, 2021 • Devon, PA
Loudoun Benefit                          The Princeton Summer Classic             Southwest Classic
June 16-20, 2021 • Upperville, VA                                                                                               Capital Challenge Horse Show
                                         July 28-August 1, 2021 • Princeton, NJ   May 26-30, 2021 • Fort Worth, TX              October 4-10, 2021 • Upper Marlboro, MD
Deep Run Horse Show                      New York Horse & Pony
June 23-27, 2021 • Manakin Sabot, VA                                              SOUTHEAST
                                         August 4-8, 2021 • Saugerties, NY
Brandywine Valley Summer Series                                                   WEF 6 Equestrian Sport Productions LLC
June 30 • July 4, 2021 • Devon, PA       NORTHWEST                                February 16-21, 2021 • Wellington, FL
Lexington National Horse Show            Spring National Hunter                   Ocala Winter Finals
August 11-15, 2021 • Lexington, VA       April 13-18, 2021 • Monroe, WA           March 9-14, 2021 • Ocala, FL
Middleburg Classic                       Pacific Northwest Hunter Jumper          Gulf Coast Sunshine Classic
September 22-26, 2021 • Upperville, VA   May 19-23, 2021 • Monroe, WA             March 10-13, 2021 • Gulfport, MS
                                         Thunderbird Show Park Canadian           WEF 12 Equestrian Sport Productions LLC
MIDWEST                                  Premiere                                 March 30- April 4, 2021 • Wellington, FL
Kentucky Spring                          May 25-30, 2021 • Langley, BC            Aiken Spring Classic Masters
May 11-16, 2021 • Lexington, KY          The Oregon Trail                         April 21-25, 2021 • Aiken, SC
Split Rock Hunter - Jumper Classic II    June 16-21, 2021 • Wilsonville, OR       Aiken Charity Horse Show I                For more information contact
June 16-20, 2021 • Lexington, KY         Early Summer H/J Classic #2              May 5-9, 2021 • Aiken, SC                          Eva Van Heeke
Showplace Spring Spectacular III         June 23-27, 2021 • Wilsonville, OR       Equus Events Tryon Spring 3
June 23-27, 2021 • Wayne, IL                                                                                                   at
                                         Country Classic                          May 19-23, 2021 • Mill Spring, NC
Traverse City Horse Shows June           July 14-18, 2021 • Wilsonville, OR                                                        or (859) 225-6735
                                                                                  Blowing Rock Charity I
June 23-27, 2021 • Williamsburg, MI      Oregon High Desert Classic 2             July 27-August 1, 2021 • Blowing Rock, NC or visit
Great Lakes Equestrian Festival II       July 28- August 1, 2021 • Bend, OR
July 14-18, 2021 • Williamsburg, MI                                               SOUTHWEST
                                         Summer Fort Classic
Kentucky Summer Horse Show               August 17-22, 2021 • Langley, BC         Desert Circuit VIII
July 28-August 1, 2021 • Lexington, KY                                            March 16-21, 2021 • Thermal, CA
                                         Northwest Spectacular
Blue Grass Festival                      September 1-5, 2021 • Wilsonville, OR    Blenheim Spring IV
August 17-22, 2021 • Lexington, KY                                                April 14-18, 2021 • San Juan Capistrano, CA
                                         Northwest Autumn Classic
The Kentucky National                    September 22-26, 2021 • Monroe, WA       Temecula Valley National Premier
September 22-26, 2021 • Lexington, KY                                             April 21-25, 2021 • Temecula, CA*

                                                               (859) 225-6700 |
Do you have what it takes to
          be a World Championship
                Hunter Rider?

                                        WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP HUNTER RIDER


               Congratulations to the
        2020 WCHR Northwest Regional Winners!
     Professional – Quinn Partridge                                  Junior 3’3” – Kate Hagerty
Developing Professional – Quinn Partridge                            Children’s – Lillian Thomas
 Amateur Owner 3’6” – Camille Leblond                                 Pony – Madeline Luddy
   Amateur Owner 3’3” – Hillary Sosne                            Handy Hunter – Nicole Bourgeois
      Adult Amateur – Kelsey King                               Professional Owner – Emily Steckler
      Junior 3’6” – Cameron Brown                              Developing Pro Owner – Emily Steckler

                JOIN TODAY... and be part of the fun in 2021!
       Become a member by Midnight Eastern time of the last day of this competition and
    receive points toward Regional and National awards, and qualifying for the WCHR Finals
                Challenge classes held during the Capital Challenge Horse Show.
                                For more information contact
      Eva Van Heeke at or (859) 225-6735, or visit

                                     (859) 225-6700 |
Jumper Specifications
Children & Adult Amateur Jumper 1.10m                                   level of the first EC rated junior or amateur class in which they
                                                                        competed. Professionals are permitted unlimited upward and
Open to horses ridden by either Junior (Children) or Amateur (Adult     downward movement.
Amateur) riders. If there are less than 8 riders in either Children’s
or Adult Amateur Jumpers, divisions may be combined. The fourth         EC Youth Children’s 1.20m
class of each division will be a $250 stake class. Classes will be
                                                                        The EC Youth Children’s will follow FEI class specifications without
run as either table 238.2.2 or table 238.2.1. Ribbons to 8th. Each
                                                                        requiring FEI passports or stabling. Open to riders from the
division will be awarded championships.
                                                                        beginning of the calendar year in which they reach the age of 12
Clear Round Jumping                                                     until the end of the calendar year in which they reach 14. Course will
                                                                        consist of 12-16 fences at 1.20m in height with a maximum spread
Horses are required be checked into the competition and be
                                                                        of 1.30m for oxers and 1.45m for triple bars. Speed of 350m/m,
wearing their competition numbers prior to entry into Clear Round
                                                                        table 238.2.2. Tack rules will follow FEI Jumping Rules, Annex XII
Jumping. Please sign up for rounds through ShowGroundsLive.
                                                                        Rules for Children’s Events. Note that EC Youth Children’s may not
The fee is $25 per round.
                                                                        ride stallions.
Crooks Show Jumping Young Horse Showcase                                Grand Prix
Open to all horses and riders holding current memberships of            Course will consist of 12-16 fences up to the specified height. It
their national federation. To determine the age category a horse        will include a double and a triple combination. Cooler for first and
competes in, all horses born in the northern hemishpere have an         ribbons to 10th. Order of go will be computer drawn. Horses are
official birth date of January 1st, and horses born in the southern     required to be stabled on the show grounds 24 hr prior to class
hemisphere have an official birthdate of August 1st. Horses born in     start and are not permitted to leave the grounds until the class is
the southern hemisphere are allowed to compete with horses one          completed. The class will run as a jump off according to Table A
year younger per FEI Article 254.1.2. Two classes per week will be      238.2.2.
offered, the first will be a clear round and the second an immediate
jump off. The 6 & 7 year olds will come back to jump off during         Jumper Divisions Under 1.10m
the finals. 4 year olds will be judged 50% on performance, and
                                                                        Open to horses that are nominated to the ring in which the class
50% on way of going, jumping style and potential. Time allowed
                                                                        is being held. Open Jumper divisions are open to all horses and
will be based on 300m/min for 4 y/o, 325m/min for 5 y/o and 350m/
                                                                        riders. Junior Amateur divisions are open to all horses and riders
min for 6 & 7 y/o. Boot check will be performed after all classes
                                                                        who are Juniors or Amateurs. Classes will be run as either table
following FEI Article 257.2.4. Young horses will be able to show in
                                                                        238.2.2 or table 238.2.1. Refer to the weekly schedules available
both young horse classes as well as one additional class per week       at the competition office. Award for the winner and ribbons to 6th
without incurring a nomination fee. These classes will be offered at
                                                                        place. Each division will be awarded championships.
a reduced rate to encourage the development of show jumpers at
Thunderbird Show Park.                                                  Winning Round - FEI Table A Section 276.2
Cross Entry Rules                                                       Top twelve combinations to return for second round. All will start
                                                                        over with a zero score, but come back in reverse order of results
Article G604.3; Junior and Amateur horse/rider combinations are
                                                                        (penalties and time) from the first round. Placing will be according
permitted unlimited upward movement, but downward movement
                                                                        to penalties and time in the second round.
is restricted to one level only. These movements are based on the
USEF Competition Name:                                                             USEF#:
April Season Opener 334294 National Hunter, Jumper Rating 3. Canadian Premier 315268 Premier Hunter, Jumper Rating 6. Odlum
  Competition Division(s) and Rating(s):
Brown BC Open 325975, National Hunter, Jumper Rating 6. West Coast Classic 315067 National Hunter, Jumper Rating 4. Western
Family 315068 National Hunter, Jumper Rating 4. Summer Fort Welcome 2950 Premier Hunter, Jumper Rating 4. Summer Fort Classic
865 Premier Hunter, Jumper Rating 6. Summer Fort Festival 315229 National Hunter, Jumper Rating 6. BCHJA Fall Finale 335450
National Hunter, Jumper Rating 3.

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