North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Publication Draft Sustainability Appraisal - Technical Document A Review of Relevant Plans, Programmes and ...

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North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Publication Draft Sustainability Appraisal - Technical Document A Review of Relevant Plans, Programmes and ...

    North Devon and Torridge Local Plan

    Publication Draft
    Sustainability Appraisal - Technical Document A
    Review of Relevant Plans, Programmes and Policies

    June 2014
North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Publication Draft Sustainability Appraisal - Technical Document A Review of Relevant Plans, Programmes and ...
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Sustainability Appraisal Technical Document A - Review of Relevant Policies, Plans and Programmes
European Plans and Programmes
Key aims, relevant objectives, targets/indicators           Implications for SA                        Plan response
Framework Directive on Waste Disposal (75/442/EEC) amended by 91/156/EEC, 91/692/EEC, 96/350/EC and 96/59/EC.
The Directive sets targets for the reduction of biodegradable municipal      The Framework requirements should be                  Overall objectives and requirements should be
landfill and promotes a uniform waste classification and acceptance          incorporated into the Sustainability Appraisal.       supported by plan policies.
procedure. Member States are required to promote the prevention,
recycling and conversion of wastes with a view to their reuse.
Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)
Establishes a legal framework to protect and restore clean water across      The Framework requirements should be                  Overall objectives and requirements should be
Europe and ensure its long-term, sustainable use. All inland and coastal     incorporated into the Sustainability Appraisal.       supported by plan policies.
waters to reach good ecological status by 2015.
European Communities Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds () (Directive 2009/147/EC
Provides a framework for the protection and conservation of all bird         It is important to ensure that the implications of    Protection of wildlife-designated areas.
species living naturally in the wild within the European territory (except   this directive are met through the Sustainability
Greenland).                                                                  Appraisal.
EC Council Directive on the Conservation of Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (92/43/EEC)
Introduces the precautionary principle and aims to conserve fauna and        Relevant habitats need to be identified in the        Overall objectives and requirements should be
flora and natural habitats of EU importance. Establishment of a network of   Sustainability Appraisal and appropriate              supported by plan policies.
protected areas to maintain both the distribution and abundance of           assessment is required to ensure the protection of
threatened species and habitats.                                             species and habitats.
EU 7th Environmental Action Plan, November 2013-2020
Sets out the framework for environmental policy making in the European       Priorities for Sustainable Development and priority   These priorities should be incorporated in the
Union for the period 2013-202. It identifies three key objectives:           areas for action are set out in the EAP.              LDF.
 to protect, conserve and enhance the Union’s natural capital
 to turn the Union into a resource-efficient, green, and competitive low-
    carbon economy
 to safeguard the Union's citizens from environment-related pressures
    and risks to health and wellbeing
EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 – towards implementation. 2012
The six targets cover:                                                       The EBS emphasises the important role of spatial      The role of spatial planning in the conservation
 Full implementation of EU nature legislation to protect biodiversity       planning in the conservation of species and           of species and ecosystems needs to be
 Better protection for ecosystems, and more use of green                    ecosystems.                                           addressed.
 More sustainable agriculture and forestry
 Better management of fish stocks
 Tighter controls on invasive alien species
   A bigger EU contribution to averting global biodiversity loss
EU Sustainable Development Strategy, May 2001, reviewed 2009
The Strategy focuses on the need to:                                            Action to promote sustainable development must   Overall objectives and requirements to be
 Limit climate change and its costs and negative effects to society and        be taken by all and at all levels.               supported by plan policies.
   the environment
 To ensure that our transport systems meet society’s economic, social
   and environmental needs whilst minimising their undesirable impacts
   on the economy, society and environment
 Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
 Improve management and overexploitation of natural resources,
   recognising the value of ecosystem services
 Promote good public health on equal conditions and improve
   protection against health threats
 Create a socially inclusive society by taking into account solidarity
   between and within generations and to secure and increase the
   quality of life of citizens as a precondition for lasting individual well-
 Actively promote sustainable development worldwide and ensure that
   the European Union’s internal and external policies are consistent
   with global sustainable development and its international
UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme, 1974 and 1995
Targets the ecological, social and economic dimensions of biodiversity          MBP emphasises the linkages between              Overall aims and objectives should be
loss and the reduction of this loss. Uses its World Network of Biosphere        biodiversity conservation and socio-economic     supported by plan policies.
reserves as vehicles for knowledge sharing, research and monitoring,            development in specific biosphere reserve
education and training and participatory decision-making.                       contexts.
The World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR) provides context-
specific opportunities to combine scientific knowledge and governance
modalities to:
 Reduce biodiversity loss
 Improve livelihoods
 Enhance social, economic and cultural conditions for environmental
Kyoto Protocol. 1997. Amended 2012.
   Limit the emissions of 6 greenhouse gases, including: carbon dioxide,       Amendments include                               Overall aims and objectives should be
    methane, nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons,              New commitments for Annex I Parties to the     supported by plan policies.
    sulphur hexafluoride                                                           Kyoto Protocol who agreed to take on
   Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5% of 1990 levels by 2008-                  commitments in a second commitment period
2012                                                                         from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2020;
   UK agreement specifies a reduction in emissions by 12.5% below              A revised list of greenhouse gases (GHG) to
    1990 levels by 2008-2012 and a national goal of a 20% reduction in           be reported on by Parties in the second
    CO2 emissions below 1990 levels by 2010                                      commitment period; and
                                                                                Amendments to several articles of the Kyoto
                                                                                 Protocol which specifically referenced issues
                                                                                 pertaining to the first commitment period and
                                                                                 which needed to be updated for the second
                                                                                 commitment period.

National Plans and Programmes
Key aims, relevant objectives, targets/indicators                Implications for SA                       Plan response
Our future- different paths - UK’s shared framework for sustainable development and Securing the Future – UK Government sustainable
development strategy (March 2005)
Framework document which sets out the shared UK goals:                       Overall influence to ensure sustainable              Should be reflected in overall objectives of the
 Shared understanding of sustainable development                            development. Consideration of the aims of            LDF and ensure that it includes a sustainable
 Common purpose outlining what we are trying to achieve and the             sustainable development in policy making will help   vision and sustainable spatial policies; the
   guiding principles we all need to follow to achieve it                    to achieve the SA/SEA objectives.                    impact of spatial policies upon other sectors
 Our sustainable development priorities for UK action, at home and                                                               should be minimised.
 Indicators to monitor the key issues on a UK basis
Planning for a Sustainable Future White Paper. May 2007
   planning must be responsive, particularly to longer term challenges         supporting the building of zero-carbon homes     Should be reflected in overall objectives of the
    such as increasing globalisation and climate change, and properly            and business premises that are low energy        LDF and ensure that it includes a sustainable
    integrate our economic, social and environmental objectives to deliver       and produce lower carbon emissions;              vision and sustainable spatial policies; the
    sustainable development;                                                    locating development to reduce the need to       impact of spatial policies upon other sectors
   the planning system should be streamlined, efficient and predictable;        travel;                                          should be minimised.
   there must be full and fair opportunities for public consultation and       making walking and cycling accessible,
    community engagement;                                                        attractive and essential components of new
   the planning system should be transparent and accountable; and               development;
   planning should be undertaken at the right level of government –            supporting integrated public transport.
    national, regional and local.
The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, July 2007
The Air Quality Strategy sets out the long term vision for improving air     Potential impacts on air quality, noise and light    Aims and objectives should be reflected in the
quality in the UK and air quality standards and objectives for 13 key        pollution and congestion.                            overall objectives of the LDF.
pollutants to be achieved between now and 2050. The Local Air
Management Regime has improved the knowledge and understanding of
local air quality issues in the UK over the last ten years. Sets out new
measures to be considered, measures requiring additional development
work and measures no longer under immediate consideration.
Air Pollution: Action in a Changing Climate. March 2010
Taking action to reduce the effects of climate change provides an             This document summarises the main issues            Aims and objectives should be reflected in the
excellent opportunity to deliver further benefits to both air pollution and   concerning air pollution and outlines the ways in   overall objectives of the LDF.
greenhouse gas emissions.                                                     which we can make the most of the
                                                                              interconnections between measures to address
                                                                              air pollution and climate change.
UK Sustainable Development Strategy, ‘A better quality of life’
The Strategy has four main aims:                                              Taking into account these aims in policy making     To create sustainable spatial policies and to
 Social progress which recognises the needs of everyone                      will help to achieve the SA/SEA objectives.         minimise the impact of spatial policies upon
 Effective protection of the environment                                                                                         other sectors, such as transport, social and
 Prudent use of natural resources                                                                                                economic factors.
 Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and
Action in the UK – The UK Climate Change Programme 2006
Should ensure that the UK can meet its long-term goal to reduce carbon        Objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions        The Local Plan should include policies to
dioxide emissions by some 60 % by 2050.                                       should be included.                                 promote the use of renewable energy
                                                                                                                                  resources and promote energy efficiency.
The Uk Low Carbon Transition Plan. July 2009.
This White Paper sets out the UK’s first ever-comprehensive low carbon        Objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions        The Local Plan should include policies to
transition plan to 2020. This plan will deliver emission cuts of 18% on       should be included.                                 promote the use of renewable energy
2008 levels by 2020 (and over a one third reduction on 1990 levels).                                                              resources and promote energy efficiency.
The National Adaptation Programme - Making the country resilient to a changing climate. July 2013.
Objectives have been developed to address the greatest risks and              A mix of policies and actions to help us to adapt   Aims and objectives should be reflected in the
opportunities.                                                                successfully to future weather conditions, by       overall objectives of the LDF.
These objectives cover 4 main areas across the programme:                     dealing with the risks and making the most of the
• Increasing awareness                                                        opportunities.
• Increasing resilience to current extremes
• Taking timely action for long-lead time measures
• Addressing major evidence gaps.
UK Renewable Energy Roadmap. July 2011
Goal is to ensure that 15% of our energy demand is met from renewable         Whilst it sets out a comprehensive programme of     Aims and objectives should be reflected in the
sources by 2020 in the most cost effective way.                               action, it also recognises that the barriers to     overall objectives of the LDF.
                                                                              deployment, technology costs, and innovation
                                                                              breakthroughs will change with time. The
                                                                              Roadmap establishes a process of monitoring and
evaluation that will enable us to adjust our
Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981
Makes it illegal to intentionally damage wild plants and animals or their    The implications of this document have to be met   Protection of SSSIs.
habitats with the aim to prevent the loss of diversity of fauna and flora.   through the SA.
UK Biodiversity Action Plan. 1994
The UK response to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), which       An objective protecting biodiversity should be     The Local Plan should include policies to
was signed at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The plan describes the     included in the SA framework.                      protect and enhance biodiversity.
UK’s biological resources and includes details on how these resources
may be protected.
UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework. 2012
A framework of priorities for UK-level work for the Convention on            An objective protecting biodiversity should be     The Local Plan should include policies to
Biological Diversity covers the period from 2011 to 2020.                    included in the SA framework.                      protect and enhance biodiversity.
Working with the grain of nature: a biodiversity strategy for England, October 2002
Key actions for agriculture, water, woodland, marine/coastal and urban       Ensure the implications of this document are met   The Local Plan should include policies
area:                                                                        through the SA.                                    addressing biodiversity
 management of farming and agricultural land to conserve/enhance
 whole catchment approach to water and wetlands
 manage and extend woodland
 natural processes and ecosystem approach to coast/sea
 biodiversity in sustainable communities and urban green space
Biodiversity by Design, TCPA 2004.
Provides guidance on how to maximise the opportunities for biodiversity      Ensure the implications of this document are met   The Local Plan should include policies to
in the planning and design of sustainable communities                        through the SA.                                    protect priority habitats and species
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
   Creates a new statutory right of access to the open country and          Ensure the implications of this document are met   Protect rights of way.
    registered common land;                                                  through the SA.
   Modernises the rights of way system;
   Gives greater protection to Sites of Specific Scientific Interest
   Provides better management arrangements for Areas of Outstanding
    Natural Beauty (AONBs); and
   Strengthens wildlife enforcement legislation.
Streets for All: Guidance for Practitioners. 2005
Coordinated approach to managing the public realm                            Ensure the implications of this document are met   A high-quality public realm can be achieved
through the SA.                                    and a multi-disciplinary approach is essential.
                                                                                                                                Where possible, authorities should set up a
                                                                                                                                townscape ‘Public Realm Management Team’,
                                                                                                                                responsible for overseeing a quality response
                                                                                                                                to the demands upon the environment.
Environmental Quality in Spatial Planning – incorporating the natural, built and historic environment, and rural issues in plans and strategies. June
Sets out our views as to how planning authorities might achieve high         Ensure the implications of this document are met   The Local Plan should include policies
standards of environmental quality in spatial planning.                      through the SA.                                    addressing environmental quality in spatial
Safeguarding our Soils. 2009
Building on the First Soil Action Plan for England (2004-2006), the aim is   Ensure the implications of this document are met   The focus is on four main themes: the
to ensure that England’s soils are better protected and managed              through the SA.                                    sustainable use of agricultural soils; the role of
                                                                                                                                soils in mitigating and adapting to climate
                                                                                                                                change; protecting soil functions during
                                                                                                                                construction and development; and preventing
                                                                                                                                pollution and dealing with historic
Land Use Change in England: Residential Development to 2006
Provides housing density and previously developed land statistics.           Ensure the implications of this document are met   PDL data noted in baseline.
                                                                             through the SA.
Safer Places: The Planning System and Crime Prevention, ODPM 2004
Identifies key ways of influencing crime reduction as: a flourishing         Ensure the implications of this document are met      effective engagement with the community
economy, strong leadership and effective engagement with the                 through the SA.                                       safe and healthy environment
community, a safe and healthy environment, good public transport, a well                                                           good public transport
integrated mix of decent homes, a diverse, vibrant and creative culture, a                                                         integrated mix of decent homes
sense of place, right links with the regional, national and international                                                          sense of place
Waste Strategy for England 2007. Reviewed 2011
This new strategy builds on Waste Strategy 2000 and the progress since       An objective regarding waste reduction should be   The Local Plan should include policies
then but aims for greater ambition by addressing the key challenges for      included in the SA framework.                      addressing waste minimisation and recycling.
the future through additional steps with regards to the reduction of waste
and recycling.
Strategy for Sustainable Farming and Food, DEFRA 2002
The strategy provides advice for delivering sustainable farming.             Ensure the implications of this document are met      Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
                                                                             through the SA.                                       Improve river water quality
                                                                                                                                   Improve soil nutrient status
   Favourable conditions of designated
                                                                                                                                  wildlife sites
                                                                                                                                 Reverse decline in farmland birds
                                                                                                                                 Increase consumption of fresh fruit and
Living places: Cleaner, Safer, Greener, ODPM 2002
Sets out the Government's approach to making cleaner, safer, greener       Ensure the implications of this document are met   The Strategy complements PPG17 and should
public spaces by:                                                          through the SA.                                    be referred to when devising policy for open
 Tackling the Particular Problems of the Poorest Communities                                                                 space and identifying appropriate monitoring
 Tackling the Needs of Urban Parks and Green Spaces                                                                          for the SA of the LDF.
 Communicating Ideas and Promoting Best Practice
The Natural Environment White Paper. July 2011
Outlines the Government’s vision for the natural environment over the      Ensure the implications of this document are met   The White Paper sets out four ambitions:
next 50 years, backed up with practical action to deliver that ambition    through the SA.                                     Protecting and improving our natural
                                                                                                                               Growing a green economy
                                                                                                                               Reconnecting people and nature
                                                                                                                               International and EU leadership
Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act, Natural England 2006
Achieve a rich and diverse natural environment and thriving rural          Ensure the implications of this document are met   The Local Plan should include policies to
communities through modernised and simplified arrangements for             through the SA.                                    promote nature conservation.
delivering Government policy.
Green Space Strategies – A Good Practice Guide. CABE 2004
Provide a blueprint for working in partnership with other landowners and   Ensure the implications of this document are met   The Local Plan should include policies to
managers and with local communities to deliver excellent parks and green   through the SA.                                    promote green spaces.
spaces now and in the future.
Enhancing Urban Green Space, ODPM 2006.
To advise on raising green space quality and ensure it receives the        Ensure the implications of this document are met   The Local Plan should include policies to
priority that its importance to local communities deserves.                through the SA.                                    promote green spaces.
Accessible Natural Green Space Standards in Towns and Cities. A Review and Toolkit for their Implementation. English Nature 2003
A manual guiding the whole procedure of implementing ANGSt.                Ensure the implications of this document are met   The Local Plan should include policies to
                                                                           through the SA.                                    promote green spaces.
Providing Accessible Natural Green Space in Towns and Cities. A Practical Guide to Assessing the Resource and Implementing Local Standards for
Provision English Nature 2003
Guide local authorities in identifying the current level of provision of   Ensure the implications of this document are met      no person should live more than 300m
accessible natural greenspace and to assist with the production of local   through the SA.                                        from their nearest area of natural
standards and targets.                                                                                                                 greenspace;
                                                                                                                                      there should be at least one accessible
                                                                                                                                       20ha site within 2km from home;
                                                                                                                                      there should be one accessible 100ha site
                                                                                                                                       within 5km;
                                                                                                                                      there should be one accessible 500ha site
                                                                                                                                       within 10km.
The Historic Environment: a Force for our future (DCMS/DTLR,2001)
 To protect and sustain the historic environment for the benefit or our The SA/SEA should investigate if and how the              The historic environment should be taken into
    own and future generations;                                               historic environment can add social, economic        consideration when sites are allocated.
   To skilfully harness the historic environment’s economic asset;           and environmental value to people and
   To ensure that the historic environment is accessible to all and is
    seen as something with which the whole of society can identify and
   To realise the historic environment’s potential as a learning resource;
   To match public interest in the historic environment by firm
    leadership, effective partnerships and the development of a sound
    knowledge base from which to develop policies.
Retail Development in Historic Areas. English Heritage 2005
Set out guidelines for achieving high quality new retail development in       Ensure the implications of this document are met     Illustrates how the expectations of the
historic areas.                                                               through the SA.                                      developer, the trader and the customer can be
                                                                                                                                   accommodated while
Code For Sustainable Homes and Companion Guide. DCLG 2006
Government policy for provision of sustainable homes.                         Ensure the implications of this document are met     The Local Plan should include policies which
                                                                              through the SA.                                      promote sustainable design and construction
Sustainable communities: Building for the future. DCLG 2003.
Advises on objectives and methods to build successful, thriving and           Ensure the implications of this document are met        economic prosperity
inclusive communities.                                                        through the SA.                                         decent homes at a price people can afford
                                                                                                                                      safeguard the countryside
                                                                                                                                      well-designed, accessible and pleasant
                                                                                                                                       living and working environment
                                                                                                                                      effective and fair government, strong
                                                                                                                                       sense of community
Consultation 2014-2020 Assisted Areas Map. December 2013. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Identifies areas where regional aid can be offered to undertakings,           Aims to achieve sustainable and balanced growth      Areas within North Devon and Torridge
typically businesses, under state aid rules.                                  that is more evenly distributed across the country   identified.
                                                                              and sectors.
UK Planning Policy
Key aims, relevant objectives, targets/indicators               Implications for SA                                          Plan response
National Policy Statements for Energy Infrastructure. July 2011
The energy NPSs set out national policy against which proposals for         The aims of the document should be considered    The Local Plan should include policies which
major energy projects will be assessed and decided on by the National       in policy making, which would help achieve the   promote sustainable energy production
Infrastructure Directorate (NID) within the Planning Inspectorate.          SA/SEA objectives
Localism Act. 2011
An Act to make provision about the functions and procedures of local and    Duty to co-operate in relation to planning of    In particular, the duty imposed on a person by
certain other authorities                                                   sustainable development                          subsection (1) requires the person—
                                                                                                                             (a) to engage constructively, actively and on
                                                                                                                             an ongoing basis in any process by means of
                                                                                                                             which activities within subsection (3) are
                                                                                                                             undertaken, and
                                                                                                                             (b) to have regard to activities of a person
                                                                                                                             within subsection (9) so far as they are
                                                                                                                             relevant to activities within subsection (3).
National Planning Policy Framework. March 2012
Sets out planning policies for England Wales                                The aims of the document should be considered    Provides a framework within which local
                                                                            in policy making, which would help achieve the   people and their accountable councis can
                                                                            SA/SEA objectives                                produce their own distinctive local and
                                                                                                                             neighbourhood plans, which effect the needs
                                                                                                                             and priorities of their communities
Better Places To Live By Design: Companion Guide To Planning Policy Guidance 3. September 2001
Better Places to Live By Design focuses on the attributes that underlie     The aims of the document should be considered    Better places to live challenges local
successful residential environments in order to provide guidance on         in policy making, which would help achieve the   authorities and developers to think more
implementing the new approach to planning for housing set out in            SA/SEA objectives                                imaginatively about design and layout.
Planning Policy Guidance 3: Housing (PPG3).
Delivering Affordable Housing. November 2006
The aim of this document is to support local authorities and other key      The aims of the document should be considered    Deliver affordable housing policy based around
players in delivering                                                       in policy making, which would help achieve the   three themes:
more high quality affordable housing within mixed sustainable               SA/SEA objectives                                – providing high quality homes in mixed
communities by using all tools available to them read in conjunction with                                                    sustainable communities for those in need;
PPS3 Housing                                                                                                                 – widening the opportunities for home
                                                                                                                             – offering greater quality, flexibility and choice
                                                                                                                             to those who rent.
Designing Gypsy and Traveller Sites: Good Practice Guide. May 08
The guidance contained in this document is intended to concentrate more      The aims of the document should be considered    The Local Plan should identify the key
closely on the key characteristics of a mixed community, in the context of   in policy making, which would help achieve the   characteristics of a mixed community and
Gypsy and Traveller site provision                                           SA/SEA objectives                                make it clear that this can only be secured by
                                                                                                                              achieving a good mix of housing, including
                                                                                                                              accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers.
PPS5 Planning for the Historic Environment: Historic Environment Planning Practice Guide. March 2010
The purpose of this guide is to assist in implementing PPS 5 and to help     The aims of the document should be considered    The Local Plan should include policies which
in the interpretation of policies                                            in policy making, which would help achieve the   ensure the protection of the historic
                                                                             SA/SEA objectives                                environment
Planning for Biodiversity and Geological Conservation: A Guide to Good Practice. March 2006
This Guide complements PPS9 and ODPM 06/05 and DEFRA 01/05                   The aims of the document should be considered    The Local Plan should include policies which
publications and provides good practice guidance on ways regional            in policy making, which would help achieve the   ensure the protection of biodiversity and
planning bodies and local planning authorities can help deliver the          SA/SEA objectives                                geological conservation
national policies in PPS9 and comply with legal requirements set out in
the Circular.
Planning Policy Statement 10: Waste Management. May 2006
This Planning Policy Statement replaces Planning Policy Guidance Note        The aims of the document should be considered    The policies in this PPS should be taken into
10 (Planning and Waste Management) published in 1999 and forms part          in policy making, which would help achieve the   account by:
of the national waste management plan for the UK.                            SA/SEA objectives                                  waste planning authorities in discharging
                                                                                                                                 their responsibilities
                                                                                                                                regional planning bodies in the preparation
                                                                                                                                 of regional spatial strategies
                                                                                                                                the Mayor of London in relation to the
                                                                                                                                 Spatial Development Strategy in London,
                                                                                                                                local planning authorities in the preparation
                                                                                                                                 of local development documents.
Good Practice Guide on Planning for Tourism. May 2006
The guide offers practical advice following the cancellation of PPG21          The aims of the document should be considered    This Local Plan should:
                                                                               in policy making, which would help achieve the      ensure that planners understand the
                                                                               SA/SEA objectives                                    importance of tourism and take this fully
                                                                                                                                    into account when preparing development
                                                                                                                                    plans and taking planning decisions;
                                                                                                                                   ensure that those involved in the tourism
                                                                                                                                    industry understand the principles of
                                                                                                                                    national planning policy as they apply to
                                                                                                                                    tourism and how these can be applied
                                                                                                                                    when preparing individual planning
                                                                                                                                   ensure that planners and the tourism
                                                                                                                                    industry work together effectively to
                                                                                                                                    facilitate, promote and deliver new tourism
                                                                                                                                    developments in a sustainable way.
DCLG Planning Practice Guidance for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy. July 2013
Guidance provides advice on the planning issues associated with the            The aims of the document should be considered       Need for renewable or low carbon energy
development of renewable energy.                                               in policy making, which would help achieve the       does not automatically override
                                                                               SA/SEA objectives                                    environmental protections
                                                                                                                                   Cumulative impacts require particular
                                                                                                                                   Local topography is an important factor
                                                                                                                                   Great care should be taken to ensure
                                                                                                                                    heritage assets are conserved in a manner
                                                                                                                                    appropriate to their significance,
                                                                                                                                   Proposals in National Parks and AONBs
                                                                                                                                    and in areas close to them where there
                                                                                                                                    could be an adverse impact on the
                                                                                                                                    protected area, will need careful
                                                                                                                                   Protecting local amenity is an important
Planning Policy Statement 25 Supplement: Development and Coastal Change Practice Guide March 2010
The Supplement to PPS25 iis about positive planning at all levels to           The aims of the document should be considered    The Local Plan should include policies which
deliver appropriate sustainable development in the right places, taking full   in policy making, which would help achieve the   ensure the coast continues to play a vital role
account of coastal change                                                      SA/SEA objectives                                in society from a social, economic and
                                                                                                                                environmental perspective
Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk Practice Guide. December 2009.
This practice guide is complementary to Planning Policy Statement 25:       The aims of the document should be considered       The Local Plan should seek to avoid such
Development and Flood Risk (PPS25) and provides guidelines on how to        in policy making, which would help achieve the      inappropriate development in flood risk areas.
implement development and flood risk policies by the land use planning      SA/SEA objectives

Regional Plans and Programmes
Key aims, relevant objectives, targets/indicators               Implications for SA                                             Plan response
Regional Transport Strategy in the South West (Alterations to RPG10)
The document forms part of the Regional Spatial Strategy and it includes    Demand management measures of the RTS to be         The Local Development Framework will be in
general transport policies for the South West Region.                       applied by:                                         general conformity with regional guidance and
                                                                             Congestion charging/workplace parking             its replacement RSS.
                                                                             Parking strategies charges including
                                                                             Management of road space including bus
                                                                             Measures to improve travel choice
                                                                             Travel plans and travel awareness
                                                                             Car clubs/car sharing
                                                                             School and education travel planning
                                                                             Visitor plans
                                                                             Public transport information systems
The Regional Waste Strategy for the South West 2004-2020 (SWRA, 2004)
The strategy was published in 2004 and it sets out how the waste strategy   The importance of minimising waste would be         The Local Plan could include an ‘umbrella’
can deliver the ‘South West Vision for Waste: Minimum Waste, Maximum        reflected in the SA/SEA objectives.                 policy that promotes the better use of
Benefit’, so that the South West will become a minimum waste region by                                                          resources and minimises waste.
2030, with households and businesses maximising opportunities for
The waste strategy aims to ensure that by 2020 45% of waste is recycled
and reused and less than 20% of waste produced in the region will be
land filled.
Regional Economic Strategy for South West England 2006-2015
Provides a shared vision for the development of the region’s economy.       Several of the SA/SEA objectives reflect the aims   To provide an overall strategic policy to
States that their vision will be realised when the South West has           of the Regional Economic Strategy.                  promote economic ‘smart’ growth.
developed an economy where:
 Prosperity is measured by wellbeing as well as economic wealth
 Knowledge, service quality and performance are key to business
   More people can find jobs which fully utilise and reward their skills
   The region respects the environment as the foundation of people’s
    quality of life and a business opportunity
The Regional Strategy for the South West Environment 2004-2014 (SWRA, 2004)
The purpose of the strategy is to:                                           Objectives for the protection and enhancement of       The LDF would be in conformity.
 Generate awareness of the importance of the South West                     Torridge and North Devon are included in the SA
   environment to help people living in, working in and visiting the South   framework.
 Identify priorities for protecting and enhancing the environment for the
   benefit of current and future generations
 Ensure decisions are based on an understanding that social and
   economic activity must be undertaken within the carrying capacity of
   the region’s environment by highlighting key issues for the region
 Provide a framework for action for in the South West
Development of an Air Transport Strategy for the Far South West of England (RDA, 2003)
Appraisal of options regarding air transport issues.                         No impact for the SA.                                  No impact for the LDF
South West Drought Plan (Environment Agency). Jan 2012
Sets out how the EA will plan for and manage drought in the South West       No impact for the SA.                                  No impact for the LDF
 The region’s drought management structure
 The drought monitoring that will be undertaken by the Regional
    Drought Team
 The drought management actions that the Regional Drought Team
    may need to take and the triggers for these actions
 How the Regional Drought Team are involved with drought permit and
    drought order applications
 The Region’s drought communications actions
 How the Region will report on drought
River Basin Management Plan. South West River Basin District – Environment Agency 2009
This plan focuses on the protection, improvement and sustainable use of      The plan describes the river basin district, and the   The natural environment must be taken into
the water environment.                                                       pressures that the water environment faces.            consideration when sites are allocated.
                                                                             It shows what this means for the current state of
                                                                             the water environment, and what actions will be
                                                                             taken to address the pressures.
Regional Renewable Energy Strategy for SW of England 2003-2010
Sets out the South West renewable electricity generation target of 11-       SA framework includes objective regarding              The LDF will be in general conformity with
15% by 2010. The strategy identifies three areas where a regional focus      renewable energy generation.                           regional guidance. Could result in an ‘umbrella’
is required:                                                                                                                        policy for Northern Devon.
   Deploying renewable energy on the ground
   Developing skills and awareness
   Building the South West renewable energy industry
Revision 2010: Renewable Energy Targets for the South West (GOSW)
Sets out the regional renewable energy targets.                               Ensure the implications of this document are met    The Local Plan should include policies to
                                                                              through the SA.                                     promote renewable energy infrastructure
Revision 2020: South West Renewable Electricity, Heat and On-Site Generation Targets for 2020. GOSW 2005.
Extends the existing body of work by looking to establish targets for         Ensure the implications of this document are met    The Local Plan should include policies to
renewable electricity to 2020 and adding targets for renewable heat for       through the SA.                                     promote renewable energy infrastructure
2010 and 2020 and a target for on-site generation within new
The Way Ahead – Delivering Sustainable Communities in the South West
This document aims to support existing strategies to bring about an           The SA framework includes objectives that relate    Reflected in LDF policies.
acceleration of what the region is already committed to in the provision of   to the improvement of inequality and deprivation,
housing, improved regional productivity, and the benefits of this growth to   affordable housing, sustainable growth etc.
address regional inequalities and economic underperformance. It aims to
do this by targeting accelerated interventions in a small number of places
identified in RPG 10, where it can make a real and early start on making
an impact on the regional priorities – Bristol, Plymouth, Swindon, Exeter
and the key Cornish towns. These interventions include:
 Improving transport infrastructure
 Making city centres more attractive
 Linking deprived areas to the opportunities provided by growth
 Enhancing the knowledge base of our businesses
 Building more affordable homes
 Increasing the skills and knowledge of our people
The Regional Sustainable Development Framework for the South West of England (2001)
Aims:                                                                         A general influence for the SA/SEA                  Should be reflected in overall Sustainable
 To set out a high level strategic framework for moving towards                                                                  Development definition which underpins the
   sustainable development in the South West                                                                                      draft spatial objectives
 To establish an overall vision for the South West
 To identify the themes which illustrate how environmental, social and
   economic objectives can be integrated and what the opportunities are
   to achieving this integration
 To identify headline indicators to measure the extent to which we are
   realising the vision
 To achieve ‘buy-in’ from regional organisations, local government,
   business and the voluntary sector
   To provide a document which can be used to shape all regional
    strategies, including the Regional Planning Guidance and economic
    development strategies
A Sustainable Future for the South West – Moving in the Right Direction? Progress Report, 2002
Progress Report on the Sustainability Framework for the South West             No impact on SA.                                    Case studies can provide some
region, aimed at:                                                                                                                  information/examples.
        Showing the progress that has been made against the 15 cross
cutting themes in the framework
        Publicising good practice and case studies from a range of
organisations in the South West who have been effective in delivering
sustainable development
        Identifying successes, difficulties and gaps in the achievement of
sustainable development
        Showing trends in indicators used to measure progress towards
sustainable development
        Developing a consensus on the future priorities for the region
        Highlighting where resources can be targeted most effectively
        Raising general awareness about the concept of sustainable
Creating Sustainable Communities in the South West (ODPM, 2005)
Addresses the problems facing communities in the South West and                A general influence for the SA/SEA                  The LDF will be in general conformity with
housing in particular. Identifies the key issues for communities in the                                                            regional guidance.
South West as housing supply, affordability of housing and transport. Also
aims to improve the regions economic performance through innovation,
knowledge transfer, business support activities and raising the skills base.
To reduce poverty and deprivation
A Strategy for the Historic Environment in the South West (English Heritage, 2004)
It’s key aim is to raise awareness and appreciation of the significance of     SA objective relating to the historic environment   Could result in an umbrella policy for
the historic environment and to promote its integration with other areas of    has been included in the framework.                 conservation. In conformity with draft regional
policy making and implementation.                                                                                                  spatial strategy for the South West.
Developing a Regional Education for Sustainable Development Strategy for the South West
Aims to help raise awareness of sustainable development and equip              No impact for SA.                                   Bristol EDS could provide some information.
people with skills and knowledge needed to develop projects and
initiatives that deliver social, economic and environmental improvements.
Changing Landscapes, Changing Outlooks, South West of England Sustainable Farming & Food Delivery Plan 2008-2011
Strategic aims:                                                                SA needs to be aware of the plan.                   Farming contributes to the local economy and
 To achieve a profitable and efficient farming and food industry                                                                  LDF is likely to recognise the need to
 To enhance the region’s environmental assets                                                                                     incorporate the issues faced by the food and
   To support healthier local communities                                                                                         farming sector.
Regional Housing Strategy (2005-2016)
Identifies ways to tackle under-provision of housing and supports action to   The objective to ‘provide suitable housing that      Expected to be in conformity with the draft
tackle homelessness. States that its mission will be achieved by the          meets the needs of the population and maximise       RSS.
delivery of three strategic aims:                                             affordable housing’ reflects the importance of
 Improving the balance of housing markets by developing housing              housing provision and in particular affordable
     markets with a range of tenures, which improve the balance between       housing. The number of dwellings completed
     supply and demand, and offer everyone the opportunity to access a        annually and the number of affordable dwellings
     home at a price they can afford.                                         completed annually will be monitored.
 Achieving good quality homes by ensuring that existing and new
     homes improver over minimum standards of quality, management
     and design.
 Supporting sustainable communities by ensuring that housing makes
     a full contribution to the achievement of sustainable and inclusive
Towards 2015, Shaping tomorrows tourism
Strategic approach to tourism, which aims to:                                 SA framework includes an objective for the           Could result in a detailed policy in a composite
 Protect the environment                                                     promotion of sustainable tourism and the number      Development Plan Document.
 Improve the quality of life for local people                                of tourists and the value of expenditure will be
 Take advantage of the region’s existing strengths and create a long-        monitored. Also the number of applications
    term and sustainable industry.                                            granted for the change of use of buildings to
                                                                              holiday use.
South West Biodiversity Implementation Plan. July 2004
Plan seeks to:                                                                The SA framework includes a high level objective,    Expected to result in a joint Local Plan policy
 Help meet biodiversity targets for priority habitats and species in the     which seeks to safeguard environmental quality       for the conservation and enhancement of
    South West                                                                and assets and a joint Local Plan objective, which   biodiversity and habitats.
 Ensure regional strategic plans incorporate biodiversity issues for the     relates directly to the protection and enhancement
    South West                                                                of biodiversity and important wildlife habitats.
 Provide a strategic framework for the work undertaken by regional
    and local biodiversity partnerships in conserving biodiversity and
    promoting the sustainable use of biological resources
 Develop wider support and active engagement by increasing
    awareness and understanding of the importance of biodiversity to the
    region’s health, quality of life and economic productivity.

County, District and Local Plans and Strategies
Key aims, relevant objectives, targets/indicators                             Implications for SA                                  Plan response
2008 Sustainable Community Strategy for Devon
Sets out the strategic vision, crosscutting themes and priorities for Devon.   SA/SEA objectives are linked to the joint North       LDF is the spatial interpretation of the SCS.
The priorities are:                                                            Devon and Torridge SCS, which in turn is linked
 A growing economy;                                                           to the Devon SCS.
 A world class environment;
 Health and well-being;
 Homes and housing;
 A safer Devon;
 Strong and inclusive communities; and
 Inspiring young people
A County for Everyone – A Report of the Task Group on Social Inclusion, December 2004
There are wide variations across Devon but also a consistently high            SA/SEA has to identify equality impacts.              LDF seeks to address social inequality.
number of local communities in need. Reveals that there are significant
inequalities across the County.
Renewable Energy in Devon 2004-2007, A draft strategy and action plan for consultation, November 2003
Sets out how and why renewable energy in Devon can be increased.               SA/SEA includes renewable energy objective.           Expected to result in a joint Local Plan policy.
Devon Affordable Warmth Strategy. April 2013
Investigates fuel poverty and aims to provide solutions to address fuel        No impact for SA/SEA.                                 No impact for LDF
Devon Historic Environment 2008 - 2011
Role and Action Programme for the historic environment relating to the         No impact for SA/SEA.                                 Might inform evidence base
role and function of DCC. Method for undertaking and mapping the nature
of the landscape with reference to its historical development
Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 2011-2026
Over the next 15 years Devon & Torbay will need to diversify and grow          Transport will be a key issue for the SA/;SEA in      The strategy has five key objectives:
the economy, but just as importantly develop a low carbon transport            particular:                                           • Deliver and support new development and
system that offers choice and encourages sustainable travel.                      Improving access to key services,                 economic growth
                                                                                   employment areas and facilities for all sectors   • Make best use of the transport network and
                                                                                   of the community                                  protect the existing transport asset by
                                                                                  Reduce the overall need to travel by car          prioritizing maintenance
                                                                                  Make public transport, walking, and cycling       • Work with communities to provide safe,
                                                                                   easier and more attractive                        sustainable and low carbon transport choices
                                                                                                                                     • Strengthen and improve the public transport
                                                                                                                                     • Make Devon the ‘Place to be naturally active’
Municipal waste management strategy for Devon, March 2005. Review March 2013.
Provides the framework for the management of municipal waste in within         The SA framework includes an objective, which         Could result in an umbrella policy that
the administrative area of Devon until 2035. Sets out the following targets:   seeks the reduction of landfill waste and the       promotes better use of resources. In
 To recycle or compost 30% of household waste by 2005/06                      promotion of recycling and the use of recycled      conformity with draft regional spatial strategy
 To recycle or compost 40% of municipal waste by 2009/10                      goods.                                              policy W4(Controlling, reusing and recycling
 To recycle or compost 50% of municipal waste by 2014/15                                                                          waste in development)
 To recycle or compost 60% of municipal waste by 2019/20
 To recycle or compost 65% of municipal waste by 2025/26
    to recover value from at least 40% of municipal waste by 2005/06,
    45% in 2010/11 and 67% in 2015/16
 By 2010 to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal waste land
    filled to 75% of that produced in 1995
 By 2013 to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal waste land
    filled to 50% of that produced in 1995
 By 2020 to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal waste land
    filled to 35% of that produced in 1995
Minerals Core Strategy. Options Consultation Paper. Feb 2011.
Will replace the Minerals Local Plan. It’s purpose is to provide a             To examine future minerals extraction               Policies within the Core Strategy will identify
framework for minerals development in Devon by:                                requirements and to explore the implications of     how and where minerals should be worked,
 Identifying which mineral resources should be worked and the broad           continuing the safeguarding of mineral resources.   and seek to ensure that mineral sites are
     locations in which this will occur;                                                                                           managed and restored in a manner that
 Proposing measures to conserve mineral resources to ensure their                                                                 contributes positively to Devon’s environment
     future availability;                                                                                                          and the wellbeing of its communities.
 Addressing the potential adverse impacts of minerals development on
     people and the environment; and
 Seeking to maximise the contribution of minerals development to
     Devon’s communities, economy and environment
Devon County Waste Plan, Pre-Submission Consultation. Dec 2013
Will replace the Waste Local Plan. It’s purpose is to provide a framework      The SA framework includes an objective, which       To examine future waste requirements and to
for waste development in Devon by:                                             seeks the reduction of landfill waste and the       provide the long term strategic planning policy
                                                                               promotion of recycling and the use of recycled      direction for waste management in Devon
Consultation Making Green Connections Devon Green Infrastructure Strategy. Oct 2011
The guiding principles and priorities identified are intended to promote an    The SA framework includes an objective, which       Recognise green assets that already deliver
integrated and co-ordinated approach to the creation, protection,              seeks to incorporate                                benefits, so that they can be protected from
enhancement and management of green infrastructure throughout the                                                                  development, and where necessary improved
county.                                                                                                                            and extended
Devon County Council’s role and action plan, 2008-2011
This document establishes how this Authority will cherish and safeguard        GIS techniques could be used to map location of     Nature designations should be shown in a key
Devon’s biodiversity, recognizing the crucial role it plays in defining our    priority habitats.                                  spatial diagram. Could result in an umbrella
landscape, improving the quality of life of residents and visitors alike and                                                      policy for conservation.
bolstering the County’s economy.
Our Coast – Our Common Asset (2003)
Sets out a strategy for delivering the statutory duties and discretionary      None                                               None
services of the County Council under the theme of the marine
Tourism – Everybody’s Business (2005/06)
Sets out a strategy for delivering the statutory duties and discretionary      None                                               None
services of the County Council under the theme of the tourism.
 “2020 Vision” A Strategy for Sustainable Economic Regeneration in North West Devon, May 2004
Sets out the following objectives:                                             SA framework contains objectives relating to       Local Plan is likely to result in a policy that
 Improving economic infrastructure;                                           employment and learning.                           promotes economic development. In
 Marketing for inward investment;                                                                                                conformity with draft regional spatial strategy
 Sector development;                                                                                                             development policy B (Development at Market
 Business support and innovation;                                                                                                and Coastal Towns) and development policy C
 Skills and learning; and                                                                                                        (Development at Small Towns and Villages).
 Sustainable regeneration.
Renewable Energy in North Devon – Reviewing the targets for 2010 (CSE, 2006)
Assessment of renewable energy resources in North Devon and Torridge           SA framework includes objectives supporting the    Could result in an umbrella policy for
and sets out policies to stimulate the development of new technologies to      increase in energy generation from renewable       renewable energy. In conformity with draft
provide the basis for continuing growth of renewables in the longer term,      resources.                                         regional spatial strategy policies RE2, RE3,
to assist the UK renewables industry to become competitive in home and                                                            RE4 and RE5.
export markets and, in doing so, provide employment.
North Devon Housing Strategy 2004 to 2009
Sets targets for the delivery of new homes across the region                   None                                               None
Torridge District Local Plan 1997-2011
Sets out planning policies and proposals for Torridge up to the year 2011.     None                                               None
Will be replaced by the Local Development Framework.
North Devon District Local Plan 1995-2011
Sets out planning policies and proposals for North Devon up to the year        None                                               None
2011. Will be replaced by the Local Development Framework.
Joint Sustainable Community Strategy Torridge and North Devon. May 2009
This document will be adopted shortly and will replace the Community           Strategic objectives are reflected in the SA/SEA   LDF will be the spatial interpretation of the
Strategy for Torridge.                                                         framework.                                         SCS and will be in conformity with the SCS
It sets out the key issues and actions for North Devon and Torridge.                                                              objectives.
Torridge Strategic Plan Refresh 2008-2010
Sets out the aims of Torridge District Council. The Strategic Plan Refresh     SA/SEA framework includes objectives that are in   LDF reflects aims of TDC.
updates the Strategic Plan 2005-2010.                                         support of the aims.
Local Agenda 21 Framework
Intended to inform Members, employees and other interested persons in         The SA/SEA is a process, which is supposed to          The SA/SEA should result in a sustainable
what Torridge is doing in order to ensure sustainability. Six aims have       ensure that the LDF is socially, economically and      LDF.
been identified:                                                              environmentally sustainable.
 Integrating sustainability into the authority’s policies and activities;
 Managing and improving the authority’s sustainability performance;
 Awareness raising;
 Consulting and involving the wider community and the general public;
 Working in partnership with others – central government agencies,
    business, community groups and the general public;
 Measuring, monitoring and reporting.
Supplementary Planning Documents: Area Design Statements for Appledore, Westward Ho! and Northam
Provide detailed guidance on an area specific basis. The intent of the        No impacts                                             No impacts
documents is to raise design quality for development, which is acceptable
in planning policy terms
Strategic Housing Market Assessment: Torridge and North Devon. Dec 2008
From the findings of the SHMA, Local Planning Authorities should be able      SA/SEA is required for site-specific assessments.      Will inform the LDF.
to set out the proportions of households that will require either market or
affordable housing over a 20-year time frame.
Strategic Housing Market Assessment: Torridge and North Devon Update. Dec 2012
This report provides, for the North Devon and Torridge District Council       The opportunity for local planning authorities to      Will inform the LDF.
areas, an update to the NP SHMA                                               establish the appropriate level of future housing to
                                                                              be delivered in their area.
Joint North Devon and Torridge Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. 2010 and 2014
Primary role of the document is to identify sites with the potential for      SA/SEA is required for site-specific assessments.      Will inform the LDF.
housing development and estimate when they are likely to be developed
North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Strategy and Action Plan. 2009-2014
Serves as a reference document for all statutory bodies which have to         SA/SEA of the North Devon Area of Outstanding          Incorporate as SDD into LDF.
show ‘due regard’ to the purpose of the AONB designation in their actions     Natural Beauty Management Strategy and Action
and emissions. Should be used as Supplementary Planning Guidance for          Plan has been carried out.
the relevant local planning authorities under the current development plan
system and should be adopted as a ‘supplementary development
document’ in the Local Development Framework in the emerging planning
Biosphere Reserve Strategy. 2008-2012
This strategy sets out our vision for the next 100 years. It will provide     Ensure the implications of the document are met        The strategy identifies the policies and actions
strategic guidance for the coming 10 years for all of those working in,    through the SA                                         that are needed to achieve the Vision of the
living in and providing resources to the Biosphere Reserve.                                                                       Reserve and for it to be worthy of being a
                                                                                                                                  world-class demonstration area.
Joint North Devon and Torridge Landscape Character Assessment. November 2010
Guide strategic planning and development management decisions and          Ensure the implications of the document are met        This Landscape Character Assessment will be
provide guidelines for the conservation and enhancement of Devon’s         through the SA                                         used both as a tool to guide development so
special landscape qualities                                                                                                       that it is in sympathy with local variations in
                                                                                                                                  landscape character, as well as to inform land
                                                                                                                                  management activity to manage and enhance
                                                                                                                                  local distinctiveness.
Shoreline Management Plan Review (SMP2) Hartland Point to Anchor Head, June 2010
Provides a large-scale assessment of the risks associated with coastal     Within the SMP area, one of four policies must be      The SMP provides the policy framework from
evolution.                                                                 applied to each section of coast for each of three     which more detailed strategies and schemes
                                                                           time periods for 0 to20 years, 20 to 50 years and 50   are developed to identify the best way of
                                                                           to 100 years                                           implementing policy.
North Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan. Environment Agency. June 2012
This CFMP gives an overview of the flood risk in the North Devon            Influence spatial planning to reduce risk and        CFMPs should be used to inform planning and
catchment and sets out the preferred plan for sustainable flood risk        restore floodplains.                                  decision making by key stakeholders
management over the next 50 to 100 years.                                   Prepare for and manage floods (including
                                                                            Flood Warning plans).
                                                                            Managing assets.
                                                                            Water level management plans.
                                                                            Land management and habitat creation.
                                                                            Surface water management plans.
North Devon Community Right to Build Policy. April 2013
The purpose of this document is to set out the Council’s policy position      To provide transparency for community              Will inform the LDF.
with regards to the Community Right to Bid / Assets of Community Value.        nominators and asset owners so that they are
                                                                               easily able to navigate the Council’s process.
                                                                              To provide clarity so that officers and
                                                                               Members are able to effectively support the
                                                                               management of the process.
Torridge Community Right to Build Policy. April 2013
The purpose of this document is to set out the Council’s policy position      To provide clarity so that Officers and            Will inform the LDF.
with regards to the Community Right to Bid / Assets of Community Value.        Members are able to effectively support the
                                                                               management of the process; and
                                                                              To provide transparency for community
                                                                               nominators and asset owners so that they are
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