Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -

Page created by Freddie Curtis
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
Sustainable Travel Plan for the
Exeter Campuses 2016-2020
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
Foreword                                  1   4 Objectives and targets                       14

                                               4.1 Staff commuting targets                   15
Executive summary                         2
                                               4.2 Student commuting targets                 15
1 Introduction                            3    4.3 Business travel targets                   15
 1.1 S
      ustainability at the University         4.4 University transport policy targets       15
     of Exeter                            3
                                               4.5 Rationale for 2016 targets                16
 1.2 Sustainable policy and objectives    3

 1.3 The University of Exeter campuses    4   5 Actions                                      17

2 The case for continuous
                                                5.1 E
                                                     nforcing the sustainable travel
                                                    hierarchy                                17
   improvement                            5
                                                5.2 Supporting sustainable business travel   20
 2.1 Environmental                        5
                                                5.3 Managing fleet and contractor vehicles   20
 2.2 Economic                             6
                                                5.4 Communication and planning               20
 2.3 Social                               7
                                                5.5 Monitoring and review                    20
 2.4 Technology                           8

 2.5 University expansion                 9   6 Summary of actions                           21

3 Trends in travel                       10   7 Endnotes                                     37

 3.1 Staff commuter travel               10

 3.2 Student commuter travel             12

 3.3 University business travel          13
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
W I am delighted to introduce the Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020. The
University is justifiably proud that the majority of the targets set out in the previous sustainable
travel plan (2010-2015) have already been achieved and we continue to see a shift towards more
sustainable travel choices amongst our staff and students. This new travel plan has been produced
to build on the successes of the previous travel plan and to continue to excel in sustainable travel
planning at a local, regional and sector level.

The University of Exeter continues to stand     • Creating a traffic free environment         • Introducing a small fleet of electric bikes
by the objectives of the 2010-2015 travel         within central campus with priority             for staff.
plan to:                                          access for cycles and pedestrians,
                                                  alongside the Forum.                         • Hosting a small fleet of electrically assisted
• I mprove the choice of transport options                                                       co-bikes on campus to collaborate within
   and facilities available to users of the     • D
                                                   eveloping a weekly schedule of                city wide proposals to develop an Exeter
   Exeter campuses travelling to and from         health and wellbeing activities which           wide e-bike network.
   the University, and between its sites;         are freely available to staff members
                                                  during lunch periods.                        • The cycle to work scheme has been
• R
   educe the local, national and                                                                 utilised by over 400 University staff
  global environmental impact of the            • C
                                                   ollaborating University projects with         members between 2013 and 2016.
  University’s travel;                            Sustrans’ active travel projects to
                                                  enhance student engagement                   • The University car leasing scheme for new
• E
   ncourage the use of, and promote the          opportunities across the University             low co2 emissions vehicles has seen 262
  health and wellbeing benefits, of utilising     and within the Students’ Guild.                 leased through the scheme.
  more sustainable means of transport;
                                                • F acilitating the significant increase of   • A reduction in parking permits for EX1,
• E
   ncourage more sustainable ways of              cycles (circa 200% since 2010) across          EX2 and EX4 postcode holders.
  working;                                         the Exeter campuses.
• R
   educe the impacts of travel, associated     • D
                                                   eveloping a strategy to invest
  with the University, on the local               £70,000 to improve cycle parking,
  community.                                      shower and changing facilities across           Director of Campus Services
                                                  the Exeter campuses.                            September 2016
Actions towards meeting these objectives
have resulted in the following successes:       • D
                                                   eveloping a five year strategy to
                                                  convert 40% of service fleet vehicles to
• R
   ing fenced car parking charges have           electrically powered alternatives by 2020.
  enabled the University to fund the
  University D bus services, including its
  extended evening and weekend schedule.

                                                                                                         Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 1
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
Executive summary
W The Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 for the Exeter campuses summarises the University’s
commitment towards reducing the social, economic and environmental impacts of University
travel with respect to the local, national and global community.

The strategy outlines the University’s            Key principles
commitment to managing the transport              In compliance with the sustainable travel
generated by our organisation through             hierarchy, the travel plan encourages
responsible, sustainable and ethical              utilisation of the most sustainable, economical
methodology in order to meet the needs of         and active means of transport where possible.
the present and leave a better environment        The University therefore seeks to encourage
for future generations.                           travel behaviour change through offering
                                                  incentives and communicating the benefits
The objectives and targets defined by             to health and wellbeing.
the strategy have been engendered to
support the movement of people and                Objectives
services throughout our growing institution       The University of Exeter has set four primary
whilst ensuring the immediate, local and          objectives to be achieved by the year 2020.
global environment are given the highest          These targets have been developed to
consideration.                                    ensure continuous improvement is made
The targets implemented within this
document are intended to challenge
the University and encourage forward
planning so the University can achieve
noticeable changes now and be prepared
                                                                           STAFF COMMUTING
                                                                           REDUCE SINGLE CAR OCCUPANCY
for the sustainable movements in the future.
                                                                           FROM 35% (2015) TO 32% (2020)
Policy context
This travel plan has been developed in
compliance with National and Local Transport                               STUDENT COMMUTING
Policy: Guidance from the National Planning                                REDUCE SINGLE CAR OCCUPANCY
Policy Framework (NPPF), and Devon                                         TRAVELLING TO CAMPUS
and Torbay Strategy has influenced the                                     FROM 5% (2015) TO 3% (2020)
University strategy to integrate with the
national vision; to exploit opportunities for
the use of sustainable transport modes.                                    TRANSPORT POLICY
Local objectives ‘to reduce congestion and                                 IMPROVE THE UNIVERSITY’S CAR
allow for more active, healthy and inclusive                               PARKING POLICY TO ASSIST IN MEETING
lifestyles through the provision of sustainable                            THE 2020 STAFF COMMUTING TARGETS
transport alternatives’ have also been heavily

                                                                           BUSINESS TRAVEL
incorporated into the development and vision
for the University’s overall strategy.
                                                                           INCREASE NUMBER OF STAFF
                                                                           BUSINESS TRIPS MADE BY FOOT,
                                                                           BICYCLE AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT

2 | Executive summary
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
1 Introduction
1.1 Sustainability at the                      for promoting, incentivising and encouraging     to limit car park capacity. The University has

     University of Exeter                       sustainable behaviour within transport sectors
                                                and across the Exeter campuses.
                                                                                                 adopted a phased approach to restricting
                                                                                                 single vehicle occupancy travel to its
The University of Exeter is dedicated                                                            campuses through the conditions of its
to reducing the social, economic and            The University Sustainability                    car parking policy.
environmental impacts of travel associated      Policy 2015:
with the Exeter campuses. This strategy         Encourages the adoption of sustainable           The University recognises its responsibility
outlines the University’s commitment to         travel practices by staff, students and          in making further investments towards
managing the transport generated by the         visitors travelling to and from University       improving the permit allocation and
organisation through responsible, sustainable   campuses, and works to ensure all                enforcement process, improving the
and ethical methodology in order to meet        University responsibilities achieve continual    accessibility of public transport to the Exeter
the needs of the present and leave a better     improvement in environmental performance.        campus and amending policy and expenses
environment for future generations.                                                              of University parking.
                                                The University Strategic
The objectives and targets defined by                                                            The aim of the University is to invest in and
                                                Plan 2015:
this strategy have been engendered to                                                            facilitate the development of a sustainable
                                                Through education and research we are
support the movement of people and                                                               travel infrastructure and amenities to ensure
                                                aware of the ecological limits of the planet
services throughout our growing institution                                                      that all University members have access to
                                                and promote the careful use of resources.
whilst ensuring our immediate, local and                                                         strong public transport links and supporting
                                                Our contribution to the South West’s
global environment are given the highest                                                         road infrastructure enabling sustainable
                                                reputation as a leader in sustainability
consideration.                                                                                   travel choices.
                                                stems from both local and global activities,
                                                encompassing climate change research to
The targets implemented by this document                                                         Low carbon commitment
                                                staff travel initiatives.
are intended to challenge the University                                                         The University recognises its responsibility to
and encourage forward planning to achieve                                                        reduce carbon emissions and has imposed
                                                The University Estates Strategy
noticeable changes, and be prepared for                                                          stretched and challenging targets to reduce
                                                Extensive development projects which
sustainable movements in the future.                                                             emissions by 43% by 2020. In order to meet
                                                have facilitated the growth of the University
                                                                                                 these targets the University have adopted
                                                have led to the relocation of member car
1.2 Sustainable policy                         parks to the outskirts of campus. Prioritising
                                                                                                 three key approaches to:

     and objectives                             development at the heart of campus has           • Invest in new technology;
                                                affected the University’s parking capacity;
Positive and sustainable impact is at the                                                        • Explore opportunities for renewable
                                                reducing the total volume of parking spaces
heart of the University’s ongoing vision and                                                        energy;
                                                to 1,513. In efforts to encourage alternative
values. The following policy sets precedent     travel to campus the University has agreed       • Engage with the staff and student
                                                                                                 These approaches have been applied to
                                                                                                 reducing the University’s associated transport
The aim of the University is to invest                                                           emissions, with the potential to make

in and facilitate the development of a
                                                                                                 long-lasting measurable changes through
                                                                                                 investment and engagement.

sustainable travel infrastructure.

                                                                                                           Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 3
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -

                                                                                                                                                         STREATHAM CAMPUS

                                                                                                                             LEY BR


                                                                                                                              IDGE RO








                                                                     Figure 1: Contextual map of the Exeter campuses


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PRINCE CHARLES ROAD








                                                                                                                                                                                        FW                                                                                                                                                                                    POLSLOE




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              St James’


                                                                                                                          Exeter                                                                                                                                Park


                                                                                                                         St Davids


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      D                                                              OY   ROAD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LR                                                           ACKB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             YO                                               BL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              K  AL
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                                                                                                                                             89                                                              NEW                                                          W







                                                                                                                                                                          N                                                       ET

                                                                                                                                                                              BR                                              RE

                                                                                                                                                                                ID                                          ST


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      GH                                                               AVIT






                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        94                                                              91

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ST LUKE’S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CAMPUS                                                 92

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          D                                                                    FORE STR
                                                                                    OKEH                                                                                                                                                                                                    ROA                                                                                        EET
                                                                                                                       AMPT                                                                                                                                                        MAGDALEN
                                                                                                                            ON RO                                                                                                            ST
                                                                                                                                 AD                                                                                      MAGDALEN

1.3. The University of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BARRACK RO
                                                   St Luke's, Exeter city centre and Exeter’s local                                                                                                            for further development of the infrastructure

      Exeter Campuses                              amenities.                                                                                                                                                  at St Luke’s.

                                                   The campus has a minimal road system with                                                                                                                   In recent years St Luke’s Campus has been
1.3.1 Streatham Campus                             one road (The Queen’s Drive) serving the                                                                                                                    reviewed through an independent travel
The Streatham Campus is one mile from              central campus areas. The eastern campus                                                                                                                    plan carried out by external consultants.
Exeter city centre and is situated on the          areas are served by two key perimeter roads                                                                                                                 Many actions and recommendations within
eastern slopes of the Exe Valley. It comprises     (North Park Road and Rennes Drive) which                                                                                                                    St Luke’s strategy have been transposed to
250 acres of landscaped parkland containing        are operated one-way. The south campus                                                                                                                      this document for both the Exeter campuses.
woodland, lakes, streams and gardens, which        areas are served by a public road (Prince of                                                                                                                The travel plan for St Luke’s can be reviewed
has been created by the University from            Wales Road) and the west by two perimeter                                                                                                                   online at:
former farm land over the last 80 years.           roads (Streatham Drive and Mardon Hill).                                                                                                                    policy
                                                   The main car parking areas (for staff, visitors
A plan for continued investment towards the        and postgraduate students) are situated on                                                                                                                  1.1.3 Penryn and Falmouth
development of large infrastructure projects
across the Exeter campuses anticipates the
                                                   the fringes of central campus and can be                                                                                                                           campuses
                                                   accessed from north of Rennes Drive in
expansion of academic and non-academic                                                                                                                                                                         The University of Exeter has two campuses
                                                   the north east corner of the campus.
buildings; and improvement to leisure areas,                                                                                                                                                                   located in Cornwall; Penryn and Falmouth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               These are situated 0.5 and 0.8 miles from the
roads, pathways and car parks within the           1.3.2 St Luke’s Campus                                                                                                                                      nearest train station in Penryn. The U1 bus
campus grounds.
                                                   The St Luke’s Campus is just over a mile                                                                                                                    service to Truro and U2 service to Redruth
Any new development project shall                  from the larger Streatham Campus in the                                                                                                                     both regularly serve the University campuses
incorporate modern sustainable travel options      community area of Heavitree. It has front                                                                                                                   and offer regular connections to Penryn and
within the early planning stages and strive to     and rear pedestrian access and is within 10                                                                                                                 beyond. The campuses have good cycling
comply with BREEAM sustainability standards.       minutes’ walk of Exeter city centre. The                                                                                                                    and pedestrian access and provide shower
                                                   campus occupies a 12 acre site which consists                                                                                                               and changing facilities to support active travel
Access                                             of a central grassed square surrounded by                                                                                                                   to the campus. Both institutions encourage
Streatham Campus provides strong                   partially cloistered pathways and a mixture                                                                                                                 students, staff and visitors to consider using
pedestrian links to residential areas and to the   of academic and non-academic buildings                                                                                                                      alternative methods of transport to help
city centre and provides ample and inspiring       with landscaped open areas. Access for                                                                                                                      reduce the impact of car travel on the
walkways connecting academic and service           pedestrians and cyclists is available to the                                                                                                                environment. By working in close partnership
buildings within the campus grounds.               north, west and south sides of the site and                                                                                                                 with Cornwall Council and other strategic
                                                   internal pathways allow for convenient access                                                                                                               partners. These institutions support the
The cycling access and infrastructure within       between buildings.                                                                                                                                          aims and objectives adopted for the Exeter
Streatham Campus is composed of traffic-                                                                                                                                                                       campuses and endeavour to continue
free cycle routes along the length of the          Exeter Central train station is within easy
                                                                                                                                                                                                               developing and improving the range of travel
main road surrounding the campus (Prince of        walking and cycling access, and as with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               options available to students and staff from
Wales Road) to the city centre, plus links to      Streatham Campus, there is a regular bus
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the universities, staff from Falmouth Exeter
the St David’s train station and the Exe Valley    services to the site. Motor vehicles are
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Plus and visitors to the Cornwall campuses.
National Cycle Network Route 2.                    generally excluded from the centre of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Cornwall campuses have developed an
                                                   campus although maintenance vehicles and
A strong rail network supports the University,                                                                                                                                                                 independent travel plan for 2016-2021 which
                                                   those making deliveries may access the
with St David’s train station located under                                                                                                                                                                    can be viewed online at:
                                                   central areas via the wide footpaths. During
a mile from central campus. Regular bus                                                                                                                                                                        sites/default/files/documents/green_travel_
                                                   term time the car parks are often near to full
services also connect Streatham Campus with                                                                                                                                                                    strategy_2016_to_2021.pdf
                                                   or full to capacity, leaving minimal opportunity

4 | Introduction
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
2 The case for continuous
W The transport associated with Exeter University constitutes towards a fair number of the
individual journeys that are made to and within Exeter City on a daily basis. The University is
therefore susceptible to the impacts of a continually evolving city and transport network.

The University of Exeter recognises its             Setting targets to reduce the number of              Monitoring and recording scope three
responsibility to support, provide and              cars travelling to the University campuses           business emissions on a biannual basis
improve travel amenities for staff and              will therefore deliver the most significant          will enable the University to calculate the
students. The University actively concerns          outcomes to assist the University in reducing        impacts of external travel on climate change
itself with the ever evolving travel patterns       carbon emissions. This will also contribute          and suggest suitable reduction targets and
and behaviours across the city; and chooses         towards the successes of the University’s            objectives based on benchmarking results.
to take a leading role in encouraging and           low carbon commitment. The University
operating sustainability.                           also aims to harness the full potential of low
                                                    carbon technology across all transport modes.
The University strives to provide the means
to enable each student and employee to
                                                    Figure 2: UK Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions (TSGB0306)
make sustainable travel choices, for the            Emissions by transport mode: 1990-2013
benefit of the institution, local residents, city
and wider nation. This travel plan reflects                                                                                                         1990
the University’s ambition to continue as
an influential and inspirational driver for                                                                                                         2013
sustainable travel.

The University’s drivers for continuing to

identify, manage, monitor and improve the
impacts of University associated travel have
been categorised by environmental, social
and economic relevance.

2.1. Environmental                                            0
                                                                  Cars and taxis   Heavy goods       International       International   Other domestic
2.1.1 Low carbon travel                                                              vehicles           aviation           shipping        transport
Transport in the UK is responsible for over
27% of National carbon dioxide (CO2)
emission levels. National targets to reduce
emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by                      54% of domestic                  There was not much                 In 2013, emissions from
2050 will require a 3% annual decrease in               transport greenhouse              change in Heavy Goods              international aviation have
domestic emissions.                                       gas emissions were              Vehicle emissions from              more than doubled since
                                                         from cars and taxis,             1990 to 2013 whereas                   1990. Air transport
Figure 2 demonstrates that car and taxi use            down from 60% in 1990.              emissions from vans                    movements have
                                                                                                                                                             Vector Open Stock & Freedesignfile

                                                    54% 13% 76%
is the highest contributor to National CO2                                               have increased from 8%               increased by 76% over
emissions; making up 13% of all domestic                                                 in 1990 to 13% in 2013.                   the same period.

                                                                                                                     Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 5
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
2.1.2 Air quality                                   2.2.1 Fuel costs
Several of the routes in and around Exeter          The cost of both petrol and diesel has                            years. As a result commuting by car will have
city centre have been identified as Air Quality     fluctuated considerably over the last five                        become more affordable and increasingly
Management Areas (AQMA’s) due to their              years. However, recent figures represent                          competitive with the cost of sustainable travel
high congestion and pollution levels.               that petrol and diesel prices have decreased                      alternatives. The University will continue
                                                    by approximately 6% and 2% respectively                           to monitor the annual fuel costs to ensure
As one of the city’s major employers                of 2010 figures; and have fallen by                               sustainable alternatives remain an affordable
the University of Exeter recognises its             approximately 20% within the last three                           competitor.
responsibility in reducing the levels of
congestion and road traffic associated with its
city based campuses. Car and taxi journeys
contribute 24% of the total national air                           Figure 3: Annual cost of petrol and diesel in the UK
pollutant emissions (28%) from domestic
transport. The University is committed to
reducing car usage for travel to the University                                                           £1.48
campuses, and is committed to encouraging                          1.50
sustainable travel options which serve the                                                                                                            Diesel
growth of the University and support the                           1.45
restricted capacity of Exeter’s road network.
The University will also work to facilitate and                    1.40
encourage the use of zero emission vehicles
for commuter and business travel.

2.2. Economic                                                      1.30
                                                  Cost (£/litre)

The Sustainable Travel Initiatives provided
by the University are currently funded by
                                                                   1.25                                                                                 £1.19
the ring-fenced income from staff and visitor
parking. In efforts to further incentivise
alternative means of travel and reduce
car volumes on campus the University
shall consider the financial demands and
implications at an organisational and                              1.10
individual level.

                                                                           2010            2011            2012            2013           2014            2015

The cost of petrol and diesel has
fallen by approximately 20% within
the last three years.

6 | The case for continuous improvement
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
2.3. Social                                       The east of Exeter development will have a
                                                  viable sustainable transport network. Overall,
                                                                                                      restrictions, sustainable travel incentives and
                                                                                                      communications. The University regularly
2.3.1 Local authority                             sustainable transport will play a key role          works alongside the local police to ensure
                                                  in people living more active, healthy and           illegal travel and traffic behaviours surrounding
In 2011 Devon County Council and Torbay
                                                  inclusive lives in a vibrant and prosperous city.   the campus are dealt with appropriately. The
Council released a comprehensive local
                                                                                                      University however recognises that more
Transport plan (Local Transport Plan 3). Over
the next 10 years Devon and Torbay will           2.3.2 Local community                               can be done to resolve local issues such as
                                                  The University values the strong relationship       members vehicles parked in resident areas.
need to diversify and grow the economy,
                                                  it has established with local residents and         The adoption of the 2016-2020 travel plan
but just as importantly develop a low carbon
                                                  makes every effort to mitigate the associated       therefore outlines the University’s intentions
transport system that offers choice and
                                                  impacts of its growing student population           and commitment, as one of Exeter’s major
encourages sustainable travel behaviour.
                                                  on the individuals who reside in the                employers, to building stronger relationships
To achieve Devon and Torbay’s vision, the         immediate vicinity of its Exeter campuses.          and communications with local resident
plan has five key objectives:                     Since the previous travel plan in 2010              groups and local authorities to develop
                                                  the University’s student population has             collaborative solutions to issues branching
• D
    eliver and support new development                                                               beyond University property and regulations.
                                                  grown by 14% to reach 17,993 students
   and economic growth;                                                                               The University have therefore committed
                                                  in 2015/16. To continue investments in
                                                  resident relations, the University allocated a      to the actions listed in A94-A97 and A103-
   rotect the existing transport network by
• P
                                                  community liaison officer in 2008 to become         A104 of the actions summary (Section 6 of
  making the best use of the transport asset
                                                  a first and consistent point of contact for         this report).
  and prioritising maintenance;
                                                  resident queries or concerns relating to the
• W
   ork with communities to provide safe,         University’s impact on resident areas.              2.3.3 Health and wellbeing
  sustainable and low carbon transport                                                                Increased levels of physical activity have been
  choices;                                        As outlined within this chapter, the University     proven to hold extensive benefits for mental
                                                  acknowledges the wider environmental,               and physical health. Increasing levels of activity
• S trengthen and improve the public             economic and social implications of the             to 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day
  transport network;                              travel behaviours adopted by its staff and          correlates with the reduced risk of health
                                                  student members. The institution takes the          problems such as Cardiovascular disease
• B
   ecome the ‘place to be naturally active’.     responsibility to be sensitive and reactive to      (CVD), Cancer, Obesity, Diabetes, Mental
Exeter will be a focus for economic growth,       these impacts on the local and immediate            Health Problems and Musculoskeletal health.
supporting prosperity throughout Devon and        communities. To date the University has
Torbay. It will offer new employment, new         made extensive efforts to deter both staff          The University of Exeter takes great
housing and maintain a high standard of living.   and students from bringing their cars to the        responsibility in nurturing the health and
                                                  University through the means of permit              wellbeing of its staff and student members.
Exeter will be better connected with Devon,
Torbay and the rest of the UK.

                                                                              The University intends to build
Transport improvements will enable the
proactive reduction of congestion and offer

                                                                                  stronger relationships and
sustainable and high quality travel choices.

A comprehensive cycle network and the
Devon Metro rail project will provide a high                               communications with local resident
                                                                                groups and local authorities.
quality and efficient transport network.

                                                                                                                Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 7
Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter Campuses 2016-2020 -
The University strives to develop and
promote opportunities where the weekly
                                                    2.4. Technology                                    year plan to replace over 40% of its current
                                                                                                       service vehicle fleet with electrically powered
recommended 2.5hrs of physical activity can         2.4.1 Electrically powered                        alternatives. The University will also carry
be easily incorporated within daily routines.
                                                           vehicles                                    forward proposals to install electric vehicle
                                                                                                       charging points to accommodate staff and
The University is invested in enhancing the         Since the release of the 2010 travel plan, the
                                                                                                       visitors bringing Electric cars to campus. The
safety and convenience of walking and cycling       UK has seen a significant rise in the popularity
                                                                                                       University will continue to investigate the
to its campuses through the development             of electrically powered vehicles: In 2015 the
                                                                                                       future of EV and ensure its systems are in
of facilities and infrastructure. It strives to     number of EV vehicles registered in the UK
                                                                                                       line with advancing charging technology.
eliminate, as much as possible, the barriers        saw a dramatic rise to 2,400 per calendar
                                                    month, from just 500 per calendar month in
associated with active travel and utilises travel
                                                                                                       2.4.2 Smartcard ticketing
policy, engagement opportunities and external       2014. The reported cost effectiveness and
support frameworks to encourage the growth          energy and carbon efficiency of the vehicles       The University of Exeter is committed
of pedestrian and cycling communities.              have led to an increase in EV sales and            to engaging with new technologies, and
                                                    manufacture with 56,000 UK purchases in            recognises the significance these can have
The University is committed to nurturing the        2015. Estimated figures have predicted that        in breaking common barriers to sustainable
physical and emotional wellbeing of members         the UK roads may see an increase of over           travel. Convenience of contactless and
and employees for the benefit of Individuals        50x current EV volumes by 2020.                    Bluetooth technologies provide the options
and the University. The University therefore                                                           for smarter and cashless travel. It also enables
provides the support and the environment            The University recognises the rising trends        the University to accurately study passenger
for members to keep active, take time out,          in EV use and the associated sustainability        travel behaviour in public transportation
and build healthy connections and flourish,         benefits; with saving of six tonnes of CO2         systems and ensure further incentives are
in order to achieve their full potential.           compared to a petrol run family vehicle and        put in place, where possible, to encourage
                                                    running costs as little as 3p per mile. The        sustainable travel.
2.3.4 Safety and security                           University have therefore adopted a five
The University recognises that restrictions
to safety and security can act as a significant
barrier to the uptake of active travel to its
campuses. Improved road safety, adequate
lighting and secure cycle storage are some
of the small improvements the University
is committed to making in support of
                                                                              The University have adopted a five
sustainable travel behaviours. Commitments
to assuring cycle shelters are accompanied
                                                                                 year plan to replace 40% of its
by high quality CCTV and improvements to                                       current service vehicle fleet with
shower and storage facilities are actions which
the University plan to carry forward as part of                                electrically powered alternatives.
assuring safety and security within this travel
plan period.

8 | The case for continuous improvement
2.5. University                                                                       5k
                                                                                            Figure 4: Predicted growth in staff population

      expansion                                                                                                                                            Predicted rise in staff numbers
Since 2010 the University has demonstrated
its commitment to the growth and                                                       4k
expansion of the institution through large
scale developments to central campus and
beyond. This has paved the way for increased
employment opportunities for staff, and a                                              3k
                                                         Number of staff (thousands)

year-on-year higher capacity for students.
The University acknowledges that a rise in its
member population has resultant implications
on local traffic and transport movements.
The University is committed to working
alongside its key stakeholders and local
authorities to mitigate the increased demand
for travel imposed by its new and existing

The University have predicted the growth
of the institution based on the University                                                   2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Estates Strategy and the trends in member
expansion since 2010. Figures 4 and 5
demonstrate the expected rise of members
to be in regular attendance to the Exeter                                                   Figure 5: Predicted growth in student population
campuses until 2020.                                                              25k
                                                                                                                                                       Predicted rise in student numbers

      Exeter campuses (Total)

      Exeter (St Luke’s)                                                          20k
                                                 Number of students (thousands)

      Exeter (Streatham)

      Cornwall campuses (Total)                                                   15k



                                                                                              2012/13    2013/14    2014/15     2015/16      2016/17     2017/18    2018/19    2019/20       2020/21

                                                                                                                                                          Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 9
3 Trends in travel
W The University of Exeter is committed to the close monitoring of staff, student and visitor travel
behaviours. The trends of the previous five years of travel have revealed key achievements along
with areas of further investment, which have been translated into the University’s actions, targets
and future objectives.

3.1. Staff commuter                           Figure 6: Staff travel modal split

      travel                                                                                                      Walk/jog/run
The travel behaviours and attitudes of staff                                                                      Cycle
members are reviewed annually through                                                35%                 35.5%
a staff travel to work survey for the Exeter     41%                      39%
                                                              44%                              45%                Train
campuses. Results of these surveys
investigate the travel modes adopted by                                                                           Bus
staff members. The results of years 2007-                                                                9.5%
                                                                                     11%                          Motorcycle
2012 were collected from staff travel to
                                                 13%                      15%
work tally/ surveys, released in October                      11%                              11%       8.5%
                                                                                      7%                          Car share
of each year. The results from 2015               5%                                                      7%
were also collected from an October run                       7%           6%        10%        6%
                                                  7%                                                              Driving a car/van alone
travel to work survey; this recent survey                     9%           8%                   8%       14%
divided questions into summer and winter         11%                                 13%                          Other
travel habits, from which an average has                      6%          11%                  10%
been equated.
                                                 22%                                 22%                 24.5%
                                                              21%                              18%
3.1.1 Staff modal split:
       Five year progress                        2007        2008         2009      2010/11   2012/13   2015/16
Travel survey results indicate that whilst
the University’s expansion has resulted in
a rise in its staff member population, the
level of uptake of sustainable travel modes
                                                            There has been an increase in University
has remained consistently high over
the past five years; as supported by the
                                                              staff using sustainable travel modes to
64% uptake of sustainable travel modes
evidenced in the 2010 and 2015 travel
                                                                                          get to work.
surveys (see Figure 6).

10 | Trends in travel
The 2015 results outline the rise and fall in   Figure 7: University of Exeter staff modal performance against leading universities (staff)*
sustainable travel use between summer and
winter periods from 66% uptake in summer                                                                                       Walk/jog/run
and a drop of 4% during winter periods. This
                                                             22.9%                                                             Cycle
closely corresponds to the increase in staff
walking and cycling during summer months.                                                                                      Train
                                                                                     44%        49%         52%
Since the significant decrease (9%) in single                 13%
vehicle occupancy between 2008 and 2010
the percentage of staff travelling to campus      9.5%
by car alone has remained fairly consistent
                                                  8.5%       21.5%                   3%
at around 35% (representing approximately                                                                                      Car share
840 staff members).                                                                             12%         11%
                                                   7%                     5%         15%
                                                                          4%                                                   Driving a car/van alone
3.1.2 Staff modal split:                         14%                     6%                    10%         8%
       Performance against                                   6.8%
                                                                         11%         18%         4%
       leading higher education                                                                  9%                     * People & Planet
                                                 24.5%        23%                    6%
                                                                                                14%         12%
The University of Exeter’s sustainable                                               9%

travel performance has been compared            University Plymouth Worcester Manches- Bourne- University
with results and targets of other leading       of Exeter   (2013)   (2013)    ter Met  mouth      Central
                                                 (2015)                         (2013) University Lancashire
higher education travel plans.                                                          (2012)      (2013)

With the second highest percentage
uptake of sustainable transport modes
                                                Figure 8: University of Exeter performance against leading universities (staff) – single car occupancy
of the five comparative universities, the
figures present Exeter to be a leader in
                                                                                                                   University of Exeter (2015)
sustainable travel performance, with
current performance exceeding targets
of similar institutions by over 10%.
                                                                                                                   Plymouth (2013) 22.9%

                                                                                                                   Worcester (2013) 55.0%

                                                                                                                   Manchester Met (2013) 44.0%

                                                                                                                   Bournemouth University (2012)

                                                                                                                   University Central Lancashire
                                                                                                                   (2013) 52.0%

                                                                   The figures present Exeter to be a
                                                            leader in sustainable travel performance.

                                                                                                              Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 11
3.2. Student commuter                         Figure 9: Mode of transport utilised by students travelling from their term time address to

                                               the University campuses in 2015

The student travel survey has allowed                                                                         Walk/jog/run 71.8%
for reporting on the adopted transport
modes for students travelling to the Exeter                                                                   Cycle 7.0%
campuses over the past six years. These
                                                                                                              Train 4.5%
results represent the feedback which has
been received from the annual student                                                                         Bus 8.7%
travel surveys.
                                                                                                              Motorcycle 0%
3.2.1 Student modal split
                                                                                                              Car share 2.6%
Student travel: Term time address
to University campuses                                                                                        Driving a car/van alone 5.0%
Feedback from the 2015 student travel survey
report that 5% of all undergraduate and                                                                       Other 0.4%
postgraduate University students commute
to University by car alone. The University’s
target to achieve 3% students travelling to
campus by car alone by 2015 has not been       Figure 10: Mode of transport utilised by students travelling from their home address to
reached. It is therefore suggested that this   term time address in 2014
reasonable target remains in place, and that
best efforts and investments are adopted to
                                                                                                              Walk/jog/run 6.0%
help reach the suggested 3% by 2020.
                                                                                                              Cycle 0%
3.2.2 Home address to term time
       address                                                                                                Train 36.0%
The majority of students (including UK,
EU and international students) travel from                                                                    Bus 3.0%
their home to their term time address by
train (36%), closely followed by air travel                                                                   Motorcycle 0%
(27%) which correlates with the proportion
                                                                                                              Car share 4.0%
of international students at the University.
Currently 16% of students drive in a car                                                                      Driving a car/van alone 16.0%
alone from their home address to their
term time address (see Figure 10).                                                                            Fly 27.0%

                                                                                                              Other 8.0%

The University is hoping to reduce the amount
of students travelling to the campus during
term time by car alone to 3%.

12 | Trends in travel
3.3. University business                          Figure 11: University business travel carbon emissions breakdown by travel mode 2013/14

                                                                                                                       Fleet 199 (tonnes)
The total emissions resulting from University
of Exeter business travel in 2013/14 was                                                                               Grey Fleet 106 (tonnes)
2,439 tonnes, the majority of which were
attributed to air travel (see Figure 11 for                                                                            Flights 2,007 (tonnes)
a breakdown by mode). The amount of
carbon emitted was calculated using a range                                                                            Rail 110 (tonnes)
of University records and the Guidelines to
Defra/DECC Green House Gas Conversion                                                                                  Bus 4 (tonnes)
Factors for Company Reporting (2009).
                                                                                                                       Coach 4 (tonnes)
The University prides itself in being an
international University and as such air                                                                               Taxi 12 (tonnes)
travel is an important business requirement.
The breakdown of domestic to long haul                                                                                 Underground 0.01 (tonnes)
flights is outlined in Figure 12. This figure
                                                                                                                       Tram 0.1 (tonnes)
demonstrates that approximately 2%
of business air travel is constituted from
                                                                                                                       Ferry 0.3 (tonnes)
domestic flights. The University is committed
to decreasing this further and a list of actions
towards decreasing air travel, and in particular
domestic air travel is listed in A64-A67 of the
                                                   Figure 12: Breakdown of air journeys made for University business travel
University summary of actions (see Section 6
of this report).
                                                                                                                       Domestic 57 (tonnes)

                                                                                                                       Short-haul 294 (tonnes)

Approximately                                                                                                          Long-haul 1,655 (tonnes)

2% of business
air travel is
constituted from
domestic flights.
The University
is committed to
decreasing this

                                                                                                             Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 13
4 Objectives and targets
W The University takes great pride in its ongoing commitment
to meeting sustainable travel targets and objectives set out by
the 2010-2015 sustainable travel plan. 86% of the actions listed
within the previous plan have been successfully carried out.

The continuing objectives of the previous travel plan are:
• I mprove the choice of transport options and facilities available to users of the
    Exeter campuses travelling to and from the University, and between its sites;          86% of the actions
• R
   educe the local, national and global environmental impact of the
  University’s travel;
                                                                                             listed within the
• E
   ncourage the use of, and promote the health and wellbeing benefits,
                                                                                           previous plan have
  of utilising more sustainable means of transport;                                         been successfully
• Encourage more sustainable ways of working;
                                                                                                   carried out.
• Reduce the impacts of travel, associated with the University, on the
  local community.

                                                     STAFF COMMUTING
                                                     REDUCE SINGLE CAR OCCUPANCY
                                                     FROM 35% (2015) TO 32% (2020)

                                                     STUDENT COMMUTING
                                                     REDUCE SINGLE CAR OCCUPANCY
                                                     TRAVELLING TO CAMPUS
                                                     FROM 5% (2015) TO 3% (2020)

                                                     TRANSPORT POLICY
                                                     IMPROVE THE UNIVERSITY’S CAR
                                                     PARKING POLICY TO ASSIST IN MEETING
                                                     THE 2020 STAFF COMMUTING TARGETS

                                                     BUSINESS TRAVEL
                                                     INCREASE NUMBER OF STAFF
                                                     BUSINESS TRIPS MADE BY FOOT,
                                                     BICYCLE AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT
14 | Objectives and targets

4.1. Staff commuting
      targets                                           4.3. Business travel
To reduce single car occupancy                                targets
staff commuting from 35% (2015)
                                                        To increase the number of staff
to 32% (2020)
                                                        business trips made by foot,
Key objectives:                                         bicycle and public transport
• T
   o promote and encourage uptake of
                                                        Key objectives:
  the University car share scheme.
                                                        • T
                                                           o investigate the potential for electric
• T
   o introduce new means of sustainable                  vehicles
  business travel.                                        on campus and develop a five year plan.
                                                        • T
                                                           o provide access to a wider range of
                                                          alternative (sustainable) transport means
                                                          from the Exeter campuses.
                                                        • D
                                                           evelop and promote a car sharing
                                                          scheme/programme specifically to

4.2. Student commuting                                   accommodate business travel.

To reduce student commuting
single car occupancy from
5% (2015) to 3% (2020)                                  4.4. University
                                                              transport policy
Key objectives:
                                                        To improve the University’s
• T
   o invest in walking and cycling routes to           car parking policy to assist
  and around campus, and actively promote
                                                        in meeting the 2020 staff
  these routes amongst students.
                                                        commuting targets (SVO
• To make cycling more accessible to                   to 32% by 2020)
   students through the facilitation of second
   hand cycle sales at the Exeter campuses,             Key objectives:
   and the promotion of cycling incentives              • U
                                                           tilise the monthly Campus
   and local routes.                                      Environmental Management Group
• T
   o actively promote the financial, health              (CEMG) as an opportunity to monitor
  and wellbeing benefits of walking and                   and discuss the University’s policies
  cycling to students.                                    surrounding sustainable travel.
                                                        • T
                                                           o develop a University policy
                                                          surrounding safety and security of
                                                 2020     travel modes.

                                                                           Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 15
4.5. Rationale for 2016                           in continuation of single car occupancy                 The 2016-2020 travel plan has therefore

      targets                                      performance in order to benchmark the
                                                   University’s achievement against other higher
                                                                                                           heavily considered the UK guidelines for
                                                                                                           setting SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Previously, the University of Exeter travel        education institutions.                                 Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) targets.
plan has followed the standard higher                                                                      This had led to the reviewed target of 32%
education framework for setting its travel         The previous targets, set as a foundation for           (staff) and a rolling target of 3% (students).
targets. Sustainable travel performance has        the 2010-2015 travel plans, were stretched              We hope for these to be both realistic and
been monitored by single car occupancy             at 30% (staff) and 3% (students) with the               aspirational for the University of Exeter. For
performance which provides data and targets        intention of challenging the University’s efforts       the period of this travel plan the University
which are comparable against other higher          to encourage sustainable modes of travel.               has listed key objectives that should be
education institutions.                            Despite performing well against baseline data           prioritised for meeting these targets. Closer
                                                   from 2007-2017 and 2010-2015 travel plans               details of these objectives are listed within the
The targets proposed for the 2016/20               (Figure 13), the University has struggled to            summary of actions (Section 6 of this report).
travel plan have therefore been developed          meet the stretched aims for sustainable travel.

Figure 13: 2018 targets for top 10 sustainable universities (People & Planet)


    39.1%                                                             42%

                                                70%                                                                     Bus

    21.5%                                                             14%
                                                                                                                        Car share
    12.8%                                                                                    8%                         Driving a car/van alone
     4.7%                                                                                    12%
                                                                      12%                                               Other
                                                30%                                          6%
                                                                      14%                    12%

Plymouth (2017)         Worcester           Manchester Met       Bournemouth          University Central
                         (2018)                 (2018)          University (2018)     Lancashire (2018)

The University has reviewed its targets in
line with the UK SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) guidelines.

16 | Objectives and targets
5 Actions
W The Sustainable Travel Plan for the Exeter campuses 2010-2015 made reference to
103 actions which the University were committed to completing to meet targets set within
the document. The University takes pride that 86% of these actions were successfully
completed within the travel plan period.

66% of the actions of the previous travel plan have been                        5.1. Enforcing the sustainable
carried forward due to their effectiveness and success in
influencing sustainable travel behaviour change over the past
                                                                                     travel hierarchy
five years. These actions will be continued in the effort to meet               The sustainable travel hierarchy is the foundation on which
the reviewed travel plan targets for 2020.                                      the sustainable travel plan has been developed. The University
                                                                                is highly committed to encouraging the highest possible
In addition 44 new actions have been proposed to strengthen the                 percentage of staff, students and visitors traveling via the
University’s continued efforts towards achieving more sustainable               most sustainable modes of transport.
travel and challenge the University to meet stringent targets for 2020. An
introduction to actions for 2016-2020 can be found overleaf in Figure 14.

Least sustainable                                                                                                                 Most sustainable

Car use                       Car sharing                   Public transport            Cycling                        Walking
The University aspires        The University aspires to     The University is heavily   The University strongly        The University
to lower commuter             lower travel emissions        invested in providing       supports its growing           recognise the extensive
emissions and therefore       and congestion associated     strong public transport     community of cycling           health, wellbeing and
continually reviews and       with single occupancy         links to the Exeter         commuters and takes            environmental benefits
reinvests car parking         car use through the           campuses. The subsidised    pride in the carbon and        that coincide with walking
revenue into incentives       promotion of the              D bus and minibus           traffic reduction benefits     to campus.
to discourage single          University’s Liftshare        services provide links      which correspond with
occupancy vehicle use         car sharing group.            with the city centre and    increased cycle travel.
and encourage sustainable                                   local rail stations.
travel behaviours.

                                                                                                              Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 17
Figure 14: Introduction to actions for 2016-2020 (full summary of actions in Section 6).

  Car use                                          Car sharing                                    Public transport
  In efforts to discourage single                  In efforts to encourage single                 In efforts to encourage
  occupancy drivers and improve                    occupancy drivers to participate               uptake of public transport
  commuter associated emissions                    in group car sharing the                       the University shall:
  the University shall:                            University shall:
                                                                                                  Continue to:
  Continue to:                                     Continue to:
                                                                                                  • S ubsidise the Stagecoach D bus
  • Enforce University car parking                • P
                                                      rovide an emergency ride home                 service to provide 15 minute and
     restrictions for EX1, EX2 and                   scheme for staff.                               extended evening service to the
     EX4 postcode holders.                                                                           Exeter campuses.
                                                   • O
                                                      ffer free parking permits and
  • Correlate parking charges with                  priority parking spaces to all               • P
                                                                                                     rovide an early morning minibus
     vehicle carbon emissions.                       active car sharing teams.                      service for staff and minibus
                                                                                                    shuttle service to and from
                                                                                                    Exeter St David’s train station.
  And shall furthermore:                           And shall furthermore:
  • Develop a network of electric                 • Introduce registration to University
                                                                                                  And shall furthermore:
     vehicle charging points within staff             Liftshare as a mandatory field
     and visitor parking spaces across                within the University car parking           • E
                                                                                                     xplore opportunities for
     the Exeter campuses.                             permit application process.                   connecting a wider proportion
                                                                                                    of the City to the University
  • Make improvements to the
                                                                                                    campuses through improvements
     University’s Car Parking Policy               A breakdown of all actions to encourage car      to bus services.
     to assist in meeting 2020 staff               sharing are listed in A10-A14 of the actions
     commuting targets.                            summary.                                       • Integrate real time bus information
                                                                                                     into electronic display screens and
                                                                                                     the iExeter app.
  A breakdown of all actions relating to car use
  are listed in A1-A16 of the actions summary.

                                                                                                  A breakdown of all actions to promote public
                                                                                                  transport are listed in A37-A58 of the actions

18 | Actions

Cycling                                         Walking
In efforts to encourage travel by               In efforts to encourage travel
bicycle the University shall:                   and commuting by foot the
                                                University shall:
Continue to:
                                                Continue to:
• P
   romote the facilities and incentives
  that continually encourage and                • P
                                                   rovide information on walking
  support the University’s cycling                routes across the city and
  community.                                      campuses.
                                                • M
                                                   aintain walkways and pedestrian
                                                  areas on campus to high quality
And shall furthermore:
• Include the Exeter campuses within
   the city’s developing network
   of e-bikes and provide hire and              And shall furthermore:
   docking stations on site.
                                                • Investigate the pedestrian safety
• D
   evelop a regular point of contact              with in shared areas and crossing
  for cycling information and issues               points on campus.
                                                • Improve accessibility to social led
• Improve route information for safe              walks on campus, to involve wider
   and direct links between the Exeter             staff audiences.
   Campuses and St David’s Station.

                                                A breakdown of all actions to promote walking
A breakdown of all actions to promote cycling   are listed in A59-A63 of the actions summary.
are listed in A17-A32 of the actions summary.


                                                                                                Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 19
5.2. Supporting                                      5.3. Managing fleet and                             5.5. Monitoring
      sustainable                                           contractor vehicles                                  and review
      business travel                                 The University has developed a five year             To review the success of the travel plan and
The University of Exeter recognises its               replacement strategy to replace current              monitor the progress towards aspiring targets
responsibility to provide viable and sustainable      fleet vehicles with new electric models. A           the University shall:
alternatives to carbon intensive business             total of 20 new electric vehicles are schedules
                                                                                                           • Continue to conduct annual staff and
travel from campus. The following key                 to be leased or purchased in the next four
                                                                                                              student commuter travel surveys.
actions have been proposed in order to                years – totalling more than 40% of the
achieve the objectives: reduce the need to            Campus Services vehicle fleet.                       • Identify targets and to monitor, evaluate
travel, encourage uptake of sustainable travel                                                                and report on the effectiveness of the
                                                      A breakdown of all actions to improve the
modes, and lower scope three emissions                sustainability of fleet and contractor travel is
                                                                                                              travel plan.
associated with business travel:                      listed in A86-A89 of the actions summary.            • Analyse, review and produce annual
• Improve the choice of business travel                                                                      management reports on the successes of
   modes made available from campus by                5.4. Communication                                     implementing sustainable travel measures
   introducing electric pool cars and cycles.               and planning                                      including subsequent carbon emissions
• Improve the off campus travel booking              Within the next four years the University
   system to encourage sustainable travel             plans to develop the way it communicates
   decisions for members travelling beyond            and interacts with its members to promote
   the Exeter campuses in order to lower              sustainable travel incentives. The University is
   University associated CO2 emissions.               looking to improve the quantity and quality of
A breakdown of all actions to promote sustainable     information released to members and active
business travel is listed in A64-A82 of the actions   engagement delivered across the Exeter
summary.                                              campuses to influence positive sustainable
                                                      travel behaviour, actions include:
                                                      • T
                                                         o improve the content and navigation

The University                                          within the sustainable travel webpages.
                                                      • To improve the accessibility of public travel
plans to develop                                         information through displaying real time
                                                         information across campus and within the
the way it                                               University’s iExeter mobile app.

communicates                                          A breakdown of all actions to improve sustainable
                                                      travel communications is listed in A98-A110 of the

and interacts                                         actions summary.

with its members
to promote
sustainable travel

20 | Actions
6 Summary of actions
                                                                                   Action will assist in meeting the target to:
                                                                                   Reduce          Reduce          To increase      Conduct
                                                                                   percentage      percentage      the number       a review
                                                                                   of staff        of students     of staff         of third
         New (N) or                                                                travelling by   travelling by   business trips   party
         continued                                                                 car alone to    car alone to    made by          travel
         (C) action                                                                the Exeter      the Exeter      foot, bicycle    to the
         from 2015                                                                 campuses        campuses        and public       campuses
Ref      travel plan    Action                          Who             When                                       transport

Car (personal)
A1             C        To continue to reinvest         Campus          Ongoing        Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                        car parking revenue into        Services,
                        delivering sustainable          CEMG and
                        transport initiatives           Sustainable
A2             N        Enforce University car          CEMG,           Ongoing        Yes             Yes
                        parking restrictions for EX1,   Estate
                        EX2 and EX4 postcode            Patrol and
                        holders                         Sustainable
A3             N        To annually document and        CEMG and        Annually       Yes
                        publish the income produced     Sustainable     (Sept)
                        through University parking      Transport
                        permits and the CEMG            Officer
                        plan for reinvestment in
                        sustainable travel
Car parking
A4             N        To make improvements to         CEMG,           Jul-17         Yes
                        the University’s Car Parking    Estate
                        Policy to assist in meeting     Patrol and
                        2020 staff commuting targets    Sustainable
                        (SVO to 32% by 2020)            Transport
A5             N        Conduct a review of car         Sustainable     May-17         Yes                                            Yes
                        parking provision and permit    Transport
                        allocation across the Exeter    Officer and
                        campuses                        Estate Patrol
A6             C        Continuation of Authority to    Sustainable     Ongoing        Yes
                        Park (AtP) permits (entitling   Transport
                        holders to a discounted rate    Officer and
                        on daily ‘pay and display’      Estate Patrol
                        parking tickets)

      Staff and Student travel to work modes                                                         Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 21
Action will assist in meeting the target to:
                                                                                         Reduce          Reduce          To increase      Conduct
                                                                                         percentage      percentage      the number       a review
                                                                                         of staff        of students     of staff         of third
        New (N) or                                                                       travelling by   travelling by   business trips   party
        continued                                                                        car alone to    car alone to    made by          travel
        (C) action                                                                       the Exeter      the Exeter      foot, bicycle    to the
        from 2015                                                                        campuses        campuses        and public       campuses
Ref     travel plan       Action                            Who             When                                         transport

 A7           C           Continue to correlate parking     Campus          Ongoing          Yes             Yes              Yes
                          charges with vehicle carbon       Services
 A8           C           To review and increase            Campus          Ongoing          Yes             Yes
                          parking charges on a              Services
                          regular basis to ensure they
                          continually reflect the true
                          economic cost of parking
 A9           N           To develop a network of           Sustainable     Jul-20                                            Yes
                          electric vehicle charging         Transport
                          points within staff and visitor   Officer
                          parking spaces across the         and Estate
                          Exeter campuses                   Services
Car sharing
 A10          C           Continue the emergency ride       Estate Patrol   Ongoing          Yes             Yes
                          home scheme for staff             (Car Parking
 A11          C           To regularly promote              Sustainable     Annually         Yes             Yes
                          commuter and business car         Transport       (January)
                          sharing opportunities to staff    Officer
                          and students through events
                          and communication channels
 A12          N           To introduce the registration     Car Parking     Jan-17           Yes             Yes              Yes
                          to University Liftshare as a      Office
                          mandatory field within the
                          application process for any
                          University car parking permit
 A13          C           To annually review and            Campus          Annually         Yes             Yes
                          increase numbers of car           Services        (Oct)
                          sharing spaces on campus to
                          accommodate for growing
 A14          C           To encourage car sharing          Sustainable     Ongoing          Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                          between the Exeter and            Transport
                          Cornwall campuses through         Officer;
                          the use of University of          Liftshare
                          Exeter Liftshare and journey      helpdesk
                          planner websites

22 | Summary of actions                         Staff and Student travel to work modes
Action will assist in meeting the target to:
                                                                                     Reduce          Reduce          To increase      Conduct
                                                                                     percentage      percentage      the number       a review
                                                                                     of staff        of students     of staff         of third
      New (N) or                                                                     travelling by   travelling by   business trips   party
      continued                                                                      car alone to    car alone to    made by          travel
      (C) action                                                                     the Exeter      the Exeter      foot, bicycle    to the
      from 2015                                                                      campuses        campuses        and public       campuses
Ref   travel plan   Action                              Who            When                                          transport

Car clubs
A15         C       Promote local car club              Sustainable    Ongoing           Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                    schemes                             Transport
A16         N       To investigate the feasibility      Campus         Jan-19            Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                    of installing a pay-as-you-go       Services and
                    car hire point on the Exeter        Engineering
                    campuses, making electric/          and Direct
                    hybrid vehicles readily             Works
                    available for staff/student/
                    visitor hire
A17         C       To promote the facilities           Sustainable    Annually          Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                    and incentives provided by          Transport
                    the University that continue        Officer
                    to encourage and support
                    the University’s cycling
A18         N       To conduct a bi-annual review       Sustainable    Bi-annually       Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                    of cycle numbers on campus          Transport      (Feb and
                    and report demand for               Officer        Oct)
                    additional storage to CEMG
A19         C       To continue to install new,         Engineering    Ongoing           Yes             Yes              Yes
                    high quality cycle parking          and Estate
                    facilities in appropriate           Services
                    locations on the Exeter
                    campuses as demand arises
A20         C       To continue to provide              CEMG;          Following                         Yes
                    ample, high quality cycle           Sustainable    bi-annual
                    parking facilities at University    Transport      facilities
                    halls of residences to facilitate   Officer;       review
                    for the growing student             Residences
                    cycling community

                                                                                                       Sustainable Travel Plan 2016-2020 | 23
Action will assist in meeting the target to:
                                                                                        Reduce          Reduce          To increase      Conduct
                                                                                        percentage      percentage      the number       a review
                                                                                        of staff        of students     of staff         of third
         New (N) or                                                                     travelling by   travelling by   business trips   party
         continued                                                                      car alone to    car alone to    made by          travel
         (C) action                                                                     the Exeter      the Exeter      foot, bicycle    to the
         from 2015                                                                      campuses        campuses        and public       campuses
 Ref     travel plan      Action                            Who           When                                          transport

 A21           C          To work in collaboration with     Sustainable   Annually          Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                          local cycle providers and         Transport
                          charities to provide cycling      Officer
                          incentives for the University
 A22           C          To facilitate sales of new        Sustainable   Annually          Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                          and second hand bikes from        Transport     (Sept)
                          local cycle organisations to      Officer
                          University staff and students
 A23           C          To improve accessibility to       Sustainable   Bi-annually       Yes                              Yes           Yes
                          the University’s pool bike        Transport     (Feb and
                          system and review the             Officer       Oct)
                          potential for hosting pool
                          bikes on the University’s
                          Streatham Campus
 A24           C          To carry out regular upkeep       Sustainable   Annually          Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                          and maintenance of shower         Transport     (Aug)
                          and locker facilities on the      Officer and
                          Exeter campuses, and identify     Director
                          where demand exists to            of Estate
                          install and improve additional    Services
 A25           C          To consider the permeability      CEMG and      Ongoing           Yes             Yes                            Yes
                          for cycling alongside current     Director
                          and future infrastructure         of Campus
                          developments                      Services
 A26           C          To review road infrastructure     CEMG and      Annually          Yes             Yes              Yes           Yes
                          on campus, with the view          Sustainable   (Oct)
                          of prioritising safe and          Transport
                          convenient routes for cycling     Officer
 A27           N          To promote the                    Sustainable   Annually          Yes             Yes              Yes
                          environmental and health          Transport     (Sept)
                          and wellbeing benefits of         Officer
                          cycling to University staff and

24 | Summary of actions                        Staff and Student travel to work modes
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