NMLI Today - The Burrell Group

Page created by Dustin Lucas
NMLI Today - The Burrell Group
Tomorrow’s Leaders
       New Mexic o L eadership Institu te

         Philanthropy & Community Leadership
NMLI Today - The Burrell Group
Summer Academy I

                                                                                                              SUMMER ACADEMY I is held at NMSU and focuses on self-develop-
                                                                                                              ment. The week begins with training in effective communication – in-
                                                                                                              fluencing others, listening to and learning through others, and forging
                                                                                                              synergy through collaboration. This is followed by the Scholar focus-
                                                                                                              ing on self-management, coping with pressure and adversity, and
                                                                                                              setting and achieving goals. The ultimate objective of the first academy
                                                                                      NMLI Class of 2013
                                                                                                              is to assist each Scholar to take control of their own future, and to
                                                                                                              build and develop relationships that further the Scholar’s interests and
                                                                                                              those of their community and state.

NMLI Core Values – What does leadership                 With one of the highest high school drop-out          Specifics of the first week’s curriculum include:
mean to us?                                             rates in the country, low college matriculation and   • Recognize conflicts and adversity that may impact
• To be an NMLI leader is to be an ACTIVE,              graduation rates, and with many of the State’s most     graduation from high school and college
  THOUGHTFUL, and COMMITTED member                      talented young leaders leaving for opportunity        • Create relationships with fellow participants and
  of your community                                     elsewhere, New Mexico is struggling to reach its        community leaders
• To understand your identity and history               economic potential. NMLI’s curriculum, created        • Demonstrate appreciation for different cultures and perspec-
  as a New Mexican                                      through a collaboration with UNM and NMSU, is           tives
• To feel and demonstrate an entrepreneurial            designed to address these challenges in a compre-     • Develop effective communication skills
  spirit                                                hensive way.                                          • Practice leadership skills and positive behaviors
                                                                                                              • Learn about the history, diversity and uniqueness of
MISSION                                                CURRICULUM                                               New Mexico
To provide at risk New Mexico high school juniors      NMLI’s Scholars are selected through a rigorous        • Identify academic and career resources in preparation
who demonstrate a particular aptitude for leader-      application process during the spring semester           for college
ship, creativity, resourcefulness and entrepreneurial  of their junior year of high school, after which       • Manage time effectively and set meaningful,
spirit, with the support they need to graduate high    they begin an intensive one-year leadership train-       achievable goals
school and transition into one of New Mexico’s flag-   ing program that includes two summer academies         • Recognize the impact of events on a local, regional
ship universities (University of New Mexico or New     and a 12-month “challenge” period. The next four         and global level
Mexico State University).                              years of the program are heavily focused on keep-      • Develop practical skills for collaborating and group
                                                       ing students on a path towards graduation and            decision-making
To mentor our Scholars throughout college in order employment. NMLI Scholars are awarded auto-
to successfully graduate in four years with the skills matic acceptance into either UNM or NMSU when          SUMMER ACADEMY II is held at UNM and focuses on the twin
and knowledge they need to obtain ready employ- they enter the program, depending on their desig-             themes of college preparedness and seizing opportunity in New
ment in New Mexico.                                    nated preference.                                      Mexico. NMLI Scholars will participate in a variety of sessions
NMLI Today - The Burrell Group
designed to facilitate their seamless transition from high school to uni-   SCHOLARSHIP AWARD
                            versity. Even more, these preparedness sessions educate Scholars on         Scholars who complete the first year curriculum (the two
                            what UNM and NMSU have to offer them academically, socially, and            summer academies and challenge program) are awarded a
                            professionally in order to help them connect the dots between their         $15,000 scholarship over four years ($3,750/year) which can
                            individual career goals and specific university competencies.               be used to defray the soft costs of education, such as living
                                                                                                        expenses, books, travel, and other miscellaneous expenses.
                            In the second summer academy Scholars also receive training in “seiz-       The primary goals of the grant are to incentivize students
                            ing opportunity”, which educates students on the current and future         to select 4-year universities rather than 2-year colleges or
                            drivers of the New Mexico economy. The focus of these sessions is to        vocational programs, to keep them in school and on a path
                            breakdown misperceptions and biases about career opportunities in           towards graduation, and allow students to participate in at
                            New Mexico and to encourage young leaders to remain in the state            least one summer internship.
                            after graduation. While the Scholar’s professional and career goals
                            may well evolve during the course of their education, the idea is for       The NMLI scholarship award is removed if the
                            the Scholars to think about how their professional objectives dove-         student does not meet the program require-
                                                                                                                                                                          A student receiving a scholarship
                            tail with the professional needs of the state, its economy, and its         ments listed above in the section on curriculum.
With President of NMSU,
Garrey Carruthers
                                                                                                        INTERNSHIP PROGRAM
                            Between these two academies, students are required to complete a            NMLI encourages each Scholar to participate in at least one,
                            12-month “challenge” program that is designed by the student and            but hopefully two internships during their college career.
                            university faculty mentors. These “challenges” occur monthly and
                            are intended to focus Scholars on pushing their boundaries, expand-         The internship program is designed to accomplish a
                            ing networks, raising awareness, and pursuing areas of personal in-         number of objectives:
                            terest. While each “challenge” program is unique, they often include        • Enhance the Scholars’ connection with local businesses
                            assignments that involve community service projects, engagement               and government leaders
                            in the local economy, and public policy issues.                             • Serve as an opportunity for each Scholar to research
                                                                                                        • businesses and government agencies that are linked to
                            With the completion of the summer academies and senior year “chal-            the professional career path they are following
                            lenges,” NMLI Scholars graduate from the program and continue               • Serve as an educational experience, providing direct
                            their education at NMSU or UNM. Once there, the NMLI program                  access to and work experience in the Scholar’s chosen
                            remains a major component of their education and support system.              field
                            Each graduating cohort enters university as a unit, each Scholar has        • Serve as a platform for the practical application of the
                            an assigned faculty mentor, and all Scholars are supported by the           • Scholars’ educational experiences to real world
                            NMLI on-campus administrator.                                                 situations

                            Scholars are required to maintain and complete the                          MENTORSHIP PROGRAM
                            following over their 4 years in college:                                    Through their partnership with NMLI, both UNM and NMSU
                            • Required to register for and complete a minimum of 12 credit              have committed substantial resources to the NMLI program.
                               hours of coursework each semester                                        In particular, both universities have designated 3 paid faculty
                            • Maintain a 3.0 grade point average                                        members and a program administrator to serve as mentors to
                            • Participate in mentoring new NMLI Scholars as they enter the              the NMLI Scholars during the summer academy, challenge
                               program as high school juniors                                           program, and throughout the Scholar’s academic career.
                            • At least one summer internship in the public or private sector
                            • Participate in at least one campus student organization                   Mentors are intended to become a major component of the
                                                                                                        scholar’s support network over the 5 year life of the NMLI
                                                                                                        program and will play a key role in shaping their academic,                        UNM President
                                                                                                                                                                                            Robert Frank
                                                                                                        internship, and career decisions.
NMLI Today - The Burrell Group
Signing the NMLI partnership agreement

SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS                             There are several ways for individuals, corpora-
In addition to financial, administrative and fac-    tions, and other entities to become involved in
ulty support from the University of New Mexico       NMLI, ranging from financial commitments to
and New Mexico State University, NMLI has cul-       participation in the students’ educational and pro-
tivated relationships with New Mexico businesses,    fessional development.
foundations, and individuals who, like NMLI, are
dedicated to fully realizing the potential of New    FINANCIAL SPONSORSHIP
Mexico’s youth through leadership training, career
guidance and professional development.               Future of New Mexico Endowment Fund
These organizations include:                         The Future of New Mexico Endowment Fund will
• Private business throughout New Mexico             provide long-term stability to the NMLI program
• Government agencies (local and state)              enabling NMLI to continue building an educated
• Non-Profits                                        and skilled workforce for New Mexico.
• Foundations
• Endowments                                        Sponsor One Scholar $15,000+                           the career aspirations and educational background of the Scholar with businesses that are committed to
• Cultural Organizations                            As a Senior Level sponsor your commitment of           developing our emerging workforce. We encourage you to become a NMLI Workforce Partner and to
                                                    support will insure a full scholarship for one New     commit to helping these Scholars gain real world experience in a business environment.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT                                   Mexico student. The $15,000 scholarship will be
A long-term commitment of support from New released by NMLI to the University of attendance                Becoming a Work Force Partner is simple:
Mexicans and New Mexico businesses will secure over a four-year period.                                    • Provide an internship description (we will balance the Scholar’s learning goals with the specific
the longevity of the NMLI program. Your support                                                              work the organization needs completed)
will benefit the state by creating an educated and Junior Level Commitment $10,000+                        • Commit to a minimum of 6 weeks and no less than 30 hours per week
skilled workforce capable of meeting the future                                                            • Provide constructive feedback at the conclusion of the internship
needs of New Mexico’s economy.                      Freshman Level Commitment $5000+
                                                    As a Junior Level or Freshman Level sponsor, your      We thank you for your support of NMLI’s scholarship program. Together we will make it possible for
Each year NMLI accepts up to 30 high school stu- commitment of support will provide a partial              NMLI scholars to learn leadership skills, participate in their communities, and participate in intern-
dents into its class of Scholars. As demonstrated scholarship for one New Mexico student.                  ships which will open doors to a world of opportunity.
by our curriculum, the goal of NMLI is to pro-
vide each Scholar with the power of knowledge, WORKFORCE PARTNER
the insight of leadership, and the belief that they In addition to providing scholarship opportuni-
can make a difference in their communities. Our ties, the mission of NMLI is to provide New Mex-
sponsors are crucial partners in the continued suc- ico with a loyal, dedicated and skilled work force.
cess of NMLI.                                       NMLI’s internship program is designed to align
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