NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...
The Sunny side of the Mountain -
Editor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...

                                                                                                                        Kelly Lelieveld B Bus, CA
   If you think you could be getting more for your accounting dollar, for
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  Then contact Kelly Lelieveld at Money Metrics. Kelly is a Chartered Accountant with extensive experience over many industries.
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  Kelly now!

                                                                                         A man walks into a police station and announces, “My
                                                                                         wife’s gone missing.” - The police officer says, “OK sir,
               Established Ngongotaha 1965 - Member of Master Plumbers Association
                                                                                         we’ll help you. Since when has your wife been missing?” -
                   PHONE: (07) 348 5939                                                  The man replies, “Since about a month ago.” - The police
                   Fax:    (07) 348 5937                                                 officer is shocked, “What? A month?! Why on Earth are
                        or 027 493 5986                                                  you coming only now?!” - “Well… I’ve no clothes to put
                                                                                         on anymore.”
       Repairs & Alterations
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       Bathroom Design & Build                         GUARANTEED                       doctor. I think my eyesight is really worsening.” The
       Drainage & Septic Tank                            Free Quotes                    doctor asks the man to come and look out of the window.
       Fireplace Installation                           Prompt Service                  “Tell me what you see there,” says the doctor and points.
       Water Pump Servicing                                                             "I see the Sun," answer the man. The doctor turns to him
                                                                                         and asks, “Sweet Jesus, how much further do you want to
     We are in the Business                                                               News reporters visit a hen about a shockingly huge
          to help you                                                                    egg she laid recently. “This is amazing,” they tell the
                                                                                         hen, “a two pound egg, that’s unheard of! Do you have
           Audit of Companies, Trusts, Clubs, Child care                                any goals for the future?” “Yes, I’m really aiming for
            Centres, Schools & Real Estate Agents
                                                                                         a four pounder!” says the hen proudly. “And you, sir,
           Business Financing
           Business Structures                                                          congratulations,” the reporters approach the rooster,
           Preparation of Financial Statements & GST Returns                            “what are your goals for the future?” The rooster replies
           Tax Advice                                                                   darkly, “To beat up that darn ostrich!”
        For prompt affordable service from a friendly firm
        who speaks your language                                                         A Texan tourist stands under the Eiffel tower in Paris and
                 Macmillan Accountants                                                   looks upon it in awe. “Amazing tower,” he comments to
                                                                                         a French guy nearby, “how many barrels does it get out in
                    31 WhiteAccountants
                Macmillan   St. 350-1018
                        FREE Initial
                    Accountants  withAppointment
                                       a difference!                                     a day?”

* Taxation Advice
* Management Advice
NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...
Rotorua Ford & Mazda

        Become part of the “We RFAMily Club”

     Locally owned and operated family business for 25 years.

     The home of New Zealand’s #1selling vehicle 5 years running!
                          The Ford Ranger:

The home of New Zealand’s most awarded manufacturer - Mazda

Rotorua Ford and Mazda
148-150 Lake Road, Rotorua
07 348 7444

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...
ST. BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH                                   was Alan Gordon RSA, Runner Up David Fleet
School Road, Ngongotaha                                        Ngongotaha and the booby prize went to Helen
Sunday:          9.45am Eucharist followed by coffee and       White Ngongotaha. The winning Leads were James
fellowship.                                                    Schuster, Runner Up Ngaire Harris both from RSA
Thursday: 9.45am Contemplative Eucharist followed by           and the booby prize Richard Mills Ngongotaha.
coffee and fellowship. 11.00am Bible Study
                                                               21st September Fun Night Another night of some
Wednesday 1st & 3rd: 1.30pm Games afternoon St
Barnabas Close (Scrabble, Rumikub, 500 etc)                    good bowls being played. The winners for the night
MESSY CHURCH: Intergenerational church                         were two’s Richard Mills with 2 wins and a draw
Sunday 25th October 4.00pm – 6.00pm All welcome                with 24 points, three was Martin Bertling with 3 wins
Mission Lunch                                                  and 26 points and the skip was Cheryl Wiggins 3
Saturday 17th October 11.30 $15.00 please phone 357            wins 26 points.
2107 and leave message                                         27th September Last Night of bowls for 2020 It
                                                               wasn't our usually end of year prize giving as we had
Ngongotaha Indoor Bowls                                        no competitions due to covid 19. Has been a strange
                                                               year for most things. Roll on 2021 and let's hope we
7th September Fun Night. Tonight we had a beautiful            get some serious games to play. This year we had to
supper supplied by Eddie's wonderful daughters for             dress in the colour yellow. I think most members did
his 92nd birthday which he will celebrate later in the         their best to find something yellow. Two mats had
week. Thanks so much was appreciated by all. Eddie             obstacles that we had to negotiate around. That was
is still playing great bowls. The winners for the night        quite tricky. The other mat was normal bowls but
were Cheryle Wiggins, Richard Mills and Bruce                  the jack was a tennis ball. Everyone seemed to enjoy
Mapson with 32 points.                                         themselves. One of our members Martin Bertling had
14th September Fun Night With RSA Bowlers. The                 a birthday today and some of his family came to visit
hall was buzzing with bowlers. Everyone seemed                 him. Our final get together will be our luncheon at
to be enjoying themselves. We always seem to have              Cobb and Co. Looking forward to that. I wish all the
a good night when we are playing with the RSA                  bowlers a safe and happy break.
bowlers. A very social night. The winning skip

                                                                     Glass Supplies

                                                                                                  D & J Josephs
                                                               24 HOUR SERVICE                                ► Town, Rural, Lake areas &
                                                               NO CALL OUT FEE                                      Ngongotaha Our Speciality
                                                                                                              ►     Certified Glazier
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                                                                          We’ll fix                                       Dave or Joanna
                                                                  it for you day or night                07 332 2980 or 027 291 1517

                                                                             332 3575 OR 0275 865 757 (Duncan)

                                                                            Always check the LBP Register to ensure your building practitioner is licensed.

                                                                            HONEST QUALITY WORK GUARANTEED
NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...
For results like this phone


65 Lagoon Road,                                  398C Oturoa Road,              1099 Paradise Valley Road,
Hamurana                                         Hamurana                       Paradise Valley

816 State Highway 5,                             193 Penny Road,                33 Keith Road,
Hamurana                                         Hamurana                       Ngongotaha

Danielle Badger 027 554 7359 Phil Badger 027 357 5704 Marlene Badger 027 357 5702            


NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...
We are now in the home stretch of one of the most important elections we have faced.
There’s a stark contrast with Labour and the Greens who will increase taxes, increase debt massively and pile costs on business that
will slow the economy.
Labour’s plans to increase the minimum wage, add another public holiday and increase sick leave will hit businesses where it hurts
and cost businesses up to $2.8 billion a year. This matters because ultimately, this will affect Kiwis through fewer jobs, lower pay
rises and a smaller economy.
National will work with businesses, not against them, to create more jobs and higher incomes for Kiwis and their families.
We have a plan to stimulate the economy through tax relief, reducing red tape and cost, and supporting businesses to create jobs and
grow wages.
As your MP, my plan for Rotorua is to create jobs, ensure a safer community, build the infrastructure we need to grow and be a
strong voice for our local small businesses.
Safer communities is a priority. I recently announced National will bring back the Rotorua Rescue Helicopter. We also have a
comprehensive plan to address the issues caused by methamphetamine use in our communities and we will make the non-disclosure
of child abuse an offense, as well as set reduction targets for children suffering material hardship.
I’m a strong advocate for improving Rotorua’s infrastructure. National will complete four-laning to Ngongotaha and fully upgrade
the Ngongotaha roundabout. We will also straighten and widen the Tauranga Direct Road and State Highway 33 to Tauranga Port.
These are important projects that will create jobs for local people and open up Rotorua for business.
In education, we will prioritise lifting achievement for all New Zealand children, no matter their background or ability through a
$1.9 billion package. We’ll also help get people back into work, upskill small business owners and find a pathway for young people
to find work through our Reskilling and Retraining Policy.
I will continue to be a strong voice for the rural community, and Rotorua tourism and small businesses to help them recover from the
Government’s Covid-19 restrictions.
Recently I hosted Judith Collins in Rotorua to announce National’s plan to rebuild New Zealand’s tourism sector. We will invest
in new tourism infrastructure, create a $100 million Tourism Accelerator Fund and work to open travel bubbles with neighbouring
countries when it’s safe.
                                                                  Labour has so far delivered a patchwork response to the tourism
                                                                  crisis. National will work alongside tourism businesses to restore
      LAWN SPRAYING                                               the industry towards the levels of success it had prior to Covid-19.
                                                                  We have already announced a number of other policies to create
                                                                  jobs and rebuild our economy.
                         TIRED OF                                 Our comprehensive package of small business policies will reduce
                  – bees stinging the kids ?                      the cost and compliance of the tax system, make employment law
                 - white daisies appearing the day after          fairer, improve cash flow, reduce red tape and improve access to
                          mowing ?                                capital for new and existing small businesses.
                      - clover filling your catcher ?             Under a National Government, our tax policies will ensure you
                                                                  get to keep more of what you earn through targeted tax relief for
  GET RID TODAY… and especially ONEHUNGA                          middle New Zealand.
        WEED -that VERY PRICKLY one                               We have announced a better alternative to the Government’s
   Spraying to create a great lawn to enjoy and to                border management plan.
         enhance your garden for everyone                         The current ad-hoc system is disorderly and confused and is
                                                                  putting the health and livelihoods of five million New Zealanders
       Approved Handlers Certificate (Chemical)                   at risk.
                References available                              National will establish a specific Border Protection Agency,
                 304 Central Road                                 requiring international travellers to provide evidence of a negative
                                                                  COVID-19 test before arriving in New Zealand, better tracing
                                                                  technology and more stringent enforcement of testing for frontline
              Julian Hughes                                       workers.
                07 3322755                                        The threat of COVID-19 will be with us for years to come. Only
                                                                  National as the plan and competent team to protect and grow the
               027 2606755                                        economy and create the jobs that Kiwis desperately need.
                                                                  Hon Todd McClay
                                                                  Member of Parliament for Rotorua
                                                                  Authorised by T.McClay, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.
NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...
9 Bring back the Rotorua Rescue Helicopter to
  keep you safe.
9 National will complete four-laning to
  Ngongotaha and upgrade the Ngongotaha
  roundabout to keep you moving.
9 National will straighten and widen the
  Tauranga Direct Road to the Tauranga Port
  to better connect Ngongotaha for business.

    Your Economy. Your Future.

Authorised by Todd McClay MP, 1301 Amohau Street, Rotorua.

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...

Well spring is well under way at Lakeview the blossom trees are blooming the tui are in full voice and very visible so it is a lovely
time of the year to be on the course.

October competition is a pairs comp 4 ball best ball that runs right through the month.
The start of daylight saving means twilight golf starts up again. Put Wednesday 7th October in your diaries or phones. This is a great
opportunity to play 9 holes of golf after work tee off from 4.00pm – 6.00pm and have a delicious meal afterwards. So grab a few
mates or make up a team with the kids!

The vets group are still getting great numbers on Tuesday. They are always looking for more players to join them and have a great
day of golf and camaraderie. Tee off is 9.30 and a vet age is classified as 50+ for ladies and 55+ for men. So if you are looking for
something to do on a Tuesday come and join them and get some exercise while having fun!

Josh is getting some great numbers attending his junior sessions on Thursday after school. The group has grown so much he is
looking at running a couple of extra days. Call Josh at the shop if you have a junior looking for a different sport or an extra sport to
play. Clubs are provided so just bring a smile!

We had another very enjoyable and successful Quiz night last month. If you enjoy a good quiz get a group of 4 together for the next
night which is Friday 30th October. The dinner is delicious and the company and fun is brilliant. You do not have to be a member of
the club we would love to see you!

A reminder that we welcome everyone to Lakeview whether it is to play golf on the course, hit balls on the range or maybe just a
visit to see progress on the clubhouse!

Until next month stay safe.

Golf shop phone number is 07 357 2341.

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...
Ngongotaha Medical Centre Limited
                                            Doctors: Simon Firth, Jane Carman, Genevieve Mathews, Kingsley Aneke, Jorgelina Ferreira, Louisa Barter

             New “Phone First Acute Clinic” To Replace “Drop In” Clinic
        As previously advised, we’ve redesigned our traditional morning “Drop-in Clinic” to a “Phone First Acute Clinic”
        system. So If you feel you need to be seen the same day instead of coming down to the Surgery, simply call our
        reception from 8.30 a.m. and ask to be put in our “Phone First Acute Clinic” and a doctor or acute-care nurse
        practitioner will call you back promptly.

        If we can sort your problem with a telephone consultation we will, however if we do need to see you in person
        we will arrange for you to come in to be seen. (Please note that there will only be a single consultation charge whether your issue is
        resolved by telephone consultation or face to face). Benefits for you are:
                          No more long waits in waiting rooms with sick children
                          Less exposure to waiting room bugs from other sick people
                          Stay in the comfort of your own home.

                       Operational Update - Level 2 - COVID 19 Pandemic
       With the move back to Level 2 some of our operating procedures have had to change, specifically;
        The Practice is working between 8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. BUT ENTRY TO THE BUILDING IS AGAIN RESTRICTED.
        Face to face appointments are still being booked as normal however there is a strict Triage process.
        Child Immunisations continue and will be booked as normal
        The is “DROP IN CLINIC” has been replaced with the “PHONE FIRST ACUTE CLINIC” as detailed above
        The Laboratory Service has resumed and is available from 8.00 a.m. to 12 noon daily.
        Third party clinics are still running. Please phone the surgery for details.

Ingredients                                                                  250g Butter
125g Butter                                                                  ½ cup cocoa
½ cup Soft Brown Sugar (lightly packed)                                      1 ½ cups White Sugar
½ cup Caster Sugar
                                                                             4 eggs
½ tsp vanilla essence
1 egg
                                                                             1 cup Standard Grade Flour
1¾ cups Self Raising Flour                                                   1 tsp Baking Powder
½ tsp salt                                                                   1 tsp vanilla essence
½ cup chocolate chunks or chips
Method                                                                       Preheat oven to 180°C bake. Line an 18 x 28cm sponge
Preheat oven to 180°C conventional or 160ºC fan forced and                   roll tin with baking paper.
grease or line two baking trays with baking paper.                           Melt Tararua Butter in a saucepan large enough to mix all
                                                                             ingredients in. Mix in cocoa, remove from heat and stir in
Beat Tararua Butter, Chelsea Soft Brown Sugar, Chelsea Caster
                                                                             Chelsea White Sugar.
Sugar and vanilla until pale and creamy, add egg and beat until
                                                                             Add eggs and mix well, then add vanilla essence. Sift in
                                                                             Edmonds Standard Grade Flour and Edmonds Baking
Sift in Edmonds Self Raising Flour and salt, mix until combined              Powder and mix to combine. Pour into prepared tin.
before stirring in the chocolate chunks or chips.                            Bake for 25-30 minutes or until brownie springs back
                                                                             when touched lightly.
Roll heaped teaspoon sized balls of mixture and place on tray,
press down lightly with a floured fork. Bake for approx. 12

M & Ms

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain - FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA EEditor Ann Henderson Mob: 027 2379 204 Email: ...
Extra Mile
                                                                                                      FROM THE LIBRARY

                                                                                                      Home delivery for Library Books

                                                                                                      This free service of delivering
                                                                                                      library books to homes is
                                                                                                      available for those who are
                                                                                                      unable to visit the library. Robyn
                                                                                                      Skipwith, Outreach Coordinator
                                                                                                      who runs this service says that
                                                                                                      the home delivery of books is
                                                                                                      often described as a "god-send"
                                                                                                      for these people, providing a
                                                                                                      selection of reading material that
      WE SERVICE AND                                                    MODERN & TIDY                 they wouldn't otherwise have
                                                                    WORKSHOP WITH LATEST              access to.
     REPAIR ALL MAKES                                               DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT
        & MODELS                                                                                      BOOK REVIEWS
      EUROPEAN, JAPANESE,                                               FREE ELECTRONIC
     KOREAN, AMERICAN ETC.                                              SHOCK ABSORBER                I Owe You One
                                                                                                      By Sophie Kinsella
       WE CARRY OUT                                                           TEST
                                            WOFs                                                       A lovely light read by this well-
                                                                    FREE BATTERY TEST &
                                                                                                      known author, just the tonic
        INSPECTIONS                                                  CHARGING SYSTEM
                                         SERVICES                          TEST
                                                                                                      for a cold, wet weekend! The
                                                                                                      main character is a young lady
    WE DO WARRANTY                                                                                    known as Fixie. She came by her
                                                                         FREE COOLANT
       REPAIRS &                            TYRES                       CONDITION TEST
                                                                                                      unusual name
                                                                                                      due to her "flaw", a
     SERVICES FOR:                                                                                    uncontrollable need to fix things
                                          SHOCKS                    FREE VEHICLE PICKUP               that aren't right. Fixie and her
                                                                                                      siblings are left in charge of the
                                                                        & DELIVERY
                                                                                                      family business and it isn't long
                                          BRAKES                         OBLIGATION FREE
                                                                        QUOTES, INCLUDING
                                                                                                      before the family
                                                                                                      business is almost
                                                                         WINZ QUOTES                  unrecognisable. Toss into this
                                        BATTERIES                    NEXT TIME YOU COME IN
                                                                                                      mix a dose of Fixie's love life,
                                                                                                      extraordinary meetings in cafes,
                                                                       FOR A WOF OR FULL              and you have a recipe for a
                                        EXHAUSTS                       SERVICE & MENTION              wonderful, humorous tale.
                                                                                                      The characters are well defined,
                                                                      OR A CHARITY OF YOUR            the story sets a good pace;
                                  OPEN SATURDAYS                    CHOICE, WE’LL DONATE $10          altogether a good choice to while
                                                                                                      away some hours with.

            140 MAIN RD, NGONGOTAHA                                                                   Also available in eBook and
                                                                                                      eAudiobook format
                                        (NEXT TO GULL)                                                Reviewed by Rose

                                PHONE: 357 2060
                                                                                                      The Last Act
                                                                                                      By Brad Parks

Here's a good one to get your teeth into over the coming chillier seasons! Full of twists and turns the author cleverly waits until you
think you know what's around the next page, then "flip!" the story takes another twist and you're off on another path.

The main character is a young man coming to the realisation that his love of live theatre has to conclude, as life throws him a
curve ball and it is time to face up to responsibility. A chance meeting with an old school friend changes everything, and here is the
opportunity to have one last throw of the dice. Combining acting and earning a solid chunk of money seems too easy. Who said
there's no such thing as a free lunch?
Solid characterisation, combined with a strong story line and delivered with good pace, results in this novel being one that you will
loathe to put down. Another winner from Brad Parks.
Also available in Ebook format

Reviewed by Rose                                                                   LIBRARY CONTD OVERPAGE......................

Rotorua Plumbing
                                                                                                    The Alice Stories
                                                                                                    By Davina Bell

            Services Ltd
                                                                                                    It is the year of 1918, at the end
                                                                                                    of the first world war, and twelve
                                                                                                    year old Alice dreams of being a
                                                                                                    professional ballet dancer. Can she

                For all your Gasfitting,Plumbing,                                                   make her dream come true?
                                                                                                    This book is part of a fun,
               Drainage and Heating Requirements                                                    educational series of books called
                                                                                                    'Our Australian Girl' and I would
 •        New Work                                                                                  highly recommend it for girls of
 •        Maintenance                                                                               any age.
 •        Blocked Drains                                                                            How would you rate this book out
 •        Repairs                                                                                   of 5?: 5
                                                                                                    Reviewed by Isadora
 Call Ross on 0273576772
 Ah/fax 073574418                                                                                   The Butterfly Room by Lucinda
                                                                                                    Riley                                                                          Another great read from this very
 22 Stembridge Rd Ngongotaha                                                                        popular author , the Butterfly
                                                                                                    Room scans several generations

Brakes Homekill Services
                                                                                                    which all link to the main
                                                                                                    character Posy. Much loved and
                                                                                                    worshipped by Posy, her father
                                                                                                    studies butterflies. Following his
                             GLENN BRAKE                                                            passion, Posy is drawn into the
                                                                                                    world of Botany and butterflies.
                                                                                                    However, as usual, life throws
                                                                                                    up a large and shattering hiccup
                                                                                                    into young Posy's idyllic world
                                                                                                    and life as she knows it, changes

                                                                                                    The author has painted her
                                                                                                    characters well, she has chosen
                                                                                                    strong storylines and blended
TAUI STREET                                                                                         them beautifully to achieve a spell
                                                                                                    binding novel. Roll on winter and
NGONGOTAHA                                                                                          settle down with this book - you'll
                                                                                                    need a long weekend to immerse
Shop: 07 357 4206 ● Mobile: 027 496 1508                                                            yourself in this dazzler.
                                                                                                    Reviewed by Rose

A Dream of Italy by Nicky Pellegrino

This new offering by a favourite author is a great read! Beautifully written with a light hand, you as the reader, are transported
to Italy. This time in the South, and to a tired, but enchanting village. Do you have a spare Euro? For the cost of less than a cup
of coffee- you could own your own Italian villa! Who could resist that? Three people couldn’t, and although all with different
backgrounds and partners, begin their journey to Montenello.
While the storyline is a little predictable, the telling is charming and very readable. The characters are clearly drawn, and the
description of the the food is……mouth watering!
Well worth an Autumn afternoon next to a crackling fire, and perhaps a beverage of your choosing?
Reviewed by Rose

Slice Of Heaven by Des O’Leary
Slice of Heaven is a fantastic book which reflects South Auckland to the extent that you can almost smell the taro cooking. It
follows the press-ganged members of the Junior Boys Softball Team from Manawahe East High School as they make life choices,
try to find a way through the conflicting messages of their communities and learn about each other.
My favourite part is when two characters discover neither of them like being labelled an ethnicity they are not (I’m Vietnamese NOT
Chinese…. I’m Tongan NOT a Samoan)with one going onto find out what an orangi-tangi (his words) is.
The scenes jump off the page and ring true for those of us who’ve ventured into the cultural melting pot of South Auckland. Des
O’Leary has managed to create what he set out to… a book that is about people like us. I highly recommend this, not just for teens
but for all kiwis. Reviewed by Jessica
Born & Bred Local
  Ngongotaha, This is where I sell!

  If you see me out and about on my
  Ray White bike delivering flyers
  or enjoying the sun, stop me for a
  chat, or give me a shout!

                      Mandy Lee 0276 732 331
                      Licensee Salesperson
                      Amtos Realty Services Ltd REAA 2008

Ngongotaha 24 Hood Street                                                                   Ngongotaha 7 Te Manga Place
This robust 1950s brick home is looking fresh & fabulous with its contemporary              A family home with loads of space, a big double garage plus workshop and a
refurb. Enjoy the stunning outlook over Lake Rotorua and countryside from                   sleepout. You’ll love the outdoor entertaining patio & the large fully fenced,
the living area and the master bedroom. The open plan lounge and dining space               section of 1062sqm (more or less). Solar powered hot water, heat pump and a
enjoys loads of natural light plus there’s a sun room to relax in and a compliant           cosy warm fire. The stream is just beyond your back doorstep, go for a fish or a
log fire for winter. Set on a fully fenced, easy care section the family will enjoy.        swim. See you at the Open Home!
By Negotiation View                                                By Negotiation View
Mandy Lee 0276 732 331                                                                      Mandy Lee 0276 732 331

Ngongotaha 6 Reeme Street                                                                   Hamurana 631a Hamurana Road
Location is key! With summer around the corner this is a top spot to own a                  Directly across the road from the Lake front reserve this 847sqm (more or less)
holiday home only 100m from lake and jetty. Fishing and water sports a plenty!              section with Comm 3 zoning enjoys lake views and proximity to the Hamurana
3 good size bedrooms, 2 living areas and a fully fenced 1011m2 section.                     walkway and boat ramp. Create a holiday getaway or business opportunity
VIEWINGS STRICTLY BY OPEN HOME.                                                             (subject to Council approval). Properties with this zoning and outlook are rare -
                                                                                            take the initiative now!
By Negotiation View                                                By Negotiation View
Mandy Lee 0276 732 331                                                                      Tim O’Sullivan 0274 974 986 & Anita Martelli 027 552 6482

Ngongotaha News September
                                                                                                   Age Concern Rotorua is humming
                                                                                                   along, following lockdown, with
                                                                                                   several new projects either started or
                                                                                                   in the pipeline. Our Out and Abouters
                                                                                                   are making use of our new minibus
                                                                                                   to make excursions to places in and
                                                                                                   around Rotorua with our trip to Maketu
                                                                                                   for a fish and chip lunch being the most
                                                                                                   well supported so far. Our members
                                                                                                   are beginning to be more relaxed about
                                                                                                   getting out and about although it has
                                                                                                   been difficult to get them out of the
                                                                                                   house while there is still the threat
                                                                                                   of Covid. On the 1st of October, we
                                                                                                   celebrated the International Day of
                                                                                                   the Older person with a gathering at
                                                                                                   a local eatery. We were fortunate to
                                                                                                   have a large number attend and we also
                                                                                                   held a mock election and referendum
                                                                                                   vote which added to the fun. It was
                                                                                                   interesting that the people who attended
                                                                                                   were all over 65 and the results of the
  Rotorua based                                  Native planting                                   mock election were Party Vote National
                                                                                                   46%, Labour 49%. ACT 2%, NZ First
  weed spraying service                          services available                                2%, others 1%. Local elections Todd
   Gorse | Blackberry | Broom Ragwort/thistles  Pre-plant spraying, planting & post-plant spraying McClay 50%, Clair Mahon 48%, Peter
                                                                                                   Kirkwood, 1%, Fletch Tabuteau 1%,
                                                                                                   Referendum Cannabis, Yes 25%, No
                                                                                                   75%, End of Life, Yes 48%, No 52%. It
                                                                                                   will be interesting how this pans out on
                                                                                                   the night of the election.
                                                                                                   Age Concern are moving to Parksyde
                                                                                                   probably in early November. The move
                                                                                                   to Parksyde has been in the pipeline
                                                                                                   for several years and is finally going
   WAIKATO WIDE                                                                                    to happen as the first stage of a wider
                                                                                                   picture being the development of a
                                                 Call our team today to see Whole of Life Hub for the Elderly. This
                                                                                                   Hub will hopefully house most of the
                                                    how WE can help YOU                            organisations that deal with the elderly
                                                                or email                           and will become a one stop shop for
                               Call us today on              people to gather information about life
                             027 270 7076                       Visit our website
                                                                                                   after 65. Age Concern will be moving
                                                                                                   into the house beside Parksyde at 5
                                                                                                   Tarewa Place which is being renovated
at present ready for the move. This is an exciting development for the elderly of Rotorua and we look forward to creation of the Hub
In a recent paper written by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians it has called for action on four things that can make or
break a good health and wellbeing. Somewhere to live---a healthy home is a human right. Someone to love---all whanau enjoy
wellbeing. Something to do----everyone has good work. Something to hope for----there needs to be justice and equality. It is part
of the #MakeittheNorm starting point which is informed by the evidence for action on the social determinants for health, like poor
housing, insecure work and low wages, and inequitable health outcomes. People will come to hospital for treatment of pneumonia,
or bronchiectasis---but we are sending them and their whanau right back to the environments that made them sick in the first place.
The RACP say that many of the health issues are preventable if the foundations are right---healthy homes to grow, live and play in,
and good jobs that pay a living wage.
This leads on to a survey conducted by the Commission for Financial Capability which showed a fifth of people are experiencing
problems with their relationships because of financial concerns. Those with low or no income are more likely to stress but having
more money did not necessarily mean financial problems went away, as 21% of respondents with salaries over $150,000 reported
tension. Young people were more likely to report concerns over money and there was a gradual decrease down to 7% of those 65
and over.
At last some fine weather and kids even swimming in the lake over the weekend. I think we are in for a long hot summer. Keep
smiling and stay safe.
Rory O’Rourke
Matariki New year
                                                                          I don’t know about you, but
                                                                          I have spent many evenings
                                                                          on December 31st counting
           NGONGOTAHA                                                     down the clock to midnight
                                                                          to welcome in the New Year
                                                                          at one second past the hour.
                                                                          There have been numerous

                                         Open                             memorable occasions which
                                                                          have taken place throughout

                                         7 days
                                                                          New Zealand.
                                                                          Most of these New Year’s
                                                                          evenings took place at our
                                                                          Bidois whanau homestead
                                                                          at the Awahou river mouth.
                                                                          There you would see many whanaunga huddled and standing
                                                                          around a small fire. Accompanying the sparks and warmth of
                                                                          the fire would be the wonderful sounds of raucous laughter and
                                                                          sizzling mutton flaps, trout and sausages. There would also be
                                         Mon - Sat                        singing to guitars, loud voices and quiet voices and the voice
                                         7:00am – 7:30pm                  of Lake Rotorua lapping on the sandy beach or tapping her
                                                                          melody on our fishing dinghies. In the distance you may hear the
                                                                          younger generations excitedly yelling as they raced to “break
                                         7:30am – 7:30pm
                                                                          the ice” and be the first to dive into the Awahou river for the new
                                                                          year. Even as I write this I am remembering those who were
                                         1 Hall Road,                     there celebrating with us that have passed over the years but
                                         Ngongotaha                       their memories, laughs, voices and singing remain heard through
                                         T: 07 357 4475                   the generations they created.
                                                                          I have also spent a few times celebrating the Maori New year
                                                                          otherwise known as Matariki. These New Year’s events have
                                              Find us on facebook
                                                                          been a stark contrast. For a start there was no fire even though
                                                                          it was freezing cold. There was hardly any laughter and ALL
                                                                          the voices were quiet. We were not beside lakes or oceans
                                                                          but standing on mountain peaks. These Matariki Maori New
                                                                          Year’s events started with waking at 4am in the morning and
                                                                          being a night owl, I was tempted to just stay awake all night,
                                                                          like I had done a few times on the December 31st New Year’s
                                                                          The Matariki New Year’s events were more serious and more
Electrical systems, Electronics, Gensets, Batteries, Inverters, Solar •   spiritual and it would be a few years before I understood
              Buses, Campers, Caravans & Recreactional Vehicles •         why. The occasions started with walking up roads or paths to
                                  Marine & RV Mobile Satellite TV •       Mountain tops with kids who had bravely joined us 4 o’clock
                                      Boats of all sizes and types •      in the morning. Most having no choice to be honest. There
                                                                          were smaller tamariki being carried, many on their Papas
                                                                          shoulders some still sleeping. Once we reached our mountain
Contact Ken 021021
                       554 A/h 07 332 2480                                top destination there were karakia recited and the Matariki star
 email:                  constellation was also sighted, if you were fortunate enough to
                                                                          not have clouds running interference. New Year’s Eve and New
                                                                          Year’s Matariki, December 31st and Matariki. Two New Year’s
occasions and each as significant and memorable as the other.
Many years ago, when I was completing my Masters degree in Education I was privileged to learn under the tutelage of Maori
leader Professor Mason Durie. He outlined back then that there were three forms of knowledge in the world. The first was Scientific
Knowledge or Western Knowledge which is the scientific proving and disproving of theories. The second was faith which you either
believe or not and the third form of knowledge, which he exclaimed was the fastest growing form of knowledge in the world, was
indigenous knowledge. Knowledge belonging to and cared for by indigenous people around the world. Matariki is a part of our
Maori indigenous knowledge.
Matariki is more than seeing in a new year. Much more. Matariki is not just about the gathering of whanau and making memories but
it is also very spiritual as we farewell our dead and carefully analyse and plan the new year while reciting karakia and ceremoniously
presenting gifts of gratitude. Matariki is Scientific knowledge and Faith all contained in one kete matauranga, basket of knowledge.
It has been celebrated by Maori for ever and will be acknowledged forever.
I am pleased that there could be a new holiday for Matariki. It will be a celebration of Maori Indigenous knowledge and a symbol of
our growth as a nation and people. Nga mihi.
Ngahihi o te ra Bidois is an international Keynote speaker, businessman, author, husband and father. See www.ngahibidois.
MORAL OF THE STORY......................

                                      A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing
                                      up her shower when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly
                                      wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she
                                      opens the door, there stands Bob, the next door neighbor.
                                      Before she says a word, Bob says, “I’ll give you $800 to
                                      drop that towel.” After thinking for a moment, the woman
kitchens & cabinets                   drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob.

                    bathrooms •       After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 dollars and
                      furniture •     leaves. The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes
                                      back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband
                   commercial •
                        timber •      “Who was that?” “It was Bob the next door neighbor,” she
              windows & doors         replies. “Great!” the husband says, “Did he say anything
                       bi-folds •     about the $800 he owes me?”
                double glazing •
                                      Moral of the story:
                          stairs •
                                      If you share critical information pertaining to credit
                   balustrades •      and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a
                                      position to prevent avoidable exposure.

                                      A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are
                                      walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They
       phone 07 348 0620              rub it and a Genie comes out. The Genie says, “I’ll give
       joinery@lee     each of you just one wish” “Me first! Me first!” says the
       120 View Road, Rotorua         administration clerk. “I want to be in the Bahamas, driving          a speedboat, without a care in the world.” Poof! She’s gone.
                                      “Me next! Me next!” says the sales rep. “I want to be in
                                      Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse,
                                      an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.”
                                      Poof! He’s gone. “OK, you’re up,” the Genie says to the
                                      manager. The manager says, “I want those two back in the
                                      office after lunch.”

                                      Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say.

                                      A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A rabbit
                                      asked him,”Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day
                                      long?” The crow answered: “Sure, why not.” So, the rabbit
                                      sat on the ground below the crow, and rested.
                                      A fox jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

                                      Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you
                                      must be sitting very high up.
                                      A turkey was chatting with a bull “I would love to be
                                      able to get to the top of that tree,” sighed the turkey, but
                                      I haven’t got the energy.” “Well, why don’t you nibble on
                                      my droppings?” replied the bull. “They’re packed with
                                      nutrients.” The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found
                                      that it gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch
                                      of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he
                                      reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night,
                                      there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. Soon he
                                      was spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.
                                      Moral of the story: Bullsh%^ might get you to the top, but
                                      it wont keep you there.

Dublin’s Patrick O’Shea called his lawyer and asked, “Is it true they are suin’ dem der cigarette companies for causin’
people to git cancer?” “Yes, Patrick, sure is true,” responded the lawyer.
“And now someone is suin’ dem fast food restaurants for makin’ dem fat an’ cloggin’ their arteries with all dem der
burgers an’ fries, is that true,?”“Sure is, Patrick.” “And that a lady sued McDonald’s for millions when she burned her
tongue with that hot coffee that she ordered?” “Yep.”
“And that a football player sued that university when he graduated and still couldn’t read?”
“That’s right,” said the lawyer.“But why are you asking?”“Well, I was thinkin’ . . .What I want to know is, can I sue
Guinness for all dem ugly women It made me date.

Paddy went to the Doc’s today. and said “do you treat alcoholics”, The Dr replied, “of course we do”………Paddy said
“great get your coat on, I’m skint

Barman says to Paddy “Your glass is empty, fancy another one?” lookin’ puzzled Paddy says “Why know would I be
needed two empty glasses?”

Paddy says to Mary if you were stranded on a desert island who would you like most to be with you?” “My uncle Mick”
replies Paddy. “What’s so special about him?” asks Mary. “He’s got a boat,” says Paddy

“Young man,” said the judge, looking sternly at the defendant.“It’s alcohol and alcohol alone that’s responsible for your
present sorry state!”I’m glad to hear you say that,” replied Murphy, with a sigh of relief.”Everybody else says it’s all my

An Irishman went for an interview with one of the major blue chip computer companies.
When the interview was over the interviewer told him that all applicants had to complete a test. The interviewer took a
piece of paper and drew six vertical lines in pairs of two on the paper and placed it in front of the Irishman.
“Could you please show me a clever way to make this into nine?”
After thinking for a while the Irishman took the pencil and drew a canopy of leaves on top of the three pairs of lines, and
handed the paper back to the interviewer. The interviewer looked at the drawings and said: “But that is not nine!”
“Oh yes it is”, said the Irishman with a broad Irish accent, “Tree + Tree + Tree make nine!”

 Bondi Sands self-tanning products are easy to apply and give a
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Want to trade latte’s for gumboots?
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With spring comes foals, and how
gorgeous they all are. It is a great
time of year, and whether you are
hoping for a colt or a filly they are all
beautiful. We happily had our first
filly ever and we are so happy with
this news, as I personally prefer them
to the colts.
Spring racing campaigns are now
underway and we have trainers and                                        Contact Malcolm for an instore or in-home consultation or
their horses travelling all over the
North Island chasing thoseADVERTISING
                              elusive           CUSTOMER THE TOP PLACE   call in and PUBLISHING
                                                                                      browse    20/07/11the extensive   range
                                                                                                                    SALES REP VHILSONof exclusivePUBLICATION
                                                                                                                                                  carpet     ROTORUA REVIEW                                                                                            SECTIO
                                                      AD ID 3890680AA                                  DESIGNER Ndsouza                                    PROOFED 19/07/2011 11:22:04 a.m.                            SIZE 26.2X18.5                                      FA

                                                           PLEASE APPROVE THIS AD AS SOON AS    hard-flooring
                                                                                             POSSIBLE. NOTE THAT ANY options
                                                                                                                     ALTERATIONS MUST BE FINALISED BY OUR MATERIAL DEADLINE.

Donna Fleming's Koolascuz was                                                                                                   Finance Available
placed 3rd at Matamata in the R65
                                                              91 Old Taupo Rd, Rotorua 07 348 0615
1600 with Sam Weatherley
It was a nice effort and he was
running on nicely, so keep an eye out
on him for future starts.                            DON’T PUT UP WITH YOUR
                                                PRE-HISTORIC BENCH OR VANITY TOP!
Iain Kennedy's Lady Shabeel placed
3rd at Ellerslie in the R104 1600                                                                                                                              • Call now for a FREE no obligation
with Cameron Lammas onboard.                                                                                                                                     quote to replace your dinosaur
Great effort by both jockey and rider.                                                                                                                           benchtop with a top quality laminate
                                                                                                                                                                 benchtop installed in your home
Bill Pomare' s Ocean Billy won the                                                                                                                               exactly as you want it
Whangarei Gold Cup over 2200m                                                                      • Call now and we will relieve you of
with Callum Jones on board.               • Add value to                                              all the stress. Your only worry will
                                            your home                                                 be choosing from the 712 different
They travelled all the way to
                                          • Revamp a tired                                            colours and finishes!
Ruakaka for this so it was well worth       kitchen or bathroom
the effort. With this win under their                                                              • Call now and we will arrange
belt, there is a very strong chance            We can manufacture and install a top                   everything, even get a plumber to
that Ocean Billy will now make the        quality laminate bench top, counter or bar top              turn up on time and on the right day!
field for The Livamol Classic on              in your home exactly how you want it!
October 17th in Hastings so fingers                 See the friendly locals at                      LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED
crossed for them. The Livamol is a
$250k Weight For Age 2040m race                              The                                            Top Place
                                                                                                          2004 Ltd
that is a highlight of anyone's racing                 80 Clayton Road Rotorua Ph 347 2144 / 027 485 6553 Email
career. Iain Kennedy's Endean Rose                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3890680AA

came 3rd in this in 2017. Lady
Shabeel is nominated but not looking likely to make the field at this stage, so all our Rotorua hopes could be pinned on Ocean Billy.

Easy spring gardening tips and tricks for beginners
                                       Fairfax Media makes every effort to create advertisements to meet your specific needs. Please note in some instances we may be unable to supply additional proofs due to complexity of the request or deadline constraints.
• Start with an easy task such as planting up pots, troughs or hanging baskets with pretty flowering annuals. It’s a
                                        © This advertisement has been created as a service of Fairfax Media. It cannot be reproduced without permission. If you wish to use this material elsewhere, please contact your advertising consultant. Charges will apply.

   great way to lift the garden out of its winter doldrums. Alyssum is a great bee attractant, as is calendula. Other easy-
   care annuals are busy lizzie (impatiens), dianthus, geranium, lobelia, nasturtium, nemesia, pansy, petunia, sweet
   peas and zinnia.

•   Rather than buy seedlings you can often replant self-sown seedlings that pop up in the garden, whether it’s yours or
    a friend’s.

•   Plants that self-seed easily include aquilegia, alyssum, cornflowers, dietes, foxgloves, helleborus, lobelia and
    pansies. Carefully dig them out when they’ve got a couple of sets of leaves and replant in groups to fill up bare

•    School fairs and garden clubs are another good option for low-cost plant seedlings or try online plant-swap sites
    such as or

•   If your spring bulbs have finished flowering give them one last feed to make sure they have plenty of nourishment
    for next year’s blooms. Move potted spring bulbs out of sight.
Kaharoa School
Ngā mihi o te tau hou                                              Rotorua-Ngongotaha Rail Trust
                                                                   Come visit us and have a picnic in the park and
Creativity was the theme for Term 3-2020.                enjoy a ride on our minature Trains and our motor
Speeches-Electives-Choir-Art Exhibition-and….an upcoming
                                                                  We have hobby supplies and a model train room,
Many of our senior students stepped outside their comfort                    library plus a Museum.
zones and all presented speeches to be selected as finalists
for the West Cup trophy. Congratulations to James who was                We also sell shavings and sleepers.
announced the winner.                                                 For further enquires: Phone 07-3575484
                                                                      All Proceeds go to further developments
Welcoming Year 5 & 6 Ngongotaha students to Kaharoa for
an orientation afternoon was a highlight. We were very proud
of our senior students who ran this afternoon for our visitors.
After a sausage sizzle the children were shown around the
school to see learning areas in and out of the school. We
look forward to welcoming some of these young tamariki
next year as Year 7 & 8 students.                                              BERT WILLIAMSON
Despite Covid timetabling changes and thanks to our
fabulous parent volunteers who changed their schedules to         Local Owner Operator - 5 Ton Skid Steer
accommodate the school our Electives went ahead with lots
of fun and learning.                                                     with range of attachments
 Stepping Up Awards
We were treated to the choir led by Mrs Evelyn Falconer
to begin our last assembly of the term.. Fabulous singing!
                                                                         Rate: $100 per hr
Our Stepping Up awards are usually held at least twice a
term but were combined for our last assembly which saw
16 children acknowledged for Stepping Up throughout the               Services
term. Congratulations also to Dane and Ana who won the             Reshaping farm
Cornerstone Wheel trophy - ka mau te wehi!                         tracks, yards & lanes
On Wednesday 23 October parents and whanau were                    Forming water tables
invited to our biennial Art Exhibition - ‘Our Beautiful            Calf sheds
World’. From our feathered friends, bees and flowers to            Driveways and tanker
habitats, water, steampunk art and a collaborative ship            loops
made entirely of recycled materials it was a feast for the
                                                                   And more
eyes. A huge thank you to our teachers who not only spent
the week before encouraging and supporting the artists in
their endeavours but then exhibited their students' art in the                   Contact Bert
classes. This was a huge feat considering the students were
                                                                                   027 489 0453
all in the class during the day whilst this happened.
Our wonderful ‘artist in residence’ Jayne Baume created a         
glass 3D mural with Year 7&8 students all contributing. The
mural was based on their interpretation of ‘Our Beautiful World’. This is now displayed in the administration foyer.

On a different note: Mr Warwick Moyle, after 19 years of leading Kaharoa School, will be resigning as principal at the
end of the year. Whilst we are happy for Mr Moyle who will be able to explore other employment opportunities and
have much deserved time solely with his own family, we are sad that he is leaving us. For Mr Moyle it has always been
about the children and the school community. Mr Moyle has been the planner and organiser behind all the innovative
learning at Kaharoa - from Cornerstone Values to Learning Through Play, to science, to digital, chess and robotics to
school production writer/director to Roots of Empathy in schools-too many to mention. Mr Moyle has also been the
driver behind enhancing the physical environment at Kaharoa for children and community alike to enjoy; upgrading the
administration and classrooms, overseeing the building of the Kōkako Centre, the grandstand seating and swimming
pool and more. Mr Moyle is highly regarded as an innovative principal by his colleagues in other schools. Details of his
farewell will be shared next term.
Please refer to the Kaharoa website for further information. Ngā mihi mahana - The Kaharoa
RT HON WINSTON PETERS               
                                                                                                                                                  FLETCHER TABUTEAU
  LEADER OF NEW ZEALAND FIRST                                                                                                                             ROTORUA CANDIDATE
                                                 Authorised by E. Witehira, 251E Rawhiti Rd, RD4, Hikurangi, Northland, 0184

Work has started on the Tarukenga to Ngongotaha roading project and it’s great to finally see progress being
made which will eventually upgrade the Ngongotaha roundabout.

For too long this area has been congested during peak travel time and infrastructure funding was not seen
as a priority by the previous Government. So it’s a welcome relief that $14 million has been invested for
roading that will significantly improve the safety of this important, high-use route and busy intersection. The
roundabout has been the site of one serious crash and six minor crashes between 2015-2019.

Construction is to include an additional lane around the roundabout, as well as on all approaches to, and exits
from, the roundabout.

Last month, I had the pleasure to accompany New Zealand First leader, the Rt Hon. Winston Peters to turn
the first sod over at the $11 million St John Ambulance Hub on Te Ngae Rd, formerly the site of Placemakers.
This hub will contain modern facilities for emergency ambulances to respond from, training areas, as well as
staff amenities, facilities and offices. It will also create 120 new jobs.

These ongoing investments show confidence in our district and provide much needed employment, housing
and business options for our city.

Overall, Rotorua has been a huge economic winner receiving major funding of more than $100 million. This
●      $55 million for roading and housing in the Eastside
●      $22 million for the Rotorua Museum re-build
●      $19.9 million towards the redevelopment of the Rotorua Lakefront
●      $15 million to establish and operate Te Uru Rakau (Forestry NZ) in Rotorua
●      $7.5 million towards the development of the Whakarewarewa Forest

To celebrate making it through winter and to kick off your
spring/Summer vege garden, I've got Tomato and Sunflower
                   seeds to give away.
   Email me your address and I will post them out to you

                              P 07 222 5216
                              M 0274 836 305
        Denise Sturt          I’m Your Professional!

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