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ISSUE 75 GET YOUR APRIL/ MAY 2019 SKILLS MAINTENANCE POINT! You bring the frame & truss project WE'LL BRING THE INNOVATION PlaceMakers Frame & Truss: Now using STUD-LOK for top plate to stud fixings
FOREWORD VIEW FROM THE GM OPERATIONS POWER OF ‘NON-PRODUCTIVE’ TIME As the busy summer season draws to a close, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on what went well and what could have gone better. However, these reflections aren’t worth much unless we take the time to note them down and consider ways to improve going forward In busy times, it seems impossible to make time for this kind of ‘non- productive’ activity. That’s why, aside from contributing to your LBP maintenance, Under Construction provides an opportunity to step away from your tools, clients and employees, and consider different approaches. This month, we share a number of suggestions – from other builders, apprentices and construction-related businesses. Check out Builders’ Business on page 3 to find out what incentives other employers offer to keep staff on board. Discover how you can leverage your tax dollars through New Zealand Trade and Enterprise – which offers funding for business mentoring, HR support, marketing and more – on page 7. Our business coach reveals the power of good presentation and first impressions. While he acknowledges that it may not be fair, that doesn’t With the Mainzeal fallout mean it isn’t true, and suggests giving yourself, your vehicle and your sales in focus, Builtin reminds materials a onceover. company directors of This month also features two very topical items. Following a recent crash in their duties regarding which a tradie’s tools went flying through his vehicle windscreen, Site Safe trading while insolvent provides a sobering reminder of why it’s worthwhile to secure your tools. and with regards to With the Mainzeal fallout in focus, Builtin reminds company directors of health and safety their duties regarding trading while insolvent and with regards to health and safety. Want to better understand what your apprentice might be going through? Read our first apprentice feedback column on page 4 to hear from apprentices around the country. REDLINE We hope you find this issue useful and worth your time away from the tools! PLYWOOD Gary Woodhouse REDLINE PLYWOOD LINING UNTREATED 2400×1200×9MM TRADE PRICE General Manager Operations 2990 Redline is a cost-effective, FSC® certified, attractive interior lining solution – no stopping or sanding required! Its pre-sanded faces take stain, polyurethane, oil and paint well. A durable product, it is strong enough to hang $ /SHEET +GST shelving, tools and bicycles. These qualities make Redline ideal for industrial buildings and garages. PlaceMakers has everything you need to fit out a garage in style. Check out our complementary garage offers in the Trade Deals section of this Under Construction. 2420025 Please note there may be a slight colour variation between the product shown here and the actual product. The product is able to be viewed in your local PlaceMakers branch. Trade price and bonus offers available exclusively to trade account customers. All prices exclude GST. Products featured may not be stocked in all stores but can be ordered in at the advertised price. Offers valid from Monday 1ST April – Friday 31ST May 2019. 1
CONTENTS BUILDERS BUSINESS NEWS PERKS OF THE TRADE? Builders’ Business is a column by builders for builders. Its objective is to provide a forum, 4 PAC NEWS Apprentice focus! Read what challenges particularly for small business operators, in which to share knowledge, experience, tips and ideas apprentices have overcome; Apprentice of the Month; Best ‘office view’ competition 13 INDUSTRY NEWS PlaceMakers supports up-and-coming landscapers; Government proposes single national Q What incentives do you offer employees to keep them on board : ? qualification body; Consents at highest level since 1975; Alarming asbestos cases continue; Why Firm: RNP Homes Ltd Firm: Deane Fluit Builder Firm: G E Construction Ltd 18 PlaceMakers frame and truss is first-rate Principal: Richard Preston Principal: Deane Fluit Principal: Grant England Location: Christchurch Location: Wanaka Location: Christchurch FEATURES Staff: 26 Staff: 9 Staff: 12 At RNP, we provide free health A lot of people want short-term Money is the obvious incentive, but 3 BUILDERS’ BUSINESS Business practices of your fellow builders insurance for employees after rewards in the form of money, so that is because that’s the same with everyone, they have worked one year with us. always included as a form of incentive. I think the other things carry more weight 6 MBIE – CODEWORDS Tips & tricks to stay up to speed with industry Health is happiness, so I believe it’s However, I strongly believe a quality in differentiating yourself from the rest of regulation; LBP licensing suspensions deciphered; important to ensure they and their work environment is worth more than the market. Introducing the new LBP registrar families receive a helping hand dollars and cents. 10 BRANZ Treating timber cuts the right way; from us on that front. We like to provide as much opportunity 19 Warming up to bigger framing I like to offer my team the flexibility as we can for our workers to upskill We like to collaborate with our to enjoy their life at work as much as and expand their resume, as that will 20 SUCCESSFUL BUILDER Use the power of presentation to win new clients workers where we can, so that we’re they do outside of work, so I let them ultimately serve them and us in the more than just an employer dishing know that if they want to go skiing on long-term. 22 SITE SAFE Keep your tools locked down in transit! out money – we’re a business Monday, they can go for it. On top looking out for its employers. It’s of that, I like to do similar activities It’s also important to create a strong team 24 BUILTIN Are you a director of your own limited company? important to us that we’re seen as as a team, whether it be a ski trip or morale. There’s 12 of us at work, so it’s Do you know your responsibilities regarding the a company that’s invested in the some fishing. a close team. We enjoy having regular Companies Act? people on our team. One of my social events, even if it’s just unwinding workers has been with me for over on a Friday with a beer in hand — just ten years, and he gets five weeks of having things to do together and being holidays. If they want to go able to share a reward after work is OTHER STUFF 20 skiing on Monday, important to us. Of course, it’s naïve to ignore the fact that the dollar is always in the they can go for it Coffee cards are something we do as 28 SPONSORSHIP Super Rugby season kicks off new Punt for conversation. People won’t just come well, just to keep the team enjoying Prizes competition! in because they want to work, so something little every day. All the small we do our best on that end as well. Enjoying our interests and getting things add up to something meaningful for 28 SKILLS MAINTENANCE Record your LBP skills maintenance – you’ve However, we like to focus on giving involved in other things we like doing every individual, and we do our best to earned it! rewards beyond just the paycheck. together makes the workplace mean include everyone in open communication, more to everyone. so they feel close to the operations and involved in our business. 24 NOW HAVE YOUR SAY... WIN! ISSUE 75 > APRIL/MAY 2019 WHAT DO YOU FIND MOST CHALLENGING ABOUT TAKING ON A NEW APPRENTICE? >PUBLISHER > DCL Corporate Publishing > ENQUIRIES > editor@pmunderconstruction.co.nz; (04) 384 5689 ANSWER THIS QUESTION TO ENTER OUR QUARTERLY PRIZE DRAW DCL Corporate Publishing reserves the right to accept or reject all editorial or advertising material. No part of Under Construction magazine may be published without the express permission of the E mail your answer with your full name, contact phone number, company name, number of full-time staff and the publisher. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed or imagery in Under Construction magazine are not necessarily those of PlaceMakers or the publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the suggestions of city or town in which you’re based to editor@pmundersconstruction.co.nz. All responses must be submitted the contributors or conclusions that may be drawn from them. Although the publisher has made every effort to ensure accuracy, the reader remains responsible for the correct use and selection of any tools, by 25 April 2019. The answers to this question will be published in Under Construction June/July 2019. materials and systems followed, as well as the following of any laws or codes or standards that may apply. 2 3
PAC NEWS PLACEMAKERS APPRENTICE CREW FEBRUARY APPRENTICE OF MONTH FROM THE GROUND UP Diligent plan prep helps apprentice spot and remedy small, but important, specification variance S Our new apprentice column is all about sharing experiences. Its an opportunity for PAC members to share their news, ideas and experiences as an apprentice, while providing insight for builders who employ them. econd-year apprentice “This is a crucial stage of the build As a result, the This month’s question is: Regan Morris didn’t miss process and it needs to be as close site was ready a beat when he returned from to millimetre perfect as possible,” to go when the six months off due to injury – he was says Regan. blocklayers immediately tasked with ensuring arrived and a newly set-out site was ready for the With this in mind, he read the details they were able blocklayers. for the footings, steel and slab to complete the Apprentice of the month Q What dimensions closely and found that some job smoothly. Regan Morris (right) did/do you find was/is the biggest Plans in hand, he needed to check small changes to the specified steel : challenge you face as an apprentice ? and change profiles and string lines, tolerance and string lines needed to The judges were impressed at Regan’s straighten/tie steel cages/starters be made. He consulted with the LBP diligence in reviewing the plans, and and ensure all footings were up to who was overseeing his work, the LBP his knowledge, which helped him spot specifications. agreed and the changes were made the variance. accordingly. Name: Joel 3rd Name: Alexander 3rd Name: Sam 2nd YEAR YEAR YEAR VIEW FROM THE OFFICE Location: Hamilton Location: Queenstown Location: Dunedin At the start, I found it a bit When I first started, the biggest learning There are plenty of challenging intimidating in general, because curve was the terminology – there are so moments as an apprentice, PAC members get behind you’re new and you’re coming many different types of screws, roofs, rafters, especially a new one, but what the lens to compete for into an environment where there’s treatments – basically, most of what you’re I found the most nerve-wrecking ‘best site view’ heaps of qualified people who are using, you’ve never come across before. For was being put on the spot – I looking to you to perform. I found example, if my boss had asked me in the first basically being given a job and n the summer months, some builders’ that there was a fine balance few months to go pick up some treated timber left to your own devices to do work backdrops would put any between trying to prove yourself, from PlaceMakers, I wouldn’t have had a clue. it. It’s completely different to office art to shame. To celebrate but not going beyond your skill watching someone do a job, or this, PAC arranged a competition level. I’d say it took almost a year to get properly reading about how to do it, but it’s for members to decide who was up to speed, but the guys at work were super really the only way to learn. I’ve enjoying the best view from their I’m really grateful to the builders helpful – they would draw me diagrams of been in this situation a number of workplace. who have trained me over the past the various products and their differences. It times and it’s intense, but I really few years, and I quickly realised also takes a while to get up to speed with the enjoy the challenge. Over a week in February, PAC members how important it is to respect their numerous brands of products available, and sent in their best shots. The PAC team time. When someone puts in the to learn how they’re different even if they're The important thing that I’ve picked their three favourites, and then time and effort to train you, you meant to do the same thing. learned in this instance is that, if the voting went public! It was a close need to make sure you turn your you’re unsure of something, you call, but Ben Lelo’s shot in Swanson, ears on. I’ve found I learn best This also makes learning how to read plans need to ask someone more senior. Auckland saw him walk away with when someone shows me how to quite challenging – they don’t mean It’s a bit intimidating, as everyone the top prize – a $250 PlaceMakers do it a few times, before letting much if you don’t know the products being is busy and you don’t really want voucher. Check out the three finalists. me get stuck in and then reviewing referred to! to bother them, but it’s important – what I’ve done. doing an apprenticeship is about Now that I’ve had a few years’ experience learning. The next challenge is learning how and am getting more competent, I find the to be efficient – people expect that most challenging thing is to speak up when Dealing with clients and you’ll take longer at first, but to be I’m not sure about something. Everyone is other contractors can also be a valuable part of the team you really busy, but better to ask and do something challenging, especially if you don’t need to learn how to complete jobs correctly then go ahead and have to fix it later. have that type of experience. PA C C A S H T R A D E D I S C O U N T S properly and quickly. After all, I'm still learning! D o n ' t f o r g e t t h a t a l l c u r r e n t PA C m e m b e r s h a v e a c c e s s t o cash trade discounts on safety gear and hand tools plus other product ranges (some exclusions apply) at all P l a c e M a k e r s b r a n c h e s . V i s i t t h e PA C h u b f o r m o r e d e t a i l s - 4 pac.placemakers.co.nz 5
REGULATION MBIE STAYING UP TO SPEED local trades. They can offer business of information about quantity surveying. Using resources to make the process mentoring, financial acumen, human These are a common tool quantity quicker and easier is an added bonus. resources support and training and surveyors use, alongside online The information in these resources marketing. Support is offered by way services, to obtain information about has been gathered through years of of courses around the country and labour constants. You’ll often find data analysis, and is a good basis one-on-one consulting and training with one within easy reach of a quantity to use when completing your own regional partners. surveyor's desk. pricing work. A very handy tool to have in the office! You can apply for funding for this assistance if you go to the website and become part of the network – it is definitely worth checking out. Suppliers to the NZTE have to be thoroughly vetted to ensure they are going to give value and help businesses, so it is a great place to find real value and help with funding. You can find information on the NZTE Regional Partnership Networks on the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise website. ESTIMATING TOOLS There are lots of online tools – some free and others by subscription – which provide data-based industry averages across the regions for labour constants, built-up rates, and cost-planning information. Quantity surveyors use this information for estimating purposes, PlaceMakers regularly hosts trade events with informative speakers, who discuss legislation, business tips and industry news but it can also be useful for builders looking for estimating guidance, as it is a fantastic wealth of information. Quantity surveying practices go hand-in-hand with estimating, quoting and tendering for work. These business practices are essential to operating a construction company, and getting it right You can also find old-fashioned paperback books that hold a wealth PlaceMakers supports builders at trade events is more important than ever during a period of high industry activity A s an LBP, keeping up to date Business practices are relevant to your Another great place to meet and share with the latest information skills maintenance. Contractors have your knowledge and listen to a range is paramount to running a range of regulatory obligations of speakers is your local Chamber of a successful business. We are lucky alongside LBP obligations, so Commerce. They will generally cover CODEWORDS QUIZ ISSUE 88 in New Zealand, as there are lots of knowledge in this area is relevant to more than just trade information and opportunities and tools to learn and being able to contract with consumers also give out free information for those grow your business, as long as you and participate in our building industry. interested in HR, business acumen, 1 Learning about contracting with 2 True or false: If you’re operating 3 Where is one good place to get accounting, and all those other things consumers and complying with your a small business, you won’t need to started on learning business skills know where to look! This article is the obligations can be relevant for: know anything about recruiting staff, and getting support to grow your TRADE EVENTS SME builders need to understand to third and final article tying quantity human resources or accounting – company? Get along to as many trade events run their businesses profitably and a) LBP skills maintenance. just turn up and do the work! surveying to being an LBP. as you can. Hearing from a range efficiently. b) Running a competitive and resilient a) A quantity surveyor. of informative speakers, alongside business. a) False. b) NZTE Regional Partnership We often hear that LBPs are unsure the general camaraderie these events NZTE – REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP Networks. c) Winning contracts and staying profitable. b) True. where to start learning about encourage, is something you can’t NETWORKS c) You’ll just have to learn it yourself. business practices. Here are some d) All of the above put a dollar value on. Trade events New Zealand Trade and Enterprise tools and tricks for small to medium are often held by different institutions, offers learning opportunities and sized-enterprise (SME) builders from as well as merchants or other funding to SMEs across New Zealand, a quantity surveying perspective. trade suppliers. and in many cases this includes our 6 www.building.govt.nz 7
REGULATION MBIE SUSPENSIONS – THEY'RE IN YOUR HANDS are ‘non-licensed’, you are not able A suspension can impact on your A disciplinary suspension means you to carry out Restricted Building Work ability to get jobs as consumers are ‘non-licensed’ and not able to carry (RBW) unless you’re supervised by a LBP, check the public register regularly. out RBW unless you are supervised and you can’t supervise RBW. You also by an LBP. If your license is suspended can’t tell people that you are an LBP. DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSION by the board, you can’t supervise The Building Practitioners Board RBW and you can’t tell people you are Your suspension is required by law to be can suspend an LBP’s licence if an LBP. Your suspension will also be shown on the public register for three an LBP commits a disciplinary shown on the public register for three years. You cannot request to have your offence under section 317 of the years and may impact on your ability suspension history removed. Building Act 2004. to get work. NEW LBP REGISTRAR Change is in the air for the Licensed Building Practitioner scheme, starting with a new Registrar After four and half years as the building regulatory system, continuing Registrar Building Practitioner as the Manager of the Building Licensing, Paul Hobbs is handing the Systems Assurance team. tool belt over to Wayne Burroughs. During Paul’s time as Registrar, there Wayne brings a wealth of regulatory have been many successes and experience to the role. For the past Wayne Burroughs improvements, including the Scheme three years, he has been the General celebrating the 30,000th LBP, Manager of MBIE’s Integrated rolling out a new skills maintenance Wayne takes on the Registrar role in Regulatory Compliance Branch. In framework and Paul having been an interim capacity (having started a judge for the Registered Master this role, he became familiar with 21 January 2019) until mid-May 2019, Builders Apprentice of the Year the issues facing LBPs and the and the first thing on his radar is policy competition several years in a row. broader building industry through and legislative change following the If your licence is suspended – for not getting relicensed or for getting disciplined – you cannot carry out or supervise Restricted Building Work the compliance operations run in the feedback received from consultation Paul will remain focussed on the Auckland building industry. last year. There are three types of LBP licensing suspensions: voluntary, relicensing, or disciplinary. Voluntary suspensions are by choice, but relicensing or disciplinary suspension happens as a result of your actions as an LBP CODEWORDS QUIZ ISSUE 88 A ll suspensions appear on your licence form’. You need to continue that you wish to remain licensed. public register page, including to maintain your skills while on the reason for the suspension a voluntary suspension. You can renew your licence online, 4 How long can you voluntarily suspend your 5 When can you uplift your voluntary suspension and whether it was for disciplinary or contact the LBP licensing team. licence (or class of licence) for? on your licence (or class of licence)? or relicensing reasons. Clients might These two forms can be found on the Your licence will be suspended if: steer away from you if you have LBP website under ‘Suspend or cancel a) Up to six months. a) When the suspension period you selected has ended. a disciplinary or relicensing suspension your licence’. • You do not respond b) Up to two years. b) Two years after your voluntary suspension started. history, so maintaining your current c) As long as a piece of string. c) Anytime, but you can only voluntarily suspend your • You don’t pay your yearly licence for two years. licence status can be very important to Voluntary suspensions are shown on licensing fee your reputation and future business. the public register, but are described as ‘at the request of the practitioner’, 6 If your licence is suspended because you did not 7 How long will a suspension stay on your public • You do not complete your skills complete relicensing, what are you able to do? VOLUNTARY SUSPENSION to differentiate them from suspensions register profile? maintenance (required every You may choose to have your licence placed on your licence by the Registrar two years). a) Only carry out RBW under the supervision of an LBP. a) Until you request to have it removed. (or a class of licence) suspended for or Building Practitioners Board. b) Supervise RBW as long as you’re not the person b) Three years. up to two years by completing the It is important to make contact with carrying it out. c) One year. ‘Voluntary suspension of licence form’. RELICENSING SUSPENSION the LBP team and renew your licence c) Tell people that you’re an LBP. You can end your voluntarily suspension Every year, the Registrar will make (which can be done online), because, if at any time by completing the contact with you about a month prior to your licence is suspended, you will be ‘Ending voluntary suspension of your licence ID card expiring to ensure considered ‘non-licensed’. When you 8 www.building.govt.nz 9
TECHNICAL BRANZ TREATING A CUT THE RIGHT WAY HEADLINE There are also treatment requirements for other types of cladding cut on site. For example, E2/AS1 requires that: • Where fibre-cement sheet claddings are cut on site, cut edges are sealed with paint including 100mm across the back face from each edge. • Where plywood sheet claddings are cut after treatment, the cut edges are brushed with a solution of 12.5% copper naphthenate in white spirits or mineral turpentine. H5 TREATED TIMBER PILES The end grain soaks up more moisture than the face Timber piles must be durable for at least 50 years under the Building Code. Where piles are cut on site, whether cutting to length or notching and rebating, the cut ends must always be treated. The cut surface should be dry to the touch and then have a liberal application of timber treatment brushed on. Manufacturers will recommend treatment in their documentation, but it will usually be something like zinc naphthenate, TBTO or TBTN. The cut ends of piles must not be placed in the ground. Some manufacturers go BRANZ recommends applying two coats of sealer to cut ends further and specify that cut ends should not be closer than 150mm or 300mm to the ground. We're not talking plasters or bandages – this article looks at how to achieve the best finish on cut timber Product warranties may no longer apply if the requirements around treating cut T The end grain of cut timber is a vulnerable spot that must be treated carefully to avoid water penetration he end grain of cut timber is external fascias and trims to be treated installed may need repriming – check ends are not followed. a vulnerable spot, where water to hazard class H3.1 as a minimum, and the supplier’s installation instructions for can be more readily absorbed protected with three coats of alkyd or the maximum time primed surfaces can Words and images supplied by ©BRANZ and rot can start if the timber remains acrylic paint. be exposed to the weather. wet. When you’re on site and making cuts to painted or stained timber that These H3.1 treated timber products While sealing cut ends is especially PROVE YOUR KNOWLEDGE will be exposed to moisture – such usually arrive on site pre-primed important for H3.1 timber Tick the correct answers below and record what you’ve learnt in the record of learning on the back page! as weatherboards, bargeboards and on all surfaces. After they are cut weatherboards and trims, it also applies fascias – treating the cut the right way to length, cut ends must always be to weatherboards made from H3.2 is crucial. reprimed, preferably with two coating 1) NZS 3602:2003 requires radiata 2) Why should pre-primed H3.1 treated 3) Why is it important to check the supplier’s treated timber or cedar that are painted pine weatherboards, external fascias timber products be reprimed with installation instructions on primed applications because of the greater or stained, fibre-cement, compressed and trims to be treated how? two coating applications after they weatherboards? Under the New Zealand Building Code, porosity of timber end grain. Repriming are cut to length? claddings must be durable for at least after cutting is a requirement of NZS hardwood fibres and some other a) To hazard class H3.1 as a minimum. a) Because primers have a short life and 15 years with normal maintenance. 3602:2003 (and also Acceptable materials. Check the manufacturer’s a) Because timber end grain has greater may need re-priming. b) With three coats of alkyd or acrylic porosity than the rest of the timber. Homeowners will naturally expect much Solution E2/AS1). Notches and holes requirements – they typically require paint. b) Because they are all different. longer than that. cut in the timber should also be fully cut ends to be sealed with an acrylic b) In case the first one doesn’t work. c) Both of the above. c) Because they are not meant to be sealed. sealer. Some proprietary products c) Because it’s a requirement of exposed to weather at all. NZS 3602:2003 Timber and wood- (including H3.1 radiata pine products) NZS 3602:2003. based products for use in building Because primers have a short life, require a proprietary sealant to be used requires radiata pine weatherboards, primed weatherboards not immediately on cut ends. NB: The questions and answers in this section have been produced by the publisher and do not necessarily reflect views or opinions of the contributing organisation. 10 10 www.branz.co.nz 11
TECHNICAL NEWS BRANZ INDUSTRY FEATURE THINKING BIGGER SUPPORTING A LANDSCAPE OF TALENT Warmer homes typically use thicker insulation, and this requires bigger wall framing. While PlaceMakers has long been a committed sponsor of the Young Landscaper of the Year Awards, R2.8 insulation is the highest practicable insulation value that can be used with 90mm framing, recognising the best young talent entering the industry. At a local level, in a move which reflects R4.2 insulation can be used in 140mm framing the brand’s community connections, PlaceMakers Dunedin has added its support to Otago Polytech’s own student landscaper awards T here are slightly different rules • Where there is built-up framing with The 140mm framing and R4.2 insulation P around 140mm wall framing in up to six framing members nailed comes at a cost. One researcher looking laceMakers Dunedin has “I was able to learn a lot about the NZS 3604:2011 Timber-framed together, for framing 140mm or more, at actual houses being built calculated sponsored Otago Polytech's job through the work experience buildings: there must be at least two rows of additional costs of $6,200–8,700 per Landscaping Student of the Year provided in the course, and it made it nails across the member width. house above the typical construction of award for the past two years, with easier going into the industry full-time • Stud heights can be increased over 90mm framing/R2.8 insulation. That students and employers reaping the understanding important concepts, 90mm framing at the same centres. Apart from allowing thicker insulation, would help achieve an 8-Homestar benefits. theory, executing the correct angles, 140mm wall framing offers designers rating, however, which is considerably and much more.” • 140mm studs can be installed at more flexibility around the size and higher than most houses built today The award is a strong endorsement for wider spaces. For example, with position of plumbing and electrical (see BRANZ Study Report SR391). a student who has stood out among The 2018 winner, Scott McMillan, loadbearing walls in extra high services. their peers by showing promise, skills appreciates having the award on his wind zones, a 140 x 45mm stud and knowledge in Otago Polytech’s resume and sees it as a testament to up to 3.0m length (height) can Landscape Construction course. For his motivation and hard work. be used at a maximum spacing of employers, it’s a great way to identify 600mm – twice the stud spacing the best young talent entering the “The course wasn’t a run in the park, of a 90mm wide stud (see industry. there were some challenging parts NZS 3604:2011 Table 8.2) which I had to overcome. Achieving • The maximum size of a hole or For 2017 winner, Rikki Tubman, the the Student of the Year award, which notch is 38mm compared to fundamentals from the course alongside reflected the work I put in, made it all 25mm for 90mm framing. (In each some previous experience in horticulture the better,” says Scott, who works for case, the measurement is 27% of set the scene for securing his ideal role. Action Building and Landscaping. 2017 Landscaping Student of the Year the timber depth. The actual “I’ve been able to land my dream job,” Scott says the course has a good Rikki Tubman 38mm figure doesn’t appear in NZS 3604:2011 – it is derived said Rikki, who was approached by reputation among local employers, from that.) Paul Ashford Landscapes to work in his which helps graduates land jobs – spare time outside of the course. His in Scott’s case, even before he • 140 mm trimming studs can be work ethic, and award win, ensured graduated. made with a built-up thickness full-time employment after the course’s R2.8 insulation is the highest practicable insulation value that can be used with 90 mm framing of 2/70mm or 6/35mm. completion. “I was approached by Action Building and Landscaping while I was still Words and images supplied by ©BRANZ Company owner Paul Ashford said studying, so it was great having that that from an employers’ perspective, opportunity,” says Scott. “seeing they’ve come out of Polytech, PROVE YOUR KNOWLEDGE especially as Student of the Year, shows PlaceMakers Dunedin and Mosgiel an encouraging level of commitment, JV operator Justin Macready says Tick the correct answers below and record what you’ve learnt in the record of learning on the back page! and we know they’re equipped with PlaceMakers is proud to be contributing fundamental knowledge". to young landscaping excellence and 4) What is the highest practicable 5) How big does framing need 6) Apart from allowing thicker insulation, enjoys hearing of the success previous insulation value that can be used to be to use R4.2 insulation? what does 140mm wall framing offer “Rikki’s horticulture experience has Student of the Year winners are with 90 mm framing? designers? a) 100mm framing served him well, and he has a level experiencing. a) R4.2 insulation b) 150mm framing a) Nothing. of keenness we like having around,” b) R2.8 insulation b) More flexibility around the size and says Paul. “It’s great to see the graduates we’ve c) 140mm framing position of plumbing and electrical supported doing well in their career, c) H2.3 framing services. Even if Rikki hadn’t been offered work and we’re proud to do our bit to c) Cost savings. with Paul Ashford, he would have support the industry we are so 2018 Landscaping Student of the Year gained valuable work experience passionate about.” Scott McMillan through the course, as it included NB: The questions and answers in this section have been produced by the publisher and do not necessarily reflect views or opinions of the contributing organisation. a placement. 12 12 www.branz.co.nz 13 13
RIGHT FOR RENTAL PROPERTIES Stud t t p plate fixing made easy Ask for STUD-LOK™ SL170 BE IN TO WIN 25,000 STUD-LOK™ SL170 has $ been specifically developed to provide an easy option, applied through the very top plate or capping plate, when EASY MONEY fixing top plate to studs as per the requirements in Section 8 NZS 3604:2011 and forms an integral part of the MiTek® Truss and Frame design layout. www.miteknz.co.nz PLUS 50 X $100 PREZZY CARDS TO BE WON. ® One entry into each draw with every $500 of Pink® Batts® insulation for retrofit purchased. We make it simple. Always. Landlords, retrofitting insulation into your rental yourself is simple. With our blue bags you know you’re using the right product and our video guides will have you installing like a pro. Ask our staff for details. Always. Entries must be received by 31 July 2019. Visit www.pinkbatts.co.nz/easy-prize-draw for terms and conditions. Terms & Conditions apply to the use of Prezzy® card.
NEWS INDUSTRY FEATURE QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK SHAKE-UP CONSENTS AT THEIR HIGHEST SINCE 1975 The Government has released a proposal that would see the country’s 16 major polytechnics fall under the remit of a single national body – the ‘NZ Institute of Skills and Technology’ – rather than the 11 industry training organisations (ITOs) that currently oversee vocational education T he proposal — currently in its Fi Kingsford, chief executive of through the cracks of a single, large consultation period — suggests that Competenz, another prominent ITO, institution. The sector was also worried ITOs be replaced with “industry expressed concern in response to the that advocacy work carried out by ITOs skill bodies” led by employers, with the proposal. will be lost, causing a struggle to attract responsibility of checking that trainees people into the sector. are appropriately skilled. ITOs would “In a time of critical skill shortages, the no longer manage training. last thing we want is a reform that risks “If we get this wrong, we risk losing undermining workplace training and a cohort of employers, and by default One of the government’s aims is to apprenticeship programmes. apprentices, which would set the provide polytechnics with an incentive sector back years. We cannot let this to place students into work-based “The role of ITOs is crucial and, with happen at a time when the sector faces training and apprenticeships as soon as our direct line to thousands of significant skills shortages. they are ready. The proposal states that employers, we understand the demand the funding system should support more for trades better than anyone else,” “The overarching question we will be work-integrated learning that resembles said Kingsford. asking ministers is how they can mitigate apprenticeships. the risks identified in any sector reform,” SECTOR REJECTS REFORMS says Quinn. “This is too important to Education providers will be tasked AT SUMMIT get wrong.” with the challenge of taking on the On 5 March, BCITO held a sector responsibility for approximately summit to discuss the proposal with A recent finding by a global quantity The unseasonal increase in January was driven largely by big multi-unit projects such as apartments, particularly in Auckland 140,000 trainees and apprentices, other stakeholders. It was revealed surveyor showed that the New having to support work-based learners. that two-thirds of attendees did not Zealand construction sector needs an support the Government’s proposed extra 57,600 people to fuel demand ITOS REACTION reforms. over the next few years. The study A total of 33,576 new homes were consented in the year ended January 2019, the highest Soon after the proposal was announced, also showed that only around 13,000 number of new homes consented in a year since early 1975 BCITO chief executive Warwick Quinn Quinn said attendees “made it clear people are entering the industry A acknowledged the suggested changes that they value sector control of both the annually, and within a workforce that t the peak of the 1970s, in January 2019 included 1,525 -33%), and Nelson (decrease of 8 to were “significant” and urged caution. standard setting and delivery of training. is ageing rapidly. approximately 13 new homes stand-alone houses, 341 apartments, 6; -57%). Taranaki, Southland, and While they appreciate the greater were consented per 1,000 212 retirement villages, and 418 Marlborough also recorded decreases “There is no doubt that the Vocational control of the standard setting under WHY THE CHANGE? New Zealanders compared with seven townhouses, flats, and units. compared to January 2019. Education Training System (VET) has the proposals, they are concerned that The Cabinet paper detailing the per 1,000 in the year ended January experienced issues for a long time, control of the delivery is at risk. proposal referred to unclear and 2019, Stats NZ reported. IN THE REGIONS NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING which need addressing. We also overlapping organisational roles Ten of the 16 regions consented more CONSENTS believe there are some parts which “They value the relationships they have being identified as issues in the current The growth in the year ended January dwellings in January 2019 compared In the year ended January 2019, are working very well. The key is to with their ITOs. Under the current system, scheme, and that education providers 2019 was fuelled by townhouses, flats, to January 2018, led by Auckland non-residential building consents protect what works, while updating our field staff build strong relationships and ITOs were not sufficiently working and units, which were up 33% from the (increase of 410 to 1,128; +57%), Bay totalled $7.1bn, up 7% from the January the areas which are failing to deliver,” with every individual employer and with each other to deliver what trainees year ended January 2018. of Plenty (increase of 107 to 230; 2019 year. The building types with the said Quinn. apprentice. This allows us to customise and employers need. +87%), and Waikato (increase of 39 highest value were: their learning. NO QUIET JANUARY to 232; +20%). Northland, Gisborne, “We must be careful to not throw the It also stated that the lack of a single The number of new homes consented Manawatu-Wanganui, Wellington, • Shops, restaurants, and bars — baby out with the bathwater, and “In construction, most people learn from vocational education funding system left rose a seasonally adjusted 17% in West Coast, Canterbury, and Tasman $1.2bn (up 43%). ensure we protect what is working well, mentoring and support. They don’t learn providers and ITOs to compete against January 2019, driven largely by big were the other regions to consent more • Educations buildings — particularly for high-need sectors such from books. This focus needs to be one another rather than collaborate, multi-unit projects such as apartments, dwellings month-on-month. $997m (down 7.3%). as building and construction. retained in any reforms, and the sector which “undermines efforts to deliver particularly in Auckland. Because is sceptical how this will work in the the mix of on-and off-job training most January is typically a quiet month, Six of the 16 saw a decrease in • Offices, administration, and “We believe there is an opportunity new system.” learners need”. the increased activity in consents consented dwellings in January 2019 public transport buildings — to reposition vocational-based contributed to the sharp rise. compared to January 2018, led by $912m (up 20%). qualifications as high-quality career Quinn also said there was a shared Otago (decrease of 22 to 122; -15%), pathways,” said Quinn. concern that smaller trades will fall The 2,496 new dwellings consented Hawke’s Bay (decrease of 14 to 28; 16 16 17 17
NEWS INDUSTRY FEATURE ASBESTOS CASES CONTINUE FIRST RATE FRAME & TRUSS Two cases of incorrect handling of asbestos have already been put in front of the Tenancy PlaceMakers Frame and Truss provides value for money and Tribunal in 2019, indicating an alarming absence of knowledge and lack of caution operating saves builders time on assembly. PlaceMakers promises to around the toxic substance deliver your order right first time, on time! W ith eight plants based around largest producer of Frame and D espite New Zealand being home the country, PlaceMakers is Truss in New Zealand, with to thousands of asbestos building well placed to provide the a national network of eight materials, recent cases suggest service required to get the job done. plants. there remains a disconcerting lack of Read on to find out why PlaceMakers caution from builders and homeowners builders count on Frame & Truss to • LBP Maintenance Seminars to alike when dealing with the dangerous provide the service they need. help keep you current with material. your elective skills maintenance WHAT WE OFFER points’ requirements, available The first case saw a landlord have work through PlaceMakers branches • Frames are clearly marked and done on a garage that stored many of or PlaceMakers Frame and Truss. stacked in sequence (wherever the tenants' possessions. The tenants possible, depending on load expressed their concern and suspicion • The opportunity to earn efficiency, site requirements and PlaceMakers PLUS Points on all that the garage wall and ceiling panels health and safety). contained asbestos, but they were purchases for travel or leisure dismissed by both the landlord and the • Colour-coded truss plans matched by product rewards. builder hired for the job. truss coding for ease of placement • The option to incorporate the on site. balance of roof and loose timber At the tribunal hearing, the builder • All site plans are weatherproof and within your quote – the benefit of Frames are clearly marked and stacked in claimed he had been trained for sent with an iconic PlaceMakers one account. sequence for ease of assembly asbestos, and that he believed the materials “looked different” from builder’s pencil. DELIVERY usual materials containing asbestos. • Wall junctions are marked on plates. • Frames are supplied plastic-covered • We can integrate engineered timber However, the test paid for by the tenants revealed that asbestos was for moisture protection. products, for example mid floors or • Galvanised nails for any H3.2 CCA present. garage lintels, where specified. walls. • Calls are made to builders/reps the day prior to delivery to confirm • We invest in the latest saw The second case involved asbestos • PlaceMakers can supply and fit the estimated arrival time. technology for accuracy and contamination as a result of DIY, where MiTek Bowmac STUD-LOK system at presentation. a landlord drilled multiple holes into the plant to save you time and money • Frame and truss is delivered in full the stippled ceilings, which the tribunal instead of fitting stud-straps on site. • Fastenings and design are from and on time to your site. ruled to be “common ground that they Mitek, a company with 40 years contain asbestos”. The tribunal excused the landlords in both instances because they were unaware of the asbestos • Ease of interior and exterior lining • A range of trucks and experienced of supply experience within due to our consistent timber gauge. drivers will place frames and trusses New Zealand. Galvanised The drilled holes released asbestos We only use stress-graded, where you want them on site, and Lumberlok, Gangnail and fibres, contaminating the premises and Over 170 New Zealanders die each NZ-grown timber from reputable unload them with minimal hassle or Bowmac zinc fastenings are used. the tenants' belongings. In addition, year from diseases related to asbestos, suppliers. All trusses are supported damage. the landlord ordered the carpet to be and tradespeople are the most at risk. by producer, design and • Our branch network, National removed, which had a paper backing manufacturing statements as required Estimations Unit and digital tools, that contained asbestos as well. For safety tips on working with or near by NZS3604:11. We can provide TECHNOLOGY such as Build It, mean that location asbestos, WorkSafe NZ has created technical support in detailing. • We provide a full detailing service isn’t a factor. Despite the tribunal excusing the a guide so builders have the knowledge and willingly work with architects, • Courtesy cuts (undercut) doorways landlord because he was unaware to keep themselves and their team away specifiers and engineers to provide SAFETY of the asbestos in both instances, it from harm. Check out the ‘working with on bottom plates. a tailored solution for both standard • PlaceMakers Frame & Truss Service displays an example of inadequate asbestos’ page on worksafe.govt.nz • Experienced site support and site and more complex construction Promise ensures safety at all stages of knowledge and handling of materials for the guide and more! measures. projects. the delivery and offloading process. containing the chemical, and the dangers the are created as a result. • The flexibility to meet demand thanks • Our well-trained, long-serving staff • Safety is paramount in all phases. to PlaceMakers position as the have years of expertise. 18 18 19 19
TIPS THE SUCCESSFUL BUILDER POWER OF PRESENTATION If you talk like an advisor, but you look 4. QUESTIONS Once the visual is underway, keep like a tradesman, they may not believe Some inexperienced building company the interaction going with questions you. Your appearance could be getting owners act as though over-talking about like these: in the way. If the clothing you are their company and its services will wearing gives the wrong impression, it convince potential clients to purchase. “Is this what you had in mind? ” Quit losing the sales that can undo everything you say. Experienced building company owners you should be getting for simply ask a series of carefully thought “Can you picture this plan working? ” the wrong reasons So, how do you present? How does out questions, that lead to a clearly a professional advisor dress? We “If we could build something along Y defined problem for which a solution ou’re a great builder and you recommend tidy pants and a button can then be found. these lines, would that achieve your know your stuff, but when it up shirt, or similar. vision?" comes to winning jobs, you The thing is, good questions unlock lose out – to a better looking or better 3. SALES MATERIALS imagination, and imagination is best 5. PUNCTUALITY presented company. Yet, their finished The only way your potential client expressed visually. There is nothing that dents your product is no better than yours (in some can come to believe that you will do potential client’s opinion of you cases it’s not as good), and your price a quality job for them then (ie, in the more than having them stare at their When you have asked good questions is about right. Does this happen to you? future) is by observing the quality of the watch, waiting for you to turn up. you can produce a visual rendition of If so, read on! experience they have with you now – Or having them wait while you finish some possible solutions. This is much during your first meetings. with someone else, or (worse still) more powerful than simply taking So, why do they win the jobs? Do talk on the phone! notes and verbalising the solution. customers really get taken in by Your sales materials can say a whole lot about what they can expect. Whereas if you do not visualise, then In western culture it’s courteous to be appearances and presentation? your idea of the solution may be Perhaps unfortunately, or unfairly, Poor quality materials could a couple of minutes late, but it is rude suggest that you might be happy to quite different to what your potential to be much longer. the answer is often yes. However, this client imagined. You may think you tendency isn’t limited to building clients. accept a lower-quality standard of workmanship. On the other hand, have heard them clearly, but until So, to ensure you start off on the right It’s likely something you do as well, excellent quality materials could you produce a visual representation, foot, make sure to show up on time for either knowingly or subconsciously. suggest a higher-quality standard of it's unlikely you'll really know. meetings. For example: workmanship. This is not necessarily true, but the sales process can often be So, ask and sketch, ask and sketch Takeaway: Remember, how you treat Imagine you are purchasing a truck affected by perception. until you start finding your potential your potential customer during the sales and choosing between two that are client saying “yes.” This will process is important, as it forecasts identical in every way except that So, check out your brochures and demonstrate that you are a problem how you will treat them during the build. one is covered in mud and the other Your sales materials can say a whole lot about what potential clients can expect. So, check out your forms, and make sure they are assets solver and help you win the job if How you act now shows them how you is spotlessly clean. Which would you brochures and forms, and make sure they are assets that you are proud to present that you are proud to present. you want it. are likely to act then. choose? Most likely you would choose the bright and shiny one – even though wrong impression). But it does need to 2. YOURSELF Graeme Owen is a builders’ business coach at thesuccessfulbuilder.com Since 2006, he has helped builders throughout New Zealand both have the same performance be clean, tidy and in good repair. If you work mainly on the tools, then get off the tools, make decent money, and get more time in their lives. Grab a copy of his free book: The 15 Minute Sales Call Guaranteed characteristics and you’ll get it dirty you probably think of yourself as To Increase Your Conversion Rate: thesuccessfulbuilder.com/book-15-min-sales-call or join Trademates and connect with builders anyway. You see, your vehicle may be the first a builder. And you are – when you are who are scaling too: www.facebook.com/groups/TradeMates thing your prospect sees. on the tools. There is no doubt in marketing – appearances can have a huge impact on purchasing decisions. So, take a look at it now. Does it show However, when you are in conversation PROVE YOUR KNOWLEDGE you care? That you pay attention to with your potential client, prior to Tick the correct answers below and record what you’ve learnt in the record of learning on the back page! detail? Or does it indicate indifference? starting any building work, they need The truth is, we believe more of what Are bits missing? Are there dents you to be someone else! we see than what we hear! unrepaired? [Now, of course, if your 7) Why don’t you want to look like a 8) What might potential clients assume 9) What shouldn’t you say once you’ve prospect is an off-roading fan, turning At this stage they do not need a builder. builder when you are having a sales if your sales materials are of poor sketched out what your client wants? So, to help you even the odds, here are conversation with a potential client? quality? up in a dusty, battered and mean 4X4 What they need is someone who will a) Is this what you had in mind? five things you can do to morph into that may be just the thing! It’s often about help them ask the right questions and a) Because it’s unprofessional. a) That you’re too busy to make new ones, “bright and shiny” builder from whom and therefore too busy to do their work. b) Can you picture this plan working? knowing your audience but, if you’re locate the right solutions. They need b) Because at this stage you aren’t yet your customers will happily purchase. not sure, it’s best to err on the side of an advisor. their builder, you are acting as an b) That you might be happy to accept a c) This is exactly what you want, you just advisor so you should look like one. lower-quality standard of workmanship. don’t know it. caution and have you vehicle neat 1. YOUR VEHICLE and tidy.] Moreover, because you are probably c) Because people don’t trust builders. c) That you don’t care about your business. Your vehicle doesn’t need to be new discussing their largest financial asset, to create a good impression (in some So, make cleaning and checking your they need to know you can be trusted! areas a new vehicle may even give the vehicles a weekly habit. That you are a professional advisor. NB: The questions and answers in this section have been produced by the publisher and do not necessarily reflect views or opinions of the contributing organisation. 20 20 www.thesuccessfulbuilder.com 21
HEALTH & SAFETY SITE SAFE TOOL TIPS FOR TRAVELLING Otaki St. John ambulance officer a loose tool box, a chainsaw, and other tools and materials separated from Trevor Hunter has dealt with several heavy items. people via a cargo barrier is another. vehicle accidents involving unsecured Of the current range of cargo barriers items including, tragically, two fatal that are available, the range from ones. Another one, he says, was Australia’s Milford Industries is one much luckier for the occupants. Site Safe also recommends of those that meets the NZS 4034 They were in a head-on crash, which that liquids are securely standard for cargo barriers. saw a large oxy acetylene cylinder fly out from the back of the van, stowed in correct bottle Properly fitted barriers, as well as shooting between them and burying containers and where protecting people from fast-moving itself in the dashboard. possible, fuel should be in objects, may also offer extra protection if the vehicle rolls. Another first responder from Otago a separate trailer recalls a call-out where a vehicle Site Safe also recommends that liquids had rolled. She says it wasn’t the There are several ways to minimise are securely stowed in correct bottle actual rolling that killed a person the risk from such things happening. containers and where possible, fuel in the car, it was a combination of Keeping them secure is one, keeping should be in a separate trailer. Having a barrier between you and your tools is a good idea in case you have an accident 1KG 20-25KG FORCE AT 50KM Even a 1kg water bottle will have the force of 20-25kg as it flies forward – until it hits the dashboard, the windscreen, or the back of someone’s head In a crash, unsecured tools can take the situation from bad to worse – so make sure they are secured or separated Site Safe is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation that promotes, inspires and supports a culture S of health and safety in New Zealand construction. ometimes the biggest threat to come flying forwards, towards the CREATE A DIVIDE people in a head-on crash is the driver and his passenger. Site Safe says putting a barrier between things that are behind them. people and objects makes good sense, “If you are a tradie or own a company, particularly for tradies and construction PROVE YOUR KNOWLEDGE A collision in Hamilton in early February this may be an opportunity to consider workers. Tick the correct answers below and record what you’ve learnt in the record of learning on the back page! between two vans saw Waikato Police any improvements that you can make (in warning tradies that unsecured tools case of an emergency).” The gravitational force (g-force) on and cargo can become painful, if not people and objects during collisions 10) Why should tradies secure their 11) What happens to people and objects 12) Which of the following is NOT a way to deadly, missiles in an accident. The van driver later told The New that occur around the 50km per hour tools in their vehicle when driving? during collisions that occur around minimise the risk from unsecured tools in the 50km per hour mark? case of a collision? Zealand Herald that it wasn’t the mark is usually around 20-25 times a) To avoid having them fly forward In a Facebook statement about the wood that broke his windscreen, more than normal. So, for a brief and cause injury or death if a) The gravitational force (g-force) on a) A barrier. crash, the Police said wood and tools but accepted that some tools had instant, even a 1kg water bottle will a collision occurs. them is usually around 10-15 times more than normal. b) Securing tools. came flying out of the van as it collided gone rogue. He said four tools – have the force of 20-25kg as it flies b) Because it’s the law. b) The gravitational force (g-force) on c) Wearing a helmet. with another vehicle that had crossed a clamp, a glue gun, hack saw and forward – until it hits the dashboard, the c) To deter possible tool theft. them is unaffected. the centre line. multi box – flew out the window, but windscreen, or the back of someone’s they were the only things that were head. c) The gravitational force (g-force) on them is usually around 20-25 times more than normal. “Upon impact, the contents of the unsecured in the van. Toyota Hiace (including tools) have NB: The questions and answers in this section have been produced by the publisher and do not necessarily reflect views or opinions of the contributing organisation. 22 www.sitesafe.org.nz 23
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