New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University

Page created by Peggy Goodman
New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
New Student Orientation
      Fall 2018
   Welcome to Southern Virginia University	   2
   A Message from the Student Association	    2
   Orientation Schedule	                      3
   Orientation Check-In	                      4
   Airport Shuttle	                           4
   Housing Check-In	                          4
   Housing Information	                       5
   What to Bring	                             6
   Area Activities 	                           7
   Standards of Conduct 	                      8
   Advice from Peer Mentors	                   9
   Student Resources	                         10

New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
Welcome to
                                    Southern Virginia University
                                    Our annual new-student orientation is where you
                                    will learn what it means to be a Southern Virginia
                                    University Knight. This newsletter will help you
                                    prepare for the fall 2018 Orientation, which will
                                    take place on campus from August 23-25.
                                       Orientation is so much more than just meetings;
                                    it's the first step in your educational journey. At
                                    Orientation, you will meet new friends, connect to
                                    campus resources, and receive tools that will help
                                    you succeed in college.
                                       We invite you to participate in this annual tra-
                                    dition and congratulate you on your decision to
                                    become a Knight!

                                    A Message from the
                                    Student Association
                                    By Michael Myers, 2018-19 Student Association

                                    Welcome to Southern Virginia University! We are
                                    absolutely thrilled about your decision to become
                                    a Knight.
                                      This is an incredible place, largely due to individ-
                                    uals like you who have chosen to gather from all
                                    across the world to learn in a special environment.
                                    We know that every student has a valuable role to
                                    play in the Southern Virginia family.
                                      I invite you to make a strong effort to get
                                    involved and truly participate in your educational
                                    experience. As you strive to lift yourself and others
                                    to new heights, you will find a second home here.

                                    Let's make this an unforgettable year!

                                    Your friend,

Michael Myers,
Student Association President

New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
Orientation Schedule
8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.    University & Housing Check-in              Main Hall
6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.    Welcome Dinner/Ice Cream Social            Dining Hall/Chandler

7:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.    Breakfast                                  Dining Hall
8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.    Orientation Check-in                       Knight Arena (Outside)
9:00 a.m.              Orientation Welcome (Students & Parents)   Knight Arena
9:30 a.m.              Apple iPad Deployment                      Stoddard Center
9:45 a.m.              Parent Meeting                             Main Hall Ballroom
10:00 a.m.             Apple iPad Workshop                        Knight Arena
11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.   Student Group Sessions                     Various Locations
                        -     iPad Workshops
                        -        Scavenger Hunt
2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.    Field Games                                Chandler Field
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.    Academic Concentration Meetings            Various Locations
5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.    Dinner                                     Dining Hall
8:30 p.m.-11:00 p.m.   Outdoor Movie: "Avengers: Infinity War"    Main Hall Lawn

8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.   Breakfast                                  Dining Hall
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.   Optional Day Trips
                        -          VA Walking Tour (or)
                        -      Pleasant Hike
12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m.   Lunch                                      Dining Hall
5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.    Dinner                                     Dining Hall
7:00 p.m.              Inter-squad Knight Football Scrimmage      Knight Stadium
9:00 p.m.              Knight-time Dance                          Kimball Center

                                  (Locations subject to change)

New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
Orientation Check-In
Check-in for Orientation will take place in Main Hall. Please come through Main Hall's front doors into the
lobby to get your student ID and your Orientation information packet.


1. Upload a photo to the housing application on mysvu and we'll pre-print your ID so it's ready at check-in.
2. Bring a photo ID (driver's license, state ID, or passport) to check-in and we'll take your photo on the spot.

Airport Shuttle
We provide a shuttle service for students flying into Roanoke and Charlottesville airports at the beginning
and end of each semester. The shuttles run August 22-24 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and run every two hours
until 11:00 p.m. The shuttle fee is $45 per passenger and students must request the service Online no later
than Wednesday, August 22.

Housing Check-In
Your Residence Hall Resident Advisor (RA) should have contacted you about your housing check-in. If not,
please contact the Housing Office at or 540-261-8458.

1. Once you’ve checked into Orientation, bring your newly issued Student ID to your Residence Hall. A
   Residence Life team member will be waiting to check you into your new room.
2. After you’ve checked into your room, review your Knight Academy packet and schedule, then come to
   Chandler Field for the Welcome Dinner.


If you are arriving to campus early, you will receive details from your program director about check-in.


Family members who are staying overnight can find hotel accommodations in nearby Lexington, Virginia.

New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
Housing Information

(540) 261-8458,
Ammon Milligan, Assistant Director of Housing:
Matt & Lauren Gowdy, Area Coordinators for East Campus:,
Sarah Wood, Area Coordinator for West Campus:


Students who live on campus can access Comcast’s Xfinity on Campus Service on any IP-enabled device,
such as their University-provided iPad Pros.

The service offers approximately 80 live channels including every major broadcast network. Students can
also upgrade their Xfinity On Campus accounts to include a selection of premium channels.

To register for the service, students can visit, search for Southern Virginia Uni-
versity and log in using their student email as their user name and the same password used to authen-
ticate their iPad Pros. Once registered, students can watch their programming anytime by download-
ing the Xfinity Stream app or by visiting and logging in with their student credentials.


There are free laundry facilities available in all University housing. Students can check the availability of machines
using the Speed Queen app with the school code: SVU001. Please use HE compatible laundry detergent.

New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
What to Bring
Wondering what to bring with you or buy
when you get here? Here’s a helpful list of items
you’ll need.


• Cleaning supplies
• Laundry bag and supplies
• Pillows
• Shower shoes
• Towels and washcloths
• Twin sheets and comforter


• Dishes and silverware
• Fan
• Lamp
• Formal attire
• Iron & ironing board
• Microwave & Mini-fridge
• Rain and snow gear
• Shower caddy
• Storage bin

New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
Canoing on the Glenn Maury River                                        The Jefferson Memorial,
                                                                        Washington D.C.

          Area Activities
          Besides our proximity to metropolitan hubs like Washington D.C. and historic destinations like Monticello,
          Southern Virginia also has many local recreational opportunities. Hike the Appalachian Trail, drive the Blue
          Ridge Parkway, or canoe down the Maury River. For a list of activities in Buena Vista and our neighboring
          city of Lexington, check out this list of activities.

Main Street, Lexington                                         7
New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
Latter-day Saint Environment
One of the defining features of our educational model is our commitment to the principles and values of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Classroom discussions are informed not only by textbooks and the
best of secular thinking, but also by scripture and the teachings of Church leaders. Gospel principles are at the
center of everything we do. If you would like to learn more about what Latter-day Saints believe, please visit and read about our visit from Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Standards of Conduct
The University has Standards of Conduct consisting of the Code of Honor, Dress and Grooming Standards,
and Community Bill of Rights. Based on the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
these standards should be reviewed with a completed Ecclesiastical Endorsement before arriving on campus.

New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
Advice from Peer Mentors
The Peer Mentor Program is a student group that assists new students in their academic transition to South-
ern Virginia University. Peer Mentors are upperclassmen that offer support, respond to questions, and pro-
vide information about campus life and resources.

“Your experience at Southern Virginia is what you             “Take advantage of the small class sizes to really get
make of it. There are so many great opportunities             to know your professors and classmates. Visit with
to grow as a student and as a person, but as with             your professors during their office hours to capitalize
all things, you get out of it what you put into it. So,       on the amazing learning advantages that Southern
make it great!”                                               Virginia has to offer and to get the full experience.”
-Emma Schroeder                                               -Emarie Majors

“Get out and try new things! Get to know yourself             “Your college experience is all about decision making.
by trying new things you’ve never tried before and            If you learn discipline in your decision making and
meeting new people with new perspectives.”                    manage your time well, you will begin to see results
-Jack Simiskey                                                of success in your work.”
                                                              -Jason Newman

“Take a leap and try something new. Do something
this first year maybe you don’t think you would
have done before.”
-Kaipo Tagaloa

New Student Orientation Fall 2018 - Southern Virginia University
Student Resources
ACADEMIC CALENDAR                                             MAIL CENTER

Use the Academic Calendar to check important                  The Mail Center is located in the basement of the
dates, including finals schedule and holiday breaks.          Library, open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
                                                              and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. All mail and
BOOKSTORE                                                     packages should be delivered to this location.
Southern Virginia recently launched its new online
bookstore in partnership with This               PARKING
virtual bookstore allows students to rent and buy new         To park a vehicle on campus, you will need a campus
and used books as well as ebooks at up to 70 percent          Parking Pass from Security. Visit the Campus Tab on
off publisher list prices. Purchase all your textbooks        mysvu to complete the Vehicle Registration form.
and other course materials on
                                                              STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES
                                                              Use the Finances Tab in mysvu to manage and
Conveniently dine on campus at the Dining Hall and            monitor your student finances. For assistance,
our new Mexican-themed grill (opening Fall 2018).             please contact us at,
Contact the Housing Office at or              540-261-8405, or visit us on the second floor of
540-261-8458 to select one of three available meal            Main Hall, Office 215.
plans to work with your dining preferences.
                                                              STUDENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
INSTITUTE & YSA WARDS                                         The Student Professional Development Center is
Southern Virginia offers concurrent enrollment                located on the second floor of Main Hall. It provides
with the Buena Vista Institute of Religion—                   students with guidance in selecting career paths,
the largest daytime Institute on the East Coast.              creating resumes, and applying and interviewing
Submit a completed Institute Registration form                for jobs, as well as assistance during the graduate
to There are also seven YSA                school application process. Schedule your appoint-
wards and three family wards in the area. View                ment through the Knight App. For more informa-
meeting times and locations on                 tion, email

KNIGHT APP & CAMPUS LIFE                                      TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT

Learn about the full variety of campus life offered           The Information Technology (IT) department
at the University including activities, clubs, per-           assists students with technology-related questions
forming groups and service opportunities. The                 and issues. From troubleshooting laptop bugs to
Knight App provides details and notifications for             setting up your Internet, IT is here to help with
all University events. It is available on the App             technology needs. The IT office is located in the
Store by searching “SVU.”                                     basement of Main Hall.

LAUNCHPAD INITIATIVE                                          TUTORING CENTER

To help lift our students and prepare them for aca-           The Tutoring Center is located in the Von Canon
demic and career success, we place an Apple iPad,             Library and provides student tutoring for a vari-
Smart Keyboard, and Apple Pencil in the hands of              ety of subjects. For more information on what
every student and every faculty member at South-              resources are available, contact the tutoring coor-
ern Virginia. You will receive your iPad during               dinator at 540-261-4087 or log on to mysvu.
New Student Orientation.

                  Questions? Contact April Harris at or 540-261-8476

SHUTTLE SERVICES                                             WELLNESS CENTER

A library shuttle is available to take students to           The Wellness Center is located on the 2nd floor
nearby libraries, free of charge. A shuttle also goes        of Main Hall, offices 234-240. Professionals work
to Walmart and Goodwill for $1.50. The sign-up               on-on-one with students to make sure they receive
sheet is located at the main desk in the Library.            the help and support they need. Services are pro-
There is also a free Dorm Loop that transports               vided to students free of charge and include:
students daily between the Library, the Lofts, and           • First Aid health care
Carriage housing.                                            • Basic medical tests and treatments
                                                             • Individual counseling and therapy
                                                             • Crisis intervention
The Von Canon Library provides student resources,            • Couple’s and group counseling
including more than 90,000 print books, a wide               • Academic accommodations for medical and
selection of online databases, research assistance,            mental health
photocopying and printing services, and a computer           • Psychological testing and evaluation
lab. Librarians are available for research consulta-         • Accessibility services
tions Monday through Friday. Students may walk in
                                                             To make an appointment to meet with a therapist,
or make an appointment at the research desk.
                                                             counselor, or psychologist, email counseling@svu.
                                                             edu or call 540-261-8470. To meet with a nurse,
                                                             students can visit The Wellness Center between
                                                             the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

                 Questions? Contact April Harris at or 540-261-8476

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