Page created by Joel Mcdonald
New Catalog


               e r t i f i ed
              C re e
               HLV F


                   All seeds sold by
Brothers Grimm Seeds are tested and certified from HpLVD
and other harmful voids. We are committed to providing
  clean seed stock, so you can grow with confidence!

               For Genetics Licensing, Bulk
               Seeds, and Wholesale Orders
Table of Contents:
Table of Contents                            Page 1
Contact                                      Page 2
Brothers Grimm Licensing                     Page 3
FAQ's                                        Page 4
THE NEW                                      Page 5
Cinderella 99 XX                             Page 6
Cinderella 99 (REG)                          Page 7
Rosetta Stone XX                             Page 8
Rosetta Stone (REG)                          Page 9
Grimm Glue XX                               Page 10
Cinderella Pineapple XX                     Page 11
Space Queen XX                              Page 12
Durban Thai x C99 XX                        Page 13
Durban Nights XX                            Page 14
Meet MrSoul, Original Breeder               Page 15
G 13 Genius XX                              Page 16
Apollo XX                                   Page 17
Apollo Eleven (REG)                         Page 18
Apollo Haze (REG)                           Page 19
Killer Queen XX                             Page 20
Killer Queen (REG)                          Page 21
Princess Haze XX                            Page 22
Princess Haze (REG)                         Page 23
Queen of Soul XX                            Page 24
Queen of Soul (REG)                         Page 25
Meet Cannatrol                           Page 26-27
Dry, Cure, and Store                     Page 28-29
Meet Rapid Genomics                      Page 30-31
Meet Verne Bioanalytics                  Page 32-33
Who has Hop Latent Viroid?                  Page 34

Page 01


                                 Marc Eden
                                for Bulk Seed and Wholesale Orders
We Ship To All 50 States. All
Our Seeds Have COA's And              619-508-6151
Test Underneath 0.3% THC.

                      Page 02
Brothers Grimm Seeds Licensing
                    Get a competitive advantage in
                    your city or state with an
                    exclusive or non-exclusive
                    licensing agreement for any
                    number of our genetics, including
                    newly developed genetics from
                    MrSoul’s latest R+D.

                    Our Designer Genetics are known
                    for their vigor, stability, uniformity,
                    resin, dynamic potency and
                    unique terpenes.


                      Marc Eden
                                  ___ VP ___


Q: Which strain has the highest THC%
A: Grimm Glue XX, Apollo XX, Mota Hari

Q: Which strain is ideal for extractions?
A: Grimm Glue XX, Rosetta Stone XX,
Durban Thai x C99 XX

Q: What are the fastest flowering bulk
seeds available?
A: Grimm Truffles XX, G13 Genius XX,
Cinderella 99 XX, Princess Haze XX,
Rosetta Stone XX, Apollo XX

Q: Which strains grow best outdoors?
A: We recommend Rosetta Stone XX,
Durban Thai x C99, Princess Haze XX,
Apollo XX, Space Queen XX, G13 Genius
XX or Grimm Glue XX.

Q: Which strains grow best in
A: Cinderella XX, Rosetta Stone XX, Apollo
XX, Grimm Glue XX, and Durban Thai x
C99 XX.

Q: Which strains have the heaviest
A: Grimm Glue XX, Queen of Soul XX,
Space Queen XX, and Rosetta Stone XX

Q: Which strains are best for SCROG and
All of our varieties are ideal for SCROG
and SOG. We breed for indoor,
high-volume production.

Q: Do you carry auto-flowers?
We do not carry auto-flowers.

The New

      Jack Herer x Gluey
       Romulan x Gluey
     Apple Fritter x Gluey

                                            Flowered indoors at 18 inches tall, the
                                            finished plant will be approximately 48
                                            inches tall at harvest. Cinderella XX can
                                            become huge bushes when grown
                                            outdoors and pruned properly.

                                            HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                            The properly cured bud feels sticky and
                                            pliable between your fingers. On the
                                            nose, you get a Hawaiian Punch scent
                                            but with a funky body odor undertone.
                                            When you light it up, that fruity flavor hits
                                            your taste buds first, followed by the
                                            funky aftertaste. The high is smooth,

  Cinderella 99 XX                          strong and energetic, however, it can
                                            also be paranoia-inducing, depending
                                            your mood and setting.

Over the past two decades, the
Cinderella 99 strain has become a           GROWING NOTES
legendary strain for consumers and
breeders alike. When we decided in 2017     CXX is a fast flowering plant needing
to offer C99 XX as female seeds, we         plenty of light and nutrients, she also
selected our favorite C99 female, famous    likes silica and extra calcium and
for resin production, to be the pollen      magnesium.      We   grow     CXX    as
donor for Princess to create the ultimate   multi-headed bushes with tomato
Cinderella 99 in feminized form. All the    cages or stakes for support. They also
best C99 qualities have come together in    work well in a SOG or SCROG
this 100% female version.                   arrangement.

Cinderella 99 uniquely has THCv, CBD,
and CBG cannabinoid production, and
the     dominant   terpenes     include
beta-myrcene, limonene, and pinene.         We harvest 4-8 ounces from an average
Other         terpenes          include     indoor plant. One-pound yields on
beta-caryophyllene and linalool among       outdoor plants are common.
                                            Princess x Cinderella 99 female pollen
56-63. Pistils should all be withered and   donor.
the   resin    heads    have    all  gone
cloudy/milky at harvest time.


                                             Flowered indoors at 18 inches tall, the
                                             finished plant will be approximately 48
                                             inches tall at harvest. C99 can become
                                             huge bushes when grown outdoors and
                                             pruned properly.

                                             HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                             The properly cured bud feels sticky and
                                             pliable between your fingers. On the
                                             nose, you get a Hawaiian Punch scent
                                             but with a funky body odor undertone.
                                             When you light it up, that fruity flavor hits
                                             your taste buds first, followed by the
                                             funky aftertaste. The high is smooth,
                                             strong and energetic, however, it can
                                             also be paranoia-inducing, depending
                                             your mood and setting.

                                             GROWING NOTES

 Cinderella 99 (reg)                         C99 is a fast flowering plant needing
                                             plenty of light and nutrients, silica and
                                             extra calcium and magnesium. We grow
                                             C99 as multi-headed bushes with
Cinderella 99 was created in 1999 by the
                                             stakes for support. They also work well in
“cubing process” MrSoul performed with
                                             a SOG or SCROG arrangement.
his outstanding female called Princess.

The dried, cured flowers are rich in
terpenes ranging from sweet tropical
fruit, to stinky rotten cheese… sometimes    YIELD
all in the same bud – the flavors and
aromas are sublime. And of course,           We harvest 4-8 ounces from an average
there’s the famous C99 high –                indoor plant. One-pound yields on
psychoactive, yet clear – you’ll feel like   outdoor plants are common.
getting creative, playing music, or
making art.
                                             Princess x P94
56-65 days. Pistils should all be withered
and the resin heads have all gone
cloudy/milky at harvest time.

Herer aromas and flavor as well as the
                                              potent, uplifting, cerebral high with an
                                              adrenaline rush. It’s like Jack Herer, but
                                              more consistent, bigger yielding and

                                              FLOWERING TIMES

                                              63-70 days.


                                              These are big, vigorous plants with tons
                                              of resin on a large main cola and heavily
                                              budded branches so be sure to use

 Rosetta Stone XX                             HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                              Rosetta Stone XX buds smell like a classy
                                              men’s cologne with musk, jasmine and
What a joy it is to behold these sparkling    anise notes on the nose – it’s classic
colas finishing their last couple of weeks.   Jack Herer. And the high is a sublime
Rosetta Stone XX was rated “Top Ten of        classy one too, you feel smoothed out
2018” by High Times magazine for its          and ready to party or get artistic.
amazing flavor and potency. We pollinated
our Jack Herer female with STS-induced
                                              GROWING NOTES
Cinderella 99 female pollen to create this
100% female version of the Classic Rosetta
Stone.                                        Prune into multi-headed, or leave a
                                              single, dominant cola. Stake the main
Rosetta Stone has remarkable THCv             colas to support them. Their strong
cannabinoid production, and is high in        branches may need no other staking
terpinolene,      beta-myrcene,       and     than that, but watch for heavy branches
beta-ocimene, and also has a fair amount      that may need additional support. SOG
of pinene, carene, and limonene terpenes.     and SCROG work well too.

The combination of Cinderella 99’s heavy      YIELD
resin production pushes the classic Jack
Herer to new levels of potency and adds       We regularly yield 8 dry ounces from a
additional aromatic terpenes to an already    typical indoor plant. Outdoors, these
heady recipe. What’s more, you can            plants are only limited by the grower’s
harvest this hybrid in 9 weeks instead of     style.
the typical Jack Herer 12-week flowering
period. Expect wonderfully sweet, musky,      LINEAGE
incense-scented plants with notes of
jasmine and anise – the classic Jack          Jack Herer female        x   STS-induced
                                              Cinderella 99 female

                                              These are big, vigorous plants with tons
                                              of resin on a large main cola and heavily
                                              budded branches so be sure to use

                                              HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                              Rosetta Stone buds smell like a classy
                                              men’s cologne with musk, jasmine and
                                              anise notes on the nose – it’s classic
                                              Jack Herer. And the high is a sublime
                                              classy one too, you feel smoothed out
                                              and ready to party or get artistic.

Rosetta Stone (reg)                           GROWING NOTES

                                              Let the plants grow multi-headed, or
What a joy it is to behold these sparkling    with a single-dominant-cola. Stake the
colas finishing their last couple of weeks.   main colas to support them. Their strong
Rosetta Stone was created when we             branches may need no other staking
pollinated a very special Jack Herer          than that, but her heavy branches may
female with an incredible male we             need additional support. SOG and SCROG
discovered when we grew some P75              work well too.
seeds that MrSoul had stashed away. He
looks like a male version of our prized
seed mother called Genius – his
branching pattern is identical and his
floral clusters are dense like female         We regularly yield 8 dry ounces from a
colas.                                        typical indoor plant. Outdoors, these
                                              plants are only limited by the grower’s
Expect    wonderfully    sweet,  musky,       style.
incense scented plants with notes of
jasmine and anise – the classic Jack
Herer aromas and flavor as well as the
potent, uplifting, cerebral high with an
adrenaline rush. It’s Jack Herer, but
more consistent, bigger yielding and          Jack Herer female x P75 male.

                                            The           TIMES
                                                 colas grow very long with chunky
                                            side buds, like sparrows rolled in
                                            confectioner’s sugar sitting on the
                                            branches. Resulting in a big yield of
                                            frosty moon rocks after the trim.

                                            FLOWERING TIMES

                                            60-67 days.


                                            50/50 Sativa/Indica branchy plants that
                                            yield dense buds.

     Grimm Glue XX                          HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                            Highly potent and resinous buds with
After a year of testing a clone called      cedarwood, citrus, and skunk fragrances
“Baby Gluey” we found excellent             and flavors. Happy, uplifting, yet relaxing.
evidence that she would be exceptional
for breeding; she would not herm under
any stress, her yields were good, and the   GROWING NOTES
resin production was off the charts. We
wanted the high to be less sleepy and to    A net trellis provides perfect support for
add complexity to the flavor since Baby     these branchy plants. Prune the plants
Gluey had a heavy high with a skunky        to create multiple tops that will become
flavor. So, we STS-induced our favorite     the main colas of the plant.
C99 female to be the pollen donor.

Hundreds of the resulting 100% female
seeds were tested. The plants produced      YIELD
supremely potent weed with a sparkling,
giggly high. And the Cedarwood aromas       Grim Glue has a very good yield if pruned
wafting up from an open jar of Grimm        and supported properly. Expect huge
Glue were absolutely intoxicating. Inhale   chunky dense buds with superb
and these sublime, woody tones              flower/leaf ratio, and extreme resin
dominate     the   flavor; your     lungs   production.
expanding with tingling sensations.
Upon exhaling, you taste classic
Chemdog/Skunk from the Glue heritage.       LINEAGE

These vigorous, fast-growing plants         Baby Gluey x C99 female pollen
need support during flowering because       donor.frosty moon rocks after the trim.
they develop a lot of bud weight.


                                             These plants are Sativa-dominant.
                                             Lanky as seedlings and tall at harvest
                                             time, however clones from these plants
                                             will stay more compact. Expect frosty,
                                             tight buds with foxtails and especially
                                             strong pineapple aroma terpenes. Your
                                             whole flowering room will smell like a
                                             Dole plantation.

                                             HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                             You immediately smell pineapple wafting
                                             through the air when you open a jar of
                                             cured buds. And when you light it up,
                                             that fruity flavor hits your taste buds, you

                                             smile and exhale and your mind is
                                             flooded with smooth, strong and

       Pineapple XX
                                             energetic waves of pleasure.

                                             GROWING NOTES
Pineapple XX was created to satisfy all
the nostalgic growers and smokers who        Pineapple XX is a fast-flowering plant
remember      the   “original C99”    as     needing plenty of light and nutrients.
compared to the current Cinderella XX        She also likes extra cal/mag. The
as being more Sativa dominant and            structure of these plants is well suited to
pineapple flavored. Expect frosty, tight     netting. Commercial growers will find
buds with foxtails and especially strong     that they can grow these plants tightly
pineapple aroma terpenes. Your whole         spaced and get impressive yields for a
flowering room will smell like a Dole        Sativa.

                                             We harvest 4-5 ounces of primo buds
56-60 day. Seedlings should be 6-8
                                             from a 48-inch-tall plant. Above average
weeks old before flowering. Pistils should
all be withered and the resin heads have
all gone cloudy/milky at harvest time.

60-65 days


                                            Think Evergreen tree shaped Indica
                                            dominant with heavy resin production.
                                            Purple colors may develop on both
                                            leaves and flowers during cold night

                                            HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                            That first hit is a funky flavor, but very
                                            quickly you find the exhale leaves that
   Space Queen XX                           fruity flavor on your tongue, followed by
                                            sandalwood aftertaste. The high is
                                            strong, yet gives you an energetic mood.

Back in the late 1990’s, MrSoul and dear,
departed Vic High (RIP) of BCGA in
Canada collaborated by crossing Vic’s       GROWING NOTES
Romulan female to our Cinderella 99
male to create the original Space Queen.    The Space Queen XX structure lends
                                            itself best to growing in the natural
Space Queen was then used to great          Christmas tree shape with a central
success by dear, departed “Weed Nerd”       stake for support. Watch for heavy
Subcool in his breeding as well. We’ve      branches that may also need support.
decided it was time to release a femme      These are dense, big-yielding plants, so
version of this legendary hybrid.           support the heavy branches well.

To bring Space Queen XX to market, we
selected an old-school C99 “Pineapple       YIELD
pheno” female from the original C99
seeds released back in 1999 to be the       We harvest 6-7 ounces of primo buds
pollen donor to Vic High’s original         from a 48-inch-tall plant. Above average
Romulan clone. All the best Romulan         to heavy yield.
qualities have come together with the
sugar and spice of Cinderella 99 in this
all-female version. They’re vigorous,
super resinous plants, with large, tight
colas and a high flower to leaf ratio. A
decidedly Romulan structure, yet the
smoke is much more energetic in its

caryophyllene, and pinene.
                                             Durban Thai x C99 strain normally
                                             reaches 20% – 28% THC.

                                             FLOWERING TIMES

                                             Flowering Time: 63-72 days.


                                             She grows like a big Skunk, the flowers
                                             are    tight,  dense     nuggets     of
                                             resin-encrusted calyxes.

                                             HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

       - Durban Thai -
                                             The bud gives off a sweet, but tart aroma
                                             that tickles the nose. The flavor is pure

         Cindy 99 XX                         cotton candy.

                                             GROWING NOTES
The lineage of this hybrid is impressive
indeed. We crossed a Durban-Thai             Grow DTC99 in the natural Christmas
female grown from the original S.S.S.C.      tree shape – pruning away any small,
seed stock to our favorite Cinderella 99     sucker branches to encourage huge
female by using Silver Thiosulfate to        colas to form on the ends of each
induce the C99 to create 100% female         branch. One tall, central stake along the
pollen.                                      stem will provide enough support for the
                                             entire flowering cycle, her robust
The high from these Durban-Thai x C99        branches are capable of supporting the
hybrids     is     energetic,    intensely   heavy buds.
psychoactive and creativity-inducing.
The aromas are an intoxicating mixture
of musky incense and black licorice. In      YIELD
the grow room, this plant’s sturdy
structure and minimal stretch during         Indoor yield is 8 ounces per plant.
flowering make it an absolute pleasure       Outdoor yield depends on the grower’s
to   grow.     We    harvest   loads    of   style, but one-pound plants are not
intoxicatingly    fragrant,   uber-dense     uncommon.
flowers, with resin glands sparkling like
crushed diamonds sprinkled all over
Durban Thai x C99 terpenes include
terpinolene, myrcene, limonene,              Durban-Thai female x Cinderella 99
                                             female pollen donor.

                                            59-70 days


                                            These are big, vigorous plants with tons
                                            of resin on a large main cola and heavy,
                                            yet strong side branches.

                                            HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                            Durban Nights XX buds sparkle and waft
                                            delicious aromas through the room
                                            when you open the jar… it’s LOUD! And
                                            when you light up, all that flavor comes
 Durban Nights XX                           rushing into your lungs and out your
                                            nose as you feel euphoria overwhelm
                                            your body and mind. It’s a meditative
We pollinated a very special female         high that brings inner peace not
Durban-Thai Highflyer (SSSC) with           paranoia.
pollen that was hormonally induced
from a Jack Herer (Sensi Seeds) female.
The offspring of this cross we              GROWING NOTES
nicknamed DTJH have a very stocky,
strong structure and they’re also           Let Durban Nights XX grow into a natural
outrageously aromatic – as one would        evergreen tree shape with a single,
imagine when taking into account the        dominant cola. Stake the plant from the
amazing    terpenes    of   both   the      stem up along the main cola to support
Durban-Thai and the Jack Herer              them. Their strong branches generally
parents.                                    need no other staking than that.

We then reversed our favorite Cinderella
99 female using colloidal silver and
pollinated the DTJH female to create        YIELD
these      100%    female   seeds.    The
combination of Cinderella 99’s heavy        Heavy yields.
resin production and ideal floral
structure adds potency and additional
yield to the heady aromatic terpenes of
the DTJH. Expect them to have an            LINEAGE
intensely tropical, incense-scents. These
plants have flavor galore as well as a      [Durban-Thai x Jack Herer] x Cinderella
potent, uplifting, cerebral high with an    99 female.
adrenaline rush you will feel from your
first hit.

Meet The Breeder

                                                                                         Picture by FOHSE
I'm known as MrSoul, I am the founder of
Brothers Grimm Seeds and the original
breeder     of    the   well-known    and
celebrated Cinderella 99. My education
and experience as a nuclear engineer
trained me to approach breeding very
scientifically. Brothers Grimm is uniquely
qualified to produce pure female
cannabis seeds without intersex issues.

My clients have grown tens of
thousands, even hundreds of thousands
of my bulk seeds. They all report
consistently female plants with excellent
yield and desirable cannabinoid and
terpene profiles.

My history in the bulk cannabis seed business dates back to 1987, when I worked for
Super Sativa Seed Club of Amsterdam, Netherlands. That experience launched my
career in cannabis, allowing me to learn the seed business, as well as experiment with
breeding over 40 different varieties of cannabis.

I’m extremely passionate about breeding and supplying the most stable and highest
quality female seeds in bulk quantities to suit commercial cannabis growers. As I
always say, “Genetics are the most important thing, everything else is just

There are many huge benefits for commercial growers when they start their crops
from female seeds as opposed to growing clones. Seeds can be started on the exact
day of your choosing, whereas clones are already growing when you get them.
Seedlings are also more vigorous as compared to clones, producing more yield and
fewer weak plants.

Bulk seeds are the best option for commercial cannabis farms, greenhouses and
indoor grows, and Brothers Grimm Seeds has the most reliable and uniform genetics
they could hope for. Farms growing hundreds of thousands of plants have gotten
100% female plants every time with our designer genetics. You won’t be disappointed

Best Wishes,



                                             56-62 days.


                                             Mostly Indica, minimal stretching, bushy

                                             HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                             Highly potent and resinous buds with
                                             lemon/lime citrus fruit fragrances and
                                             flavors. Happy, uplifting psychoactivity –
                                             yet relaxing.

      G13 Genius XX                          GROWING NOTES

The outstanding Airborne G13/HP clone        One central stake generally provides
has a flavor profile of lemon/lime with a    perfect support for these bushy, branchy
sour milk undertone… which makes her a       plants. Start flowering with low-medium
perfect complement to MrSoul’s Genius        nutrient dosage and add stronger P-rich
female (mother of the Apollo line) so we     fertilizers in later weeks of flowering
decided to combine them and thus             before tapering down to just water
create a 100% female strain. The result is   during the final week.
potent weed with a relaxing Indica high.
Lemon/lime flavors dominate the smoke
as you take the first puff.                  YIELD

These are large and vigorous plants with     Very heavy yield. Huge chunky buds with
a sturdy structure that supports a lot of    superb flower/leaf ratio and extreme
weight. The flowers look like they were      density.
frosted     with     sparkling      white
confectioner’s sugar. All phenotypes
reliably expressed the desired amazing       LINEAGE
citrus flavors and aromas. The colas
grow very long with closely packed side      Airborne G13/HP clone x Genius pollen
buds – all of which adds much to the         donor.
heavy yield produced by this strain.


                                              55-63 days.


                                              Sativa-dominant hybrid with long, thin
                                              leaves. Bud structure is tight; creating
                                              dense nuggets of resin-encrusted
                                              calyxes reeking of over-ripe tropical fruit,
                                              especially grapefruit, and gummy bears.

                                              HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                              The aroma is citrus-fruity, with a sweet
         Apollo XX                            cotton candy taste when you exhale. The
                                              high is uplifting and cerebral.

Using Silver Thiosulfate, we induced our
                                              GROWING NOTES
favorite Cinderella 99 female (famous for
resin production and classic flavor) to be
the pollen donor for our big-yielding,        We recommend growing Apollo XX in its
lime-citrus scented female clone named        natural, dominant cola shape and using
“Genius” due to her clear, energetic,         stakes or cages to support the branches.
thought-provoking high to create this         Super-crop (pinch) the stalk, or top the
100% female version of Apollo Eleven.         plants just below the main cola, to
                                              encourage side branches to catch up,
A fast-flowering hybrid with a high           and voila – you have a multi-headed
calyx/leaf   ratio  &   extreme      resin    bush.
production… the trichomes cover the
flowers and leaves so densely it looks like
baby seal fur.                                YIELD

Expect very little variation in the           A typical indoor plant yields 4-8 dry
phenotypes – they are all compact,            ounces per plant. Grown outdoors, a
bushy plants with multitudes of dense,        typical plant will triple the indoor yield.
extremely resinous bud sites – perfect
for SCROG as well as SOG style growing.
The smoke has a sweet, tropical fruit         LINEAGE
flavor. The high is upbeat & happy.
                                              Genius female x Cinderella 99 female
Apollo THC ranges from mid-20’s to 30%        pollen donor.


                                                                    S a t i va - d o m i n a n t
                                                                    hybrid with long,
                                                                    thin leaves. Bud
                                                                    structure is tight;
                                                                    creating           dense
                                                                    nuggets                  of
                                                                    calyxes reeking of
                                                                    over-ripe        tropical
                                                                    fruit,        especially
                                                                    grapefruit,           and
                                                                    gummy bears.

Apollo Eleven (reg)                           HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                              The aroma is citrus-fruity, with a sweet
                                              cotton candy taste when you exhale. The
This fast-flowering indoor hybrid has a       high is uplifting and cerebral.
high calyx/leaf ratio & extreme resin
production… the trichomes cover the
flowers and leaves so densely it looks like   GROWING NOTES
baby seal fur.
                                              We recommend growing Apollo Eleven in
Our big-yielding, lime-citrus scented
                                              its natural, dominant cola shape and
female clone named “Genius” due to her
                                              using stakes or cages to support the
clear, energetic, thought-provoking high
                                              branches. Super-crop (pinch) the stalk,
was crossed with a robust Cinderella 99
                                              or top the plants just below the main
male to create Apollo Eleven.
                                              cola, to encourage side branches to
                                              catch up, and voila – you have a
Expect very little variation in the
                                              multi-headed bush.
phenotypes – they are all compact,
bushy plants with multitudes of dense,
extremely resinous bud sites – perfect
for SCROG as well as SOG style growing.
The smoke has a sweet, tropical fruit
flavor. The high is upbeat & happy.           A typical indoor plant yields 4-8 dry
                                              ounces per plant. Grown outdoors, a
                                              typical plant will triple the indoor yield.
55-63 days.
                                              Genius female x Cinderella 99 male.


                                               Mostly    Sativa     with   two    major
                                               phenotypes: two thirds of the population
                                               is compact in stature, short, bushy,
                                               medium-stretch plants, while the other
                                               third are tall and lanky. They both yield
                                               extremely well and have delicious
                                               flavors, so it comes down to your
                                               personal preference when the time
                                               comes to choosing a mother plant.

                                               HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                               The smoke is saccharine sweet, with

  Apollo Haze (reg)
                                               citrus and tropical fruit notes over that
                                               classic Haze flavor. The high is intense…it
                                               cuts through whatever you’d been
                                               smoking before.
Using a Super Silver Grail Haze male, we
pollinated the famous Genius clone to
create this monster hybrid.                    GROWING NOTES
The SSGH male is the result of the
famous Cinderella 99, “The Grail” to a         We recommend growing Apollo Haze in
very select Super Silver Haze male. The        its natural shape, without topping it.
result of recombining these genes              Though it should be supported with a
unlocked a real jewel; this male added         central stake. Support for the branches
potency, vigorous growth, and large,           is also recommended, as they do pack
strong branches to the progeny.                on the weight.

Apollo Haze aromas range from the
spicy, lime/citrus, fuel of Genius to sweet,
intoxicating     tropical     fruits,   with
elderberries, black currents and a mildly
                                               Indoor yield of 6-8 ounces per plant.
Haze-influenced afternote.
                                               Outdoor yield is double that.

63-70 days.
                                               Genius female x Cinderella 99/Super
                                               Silver Haze male

Princess Haze XX terpenes        include
                                             limonene,       myrcene,         linalool,
                                             caryophyllene and humulene.

                                             FLOWERING TIMES

                                             57-63 days.


                                             Hybrid Sativa/Indica growth, compact in
                                             stature with two major phenotypes: two
                                             thirds of the population are single-cola
                                             Christmas tree shapes, while the other
                                             third form multi-headed bushes.

 Princess Haze XX                            HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                             The smoke is either fruity sweet, with
                                             citrus and tropical fruit notes over that
The parents of Princess Haze XX come
                                             classic Haze flavor or stinky, funky body
from our most prized breeding stock. We
                                             odors. The high is simply psychedelic.
wanted to make a 100% female seed line
that reproduces the classic Princess
Haze in every way, so we pollinated our
favorite Cinderella 99 female known for
                                             GROWING NOTES
outrageous resin production with female
pollen from our favorite Princess Haze.      We recommend supporting Princess
The result is just as we hoped; a densely    Haze XX with a central stake. Support for
budded     strain    with   great   yield,   the branches is also recommended, as
bag-appeal, and super potency.               they do pack on the weight.

The resin production is amazing – giving     YIELD
the flowers and bud leaves a furry white
covering. Their delicious aromas range
                                             Indoors, 6-8 dry ounces per plant.
from sweet tropical flowers to acrid,
                                             Outdoor yield is easily double that.
funky stinkers and the potency of either
phenotype is just phenomenal; the high
comes on immediately with your first hit;    LINEAGE
a very spiritual glow and tingling
sensation with each breath you take.
                                             Cinderella 99 female x Princess Haze
Princess Haze XX has a range of 22% –
27% THC.


                                            57-63 days.


                                            Hybrid Sativa/Indica growth, compact in
                                            stature with two major phenotypes: two
                                            thirds of the population are single-cola
                                            Christmas tree shapes, while the other
                                            third form multi-headed bushes.

                                            HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

Princess Haze (REG)                         The smoke is either fruity sweet, with
                                            citrus and tropical fruit notes over that
                                            classic Haze flavor or stinky, funky body
                                            odors. The high is simply psychedelic.
We pollinated “Princess” – the mother of
Cinderella 99 using a C99 x Super Silver
Haze male. The SSGH male is the result      GROWING NOTES
of our friend’s having crossed his keeper
Cinderella 99, the female dubbed “The
                                            We recommend supporting Princess
Grail” to a very select Super Silver Haze
                                            Haze with a central stake. Support for
male. The result of recombining these
                                            the branches is also recommended, as
genes unlocked a real jewel; this male
                                            they do pack on the weight.
added potency, vigorous growth, and
large, strong branches to the progeny.
There’s much more Sativa and yet            YIELD
flowering time is only around 60 days.
                                            Indoors, 6-8 dry ounces. Outdoor yield is
The resin production is amazing – giving    easily double that.
the flowers and bud leaves a furry white
covering. Their delicious aromas range
from sweet tropical flowers to acrid,
funky stinkers and the potency of either    LINEAGE
phenotype is just phenomenal; the high
comes on immediately with your first hit;   Princess female x Cinderella 99/Super
a very spiritual glow and tingling          Silver Haze male.
sensation with each breath you take.


                                            Dense, Christmas-tree shaped plants
                                            with big, heavy colas and branch tips
                                            that sparkle with resin so thick the
                                            plants look white.

                                            HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                            The properly cured bud feels sticky and
                                            pliable between your fingers. On the
                                            nose, you get a funky body odor
                                            undertone. When you light it up, that
                                            fruity flavor hits your taste buds first,
                                            then the funky aftertaste. The high is

 Queen of soul XX
                                            smooth, strong and energetic.

                                            GROWING NOTES
The parents of Queen of Soul XX come
from our most prized breeding stock. We     Queen of Soul XX is a fast-flowering
wanted to make a 100% female seed line      plant needing plenty of lights and
that reproduces the classic Queen of        nutrients. She also likes extra cal-mag.
Soul in every way, so we pollinated our     The structure of these plants is robust,
Queen of Soul with female pollen from       so they can be grown in the natural
our favorite Cinderella 99. The result is   Christmas tree shape with a central
just as we hoped; a densely budded          state for support. Watch for heavy
Sativa dominant strain with great yield,    branches that may also need support.
bag appeal, and super potency.

                                            Yield is 6-8 ounces per plant. Outdoor
56-60 days                                  yield is double that.


                                            Queen of Soul x Cinderella 99 female
                                            pollen donor

You’re sure to find an outstanding
                                            female – with a high yield, delicious
                                            flavor, and amazing potency.

                                            FLOWERING TIMES

                                            60-65 days.


                                            Dense, Christmas-tree shaped plants
                                            with big, heavy colas and branch tips
                                            that sparkle with resin so thick the
                                            plants look white.

                                            HOW DOES IT SMOKE?

                                            The smoke is sweet, with citrus and
                                            tropical fruit notes over spicy incense.
                                            The high is intense… a clear, soaring high
                                            that cuts through whatever you’ve been

                                            GROWING NOTES

Queen of soul (reg)                         We recommend growing Queen of Soul
                                            in its natural, single cola shape,
                                            supported with a central stake. Support
                                            for the branches is not often required,
These       are     dense,      compact     despite the buds’ weight – due to the
Christmas-tree shaped Sativa dominant       strong branches.
plants, displaying the typical long, thin
Queen of Soul flowers for 60-65 days,
producing heavy flowers with very exotic,   Indoor yield is 4-8 ounces per plant.
tropical fruit aromas and a spicy incense   Outdoor yield is double that.
undertone.        Mangos,     pineapples,
honeydew melons, citrus and patchouli
waft through the room while they’re         LINEAGE
flowering. The high is very energetic and
cerebral.                                   Princess x Princess / Cinderella 99 /

Breakthroughs in Drying,
 Curing, and Storing
 Cannabis Flower
Drying, curing, and long-term storage are
accomplished      with     Cannatrol’s   patented
technology, Vapatrol, which utilizes the power of
vapor pressure. The Vermont based company offers
cultivators patented technology to control the
entire harvest process with precision.

Patented Tech Vaportrol® is proven technology that
was originally developed for use in cheese aging
rooms, dry aging and curing meats.Today this
technology is used in commercial scale cannabis
drying and curing operations throughout the
United States and Canada. Our patented Vaportrol®
Technology assures a terrific aesthetic result with
superior organoleptic properties. Your customers
will enjoy higher terpene levels, higher potency and
consistent results.

  Heat is the enemy! The best                          (The DC Quick Start System) The DC Quick Start System, a
                                                       ready-to-go commercial system capable of handling up
  buds are cured with controlled                       to 750 pounds of wet flower. This plug-and-play system
                                                       arrives on two pallets and can be set up within a day.
  temperature and dew point.

Cannatrol Custom solutions are installed into
new builds or retrofitted. We create custom
systems that meet your requirements.

Call for details or a
custom quote.
                                             Cannatrol Custom Solutions

                                                Remove Water At A Controlled Rate
                                                You've got an agricultural product that's got a high water
                                                content and you want to remove the water at a controlled
                                                rate, get the product to a shelf stable point, and then let it
                                                cure and get better with time.
                                                In our space everything reaches equilibrium, Jane
                                                Sandelman, Co-Founder says. “Nothing will over dry, they're
                                                all going to come to the same point.”
                                                Data shows a 60%+ increase in terpene retention and over a
                                                15% increase in potency vs traditional dry/cure methods.

                 Taste Tests from Dispensary Panels
                          Panels have shown that consumers preter
                           flowers dried with Cannatrol by a rate of
                             2-to-1. over traditionally dried flowers.

Rapid Genomic Selection (GS)
Modern analytical DNA sequencing technology (genotyping) enables cannabis breeders to improve yields by
making better, faster decisions than ever before using the predictive power of Genomic Selection (GS). GS
uses genotyping to identify the highest performing (and most valuable) breeding individuals at their earliest
developmental stage, well before the traditional, lengthier timeframes required to identify these individuals
in the past.

GS measures genetic markers to predict the performance of traits of interest in breeding individuals based on
previous phenotyping data, to enable earlier selections of ideal candidates for further crossing.

Making selections earlier in development (at the seedling or infant stage) with GS, saves time and resources
while still improving desirable traits and increasing yield.

     Highest Value Individuals                      GS Guided Crosses                 Breeding Progeny

Genotyping can help you detect:
   Disease Resistance to common cannabis pathogens
   Autoflowering and Photoperiodic Plants
   Best plants for extractions versus flower
   Terpene dominance, inheritance, and tracking for crosses
   Hermaphroditic tendency (Intersex)
   Plant height, branching structure, and suitability for SOG or SCROG environments
   Products with higher consumer satisfaction (improved flavor, aroma, and potency)

Take it from Us
Rapid Genomics has over a decade of experience in using DNA       “These metabolites are in a category we call ‘volatile organic
sequencing technology to improve the value of our customers’      compounds,’ because they explode with fruit flavor when you
products. We think cannabis breeders should look to the fruit     crunch the fruit in your mouth,” he said.
industry on how GS can help identify plants that produce
better flavor profiles and aromas.                                To find where the flavor starts, scientists must find the right
                                                                  genes that control these compounds.
For example, growers and consumers always seek
better-tasting fruit, compelling blueberry breeders like          The study combined information from UF sensory panels with
Patricio Muñoz to work on farms and with labs like Rapid          biochemical and molecular information. Through the research,
Genomics to find the right varieties of blueberry to breed.       scientists identified potential candidate genes that control the
                                                                  production of terpenes in some types of blueberries. Terpenes
“More consumption will increase demand and keep prices up         are aromatic compounds found in many plants. The
for our growers to stay in business, making profits,” Muñoz       translation to cannabis science is clear, using DNA technology
said. A potent parallel, as cannabis prices continue to drop in   combined with consumer preferences, can lead to the
areas around the US, the race for the highest quality craft       identification of higher priced varieties and thus more on farm
cannabis is going to be a big factor in who sticks around.        profit.

Blueberry breeders have long known that the fruit they help       “Now we know why these blueberry varieties make the fruit
grow, classified as “aromatic,” comes with naturally occurring    aromatic,” Muñoz said. “We now have the capacity to use these
chemical components that make the fruit taste different, said     compounds to formally classify varieties and can predict
Muñoz, a UF/IFAS associate professor of horticultural sciences.   consumer liking and preference for these varieties.”

About Us:
RAPiD Genomics is a Gainesville-based startup focused on
delivering innovative genomic applications to the
agribusiness world. We offer the following services:
                                                                  Contact Us
                                                                  for pricing information and project details.
   Whole Genome Sequencing: Comprehensive coverage of
   your genome. Custom Analysis                                
   Capture Seq: Customized targeting of your traits of
   interest. Custom project construction and analysis

   FLEX-Seq EX-L: Detailed information about all major traits
   of of interest (Resistance/Susceptibility to Diseases,
   Flowering Time, Yield, THC, Terpenes, Plant Structure and

M a x imizing
                                                                                           y o ur p la nts
                                                                                                 g r o w th
                                                                                              p o te ntia l

    Throug h g e ne tic
    a nd pa thog e n
    te sting
    About us
    Ve rne B ioa na lytic s is a biote c h c ompa ny tha t provid e s ra pid ,
    sc a la ble , d ia g nostic , a nd g e ne tic te sting a c ross a numbe r of
    c rops suc h a s he mp a nd g ra pe s while ne wly e xpa nd ing on the
    W ine Te sting M a rke t.

                                     O ur Pa rtne rs

M ission
                                                                               V ision
Roote d in a strong inte g ra tion be twe e n bioinforma tic s a nd
we t- la b te sting , Ve rne B ioa na lytic s a d ministe rs hig h q ua lity   O ur vision is to be a ble to he lp the world 's sma lle st to the
pla nt g e ne tic or pa thog e n te sting kits, c ond uc ting inte rna l R &   la rg e st fa rme rs with the ir risk, prod uc tivity, a nd bottom
D to d e ve lop g e ne tic a ssa ys while ma nufa c turing kits for othe r     line . H e re , we a im to be one of the le a d ing inte rna tiona l
g rowe rs a nd la bs to run a ssa ys, thus provid ing q uic k, sc a la ble     re se a rc h institutions tha t provid e s knowle d g e , he lp, a nd
g e ne tic a nd pa thog e n te sting to fa rme rs in the c a nna bis           solutions to fa rme rs a round the world .
ind ustry.
Follow us on:                                                                     rne bio.c om
                                                                                           114 Ple a sa nt Stre e t, Southbrid g e , M A

Follow us on:

i- Te st
Pe rforming g e ne tic te sting typic a lly re q uire s a la b a nd a sc ie ntist with
mole c ula r knowle d g e . This proc e ss usua lly re q uire s PC R (polyme ra se c ha in
re a c tion) whic h ne e d s purifie d DN A e xtra c te d from your pla nt ma te ria l, a
ste rile la b to limit c onta mina tion, a nd a pre c ise ma c hine c a pa ble of
inc re a sing a nd d e c re a sing te mpe ra ture s in a fine tune ma nne r to a llow for
a mplifying a mole c ula r a d d re ss to id e ntify a pa rtic ula r tra it. Using this
proc e ss re q uire s a n inve stme nt of ~$4 0 ,0 0 0 plus the ne c e ssa ry skillse t to run
the ma c hine tha t ta ke s ye a rs to ma ste r. Ad d itiona lly, in ord e r to re a d the
re sults of this te st se ve ra l pote ntia lly ha rmful c he mic a ls a re re q uire d , a d d ing
to the a lre a d y c ha lle ng ing ta sk of inte rpre ting the re sults.

i- Te st simplifie s this proc e ss by a llowing for e xtra c ting of DN A or RN A a nd
a mplific a tion in a sing le proc e ss, inc uba ting a t a la rg e te mpe ra ture ra ng e
thus a llowing for c ommon house hold ite ms to be use d , a nd a n e a sy re a d out
throug h a c olor c ha ng e .

                                                                                                          O ur
       W e - Te st
       O ur la bora tory profe ssiona ls c a n
       a lso d o the te sting for you throug h
       the W e - Te st option. Simply se nd us
                                                          (C C V), Le ttuc e C hlorosis Virus
                                                          (LC V), Toba c c o M osa ic Virus (TM V),
                                                          G ol. spa d ic e us, G ol. a mbrosia e ,
                                                                                                          Produc ts
       the pla nt sa mple s a nd we will g ive            G ol. C ic hora c e a rum, B ot. c ine re a ,   Ve rne B ioa na lytic s is re volutionizing the c a nna bis/ he mp
       you pre c ise q ua ntita tive re sults             B ot. fuc ke lia na , Fus. oxysporum f. sp.     ind ustry with a n e a sy- to- use , fa st, a d ministe re d with your
       within the spa n of thre e d a ys.                 C a nna bis, Fus. oxysporum f. sp.              own ha nd s, hig h- q ua lity pla nt g e ne tic or pa thog e n te sting
       At Ve rne , we a re c onsta ntly                   va sinfe c tum. O ur c urre nt te sting         kit: i- Te st. Alte rna tive ly, pla nt ma te ria l c a n be se nt to us for
       e xpa nd ing       our     g e ne tic     a nd     c a pa bilitie s a llow for g e nd e r          te sting throug h W E- Te st or othe r la bs c a n ord e r our te st
       pa thog e n       te sting     c a pa bilitie s.   te sting , a nd TH C a a nd C B Da              kits. Ve rne 's g oa l is to he lp the world ’s sma lle st to the
       C urre ntly, our full pa ne l pa thog e n          syntha se d e te c tion. Allowing the           la rg e st fa rme rs with the ir risk, prod uc tivity, a nd bottom line .
       te st c a n d e te c t up to 11 pa thog e ns       a bility to d e te c t ma le s or only          Ad d itiona lly, we provid e c onsulting se rvic e s in the fie ld of
       inc lud ing :    H ops La te nt Viroid             pla nts tha t c a n prod uc e the               biote c hnolog y, pha rma c e utic a l re se a rc h a nd d e ve lopme nt,
       (H plvd ), C a nna bis C ryptic Virus              c a nna binoid d e sire d .                     a nd g e ne tic sc ie nc e .

  i- TEST: you c a n te st,
  W E- TEST: w e w ill te st rne bio.c om
 114 Ple a sa nt Stre e t, Southbrid g e , M A
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Cinderella 99 XX
             Cinderella Pineapple XX
              Cinderella Purple XX

             Durban Thai x C99 XX
               Durban Nights XX

                    Apollo XX
                 G13 GENIUS XX
                 Space Queen XX

                Rosetta Stone XX
                Princess Haze XX

                 Grimm Glue XX         All seeds are certified
                                        free of HLV and other
               Grimm Truffles XX       harmful viroids. Ask us

                                              about our

                Grimm Mints XX         commitment to clean
                                             seed stock.
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