Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy

Page created by Juan Haynes
Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
Neovasc Inc.
    Corporate Strategy

Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
Forward Looking Statements
This presentation contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws that may not be based on historical fact. When
used herein, the words "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "should", "intend," "believe", and similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may involve, but
are not limited to, the nature of the target population for the Reducer and Tiara, the nature of the safety and efficacy and safety data of the Reducer and Tiara, Neovasc Inc.’s (the “Company”) value creation strategies, the
Company’s plans respecting the use of cash and expenses, the Company’s targeting of CE Mark Decision under EU Medical Device Regulation for the Tiara TA, the intimation of a U.S. IDE Study, the Company’s plans to
pause Tiara TF related activity, the Company’s targeting of new proposed ICD-10 diagnosis codes and new APC code, the expected outcomes of international reimbursement review decisions and the timing thereof, the
Company’s plans to expand direct sales force and the timing thereof, the promising nature of Tiara TA results, the design and details of the COSIRA II trial and the timing thereof, the nature and size of the mitral regurgitation
market, the expected timing of EU regulatory decision on Tiara TA, the expected approval of the Reducer in Brazil and Latin America and the timing thereof, the expected timing of the Reducer COSMIA data readout, the
expectation of FDA approval for the Reducer and the timing thereof, the assumption of commercial partnership with respect to the Tiara TA, revenue projections for the Tiara and the Reducer and the projections of market
potential, risks, timelines and costs of the Reducer, Tiara TA and Tiara TF programs. Many factors and assumptions could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those
expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, the doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern; risks related to the recent COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak or other
health epidemics, which could significantly impact the Company's operations, sales or ability to raise capital or enroll patients in clinical trials and complete certain Tiara development milestones on the Company's expected
schedule; risks relating to the Company's need for significant additional future capital and the Company's ability to raise additional funding; risks relating to the sale of a significant number of Common Shares; risks relating to
the possibility that the Company's common shares (the "Common Shares") may be delisted from the Nasdaq or the TSX, which could affect their market price and liquidity; risks relating to the Company’s conclusion that it did
have effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2020 but not at December 31, 2019 and 2018; risks relating to the Common Share price being volatile; risks relating to the possibility that the
Common Shares may be delisted from the Nasdaq or the TSX, which could affect their market price and liquidity; risks relating to the Company's significant indebtedness, and its effect on the Company's financial condition;
risks relating to lawsuits that the Company is subject to, which could divert the Company's resources and result in the payment of significant damages and other remedies; risks relating to claims by third-parties alleging
infringement of their intellectual property rights; risks relating to the Company's ability to establish, maintain and defend intellectual property rights in the Company's products; risks relating to results from clinical trials of the
Company's products, which may be unfavorable or perceived as unfavorable; the Company's history of losses and significant accumulated deficit; risks associated with product liability claims, insurance and recalls; risks
relating to use of the Company's products in unapproved circumstances, which could expose the Company to liabilities; risks relating to competition in the medical device industry, including the risk that one or more
competitors may develop more effective or more affordable products; risks relating to the Company's ability to achieve or maintain expected levels of market acceptance for the Company's products, as well as the Company's
ability to successfully build its in-house sales capabilities or secure third-party marketing or distribution partners; risks relating to the Company's ability to convince public payors and hospitals to include the Company's
products on their approved products lists; risks relating to new legislation, new regulatory requirements and the efforts of governmental and third-party payors to contain or reduce the costs of healthcare; risks relating to
increased regulation, enforcement and inspections of participants in the medical device industry, including frequent government investigations into marketing and other business practices; risks relating to the extensive
regulation of the Company's products and trials by governmental authorities, as well as the cost and time delays associated therewith; risks relating to post-market regulation of the Company's products; risks relating to health
and safety concerns associated with the Company's products and industry; risks relating to the Company's manufacturing operations, including the regulation of the Company's manufacturing processes by governmental
authorities and the availability of two critical components of the Reducer; risks relating to the possibility of animal disease associated with the use of the Company's products; risks relating to the manufacturing capacity of
third-party manufacturers for the Company's products, including risks of supply interruptions impacting the Company's ability to manufacture its own products; risks relating to the Company's dependence on limited products
for substantially all of the Company's current revenues; risks relating to the Company's exposure to adverse movements in foreign currency exchange rates; risks relating to the possibility that the Company could lose its
foreign private issuer status under U.S. federal securities laws; risks relating to the possibility that the Company could be treated as a "passive foreign investment company"; risks relating to breaches of anti-bribery laws by
the Company's employees or agents; risks relating to future changes in financial accounting standards and new accounting pronouncements; risks relating to the Company's dependence upon key personnel to achieve its
business objectives; risks relating to the Company's ability to maintain strong relationships with physicians; risks relating to the sufficiency of the Company's management systems and resources in periods of significant
growth; risks relating to consolidation in the health care industry, including the downward pressure on product pricing and the growing need to be selected by larger customers in order to make sales to their members or
participants; risks relating to the Company's ability to successfully identify and complete corporate transactions on favorable terms or achieve anticipated synergies relating to any acquisitions or alliances; risks relating to
conflicts of interests among the Company's officers and directors as a result of their involvement with other issuers; and risks relating to anti-takeover provisions in the Company's constating documents which could
discourage a third-party from making a takeover bid beneficial to the Company's shareholders. These risk factors and others relating to the Company are discussed in greater detail in the "Risk Factors" section of the
Company's Annual Information Form and in the ff Discussion and Analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2021 (copies of which may be obtained at or The Company has no intention
and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements beyond required periodic filings with securities regulators, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as
required by law.

Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
Neovasc Core Products
    Neovasc Reducer™ device for minimally                                                                         Tiara™ mitral valve replacement for
    invasive treatment of refractory angina                                                                       minimally invasive treatment of mitral valve

        •        NEJM COSIRA Sham-controlled RCT1                                                                 •      Over 5 Million patients in both the U.S. and
        •        Initiating COSIRA-II Trial                                                                              E.U. suffer from mitral regurgitation3,4
        •        FDA Breakthrough Medical Device Designation                                                      •      Tiara TA – Targeting CE Mark Decision under
                                                                                                                         EU Medical Device Regulation
        •        Included in ESC Guidelines2
    1N      Engl J Med 2015; 372:519-527
    2 European Heart Journal 2020; 41:407-477
    3 Neovasc Market Model, Data on File

3   4   Asgar et al. Secondary Mitral Regurgitation in Heart Failure. JACC 2015;65:1231-48

                                      Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
Focused Execution To Increase Shareholder Value

Reducer Market Development
   • Working to Grow Revenue in Existing and New Geographies
   • Pushing to Expand Reimbursement
   • Initiating U.S. IDE Study: COSIRA-II

Tiara TA Mitral Valve Program
    • Targeting CE Mark Decision for Tiara TA under Medical Device Regulation
    • Pausing Tiara TF Related Activity

Improved Cash Flow
   • Focusing on Optimal Use of Cash Following $72M Capital Raise
   • Reducing Expenses

4   .
          Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
Refractory Angina: An Underserved Market

•       Chronic, refractory angina (RA) pectoris affects millions of patients worldwide and represents a
        potential multi-billion-dollar opportunity1
•       Over 2 Million angiograms per year in both the U.S. and E.U.1
             •        Over 500,000 patients per year in each market present with Angina with Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery
                      Disease (ANOCA)1,2

•       Over 1.2 Million PCI/CABG procedures per year in the U.S. and E.U.1
             •        Over 250,000 patients, already revascularized (PCI or CABG) continue to experience angina, even with
                      contemporary stents or bypass surgery1,3

•       Refractory angina is an expensive, often debilitating condition and both patients and
        physicians are looking for new alternatives

1. Neovasc Market Model, Data on File
2. Patel, M. N Engl J Med 2010; 362:886-895
3. Abdallah, M. Syntax Trial, J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:2039-50

                                                                  Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
Clinical Study Showed Reducer Improves Symptoms in
Refractory Angina Patients

                  CCS: 4 Classes of Angina: I Angina only with strenuous exertion, II With moderate exertion, III With mild exertion, IV With any activity or at rest
     N Engl J Med 2015; 372:519-527

                                                           Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
REDUCER-I: Real World Clinical Trial Results

                           Primary Endpoint: Reduction in CCS Grade
                                                                      ≥1 Grade                 ≥2 Grade
                         100                                                                                                  81.0%
                                                                         79.3%                                    76.9%
                                                  74.1%                                          70.6%
                          80   70.2%
                          70                                                                                                      38.1%
          Patients (%)

                          60                                                                                          38.5%
                          50                                                                              33.8%

                          40                                27.2%                   28.4%
                                 6 Mo                 12 Mo                   24 Mo                    36 Mo        48 Mo       60 Mo
                                 N=198                N=158                   N=116                    N=68         N=39        N=21

      Includes data through analysis lock on 13 August 2020 and is 79% monitored; on file at Neovasc

                                                      Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
REDUCER-I Reduction in Emergency Visits
     Number of Documented Emergency Department Visits Due to Angina in the Past 12 Months

      1 Based  on Subjects with Baseline and 12 Month Visits; excluding one subject with 15 ED visits at baseline,
      patients act as their own control in matched analysis
        Data are presented as % (n/N)
        Data are presented as mean ± SD (N) [min, max]
      4 Based on a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test

      Includes data through analysis lock on 13 August 2020 and is 79% monitored; on file at Neovasc
                                                                             Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy
Exercise Tolerance Test in COSIRA

    N Engl J Med 2015; 372:519-527 Appendix

                                              Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Neovasc Inc. Corporate Strategy

COronary SInus Reducer for Refractory Angina II

     Design: Sham-Controlled, Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Trial
     Patient Population:
        • Patients with CCS Class III & IV Angina despite guideline directed maximal medical therapy
        • Evidence of reversible ischemia on non-invasive testing
        • Ineligible for conventional revascularization procedures (PCI or CABG)
     Sample Size = ~380
     Number of Centers = ~30
     Primary Endpoint = Change in Exercise Tolerance Testing Time via Modified Bruce Protocol
     Principal Investigators: Gregg Stone, M.D., Tim Henry, M.D.

                                       Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
COSIRA-II Executive Steering Committee

     Gregg W. Stone, MD             Tim Henry, MD                                     Marc Jolicoeur, MD            Allen Jeremias, MD
     Director of Academic Affairs   Medical Director, The Carl                        MD Associate Professor of     Associate Director, Cardiac
     for the Mount Sinai Heart      and Edyth Lindner Center                          Medicine Universite de        Catheterization Laboratory
     Health System                  for Research and Education                        Montréal                      Director, Interventional
     Professor of Medicine          The Carl and Edyth Lindner                        Interventional Cardiologist   Cardiology Research
     (Cardiology)                   Family Distinguished Chair                        CHUM                          St. Francis Hospital
     Professor of Population        in Clinical Research                              Montreal, Canada              The Heart Center
     Health Sciences and Policy     Director of Programmatic                                                        Roslyn, NY
     The Zena and Michael A.        and Network Development
     Wiener Cardiovascular          Christ Hospital
     Institute                      Cincinnati, OH
     Icahn School of Medicine at
     Mount Sinai
     New York, NY

                                             Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
COSIRA-II Trial Additional Information

• Primary Safety Endpoint: composite of death, myocardial infarction (MI), pericardial effusion
  requiring surgical or percutaneous intervention, device embolization, or BARC 3 or 5 bleeding within
  12 months post-procedure
• Key Secondary Endpoints
     • Improvement by ≥1 CCS angina grade at 6 months
     • Improvement by ≥2 CCS angina grades at 6 months
     • Change in Angina Stability domain score from the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) at 6 months
• Two imaging sub-studies
   • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Ischemia: to assess transmural perfusion, subendocardial
     defects and improvement in absolute flow
         • University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
     • Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA): to assess Reducer position/migration, patency,
       neointima, lumen diameter, and fracture
         • MedStar Health Research Institute, Inc
     • Additional core labs for: Angiography and Exercise Tolerance

                                        Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Reducer U.S. Reimbursement

• Issued New ICD-10 Procedure Code Effective October 2021
     • X2V73Q7 Restriction of Coronary Sinus with Reduction Device,
       Percutaneous Approach, New Technology Group 7
• Issued New MS-DRG Codes – Effective October 2021
     • MS-DRG 228, Other Cardiothoracic Procedures with
       MCC,  2022 Proposed Average Payment Rate $35,260
     • MS-DRG 229, Other Cardiothoracic Procedures without MCC,
       2022 Proposed Average Payment Rate $22,760
• CMS Proposed New Tech Add-On Payment by CMS, May 2021
     • $9,750 Add-on (65% of $15,000 Expected ASP) pending FDA
     • Neovasc withdrew application while pursuing FDA Approval
• Targeting New Proposed ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes
     • Refractory Angina Codes Targeted for October 2022
• Targeting New APC Code

                                           Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
International Reimbursement Targets

         NUB Status 1 for 2021
         Targeting ZE Full National Coverage – Decision expected 2H 2021
     United Kingdom
         NICE Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee (IPAC) review ongoing
         Included on High-Cost Tariff Excluded Devices (HCTED) list beginning 2H 2021
         HAS Review underway for National Coverage – Decision expected 2H 2021

         ZIN Review underway for National Coverage – Decision expected 1H 2022

                             Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Planning for Direct Sales Force Expansion
                     Today         2021                          2022                   2023            2024

     France 2

                                                                                      Expansions planned assuming
     U.K. 1                                                                           positive reimbursement
                                                                                      developments in targeted markets
     France 2
     Germany 1
     Belgium 1
     Netherlands 1

     Germany 3

                             Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Microvascular Disease May Be an Emerging Target for
• Coronary Microvascular Disease
  may represent an emerging
  frontier for Reducer
• Case reports suggest potential
  for positive outcomes with
• Numerous investigational
  studies underway
         • University of Mainz
         • Mayo Clinic

Image from Taqueti et al, Coronary Microvascular Disease Pathogenic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Options: JACC State-of-the-Art Review, Volume
72, Issue 21, 27 November 2018, Pages 2625-2641

                                                                                         Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Tiara: Mitral Regurgitation is an Underserved Market

    •         Over 5 Million patients in both the U.S. and E.U. suffer from mitral
    •         Anticipate $2B+ market by 20231
    •         Prognosis is poor for patients with undertreated mitral regurgitation
    •         Vast majority of patients with MR do not get adequate treatment due to
              complexity of disease and device solutions
    •         There is no single approach that can treat all patients
    •         TA initial results promising

1 Neovasc    Market Model, Data on File
2   Asgar et al. Secondary Mitral Regurgitation in Heart Failure. JACC 2015;65:1231-48

17                                                                        Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography
Poor Prognosis for Patients with Functional MR

                                                                                                                                                    5 yr survival for
                                                                                                                                                    secondary (functional)
                                                                                                                                                    mitral regurgitation
                                                                                                                                                    is 46%

     Dziadzko V et al. Outcomes and undertreatment of mitral regurgitation: a community cohort study. Lancet 2018;391:960-9 Observed-Survival in patients with MR

18                                                                   Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography
Traditional Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery has High
Morbidity and Mortality

 Low-, Moderate- and High-risk categorized patients
Chancellor WZ, Hunter Mehaffey J, Clark SA, et al. Outcomes of surgical mitral valve replacement: A benchmark to assess transcatheter technologies. J Card Surg. 2020;1–5.

19                                                                     Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography
Tiara TA Procedural Outcomes

                                                          Successful                               Successful           of Emergency
                           Absence of
                                                       Access, Delivery,                          Deployment                Surgery/
          Study            Procedural
                                                         and Retrieval                            and Correct           Reintervention
                                                      of Delivery System                       Positioning of Valve   Related to Device or
                                                                                                                       Access Procedure
                           100% (83/83)                      99% (82/83)                              93% (77/83)         93% (77/83)
                           100% (27/27)                    100% (27/27)                               93% (25/27)         89% (24/27)
                           100% (34/34)                      97% (33/34)                              91% (31/34)         94% (32/34)
Compassionate Use
                           100% (22/22)                    100% (22/22)                               96% (21/22)         96% (21/22)

Data cut-off 12 Nov 2020

                                   Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography
Tiara TA Mitral Valve Insufficiency Over Time
                          100%                        3.8%                           4.7%
                                                                     1.9%                                       13.9%                        10.7%
                          90%                                5.8%                    9.3%                                                                   16.7%

% of Implanted Patients

                          50%                                                                                                                                        100.0%
                                                             88.5%                  86.0%                       86.1%                        89.3%
                          40%                                                                                                                               83.3%

                                    Baseline N=61         Day 10/                  30 Day                      90 Day                     180 Day          1 Year    2 Year
                                                      Discharge N=52                N=43                        N=36                       N=28            N=24       N=9
                                                      None/Trace         Mild         Moderate            Moderate/Severe                  Severe    Not Evaluated
                           Data cut-off 12 Nov 2020
                                                                      Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography
NYHA Improvement for TIARA-I and TIARA-II

                          100%             3.2%        3.8%                 2.4%                                                               7.4%
                                                                                                                               12.9%                    15.4%
% of Implanted Patients

                           60%                         69.2%                                                                                  66.7%
                                          82.0%                                                                                64.5%                    61.5%
                           30%                                            38.1%
                                                       23.1%                                                                                  25.9%
                           10%                                                                       17.9%                     22.6%                    23.1%
                                          14.8%                           11.9%
                            0%                         3.8%
                                    Baseline N=61     Day 10/           30 Days                   90 Days                  180 Days           1 Year   2 Years
                                                     Discharge           N=42                      N=39                      N=31             N=27      N=13
                                                                     Class I         Class II         Class III         Class IV

                          Data cut-off 12 Nov 2020
                                                                 Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography
Tiara TA Status

• Targeting CE Mark Decision under the European Medical Device Regulation
  (EU MDR)
• Discussing MDR Transition with Notified Body
• Additional Finite Element Analysis (FEA) work underway to characterize
  device performance over time
• Additional fatigue testing required to validate device durability
• Clinical results to date suggest strong device performance in vivo
• Targeting 2H 2022 for EU regulatory decision

                          Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography
Value Creation Milestone Objectives

                         2021                          2022                          2023                         2024                         2025

                       Reducer U.K.             Reducer Germany NUB 1         Reducer COSIRA II              Reducer COSIRA II
                      Reimbursement                  and ZE Full                                                                           Reducer FDA Approval
                                                                             Enrollment Completion             Data Readout
                                                Reimbursement Decision                                                                           Decision

                      Reducer France               Reducer France
                  Reimbursement Decision          Direct Sales Force

                    Reducer COSIMA 1st             Reducer Brazil /          Reducer COSIMA Data
                     Patient Enrollment             Latin America                  Readout
                                                  Approval Decision

                   Reducer COSIRA II 1st
                    Patient Enrollment

                                                  Tiara TA CE Mark

               Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Neovasc Investment Highlights

Two Unique Products for Large, Underserved Patient Populations
   • Reducer – refractory angina
   • Tiara – mitral valve replacement

Three-Pronged Value Creation Strategy in Place
   • Expanding adoption and reimbursement of Reducer in Europe
   • Initiating U.S. IDE study for Reducer in US and Canada
   • Targeting CE Mark decision for Tiara TA under Medical Device Regulation

Multi-year Cash Runway and Falling Cash Outflows
   • Focusing on optimal use of cash following $72M capital raise
   • Rationalizing expenses

          Tiara is an Investigational Device not currently approved in any geography Reducer is not available for sale in the United States
Thank You

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