Natural Leaders We proudly present CWF's Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021 - Canadian Wildlife Federation

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Natural Leaders We proudly present CWF's Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021 - Canadian Wildlife Federation
             We proudly present CWF’s Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021


                                                                                                                         Water keeper Autumn Peltier,

                                                                                                                         this year's recipient of CWF's


                                                                                                                         Youth Conservation Award

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Natural Leaders We proudly present CWF's Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021 - Canadian Wildlife Federation
Youth Mentor Award
                                                                                              This award honours an individual or group that
                                                                                              has made a significant contribution in creating or
                                                                                              presenting programs that introduce youth to the
                                                                                              importance of conservation, habitat and wildlife.

                                                                                              REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN

                                                                                                     n times of crisis and stress, often
                                                                                                     it is the simplest things that offer
                                                                                                     the greatest relief. Canadians have
                                                                                              rediscovered this during the past 18 months
                                                                                              of repeated lockdowns and constant worry.
                                                                                              Seeking respite in nature in record numbers,
                                                                                              people in Canada went outdoors to breathe
            Wade Luzny Youth Conservation Award                                               a little easier, to socialize (distanced) and
            This award was renamed in honour of CWF’s much-admired executive director         just to get a break.
            who died in 2016. It recognizes Canadian youth who have undertaken wildlife or        In Regina, Shannon Chernick had
            habitat conservation projects and activities that have helped make a difference   just been hired as the youth engagement
            to the environment.                                                               coordinator at Nature Regina when the
                                                                                              COVID-19 crisis began. She knew first-hand
                                                                                              the effect of school closures and the
                                                                                              isolation, boredom and restlessness that

            Autumn Peltier                                                                    resulted. Inspired by her two young sons
                                                                                              and their excitement at being outdoors,
            OTTAWA                                                                            she recognized the need to create engaging
                                                                                              outdoor programming for homebound

                                                                                              young people and their families. For the
                           ater activist Autumn Peltier is from the Wikwemikong               summer, she developed a program called
                           First Nation on Manitoulin Island and of Ojibway and Odawa         Wandering Wednesdays, offering weekly
                           heritage. She lives in Ottawa, where she attends high school.      adventure and activity guides linked to
            In the last five years, Autumn Peltier has travelled across the country and       Regina’s conservation areas and parks.
            internationally to talk about the importance of clean water. Since 2016,          These self-guided family activities proved
            when she told the prime minister she was disappointed in him and gave             to be very popular. Building on that success,
            a speech saying it was time to stop “terrorizing Mother Earth and give her        with the return of school in September                                                  IN HER WORDS
            time to heal,” she has been named by the Assembly of First Nations as             2020, Chernick worked with Nature
                                                                                                                                                                                     Growing up, exploring in nature
            a water protector, was a keynote speaker for World Water Week in Stock-           Saskatchewan and SaskOutdoors to start
                                                                                                                                                                                     provided me with a safe place
            holm, Sweden, and has addressed the United Nations General Assembly               Get Outside! Kids Club. Each week at
                                                                                                                                                                                     to go, be myself and experience
            and the World Economic Forum. In 2019, at age 16, she appeared on the             a different greenspace around Regina,
                                                                                                                                                                                     quiet and calm. I have always
            BBC’s annual list of 100 most influential women. She was the only                 facilitators and volunteers lead children
                                                                                                                                                                                     appreciated the restorative
            Canadian on the list.                                                             and families through educational games,                                                experience of spending time
                The source spring of Peltier’s passion should be well known to                activities and knowledge-sharing focused                                               outside. I believe strongly in
            Canadians: as of March 2021, there were at least 58 outstanding water             on species of plants and animals in the                                                providing opportunities for all
            advisories affecting 38 First Nations communities. Some have not had              area. In the constrained and dreary days of                                            youth to experience their local
            clean, running drinking water for more than two decades. In Canadian              COVID-19 lockdowns, these programs were                                                environment, no matter where
                                                                                                                                                   KATHERINE TAKPANNIE.

            Geographic magazine recently, Peltier recalled at age 8 saying, “There’s          popular because they offered a few hours of                                            they live — city or country. It
            kids my age and younger not knowing what it’s like to drink clean water           togetherness and fun outdoors, to everyone                                             builds resilience in young people
            from a tap,” and deciding she had to do something about it. Ever since            from children aged 6 to 12 and their siblings
                                                                                                                                                                          DANE ROY

                                                                                                                                                                                     to have positive experiences in
            then, she has.                                                                    to caregivers, parents and grandparents.                                               nature from an early age.

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Natural Leaders We proudly present CWF's Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021 - Canadian Wildlife Federation
Past Presidents’ Canadian Legislator Award
                                                                                                                                              The Past Presidents’ Canadian Legislator
                                                                                                                                              Award was established in 1988 by former
                                                                                                                                              Canadian Wildlife Federation leaders. This
                                                                                                                                              award is presented annually to an elected
                                                                                                                                              provincial, territorial or federal legislator
                                                                                                                                              in recognition of a significant contribution
                                                                                                                                              to the conservation of wildlife in Canada.

                                                          Wild Educator Award
                                                                                                                                              ELM CREEK, MANITOBA
                                                          Established in 2015, this award honours an exceptional WILD Education facilitator
                                                          or instructor who has provided innovative and meaningful experiences for youth

                                                          that focus on wildlife and the building of a conservation ethic.                            irst elected as the MLA for
                                                                                                                                                      the Manitoba constituency
                                                                                                                                                      of Midland in 2007, Blaine

                                                          Leah Japp                                                                           Pedersen is now Minister of Agricul-
                                                                                                                                              ture and Resource Development.
                                                                                                                                                  Thirty years a farmer and long an
                                                          BETHUNE, SASKATCHEWAN
                                                                                                                                              avid outdoorsman, he has been active

                                                                                                                                              in nature his whole life. Since taking
                                                                     ow do you encourage teachers to offer outdoor play and                   on the Agriculture and Resource
                                                                     discovery during a pandemic? Well, it’s not easy. As we                  Development portfolio in 2019, Min.
                                                                     learned in the past year, school closures, lockdowns and                 Pedersen has undertaken several key
                                                          orders to isolate make it very difficult indeed.                                    initiatives, each of which should
                                                              For Leah Japp, general manager of SaskOutdoors, an organiza-                    show conservation benefits lasting
                                                          tion promoting and facilitating outdoor learning and environmental                  for generations. These include
                                                          stewardship among Saskatchewan teachers, school administrators,                     promoting three recently established
                                                          parents and students, it meant doing things differently. As a trained               trusts with investments totalling
                                                          WILD Education facilitator, Japp has been promoting Project WILD                    more than $200 million in endow-
                                                          and Below Zero for more than five years, working with innumerable                   ments to generate ongoing funding for
                                                          K-12 teachers and other educators around the province through                       conservation projects. His department
                                                          in-person workshops and toolkits to help them connect youth to                      is also piloting reforms to the funding
     My motivation for this work                          nature and grow their conservation ethic.                                           and operation of Manitoba’s Wildlife
     comes from seeing the profound                           When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, Japp                            Management Areas. Further, since
     positive effect outdoor and                          recognized the challenge but refused to let the cancellation of                     Manitoba is “the land of 100,000
     environmental education — and,                       all in-person opportunities stop her. Instead, she embraced the                     lakes,” Min. Pedersen has introduced
     more generally, time outdoors                        challenges presented by the pandemic by adapting her environ-                       significant reforms to the regulations
     — can have on people of all                          mental education work for a remote, online learning environ-                        governing the province’s sizable
     ages. From an education per-                         ment. Working collaboratively with CWF staff, Japp was the first                    commercial fishery and recently
     spective, I really value how it                      WILD Education facilitator in the country to develop and pilot an                   launched a new strategy to modern-
     draws on multiple different ways                     online Project WILD workshop. According to those who worked                         ize angling regulations and be a leader
     of knowing and being and how                         closely with her, it was her plucky pioneering spirit, creativity                   in recreational fisheries management.
     people who don’t necessarily                         and enduring optimism that enabled her to reimagine and then                        Working closely with stakeholder
     excel in a classroom environ-                        retool CWF’s WILD Education program to meet a sudden need for                       groups, Min. Pedersen’s stated aim
     ment can shine when you take
                                                          activities that could be done online, outdoors and in physically                    is to make Manitoba’s among the
                                               DANE ROY

     them outdoors.
                                                          distanced classrooms.                                                               most sustainable freshwater fisheries

                                                                                                                                              in North America and a popular
                                                                                                                                              destination for outdoor recreation.

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Natural Leaders We proudly present CWF's Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021 - Canadian Wildlife Federation
Roland Michener Conservation Award
            This award was established in 1978 by the Canadian
            Wildlife Federation as a tribute to former governor
            general Roland Michener (1900-1991). An outstanding
            outdoorsperson and role model for a generation, he
            served as an honorary president of the CWF. The award
            is presented to an individual or organization demon-
            strating a commitment to conservation through
            responsible activities that promote, enhance and further
            the conservation of Canada’s natural resources.

           Fred Cheverie
            SOURIS, P.E.I.

                      fter a 30-year career as an admired
                      teacher, during which time he
                      fostered a love of nature in a great
            many of his students, Fred Cheverie didn’t
            retire and dedicate himself to his golf game.
            He got to work. First, he turned his consider-
            able energy and personal drive to a local
            conservation effort. That grew into him
            becoming watershed coordinator of the
            Souris and area branch of the P.E.I. Wildlife
            Federation, a fledgling group Cheverie helped
            transform from two summers-only staff to
            a thriving and influential organization with
            major funding and four full-time and many
            part-time employees planning and carrying
            out innovative agricultural programs,
            in-stream and shoreline work and securing
            land for conservation. What’s more, thanks to
            the organization’s example and inspiration,
            watershed groups supported by public funding
            now lead conservation efforts across the entire
            province. Not surprisingly, Cheverie served on
            the board of the movement’s umbrella group,
            the P.E.I. Watershed Alliance. That was only
            the beginning. Since then, Cheverie has made
            a meaningful contribution to wildlife in P.E.I.,
                                                                                        IN HIS WORDS
            from Irish moss to Atlantic salmon, from
            stewarding a local creek to supporting the                                 There are significant connections
            creation of the Basin Head Marine Protected                                we all make in life — family, friends.
            Area by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.                                       Connection to the natural world
                Among the important and lasting contribu-                              around us is one I value just as
            tions noted by his nominators, Cheverie, ever                              much. To take time immersing
            the teacher, has through the years brought                                 yourself in nature, listening to the
            many conservationists together with scientists                             trickling brook, the birds, the leaves,
            and researchers, creating links, advancing                                 and enjoying the beauty it has to
            projects and even launching several conserva-                              offer, that is time well spent. It is
            tion careers. Thanks to his “no-nonsense, ‘let’s                           both physical and mental. Volunteer
            get it done’ approach,” one nominator said,                                with your local watershed or
                                                                       SEAN BERRIGAN

            Cheverie “has influenced the entire evolution                              conservation group and ask lots
            of conservation and stewardship on P.E.I.”                                 of questions — they need you.

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Natural Leaders We proudly present CWF's Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021 - Canadian Wildlife Federation
                                                                                                                     Roderick Haig-Brown Award
   I have always lived near                                                                                          Presented to an individual or group who has made a significant
   the North Saskatchewan                                                                                            contribution to furthering the sport of angling and the conservation,
   River. My late father instilled                                                                                   development and wise use of Canada’s recreational fisheries.
   in me a love of the land
   and especially the river.

   A trapper, hunter and canoeist
   throughout his lifetime, he
   taught me to see and
   experience the land from his
   Métis value system, to be                                                                                         Conservation
   curious and observe the
   patterns and laws of nature.
   I find inspiration in these
                                                                                                                     TRURO, NOVA SCOTIA
   natural patterns in my own
   artistic practice. He taught

   me that nature is so wise                                   Robert Bateman Award
   and has many answers if we                                                                                                  efore European contact, the Mi’kmaw peoples thrived
                                                               In commemoration of its 50th anniversary and in
   listen and observe. It is my                                                                                                throughout the Fundy watershed, nature’s resources
                                                               salute to an extraordinary artist and nature lover,
   Métis heritage that has kept                                the Canadian Wildlife Federation established this               and waterways providing all their necessities of life,
   me connected to the land                                    award to recognize those who, through artistic        for which the people felt great thanks. Today, there exists
   emotionally, mentally,                                      expression, have furthered the awareness of and       still a spiritual and respectful connection between the Mi’kmaq
   spiritually and physically. As                              appreciation for Canada’s wildlife and habitats and   who live there and their natural environment.
   an artist, I see Mother Earth                               their conservation.                                       The mission of the Mi’kmaw Conservation Group is to
   as an amazing artist who does                                                                                     “promote and restore the concept of Netukulimk in the Bay
   the work of our Creator.                                                                                          of Fundy watershed.” Netukulimk can be interpreted as the
                                                                                                                     philosophy of sustaining yourself and your community with

                                                               Leah Dorion                                           the fruits of the Earth while also conserving them for future
                                                                                                                     generations. The group’s work includes hosting multistake-
                                                               PRINCE ALBERT, SASKATCHEWAN                           holder symposiums on marine policy and running grassroots
                                                                                                                     conservation projects on the Minas Basin, the Shubenacadie

                                                                                                                     River, the Stewiacke River and multiple rivers in Pictou County.
                                                                        eah Dorion is a Métis artist                 This is in addition to the extensive coastline work on the tidal
                                                                        born and raised in Saskatchewan.             barriers on the Bay of Fundy recognized by this award.
                                                                        A painter, filmmaker and writer,                 The Bay of Fundy area, of course, is famous for the
                                                               she is also a teacher and mentor to other             tidal effects on the long shallow ocean bay. This Mi’kmaw
                                                               artists. She has written everything from              Conservation Group project focuses on restoring vital tidal
                                                               research papers for the Royal Commission              shorelines and clearing innumerable barriers — culverts,
                                                               on Aboriginal Peoples to children’s books             dykes, collapsed roadways — that impede ecologically
                                                               to video documentaries that showcase                  essential tidal flow from reaching upstream to nourish the
                                                               Métis culture and history.                            salt marsh habitat that’s beneficial for birds, fish and
                                                                   In her paintings, Dorion speaks to                humans. This project is focused on creating restoration plans
                                                               the spiritual strength of Indigenous                  for 10 such barriers on the Bay of Fundy and completing the
                                                               women, often emphasizing the key role                 first restoration.
                                                               women play in passing on vital knowledge                  The Mi’kmaw Conservation Group is a program of
                                                               in every culture, especially given that               the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia,
                                                               women are often the first teachers of the             a tribal council and non-profit established in 1986 that assists
                                                               next generation. She describes her work               its eight member communities in advancing “initiatives
                                                               as “elemental,” often representing nature             toward self-determination and enhancement of community.”
                                                               and air, earth, fire and water in brightly            It does so by delivering community programs and advisory
                                                               coloured, boldly patterned canvasses.                 services with uniquely Mi’kmaw perspectives, such as the
                                                               Nature and animals feature heavily in all             Mi’kmaw Conservation Group. The group is also a member
                                                               her works. Her vivid and inspiring work               of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Atlantic Aboriginal aquatic
                                                               can be seen at As artist-in-           resource and oceans management program.
                                                               residence at the Mann Art Gallery in Prince
                                                               Albert, she mentored youth and collabor-
                                            TENILLE CAMPBELL

                                                               ated with several young artists in the

                                                               creation of five outdoor installations over
                                                               the summer of 2020.

Natural Leaders We proudly present CWF's Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021 - Canadian Wildlife Federation

   I didn’t get really interested in
   nature until I was older. After my
   first meeting, I felt like I had met
   so many kindred spirits. There
   have been so many people since
   then who have inspired me,
   starting with David Suzuki and
   Jane Goodall. She once said,
   “The greatest danger to our
   future is apathy.” So speak up,
   get involved, plant native flora.
   Do whatever it takes to make
   this planet a green and healthy
   place to live.

                Stan Hodgkiss Outdoorsperson of the Year Award
                Since 1975, the Outdoorsperson of the Year Award has been presented to a Canadian who has demonstrated an active
                and enduring commitment to conservation. The award is named in honour of CWF’s founding president, Stan Hodgkiss.

                Marcie Jacklin

                              ore than 30 years ago, Marcie Jacklin was                 conservation organizations including the Bert Miller
                              introduced to birdwatching. So began a                    Nature Club, Niagara Falls Nature Club, Peninsula Field
                              heartfelt embrace of birds and their conserva-            Naturalists, Buffalo Ornithological Society and Ontario
                tion. It led to a passionate commitment to protecting and               Field Ornithologists.
                preserving all wildlife and the landscapes they need to                     As a passionate and informed advocate for nature and
                thrive. Since then, she has gone on to inspire countless                its conservation, Jacklin has spearheaded community
                others in Ontario’s Niagara Region and beyond.                          action in defence of precious natural spaces under threat
                   Jacklin was a longtime librarian at Brock University                 of development and has played an important role on the
                and a founding member of the Environmental Sustain-                     Niagara Region’s biodiversity and climate action commit-
                ability Research Centre there. A tireless and avid citizen              tee, working to conserve and protect some of the last
                scientist, she has participated in countless bird counts                intact Carolinian forest in the area. Jacklin has co-auth-
                                                                                                                                                     CALLUM PINKNEY

                and surveys, all while mentoring and inspiring less                     ored numerous articles and publications. She’s currently
                experienced participants. She has also taken on active                  the Niagara regional coordinator for the third Ontario
                leadership roles on the boards of local and regional                    Breeding Bird Atlas.

Natural Leaders We proudly present CWF's Conservation Achievement Awards Recipients for 2021 - Canadian Wildlife Federation
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