Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad

Page created by Peter Armstrong
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad


       South Africa


sikhula sonke
growing together


Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic has posed an enormous challenge
                                                             for people, communities, governments and companies worldwide. For the
                                                             projects partnered with GHV, the challenge has been even bigger. Under-
                                                             staffed and underfunded under normal circumstances, some projects have
                                                             been left with no other choice than to close. Other projects have tempo-
                                                             rarily closed; some are operational but have had no volunteers to assist
                                                             them for many months now.

                                                             At Good Hope Volunteers, we see opportunity in every challenge and are
    looking to those resilient projects that are still operating, projects that have adjusted their operations to be able to function
    despite the pandemic. These projects are waiting for international volunteers to return as soon as international travel regula-
    tion allow.

    In our 2021 portfolio, we present these projects to you. Most of them are available now, though some will only resume
    operations later in 2021. So, whenever you are ready to travel again and to start the journey of your lifetime, Good Hope
    Volunteers is ready to support you realising your dreams.

    We have 25 years of experience in bringing young international travellers to South Africa and 11 years of experience in
    sending volunteers to projects. As a local provider, we pride ourselves on being involved with and knowing all our projects

    We look forward to getting to know you and to supporting you through this experience.

    Yours sincerely,

    Wolfgang Graser                           Alexander Kratochwil

    Join us and become a Good Hope Volunteer
    Be passionate about a cause                                              We come highly recommended
    All of our projects provide services vital to the communities and        For over 20 years, the Good Hope brand has been creating experi-
    the environment in which they are based. Volunteers play an              ences and supporting students and volunteers from all over the
    integral part in the services offered, and your help is needed! A        world. We have been actively involved in changing the lives of
    portion of your fee goes towards the upliftment of the community         thousands of students embarking on the adventure of a lifetime
    or project you work at as well as your passion to serve, so you get      through meaningful travel in southern Africa. Read through some
    to leave Africa knowing you have made a difference!                      of our many testimonials to see for yourself!

    Anyone can get involved                                                  We offer a wide variety of project options
    We have selected and developed projects located in environments          We offer projects in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. The ex-
    that are suited to all, whether you are a tourist, a solo traveller, a   periences range from community-driven social projects to those
    student, or coming as a family. We offer everything from budget          that focus on environmental and conservation initiatives. Wherever
    experiences to premium projects. All you need in order to apply is       your passions lie, Good Hope Volunteers will match you up with
    a good command of the English language and be at least 18 years          the right project at a fair cost.
    of age. Our projects attract volunteers from dozens of different
    countries, allowing you to make life-long friends from across the        We are passionate about volunteering
                                                                             We are an experienced and motivated team with years of practice
                                                                             operating and travelling throughout southern Africa. We are small
    We will find the right project for you                                   and flexible enough to meet your personal needs but also large
                                                                             enough to offer you a full range of support services. We will be on
    Applying to Good Hope Volunteers is free! Allow us to walk you
                                                                             hand to help you every step of the way, from visas to airport trans-
    through our application process to best determine which projects
                                                                             fers, accommodation options to advice and around-the-clock
    will be most suitable for your goals and needs.
2                                                                            on-the-ground support.
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
Social volunteering
      Caring for the Elderly                          Community Children’s Project                              Hout Bay Children’s

Cape Town, South Africa                               near Plettenberg Bay, South Africa                 Hout Bay near Cape Town, South Africa
from 18 years                       from 2 weeks      from 18 years               from 2 - 12 weeks      from 18 years                  from 4 weeks
your impact:                        all year round    your impact:               mid Jan to mid Dec      your impact:                      Feb to Nov
This organisation aims to provide all its residents   Work in a rural township community on the Gar-     This project caters for the children in a develop-
with the highest standard of care and nursing         den Route where you will support children from     ing community near Hout Bay. As a volunteer,
within a homely environment, and to promote           the ages of 2 to 6. Volunteers provide basic day   you spend mornings caring for young children
quality of life, the maintenance of independ-         care and assistance with daily developmental       while their parents are at work. Afternoons are
ence, and the preservation of dignity. Volunteers     programmes. This project requires lots of hands-   spent in an aftercare programme that assists
work with residents who come from all walks           on work, both in the classroom and outdoors.       older children with their homework and creative
of life and socioeconomic backgrounds. Tasks                                                             activities once school has finished. Meals are
include playing games, instruments, etc.                                                                 also provided daily for all the children.

                                                                                                           Jeffrey’s Bay Kindergarten

                                                                                                         Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa
                                                                                                         from 18 years                     from 4 weeks
                                                                                                         your impact:                during school terms
                                                                                                         The project centres around a nursery school for
                                                                                                         disadvantaged children. The project provides ed-
                                                                                                         ucation and stimulation and relies on basic aids
                                                                                                         to teach the children and provide an educational
                                                                                                         experience for them. Located in Jeffrey’s Bay,
                                                                                                         you will have the opportunity to have fun on the
                                                                                                         beach and enjoy surfing in your spare time.

 Nyanga Upliftment Project                                   Protecting Children                                         Safe Haven

Cape Town, South Africa                               Plettenberg Bay, South Africa                      Cape Town, South Africa
from 18 years                 from 2 - 12 weeks       from 21 years                   from 2 weeks       from 18 years                        from 2 weeks
your impact:                 mid Jan to mid Dec       your impact:               mid Jan to mid Dec      your impact:                         all year round
Volunteers joining this multipurpose facility can     Caring and loving volunteers help the staff at     This organization supports children and their
assist with education and social welfare pro-         this unique organisation empower vulnerable        immediate family in a dignified and compassion-
grammes as well as outreach work focused on           children, who were potential or actual street      ate manner and also provides a safe haven for
health and economic development by support-           children. The focus is to provide quality edu-     abandoned and abused children. Volunteers join
ing mainly children and women. Tasks include          cation and developmental programmes so that        a variety of projects supported by the organiza-
helping in the kitchen, gardening, playing and        children reach their full potential and grow to    tion during their experience. For this project it is
more. This project is set in Nyanga, a township       become leaders in their communities.               important to be flexible and take initiative.
in Cape Town where the need is great.
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
Social volunteering
      Special Needs Care Centre                                       Teaching Centre                                        Urban Farming

    Cape Town, South Africa                                Cape Town, South Africa                               Cape Town, South Africa
    from 18 years                        from 2 weeks      from 18 years                        from 2 weeks     from 18 years                       from 2 weeks
    your impact:                         all year round    your impact:                         specific dates   your impact:                        all year round

    This centre exists for a small number of the many      This is an early intervention literacy programme.     This unique urban farming project will allow you
    marginalized people in the Cape community and          It supports children who are at risk in learning      to experience sustainable farming, education,
    provides specialized care for 90 profoundly intel-     to read. To do this, the programme focuses on         and health promotion. The project encourages
    lectually and physically disabled citizens. Partici-   language enrichment, offering extra help and          change in the way the public sees food produc-
    pate in group and stimulation activities, help with    remedial assistance to children. This project runs    tion and purchasing and also teaches the com-
    meals and organise events. Make a real difference      during school hours but volunteers can choose         munity where our food really comes from, and
    in the life of someone who needs it most!              to assist directly in the school as well.             how it can benefit the families that live here.

    Combine volunteering with a language course
                                                           When you volunteer, it is essential that you          is situated in the leafy residential area of
                                                           are able to communicate clearly with your             Newlands and the other is in the vibrant
                                                           supervisor, colleagues and the people you             city centre on a pedestrian walkway.
                                                           are helping. A good command of English is
                                                           therefore required for all projects.                  We offer short-term and long-term
                                                                                                                 programmes for General English as well
                                                           If you need to brush up on your English               as exam preparation courses, business
                                                           skills, add a language course before you              courses and a teacher training centre.
                                                           start volunteering. Doing this will also give
                                                           you a chance to get accustomed to the                 Our school is well-known for the profes-
                                                           country before you start at your project.             sional yet relaxed environment in which
                                                                                                                 learning is both challenging and fun.
                                                           Our sister company, Good Hope Studies,                Students from up to 50 different countries
                                                           operates an English language school from              benefit from our courses each year.
                                                           two campuses in Cape Town: one campus

    Our story
    In 1994, Wolfgang Graser and Alexander                 impact and do change people’s lives on a              of Cape Town. With her passion for com-
    Kratochwil moved from their home in                    daily basis. What they need, though, are              munities, animals and the environment, she
    Vienna to the beautiful city of Cape Town.             volunteers who share their passion to help            has developed Good Hope Volunteers to a
    They quickly fell in love with this vibrant            and who want to make a difference.                    top service provider in this field.
    city and its friendly, smiling people. They
    first opened an English language school                In 2009 we started to supply some of these            It is our passion for positively impacting
    for foreign tourists to learn English, but             organisations with international volunteers.          both South Africa and the international
    soon they discovered that behind the shiny             What we specifically loved was not only               travellers that pushes us daily to provide
    places there are enormous problems and                 to seeing these organisations thrive with             the best possible meaningful experience
    challenges that this country faces for his-            the volunteers, but also noticing how the             for our volunteers, while supporting our
    toric reasons. They met with organisations             volunteers themselves benefit hugely from             projects with what they need to do their
    that assist government in the struggle for a           the experience.                                       jobs and to grow into a brighter future.
    better life and a better environment.
                                                           In 2016, Vanessa Randon joined us to de-              Today we support around 40 projects in
    When you see what these organisations                  velop Good Hope Volunteers into a larger              southern Africa. If you are looking for a life-
    do, it’s not difficult to feel moved and share         and more professional organisation. She               changing experience, then allow us to as-
    in their desire to help. They can’t solve all          holds an undergraduate degree in Marine               sist you in finding the most suitable project
4   problems overnight, but they do make an                Biology and a postgraduate degree in                  on our website and beyond.
                                                           Physical Oceanography from the University
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
Conservation volunteering
      African Cat Sanctuary                                       African Horizon                               Centre for Endangered

Standford, South Africa                              Thornhill, South Africa                               closest town: Hoedspruit, South Africa
from 18 years                        2 - 12 weeks    from 17 years                       from 2 weeks      from 18 years                          3 weeks
your impact:                        all year round   your impact:                        all year round    your impact:                    specific dates

This sanctuary creates a safe and secure home        Most animals brought here are either orphaned         This facility is dedicated to the survival of rare,
for captive-bred big cats and raises awareness       baby animals or seriously injured adults who          vulnerable and endangered species, particularly
about the ethical and holistic treatment of ani-     will be cared for at the sanctuary for a lifetime.    rhinos and cheetahs. The programme aims
mals. This 40-hectare paradise provides a beau-      Where possible, they are released back into their     to equip volunteers with the ability to actively
tiful home for the animals, and volunteers are       natural habitat. Situated on the Garden Route,        participate in the conservation of wildlife in the
involved in their day-to-day care and protection     the project is well located for exploring this        Kruger National Park area. Some days will be set
as well as the education of the public.              unique terrain or doing a variety of sports in your   aside for included excursions.
                                                     free time.

   Domestic Animal Shelter                           Game Reserve Conservation                                      The Forgotten Five

Hout Bay near Cape Town, South Africa                Mossel Bay, South Africa                              Outjo, Namibia
from 18 years                  from 2 weeks          from 18 years                      from 2 weeks       from 18 years                         from 2 weeks
your impact:                  all year round         your impact:                  mid Jan to mid Dec      your impact:                          all year round
This centre is a pro-life, nonprofit organisa-       This project aims to return this land along the       This organization specializes in research, rescue,
tion whose core aim is to rescue, rehabilitate,      beautiful Garden Route to its natural state and       rehabilitation, and release of animals. Their primary
re-unite and re-home lost, abandoned, abused         ensure a self-sustaining, functional ecosystem        focus is the “Forgotten Five” which are the cape
and neglected dogs and cats. Volunteers make         by rehabilitating agricultural land, expanding the    griffon vulture, cape pangolin, Damara dik-dik,
a marked difference to the lives of the animals      reserve, and creating community awareness.            spotted rubber frog, and dwarf python. However,
here and need to have patience and a deep love       Volunteers take part in research on various wild-     they will accept any animal indigenous to Namibia
for the work they will do.                           life species and essential hands-on conservation      that needs help. The goal is to always rehabilitate
                                                     work.                                                 and release these animals where possible.

      Wildlife Conservation                                                                                   Wildlife Research Project

closest town: Windhoek, Namibia                                                                            Mossel Bay, South Africa
from 18 years                   2 - 12 weeks                                                               from 18 years                       from 2 weeks
your impact:                   all year round                                                              your impact:                   mid Jan to mid Dec
This project provides a safe haven for orphaned                                                            This programme provides a great opportunity to
and injured African wildlife. Efforts are directed                                                         get involved in the conservation and sustainabil-
to long-term rehabilitation. Volunteers play an                                                            ity of African wildlife and ecosystems. Not only
important role in caring for and feeding animals                                                           are volunteers directly involved in protecting
as well as helping with daily tasks at the sanctu-                                                         and studying African wildlife and ecosystems but
ary. This may be combined with supporting San                                                              they also undergo educational sessions where
children at a local school.                                                                                the focus is on teaching the bigger picture.
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
Combined social & conservation volunteering
     Cape Nature Conservation                               Community & Wilderness                               Conservation & Community

    Muizenberg, South Africa                             Tuli Block, Botswana                                   Paterson, South Africa
    from 18 years                       from 2 weeks     from 18 years                       4 - 12 weeks       from 17 years                          2 - 8 weeks
    your impact:                        all year round   your impact:                  mid Jan to mid Dec       your impact:                        all year round
    Volunteer at a reserve that aims to promote the      This is a unique project that focuses on building      This project offers a rare opportunity to combine
    conservation of the indigenous fauna and flora       relationships between communities, families,           community development and environmental
    of the Zandvlei wetland in Muizenberg. The           and the animals and owners of game reserves in         protection. Volunteers will work directly with
    programme is very broad and every day will be        rural Botswana. It also offers support pro-            children from a local care facility as well as
    filled with a new adventure. Interact with people    grammes and educational outreach activities in         support environmental conservation efforts on a
    from across Africa and make a difference in the      the hopes of bridging the delicate gap between         working game reserve.
    conservation of the reserve.                         all members of this unique environment.

           Ocean Conservation                                                                                   Ms Vanessa Randon, Product and Sales
                                                                                                                Manager at Good Hope Volunteers:
                                                                                                                “Ever since I was a little girl I have loved this
                                                                                                                country, my home, our people, and have
                                                                                                                always had a desperate passion for the en-
                                                                                                                vironment. As I grew older, and trav- elled
                                                                                                                more of Africa, I realised that I had a unique
                                                                                                                responsibility to share my love and passion
                                                                                                                with as many people as I possibly could. I
                                                                                                                truly believe that each and every person has
    Plettenberg Bay, South Africa                                                                               a chance to make a difference to our world,
    from 17 years                    from 2 weeks                                                               and we have the opportunity to initiate a
    your impact:               mid Jan to mid Nov
                                                                                                                positive change in our lives. I care deeply
    This foundation is dedicated to the conserva-                                                               about every volunteer experi- ence and
    tion of the marine environment in South Africa                                                              believe that what Good Hope Volunteers
    through research, willingness to help, and                                                                  does is remarkable. I am privi- leged to be a
    dedication. You can make a real change for the                                                              part of this team, and hope more and more
                                                                                                                people come to Africa, to learn, grow and
    future of South Africa’s beautiful coastline and
                                                                                                                discover who they are and what they are
    at the same time enjoy seeing whales, dolphins,
                                                                                                                capable of.”
    seals and seabirds in their natural habitat.

    Farm stays                                                                                                  Medical volunteering
    Family Dairy Farm Experience                              Wine Farm Experience                                          Medical Project

    near Plettenberg Bay, South Africa                   near Plettenberg Bay, South Africa                     Omaheke region, eastern Namibia
    from 18 years                      2 - 12 weeks      from 18 years                      2 - 12 weeks        from 18 years                   2 - 12 weeks
                                     all year round                                       all year round        your impact:             mid Jan to mid Dec
    The farm is a family-run dairy farm that has         This farm is a family-run boutique wine estate         The project is committed to improving the lives
    successfully grown from its original mixed-          that has successfully grown in size and reputation     of the San community through education, health
    agriculture and milk production activities to a      since 2008. They also assist the historically disad-   care and improved living conditions. You will
    highly popular farmstall and coffee shop offering    vantaged local community by constantly helping         assist the clinic staff in providing primary health-
    a wide assortment of produce for retail and          community members to participate in the local          care to locals. The project is a great choice for
    in-house consumption, plus an established hor-       economy. Volunteers are involved in both wine
6                                                                                                               volunteers with an interest in health care, com-
    ticultural seedling and plant retail nursery.        production and community outreach activities.          munity service, nutrition and medicine.
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
     Horse Trail Experience                                    Scuba Diving Conservation                                             Shark Project

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa                                Sodwana Bay, South Africa                                 Near Gansbaai, South Africa
from 18 years                       from 3 weeks             from 18 years                        2 - 12 weeks         from 18 years                          from 2 weeks
                                    all year round                                                  Jan to Nov                                                all year round
These beautiful animals have spent the majority              Those who can’t dive will have a dive course              An ocean-based project which aims to unite
of their lives in cruel and unjust hands. Now they           first. Volunteers dive every day during the week          scientific research and public participation in the
are able to spend the remainder of their time in             in the morning, collecting photographic data on           protection of South Africa’s great white shark.
peace along the Garden Route. A magical pro-                 turtles, mantas, whales and ragged-tooth sharks.          Volunteers are primarily here to work closely
ject for all horse and animals lovers. No previous           Later in the day, the collected data is entered           with sharks and tourists. In doing so, they in-
experience is necessary. Enjoy this unique way               into database. For marine research efforts, ma-           crease awareness of these wonderful creatures.
to see this part of South Africa on horseback.               rine lectures provide a deeper insight on ocean           You get involved in ocean conservation, shark
                                                             conservation.                                             wound healing, tagging and tracking.

                                                        The Fogotten
                                                                         Medical Project

                                Wildlife                               Community & Wilderness                    Centre for
                                Conservation                                        Outreach                     Endangered

                                                                                                                              Scuba Diving
                                                                                                                              Conservation Project

                                                                             Conservation &

                                     African Cat
                                     Shark Project

                    Cape Town
   Special Needs
     Care Centre
  Urban Farming
       Teaching                                Caring for
         Centre                                the Elderly
                                                                                              Game Reserve

                         NEWLANDS                                                                                                       African
                                                Safe Haven

                    Domestic Animal                  Nyanga Upliftment
                    Shelter                                    Project

                                                                                                                 Community                    Jeffrey’s Bay
                                                                                              Wildlife           Children’s Project
                                                                                              Research                                        Kindergarten
                    Hout Bay                                                                                     Horse Trail
                    Children’s                                                                Project
                                                Cape Nature                                                      Ocean Conservation
                                                Conservation                                                     Family Dairy Farm
                                                                                                                 Protecting Children
                                                                                                                 Wine Farm Experience                                          7
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
Good Hope Volunteers © 2020

                              Agency Stamp
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
Price List 2021                                                                                                                                                                   GOOD

All projects include: booking fee, project placement, orientation at the project and a welcome pack.                                                                              HOPE
Visa courier fee: € 80 (only applicable if you need to apply for a visa).
Alteration fee after arrival: € 30
Not included: any local or international flighs, travel insurance, medical insurance, visa costs where applicable, leisure activities, any items of
personal nature.
Public holidays: 1 Jan, 22 Mar, 2 Apr, 5 Apr, 27 Apr, 1 May, 16 June, 9 Aug, 24 Sept, 16 Dec, 25 Dec and 27 Dec 2021.


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 Social volunteering






                                                                                                                                                    2 weeks        4 weeks         8 weeks        week


                                      Volunteer House (twin room,
 Caring for the Elderly               self-catering)
                                                                               Thu     Sat        X       P     X     P      X       [1]   € 130                  temporarily closed

 Community                            Backpackers (shared room,
                                                                               Sun     Sun        P       P     P     P      P       X     € 130     € 1.019        € 1.536       € 2.570          € 259
 Children’s Project
 Hout Bay Children’s                  Backpackers
                                      (dorm, self-catering)
                                                                               Sat     Sat        P       P     X     P      P       X     € 182         x          € 1.085       € 1.824          € 185
                                      Project accommodation
 Jeffrey’s Bay
                                      (shared room, breakfast and              Sun     Sun        P       P     P     P      X      [4]      X           x          € 1.573       € 2.684          € 278
 Kindergarten                         dinner)

 Nyanga Upliftment                    Volunteer House (twin room,
                                                                               Thu     Sat        P       P     X     P      X       [1]   € 130    € 1.042         € 1.602       € 2.722          € 280
 Protecting                           Backpackers (shared room,
                                                                               Sun     Sun        P       P     P     P      P       X     € 130     € 1.019        € 1.536       € 2.570          € 259
                                      Volunteer House (twin room,
 Safe Haven                           self-catering)
                                                                               Thu     Sat        P       P     X     P      X       [1]   € 130      € 952         € 1.422       € 2.362          € 235

 Special Needs Care                   Volunteer House (twin room,
                                                                               Thu     Sat        P       P     X     P      X       [1]   € 130                  temporarily closed
                                      Volunteer House (twin room,
 Teaching Centre                      self-catering)
                                                                               Thu     Sat        X       P     X     P      X       [1]   € 130                  temporarily closed
                                      Volunteer House (twin room,
 Urban Farming                        self-catering)
                                                                               Thu     Sat        X       P     X     P      X       [1]   € 130      € 842         € 1.202       € 1.922          € 180

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                                                                                                                            (se dry


 Conservation volunteering









                                                                                                                                                    2 weeks        4 weeks         8 weeks        week

                                      Project accommodation (twin
 African Cat
                                      room, breakfast (self-service),          Sat     Sat        P       P     P     X      P      [5]      X       € 1.357        € 2.190       € 3.679          € 431
 Sanctuary                            lunch & dinner (self-catering)

                                      Project accommodation
 African Horizon                      (dorm, full-board)
                                                                               Mon     Mon        X       P     P     X      X       X       X        € 792         € 1.224       € 2.089          € 216

 Centre for Endangered                Project accommodation                                                                                                        € 2.220
                                      (twin room, full-board)
                                                                               Tue     Mon        P       P     P     P      P      [6]      X      € 1.560                           x                   x
 Species                                                                                                                                                            (3 weeks)

 Domestic Animal Shelter              (dorm, self-catering)
                                                                               Sat     Sat        P       P     X     P      P       X     € 130                  temporarily closed

 Game Reserve Conser-                 Project accommodation (dorm,
                                                                               Sun     Sat        P       P     P     P      P       X       X                    temporarily closed
                                      Project accommodation (dorm,
 Ocean Conservation                   self-catering, food provided)
                                                                               Mon     Mon        P       P     P     P      P      [2]      X       € 1.350        € 2.251       € 4.055          € 451
                                      Project accommodation
 Wildlife Conservation                (twin room, full-board)
                                                                               Mon     Mon        P       P     P     X      P      [12]     X       € 1.316       € 2.392        € 4.231          € 538
                                      Project accommodation
 Wildlife Research
                                      (dorm, breakfast, lunch (Mon -           Sat     Sat        P       P     P     P      X       [3]     X       € 1.363        € 2.413       € 4.513          € 525
 Project                              Fri) & dinners (self-catering)

* The Donation will be added where applicable.
[1] T-shirt, one full-day excursion, weekly site visits by our coordinator, one social activity per month, participation in our language school’s activity programme (extra charges may apply),
     24 hour emergency number, a certificate. Refundable deposit: ZAR 1.500 or € 100, payable on the first day to cover key rentals, breakage or house rule offenses. Will be refunded on the last day.
[2] T-shirt, cap.
[3] Research equipment, conservation fees, guided research and management activities.
[4] Shopping shuttle twice a week.
[5] One transfer per week for grocery shopping and one to an activity.
[6] Transport to Hoedspruit once a week, a visit to a cultural village and/or a rural school, a day trip to the Kinyonga Reptile Centre, full day trip to Kruger National Park.
English & volunteering: Deduct € 160 from the volunteering fee if you combine volunteering with an English course. Available for Caring for the Elderly, Nyanga Upliftment Project, Safe Haven,
Special Needs Care Centre and Urban Farming.
[12] T-shirt.
Volunteering - GOOD - Work Abroad
Price List 2021
 All projects include: booking fee, project placement, orientation at the project and a welcome pack.
 Visa courier fee: US$ 90 (only applicable if you need to apply for a visa).
 Alteration fee after arrival: US$ 35
 Not included: any local or international flighs, travel insurance, medical insurance, visa costs where applicable, leisure activities, any items of
 personal nature.
 Public holidays: 1 Jan, 22 Mar, 2 Apr, 5 Apr, 27 Apr, 1 May, 16 June, 9 Aug, 24 Sept, 16 Dec, 25 Dec and 27 Dec 2021.


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                                                                                                                               (se dry

 Social & conservation









                                                                                                                                                      2 weeks        4 weeks          8 weeks        week

 Cape Nature                          Volunteer House (twin room,
                                                                                 Thu      Sat        X       P      X     P      X     [1]   € 130                  temporarily closed
 Community &                          Project accommodation                                                                                   € 46
                                                                                Mon     Mon           P      P      P     X      P     [8]
                                                                                                                                              p/w          x          € 1.178        € 1.906         € 182
 Wilderness Outreach
                                      Project accommodation (twin
 Conservation &
                                      room, self-catering, food                 Mon     Mon           P      P      P     P      P     [9]     X       € 1.274        € 2.196        € 4.040        € 461
 Community                            provided)                                                           ure

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                                                                                                                               (se dry









                                                                                                                                                      2 weeks        4 weeks          8 weeks        week

                                      Backpackers (shared room,
 Horse Trail Experience               full-board)
                                                                                 Sun      Sun         P      P      P     P      P     X       X           x          € 1.536        € 2.570        € 259
                                      Bush Camp accommodation
 Scuba Diving Project                 (twin rooms, self-catering, food           Fri      Fri         P      P      P     X      X    [10]     X       € 1.942        € 3.178        € 6.117        € 676

                                      Project accomm. (twin room,
 Shark Project                        breakfast, lunch (when on the             Mon     Mon           P      P      P     P      X    [11]     X       € 1.352        € 2.136        € 3.762        € 407
                                      boat) & dinner (self-catering))

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                                                                                                                                                      2 weeks        4 weeks          8 weeks        week

                                      Project accommodation (twin
 Medical Project                      room, full board)
                                                                                 Sat      Sat         P      P      P     X      P     [7]     X       € 1.316        € 2.392        € 4.231        € 538

 Family Dairy Farm                    Backpackers (shared room,
                                                                                 Sun      Sun         P      P      P     P      P     X       X       € 1.019        € 1.536        € 2.570        € 259
                                      Backpackers (shared room,
 Wine Farm Experience                 full-board)
                                                                                 Sun      Sun         P      P      P     P      P     X       X       € 1.019        € 1.536        € 2.570        € 259

* The Donation will be added where applicable.
[1] T-shirt, one full-day excursion, weekly site visits by our coordinator, one social activity per month, participation in our language school’s activity programme (extra charges may apply),
     24 hour emergency number, a certificate. Refundable deposit: ZAR 1.500 or € 100, payable on the first day to cover key rentals, breakage or house rule offenses. Will be refunded on the last day.
[7] T-shirts.
[8] Town trip once a week to purchase food, a donation towards the project.
[9] One excursion per week including entrance fees.
[10] CMAS One Star or PADI Open Water course (experienced divers can do the Advanced Open Water), 6-7 dives per week (weather dependend), hard gear hire (BCD, regulator, weight belt &
     cylinder), National park fees (excluding weekends), town trip once a week for shopping, marine lectures and certificate
[11] A donation if you stay 4 weeks or longer, two T-shirts, a cap, a jacket (hire), a shark cage dive, presentations and related activities, trips on the boat (weather permitting), transfer to day trips
     on no-sea days, use of bicycles, free entrance to the Two Oceans Aquarium.
    Volunteers stay one night at a backpackers in Cape Town at their own costs to be collected early the next morning. They also need to stay the last night if the flight home leaves before 7pm.
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