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                          2020 Global Campus Switch
            Enabling Technology Leadership Award

                     Huawei CloudEngine S12700E

                                                                 Best Practices
© Frost & Sullivan 2020                1               “We Accelerate Growth”

Background and Company Performance ..............................................................3
      Industry Background .................................................................................3
      Technology Leverage and Customer Impact ..................................................4
      Conclusion ...............................................................................................6
Significance of Enabling Technology Leadership ...................................................6
Understanding Enabling Technology Leadership ...................................................7
      Key Benchmarking Criteria .........................................................................7
Best Practices Award Analysis for Huawei CloudEngine S-series Switches ................8
      Decision Support Scorecard ........................................................................8
      Technology Leverage .................................................................................9
      Customer Impact ......................................................................................9
      Decision Support Matrix ........................................................................... 10
Best Practices Recognition: 10 Steps to Researching, Identifying, and Recognizing Best
Practices ...................................................................................................... 10
The Intersection between 360-Degree Research and Best Practices Awards ........... 12
      Research Methodology ............................................................................. 12
About Frost & Sullivan ................................................................................... 12

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                                        2                            “We Accelerate Growth”

Background and Company Performance
Industry Background
A campus switch is a switch that connects multiple devices on to the same campus network.
Supported by numerous growth drivers such as the increasing complexity of technology and
data, upsurge in AI and cloud technology, growing internet penetration, upsurge in the
Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the arrival of Wi-Fi 6, the market for a forward thinking
campus switch built for the coming Wi-Fi 6 era will be well received and increase significantly.

As the use and application of campus switches will grow rapidly within the next five years, the
Wi-Fi 6 era not only provides opportunities for, but also provides challenges for some campus
switch technologies. In terms of opportunities, factors such as growth in cloud computing,
growth in Wi-Fi technologies, a major upgrade and expansion cycle of data centers, growing
demand for campus gear and the explosive growth in devices connecting to the network such
as Internet of Things (IoT) are expected to significantly contribute to the growth of the global
campus switch market. According to Frost & Sullivan, the number of devices connected to the
Internet worldwide will reach 80 billion in 2025. In terms of challenges, as network connection
are becoming increasingly complicated, over-burdening traffic and low efficiency network
operations will occur. It will be challenging for traditional campus switches to perform
effectively and efficiently in the Wi-Fi 6 era.

The Wi-Fi 6 Era and Wi-Fi 6 Implements
The advent of Wi-Fi 6 era drives campus networks and switches evolution. By delivering four-
fold increases in both user access capacity and service bandwidth, Wi-Fi 6 allows a large
number of users to connect concurrently in high-density Wi-Fi scenarios and ensures good
user experience for applications that require high bandwidth and low latency. In the age of
accelerated technological transformation, Wi-Fi 6 makes it possible for campus networks to
go wireless and opens up new possibilities in scenarios such as intelligent manufacturing,
smart government and AI-powered operations, which will greatly help enterprises improve
operational efficiency. As Wi-Fi 6 greatly improves wireless network performance, wireless
networks will be the preferred access mode for digital campus services in the future. However,
with the growth of user concurrency and single-user bandwidth, traditional campus switches
may face significant challenges in the coming years, such as the unbalanced loads among
switch fabrics and the loss of data packets caused by the congested switching fabric. Thus,
future trends in digital campus services, which include all-wireless access, cloud-based
applications, and intelligent networks, are placing demanding requirements on campus
networks and equipment. In the Wi-Fi 6 era, campus switches must keep up with emerging
technology trends and gain a competitive edge, to help providing high-quality connectivity
that features larger capacity and lower latency.

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                            3                       “We Accelerate Growth”

Growth in Cloud Technologies
The introduction of the cloud computing model is transforming the way of network operation
in campus at an accelerated pace. Cloud computing adoption is expected to rapidly increased
and will continue to be a key trend in the world of campus switches, as it connects billions of
connected devices such as mobile phones, PCs, autonomous vehicles, virtual reality systems,
and others. When increasing amounts of devices are connected to the cloud, the number of
cloud applications will grow increasingly faster than that of non-cloud applications. Moreover,
cloud also delivers on-demand applications and computing resources. Cloud solutions is
delivered over the internet by a third party, but it is also common to see the model applied
within an organization’s data center as a private cloud. Frost & Sullivan estimates that cloud
computing adoption has increased rapidly with cloud-related spending expected to grow over
general IT spending through 2020. Companies of all sizes are increasing their investment in
adopting cloud. With a standardized system configuration and automated IT support
processes can enable enterprises and operators to better manage their infrastructures, cost
savings, and shorten times to market and improve service levels. More applications, spanning
from offices to production lines, will shift from on-premises deployment to cloud deployment,
greatly disrupting the traditional data traffic model of campus networks. Therefore, with the
Wi-Fi 6 and cloud era on the horizon, the demand for brand-new campus switches is expected
to grow significantly.

The AI Implementation
Leveraging AI in the campus switches in a feasible manner is necessary for the high operation
efficiency in the business scenarios and the assurance of customer experience. AI will help
organizations stay ahead of increasing network operation and maintenance requirements.
Implementing AI in campus switches can be beneficial in improving security, optimizing
customer experience, reducing downtimes, and many more. As campus switches may be
prone to cyber threats and network faults, security is the upmost importance for campus
switches. AI based cybersecurity have the ability to detect and analyze incoming and outgoing
data, malware & viruses, and then implement solutions to prevent any potential threats. Also,
AI can be implemented in campus switches for network analysis where the AI can be used for
learning and analyzing network status, testing user experience, detecting network failures
and troubleshooting. Moreover, AI maximize optimization and reduce potential downtimes.
With the implementation of AI in the campus switches, AI can monitor network performance,
network congestions, and predict network outages, thus reducing network outage downtimes
while maximizing efficiency in campus. Thus, campus switches may utilize AI to catch up with
emerging technology trends and gain a competitive edge, driving the demand for AI-
implemented campus switches to increase significantly.

Technology Leverage and Customer Impact
In an era of Wi-Fi 6, cloud technology and AI, campus switches have become the cornerstones
for building a service experience-centric campus network. The necessary technological
advancements and performance hardware are critical in keeping up with the pace of the fast-

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                           4                       “We Accelerate Growth”

evolving technology. The CloudEngine S-series Switches are the switches tailored for Wi-Fi 6
era and provide numerous advanced features, including super large capacity, Native AC(built-

in WLAN Access Controller), full programmability, dynamic bandwidth, network virtualization
(VXLAN), ultra-long distance access, and advanced application assurance. Among these series,
the CloudEngine S12700E is the campus core switch and achieves true wired and wireless
convergence, including centralized service forwarding, unified device management, and
converged policy control. Thus, by building an intelligent campus core, the CloudEngine
S12700E helps to create a campus network that improves user experiences, reduces operating
costs, and delivers unmatched security and trustworthiness for a fully connected, wireless era.

The Industry’s Leading Cell Switching Architecture
Designed with an innovative cell switching architecture, CloudEngine S-series Switches
innovatively introduce the cell switching and dynamic load balancing algorithms, achieving
non-blocking, lossless ultrafast traffic forwarding at the campus core and thus providing
intelligent experience assurance. Based on the fully-programmable chips, the CloudEngine S-
series Switches accelerate the provisioning of new services and features through programming
without the need for hardware upgrades, fully protecting customer investments. As the
flagship core switch in Huawei’s CloudEngine S-series Switches portfolio, the CloudEngine
S12700E resolves the congestion and packet loss problems caused by packet switching and
static hashing algorithms when traditional core switches are heavily loaded. With the
industry’s leading high-performance architecture, these feature-rich switches help users
upgrade their traditional campus networks to become service experience-centric, intelligent,
and simplified. Thus, by achieving technology breakthroughs in architectures, Huawei enables
its customers to elevate their operational efficiency and improve their customers’ quality of
experience, resulting in better price/performance and a reduced total cost of ownership.

The Industry’s First Wired and Wireless Convergence
Huawei is the first vendor in the industry to propose and launch wired and wireless
convergence features and solutions that, to date, have been widely used and proven in
medium- and large-sized networks in world-renowned universities, governments, enterprises,
stadiums, and primary/secondary education institutions. The CloudEngine S12700E supports
Native AC (built-in WLAN Access Controller) to manage up to 10K (10,240) WLAN access
points (APs) and 50,000 online users, achieving wired and wireless network/policy
convergence. The CloudEngine S12700E supports the unified user management function that
authenticates both wired and wireless users, ensuring a consistent user experience no matter
whether they are connected to the network through wired and wireless access devices.

The Industry’s Largest Capacity and Innovative Technology
Huawei’s CloudEngine S12700E is the industry’s highest switching capacity with 4.8Tbps per
slot(largest in the industry) and totaled 57.6Tbps per switch, six times of the industry’s
average performance currently. CloudEngine S12700E stands out with the unique innovative
technologies such as iPCA, SVF, eMDI, etc. Huawei's Packet Conservation Algorithm for

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Internet (iPCA) technology implements accurate packet loss monitoring and fast fault location
on IP networks by coloring real service packets and monitoring packet quantities. Moreover,
iPCA supports device-level, link-level and network-level packet loss measurement. Network-
level packet loss measurement can be performed in an end-to-end, hop-by- hop, or regional

Huawei's SVF technology virtualizes core/aggregation devices and access devices (including
access switches for wired access and WLAN APs for wireless access) into one logical device.
The SVF parent (core/aggregation device) manages and configures SVF clients (access
devices), simplifying network management and configuration. Moreover, Cloud Engine
S12700E supports the enhanced Media Delivery Index (eMDI) for audio and video services,
with which the switch can function as a monitored node to periodically conduct statistics and
report audio and video service indicators to the network analysis center and therefore can
efficiently demarcate the audio and video service quality faults based on the results of multiple
monitored nodes. Utilizing the above-mentioned innovative technologies enables the
CloudEngine S-series Switches to save the trouble of laborious configuration on access
switches and allow them to build a network fit into the Wi-Fi 6 era.

Huawei’s CloudEngine S-series Switches help create a campus network that improves user
experiences, reduces operating costs, and delivers unmatched security and trustworthiness
for a fully connected, wireless era. Compared with other campus          switches, Huawei
CloudEngine S-series Switches has distinct advantages of 1)enabling customers head towards
a service experience-centric campus network that is intelligent and simplified, 2) realizing the
true wired and wireless convergence in the industry, and 3) fostering innovation and achieving
breakthroughs in various technologies.

Its commitment to technological leadership and customer-driven innovation earn Huawei’s
CloudEngine S-series Switches the Frost & Sullivan 2020 Global Campus Switch Enabling
Technology Leadership Award.

Significance of Enabling Technology Leadership
Ultimately, growth in any organization depends on customers purchasing from a company and
then making the decision to return time and again. In a sense, then, everything is truly about
the customer. Making customers happy is the cornerstone of any successful, long-term growth
strategy. To achieve these goals through enabling technology leadership, an organization
must be best in class in three key areas: understanding demand, nurturing the brand, and

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                            6                       “We Accelerate Growth”

differentiating from the competition.

Understanding Enabling Technology Leadership
Product quality (driven by innovative technology) is the foundation of delivering customer
value. When complemented by an equally rigorous focus on the customer, companies can
begin to differentiate themselves from the competition. From awareness, to consideration, to
purchase, to follow-up support, organizations that demonstrate best-practice deliver a unique
and enjoyable experience that gives customers confidence in the company, its products, and
its integrity.
Key Benchmarking Criteria
For the Enabling Technology Leadership Award, Frost & Sullivan analysts independently
evaluated Technology Leverage and Customer Impact according to the criteria identified below.
Technology Leverage

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                          7                      “We Accelerate Growth”

Criterion 1: Commitment to Innovation
Criterion 2: Commitment to Creativity
Criterion 3: Stage Gate Efficiency
Criterion 4: Commercialization Success
Criterion 5: Application Diversity
Customer Impact
Criterion 1: Price/Performance Value
Criterion 2: Customer Purchase Experience
Criterion 3: Customer Ownership Experience
Criterion 4: Customer Service Experience
Criterion 5: Brand Equity

Best Practices Award Analysis for Huawei CloudEngine S-
series Switches
Decision Support Scorecard
To support its evaluation of best practices across multiple business performance categories,
Frost & Sullivan employs a customized Decision Support Scorecard. This tool allows our
research and consulting teams to objectively analyze performance, according to the key
benchmarking criteria listed in the previous section, and to assign ratings on that basis. The
tool follows a 10-point scale that allows for nuances in performance evaluation. Ratings
guidelines are illustrated below.

The Decision Support Scorecard is organized by Technology Leverage and Customer
Impact (i.e., These are the overarching categories for all 10 benchmarking criteria; the
definitions for each criterion are provided beneath the scorecard.). The research team
confirms the veracity of this weighted scorecard through sensitivity analysis, which confirms
that small changes to the ratings for a specific criterion do not lead to a significant change in
the overall relative rankings of the companies.
The results of this analysis are shown below. To remain unbiased and to protect the
interests of all organizations reviewed, Frost & Sullivan chooses to refer to the other key
participants as Competitor 2 and Competitor 3.

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                            8                        “We Accelerate Growth”

  Measurement of 1–10 (1 = poor; 10 = excellent)

  Enabling Technology Leadership            Technology Leverage   Customer Impact   Average Rating

  Huawei CloudEngine S-series Switches                      9.7             9.5                 9.6
  Competitor 2                                              9.3              9.1                 9.2
  Competitor 3                                              9.1              8.9                 9.0

Technology Leverage
Criterion 1: Commitment to Innovation
Requirement: Conscious, ongoing adoption of emerging technologies that enables new
product development and enhances product performance

Criterion 2: Commitment to Creativity
Requirement: Technology leveraged to push the limits of form and function in the pursuit
of “white space” innovation

Criterion 3: Stage Gate Efficiency
Requirement: Adoption of technology to enhance the stage gate process for launching new
products and solutions

Criterion 4: Commercialization Success
Requirement: A proven track record of taking new technologies to market with a high rate
of success

Criterion 5: Application Diversity
Requirement: The development and/or integration of technologies that serve multiple
applications and can be embraced in multiple environments

Customer Impact
Criterion 1: Price & Performance Value
Requirement: Products or services offer the best value for the price, compared to similar
offerings in the market.

Criterion 2: Customer Purchase Experience
Requirement: Customers feel they are buying the most optimal solution that addresses both
their unique needs and their unique constraints.

Criterion 3: Customer Ownership Experience
Requirement: Customers are proud to own the company’s product or service and have a
positive experience throughout the life of the product or service.

Criterion 4: Customer Service Experience

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                            9                        “We Accelerate Growth”

Requirement: Customer service is accessible, fast, stress-free, and of high quality.

Criterion 5: Brand Equity
Requirement: Customers have a positive view of the brand and exhibit high brand loyalty.

Decision Support Matrix
Once all companies have been evaluated according to the Decision Support Scorecard,
analysts then position the candidates on the matrix shown below, enabling them to visualize
which companies are truly breakthrough and which ones are not yet operating at best-in-
class levels.

Best Practices Recognition: 10 Steps to Researching,
Identifying, and Recognizing Best Practices
Frost & Sullivan analysts follow a 10-step process to evaluate Award candidates and assess
their fit with select best practice criteria. The reputation and integrity of the Awards are based
on close adherence to this process.
    STEP               OBJECTIVE              KEY ACTIVITIES                       OUTPUT

                       Identify Award recipient • Conduct in-depth industry research Pipeline of candidates who
    Monitor, target,
1 and screen           candidates from around • Identify emerging sectors            potentially meet all best-
                       the globe                • Scan multiple geographies          practice criteria

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                                   10                          “We Accelerate Growth”

                     Perform                • Interview thought leaders and
                     comprehensive,   360- industry practitioners               Matrix positioning of all
     Perform    360-
2    degree research
                     degree research on all • Assess candidates’ fit with best- candidates’      performance
                     candidates   in   the practice criteria                    relative to one another
                     pipeline               • Rank all candidates

     Invite   thought Perform           in-depth • Confirm best-practice criteria
                                                                                          Detailed profiles of all ranked
3 leadership        in examination       of   all • Examine eligibility of all candidates
     best practices    candidates                 • Identify any information gaps

                                                  • Brainstorm ranking options           Final prioritization of all
                       Conduct     an   unbiased
  Initiate research                               • Invite multiple perspectives      on eligible   candidates    and
4 director review evaluation       of         all
                                                  candidates’ performance                companion       best-practice
                    candidate profiles
                                                  • Update candidate profiles            positioning paper
                                               • Share findings
     Assemble panel Present findings to an
                                               • Strengthen cases for          candidate Refined list of prioritized
5    of      industry expert panel of industry
                                               eligibility                               Award candidates
     experts          thought leaders
                                               • Prioritize candidates

                                               • Hold global team meeting to review
                     Build     consensus   on all candidates                        Final list of eligible Award
     Conduct global
6    industry review
                     Award         candidates’ • Pressure-test fit with criteria    candidates,      representing
                     eligibility               • Confirm inclusion of all eligible success stories worldwide
                                             •    Perform     final   performance
                                                                                  High-quality, accurate, and
     Perform quality Develop official Award benchmarking activities
7    check           consideration materials • Write nominations
                                                                                  creative   presentation  of
                                                                                  nominees’ successes
                                             • Perform quality review
     Reconnect    with Finalize the selection of • Review analysis with panel             Decision on which company
8 panel of industry the best-practice Award • Build consensus                             performs best against all
     experts           recipient                 • Select recipient                       best-practice criteria
                                              • Inspire the organization for              Announcement of Award and
     Communicate       Inform Award recipient continued success                           plan for how recipient can
9    recognition       of Award recognition   •     Celebrate   the recipient’s           use the Award to enhance the
                                              performance                                 brand
                      Upon         licensing,
                                              • Coordinate media outreach                 Widespread awareness of
                      company is able to
     Take   strategic                         • Design a marketing plan                   recipient’s   Award   status
10   action
                      share Award news with
                                              • Assess Award’s role in             future among      investors, media
                      stakeholders       and
                                              strategic planning                          personnel, and employees

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                                        11                             “We Accelerate Growth”

The Intersection between 360-Degree Research and
Best Practices Awards
Research Methodology
Frost & Sullivan’s 360-degree research
methodology represents the analytical            360-DEGREE RESEARCH: SEEING
rigor of our research process. It offers a            ORDER IN THE CHAOS
360-degree-view of industry challenges,
trends, and issues by integrating all 7 of
Frost & Sullivan's research methodologies.
Too often companies make important
growth decisions based on a narrow
understanding of their environment,
leading to errors of both omission and
commission. Successful growth strategies
are founded on a thorough understanding
of market, technical, economic, financial,
customer, best practices, and demographic
analyses. The integration of these research
disciplines into the 360-degree research
methodology provides an evaluation
platform    for   benchmarking      industry
participants and for identifying those performing at best-in-class levels.

About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, enables clients to accelerate growth and
achieve best-in-class positions in growth, innovation and leadership. The company's Growth
Partnership Service provides the CEO and the CEO's Growth Team with disciplined research
and best practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful
growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan leverages more than 50 years of experience in partnering
with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses, and the investment community from 45
offices on six continents. To join our Growth Partnership, please visit http://www.frost.com.

© Frost & Sullivan 2020                           12                         “We Accelerate Growth”
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