National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture

Page created by Vivian Webster
National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
Soil Strategy
National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
© Commonwealth of Australia 2021
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Cover images: Oh_Apisit39/,
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RAYphotographer/,                             acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Australia and
GalapagosFrame/, sbayram/                their continuing connection to land, sea environment,
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Cataloguing data                                              Traditional Custodians, their culture, and elders both
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Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment,         capital of Australia.
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                                                              Appropriate consent was gained for the depiction and
ISBN ISBN 978-1-76003-395-8                                   identification of the Noongar Budjar Rangers featured in
                                                              case study 4 of this Strategy.
This publication is available at
                                                              The authors thank interview and survey participants for
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment          their input, the National Soil Strategy Steering Committee
GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601                                 for their invaluable contribution and feedback, as well
Telephone 1800 900 090                                        as contributing authors for their invaluable work on
Web                                                case studies.
National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture

Our vision                                   2    6. Goals and objectives               32

                                                     Guiding principles                  32
1. Executive summary                         4
                                                     Goal 1: Prioritise soil health      34
2. What is soil and why is it important?     6
                                                     Goal 2: Empower soil innovation
  Australia’s soil                           12     and stewards39

  Case study 1: Investment in soil mapping           Goal 3: Strengthen soil knowledge
  and information creates a new agricultural         and capability45
  region and lays a foundation for tackling
                                                   7. How will we get there?             50
  Aboriginal economic disadvantage         14
                                                     The Strategy                        50
3. Australia’s soil needs our help          16
                                                     The Commonwealth Interim Action Plan 50
  Case study 2: Gully remediation reducing
                                                     The National Action Plan            50
  sediment run-off to the Great Barrier Reef 19
                                                     Governance and evaluation            51
  Case study 3: Organic enrichment of soil
  boosts agricultural output at lower cost 22
4. The National Soil Strategy               24
5. The story so far                         26

  Case study 4: Noongar Budjar Rangers
  caring for soil in the WA Wheatbelt       27

  International links and obligations       30

National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
Photo: SBourges/

Our vision
Australia’s soil is recognised and valued as a key
national asset by all stakeholders. It is better understood
and sustainably managed, to benefit and secure our
environment, economy, food, infrastructure, health,
biodiversity, and communities – now and in the future.

National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
Figure 1: From our vision to a National Action Plan

    Our vision: Australia’s soil is recognised and valued as a key national asset by all stakeholders. It is
   better understood and sustainably managed, to benefit and secure our environment, economy, food,
                infrastructure, health, biodiversity, and communities – now and in the future.

                                                  Guiding principles

                                  Collaboration                     Immediate action
                           Science and innovation                Prioritise and integrate
                           Traditional Knowledge                       Tenure-blind
                             Knowledge sharing                   Practical, place-based
                             Future soil security              Knowledge and adaptation

                                       National Soil Strategy 2021–2041

                                              Goals and objectives

 Goal 1: Prioritise soil health           Goal 2: Empower soil                 Goal 3: Strengthen soil
 1a: Recognise the value of soil          innovation and stewards              knowledge and capability

 1b: Strengthen leadership and            2a: Promote soil stewardship         3a: Increase soil knowledge for
 partnerships to address national                                              better decisions
                                          2b: Optimise soil productivity,
 soil priorities                          sustainability and resilience        3b: Measure benefits of
 1c: Advocate the importance                                                   improved soil management
                                          2c: Help protect and enhance
 of soil                                  Australia’s environment through      3c: Make Australian soil
 1d: Improve Australia’s                  effective soil management            information and data available
 international leadership in              2d: Increase and maintain soil       3d: Build and retain diverse
 soil knowledge, awareness                organic carbon                       soil expertise
 and management

                                      Commonwealth Interim Action Plan

                                       National Soil Strategy Action Plan
National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
1. Executive
Healthy soils are central to delivering resilience to climate change
and natural disasters, meeting our emission reduction targets,
growing our agriculture industry, and securing human health,
food and water security, biodiversity and economic growth.

The National Soil Strategy (the Strategy)      The goals and objectives in the Strategy
is a 20-year strategy that sets out how        are aimed at restoring and protecting soil
Australia will value, manage and improve       nationally, by driving collaborative and
its soil. The Strategy has been developed      coordinated on-ground action, research,
in collaboration with state and territory      education, monitoring and governance.
governments, the National Soils Advocate       All levels of government, industry,
and other major stakeholders in soil science   research institutions, private soil science
and land management.                           practitioners and land managers have a role
                                               to play in caring for our soil resources.

National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
Photo: Sally McInnes-Clarke,
NSW Soil Knowledge Network

The Strategy outlines 3 key goals: prioritise       of the Strategy. These actions will meet
soil health, empower soil innovation and            the SMART principles — that is, Specific,
stewards, and strengthen soil knowledge             Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and
and capability.                                     Time‑bound.

By June 2022, the Australian Government             Prior to the release of the Action Plan in
will work with the states and territories to        June 2022, the Australian Government will
develop and release a National Soil Strategy        implement soil-related measures which
Action Plan. The Action Plan will detail specific   contribute to the objectives of the Strategy
actions (programs and activities) required          under a Commonwealth Interim Action Plan.
to achieve the vision, goals and objectives

National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
2. What is soil and
why is it important?
Soil is an integral part of the Australian landscape. It supports us
all, no matter where we live, and provides essential ecosystem
and production services that support and contribute to Australia’s
economic, environmental and social wellbeing.

Australia has some of the most stunning           To demonstrate the value of well-managed
natural landscapes on the planet and is           soil a number of case studies have been
internationally renowned for our high-quality     included throughout this document.
and sustainably produced agriculture.             These case studies highlight some of the
We would have none of these benefits              important work that has been undertaken
without our soil.                                 for many years across Australia, as well as
                                                  exciting innovations and new opportunities
Including the ecosystem services provided
                                                  for soil management in Australia. Look out for
by soil, Australia’s soil provides an estimated
                                                  the CASE STUDY boxes.
value equivalent to roughly $930 billion
per year to the economy (Soil Science
Australia 2019), based on analysis by
McBratney et al. (2017). Through agricultural
production alone, soil directly contributes
approximately $63 billion per year to the
Australian economy (Jackson et al. 2018).

National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
Figure 2: Soil ecosystem and production services

            Air quality                            Soil health impacts dust and volatiles

            Biodiversity                           Microbial, plant and animal biodiversity

            Climate impacts                        Carbon flux and storage, greenhouse gas emissions

                                                   Agricultural productivity, carbon credits,
            Economic value                         circular economy through organic waste
                                                   management, tourism

            Environmental health                   Soil microbes, animal and plant health, waterways,
                                                   threatened species management

                                                   Soil health is linked to nutrition and food security,
            Human health                           contamination, pharmaceuticals and mental,
                                                   respiratory and immune health

 Soils                                             Healthy soils support Indigenous-led threatened
            Indigenous land and                    species and water catchment management,
            water management                       bushfire planning, mitigation and management,
            and cultural activity                  agriculture, archaeology, art, human health,
                                                   ceremonies and connection to Country

                                                   Soil provides physical support for infrastructure;
            Infrastructure                         better soil management can mitigate damage
                                                   from landslides, salinity, acidity and dust storms

                                                   Minerals and energy resource formation,
            Mineral and energy resources
                                                   exploration and remediation

                                                   Soil condition linked to agricultural
            Nutrition, food and fibre security     productivity and nutrient content of food

                                                   Soil management for health of the park,
            National parks

                                                   Soil health influences stormwater run-off,
            Urban living and wellbeing             urban food and gardens, recreational
                                                   amenities, wellbeing

                                                   Soil health impacts nutrient, sediment
            Water quality                          and contaminant run-off, water filtration,
                                                   groundwater storage and flow
National Soil Strategy - Department of Agriculture
Soil formation is a slow and complex process,          plants withstand biotic stresses. The FAO
but degradation can happen swiftly. Soil is            estimates that increasing the adoption of
essentially a non-renewable resource. It is also       sustainable soil management practices
the most complex biological material on the            could increase food production globally by
planet (Young & Crawford 2004) and one of              up to 58% (FAO 2015a).
the most biologically rich and diverse habitats
                                                   •   Water storage, filtration and nutrient
on earth. One teaspoon of soil contains more
                                                       cycling: Healthy landscapes retain water,
living organisms than there are people in the
                                                       sediment and nutrients, which are then
world (FAO 2020).
                                                       available for plants and other living
Soil is the physical, chemical and biological          organisms. As water moves through the
matrix that supports plant growth and                  landscape to rivers, creeks, catchments
provides habitat for a vast number and variety         and underground waterways, soil acts
of soil biota. Soil enables:                           as a natural filter for water by removing
                                                       pollutants from water and retaining
•   Food and fibre production: Soil is key to
                                                       them in the soil matrix. By filtering water
    producing our food and fibre. Almost all of
                                                       and retaining sediment and nutrients,
    what we eat is grown in our soil or fed by
                                                       soil ensures that high-quality water
    what is grown in it. The United Nations Food
                                                       reaches our rivers, lakes and the ocean,
    and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports
                                                       conserving marine and freshwater
    that around 95% of the world’s food comes
                                                       biodiversity. When water flows through soil
    from soil and soil organisms. Carbon cycling
                                                       as it moves across the landscape, the water
    in soil is responsible for making available
                                                       stored in soil increases plant productivity.
    nutrients that support plant growth and help

Photo: Andriy Solovyov/

•   Resilience against the impact of                     Soil is also the source of many vaccines,
    natural disasters: Healthy soils are often           anti-cancer agents and drugs upon
    recognised as being well structured,                 which humans rely, such as antibiotics.
    high in organic matter, well drained,                Low-level exposure to the natural microbial
    sufficient in nutrients, and having good             diversity of healthy soil is also increasingly
    ground cover. These soils are resilient to the       seen as necessary for the priming and
    impacts caused by natural disaster such
                                                         education of the immune system in infants
    as drought, flood and fire. They allow water
                                                         and for maintaining immune fitness into
    to easily infiltrate into their profile and
                                                         adulthood (Roslund et al. 2020; Ottman
    store water for plants during dry periods.
                                                         et al. 2019; Matthews & Jenks 2013).
    They also reduce sediment and nutrient
    movement caused by water and wind.               •   Stable basis for infrastructure: It is
•   Protection and enhancement of the natural            important that we understand the
    environment: Soil underpins a range of               geotechnical properties of soil, so that
    functions critical to environmental health.          we know the soil’s ability to support
    For example, it supports the growth of plant         infrastructure and prevent damage to
    life; stores and filters water; stores and           housing, bridges, roads and other built
    recycles nutrients and waste; aids in                infrastructure from soil degradation
    chemical decomposition; provides habitat             processes (for example, acid sulfate soil,
    for microbial communities; and globally              contamination), and landslides. Soil is also
    stores more organic carbon than the                  the core component of many materials
    atmosphere and vegetation (Schulte                   used for development.
    et al. 2014; Vogel et al. 2018; FAO 2017).       •   Indicators of valuable natural resources:
                                                         Soil chemical and physical properties are
•   Support for human health: The United
                                                         used to explore and detect buried mineral,
    Nations FAO has declared soil nutrition as
                                                         energy and groundwater resources and
    the basis for human nutrition. Soil nutrients
                                                         in some cases form resources in their own
    provide the food needed for plants and               right (for example, residual deposits such
    animals to survive, and these nutrients are          as bauxite). They are also vital for informing
    transferred to humans once consumed.                 any remediation efforts.

•    Maintenance of air quality:                     framework (ABS 2019) which organises
     When landscapes are degraded,                   information to better understand how
     poor ground cover leaves soil exposed           the environment, including soil, and the
     to dust storms through wind erosion.            economy interact.
     These dust storms lead to large quantities
                                                     While more work is needed to better
     of fine particles in the air, which can have
                                                     quantify the value of soil-related services,
     detrimental effects on human health
                                                     the benefits of sustainable soil management
     (Merrifield et al. 2013) and cause a loss       are well understood and far outweigh
     of agricultural productivity (Stefanski &       the costs associated with the impacts of
     Sivakumar 2009) and costly transport            soil degradation. It is also less expensive
     disruptions (Tozer & Leys 2013). They also      to adopt sustainable soil management
     lead to the volatilisation of organic           practices to maintain soil health than to
     chemicals such as pesticides and act as         remediate soil after it has been degraded
     a transport mechanism for sediment and          (Kiri-ganai Research 2012).
     nutrients. Healthy soil with good ground
                                                     To preserve this key natural asset and
     cover and organic matter holds together
                                                     strengthen Australia’s economy, it is vital that
     surface soil particles and therefore builds     we prevent soil degradation by boosting our
     resilience against wind and water erosion.      understanding of how to sustainably manage
                                                     our soils through research, development and
•    Ongoing Indigenous traditions and
                                                     translational science and then support their
     deep cultural relationship with Country:
                                                     appropriate and broad adoption.
     Ochre is derived from natural pigments and
     minerals from soil. It is used in body and      The Strategy, through its application
     rock painting, on artefacts, in traditional     for guiding integrated approaches to
     ceremonies and on communication tools.          land management and planning, will facilitate
     It has been and continues to be an              soil security. Soil security is concerned with
     essential tool for First Nations cultural and   the maintenance and improvement of
     heritage management and celebration.            the global soil resource to produce food,
                                                     fibre and fresh water, contribute to energy
Work is continuing to better quantify in
                                                     and climate sustainability, and maintain the
economic terms the value of all services
                                                     biodiversity and the overall protection of the
that soil provides. For example, the
                                                     ecosystem (McBratney et al. 2014).
Australian Government is working on an
environmental‑economic accounting

Photo: Bedourie dust storm rolling in, December 2014. Maggie Den Rondem, Soil Science Australia.

Australia’s soil
While it is rich in biodiversity, Australian soil is   Australia and its external territories
among the oldest and most nutrient poor in             (for example, Norfolk Island, Australian
the world. This is due mainly to the country’s         Antarctic Territory and Christmas Island)
geological stability — among other things,             have a wide variety of different landscapes,
Australia is characterised by a lack of                climates, soil types and land use histories.
significant seismic activity and other natural         Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate the variability in
processes, such as glaciation, that weather            land use and soil types across the country.
and erode rock and create new soil.

Figure 3: Range of catchment-scale land uses across Australia (ABARES 2021)

Each soil type comes with its own unique          forests of Tasmania and the Great Dividing
characteristics which influence the land          Range. Effective soil and land management is
use and management across the country.            a multifaceted and complex challenge.
While most high-level soil and land
management principles (for example,               To ensure that Australia’s soil is sustainably
maintaining sufficient ground cover to prevent    managed and any downward trends in
erosion) are similar around the world, we         soil health metrics are halted, and where
also need regionally and locally specific         possible, reversed, collaboration will be
approaches to the planning and application of     required across a large range of existing and
strategies and actions in Australia. While some   emerging networks, organisations and land
actions can be taken on a national scale,         managers who have detailed knowledge
with collaboration across different groups,       of the challenges involved — for example,
the implementation will vary — for example,       the Natural Resource Management (NRM)
between the rangelands and deserts of             bodies, Rural Research and Development
northern and western Australia, the cropping      Corporations (RDCs), agricultural industries,
lands of the east and west coasts and the         government agencies, land use planners,
                                                  universities and land managers.

Figure 4: Diversity of soil types across Australia, using broad soil classification boundaries,
noting that soil types vary considerably even at local scales (Department of Agriculture, Water
and the Environment & Australian Collaborative Rangelands Information System 2014)


Case study 1 below highlights the positive outcomes when soil is understood
and mapped at a local scale to inform land use planning that is undertaken
in collaboration between state governments, the agricultural industry and
First Nations Communities.

Investment in soil mapping and information creates
a new agricultural region and lays a foundation for
tackling Aboriginal economic disadvantage

Well-planned new agricultural                         For the last 30 years land use planners and the
                                                      plant industry have been using appropriately
precincts in the Northern
                                                      scaled soil and groundwater assessments
Territory have the potential                          to found and develop one of northern
to grow Australia’s $60 billion                       Australia’s most successful horticultural
agricultural industry in ways that                    regions. In 2015–2016 the 5,360 ha of land
provide a real opportunity to                         under irrigation in Litchfield for agricultural
                                                      and horticultural production1 was valued at
address Aboriginal and regional
                                                      $120 million per year.2
disadvantage while ensuring
protection of key environmental                       Litchfield’s success can be largely attributed to
                                                      high-resolution soil mapping and groundwater
and cultural assets.
                                                      investigations undertaken in the 1980s.
                                                      The estimated $10 million investment to
For decades the Australian and Northern               establish Litchfield’s agricultural industry is
Territory governments have focused on                 now, assuming inflation, returning 12 times that
intensifying agriculture across northern Australia.   original amount annually. This local industry
An example of what can be achieved is the             now employs a workforce of over 600 during
Litchfield municipality just outside Darwin.          peak harvest periods.3

Photo: Detailed soil mapping is providing the
backbone for economic opportunities on Aboriginal Land.
This image shows watermelons being grown under a lease agreement
on Aboriginal Land in Central Australia. Northern Territory Department of
Environment, Parks and Water Security.

Without this strategic approach to soil                        investment on Aboriginal land.
mapping, high-value horticultural land in the                  This work highlights the role high-resolution
Darwin region would not have been identified                   soil mapping can play in supporting
and the land may have been subdivided                          Traditional Owners to make informed
for peri-urban development, leading to a                       development decisions that ultimately will
loss of $120 million to the regional economy.                  benefit both their people and the economy.
Expanding on the successful approach in
                                                               1 S taben, G & Edmeades, B 2017, Northern Territory land
the Darwin region, since 2014 the Northern
                                                                  use mapping for biosecurity 2016, Technical Report
Territory Government has worked in close
                                                                  18/2017D, Department of Environment and Natural
collaboration with the Aboriginal Land                            Resources, Northern Territory Government, Darwin.
Economic Development Agency (ALEDA) to                         2 Northern Territory Farmers Association 2015, Economic
identify highly suitable agricultural soils and                  profile of plant based industries in the Northern Territory,
commercial-scale groundwater resources                           Coolalinga, NT.
                                                               3 NT Farmers 2019, NT plant industries harvest labour
across a number of Aboriginal Land Trusts.4
                                                                  report, Coolalinga, NT.
Established with the support of Traditional
                                                               4B  urgess, J, McGrath, N, Andrews, K & Wright, A 2016,
Owners and the Northern and Central Land                          Agricultural Land Suitability Series, Report 5: Soil and
Councils in the Northern Territory, ALEDA has                     land suitability assessment for irrigated agriculture
used the outcomes of government land and                          in the Ali Curung area, Western Davenport District,
water assessments to prioritise and take the                      Technical Report 16/2016D. Department of Environment
                                                                  and Natural Resources, Northern Territory Government,
necessary steps to coordinate agricultural
                                                                  Darwin, NT.
3. Australia’s
soil needs our help
Since European settlement, human activities have caused or
exacerbated degradation processes in Australia’s soil, leading to
a decline in soil quality and function.

Reduced soil quality and function impacts our      expansion into prime agricultural land and
economy, environment and way of life. The          increased global food and fibre demands.
Process-Factor-Cause Nexus as a driver of soil     The rise of new market forces, the cumulative
degradation is shown in Figure 5.                  impact of climate change and resource
                                                   consumption are all also placing pressure
A changing climate is bringing more frequent
                                                   on our soil and on effective and sustainable
and intense events like drought, bushfires
                                                   soil management. It is important to also
and storms, increasing risks to our soil health.
                                                   recognise the episodic nature of some
These events are increasing soil degradation
                                                   degradation caused by extreme weather
processes such as loss of carbon, changes in
                                                   events and the need to focus more resources
soil biology and soil erosion, causing sediment
                                                   on soil management during particularly
movement and pollution of our air and
                                                   vulnerable times.
water. Land use conflicts are exacerbating
these climatic pressures through both urban

Figure 5: The Process-Factor-Cause Nexus as a driver of soil degradation (adapted from Lal 2015)

                          s   se                                                               Fa
                       ce                                                                           ct


                               Erosion                                             Climate
                          Salinisation                                             Soil type
                       Nutrient depletion               Climate-               Topography
                         Acidification                                       Vegetation cover
                          Biodiversity                                        Socio-political,
                          Fire in the                                         economic and
                         environment                                          ethno-cultural
                                                      degradation                context

                                     Biophysical and                  Natural and
                                     anthropogenic                  socioeconomic
                                      perturbations                   interactions

                                         Climate change
                                             Loss of
                                                              Soil, crop, animal
                                          ground cover
                                            Land use

                                                        C au s es

Historically, both government and the                         and reduced severity of dust storms due to
non-government sector have invested in soil                   increases in ground cover (Guerschman &
management at various levels to address                       Hill 2017, McTainsh et al. 2011). Another example
soil-related threats. There have been notable                 is the significant reduction in the amount
local and regional successes – for example,                   of sediment being released from a local
the reform of acid sulfate soil management                    catchment into the Great Barrier Reef — see
during peat fires in Victoria, the mapping                    case study 2. The success of such actions is
of gully erosion in Sydney’s drinking water                   supported in the Reef Water Quality Report
catchment by the NSW Government to inform                     Card 2019 (2021).
water management in the context of bushfires,
Photos: Sediment-laden waters of the Burdekin River flood plume extend out to Old Reef on the midshelf of the central Great Barrier Reef,
approximately 32 nautical miles (or 60km) offshore. Images by Matt Curnock. Support for the aerial footage was provided by TropWATER
JCU, the Marine Monitoring Program - Inshore Water Quality through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Queensland
Government, the Landholders Driving Change project led by NQ Dry Tropics, CSIRO and the National Environmental Science Program
Tropical Water Quality Hub.


Gully remediation reducing sediment run-off to
the Great Barrier Reef

Sediment run-off presents                    Part of the project was a program
                                             of substantial gully remediation at
a serious threat to the
                                             Strathalbyn Station in the Burdekin River
Great Barrier Reef, as it                    catchment, near Bowen in Queensland.
interferes with coral and                    Following extensive landscape
seagrass photosynthesis and                  assessments, approximately 17.5 ha of
creates algal blooms.                        the grazing property was remediated.
                                             Water quality monitoring and LiDAR
                                             change detection indicated that this
It is estimated that almost 50% of the       caused a 90% reduction, on average,
sediment that makes its way to the           in suspended sediment run-off across
Great Barrier Reef comes from the Burdekin   different gully treatments.
River catchment.
                                             As a result of these works, since 2017 more
The Innovative Gully Remediation Project,    than 4,600 tonnes per year of sediment
jointly funded by the Queensland             from this area alone have been prevented
Government’s Reef Water Quality Program      from entering the Great Barrier Reef.
and Greening Australia, is testing the
most effective ways to manage gully
erosion that contributes to sediment
deposit in waterways that feed into
the Great Barrier Reef.

         Photos: Damon Telfer, Fruition
         Environmental, 2017 and 2018

                                             Before                        After
However, the level and timing of overall            National leadership and coordination
investment have not been sufficient to result       are required across government and
in broadscale improvements in soil health.          non-government sectors if we are to
                                                    address issues of soil degradation and the
Despite some regional soil monitoring efforts,
                                                    increased pressure on land managers;
there is currently no unified, strategic national
                                                    enhance collaboration; make better land
soil monitoring approach to help understand
                                                    use planning decisions; usher in the next
how soil condition has changed across the
                                                    generation of soil experts; and build our
country. We have little information on how
                                                    knowledge base. We need consistent national
soil health contributes to the provision of
                                                    standards and approaches to ensure our
environmental services outlined in Section 1.
                                                    national soil asset is understood, recognised,
Equally, there is a need to view soil as an
                                                    restored and protected across the country.
interconnected and dynamic part of the
landscape, and to understand that changes           National leadership, coordination and
in its physical, chemical, hydrological and         consistency will allow us to better leverage
biological processes result in dynamic              past and present work to accelerate efforts to
responses in the landscape.                         protect and enhance Australia’s soil health,
                                                    including in areas such as improving soil
There is also a need to focus more on
                                                    carbon sequestration, driving agriculture
fundamental aspects of soil science that
                                                    innovation, and improving planning and
provide crucial knowledge to address national
                                                    on‑ground interventions to ensure ongoing
priorities, such as agriculture productivity.
                                                    soil security.
Innovation in the way we manage our soil and
                                                    One such area that will require cooperation
advances in soil science and technology will
                                                    between the government and non-government
be fundamental if we are to produce more
                                                    sectors but presents exciting opportunities
from less, and overcome food, fibre and fuel
                                                    for commercial agricultural innovation
shortages while sustaining the environment.
                                                    derived from improved soil health is organic
New technologies offer the opportunity to
                                                    waste management.
transform how we use, manage and monitor
soil for the future.

Organic waste is an inevitable by-product                     recycling industry contributes $724 million
of Australian life. Managing it well is a key                 in industry value to the Australian economy
priority of the Australian Government.                        (AORA 2020). The addition of organic
Organic waste recycling is an exemplar of a                   materials, including those from waste streams,
circular economy. In 2018–2019, the national                  have the potential to increase soil carbon and
greenhouse gas emissions savings from                         agricultural productivity with the benefit of
organics recycling were approximately                         creating a circular economy.
3.8 million tonnes of CO2 (that is the equivalent
                                                              Case study 3 highlights the improved quality
of planting 5.7 million trees, or the emissions
                                                              and productivity outcomes of applying better
that 876,663 cars would produce in one year).
                                                              organic waste management in viticulture.
It is also estimated that the Australian organic

Photo: Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment


Organic enrichment of soil boosts agricultural
output at lower cost1*

Torbreck Vintners has been                           •   Grape yields increased.

making wine in the Barossa                           •   Water use efficiency improved by 30–40%.

Valley, South Australia, since 1994.                 Within 7 years the changes were remarkable:

                                                     •   There had been an improvement in wine
In 2005, viticulturist Nigel noticed that a small        quality valued at $132,000 per hectare
area of one of his vineyards was performing
                                                         per year.
better than the rest. When he investigated,
                                                     •   Grape yields had consistently improved.
he found out that the area had been next to
a pig farm more than 25 years earlier and            •   Access to nutrient rich compost and mulch
that it had received regular manure and                  meant that equivalent nutrient additions by
straw applications as a result. Ten years later,         way of synthetic fertiliser were not required.
using a microscope, Nigel compared soil
from that area with soil from elsewhere in the       Whilst this approach is not viable for all
vineyard. The difference was profound: the soil      agricultural enterprises, Nigel estimates
with organic matter inputs from the pig farm         that the program cost approximately
was richer, more fertile and teeming with life.      $1,350 per hectare per year, making this a
                                                     highly cost-effective and sustainable strategy.
So began a structured program of composting
and mulching in the weakest areas of the
                                                     1 A dapted from the Australian Organics Recycling
vineyard. The addition of nutrients and
                                                        Association Ltd Torbreck Vintners case study (AORA 2019).
improved soil fertility from the compost and
                                                     * This case study was supported by the Adelaide and
mulch produced noticeable benefits within the          Mount Loft Ranges Natural Resources Management
first year:                                            Board through funding from the Australian Government’s
                                                       National Landcare Program.
•    Vineyard variability reduced despite rainfall
     being 48% lower than in the previous year.
•    Leaf condition improved.
                                                                                 Photo: kwest/

4. The National
Soil Strategy
This Strategy provides a national vision and shared goals and
objectives between the Australian, state and territory governments
for managing soil across all landscapes.

The goals and objectives in the Strategy           The Strategy will ensure that soil health is
are aimed at restoring and protecting soil         appropriately prioritised and considered
nationally, by driving collaborative and           in government decision-making processes.
coordinated on-ground action, research,            It will give those who manage our soil,
education, monitoring and governance               in government and non-government
(Figure 1). The Strategy recognises that all       organisations, the knowledge, tools,
levels of government, industry, research           networks and capabilities that will empower
institutions, private soil science practitioners   them to ensure that soil is preserved while
and land managers have a role to play in           sustaining and increasing productivity.
caring for our soil resources.                     By strengthening soil knowledge and capability,
                                                   the Strategy will ensure that research is
This 20-year Strategy sets the direction for
                                                   conducted in a coordinated fashion and the
innovative sustainable soil science and land
                                                   results are shared with those who need them.
management nationally, while still allowing for
a regional and local focus given that every soil
management issue is unique.

The Strategy forms part of current               extension, communication and adoption
Australian Government priorities including       of new practices, will be used to prioritise
Delivering Ag2030 and National Agricultural      investments and actions to restore the
Innovation Agendas and builds on current         country’s soil function and to show how land
investments related to soil such as the          management practices can be improved to
Australian Government’s National Landcare        prevent future degradation.
Program, Agriculture Stewardship Program,
                                                 The time for a National Soil Strategy is now.
Emissions Reduction Fund, Technology
                                                 Governments, industry and many others are
Investment Roadmap, Future Drought Fund
                                                 increasingly recognising the importance of soil
and Reef 2050 Plan (2018). The Strategy
                                                 to the country’s economic, social, cultural and
will develop a national approach to soil
                                                 environmental future: more questions are
monitoring so that we can gain a better
                                                 being asked, gaps are being identified and
understanding of soil condition and trends
                                                 new interventions are being developed.
across the country. The information that
is gathered will help land managers,             The Strategy is supported by a Commonwealth
policymakers, regulators, land use planners,     Interim Action Plan, which will be followed and
the private sector and non-government            replaced by a National Soil Strategy Action
organisations to understand how soil             Plan. More information on this is provided in
condition changes over time. This information,   Section 7.
along with research, innovation, development,

Photo: Soil CRC

5. The story so far
Australia’s 8 million square kilometres of soil has been formed
from a range of parent material, under differing climatic conditions
and topography over millennia. It is also intimately related to
native vegetation.

For tens of thousands of years, the lives and      Indigenous land and sea management
cultural identity of Australia’s First Nations     (ILSM), or caring for country, combines
Peoples have been inextricably linked to           traditional ecological and cultural knowledge
land and water and their forms; stories; and       with western conservation science. ILSM
biodiversity. To this day, Indigenous Australian   remains one of the first lines of defence
Peoples and Communities hold legal                 against environmental threats including
rights and responsibility for land and sea         biosecurity invasions, threatened species and
management over much of Australia,                 extreme bushfire events. ILSM also provides
including more than half of Australia’s            invaluable economic, health, social and
mainland, through the Indigenous estate,           cultural improvements for local and
which includes native titles and other             surrounding communities.
land tenures.
                                                   Case study 4 describes the ecological work
                                                   being performed by an Aboriginal Ranger
                                                   group in Western Australia, demonstrating
                                                   the key contribution of ILSM in soil and
                                                   land management.


Noongar Budjar Rangers caring for soil in the WA Wheatbelt

Since 2014, the Noongar Budjar                 Noongar Budjar Rangers are vital soil stewards
                                               in the Avon River Basin. They are developing
Rangers have had their boots on
                                               new skills in soil sampling to measure soil
the ground in Western Australia’s              carbon; undertaking valuable seed collection;
Wheatbelt region, applying First               and branching out into commercial work for
Nations cultural knowledge and                 landcare, agriculture and mining industries.
modern scientific research to the              John McGuire, a Ballardong Whadjuk Elder,
management of lands and soils.                 notes that the Noongar Budjar Rangers are
                                               playing a key role in tackling the impacts of
                                               climate change.
The Ranger team is drawn from the Ballardong
People of the Noongar Nation and supported     ‘The real value for those people individually
by the Wheatbelt NRM. The team now provides    is knowing that they’re healing country,
on-country employment for 17 people.           healing the land that our old people have
                                               walked on and talked on a long time ago’,
                                               he says.

                                               Right now the Noongar Budjar Rangers
                                               have been involved in a major seeding and
                                               replanting operation. They are planting up to
                                               2.4 million seedlings to revegetate agricultural
                                               land and offset carbon emissions.

                                                              Photo: Ballardong Whadjuk elder
                                                              John McGuire is proud of the work
                                                              that the Noongar Budjar Rangers are
                                                              undertaking to restore the health of the
                                                              Ballardong people’s country and soils.

Much has been learned since European land          In February 1983, during a long and severe
management began in Australia nearly               drought, a major dust storm swept across
250 years ago. European settlement led to a        the state of Victoria and engulfed Melbourne
dramatic and rapid shift in land management.       (Commonwealth of Australia 2020).
In particular, there were significant changes      ‘Fixing’ the problem became a matter of
to agriculture, urban expansion, and the           national urgency. Governments focused
introduction of mining and industrial activity.    on working with farmers and pastoralists to
As a result, many areas were exposed to            support their uptake of better land use and
threats that caused extensive and ongoing          management practices.
decline in soil health.
                                                   In 1986 the Victorian Government established
By the 1930s, episodes of widespread               its Landcare program, which would later
soil erosion revealed the severity of land         become the model for the national Decade of
degradation across Australia’s landscapes          Landcare framework. Action being undertaken
(Campbell 1994). By 1936, federal, state and       through Landcare was complemented
territory governments recognised the               by the National Dryland Salinity Program
need for a consistent national approach.           (1993–2004), the National Action Plan for
In 1938, the New South Wales Government            Salinity and Water Quality (NAP) (2001–2008)
introduced the Soil Conservation Act 1938          and the National Land and Water Resources
— the first direct piece of soil conservation      Audit (1997–2008). The Australian
legislation to be enacted. Other state and         Government’s National Landcare Program,
territory governments quickly followed suit        which continues today, currently invests over
(Campbell 1994). In 1946 the Australian            $1 billion over 5 years in strategic natural
Government established the Standing                resource management actions and priorities.
Committee on Soil Conservation.
                                                   In addition to these government-supported
Despite the early action of farmers who were       programs there have been a range of
learning and developing their soil conservation    non-government and RDC-funded strategies
knowledge, adapting innovations such               and investments to improve soil health.
as stubble retention and minimum tillage
                                                   In 2012, the Australian Government appointed
to Australia’s soils, over the next 50 years
                                                   the first National Soils Advocate — the late
broadscale land degradation continued across
                                                   Hon. Major General Michael Jeffery, AC,
the country, driven by a combination of factors.
                                                   AO (Mil), CVO, MC.

In 2014, the National Soil Research,           The National Soil Strategy recognises and
Development and Extension Strategy             aims to build on the work being achieved
(RD&E Strategy) was released                   by federal, state, territory and local
(Commonwealth of Australia 2014),              governments, research institutions, universities,
which has a focus on securing Australian       non-government and natural resource
soil for profitable industries and healthy     management organisations, industry and
landscapes. In 2017, the Cooperative           community groups across Australia, including
Research Centre for High Performance           land managers, Soil Science Australia,
Soils (Soils CRC) was established to give      soil‑related CRCs, the National Committee for
farmers the knowledge and tools they need      Soil and Terrain, the Australian Soil Network,
to make decisions on extremely complex         Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, CSIRO,
soil management issues.                        and many more. These groups, alongside
                                               the RDCs and the financial sector, have been
In 2019, following recommendations made
                                               instrumental in improving soil sustainability,
by the first National Soils Advocate to
                                               research and extension in Australia over
Prime Minister the Hon. Scott Morrison MP,
                                               the last several decades.
the Australian Government committed to
the delivery of a National Soil Strategy in
collaboration with states and territories.
While much has been done in Australia to
understand, conserve and improve soil,
there is still much to achieve.

Photo: ‘Deep ripping’ on heavy land, Calcic
Calcarosol, at Merredin Research Station
in Western Australia in early April 2015.
Shahab Pathan, Soil Science Australia.
Deep ripping is one of the major treatment
options for compacted and sodic subsoils.
Ripping improves root access to subsoils to
absorb more soil moisture, capture more
soil nutrients and improve yield in a highly
rainfall-limited environment.

International links and
Australia has ratified 3 United Nations (UN)            Australia is also a signatory to the Revised
conventions that have an intrinsic link to              World Soil Charter (FAO 2015b) and is a
better management and conservation of                   leading participant in the UN FAO Global Soil
the world’s soil. In 1992 the UN Conference on          Partnership and the International Union of
Environment and Development (commonly                   Soil Sciences.
known as the Earth Summit) established
                                                        In 2015, countries around the world,
3 key overarching environmental instruments:
                                                        including Australia, adopted a set of goals to
•    the United Nations Framework Convention            end poverty, protect the planet and ensure
     on Climate Change                                  prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable
•    the United Nations Convention to Combat            development agenda. These goals are known
     Desertification                                    as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
                                                        Each goal has specific targets, which are to be
•    the United Nations Convention on
                                                        achieved by 2030.
     Biological Diversity.

The National Soil Strategy is aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 2:           Goal 6: Clean     Goal 9: Industry,   Goal 11:         Goal 13:           Goal 15:
Zero hunger       water and         innovation and      Sustainable      Climate action     Life on land
                  sanitation        infrastructure      cities and

Goal 3:                                                                  Goal 14:
Good health       Goal 8:           Goal 10:                             Life below water
and well-being    Decent work and   Reduced             Goal 12:
                  economic growth   inequalities        Responsible
30                                                      and production
Photo: Australia’s international obligations include protecting biodiversity
and wetlands. A Great Egret, Ardea alba, wading in a natural wetland setting.
Steven Giles/

6. Goals and

Guiding principles
This strategy contains 3 goals and             •   Traditional Knowledge: The culture, values,
12 objectives which will guide Australia’s         knowledge, innovations and practices
efforts to better manage its soil. The goals       shared by First Nations Peoples are valued
and objectives are underpinned by the              and respected and should inform, where
following principles:                              appropriate, planning, management and
                                                   conservation of our soil resource.
•    Collaboration: Collaborative
                                               •   Knowledge sharing: Sharing knowledge,
     decision-making, alignment of
                                                   contributing to evidence-based and
     effort and partnerships contribute
                                                   cost-effective decisions and actions.
     to effective research, policymaking
     and implementation.                       •   Future soil security: Sustainable use
                                                   of our soil must meet the needs of today
•    Science and innovation: Delivery of
                                                   without compromising the needs of
     world‑leading research, innovation,
                                                   future generations.
     monitoring and evaluation.

Photo: Soil CRC

•   Immediate action: Immediate action              •   Tenure-blind: The impact of soil
    is required to better manage, prevent               degradation processes and soil
    or remediate degradation of soil                    management does not abide by
    and the environment where there                     legal tenure boundaries and therefore
    are threats of serious or irreversible              management responses must also
    environmental damage.                               transcend ownership and boundaries.
•   Prioritise and integrate: Accounting for soil   •   Practical, place-based knowledge and
    in all relevant decision-making significantly       adaptation: Enabling bioregional and local
    enhances outcomes in terms of agricultural          knowledge to be used in the development
    production and ecosystem services.                  of place-based and locally adapted and
                                                        generated solutions.

Goal 1:
                    Prioritise soil health

Soil plays a fundamental role          Australia will struggle to improve soil health,
                                       manage its water supply, improve the
in the carbon (energy) cycle,
                                       resilience and profitability of its farming
nutrient cycle and the water           systems or meet its emissions reduction
cycle, as well as being the            objectives without a renewed focus on,
engine room of food production,        and re-energising of, efforts to improve
an archive of human and                soil management.

natural history, and host to           All Australians including industry, the private
extraordinary biodiversity.            sector, land managers and governments at
Soil underpins all terrestrial life.   federal, state, territory and local levels have a
                                       role to play in properly managing our soil.

Photo: Agent Wolf/

Objective 1a:                                       As part of work to improve recognition
                                                    of the value of soil, the federal, state and
Recognise the value of soil                         territory governments are working to quantify
We recognise the value of soil by making            the value of all services provided by soil.
sustainable soil management a critical              Environmental-economic accounting,
consideration in policy development,                which quantifies the interactions between the
research and practice change across other           environment (including soil) and the economy,
national priorities. This objective not only aims   is an effective way of recognising value.
to raise the profile of soil and the importance
of soil biodiversity to maintain soil health        Progress measures
and support terrestrial living systems. It also      1 	Services provided by soil are recognised,
increases the likelihood that landscape-scale            understood, measured, mapped
degradation will be appropriately addressed,             and valued within environmental,
as the cause may often start with the soil and           socio-cultural and economic
its management.                                          accounting frameworks.

                                                     2 	Soil and the impact of an action or
                                                         activity on soil is recognised as a critical
                                                         consideration for relevant government
                                                         portfolios, policy and programs.

                                                                                        Photo: Soil CRC

Photo: Soil CRC

Objective 1b:                                        Progress measures
Strengthen leadership and                             1 	Engagement across multiple
partnerships to address                                   jurisdictions, portfolios, industries,
                                                          sectors and First Nations Peoples
national soil priorities                                  on soil-related matters is improved.
We must strengthen national leadership,
                                                     2 	Leadership and partnerships
partnerships, coordination and collaboration
                                                         that increase cooperation and
at all levels and scales in soil activities across
                                                         co-investment for joint soil programs
Australia — for example, by leveraging and
                                                         across governments, industry,
connecting to existing work, building and
                                                         the private sector, First Nations Peoples
fostering relationships and networks,
                                                         and others are improved.
and providing an integrated information
platform to better support soil management           3    National, regional and local
decisions and actions. Collaboration between              coordination of soil activities is
the private and public sectors across regions,             improved to increase leverage
industries and disciplines will be critical to the         from past and present investments.
success of the Strategy.

Objective 1c:                                       If governments, industry and the private sector
                                                    have a greater appreciation of the value
Advocate the importance of soil                     of sustainable soil management, they are
Not all Australians (including the public,          more likely to increase their commitment
government agencies, industry and the               to conserving and improving soil health.
private sector) have a good understanding or
appreciation of soil. Many see it as ‘just dirt’.   Progress measures

There is a strong and obvious link between soil      1    An independent, influential and effective
and agriculture. However, many are unaware                voice for soil health is continued by
of or overlook soil’s critical linkages and               maintaining government support
the benefits it provides to the environment,              for a National Soils Advocate.
infrastructure and human health.                     2    Governments, industry, the private
The Australian Government recognises the                  sector, First Nations Peoples and others
value of soil and acknowledges the need to                have an increased knowledge and
embed an appreciation of this value across                awareness of the importance of soil to
relevant portfolios and services. It established          Australia’s environmental, socio-cultural
a National Soils Advocate for this reason.                and economic wellbeing.
The role of the National Soils Advocate is to
be an independent voice for the importance
of good soil management and health and to
advocate to ministers, industry and senior
executives across governments and the
private sector. This is a great foundation.
However, to build a better understanding
of the value of soil, more is needed
across all levels of government, industry,
the private sector and society in general.

Photo: Stephen O’Connor, Brigalow Catchment
Study photographic archive, courtesy of the
Department of Resources, Queensland.

Objective 1d:                                      The Strategy also provides the opportunity
                                                   to support industry sustainability frameworks
Improve Australia’s                                and encourages the use of sustainably grown
international leadership in                        Australian food and ingredients into local and
soil knowledge, awareness                          international supply chains.

and management                                     Progress measures
Australia is well placed to contribute our          1    Australia effectively contributes to
expertise in soil science and management to             	
                                                         significant international fora to progress
a range of international fora where soil policy,         efforts to improve soil health.
research and outreach activities are shared
between nations and contribute to global soil       2    Australian soil policy, research,
security efforts — for example, the Global Soil          standards and other relevant
Partnership, the International Union of Soil             information, skills and capabilities
Sciences and several UN conventions.                     are shared with other countries,
                                                         demonstrating leadership
Australia is a signatory to many international           and commitment internationally.
conventions, and under these has mandatory
reporting obligations on our contribution           3    National soil data and information
towards global outcomes (for example,                    is publicly available in a format that
the United Nations Framework Convention                  supports Australia’s international
on Climate Change and the United Nations                 reporting obligations under
Convention on Biological Diversity).                     international conventions.
The Strategy reaffirms Australia’s commitment
to soil research and management and will
provide the mechanism to better report and
promote our efforts to a global audience.

Photo: Sampling of an Antarctic
soil to measure biodiversity at
Robinson Ridge, near Casey Station,
Antarctica. 2019 © Dr Daniel Wilkins,
Australian Antarctic Division.

Goal 2:
                 Empower soil innovation
                 and stewards

Soil is complex and has                        Agricultural research and adoption of
                                               innovation are primary drivers of productivity
varying capabilities across
                                               growth. Various economic analyses and
Australian landscapes.                         reviews undertaken over the past 30 years
Therefore, our management                      show that investments in agricultural research
practices must be flexible and                 and innovation have been profitable for
tailored to support productivity               Australian producers, with Mullen (2007)
                                               reporting rates of return of between 15%
and reduce soil degradation
                                               and 40%.
in all landscapes.
                                               Despite governments, industry, the private
                                               sector and other stakeholders providing
The future of the Australian agriculture
                                               significant funding to improving soil health
and food sector is highly dependent on its
                                               over the years, soil continues to degrade,
ability to remain productive and competitive
                                               impacting Australia’s economy, environment
while protecting the resources it relies on,
                                               and society. To address this, governments
given fierce competition.
                                               need to plan for and create opportunities
                                               for innovation and partnerships in soil
                                               management so that land managers are
                                               empowered to understand and manage
                                               their soil.

Objective 2a:                                    For example, liming to increase soil pH
                                                 and methods to address non-wetting
Promote soil stewardship                         surfaces, or peak sub-surface compaction.
Soil supports our vegetation, provides habitat   Collectively these practices underpin
to many animals and is critical to our land,     thriving ecosystems and enhance
air and water. To support the environment        agricultural productivity.
and business bottom lines, it makes sense to
provide mechanisms to support organisations,     Progress measures
individuals and land managers, at all levels      1    The factors that motivate land
and scales, to more effectively manage                	
                                                       managers to adopt better soil and
our soil.                                              landscape management practices
There are a range of ongoing land                      are better understood and applied
management practices that are particularly             to program design.
important for maintaining soil and                2     Initiatives that support land managers to
soil health, enhancing soil ecosystem                   
                                                        adopt best-practice soil and landscape
services, and maximising resource use                   management practices are in place.
efficiency — for example, maintaining
year-round vegetation and ground cover,           3    Best-practice soil management is
increasing areas of rehabilitated and                  better promoted within and across
replanted native vegetation, maintaining               industry boundaries.
or improving soil structure, minimising soil
                                                  4    Soil information and tools are available
disturbance, minimising acidification in              	
                                                       to support land managers in the
low-pH soil, reducing soil contamination,
                                                       development and adoption of locally
and encouraging soil organic carbon and
                                                       appropriate management practices.
biota. Additionally, there can be a need
to manage soil constraints by strategic,          5    First Nations Peoples are engaged
infrequent or ‘one-off’ practices that                 and employed in the planning,
ameliorate limitations.                                management and implementation
                                                       of soil initiatives.

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