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NATIONAL PRIMARY CARE RESPONSES TO COVID- 19: A RAPID REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Haldane, Victoria;Zhang, Zhitong;Abbas, Raja Faisal;Dodd, Warren;Lau, Lincoln L;Kidd, Michael R;Rouleau, Katherine;Zou, Guanyang;Chao, Zhuo;Upshur, Ross E G;Walley, John;Wei, Xiaolin; ; © 2021, AUTHOR(S) (OR THEIR EMPLOYER(S)) 2020 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction, provided the original work is properly credited. IDRC Grant: 109433-001-Developing integrated guidelines for healthcare workers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and middle-income countries
Open access Original research BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 on 8 December 2020. Downloaded from on December 9, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. National primary care responses to COVID-19: a rapid review of the literature Victoria Haldane,1 Zhitong Zhang,1 Raja Faisal Abbas,1 Warren Dodd,2 Lincoln L Lau,1,3 Michael R Kidd,4,5 Katherine Rouleau,5 Guanyang Zou,6 Zhuo Chao,7 Ross E G Upshur,1,5 John Walley,8 Xiaolin Wei 1 To cite: Haldane V, Zhang Z, ABSTRACT Abbas RF, et al. National Strengths and limitations of this study Objective The aim of this review, conducted in April 2020, primary care responses to is to examine available national primary care guidelines COVID-19: a rapid review ►► This is the first rapid review, to our knowledge, to for COVID-19 and to explore the ways in which these of the literature. BMJ Open examine national guidelines for COVID-19 treatment guidelines support primary care facilities in responding to 2020;10:e041622. doi:10.1136/ and management in primary care. bmjopen-2020-041622 the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic. ►► This review includes both English- language and Design Rapid review and narrative synthesis. ►► Prepublication history and Chinese literature and thus we may miss key re- Data sources PubMed, Embase and Google, as well as supplemental material for this gions based on other languages. the websites of relevant national health departments, were paper are available online. To ►► We have included guidelines from a diverse range searched from 1 January 2020 to 24 April 2020. view these files, please visit of countries to compare global approaches to Eligibility criteria Documents included must be issued by the journal online (http://dx.doi. COVID-19 guidelines for primary care. org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020- a national health authority, must be specific to COVID-19 ►► The review relies on grey literature to capture na- 041622). care, directed at healthcare workers or managers, and tional guidelines as there is a lack of academic liter- must refer to the role of primary care in the COVID-19 ature on primary care guidelines for COVID-19. Received 16 June 2020 response. Revised 13 November 2020 Results We identified 17 documents from 14 countries. Accepted 22 November 2020 An adapted framework on primary care challenges and responses to pandemic influenza framed our analysis. In keeping with the commitments of the Guidelines generally reported on COVID-19 service delivery Declaration of Astana and of the political and mostly made specific recommendations for ensuring declaration on Universal Health Coverage, continued delivery of essential primary care services primary care services, as a foundational and through telehealth or other virtual care modalities. Few offered guidance to support surveillance as a public health central element of robust health systems, are function. All offered guidance on implementing outbreak at risk of being overwhelmed by the current control measures, largely through flexible and coordinated COVID-19 pandemic.2–4 Primary care settings organisational models with partners from various sectors. are, in many places, patients’ closest and first There was a lack of guidance to support supply chain point of contact with the health system. In the management and practice resilience in primary care, and early months of 2020 we have seen tremen- lack of personal protective equipment represents a serious dous pressure placed on healthcare systems threat to the provision of quality care during the pandemic. as a result of the pandemic. Countries world- Conclusions Current national primary care guidelines wide have responded to these demands, for COVID-19 provide guidance on infection control and and prepared for future waves, by rapidly minimising the risk of spread in primary care practices, building up dedicated tertiary care facili- while supporting the use of new technology and coordinated partnerships. However, to ensure primary ties and other treatment centres. However, care practice resilience and quality of care are upheld, some health systems may not be equipped guidelines must offer recommendations on supply chain to quickly increase hospital and health work- management and operational continuity, supported by force capacity. Thus, in both high- income adequate resources. and low- income and middle- income coun- © Author(s) (or their tries (LMICs), primary care is poised to employer(s)) 2020. Re-use become increasingly crucial in the COVID-19 permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights INTRODUCTION response as secondary and tertiary hospitals and permissions. Published by Primary care focuses on medical care and is are strained by patients requiring intensive BMJ. the provision of integrated, accessible health- management.5 Primary care is key to well- For numbered affiliations see care services by clinicians who are accountable functioning health systems, and has played end of article. for addressing a large majority of personal an important role in managing patients and Correspondence to healthcare needs, developing a sustained implementing pandemic policies during Dr Xiaolin Wei; partnership with patients, and practising the 2009/A/H1N1 pandemic.6 Indeed, the in the context of family and community.1 ‘primary care safety net’ has been described as Haldane V, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041622. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 1
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 on 8 December 2020. Downloaded from on December 9, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. key to treating underserved populations and to providing for primary care providers. The WHO recommends surge capacity in such circumstances.7 the use of rapid reviews to provide such evidence.11 We As the onset of COVID-19 is hallmarked by mild to conducted a rapid document review with a qualitative moderate symptoms during which individuals are infec- analytical approach to allow for narrative synthesis of the tious, primary care has a crucial role in the preven- data.12 tion, triage, diagnosis and management of patients in Our review is informed by an adapted framework the community. Robust and comprehensive guidelines outlining primary care challenges and responses to are needed to support primary care response during pandemic influenza (table 1).13 The framework outlines pandemics.8 Indeed, primary care has been previously four key domains: clinical service delivery, public health identified as providing key public health functions, functions of primary care facilities, operational level func- including health protection and promotion, disease tions at the primary care facility and the health systems prevention, community- based screening and testing level factors—all of which may act as barriers to or facili- surveillance and response, as well as emergency prepared- tators of care provision. ness.9 However, current guidelines are heterogeneous and span care provided in primary care, home care as well as Information sources and search isolation guidance. Given that the main benefit of guide- To identify relevant documents we searched PubMed, lines is to improve quality of care received by patients, Embase and Google, as well as the websites of relevant there is a need for rapid research and synthesis to inform national health departments, such as the ministries of creation of guidelines that support primary care providers health or public health, or centres for disease control. in delivery of quality care during the pandemic.10 The We searched guidelines from 1 January 2020 to 24 aim of this review is to examine available national primary April 2020. We applied the following standard Boolean care guidelines for COVID-19 and to explore the ways in phrase during the searches: (‘COVID 19’ AND ‘guide- which these guidelines support primary care facilities in lines’ AND ‘ministry of health’ OR ‘centres for disease responding to the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic. control’ AND country name). We also searched refer- ences of the selected relevant policy documents for addi- tional related information. We consider guidelines to be METHODS documents issued by national authorities within coun- In light of the rapidly evolving situation, policy makers tries that communicate the intention of that national require evidence synthesis to produce robust guidance authority as to how COVID-19 should be diagnosed, Table 1 Adapted framework of primary care challenges and response to pandemic influenza Domain of practice Challenges during a pandemic Response to be addressed Clinical service delivery Surge in demand for primary care Ways to enhance surge capacity. services. Sustaining other urgent or essential Maintenance of urgent and essential primary care clinical services. primary care services. Public health functions Effective surveillance. Contributing data and specimens for clinical and laboratory-based surveillance. Implementing control measures. Assisting public health units with contact tracing, triage and monitoring people in isolation or quarantine. Primary care facility Minimising the risk of COVID-19 Structuring clinical facilities and stockpiling personal protective operational level spread in the practice setting. equipment to enable effective infection control. Access to medications. Reliable delivery of medications and essential equipment to the practice. Ongoing communications with Strengthening capacity of communication systems. patients, public health and the health system. Ensuring operational continuity. Organisational arrangements to sustain efficient and effective services. Health system level Overall organisation of the health Integrated planning across the health system, for example, with system. other primary care facilities, ambulatory care services, public health units and hospitals. Appropriate legislation, for example, to address professional accreditation, indemnity and ethical concerns. Financing mechanisms for general practice. Adapted from Patel et al.13 2 Haldane V, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041622. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 on 8 December 2020. Downloaded from on December 9, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. treated and managed in a primary care setting. We RESULTS attempted to ensure global representation by searching We identified 17 documents from the grey literature for countries with publicly available English-language or which comprised national COVID-19 guidelines. Of these Chinese-language documentation from across the WHO 11 were general national guidelines for COVID-19 which regional groups. We began with countries that had expe- referred to primary care within the text, 5 were specific rienced community transmission of COVID-19 before to primary care and 3 had primary care as a specific our search date, with the assumption that these coun- subsection. Figure 1 shows the PRISMA diagram of our tries would have primary care guidance available. If not results. Online supplemental material 1 provides an over- available, we then examined countries with COVID-19 view of these documents. At the time of the study search, cases identified before our search date, to identify documents meeting our study criteria were found from English- language or Chinese- language national guid- China, Malaysia, the Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, ance on primary care. Canada, USA, UK, Ireland, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa, Sri Lanka and India. Online supplemental mate- rial 2 provides a summary of our results. Inclusion criteria In table 2 we present an overview of the key frame- To be included in our review, the document must be work domains and the corresponding response indica- issued by a national health authority (Ministry of Health, tors for each country. Our results show that all national National Centre for Disease Control and so on), must be primary care guidelines included information on control specific to COVID-19 care, directed at healthcare workers measures, ways to minimise risk of spread and commu- or managers, and must refer to the role of primary care in nication mechanisms. The majority of national guide- the COVID-19 response. If the documents were published lines also referred to integrated planning mechanisms in series, the most recent version was considered. We for primary care. Fewer national guidelines reported on chose countries from each of the six WHO regions in aspects of clinical service delivery in primary care, with order to aim for geographical diversity. Countries were only half of the countries offering guidance on surge chosen based on their number of reported cases, with capacity. Only 4 of 14 countries’ guidance described oversampling of countries with higher reported case access to medication considerations, and fewer described numbers, as well as the availability of English-language or legislative or financing considerations to support primary Chinese-language documents. care. Only national guidance from Canada covered all domains. Study selection and data charting Two reviewers screened titles, abstracts and full text Clinical service delivery against the inclusion criteria. This process followed the Guidelines from the Philippines, China, Canada, USA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and UK and Ethiopia described recommendations to manage Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) four-stage process (identifica- surge capacity in primary care facilities during the tion, screening, eligibility and final inclusion). Disagree- COVID-19 pandemic. Guidelines from the Philippines ments were resolved through discussion between the and the UK provided guidance on the care of common two reviewers. At the time of study selection, no national (eg, respiratory) infectious diseases in the context of guidelines meeting our criteria were available through COVID-19, and described the reorganising of existing PubMed or Embase; thus, our review relies on grey liter- primary care networks to ensure collective capacity within ature from national sources available in the English or the health system. The Philippines guidelines called on Chinese language. One reviewer charted data from local government units to organise existing healthcare eligible guidance using a standardised Microsoft Excel provider networks across the public and private sector to form developed for this study based on our conceptual optimise the COVID-19 model of care.16 The UK guid- framework; this was reviewed by another reviewer. ance asked practices to work with their Clinical Commis- sioning Group to create regional models of care that suit their context.17 Guidance from China described prior- Analysis procedures itising staff, medicines and personal protective equip- Data were analysed using elements of both content anal- ment (PPE) for designated township hospitals (the site ysis and the framework method using the conceptual of primary care in China), but also capacity- building framework above to guide analysis.14 15 We conducted a the workforce system-wide through technical training to descriptive summary of the characteristics of included ensure surges can be effectively managed.18 19 The US documents. We provide a narrative synthesis of the ways guidance highlighted that planning for a surge in patients in which selected countries are addressing the domains of with respiratory infection should be a primary goal of primary care practice as per our framework. health facilities.20 However, the document did not outline recommendations for action beyond ensuring adequate Patient and public involvement staffing. This is similar to guidance from Ethiopia, which We did not directly involve patients or the public in the encouraged providers to allow for expanded service hours conceptualisation of this study. when needed to ensure access to care during surges.21 Haldane V, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041622. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 3
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 on 8 December 2020. Downloaded from on December 9, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. Figure 1 PRISMA diagram. PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Table 2 Primary care responses by country Pandemic Domain response CHN MYS PHL NZL AUS CAN UK USA IRL ETH NGA ZAF LKA IND Surge capacity X X X X X X X Clinical service Service delivery maintenance X X X X X X X X Surveillance X X X X X X X Public health functions Control measures X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Minimising spread X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Access to medications X X X X Operations at Communications X X X X X X X X X X X X X X the primary care facility Continuity X X X X X X Integrated planning X X X X X X X X X X X Health Legislation X X X systems Financing X X AUS, Australia; CAN, Canada; CHN, China; ETH, Ethiopia; IND, India; IRL, Ireland; LKA, Sri Lanka; MYS, Malaysia; NGA, Nigeria; NZL, New Zealand; PHL, the Philippines; ZAF, South Africa. 4 Haldane V, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041622. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 on 8 December 2020. Downloaded from on December 9, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. Canadian guidance expanded on this and described highlighted that local public health units are responsible the need for surge capacity planning to ensure there for reporting COVID-19 cases to provincial, territorial or is additional equipment and staff to meet demand and state public health authorities.29 30 Guidance from India prevent burn-out. The guidance included strategies that described the role of community health workers who provinces and territories can adopt to enhance primary have been mobilised to support contact tracing.27 care surge capacity as well as steps practices can take to Most guidance outlined steps towards the implemen- manage patient demand on care; and outlined an overall tation of control measures within primary care facilities. health system risk management approach including the Guidance from the Philippines, Sri Lanka, USA, Ireland scenario in which primary care services are ‘faced with an and UK specifically described a process which included overwhelming volume of patients’.22 phone-based triage.16 17 20 24 31 In the Philippines, Sri Few jurisdictions in our review recommended care Lanka, Ireland and UK, patients reporting symptoms for persons with COVID-19 in the community (primary of COVID-19 over the phone would be triaged to desig- care-supported home care) as an overarching national nated COVID-19 assessment or treatment sites for further approach and thus few guidelines described the ways in investigation.16 17 31 In the UK (NHS 111) and the USA, which primary care service delivery should encompass patients would be triaged/diagnosed over the phone to the care of individuals with COVID-19. The US guidance determine whether they can be presumed to be COVID- described how primary care providers should arrange 19-positive and advised to remain at home and self- for a healthcare worker to check in with patients under monitor.17 Guidance from Canada, Malaysia, South Africa home care for COVID-19 through telephone or patient and Ethiopia described the role of primary care facilities portals.20 New Zealand guidance described how the provi- in screening, triage and referral.21 22 25 29 32 Guidance from sion of active monitoring of non-hospitalised probable the UK, Ireland, USA, China, Malaysia and Nigeria also and confirmed cases is the responsibility of the public specifically highlighted the need for patient screening health unit unless there has been clear delegation to from first contact at the clinic through observation of another provider.23 symptoms by all clinic staff and receptionist screening Guidance from Canada, Ireland, UK, Sri Lanka and through questions.17 19 20 25 26 31 Ethiopia described the maintenance of urgent and essen- tial primary care clinical services. The majority of these Primary care facility operational level recommended the use of remote consultations offered via At the primary care facility level, guidance from all telehealth.17 21 22 24 Guidance from Canada also outlined included countries offered recommendations for mini- the need to ensure continuity of time-sensitive essential mising the spread of infection within primary care facil- services, such as contraception, abortion, testing for sexu- ities through strategies to minimise contact, rigorous ally transmitted infections and selected immunisations, as infection prevention and control procedures, and the well as the need for providers to track deferred services use of PPE. Guidance from the Philippines and Sri Lanka for later follow-up.22 Guidelines from Ethiopia similarly recommended telemedicine to minimise contact, while called for referral or deferral plans for patients who do guidance from Ireland suggested offering dedicated clinic not need acute care.21 Guidance from the UK described hours to see symptomatic patients and to schedule these the potential to use dedicated home visits for those appointments in succession.16 24 31 Nigeria similarly recom- patients at high risk for severe COVID-19 infection.17 The mended that healthcare facilities bundle care activities to guidance also described the need for mental health and minimise exposure to symptomatic patients.33 Guidance psychological well-being services in primary care, as well from Canada, USA, Ireland, UK, Australia, Sri Lanka, as advanced care planning and palliative care services. Malaysia, South Africa and Nigeria described the need to ensure physical distancing within primary care facilities Public health functions and the need to set up dedicated areas for patients with Guidelines from China, Canada, Malaysia, Ethiopia, symptoms of COVID-19.17 20 22 24 25 30–33 Guidance from Nigeria and India offered information on the ways in the USA, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Sri Lanka and which primary care facilities can support surveillance activ- South Africa specifically recommended providing symp- ities.19 21 22 25–28 Surveillance activities, as per our framework tomatic patients with a disposable surgical mask on entry definition, may be broadly categorised as the provision of to the clinic. All guidance reported on the need for staff biological samples or data to public health units as part PPE complemented with frequent hand washing and of larger active surveillance activities. No guidance in our avoiding touching one’s face. Guidance from Sri Lanka selected documents described the collection of biological described clothing choices (wearing short sleeves) and samples. Guidance from China, Malaysia, Ethiopia and personal grooming measures (keeping themselves clean- India described a process whereby primary care would shaven and tying their hair back) to support the use of collect information of suspected individuals and transmit PPE and appropriate hygiene.24 Canadian guidelines this information to public health teams for further inves- provided advice on the reprocessing of N95 respirators tigation.18 21 25 27 Guidance from Nigeria recommended by staff.29 that providers should maintain a screening register of Guidance from Canada, USA, UK and Ethiopia patients.26 Both Canadian and Australian guidelines described measures to ensure that patients had Haldane V, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041622. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 5
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 on 8 December 2020. Downloaded from on December 9, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. uninterrupted access to medications.17 20–22 Guidance units to form province-wide or city-wide health systems from Ethiopia recommended facilities develop plans to incorporating private and public sector care in order to expedite medication refills.21 Guidance from the USA respond to SARS-CoV-2.16 Guidance from the UK encour- encouraged providers to reach out to high-risk patients aged primary care practices to engage with research and ensure they have sufficient medication.20 Guidance programmes, work with community pharmacy and from the UK advised practices not to increase repeat community services, and provide non-medical support prescriptions so as to reduce supply chain pressure to through collaboration with social prescribing link workers, deliver multiple months’ worth of medications in a who provide connections to community groups and stat- short time span.17 Further, the guidance made an urgent utory services for practical and emotional support.17 34 request for practices to change their policies and ensure Guidance from China reported on the need to mobilise they accept repeat prescription orders online through different organisations to improve case finding including the practice website, to support population-level phys- all levels of healthcare facilities, local governments, ical distancing policies. Guidance from Canada encour- community organisations and employers to support the aged practices to implement a system for prescription pandemic response.19 This was facilitated by a call for renewal that does not require inperson visits, as well as improved data sharing among different departments to be flexible in allowing patients to stock up on opioid through regular meetings and working groups. From a agonist treatments and medication to manage chronic grassroots perspective, guidance from India encouraged pain.22 Canadian guidance was unique in offering infor- community health workers to create a supportive local mation on supply chain issues and management, as well environment by talking to local influencers, planning as prevention and mitigation strategies. community support for high- risk groups, developing All guidance reported methods of telephone communi- community networks for support, and helping develop cation with the wider health system either as part of tele- community household emergency contact lists.27 In the phone triage or referral to onward tertiary care. Beyond USA, guidance encouraged primary practices to engage the health system, guidance from the UK described an local community service organisations and home health online system linking the National Health Service (NHS) services to assist home care patients with delivery of food, and the Department for Work and Pensions to ensure medication and other goods.20 acceptance of digital isolation (‘sick’) notes.17 Guidance National guidelines from Sri Lanka, China and Canada from China, Canada, USA, Ireland and UK specifically described legislation.19 22 24 Guidance from Sri Lanka described the use of telecommunications technology called for primary care providers to seek police or legal to ensure ongoing service delivery.17 19 20 22 31 Guidance support in accordance with the Quarantine Law for from China reported the use of smartphone apps to patients who refused to be admitted to hospital or under- connect with patients, as well as to ensure communica- take home isolation.24 In the guidance from China this tion between the health system and community groups included an explanation of policies which grade each mobilised to respond to the pandemic.19 Guidance from county based on the level of risk of COVID-19 outbreak the UK (NHS COVID-19) included online guidance and and tailoring interventions and controls according to the self-assessment, while Canada called for the development risk level.19 Guidelines from Canada included a section of online tools for self-assessment and self-monitoring in on the legal considerations that may arise during the different languages.22 provision of COVID-19 healthcare and denote action for Guidance from the Philippines, China, Canada, USA, federal, provincial/territorial governments as well as regu- UK and Ethiopia reported on strategies to ensure oper- latory authorities and healthcare organisations to support ational continuity of primary care facilities. Guidelines the pandemic response.22 From a financing perspective, from the Philippines and Ethiopia recommended the guidance from China asked local governments to commit creation of staffing plans to address potential human funding and materials, such as PPE and medical supplies, resource shortages.16 21 Guidelines from the USA encour- towards COVID-19 prevention and control.19 The Cana- aged individual practices to plan for absenteeism through dian guidelines called for provinces and territories to cross-training of current employees, extending hours or establish new billing fee codes for virtual consultations hiring temporary employees.20 Guidance from Canada, and telephone prescribing.22 China and UK encouraged cross-organisational collabo- ration to maximise clinical capacity through relocation of staff or services based on skills, needs and available DISCUSSION training.17 19 22 The primary goal of clinical guidelines is to help improve quality of care.10 Our rapid review findings highlight Health system level strengths, opportunities and gaps in COVID-19 national All guidance referred to some form of integrated plan- guidelines for primary care published in early 2020. The ning across the health system, most commonly this was strengths of available national guidelines include clear through the triage, notification or referral processes. and robust guidance on control measures, minimising Guidance from the Philippines described coordination the risk of spread and communication between primary between the Department of Health and local government care and other health system actors. Opportunities to 6 Haldane V, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041622. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 on 8 December 2020. Downloaded from on December 9, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. support primary care facilities include the use of tele- and respiratory clinics in Australia, which actively health to support guidance on surge capacity, ensuring involve private primary care practices in the COVID-19 service maintenance and supporting integrated plan- response, are a promising model to build capacity for ning. To address gaps in national guidance, there is a triage in primary care.38 39 Private care partnerships have need for strengthened guidance on access to medication, previously proven promising in providing quality care ensuring operational continuity of primary care facilities for tuberculosis in LMICs.40 41 These activities support and research on optimal configuration of primary care and strengthen community- oriented primary care. In services for a resilient response. This review also under- community-oriented primary care, primary clinical care scores the need to ensure a safe working environment for individuals and families is provided with special atten- through appropriate PPE resource allocation. tion to continuity of care and includes a focus on the Our review found that telehealth plays a key role in demographics and needs of the community as a whole national guidelines for COVID-19 and offered a way to in planning, delivering and evaluating care.42 However, provide clinical service delivery and public health func- coordinated and flexible organisational models will be tions in primary care. Importantly, countries such as challenged by pre- existing health system fragmenta- Canada have made clear in national guidance the financial tion. Countries will need to actively strengthen linkages mechanisms available to bill for primary care telehealth between primary care and public health units to support services.22 Others, such as Australia, have provided similar a robust trace, test, isolate and support response to mechanisms; however, these are not explicitly included COVID-19. Further, the connection between primary and in national guidelines.35 Telehealth has the potential to secondary care must be also strengthened to ensure that provide accessible, comprehensive and continuous care guideline recommendations can be consistently followed, for both patients with COVID-19 and those requiring even during surges. routine care for other health needs, including psycho- National guidance from the USA and other coun- social well-being needs; however, caution is warranted tries additionally calls for links to community and social in viewing technological solutions as a panacea to all service organisation to support patients during quaran- patient groups given the known challenges to access in tine or self-isolation. Community partnerships with non- under- resourced settings and to underserved popula- governmental organisations (NGOs) and faith- based tions.36 Health systems will also face structural challenges organisations for patient support are foundational to to scaling and sustaining telehealth, as well as ensuring other infectious disease programmes such as tuberculosis onward linkage to care, as demand outpaces capacity. and HIV and have shown to be beneficial in pandemic For example, the telehealth network in Ontario, Canada influenza preparedness.9 43–45 As many LMICs rely on experienced a day-long shutdown due to technical issues community health workers, community organisations after media coverage on telehealth screening.37 In addi- and NGOs for routine service delivery, this presents tion, many primary care clinics in LMICs may not have an opportunity to scale up the available resource pool sufficient health information systems, internet connec- for coordinated and comprehensive primary care. To tion and online payment options to effectively operate support such initiatives, there is a need for inclusion of telehealth. As models of telehealth are developed, they guidance on best practices for establishing flexible organ- should be clearly communicated in national guidelines. isational models which bridge often poorly connected or Our findings also show movement at the primary care separate sectors, including health, social services, faith facility level and the health system level towards flexible organisations and the private sector. This guidance must and coordinated organisational models to support service provide recommendations that are supported by finan- delivery and, to a lesser extent, public health functions. cial and training resources to provide coordinated and Available guidelines require primary care to deliver a quality care, while ensuring fair and safe work for those range of COVID-19 services, including screening and in these roles. assessment, home care and discharge support, as well Underpinning these efforts and opportunities, however, as attend to the ongoing routine care needs of patients. is the critical worldwide shortage of medical products, Most of the reviewed primary care guidelines relied on including PPE and COVID-19 testing kits, which poses referral to special centres or dedicated hospitals for a direct risk to healthcare workers, community organ- public health functions such as testing and tracing. To isation support workers, patients and their families.46 47 achieve service delivery goals and ensure integration with Findings from our review show guidelines clearly report public health units, guidelines report on establishing the need for primary care workers to use PPE in order to partnerships through existing or newly formed networks provide safe and quality care for patients with COVID-19; of primary care facilities and other health system actors, however, the scale of the pandemic is placing unprece- including both public and private sectors. While national dented demands on these resources. As our findings show, guidelines from the Philippines specifically refer to part- health systems globally are scaling up their health work- nerships with the private sector, there have been other force and coverage through retraining of non-practising examples of coordination with the private sector to health workers or partnerships with private providers and strengthen health system capacity for triage in primary community organisations. This capacity will be directly care. Public health preparedness clinics in Singapore threatened by the ongoing shortage of PPE and medical Haldane V, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041622. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 7
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041622 on 8 December 2020. Downloaded from on December 9, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. supplies, given not only the requirement of PPE for safe partnerships. However, to ensure primary care practice working conditions but also that many providers have resilience and quality of care are upheld, guidelines must stated they will not work without adequate PPE. Further, offer recommendations on supply chain management, many primary care settings lack the necessary procure- coordination and operational continuity, supported by ment linkages to ensure an ongoing supply of PPE and adequate resources and robust research into the optimal resources.48–50 Without significant investment and support configuration of services. of mass production of PPE, and complementary supply chain support to ensure distribution, these shortages Author affiliations 1 Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada pose a serious threat to our ability to protect healthcare 2 School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, workers while safely providing comprehensive services to Ontario, Canada persons seeking care for COVID-19. There is a pressing 3 International Care Ministries, Manila, Philippines need to provide guidance on supply chain management 4 Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 5 and operational continuity recommendations to ensure Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada what UK NHS guidelines refer to as ‘practice resilience’ 6 School of Economics and Management, Guangzhou University of Traditional in primary care. Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in health 7 State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of systems worldwide, and countries are using guidelines to Guangzhou Medical College, Guangzhou, China 8 communicate important response measures to front-line Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK workers. As health systems implement strategies, recon- figure models of care and pivot towards technology, there Contributors VH designed the search strategy with input from XW. VH, ZZ and RFA is also an urgent need for research on optimal configura- carried out the literature searches and screening and discussed discrepancies with tions of primary care services for resilient response. XW. VH, ZZ and RFA carried out the extraction. VH wrote the first draft of the review with input from XW, WD, LLL, MRK, KR, GZ, CZ and REGU. Limitations Funding This work was funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Given the lack of published literature to date on primary and the International Research and Development Agency (IDRC) (439835). care guidelines or interventions for COVID-19, and the Competing interests None declared. speed at which information is changing as experts adjust Patient consent for publication Not required. to evolving knowledge, this review relied on grey litera- Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. ture. As such, our review is at risk of sampling bias from Data availability statement All data relevant to the study are included in the our search strategy and selected materials; however, we article or uploaded as supplemental information. have aimed to conduct a thorough grey literature search Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has for publicly available guidelines. Our study may also be not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been limited by our choice of framework analysis, which may peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those have limited our ability to assess relative strengths and of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content weaknesses of national guidance. A further limitation is includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability that our analysis only includes guidelines published in of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, the English or Chinese language and thus we miss key terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error regions. However, we did search for English guidelines and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise. in all WHO regions beginning with countries with the Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the highest reported cases. Finally, our review was conducted Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, with guidelines made publicly available up to April 2020. and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is However, we believe that our review provides important properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use and enduring information for primary care in response is non-commercial. See: to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 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