Strategic Plan - Monash Health

Page created by Mathew Flores
Strategic Plan - Monash Health
Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan - Monash Health
We are
in our
pursuit of
Strategic Plan - Monash Health

message              04

Our strategic
intent               08

Our guiding
principles           16

Establishing world-
leading clinical
services             30

Flagship projects    38

Our story            46

Bringing our
intention to life    60
Strategic Plan - Monash Health
Welcome to the
Monash Health
Strategic Plan

For more than 165 years Monash Health and its
predecessors have been caring for the people of Victoria.

Today, we are proud to be recognised as a leading teaching
and research health service of international standing – our
reach is far and our impact is profound.

As we chart the next five years and beyond, we will remain
true to our aspirations and committed to our values. We
will continue to embrace our leading role in change in the
Victorian health system, addressing community needs,
advances in health science and technology, and supporting
employee aspirations. We will commit to the pursuit of
excellence in care for those in need, excellence in teaching
and research, and a place of opportunity and inclusion for
those with whom we work.

While maintaining the core of who we are, we have raised
our expectations and sharpened our focus to be relentless
in our pursuit of excellence.
Strategic Plan - Monash Health
We will commit to the
pursuit of excellence in
care for those in need,
excellence in teaching
and research, and a
place of opportunity
and inclusion for those
with whom we work.
Strategic Plan - Monash Health
Monash Health 2023
     For us, our Strategic
     Plan 2023 is our guide.
     It sets out our
     aspirations for the
     future and what we
     must do to achieve
     our vision for
     Monash Health.

Strategic Plan - Monash Health
Strategic Plan - Monash Health
We are
in our
pursuit of
Strategic Plan - Monash Health
Excellence. No matter what we do at
Monash Health, it is something to which
we each aspire. Every day.

The Patient Services Assistant taking a
young, nervous first-time mother for a test
knows a warm smile and calm manner will
help ease her nerves.

The nurse making sure the elderly man in
the last days of his life feels the kindness
and professionalism provided with every
aspect of care.

 The cleaner preparing the theatre for
 surgery understands there is no room for
“near enough is good enough”.

The stroke neurologist knowing that the
quick treatment of the woman who has just
arrived will have a life-changing impact.

The physiotherapist smiling as the young
man steps up onto the top step of the
community centre gymnasium stairs for
the first time since his accident.

The Hospital in the Home nurse, providing
care for a woman who is unwell and wants
to be at home.

The People and Culture team member
supporting an employee through times
of uncertainty.

Or the researcher who, sitting side by
side with our clinicians, brings world
first knowledge to advance care for our

Striving for excellence is at the heart
of Monash Health.
Strategic Plan - Monash Health
Dipak Sanghvi
     Board Chair

On behalf of the Board of Monash Health I        with determined action, and we must work
am very pleased to present to you our            closely with governments, our university
Strategic Plan 2023, developed with input        partners, other providers of healthcare,
from across our broad community of               social and education services.
consumers, employees and partners under
                                                 Our Strategic Plan 2023 sets our course
the leadership of our Board and Executive
                                                 for the next five years. The plan identifies
                                                 six guiding principles upon which work
Having commenced my term as Board Chair          priorities have and will be built. The
in July 2018, I look over the course of the      priorities are clear and measurable, allowing
last five years with pride at the significant    for the Board and our community to monitor
advances made in innovation, research,           progress. While it is inevitable that priorities
teaching and clinical care while at the same     will be reassessed and some changes made
time turning around past financial deficits to   as we move through the life of the plan, the
become a more resilient and adaptive             Board is confident that the organisation has
organisation. It is testament to the             the leadership, passion and agility to adapt.
commitment, passion and care of our
                                                 It is through strong ethical leadership,
                                                 financial and clinical governance, and
Some achievements, to name only a few,           working together with our partners and our
include establishing the Monash Health           diverse community, that we will continue
Translation Precinct in partnership with         striving to deliver excellence in care,
Monash University and the Hudson Institute       teaching and research.
of Medical Research, opening the new
                                                 I would like to thank Barbara Yeoh who
Monash Children’s Hospital, expanding our
                                                 served as Monash Health’s Board Chair for
telehealth and tele-surgery services through
                                                 nine years. Barbara guided our organisation
rural and regional Victoria, and providing
                                                 through significant growth and development
time critical and life-saving endovascular
                                                 and leaves us with a strong foundation upon
clot retrieval services for Victorians who
                                                 which we now have an opportunity to build.
have experienced a stroke. We have also
commenced the implementation of an               On behalf of the Board I commend the
electronic medical record.                       Strategic Plan 2023 to you and welcome
                                                 your engagement and participation.
The Board is proud of these and many other
achievements and is also very aware that         Dipak Sanghvi
there is still much to be done.                  Chair
                                                 Monash Health Board
We must continue to evolve to meet the
changing healthcare needs of our
community including a significant increase
in demand for services due to population
growth, an ageing population, increase in
chronic illness, new discoveries, new
treatments and new technologies, people’s
changing needs and expectations, and
financial constraints. To address these
challenges requires a clear vision combined
Andrew Stripp
     Chief Executive

“Above all, it will be our ability to
 work together that will determine
 the future success of Monash
 Health to deliver world-class
 teaching, research and healthcare
 services – services developed by
 bringing best practice and the
 needs of our communities to the
 forefront of our work.”

Our strategic plan charts a course of          people who access our services. We will
evolution for Monash Health, further           continue to develop a well-coordinated
developing our capability to provide a         system of care that provides improved
sustainable and successful health service      access. Teaching, research and innovation
to the Victorian community. It provides        are essential parts of our work.
an aspirational, yet clear and common
                                               The future of Monash Health is a place
direction for everyone at Monash Health to
                                               where kindness is always a priority.
work towards, detailing a five-year vision
                                               Kindness to the people we care for, and
that will be operationalised through annual
                                               kindness to each other. Above all, it will
quality and business improvement plans.
                                               be our ability to work together that will
It will be achieved through an unwavering
                                               determine the future success of Monash
commitment to our newly established set
                                               Health to deliver world-class teaching,
of guiding principles, developed as a result
                                               research and healthcare services – services
of many months of discussion with our
                                               developed by bringing best practice and the
employees, consumers, community, and
                                               needs of our communities to the forefront of
                                               our work.
The principles reflect our core aspirations,
                                               Join me as we pursue excellence, together.
beliefs, and values. They guide our
approach to work, our planning and design,     Andrew Stripp
our decision making, our behaviour, and        Chief Executive
the way we communicate with and treat          Monash Health
one another. They are our promise to the
community and to each other. They are the
foundation upon which we will continue to
evolve our services and provide our ‘true
north’ when making decisions.

We provide healthcare for some of
Victoria’s most diverse communities and
disadvantaged people. The nature of
our community’s health needs is rapidly
evolving, as are the expectations of the
Andrew Gardiner
     CEO Dandenong
     and District Aborigines Cooperative Limited

     “Over the next five years we will continue to work together
      to build a culture of recruitment and promotion of Aboriginal
      and Torres Strait Islander people within Monash Health. We
      aim to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
      to improve their journey and along with other Australians, to
      come together to improve the understanding of their health
      needs, services and outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
      Islander people in our local communities.

     The social determinants of health tell our story! It is at this
     level we need to focus our energies and internal processes
     to ensure patient expectation is being met. Positive
     collaborations around the development of the Healing Garden,
     the Welcome signage, engagement factors at Emergency
     Departments and Paediatrics have had some positive
     response from the community, but we know there is more to
     be done. A commitment to the Aboriginal Employment Plan
     and improving the patient journey will continue to be hallmarks
     of the collaboration and positive outcomes being planned
     against the Reconciliation Action Plan.”

      ynda Condon
     Chair Community
     Advisory Committee

     “Our role is to ensure we give an inclusive,
      equitable voice to consumers. While we have seen
      big improvements in the attention to community
      needs, we will always work to make sure consumers
      are front and centre of care at Monash Health.”

01                    02

We consistently       We provide
provide safe,         experiences
high quality          that exceed
and timely care       expectations

03                    04

We work with          We integrate
humility, respect,    teaching, research
kindness and          and innovation
compassion in         to continuously
high performing       learn and improve

05                    06

We orientate          We manage our
care towards          resources wisely
our community         and sustainably
to optimise access,   to provide value
independence,         for our community
and wellbeing
01        We consistently
          provide safe,
          high quality
          and timely care

Establish systems and processes     Listen to and act on feedback
to support our clinicians to        from consumers, including
assess and care for people in a     consumer reported outcome
timely way                          measures

Empower people to raise             Embed continuous quality
concerns about clinical care        improvement in our practice

Reduce unwarranted variation in     Better connect points of care
our practice                        through innovative, secure
                                    and easy-to-use digital and
Provide transparency and sharing    automated tools
of safety, quality and other
performance information             Partner with clinical networks
                                    and metropolitan and regional
Improve outcomes measured           health services to improve
against international standards     access to safe, high quality
and best practice, including zero   specialist treatment and care
avoidable harm
Our measures of success

                                            Performance against standards of
                                            international best practice and the
                                            National Safety and Quality Health
                                            Service Standards

                                            Provision of timely treatment and care
                                            across all of our care settings

                                            Employees report that we have a
                                            strong safety culture

                                            Consumers report high quality
                                            outcomes of care

                                            Health service performance indicators
                                            are accessible to the public

                                            Successful implementation of the
                                            Electronic Medical Record

Louise Kanis
Executive Director, Public Affairs
and Communication

“Six weeks after I started, I got a call from my
 mum, who had arrived in ED by ambulance
 with my dad, who had suddenly become
 critically ill. Sadly, my dad died six days later
 but in those six days, I got to experience the
 very best of Monash Health.

There was nurse Cath who cared for dad
and supported mum with such kindness
and professionalism. Regardless of how
bad things were, we took comfort knowing we
were in caring and experienced hands. And
there was Dr Andy, who by his own admission
looked like he was 12 but managed the ‘do
not resuscitate’ conversation and advice
around palliative care with such compassion
and dignity. Dr Andy should run a master
class in difficult conversations. There was
social work, the cleaners, the speech therapist.
We experienced excellence in care at every
point despite the sad outcome.”
02        We provide
          that exceed

Improve the quality and     Support people in planning
consistency of consumers’   for their advanced stages
experiences of their care   of life

Improve employees’          Embed co-design into the
experiences of their        planning and delivery of
workplace                   services

Ensure decisions about
treatment and care are
made with each person
we care for

Our measures of success

                                                             Consumers report they receive
                                                             care and assistance in a timely and
                                                             comforting manner

                                                             Consumers report they have
                                                             confidence and trust in the health
                                                             workers that care for them
Navjot Thind
Nurse Manager, Palliative Care
                                                             Consumers report they, their families
                                                             and carers, are actively engaged in
“When I come to work, I know that the experience             their care and in planning for their
 of the people we care for and their families is             treatment and care
 everything. Care is not something we just do to a
 person, it is something we make sure they have a            Employees are very satisfied with their
 voice in. We don’t apply a one-size-fits-all plan to        job and would recommend Monash
 care. We make sure it’s right for that person, as we        Health as an excellent place to work
 are caring for people at the most vulnerable stage
 of their life. Every little thing we do for them matters.

When families leave us we often hear ‘thank you
for your care, your team does such a wonderful
job.’ On those days we all go home proud.”
03        We work with
          humility, respect,
          kindness and
          compassion in high
          performing teams

Ensure humility, respect,         Develop a skilled and adaptable
kindness and compassion are       workforce, for today and
incorporated into our training,   tomorrow
education and service delivery
                                  Uphold professional and ethical
Develop and assist leaders to     standards
support our employees to be
the best they can be              Ensure a physically and
                                  psychologically safe environment
Ensure teams and individuals
take responsibility and are
accountable for their actions
and performance

Build shared knowledge,
alignment and open
communication within teams

Our measures of success

                                                           Employees report that their manager
                                                           and teams consistently work with
                                                           humility, respect, kindness and

                                                           Consumers report that they
                                                           experience consistency in the
                                                           approach to their care and treatment
                                                           and in the information they receive

                                                           Optimised scope of professional
                                                           practice across disciplines

                                                           Consumers report that they feel safe
                                                           at Monash Health

                                                           Employees report that they feel safe at
                                                           Monash Health

                                                           Be an employer of choice for
                                                           Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Elizabeth Sigston
Otorhinolaryngology and
Head & Neck Surgeon

“The work we do can be extremely complex and
 intense whilst at other times seems more routine
 and straightforward. Regardless of which it is, it is
 the person on the operating table who is placing
 their life in our hands that we are all responsible
 for. And the situation can change in the blink of an
 eye. Clear, open communication and trust within the
 team are essential to provide that person with the
 best possible outcome. Everyone is important and
 there is no place for arrogance, one-upmanship or
 rudeness. If the operating theatre technician raises
 a concern then it is up to me to listen. I must respect
 and trust every person on the team. For a team to
 learn to work together and operate as one is tough,
 but now we do, it is a much better environment for
 us and most importantly, it means better outcomes
 for our patients. That is ultimately what we all want
 and what we are all here to deliver.”
04         We integrate
           teaching, research
           and innovation to
           continuously learn
           and improve

Be a leader in health            Support employees to
professional teaching and        realise their potential
learning                         through accessible
                                 learning and development
Be an international leader       opportunities
in translational, clinical and
health services research

Foster, authorise and
support innovation

Our measures of success

                                               Established teams of clinicians,
                                               researchers and educators

                                               Organisation of choice for educators
                                               and learners

                                               Organisation of choice for researchers
Ryan Hodges
Program Director
                                               Senior joint academic and clinical
Women’s and Newborn
                                               appointments of recognised national
                                               or international standing
“We witness with every first breath how
 research, innovation and teaching is giving   Translation and impact of research
 Monash babies the healthiest start to life.
 Our world-leading research is answering       Innovations commenced and
 fundamental questions about babies’ first     integrated into standard practice
 breaths by understanding when to clamp
 and cut the cord at birth. For mothers, we
 are keeping them closer to their babies.
 For researchers and clinicians, we are
 not just writing papers - together we are
 rewriting how to deliver babies.”
05        We orientate
          care towards our
          community to
          optimise access,
          independence and
Engage with Aboriginal and        Engage with health promotion
Torres Strait Islander people     and prevention services to
and those most vulnerable or      maintain wellness in ways
disadvantaged                     relevant to local communities

Expand the delivery of services   Support prevention, early
in community and home settings    detection and intervention
Strengthen partnerships with
general practitioners and other   Support people to understand
primary care providers, Primary   their health needs and know what
Health Networks, and community    to do to best manage their health

Our measures of success

                                         Consumers are supported by plans
                                         which are consistent with best

                                         Discharge plans are provided to
                                         general practitioners and other
                                         relevant agencies in a timely way

                                         Consumers report they understand
                                         the plans for ongoing management of
                                         their health and wellbeing, including
                                         when to seek help

                                         Our consumer portal, internet and
                                         other digital and automated tools
                                         support improved quality of care,
                                         access to care and health information,
                                         and people’s management of their
                                         own health

Reece Adams
Occupational Therapist,
Centre for Developmental Disability Health

“Fundamental to everything we do, is looking at
 things through the eyes of our consumers. We ask
 ourselves, how can we best communicate when
 English is not the first or even second language?
 Where is care best provided? In the hospital?
 At home? Or somewhere else? What support is
 needed to make this possible? What can we do
 to help people be more independent? Are we
 mindful that we are part of one of the most diverse
 communities in Australia? And does our care and
 support bring together the very best of everything
 we have? This is the essence of both who we are
 and what we do at Monash Health.”
06        We manage our
          resources wisely
          and sustainably to
          provide value for our

Develop and implement         Consolidate digital
service and facility master   technology applications
plans                         for clinical and business
                              support services
Achieve financial
sustainability                Promote environmental
Strengthen our data
analytics capability and      Build philanthropy to
distribution of our data      support investment in
and information to our        health, research, teaching
employees                     and innovation

Our measures of success

                                                        Successful implementation of
                                                        contemporary Monash Health service
                                                        and facility master plans

                                                        Revenue and costs optimised to
                                                        enable reinvestment and innovation

Patrick Ha
                                                        Digital technology and data enable
Father of six year-old Noah, a patient
                                                        our employees to do their jobs as best
well known to Monash Health
                                                        they can

“We have three young kids and like most parents         Minimise the impact of our services on
 we want our kids to be the best they can be today      the environment
 and have a bright future for tomorrow.
                                                        Continue growth in philanthropic
My wife and I both work hard and try to spend           support
well for our family. People who work at Monash
Health need to be responsible for their resources       Improved health outcomes and
in the same way we are responsible for our family’s.    service efficiency per dollar spent
All employees, whether cleaners, doctors or
administrators, need to build up their hospital to be
the best - both now and in the future. Only then can
the community receive the care they truly deserve.”

Through a relentless pursuit of excellence
     across all of our clinical services, we at
     Monash Health aspire to provide Victorians
     with access to the world’s best healthcare.

     Together with our teaching and research
     partners, and the people we care for every
     year, we will continue to integrate and
     advance the teaching, research and care
     we provide, improving the outcomes and
     experiences for our community.

     We are committed to identifying, investing
     in, and nurturing our clinical services in
     order to provide the very best treatment and
     care to our community.

Today, several of our services
     are on the path towards world-
     leading practice. Through the life
     of this plan, we will continue to
     identify and further develop our
     clinical and research endeavours
     for further investment. A number
     of our services are already well on
     the way to establishing themselves
     on the national and international
     stage, through a combination
     of their excellence in academia
     and clinical care and patient

Maternity services                               highly specialised skills to provide the most
                                                 advanced and often complex treatment and
One in nine Victorians begin their life with     care that these babies need.
us at Monash Health. We are proud to be
                                                 Our children’s health program is rapidly
Victoria’s largest provider of maternity
                                                 evolving with a number of joint University
services, delivering more than 10,000
                                                 appointments pending together with the
babies each year, offering the largest range
                                                 continued growth of our broad range of
of choices in woman and family-focused
                                                 specialist clinical services. Together with
maternity care. Whether a woman has her
                                                 other tertiary health services we will advance
baby at home, is cared for in our homebirth
                                                 the provision of state-wide paediatric
program, or has the most complex
                                                 services in intensive care, cancer services,
pregnancy requiring fetal surgery or intensive
                                                 cardiac care, surgery, rehabilitation,
care for herself, we are uniquely positioned
                                                 sleep disorders, forensic medicine and
to provide seamless and personalised care
                                                 palliative care.
for all her needs in the one place.

Victorian families, including those with
                                                 Cardiovascular services
the most complex pregnancy needs, will
continue to have access to world-best            Here at Monash Health, Victorians have
care through our state-of-the-art program,       access to one of the premier cardiovascular
which combines our partnership with the          services in the world and the largest
Royal Women’s and Mercy Hospitals in             cardiovascular service in the State.
the Victorian Fetal Therapy Service with
                                                 We integrate the very best in teaching and
Monash Health’s planned Special Pregnancy
                                                 research into our broad range of clinical
Centre and Maternity Intensive Care Unit.
                                                 services. Trusted with providing the
With our teaching and research partners at
                                                 greatest number of emergency heart attack
Monash University and the Hudson Institute
                                                 procedures for Victorians each year, Monash
of Medical Research, we will bring together
                                                 Health is well-recognised for our cardiac
subspecialists, educators, and researchers
                                                 interventional service, and our leadership in
in the one place, advancing the very best in
                                                 both clinical and first-in-man studies, and
maternity care.
                                                 innovative treatment strategies for structural
                                                 heart disease.
Newborn services
                                                 Together with Monash University, we provide
                                                 top-tier multidisciplinary training across
Each year we are entrusted by the families
                                                 cardiovascular services and research. We
of more than 1,500 of Victoria’s most unwell
                                                 will revolutionise cardiac healthcare through
babies, providing them with high quality
                                                 the integration of preventative and acute
care, support and opportunity. We achieve
                                                 care, world-leading innovation, education,
this through our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
                                                 training, and basic and translational
and Special Care Nursery, combining as one
                                                 research, in the new Victorian Heart Hospital.
of the largest and busiest newborn services
in the nation, and through the co-location
and integration of our newborn and maternity
services, optimising the bond between
babies and their mother or carer.

We will continue to improve the neurological
and respiratory outcomes of Victoria’s
babies at high risk of poor health, through
our partnership with the Hudson Institute of
Medical Research. Together with Monash
University, we provide rigorous and
renowned training and education programs
to ensure our doctors and nurses have the
Cancer and blood disorder                           Endovascular clot retrieval
services                                            services

Cancer is the leading cause of mortality in         Each year hundreds of Victorians are
Victoria, with one in three Victorians receiving    spared the disabling consequences of
a cancer diagnosis. With increasing numbers         ischaemic stroke, through an innovative,
of Victorians at risk of cancer and blood           highly specialised and time-sensitive
diseases, and breakthrough treatments               neurointerventional radiology procedure:
dramatically extending patient lives, demand        endovascular clot retrieval (ECR) procedure.
for treatments is increasing significantly. At      A designated statewide provider of
Monash Health, Victoria’s largest provider          endovascular clot retrieval services, our
of oncology and haematology services for            multidisciplinary stroke team is saving lives
children and adults, we plan to expand and          and achieving world-leading outcomes for
develop our medical, surgical, radiation            people who experience a stroke.
oncology and haematology treatments for
                                                    At Monash Health, our clinical trials are
all cancer types, through our chemotherapy
                                                    truly advancing clinical practice, and our
day service, inpatient wards, outpatient
                                                    geospatial modelling is helping shape the
clinics, and commitment to research
                                                    planning and delivery of this service across
and innovation.
                                                    the state. Together with Monash University,
Victorians will increasingly benefit from the       The Florey Institute of Neuroscience
Clinical Trials Centre in the purpose-built         and Mental Health, the Royal Melbourne
Monash Health Translation Precinct – where          Hospital, and other academic partners,
dedicated clinician-scientists conduct              we will continue to lead advancements in
early, mid and late-phase clinical trials. Our      research that change the lives of stroke
clinical leaders will drive world-class cancer      sufferers and teach the next generation of
research, together with our partners Monash         neurointerventionalists the specialised
University and Hudson Institute of Medical          skills of endocrine clot retrieval.
Research, ensuring the latest discoveries
can be translated rapidly into improved
                                                    Immune mediated inflammation
treatments. Precision medicine, enabled by
genomic technologies in the Monash Health
Translation Precinct and Monash Pathology,
                                                    Inflammation, an undesired consequence
will ensure that effective treatments are best
                                                    of the immune system, is the basis of
targeted to those who will benefit most.
                                                    countless diseases affecting Victorians,
We must ensure that Victorians living with          including arthritis, kidney disease, multiple
cancer in our catchment have access to              sclerosis, skin disease and bowel disease.
timely multidisciplinary, state-of-the-art          Moreover it is emerging that many cancers,
care including the latest and most effective        diabetes, and even cardiovascular disease
diagnostic and treatment modalities. A key          begin with inflammation. At Monash Health
tenet of our patient-centred approach is that       our understanding of the commonality of
patients living with cancer should not have to      inflammation across diseases has spawned
travel to inner-city hospitals for care that can    innovative multi-disciplinary clinical services.
and should be delivered within the Monash           Together with our teaching and research
Health network.                                     partners at Monash University and the
                                                    Hudson Institute of Medical Research,
New therapeutic interventions have
                                                    researchers work side-by-side with us to
dramatically improved survival and quality
                                                    ensure research is informed by clinical need,
of life for those diagnosed with cancer and
                                                    and that we translate cutting edge science to
blood diseases. Accelerated access to such
                                                    clinical breakthroughs.
novel therapies is enabled by clinical trials.
Indeed, participation in clinical trials is often   Monash Health plans to lead a future
mandated by learned guidelines as the               model of care in which genomics and other
standard-of-care for cancer patients. Our           precision medicine tools replace symptoms
vision is that every cancer patient at Monash       as the basis on which inflammatory diseases
Health who is either newly diagnosed or             are diagnosed and treated. This future is
requires a change in their treatment has            one in which Victorians, including those with
access to an appropriate clinical trial within      some of the most complex illnesses known,
our network.                                        have access to world-leading care through
                                                    interdisciplinary programs.

Mental health services                         child neuropsychiatry inpatient unit, inpatient
                                               and community eating disorders service,
Almost half of Victorians will experience      and gender clinic.
mental health illness at some point, and the
                                               We will continue to advance the accessibility,
prevalence and complexity of mental health
                                               flexibility and responsiveness of our
needs is rising. Providing a broad range of
                                               mental health services through: planned
specialist clinical mental health services
                                               developments of our emergency mental
in a variety of hospital, community, and
                                               health care environments; expansion and
residential settings, we play a leading
                                               improvement of our inpatient facilities
role in caring for and supporting the
                                               to better care for more people in our
personalised recovery of thousands of
                                               community; development of a progressive
these Victorians each year so that they can
                                               model of adult mental health care; and, in
live fulfilling lives of their choosing.
                                               partnership with Monash University, increase
We support our community through a             our investment in research and teaching to
comprehensive suite of local, age-specific     ensure translational research and training
mental health services, and we support         are part of our culture and we provide
people across Victoria through our regional    high quality and safe mental health care
and statewide mental health services,          for our community.
including our mother and baby unit, new

We will bring
our intentions to
life through a
combination of
committing to,
investing in, and
delivering on our
strategic priorities
and our flagship

Transforming the quality                        Embracing a digital strategy
and experience of care

In our pursuit of excellence it’s essential     As we continue to experience an ageing
that we work together as a team and ensure      and growing population, and the need to
the quality, safety and timeliness of our       manage healthcare resources wisely, digital
care. The community we care for is also         transformation will be key to improving
changing. It is increasingly diverse, the       healthcare. It will improve the quality and
population is growing rapidly, and more         access to healthcare, enable integrated
people have chronic diseases and                care, provide people with easy access to
complex health needs.                           their health information, and support people
                                                in better managing their own health.
We are responding by transforming the
way we work together in caring for and          Through our new digital strategy, we will
supporting our community.                       better connect points of care through a
                                                range of innovative, secure, and easy-to-
Comprising of twelve connected streams
                                                use digital and automated tools for both
of work, our Transforming Care program
                                                our consumers and employees.
is a shared and consistent way of working
across the health service, through guiding      Monash Health’s biggest technology-based
principles, leadership, teamwork and            transformation will be the implementation
redesigning systems and processes.              of our Electronic Medical Record (EMR).
                                                The EMR will provide clinicians with access
In combining this work with our employee
                                                to timely information about the people
health and wellbeing programs and
                                                they are caring for, and assist them in
leadership and management programs,
                                                making decisions with better evidence.
we will build a culture of humility, respect,
                                                For consumers, this means safer, higher
kindness and compassion at Monash
                                                quality care.
Health. We will work together in providing
excellence in care to those in need, and        We will empower clinicians and consumers
a place of opportunity, inclusion and           with better knowledge. Using improved
excellence.                                     clinical data analytics, Monash Health
                                                will be able to provide more predictive,
                                                personalised and prevention-based
                                                healthcare. This will be well supported by
                                                implementation of the Victorian Clinical
                                                Information Sharing platform, allowing
                                                the exchange of clinical information
                                                between health services, and by the
                                                national My Health Record program,
                                                allowing consumers to access their
                                                health information, and to use and share
                                                it in ways to better manage their health.
Building for the future                         Moorabbin Hospital

                                                     We will plan for the redevelopment of this
     We will continue to work with the DHHS
                                                     campus to ensure the right infrastructure
     to plan for the modernisation of the
                                                     support is in place for Monash Health to
     facilities across our health service, so more
                                                     establish as a leading elective surgical
     Victorians can better access the high quality
                                                     centre and continue to be one of Victoria’s
     care they need.
                                                     leading cancer treatment and research
                                                     centres. Consideration of the development
     Victorian Heart Hospital                        of an expanded elective surgery centre
                                                     would assist Monash Health to meet
     Australia’s first stand-alone heart hospital
                                                     growing elective surgery needs with a
     will bring world-leading cardiovascular care
                                                     possible focus on gynaecology, and other
     to all Victorians. In partnership with Monash
                                                     surgical specialties including craniofacial
     University, the hospital will bring together
                                                     surgery, orthopaedic surgery and other
     the world’s best experts in cardiovascular
                                                     cancer related surgeries.
     care, ground-breaking medical research
     and training for the next generation of
     Victorian heart specialists.                    Pakenham

                                                     Expansion of services in this area
     Casey Hospital Expansion Project                will support the growing needs of the
                                                     communities living in Melbourne’s south
     This major expansion will meet continuing
                                                     eastern growth corridor through local
     growth in demand for safe, high quality, and
                                                     access to multiple, integrated services
     often complex healthcare in Melbourne’s
                                                     and programs.
     rapidly-growing south east corridor. In the
     municipalities of Casey, Cardinia and East      Further development will enable growth
     Gippsland, more families than ever before       of the child, youth and family services,
     will be able to get the care, treatment, and    providing maternity care, an early parenting
     birthing support they need, sooner and          hub and early intervention for family
     close to home.                                  violence. Comprehensive community-based
                                                     mental health care would be provided for
     The expansion will provide, in partnership
                                                     adults and children, adolescent and youth.
     with Monash University, education and
     training in Melbourne’s south east for          Other areas of need include Aboriginal
     medical, nursing, and allied health students.   and population health programs, healthy
                                                     ageing and chronic disease prevention and
                                                     management programs, a satellite dialysis
     Monash Medical Centre Emergency
                                                     service, expand dental services, and
     Department Expansion
                                                     provide a comprehensive range of geriatric
     The expansion will see a dedicated area         services to support older people to remain
     for children, so they get the care they need    active and independent.
     sooner, and a dedicated area for providing
     appropriate care for people with mental
                                                     Dandenong Hospital
     health conditions.
                                                     The expansion and renewal of Dandenong
     Our employees will have the modern
                                                     Hospital would improve local access to high
     facilities they need to deliver the highest
                                                     volume, high complexity care in the rapidly
     quality emergency care, and access will
                                                     growing south east growth corridor. This
     be improved for ambulances arriving at
                                                     service would support a diverse community
     emergency, meaning people will get the
                                                     with a focus on general medicine, refugee
     vital care they need faster.
                                                     health, abdominal surgical specialties
                                                     including gastroenterology, and major head
                                                     and neck/craniofacial care including plastic
                                                     surgery and maternity care.

We will continue to modernise
the facilities across our
health service and work
with Government to build new
facilities so more Victorians
can better access the high
quality care they need.

     Cranbourne Centre                             Mental Health Services

     The redevelopment of Cranbourne Centre        Redesign, redevelopment and expansion of
     would provide a facility to support the       our mental health services would strengthen
     increasing acuity of care that can be         our consumers’ experience of their care
     provided in the community. This would         – from emergency department care to
     include better access to day surgery, such    hospital and community-based care – and
     as plastic surgery, ophthalmology and         meet the growing demand for youth and
     endoscopic procedures, and better access      older persons mental health services.
     to specialist appointments prior to and
                                                   The establishment of behavioural health
     following hospital admission.
                                                   precincts in our emergency departments
                                                   would ensure consumers have timely
     Monash Medical Centre                         access to specialist assessment and
     Women’s Services                              care in an environment that is sensitive
                                                   to their needs. Expansion of our acute
     The redevelopment of the Monash
                                                   hospital services at Casey Hospital would
     Women’s service would include the
                                                   improve access to hospital care closer
     redevelopment and expansion of birthing
                                                   to people’s homes for people who live in
     suites and inpatient beds, additional areas
                                                   the City of Casey and Shire of Cardinia.
     for high complexity care, increasing access
                                                   Redevelopment of the adult mental health
     to a pregnancy assessment unit, and fetal
                                                   precinct at Monash Medical Centre would
     monitoring. Operating rooms and the
                                                   provide access to purpose-built facilities
     intensive care unit would be redeveloped,
                                                   and enhance the care environment,
     providing for improved standards of care
                                                   experience and recovery process for
     and privacy.
                                                   consumers, providing a safe and more
                                                   appropriate care environment.
     Subacute and Aged Care Services

     The replacement of 96 subacute inpatient      Specialist Clinical Services
     beds, and expanded therapy areas and
                                                   The development of ambulatory care
     the community rehabilitation centre would
                                                   services, including services for renal
     support safe, inclusive and evidence-based
                                                   dialysis, cancer treatment, medical and
     recovery care.
                                                   surgical review and X-ray, CT and MRI
                                                   services is a priority.
Integrating teaching                             Delivering a chronic
and research                                     disease strategy

We aim to improve the outcomes of our            Chronic disease is one of the biggest
community through strengthening our              challenges facing our health system. As the
capabilities as a leading academic health        largest health service in Victoria and as a
service. We will achieve this together with      provider of primary, secondary and tertiary
our key teaching, research and community         services across the lifespan, Monash Health
partners by better integrating teaching and      is uniquely placed to impact and influence
research into the care and treatment we          our community’s chronic disease service
provide and by playing an integral role in       system.
strengthening the connections between
                                                 Together with our community we have
these partners.
                                                 developed a strategy to generate lasting
Monash Health will continue to advance the       changes that will significantly improve the
translation of research into clinical practice   health and wellbeing of people living in
through the Monash Health Translation            Melbourne’s south east. It recognises the
Precinct, in partnership with Monash             need for a coordinated approach to drive
University and the Hudson Institute of           regional level system change for people
Medical Research.                                living in our community. We will work
                                                 together with our partners to achieve
We will continue innovating for better health
                                                 truly integrated care.
through our role as one of the lead agencies
in Monash Partners. A partnership of public
and private hospitals, health research and       Supporting the growth of Jessie
teaching organisations, Monash Partners          McPherson Private Hospital
is a health service led Academic Health
Science Centre, recognised by the National       We will support the growth of Jessie
Health and Medical Research Council as           McPherson Private Hospital to ensure that
one of only four internationally leading         we can offer the full range of options for our
centres in Australia.                            consumers.

Through the Monash National Employment           Established in 1930, today Jessie
and Innovation Cluster (Monash Cluster)          McPherson Private holds a specialist
we will continue to embrace future               role across the state in cardiology and
opportunities for the community together         cardiothoracic surgery; neurology and
with local governments, Monash University,       neurosurgery; gastro sciences and
research institutions and major businesses.      endoscopy; gynaecology; maternity for high
                                                 and low risk pregnancies, and neonatal
                                                 care; and vascular surgery.

                                                 Our facilities will continue to improve with
                                                 the ongoing refurbishment of the inpatient
                                                 facilities and expansion of co-located
                                                 private consulting rooms. The continued
                                                 growth of the private hospital will enable
                                                 the full-time appointments of more of our
                                                 specialist staff, working in Monash Health’s
                                                 co-located private and public facilities.


Monash Health enjoys
a proud history of
providing health care
and health leadership to
Victorian communities,
dating back to its
humble beginnings in
the mid-1800s.

Our unique history                                Our services

Monash Health enjoys a proud history of           Monash Health holds a privileged position
providing health care and health leadership       as the largest and most diverse health
to Victorian communities, dating back to its      network within the Victorian healthcare
humble beginnings in the mid-1800s.               system, and one of the largest and most
                                                  diverse in Australia. Our size and scope
In 1850 a facility for the ill and destitute of
                                                  of services are comparable to those of
Melbourne was established, a precursor to
                                                  some of the most preeminent international
the dramatically different Kingston Centre
                                                  healthcare services.
we know today as a leading centre for aged
care and rehabilitation. In the late 1800s a      As a major metropolitan health service
homeopathic hospital, later named Prince          in Melbourne, with more than 18,000
Henry’s Hospital was opened, as well as           employees, we provide care to south
McCulloch House and Queen Victoria                eastern metropolitan and rural Victoria
Memorial Hospital. ‘Queen Vic’ was the first      from over 40 locations throughout the
Australian hospital ‘for women, by women’         south eastern suburbs of Melbourne, via
founded by Australia’s first female medical       telehealth, and in people’s communities
graduates.                                        and homes.

In 1977 Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital          Monash Health uniquely cares for people
and McCulloch House combined to form              across the full human lifespan, from pre-
Queen Victoria Medical Centre. Ten years          birth to end of life, providing integrated,
later Prince Henry’s Hospital and Moorabbin       comprehensive, and often highly complex
Hospital joined Queen Victoria Medical            care. We improve people’s health and
Centre to form Monash Medical Centre.             experiences through:

In the mid-1990s Dandenong Hospital,              • Prevention
Kingston Centre, three suburban hospitals
                                                  • Early intervention
and several community health services
including those serving Cranbourne,               • Community and home-based treatment
Berwick, Dandenong, Springvale, Parkdale,           and rehabilitation
Cockatoo, and Bunyip, merged into a
consolidated healthcare network known             • Specialised surgical and medical
today as Monash Health.                             diagnosis, treatment and monitoring
                                                    services, including primary, secondary,
Since this time, Casey Hospital opened in           tertiary and some quaternary level care.
2004, serving the then most populous and            We assume a specialist referral role
fastest-growing municipality in Victoria.           for many specialities serving greater
Monash Children’s Hospital opened in 2017,          Melbourne, Victoria and interstate.
playing an integral part in Monash Health’s
care of children in the south east of Victoria.   • Hospital and community-based
We are now planning to build the Victorian          mental health services
Heart Hospital, Australia’s first dedicated       • Comprehensive sub-acute
heart hospital, to open in 2022.                    and aged care programs

                                                  • Palliative care

                                                  • Research

                                                  • Teaching the next generation of
                                                    healthcare professionals through
                                                    undergraduate, postgraduate,
                                                    vocational and specialist programs,
                                                    simulation, and telehealth.

                                                                                                  1   Casey Hospital

                                                                                                  2   Cranbourne Centre

                                                                                                  3   Dandenong Hospita
Tertiary health services                         Today we provide the following teaching,
                                                 research and care across our sites:              4   Kingston Centre
Monash Health provides a range of medical
and surgical tertiary health services locally,                                                        Monash Medical Ce
statewide and nationally for children,           Monash Medical Centre                            5   Monash Children’s H
adolescents and adults.                                                                               Jessie McPherson P
                                                 A major teaching and research, tertiary
This includes the provision of neurosurgery,     hospital, Monash Medical Centre provides a       6   Moorabbin Hospital

cardiac care and paediatric sleep medicine       comprehensive range of specialist surgical,      7   Victorian Heart Hosp
for regional and rural communities, and our      medical, allied health, mental health and
partnering with health services in regional      palliative care services.                       Major Monash Health Co

and rural locations in the provision of care                                                      8   Dandenong
                                                 Monash Medical Centre has one of the
for their communities, including via the use
                                                 state’s busiest emergency departments,           9   Pakenham Health C
of telehealth technology.
                                                 is the primary site for world renowned
                                                                                                 10   Springvale
Monash Health is one of only two services        cardiovascular care, provides one of
in Australia that provides combined kidney       Victoria’s largest women’s health services,     11   Berwick
and pancreas transplants, and one of             uniquely offering maternity and newborn
only two centres in Victoria with an acute       services including a Neonatal Intensive Care
stroke unit that provides an endovascular        Unit and Special Care Unit on the one site,
clot retrieval service. We are the dedicated     is a state-wide provider of thalassemia, and
statewide provider of thalassaemia care,         is a designated national provider of renal
and in partnership with other tertiary health    and pancreatic transplants.
services, we provide statewide paediatric
services in intensive care, cancer services,
                                                 Monash Children’s Hospital
cardiac care, surgery, rehabilitation,
sleep disorders, forensic medicine and           Monash Health provides the third busiest
palliative care.                                 paediatric service in the country, caring
                                                 for more than 100,000 children every year.
Monash Health is home to Victoria’s
                                                 Monash Children’s Hospital is a network of
first jack jumper ant clinic, providing
                                                 paediatric healthcare services across three
immunotherapy for Victorians and
                                                 sites – our main campus is co-located with
people from interstate.
                                                 Monash Medical Centre and satellite sites
                                                 are at Dandenong and Casey Hospitals.
Our sites
                                                 A comprehensive teaching and research,
                                                 tertiary hospital, Monash Children’s Hospital
The types of services we provide at each
                                                 provides more than 30 specialist services
of our sites will evolve over time to ensure
                                                 and programs including Early in Life
we continue to meet the changing needs
                                                 Mental Health Service (ELMHS) co-located
and expectations of our community, adopt
                                                 with the new state-wide Child Inpatient
the latest advances in health science and
                                                 Unit, Victoria’s largest Neonatal Intensive
technology, and provide consistently safe
                                                 Care Unit, leading paediatric services
and high quality care across each of our
                                                 in Rehabilitation, Oncology, Paediatric
                                                 Intensive Care, and Palliative Care.
We will achieve this through the ongoing
                                                 Monash Children’s Hospital is also a
development, implementation and review of
                                                 statewide provider of children’s cancer
Monash Health’s Service and Master Plans.
                                                 services and the Victorian Referral Centre
                                                 for many low-volume and highly complex
                                                 cases. We uniquely link our paediatric and
                                                 adult services to create positive, safe, and
                                                 high quality transitions of care as children
                                                 progress to our adult services.

Health hospitals and major community sites
           City of Glen Eira

                                              7     City of Monash

         City of Bayside                           10
                                     4                  8
                                                    City of
entre,                     City of Kingston
Hospital,                                                                 11
Private Hospital                                                                     1

                                                                                                     9       Shire of Cardinia
                                                                     City of Casey

 pital                                                                2

ommunity sites


                                                                                         Primary catchment                  Secondary catchment   Tertiary catchment

                                                                                         Shire of Cardinia                  Shire of Bayside      Shire of Bass Coast
                                                                                         City of Casey                      City of Knox          Shire of Baw Baw
                                                                                         City of Glen Eira                  City of Frankston     Shire of East Gippsland
                                                                                         City of Greater                    Shire of Mornington   City of La Trobe
                                                                                         Dandenong                          Peninsula             Shire of South
                                                                                         City of Kingston                                         Gippsland
                                                                                         City of Monash                                           Shire of Wellington
Moorabbin Hospital                             Victorian Heart Hospital

     Moorabbin Hospital incorporates Monash         To be built on the grounds of Monash
     Cancer Centre, one of Victoria’s leading       University, the Victorian Heart Hospital will
     cancer treatment centres, hosts the            be commissioned in 2022. The hospital
     Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer           will provide care for people with cardiac
     Service, and provides elective surgery and     diseases, from early childhood to advanced
     dialysis. Home to Victoria’s first Patient     adult life, and include an emergency
     Simulation Centre, the hospital plays a        department, cardiac catheterisation labs,
     major role in the education and training       specialist surgical and imaging facilities and
     of undergraduate and postgraduate              telehealth services.
     medical students, nurses and allied health
                                                    Monash Health and Monash University will
     professionals. The hospital is a centre
                                                    together provide education, training, and
     for research, and in particular, a major
                                                    basic and translational research in the new
     contributor to cancer-related research.
                                                    Victorian Heart Hospital.

     Dandenong Hospital
                                                    Kingston Centre
     Dandenong Hospital is a large acute
                                                    Kingston Centre is a large sub-acute facility
     hospital providing a number of general
                                                    specialising in high-quality rehabilitation
     and specialist services to the people
                                                    and functional restoration, including the full
     living and working in Dandenong and its
                                                    range of allied health services for adults of
     surrounding areas. These services include
                                                    all ages, transitional care, and aged mental
     an emergency department, general medical
                                                    health. The centre provides specialist
     and surgical, intensive care, maternity
                                                    services for older people including aged
     care, special care nursery, paediatrics,
                                                    care assessment, cognitive dementia and
     outpatients, day chemotherapy, home
                                                    memory services, a Falls and Balance
     haemodialysis, mental health and allied
                                                    Clinic, Pain Clinic, clinical gait analysis and
     health services. Dandenong Hospital also
                                                    continence service.
     provides specialist services including
     orthopaedic, plastics, vascular, facio-        Kingston Centre is at the forefront of
     maxillary, gynaecology, respiratory and        research into movement and gait disorders,
     infectious diseases.                           aged mental health and geriatric medicine.

     Casey Hospital                                 Cranbourne Centre
     Serving one of the fastest growing areas       Cranbourne Centre provides a range of
     in Melbourne’s south east Casey Hospital       same-day acute and sub-acute services
     provides emergency, general medical,           including surgery, renal dialysis, specialist
     mental health, rehabilitation, surgical and    consulting, regional ophthalmology, mental
     ambulatory, maternity and special care         health, and community health services and
     nursery services. The hospital is a provider   a community rehabilitation centre.
     of paediatric services for Monash Children’s
     Hospital and leading cardiovascular
                                                    Jessie McPherson Private Hospital
                                                    A tertiary level private hospital co-located at
     The expansion of Casey Hospital, including
                                                    Monash Medical Centre, Jessie McPherson
     the addition of an intensive care unit and
                                                    Private Hospital offers a range of specialist
     more operating theatres, will provide the
                                                    services for people in Melbourne, regional
     rapidly growing local community with easier
                                                    Victoria, interstate and overseas.
     access to higher acuity care.

Community Health Sites                        Aged Care

          Monash Health’s community program             Monash Health provides a range of aged
          operates across 21 sites and supports         care services across Melbourne’s south
          our local community to improve, maintain      east, including low level care in hostels,
          and manage health, independence and           high care in nursing homes, respite care,
          wellbeing by providing or connecting with     dementia-specific care and specialised
          integrated, multidisciplinary care. The       aged mental health care.
          aim is to support and prepare consumers
          to self-manage their health and health
                                                        Mental Health
          care. Monash Health Community delivers
          services to people of all ages, supporting    Monash Health operates eight mental
          them through all stages of their care and     health facilities including inpatient,
          delivering an integrated pathway from acute   residential, community care and drug
          and subacute care to the community.           and alcohol facilities. The comprehensive
                                                        range of mental health services provided
                                                        to adults and children include: alcohol and
                                                        drug; telephone psychiatric triage; crisis
                                                        assessment and treatment; consultation
                                                        liaison psychiatry; mobile support and
                                                        treatment; acute inpatient care; extended
                                                        inpatient care; perinatal and infant care;
                                                        eating disorders care; gender dysphoria;
                                                        prevention and recovery care; community

The types of services
                                                        residential and rehabilitation services;
                                                        agile psychological medicine outpatient
                                                        assessments; and Police, Ambulance and
we provide at each                                      Clinical Early Response (PACER) response.

of our sites will evolve
over time to ensure
we continue to meet the
changing needs
and expectations of
our community, adopt
the latest advances
in health science and
technology, and provide
consistently safe
and high quality care
across each of our sites.
Our community                                  More illness

                                                    There is a higher prevalence of cancer and
     Monash Health is privileged to be an
                                                    neurological conditions; chronic diseases,
     integral part of the local communities we
                                                    including diabetes, heart disease and
     care for across our primary catchment
                                                    asthma; and risk factors such as obesity
     area. This includes people from the local
                                                    and high blood pressure.
     government areas of Glen Eira, Kingston,
     Monash, Greater Dandenong, Casey, and          Monash Health’s reach also extends across
     Cardinia.                                      the state of Victoria, and across Australia,
                                                    for some of our specialist services. The
     The demographic characteristics of these
                                                    local government areas that comprise
     rapidly evolving communities include:
                                                    our secondary catchments are Bayside,
                                                    Frankston, Knox and the Mornington
     Rapid growth                                   Peninsula. Our tertiary catchment area
                                                    includes Bass Coast,
     The south east growth corridor of Casey
                                                    Baw Baw, East Gippsland, Latrobe,
     and Cardinia is the fastest growing region
                                                    South Gippsland and Wellington.
     in the state.

                                                    Our partners
     High birth rates

     The south east of our primary catchment        We partner for the design, planning, and
     area has a younger population and higher       delivery of connected and integrated health
     birth rates.                                   care and services to ensure better access
                                                    to care and better health of communities.

     Ageing populations                             Our partnerships with other providers of
                                                    health, social, and community services
     The north west of our primary catchment
                                                    provide a strong presence that is deeply
     area has significantly higher rates of older
                                                    embedded in local communities. We
     persons than the state average.
                                                    will continue to value and strengthen
                                                    our partnerships with consumers; our
     Multicultural diversity                        community; academic and research
     Approximately 20,000 residents are             institutions; metropolitan and regional
     Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander       health service providers; local
     people, well over a third of residents were    organisations; and local, state and
     born overseas, and we have the largest         federal governments.
     refugee and migrant community in Victoria.


     Many of our local communities experience
     some of the greatest socioeconomic
     disadvantage and highest rates of
     unemployment in the state.

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