National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School

Page created by Carl Rogers
National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School
National Careers Week 2022
The focus of National Careers Week this year is – hope (click HERE to see video). This video has been shown to all
students during tutor time. The students engaged in group discussions and presentations regarding to careers
guidance and education.

At Bohunt School Liphook we want our students to understand, work towards and fulfil their careers goals, so that
they can move forward feeling confident and focused on their future.

We encourage students to think about potential opportunities, to research, reflect, and to be secure in the
knowledge that they have made the right decisions about their ongoing education and learning and where it will
lead them.

Please take time to look through our careers bulletin and be inspired by our virtual careers fayre (click HERE), so
you can make an informed decision.

If you have anything you would like to discuss in relation to careers, then please contact the careers team at
National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School
Careers with Animal Days!                                 National Careers Week – BBC Bitesize
                                                               The BBC Bitesize Careers pages are packed
             Saturday 19th March                               with useful information for you!

Please see HERE a breakdown of the                             Especially for National Careers Week 2022, Bitesize
                                                               Careers hosted a series of panel discussions
    day and more information!                                  exploring jobs in healthcare and science, media
                                                               and journalism, sports, music and arts, and
                                                               If you're looking for something subject-specific,
                                                               head to our Where could your favourite subject
                                                               take you collection to hear from young people using
                                                               the subjects that your students enjoy in the

                                                                         Speakers for Schools
                                                                 Click HERE to see the upcoming events and talks

  At the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
  (Dstl) we provide the science and technology that
  protects the UK’s security. Working closely with the
Ministry of Defence (MOD) and wider government, we               Whitehill and Bordon Careers Fayre
 research, create and deliver innovative solutions that
                                                                  Click HERE to see flyer with all the information
keep the country safe. So, it’s not sci‐fi. It’s the science       about Whitehill and Bordon’s Careers Fayre!
                     inside defence.

     Find out more and see all apprenticeship


                           34 CRUCIAL JOB INTERVIEW TIPS
                   Please click HERE to get some tips on how to do your best in an interview.

                                                 Bohunt 6th Form
                Please click HERE to find a link to the Bohunt 6th Form
               website, to find out lots of information about the college.
        Please click HERE to find a list of all the open events from the different 6th forms and colleges!
National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School
Toad Hall Nursery Apprentice Wanted!
                                                                        We are hosting a recruitment evening on
                                                                        Monday 14 March 6pm-7.30pm, this is
                                                                        the perfect opportunity to meet the team
                                                                        and view the nursery whilst learning
                                                                        about the job roles we have to offer.
                                                                        5 reasons to join us as a Modern
                                                                            1. 'Earn while you learn'
                                                                            2. Having a Development Coach from
                                                                               the Training Provider, plus a
                                                                               Mentor within the nursery to
                                                                               support you in your journey
                                                                            3. Gaining ‘hands on’ experience
                                                                            4. The opportunity to apply for
                                                                               vacancies across the company
                                                                               once you qualify
                                                                            5. Being part of the Toad Hall Family

  Come and join our friendly team, for more information please call on 01428 654117.
  We look forward to hearing from you or seeing you at the recruitment evening.

  Kind regards
  Louise and Michelle
  Toad Hall Nursery

        ARMY jobs!                                                        Microsoft apprenticeships
Click HERE to see a video of                                               Click HERE to find out more.
the range of different roles.

             Careers and Enterprise                                Government and cyber security
 Tuesday 15 March, 4:30pm - Games Design and
Development The games industry is booming with                          Click HERE to find out more.
 more people than ever before consuming video
game content. How can I be a part of creating this?
  There are a huge range of entry routes into the
games industry and this session will cover a variety                       Careers and Enterprise
 of these options. Games designers come from a
wide range of backgrounds and prior experiences,
                                                            Thursday 17 March, 4:30pm – Directing and Producing
 with qualifications from across the arts, sciences
                                                            Television Entertainment Are you interested in pitching,
            and humanities. Book HERE
                                                         producing and directing your own TV shows? Could you create
    Monday 28 March, 4:30pm – Cinematography               a hit format like Strictly Come Dancing, The Apprentice or
Cinematography is an essential part of filmmaking -       Gogglebox? Would you like to direct a rock band in a multi-
visual storytelling is emphasised alongside the art of   camera studio or shoot a show on location? Join NFTS Head of
  creating mood and evoking emotion through the           TV Entertainment, David G. Croft, who will introduce you to
 right combination of composition and lighting. Join      the range of careers available within television. David has a
the NFTS to learn about cinematography within the        wealth of experience in Television production in Band Aid and
   film and television industry and to find out more                       The Crystal Maze Book HERE
  about this exciting and creative career path. Book
National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School
Virtual Professional Panel Events this March
We are pleased to let you know that our Explore Careers Series will be returning at the end of the month and
will once again give students the opportunity to hear about the many career options avaiable to them. This
year we will be hosting a panel of experts from a range of fields to talk through their experiences but most
importantly, answer student questions.

Explore Law: 23rd March 17.00 - 18.30
A great opportunity for students to hear from legal professionals (Solicitors. Paralegals & Barristers) from a
range of backgrounds who are all at different stages in their respective careers. We are delighted to be
welcoming speakers from Allen & Overy, No.5 Chambers, Shoosmiths and Squire Patton Boggs. Attendees
will also have the opportunity to speak to current ULaw students about their experiences studying Law.

Explore Criminology & Policing: 22nd March 17.00 - 18.30
For students considering joining the Police or those that want to study Criminology our panel of experts will be
able to guide them through the career options and the qualifications they will need whilst also sharing their
experience of working in their respective fields.

Explore Business: 22nd March 17.00 - 18.30
Our business panel makes this event ideal for students considering studying Business at University but unsure
of the paths available after graduation. Our professionals on the panel will be able to share their experiences
of establishing their own business, training to be a Chartered Accountant and developing their careers to
management levels.

To book, students can click on the link below to register on our events page.

                                             BOOK NOW

                          100 Days – Amazing Apprenticeships
The first 100 days of an apprenticeship is a really important time, finding your feet and learning the ropes!
 Our new film hears from a wide variety of apprentices, many of whom featured in our apprentice stories
           series, about their first 100 days and the advice and insight they would give to others.

                                                                    SEE VIDEO

                                                          Come back next time for more information…
National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School National Careers Week 2022 - Bohunt School
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