MyBonneyLake Spring 2022 - Recreation Guide - City of Bonney Lake

Page created by Curtis Vargas
MyBonneyLake Spring 2022 - Recreation Guide - City of Bonney Lake
myBonneyLake                             Spring 2022
                                         Recreation Guide
      Your guide for recreation

                                  Mark your calendars!
                                  Haulin' Eggs
                                  		       Photo courtesy of Matt Ferguson
MyBonneyLake Spring 2022 - Recreation Guide - City of Bonney Lake

         •PeeWee Outdoor Soccer for Ages 3 thru 6
         Register early so you don't miss out on all the fun! This very popular     Volunteer Coaching -Making a Difference
         coed program is for children ages 3 to 6. There are two divisions
                                                                                    Please consider volunteering to coach your child's team. We
         offered; 3/4 year old division and 5/6 year old division. Score is not
                                                                                    are always looking for volunteer coaches to coach our pee wee
         kept and the emphasis of the program is on learning and having fun.
                                                                                    and youth sports. You can make a difference and make some
         Program runs exclusively on Saturday mornings; practice on May 7,
         a jamboree on May 14, followed by 4 league games between May 21            great memories for your child at the same time. Please contact
         and mid June. Program times will run between 9:00AM and 1:00PM.            the Recreation Department for further information or make
         Coaches will be provided schedules/times prior to first practice. If       a notation on your registration form that you are interested in
         you have a coach or friend request please make a notation on your          coaching your child's team.
         registration form. We will do our best to accommodate requests but
         they are not guaranteed. Please bring a water bottle.                      Coaches will contact players after they have completed the
         Registration deadline is April 18                                          volunteer clearance process. Coaches receive a team t-shirt.
         Cost:     $50 Includes T-Shirt                                             Coaches must be CPR/First Aid certified, pass a background
                   $60 after April 18th, if space available                         check and follow all City of Bonney Lake volunteer guidelines.
         Site:     Daffodil Valley East/West grass fields                           If interested in coaching, please let the office know as soon as

         •NEW! Skyhawks Youth Sports Clinics
         Mini-Hawk - Soccer/Baseball/Basketball Ages 4-7
         Athletes explore balance, movement, hand/eye coordination in a
         safe, structured environment with lots of encouragement and a focus      •After School Track Camp for Grades 4 & 5 (only)
         on fun. All games and activities are performed at athlete's own pace.    This popular program introduces the basic fundamentals of track
         Minimum 5, Maximum 20                                                    and field events and is open to in-person Sumner-Bonney Lake
         Days:     Sundays                                                        School District students only. Register early as spots are limited
         Dates:    April 3, 10, 24, May 1, 15, 22                                 (30 per school). Students will develop fundamental skills in a fun,
         Time:     12:00 - 12:45PM                                                active and purposeful camp atmosphere. A sports physical is not
         Cost:     $85                                                            required to participate. Program runs two afternoons (directly after
         Site:     Daffodil Valley East/West grass fields                         school) per week and culminates with an all district jamboree.
                                                                                  Masks may be required. Please bring a water bottle.
         Flag Football - Ages 8-12                                                Registration opens: April 4
         Athletes learn skills on both sides of the football, including the       Days:     Tuesday and Thursday (subject to coach's schedule)
         core components of passing, catching, and defense - all in a fun         Dates:    May 3 - June 1
         and positive environment. The program culminates with a Skyhawks         Time:     Directly after school (check with your school)
         Super Bowl!                                                                        Camp runs 60-90 minutes, depending on coach
         Minimum 5, Maximum 20                                                    Cost:     $55 Includes T-Shirt
         Days:     Sundays                                                                 $65 after April 18 if space is available
         Dates:    April 3, 10, 24, May 1, 15, 22                                 Site:     Local Elementary school fields
         Time:     12:45 - 1:30PM                                                 Jamboree: June 1 at Sunset Stadium in Sumner 5:30-8:00PM
         Cost:     $85                                                            *Program policies and maximum participation subject to Covid-19
         Site:     Daffodil Valley East/West grass fields                         updated guidelines.

                                                                                  •Help Wanted - Youth Sports Officials
                                                                                  The Recreation Department is hiring for our upcoming
                                                                                  peewee baseball and youth baseball seasons. Minimum age
                                                                                  requirement is 14 years of age. If you are interested in joining
                                                                                  our team, please apply online at:
            Please visit the Web site noted below, as each visit enables the
          Sumner/Bonney Lake Recreation Department to receive sponsorship
                                   from Land O'Frost.
                 Please visit the Land O'Frost Web site for additional
            information about Land O'Frost Youth Sports and to download
                      special savings opportunities and coupons.
                                          Click "Employment" and then the "Government Jobs"
                               Choose Area: "Tacoma"                              tab and scroll down to "Youth Sports Official" and start
                 Choose League: "Sumner Parks and Recreation"                     your application. Please email our office at: recreation@
                                                                         after completing your online application
            We would like to give a special thank you to Land O'Frost Youth
                                                                                  to schedule an interest appointment.
            Sports for their generous sponsorship of our youth sports leagues.

Page 2

•Gymnastics Classes - Ages 1-12                                                     •Babysitter Class for Ages 11-16
Bars, beams, floor and more! Coaches instruct gymnasts through various              Boys and girls, come for a day of fun while earning your Super Sitters
skills in a safe and fun manner. Gymnasts will also learn strength, flexibility,    Certificate! This class will cover leadership and the business of babysitting,
balance, and positive self-image. All classes Minimum 3, Maximum 8                  basic care for children, understanding children of different age groups, safety
Tiny Stars: (Coed - Ages 1 to 3) Parent/tot introduction to gymnastics. Fine        and first aid. Bring a peanut-free sack lunch and a snack to class.  Min, 10
and gross motor skill development with hands-on parent assistance.                  Max. 30
Mini Stars: (Coed - Age 4) Fine and gross motor skill development and               You must pre-register for this class, no registrations taken at the door.
beginning tumbling skills.                                                          Date:      Saturday, April 30
Mighty Stars:  (Girls - Ages 5 & 6) Gymnasts will master basic tumbling             Times: 9:00AM - 2:00 PM
skills and be introduced to vault, bars, balance beam and floor exercise  and       Cost:       $75
simple routines.                                                                    Site:       Daffodil Elementary School Room 404   (enter at back of school)
Girls Beginner:   (Ages 7 to 12)   Gymnasts continue with basic skills on                       1509 Valley Avenue, Sumner
vault, bars, beam and floor learning a foundation for moving to higher levels.
Dates:       Fridays: Session 3: February 25 - March 18
                        Session 4: March 25 - April 15
                        Session 5: April 22 - May 13
            Saturdays: Session 3: February 26 - March 19
                                                                                    •Safe at Home for Ages 8-12
                                                                                    This two-hour course is designed for children to learn about potential dangers
		                      Session 4: March 26 - April 16
                                                                                    when home alone. Learn how to be responsible and safe in any situation. We
		                      Session 5: April 23 - May 14
                                                                                    will cover family communication, first aid, internet, gun, phone, fire and door
Times: Tiny Stars: Friday class 5:30 to 6:10PM
                                                                                    safety. Min, 10 Max. 30
            Mini Stars: Friday class 6:15 to 7:00PM

                                                                                    You must pre-register for this class, no registrations taken at the door.
            Mighty Stars: Friday class 6:00 to 7:00PM
                                                                                    Date:      Saturday, April 30
            Girls Beginner: Saturday class 9:00 to 10:00AM
                                                                                    Times: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Cost:       Prices per 4-week session: Tiny Stars: $75 Mini Stars: $80
                                                                                    Cost:      $35
            Mighty Stars & Girls Beginner: $87
                                                                                    Site:      Daffodil Elementary School Room 404  (enter at back of school)
Site:       Ascend Gymnastics - Sumner
                                                                                               1509 Valley Avenue, Sumner

            1627 45th Street E, Bldg. D-103, Sumner

•Kidz Love Soccer Classes - Ages 2-10
Learn the fundamentals of soccer through age-appropriate,                             •Off Broadway Play - Ages 6-11
imagery-based play in a recreational format. Develop large motor                      Join the cast of a mini-play! All participants will act on stage in full
skills and socialization skills. Please note this is a skills class                   costume. Instructor, Judy Shufelt, has a Bachelors degree in Theatre and
and not a league with games. Parent participation required for                        is a certified K-12 teacher.   Minimum of 10 participants.
Mommy/Daddy & Me class. Soccer 1 and 2 classes will focus on                          Session: Go Fish
game fundamentals, offensive and defensive positions and team
work. Shin guards required after first class for all classes except
Mommy/Daddy & Me. Classes taught by Kidz Love Soccer staff.
                                                                                      A Tuna Fish that can't carry a tune? A Star Fish who can't get an acting
                                                                                      job? A seven-legged Octopus? A Zebra Fish with spots? A Tiger Shark who
                                                                                      wants to be friends with everyone? Join in the aquatic fun as little Tiger
Dates:    Saturdays, April 2 - May 14                                                 Shark and her unique collection of friends discover how their differences
Time:     Mommy/Daddy/Me (Ages 2 to 3.5)               2:00 - 2:30 PM                 make them each special.
          Tot Soccer (Ages 3.5 to 4)		                 2:40 - 3:10 PM                 Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays
          Pre-Soccer (Ages 4 to 5)		                   3:15 - 3:50 PM                 Dates: April 19, 21, 26, 28, May 3, 5
          Soccer 1 Techniques/Teamwork (Ages 5 to 6) 3:55 - 4:40 PM                                  Performance will occur on Thursday, May 5 at 7:00PM
          Soccer 2 Skillz & Scrimmages (Ages 7 to 10)  4:45 - 5:30 PM                 Time:          6:00 to 7:30 PM
Minimum 8 per class/Maximum 14 per class                                              Cost:          $75 per session
Cost:     $118 Includes jersey                                                        Site:        Victor Falls Elementary Commons
Site:     Bill Heath Sports Complex                                                                  11401 188th Ave Ct. E, Bonney Lake
          (Behind Robert Miller Gym)

•Powers Kids Karate- Ages 5 - 9                                                     •Junior Karate- Ages 10 thru 12
Children will learn basic punches, blocks, kicks, forms and self-defense            Train in Isshinryu Karate, a traditional martial art from Okinawa. Junior
techniques with an emphasis on self-discipline, focus, self-confidence and          Karate will focus on fitness, coordination, self-confidence, courtesy and
respect. We will discuss topics such as "stranger danger", awareness and            respect. Learn karate techniques, forms and self-defense skills. Earn belt
bullying in a fun and safe atmosphere. Age variation spread is at the discretion    promotions and compete in optional regional tournaments. Have fun in a safe
of the instructor. Instructor, Garrett Powers, is a black belt, Isshinryu Karate.   and positive class setting. Instructor, Michael Osborn, is a 6th degree black
Days:       Mondays and Wednesday, ongoing January 3 - June 15                      belt, Isshinryu Karate.
            No classes if school is closed (winter break, spring break, etc.)       Days:       Mondays and Wednesday, ongoing through June 15
Times: 5:30 - 6:30PM                                                                            No classes if school is closed (winter break, spring break, etc.)
Cost:       $45 per month for individual                                            Times: 5:15 - 6:15PM
            $30 per month for each additional family member                         Cost:       $50 per month for individual
Site:       Emerald Hills Elementary Gym/Commons                                                $40 per month for each additional family member
            19515 S Tapps Dr. E, Bonney Lake                                        Site:       Donald Eismann Elementary Gym
                                                                                                13802 Canyon View Blvd E, Bonney Lake

                                                                       							                                                                              Page 3

    •Bonney Lake High School Fastpitch-Softball Clinic                                 •Bonney Lake High School Dance Classes
    This clinic is for Grades 2 through 6. Join the Bonney Lake High School            Join the Bonney Lake High School Dance Team for weekly dance
    Fastpitch program for this exciting Fastpitch-Softball camp! All instruction       classes. Classes will be offered every Tuesday, January through May.
    will be held by Panther players and coaching staff. The camp will focus on         Ballet, Jazz, and Pom styles of dance will be taught. A Spring Recital
    fundamentals on both offense and defense including: throwing, catching,            will occur at the end of May. Dance class attire: white t-shirt, black
    hitting, pitching, base running, infield and outfield. Participants will need to   leggings and jazz or ballet shoes. Hair must be pulled back out of
    bring cleats, tennis shoes, a glove, helmet and bat. (Tennis shoes are required    face into a pony or bun. All classes will be taught by trained BLHS
    if it is raining and clinic is moved indoors to the gym).                          Drill Team Students and Coaches. Recital May 24 for all participants
    You must pre-register for this class, no registrations taken at the door.          Days:     Tuesdays
    Date:        Saturday, March 19                                                    Dates:    Session A: March 1 - 22 (No class March 1)
    Times: 10:00AM - 1:00 PM                                                                     Session B: April 5 - 26 (No class April 19)
    Cost:        $40 Includes T-shirt if registered by March 2nd                                 Session C: May 3 - 24
    Site:        Bonney Lake High School Softball Field                                Time:     5:30 - 6:30PM  Grades K through 3
                 Bonney Lake High School Gym (if raining)                                        6:30 - 7:30PM Grades 4 through 8
                 10920 199th Avenue Ct E, Bonney Lake                                  Cost:       $50 per session, includes T-Shirt first month registered
                                                                                       Site:       Bonney Lake High School Commons
                                                                                       *Program policies and maximum participation subject to Covid-19 updated

    •Mom/Son Mother's Day Dance
    It's time to put on your bow-ties and beautiful dresses, ladies and                                          ADULT CLASSES
    gents, the Mother/Son Mother's Day Dance is here. Come with your
    favorite lady, whether it's your mom, grandmother, aunt, or neighbor.                •Karate- Ages 13 to Adult
    Goodie bag for each son attending and flower for mom! There will be                  Train in Isshinryu Karate, a traditional martial art from Okinawa. Learn
    door prizes! Don't miss out on this special event to create a lifetime of            karate techniques, forms and self-defense skills. Earn belt promotions
    memories. Limited tables available to accommodate social distancing                  and compete in optional regional tournaments. Benefits include fitness,
    requirements. Space is limited so register early. Photo opportunities                confidence, self-discipline and fun all in a safe and positive class setting.
    available. Please note: Food will be limited to take home treats only.               Great for teens, adults and seniors. Instructor, Michael Osborn, is a 6th
    Current Pierce County Health Department and Sumner-Bonney Lake                       degree black belt, Isshinryu Karate.
    School District Covid policies with be followed.                                     Days:      Mondays and Wednesday, ongoing through June 15
    At time of print masks are required.                                                            No classes if school is closed (winter break, spring break, etc.)
    Tickets go on sale Tuesday, March 1st                                                Times: 6:30 - 7:30PM
    Date:     Saturday, May 7                                                            Cost:      $50 per month for individual
    Time:     6:00 - 8:00PM                                                                         $40 per month for each additional family member
    Cost:     $45 per couple, $10 per additional child                                   Site:      Donald Eismann Elementary Gym
    Site:     Lakeridge Middle School                                                               13802 Canyon View Blvd E, Bonney Lake
              5909 Myers Road E, Bonney Lake

                                                                        • Dog Obedience Training
                                                                        Does your dog jump up on people or won't come when called? Barge through the
                                                                        door before you? Can't walk nicely without pulling on a lead? If any of these issues
                                                                        are true for your dog, then it is time for dog obedience training! Classes are offered
                                                                        for all dogs ages 3 months and older.  Vaccination records required. Class taught
                                                                        indoors. One human per dog, masks required for humans. Instructor: Jim Grasley
                                                                        Basic Training: We teach you techniques to get your dog to be polite and well
                                                                        behaved. Review of household manners, management techniques and common
                                                                        problems such as jumping up, digging, and chewing the wrong things, etc. Cues
                                                                        such as Down, Stay, Give, Settle, Come, Leave It, Sit and Loose-lead walking will
                                                                        be taught. Socialization with other dogs and humans is emphasized.
                                                                        Intermediate Training: For all dogs that have completed the Basic course or have
                                                                        instructor’s permission. Builds on previous learned behaviors and develop reliable
                                                                        consistent results. More socialization, off leash walking and agility introduction
                                                                        Dates:      Saturdays
                                                                                    Session 3: March 12, 19, 26, April 9 (No class April 2)
                                                                                    Session 4: April 16, 23, 30, May 7
                                                                                    Session 5: May 14, 21, June 4, 11 (No class May 28)
                                                                        Time:       Basic:          2:00 - 3:00 PM
                                                                                    Intermediate A: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
                                                                                    Intermediate B: 4:00 - 5:00 PM
                  Photo of courtesy of Jim Grasley                      Cost:       $120 per dog
                                                                        Site:       Robert Miller Gymnasium (indoors), 15206 Daffodil Street Ct. E, Sumner

Page 4
City of Bonney Lake
   2022 Special Events Calendar                                                                                Mark your calendar...

•Haulin' Eggs
Time to put on your running shoes and get hopping.  Haulin' Eggs is a 5k in the neighborhood around Allan Yorke Park
in Bonney Lake. Runners will pick up eggs along the route. All participants will receive a medal.
Please check the City's online calendar to confirm details:

                                                 •2022 Outdoor Market and Tunes @ Tapps
                                                 Did you learn a new craft or expand your inventory? Is cooking your speciality? Are you a local farmer
                                                 looking for a community booth to sell your products? We have a great opportunity for you at our
                                                 Outdoor Market and Tunes @ Tapps events. Market operates Wednesdays from July 6th - August 31st
                                                 from 5:00 to 8:00PM. Concerts are held from 6:30 - 8:00PM. Looking for vendors with homemade
                                                 products, farmers and processed food vendors. Space is limited to the first 25 vendors. Food Vendors/
                                                 Processed Food Vendors contact the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department for proper licensing
Please email: for an application to participate or additional questions. Cost is $10 per week or $50 for all nine weeks.
Food Truck cost is additional. Applications available on our website at:

Stay tuned for concert list in our Summer myBonney Lake program guide and on our website.

•Before & After School Activities Program 2022-23
This program serves children who attend the following elementary schools: Bonney Lake, Crestwood, Daffodil Valley,
Donald Eismann, Emerald Hills, Liberty Ridge, Maple Lawn, Victor Falls and Tehaleh Heights. Before & After School
activities include games, arts and crafts, group games and much more!
2022-23 Before & After School Activities Program Detailed Information (including when registration opens) - May 10

•Summer Action Day Camp
Summer will be here before we know it and that means it is time to start thinking about summer plans.
Summer Action Day Camp offers field trips, weekly theme based activities, arts, crafts, games and loads of fun. Come,
join us and learn new games, make new friends and have the best summer ever. Program is for children completing
grades K through 5.
Summer Action Day Camp Detailed Information (including when registration opens) - April 1

                         Check for current program registration forms and updates at:

                                                                   THANK YOU

    Thank You Youth Basketball Sponsors                                                      Father/Daughter Dance
      FSI - Fire Sprinklers, Incorporated                                                  Sponsor/Vendor Shout Out
                                                                             We would like to thank our community groups for their generosity
             Legends Photography                                             in supplying a gift for the raffle. Our 2022 dance was such a success
          Machine Repair & Design                                                   thanks to our volunteers and the following businesses.
              Molen Orthodontics                                             		Ascend                   Gymnastics
              Next Step Apparel                                                               Dillanos Coffee Roasters
               RNF Construction                                                               High Cedars Golf Club
               Sterling Athletics                                                                  Ivar's Seafood
             Sumner Lawn N Saw                                                                  Molen Orthodontics
              Terrafin Real Estate                                                                  Old Cannery
                   US Bank                                                                       RNF Construction

                                                                                                                                             Page 5
2022 Spring Registration Form
                      Mail In                                             Walk In/By Appointment                                                                         Scan/Fax In
            Complete & Return To:                                                                                                                          Scan form to:
         City of Bonney Lake Rec. Dept.                                Robert Miller Gymnasium:                                               Call in your Visa/MC information after emailing your form.
                  PO Box 7380                                   Located behind Daffodil Valley Elem. School                                                      Phone (253) 891-6500
            Bonney Lake, WA 98391                                    (15206 Daffodil St Ct E Sumner)                                                              Fax: (253) 891-6515

        Parent or Guardian Full Name: ________________________________________________________________________
        Street Address: ________________________________________  City: _______________________ Zip: ____________
        Contact Phone #1: (____) _____________________  Contact Phone #2: (____) ______________________
        E-mail:  ______________________________________________________________________________________
        Reside In:        Sumner School District Boundaries		    *Bonney Lake City Limits
        		                *Unincorporated Pierce Co. (Add $5)    *Other (Add $5)

                Participant Name                            Age Grade School                        M/F       Time/Session #                             Activity Description                                $$ Fee $$

               If applicable, would you like to coach?                                              Coach/Friend Request:
        Please check appropriate t-shirt size: (if applicable)                                    NOTE: T-shirts tend to run small
        ____Youth X-Small (2-4)  ____Youth Small (6-8)  ____Youth Medium (10-12) ____Youth Large (14-16)                                                                                      Total
        ____Adult Small (34-36)   ____Adult Medium (38-40) ____Adult Large (42-44) ___Adult X-Large (46-48)                                                           *Non-Resident Fee $__________
       We provide reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities. Please contact the Recreation Office two weeks in advance of program start                  Total Amount Enclosed $__________
       date to discuss any special accommodations necessary. Accommodations will be determined on a case by case basis.
     I assume all risks and hazards of the conduct of the program and release from responsibility any person providing transportation to and from activities. In case of injury, I do hereby waive all claims of legal actions,
     financial or otherwise, against the City of Bonney Lake or the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District.  In absence of signature, payment of fee and/or participation in the program shall constitute acceptance of the conditions
     set forth in the release. I grant full permission to use any photographs, video tapes, motion pictures, recordings, or any other records of this program for promotional purposes. The City of Bonney and Sumner-Bonney
     Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity,
     the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities.

     The health and wellness of our participants and staff will be in the forefront of our minds. We will utilize and update guidance provided by the State of Washington and Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. We
     recognize that families are approaching Covid-19 with different levels of concern. We hope to find a proper balance where everyone has a great experience while following constantly evolving guidance. A Site-specific
     Covid-19 Supervisor will be designated to monitor the health of employees and participants and enforce the Covid-19 safety plan. The registrant may be the only person allowed in the facilities for classes and camps
     (depending on current guidelines).

     Properly worn face masks will be required for staff and participants both indoors and outdoors (in accordance with DOH guidelines). Social distancing (six feet) protocols will be implemented. High touch surfaces will
     be sanitized regularly throughout the day by program staff. Cleaning products will meet standards established by the CDC and Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. Covid-19 guidelines are constantly evolving
     and are subject to change at any time.

     In signing below, I attest that as a participant or parent/guardian of a program participant, I will not attend class or allow my child to attend class if I/we have any of the concerning symptoms noted below, or someone
     in our household has any concerning symptoms listed below, or has a known positive Covid-19 case. Concerning symptoms disallowing participation in class/camp or program (per Washington DOH guidelines):
     Cough, headache, fever of 100.00 or higher or a sense of having a fever, congestion or runny nose (not related to allergies), new loss of taste or smell, muscle or body aches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, chills, unusual
     fatigue or sore throat.

     Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian if Participant is under 18 years of age_____________________________________
     Registration Information
     •Pre-registration and payment of fees in advance is required for all programs.                             •Classes are subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not met.  If class is
     Please put dates/times of all clinics, camps and classes on your calendar and                              postponed, rescheduled, or cancelled, a full refund will be made. All other refunds
     attend as you will not receive a reminder notification. No refunds issued for                              incur a $15 processing fee. Refund requests must be in writing to:
     missed classes, camps or clinics. League registrations will receive phone
     notification from the coach detailing practice schedules.                                                  *To qualify for a Resident Fee, families & youth must attend Sumner-Bonney Lake
                                                                                                                School District schools or live within the City of Bonney Lake. All other addresses
     •Register by mail, e-mail or fax.  No telephone registrations accepted.                                    are considered  non-residents  and require an additional $5 fee per offering.

     •Confirmations and/or receipts are not sent.                                       •This class schedule is published for information purposes only. The Recreation
                                                                                        Department reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the content
     •Registrations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.  If the class is
                                                                                        and provision of the class descriptions or schedules without notice.
     full when we receive your registration form, we will let you know.

     •Please make checks payable to City of Bonney Lake. A $35 service fee is                                                                            Your Recreation Staff:
     incurred for all checks returned NSF (non-sufficient funds).                                                                                  Rich Hanson, Recreation Manager
                                                                                                                                                  Alex Latham, Recreation Coordinator
     •All program fees include applicable sales taxes.                                                                                             Eena Wiest, Recreation Coordinator
                                                                                                                                                   Laura Zerr, Recreation Coordinator
Program policies and maximum participation subject to Covid-19 updated guidelines.
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