My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare

My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare
MAKING          Issue no: 28
                             Your free, local health
                             & wellbeing magazine
                             brought to you by
                             Horder Healthcare


My Shoulder
Is Painful: Is It
What’s inside
P4  Latest News
P10 Physiotherapy Q&A

P16 Tummy Tuck Surgery:
    All You Need to Know

P12   New Christmas Cards
      for 2018
My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare
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at THE MCINDOE CENTRE                                                                                     uk

The McIndoe Centre in East Grinstead is             As part of Horder Healthcare, we are
home to some of the UK’s most esteemed            committed to treating our patients and each
consultant plastic and reconstructive             other with kindness, respect and dignity
surgeons. Under one roof they form a              resulting in life-changing outcomes. The
multidisciplinary team, the largest of its kind   satisfaction of our patients and the best
in the UK.                                        possible outcomes for them are our priority.





Contact our helpline on
0800 917 4922                                Holtye Road, East Grinstead, RH19 3EB
My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare
Issue no:28 2018

As a modern healthcare provider, it is essential to adapt to new challenges,
to ensure we continue to grow as an organisation and provide services that
advance health for our patients and community.

In recent years, the NHS has focused                        research and training as part of our wider
increasingly on early intervention to keep                  charitable purpose to support local NHS
people healthy and avoid unnecessary hospital               services. At The McIndoe Centre in East
admissions. At Horder Healthcare, we are                    Grinstead, we have established The McIndoe
proud to support the Sussex MSK Partnership,                Aesthetic Fellowship Scheme. The fellowship,
an innovative service working with patients                 established in partnership with the Queen
and clinicians to improve early intervention                Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, aims to
and treatment for patients experiencing the full            enhance the training of NHS plastic surgeons
range of musculoskeletal conditions. Last year,             with a structured introduction to aesthetic
as part of the MSK service, our physiotherapists            surgery. The fellowship is the first of its kind in
delivered nearly 30,000 1:1 treatment sessions,             the UK and we are proud to continue the path of
helping patients remain healthy and active and              teaching and innovation that was the hallmark
avoid unnecessary hospital admissions.                      of Sir Archibald McIndoe, one of the founders
   The current waiting times for NHS                        of modern plastic surgery.
orthopaedic surgery including hip and knee                      Finally, we are delighted to announce that
replacements has generated a growing interest               Mr Charles Gallannaugh MS FRCS FRCSE
in alternatives such as self-pay and private                has been appointed as the fourth President
insurance. At The Horder Centre, our specialist             of Horder Healthcare. Charles conducted the
orthopaedic hospital, we have recently opened               first hip replacement procedure at The Horder
a dedicated wing for private patients. Every                Centre in 1989 when it became a centre
patient regardless of how they access our                   specialising in joint replacement surgery. We
services is treated with outstanding care but with          are delighted that Charles continues to support
enhanced private facilities we are able to ensure           us with his invaluable experience.
patients who wish to have a faster service can
                                                            Dr Richard Tyler
do so in a more tailored setting.
                                                            CEO, Horder Healthcare
   As an independent charity, we support

Our locations        Horder Healthcare          Get in touch
Crowborough          St John’s Road             t: 01892 665577
Eastbourne           Crowborough                f: 01892 662142
East Grinstead       East Sussex                e:                  @TheHorderCentre
Seaford              TN6 1XP                    w:             @McIndoeCentre

My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare

                                                                     Horder Healthcare is proud
                                                                     to pledge its commitment
                                                                     to the universal Antibiotic
                                                                     Guardianship Programme.
                                                                     We are committed to
                                                                     ensuring that the lifelong
                                                                     use of antibiotics in the fight
                                                                     against infections is protected
                                                                     to ensure that surgery and
                                                                     treatment of vulnerable
                                                                     patients can be sustained as

New private patient
                                                                     we move forward.
                                                                        The Antibiotic
                                                                     Guardianship Programme is

suite opens at The                                                   a national campaign from
                                                                     Public Health England to

Horder Centre
                                                                     support the government’s
                                                                     efforts to reduce
                                                                     inappropriate prescriptions
                                                                     for antibiotics. Unnecessary
We are pleased to announce        Healthcare, Dr Richard Tyler,
                                                                     use drives antibiotic
the opening of our new            who officially opened the suite,
                                                                     resistance and means they
suite for private patients        said: “This new suite will allow
                                                                     may become less likely
at The Horder Centre in           private patients an enhanced
                                                                     to work in the future. The
Crowborough. The eight-           experience in beautifully
                                                                     government aims to halve
bed Ashdown Suite has             refurbished rooms, where they
                                                                     inappropriate prescribing
been named because of the         can recover in total comfort.”
                                                                     of antibiotics in the UK by
hospital’s location next to the       Private patients can
Ashdown Forest. It is situated    choose from over 20 of the
                                                                        For more information visit
in a quiet area opposite the      UK’s leading orthopaedic
Centre’s therapeutic garden       consultants available at The
and gym that has been             Horder Centre, which has
specially designed to help        excellent patient outcomes and
patients start exercising after   is rated “outstanding” by the
joint replacement surgery.        Care Quality Commission.
   Chief Executive of Horder

My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare
Issue no:28 2018

Pioneering orthopaedic surgeon becomes
President of Horder Healthcare
We are delighted to               Centre, from a residential         quality of care for patients.
announce that Mr Charles          home for those suffering from      Author of ‘Another Way
Gallannaugh MS FRCS FRCSE         chronic rheumatoid arthritis       - The Horder Centre Sixty
has been appointed as the                                            Years of Evolution’ Charles
fourth President of Horder                                           documented the growth of the
Healthcare.                                                          Centre and illustrated how an
   Charles conducted the first                                       independent hospital can work
hip replacement procedure                                            in partnership with the NHS,
at The Horder Centre in                                              yet remain outside the state
1989 when it became                                                  system, providing very high
an elective orthopaedic                                              quality care for patients which
centre specialising in joint                                         is free at point of delivery.
replacement surgery. He                                                  The late Princess Margaret,
operated at the hospital until                                       Countess of Snowdon, was the
he ceased clinical practice in                                       3rd President from 1960 until
2005, following which he was                                         her death in 2002, and until
appointed as a Trustee and                                           now the post has remained
Director until his retirement                                        vacant.
earlier this year.                to a nationally recognised             Read Charles’ profile online
   Charles was instrumental in    organisation providing             at
the development of The Horder     outstanding clinical results and

The Horder Centre highlighted as
‘outstanding’ in major CQC report
The Horder Centre has been highlighted as             “The Horder Way” which all staff were asked
‘outstanding’ in the Care Quality Commission’s        to sign up to as part of their induction.
first comprehensive review of independent           • The hospital’s therapeutic environment,
acute hospitals in England. The CQC’s 40-page         created after an eight-year refurbishment
report, published in April 2018, is an analysis       and redevelopment programme, that aided
of quality and safety of care given by 206            patient recovery.
independent hospitals in England.                   • Outstanding practice in surgery including
    The Horder Centre was one of 16 (8%)              being the first hospital to submit data to the
hospitals rated as outstanding and one of only        Private Health Information Network (PHIN),
two highlighted at this level in the report.          an independent not-for-profit organisation
The report focused on:                                that publishes data to help patients make
• The value of caring that was embedded               informed decisions.
    throughout the organisation and was part of
My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare

Free health
                               Cosmetic Fellowship
information                    first of its kind
events at The                                                     his FRCS exam in 2019 which
Horder Centre                                                     is a pre-requisite in the UK
                                                                  to become a plastic surgery
Over the summer we held                                              Matthew said of his
two extremely successful                                          fellowship: ‘Plastic surgery
public information events                                         trainees are required to assist
on muscle and joint health.                                       with, or perform one hundred
Our physiotherapy team                                            cosmetic cases during their
created a programme of                                            specialist training programme.
informative presentations                                         Due to changes in the NHS,
as well as taster sessions                                        trainees can no longer expect
of classes such as Balance                                        this kind of exposure in NHS
and Flexibility and Tai        Horder Healthcare is a leading     hospitals. As the first fellowship
Chi. The events received       provider in its fields and is      of its kind in the UK, The
excellent feedback from all    committed to helping the next      McIndoe Centre has been
attendees.                     generation of consultants.         able to give me training which
   Due to this success we      Fellowships offer an excellent     I otherwise would not have
will soon be announcing        opportunity for real-life          been exposed to. Completing
a series of exciting, free     experience in techniques           the fellowship within the
information events on a        and procedures that may be         training programme has also
variety of orthopaedic         otherwise difficult to access in   allowed vital experience
topics including hip           a non-specialised area. The        before the dreaded FRCS
and knee replacement,          post of aesthetic fellow at The    exam!
arthritis and joint pain.      McIndoe Centre represents             “The fellowship has really
These events will be           the first of its kind and has      opened my eyes into the
led by consultants and         been welcomed by the               world of cosmetic surgery, skin
clinical experts, offering     British Association of Plastic,    cancer and more latterly hand
expert information and         Reconstructive and Aesthetic       surgery. It is vastly different
practical advice. If you       Surgeons (BAPRAS) and British      from the work we undertake in
would like to register your    Association of Aesthetic Plastic   the NHS. I have been involved
interest for future events     Surgeons (BAAPS).                  in a considerable number
please sign up online             Matthew Pywell was              of diverse cases and learnt
at horderhealthcare.           selected for the Cosmetic          how to perform a variety of or call us on 01892      Fellowship at The McIndoe          cosmetic surgery procedures.
665577.                        Centre. Matthew previously         Spending time with hand and
   We will then get in touch   worked in London hospitals         skin cancer specialists has also
with you once the events       and most recently the world-       helped developed my skills in
are confirmed to offer you     renowned Queen Victoria            these areas.”
a priority place.              Hospital and he is due to sit

My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare
Issue no:28 2018

   Horder physio joins foot & ankle project
   We are very proud                support and bring together      the foot and ankle region
   to announce Horder               Physiotherapists and Allied     and network with other like-
   Healthcare physiotherapist       Health Professionals (AHPs)     minded physiotherapists. It
   Anne-Marie Pier was              who have a special interest     should compliment my role
   successful in her application    or expertise within the         within Horder Healthcare
   to join the Committee of         Foot and Ankle in order to      as a lower limb Advanced
   the Association of Foot          improve the quality of care,    Practitioner, allowing me
   and Ankle Physiotherapists       and is therefore run for the    to develop the skills I have
   (AFAP) involved specifically     benefit of the public.          learned working within
   in a fundraising project.        Anne-Marie, having              the local MSK services. I
   AFAP was launched in             been a member of AFAP           look forward to improving
   October 2012 by four             for a number of years,          national awareness of
   physiotherapists and gained      said: “Working with the         Horder Healthcare and
   official charitable status       committee provides an           sharing the great work we
   in February 2014. The            excellent opportunity to        do as I undertake projects
   AFAP charity aims to help,       develop my expertise within     on behalf of AFAP.”

Collaboration with landscape
architecture company
Horder Healthcare Musculoskeletal                   with the designers, highlighting issues around
Physiotherapist, Claire Powell, collaborated        accessibility. Barriers to using outdoor spaces,
with Huskisson Brown, a landscape and design        for example walking along a seafront, were
consultancy, on the national Ebbsfleet Garden       things like worrying about not enough stopping
City competition for which they were shortlisted    points for rests. Wheelchair users were worried
to the final five entries. The vision for the new   about inclines and felt the current minimum
city at Ebbsfleet was innovation, good design,      requirements still felt dangerous and lead to fear
sustainability, community and, most importantly,    and difficulty in using outdoor spaces. All of
health.                                             these findings were incorporated into the design.
   Claire completed an informal survey of              For further information on the project please
patients at Horder Healthcare regarding their       visit
barriers to physical activity and their favourite
outdoor spaces. The outcomes were then shared

My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare

                                          PATIENT STORY

                                          Dr Peter Lee
                                          The “cheerfulness” of The Horder Centre team left its mark
                                          on retired scientist Dr Peter Lee when he underwent a knee
                                          replacement earlier this year.
                                          Dr Lee, 78, who lives near Tunbridge Wells, said: “My
                                          experience was absolutely marvellous but the two
                                          things that made the most impression were the care and
                                          cheerfulness of everybody, even the person who dropped
                                          off the newspaper was cheerful, and when people are like
                                          that, you can’t help but be the same.”
                                             Dr Lee’s left knee had been causing problems for
                                          around 12 years before the pain stopped him walking a
                                          couple of months before his operation.
                                             After his wife’s good experience at The Horder Centre
                                          where she underwent two knee operations by consultant
                                          surgeon Sam Rajaratnam, there was no question of Dr Lee
                                          choosing anywhere else (or any other surgeon) when he
                                          decided to have his knee replacement through his private
                                          health insurance.
                                             Now Dr Lee is following his exercise programme at
                                          home and can walk at least half a mile.
                                             He said: “The whole experience was very positive and
                                          so was my wife’s. I was very impressed with it all. My
                                          recovery couldn’t have been better.”

                   If you would like to share your patient story from one of our hospitals or clinics
                   please do send it to

My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare
Issue no:28 2018

Honey & Mustard
Pork Chops
Honey mustard pork chops are simple, delicious, and easy to cook. This is a
flavoursome dish packed with protein and a great weeknight meal.

Serves: 2    Marination time: 24 hrs     Cooking time: 15-20 mins

HOW TO PREPARE                                INGREDIENTS
The pork needs to be marinated 24            2 x 6oz pork chop, fat trimmed
hours in advance.
                                             4 tbsp clear honey
1. Mix all the ingredients together,
                                             2 tsp English mustard
   place the pork in a deep tray and
   cover with the mixture. Refrigerate       4 tsp soft dark brown sugar
                                             4g thyme
2. Pre-heat an oven to 180°C.
                                             This dish could be served with mashed
3. Place a frying pan on a medium to         potatoes, roasted butternut squash,
   high heat and add just a splash of        buttered kale and sweet corn.
   oil. Once hot, place the pork chops
   in the pan one at a time and cook
   on one side until golden brown,
   turn and place the whole pan into
   the oven to cook for approximately
   15-20 minutes until cooked.

     For more recipes, please visit
     our Healthy Living section at

My Shoulder Is Painful: Is It "Impingement"? - Horder Healthcare

                                 Claire Powell, Chartered Physiotherapist,
                                 answers your question.

                                  Q        I have been told by my
                                           GP that the hip pain I
                                                                                Tendinopathy usually
                                                                             occurs from a sudden increase
                                                                             in activity or load to these
                                 have been getting regularly over
                                                                             tendons. Rest does not cure
                                 the last few months is something            tendinopathy but the GP is
                                 called ‘trochanteric bursitis’. He          correct to advise caution
                                 has advised on rest but I am                as exercising to the point
                                 keen to go skiing. How can I                or beyond pain is also not
                                                                             helpful. Keeping activities to no
                                 help get rid of this problem                or low levels of discomfort are
                                 before I go and is skiing likely to         recommended.
                                 do any damage?                                 It would be advisable to see
                                                                             a physiotherapist who could

                                                                             help identify the underlying
                                          Lateral hip pain (LHP)
                                                                             cause. Often it is the case that
                                          has traditionally been
                                                                             certain muscles that provide
                                 referred to as trochanteric
                                                                             stability to the hip joint are
                                 bursitis which means an
                                                                             not doing their job as well as
                                 inflammation of the fluid filled
                                                                             they could and if these are
                                 sac on the outside of the hip.
                                                                             retrained, this helps to prevent
                                 Over the last 10 years
                                                                             the poor movement pattern.
                                 however, evidence has
                                                                                In terms of whether skiing
                                 demonstrated that the bursa is
                                                                             would cause any damage, this
                                 in fact an inconsistent feature
                                                                             is difficult to say. Skiing will
                                 of lateral hip pain.
                                                                             place extra demand on the
                                 Furthermore, studies of lateral
                                                                             hip and these glutes muscles
                                 hip pain have found no signs

                                                                             that are not working to their
                                 of inflammation in the area of
                                                                             normal capacity. If these have
                                 the bursa. Researchers have
                                                                             not been fully retrained to
                                 shown that the primary
                                                                             cope with the demands of the
                                 problem is actually with the
                                                                             twisting, turning and weight
                                 tendons of the buttock muscles
                                                                             bearing components of skiing,
                                 known as Glutus Medius and
                                                                             the condition could flare up
                                 Minimus and the condition is
                                                                             again which would limit your
                                 therefore now known as a
                                                                             abilities (and enjoyment!) with

Issue no:28 2018

                                                Visit to find out more about our
                                                physiotherapy services or call 01892 665577 to book an
                                                appointment. Please email your physiotherapy questions to
Anne-Marie Pier, Chartered Physiotherapist,
answers your question.

 Q        I am a 55 year old
          active walker and
                                              are getting old or have to
                                              curtail activities such as
                                              walking. In fact, quite the
                                                                                   over the counter medication
                                                                                   such as paracetamol and
                                                                                   ibuprofen, pacing and activity
recently I have been getting
                                              opposite; exercise is very           modification and weight
catching pain in my right knee. It            beneficial.                          management to name a few.
never locks or gives way but is                  In a healthy knee, the            This essentially means there
often achy at the end of a long               cartilage provides a smooth          are plenty of options for you
day of walking. I don’t really                surface between the tibia            to explore before considering
                                              (your shin bone) and the             surgery.
want surgery as I still consider              femur (your thigh bone). This           With regards to exercising,
myself quite young but my                     allows the knee to bend and          low impact activities such
partner is insisting I see a doctor           straighten easily and also           as walking, cycling and
for this. What do you think this              provides a stable weight             swimming are best as they
                                              bearing surface. In a knee           reduce the amount of stress
might be and could I be doing                 that is affected by arthritis, the   going through the joint
more damage by not getting it                 cartilage tends to wear out          compared to high impact
looked at?                                    unevenly, becoming rough             activities such as running,
                                              and thin similar to potholes on      jumping or racket sports. You

                                              a road surface. The ‘catching        may also benefit from some
          From the symptoms
                                              pain’ you describe can be an         specific strengthening and
          you describe you are
                                              awareness of the decreased           stretching exercises for the
likely to be experiencing some
                                              smoothness of the joint surface.     muscles around your knee
early arthritic changes in your
                                              This can also be compounded          and hip.
knee. This is fairly common and
                                              by other changes happening
nothing to be concerned
                                              in your joint, including the
about. It is thought that 18% of
                                              thickening of the bones at the
the population in England
                                              joint surface and thickening of
aged 45 and over are
                                              the joint capsule.
affected by knee osteoarthritis.
                                                 Research suggests that
Arthritis, or more specifically
                                              the symptoms of arthritic
osteoarthritis, is the medical
                                              joints can be well
term for degeneration of the
                                              managed with a
articular cartilage lining the
                                              combination of
ends of your bones at a joint.
Although often associated with
                                              measures such
aging it does not mean you
                                              as exercise,


     Our brand new selection of
      Christmas cards for 2018

         Christmas is
     A   Coming            B   Christmas Post      C    Christmas Stag

         Mary, Joseph          Oh Christmas
     D   and Baby Jesus    E   Tree                 F   Christmas Holly

                                                All cards have the greeting:
                                                  “Wishing you a
                                                Merry Christmas and
                                                a Happy New Year”

                               Robin on
     G   Christmas Eve     H   Snowy Post

Issue no:28 2018

Each year we offer a variety of Christmas cards                      increase our sales and raise even more funds
for sale and with your continued generosity, you                     than last year. We offer free postage and
really do make a difference to our fundraising                       packaging - although any donations to cover
efforts. With your help we hope we can                               the cost are greatly appreciated.

1. Select your Christmas cards
Card                                              No. in pack           Price         No. of packs                  Total £
A   Christmas is Coming                                 10             £3.50
B   Christmas Post                                      10             £3.50
C   Christmas Stag                                      10             £3.50
D   Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus                         10             £3.50
E   Oh Christmas Tree                                   10             £3.50
F   Christmas Holly                                     10             £3.50
G   Christmas Eve                                       10             £3.50
H   Robin on Snowy Post                                 10             £3.50
Please make sure cheques or postal                                          Total cost of order £
orders are made payable to ‘Horder
Healthcare’.                                               Donation for postage & packaging £
Thank you for your order.                                                       Total payment £

2. Your donation
I would like to support Horder Healthcare with a gift of:
    £1,000                  £500                £250                 £100                £50  Other £
I enclose a cheque/CAF voucher made payable to ‘Horder Healthcare’
     YES, I am a UK taxpayer and consent to Horder Healthcare claiming Gift Aid on this and all my donations in the last
     four years and from the date of this declaration until I notify Horder Healthcare otherwise. I understand that if I pay less
     Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my
     responsibility to pay any difference.

 Please sign to confirm:                                                                    Date:

                                                                               Your details are only used for posting your Christmas
3. Your details (PLEASE USE CAPITALS)                                          cards or if we need to contact you about your order.

 Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms                                                                       Tel:

                                                                                            Post code:


Send to: Marketing Department, Horder Healthcare, St. John’s Road, Crowborough, East Sussex,
TN6 1XP. Alternatively, you can email: or call 01892 665577.
Visit to purchase Christmas cards online.
To receive marketing communications including Making Strides, please visit or email

Thank you
                                      them easier to see when       huge thank you to everyone
                                      taking blood                  who supported our annual
We would like to say a big
                                  • A machine that is used          appeal which allows us to
“thank you” to our supporters
                                      after knee replacement        buy patient-focused items
and donors who helped
                                      surgery to allow continuous   and extend our services. We
raise £15,000 for our 2017
                                      movement and ensure the       are always so grateful for
appeal. The money raised
                                      best outcome after surgery.   the donations we receive;
has been spent on a variety
                                  • A kit for measuring blood       every penny goes directly into
of items for our two specialist
                                      glucose levels.               improving the services we can
hospitals –The Horder Centre
                                  • Equipment for The Butterfly     provide for our patients.”
in Crowborough and The
                                      Scheme, which provides
McIndoe Centre in East
Grinstead. We believe the
                                      a system of hospital care     Spring appeal
                                      for people living with
new items will make a big                                              We are very pleased to
difference to enhance patient                                       announce that we reached
                                  Rachel Dixon, Operations
experience and wellbeing.                                           our £5,000 target for our
                                  Director of Horder Healthcare,
The items include:                                                  2018 spring appeal. This was
• A handheld device that                                            achieved through support
                                     “We would like to say a
    illuminates veins making                                        from individual supporters,
                                                                    corporate partners, grant-
                                                                    making trusts and fundraising
                                                                    events. Thank you to everyone
                                                                    who donated.
                                                                        The funds raised have gone
                                                                    towards improving the therapy
                                                                    garden and outside spaces for
                                                                    the benefit of our patients.
                                                                       The therapy garden, created
                                                                    to help patients recover
                                                                    from surgery, is a unique
                                                                    area where patients can use
                                                                    exercise equipment outside
                                                                    and enjoy the benefit of
                                                                    walking on different surfaces

Issue no:28 2018

to increase their strength.         focus is to improve the outside   important part in enabling
   To enable patients to keep       spaces for patients including     us to achieve our charitable
using the space, our clinical       our therapeutic gardens           aim of advancing health. You
staff have identified the           which have been purposefully      can find the donation form on
need for some new exercise          designed to assist recovery       page 13. Thank you to all of
equipment and we have               after surgery.                    our donors and volunteers for
added some extra shade in the          The Openreach team             your ongoing support.
garden, to ensure the comfort       kindly spent a day gardening
of all patients and to maximise     and painting furniture in the     Read about Horder’s
the amount of time the space        gardens which has made a          fascinating history
can be used throughout the          big visual impact. The Centre
day. We are also looking            was also given a generous         To mark The Horder Centre’s
to upgrade the amount of            donation of plants from local     60th anniversary in 2014,
landscaping maintenance             Crowborough business,             Charles Gallannaugh, the
required for this garden and        Millbrook Garden Centre,          President of Horder Healthcare
for the area at the back of the     which has added additional        and the first surgeon to
hospital, to provide a pleasant     colour and scent to enhance       perform an operation at the
area for patients and visitors to   the therapeutic environment.      hospital, wrote an account
enjoy and to further enhance                                          of the fascinating history
the therapeutic environment we      Why we need your                  of the organisation in the
have created.                       support                           book, Another Way - The
                                                                      Horder Centre Sixty Years
Our hard-working                    As a charity, we rely on the           of Evolution, published
volunteers                          generosity and support                        by AuthorHouse.
                                    of our volunteers                              You can visit
are blooming                        and loyal donors                               horderhealthcare.
marvellous!                         whose vital                           to purchase
                                    contributions enable                          the book online
The Horder Centre was
                                    us to deliver a larger                       for £9.95 or ask at
delighted to welcome a
                                    amount of life-                              reception at either
12-strong team of corporate
                                    changing treatments                          The Horder Centre or
volunteers from Openreach
                                    every year.                                 The McIndoe Centre.
as part of our fundraising
                                    Donations, whatever
Spring Appeal. The current
                                    their size, play an

Tummy Tuck Surgery:
All You Need to Know
Abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” surgery aims to improve the appearance and function of the abdominal
wall. Here, Consultant Plastic Surgeon Simon Mackey provides an overview of abdominoplasty.

                                                    bikini-line. After significant weight loss, a “fleur-
                                                    de-Lis” abdominoplasty leaving a scar along
                                                    the “bikini-line”, and also a vertical scar
                                                    along the centre of the abdomen may
                                                    provide the best result. Other techniques
                                                    include “Brazillian-abdominoplasty”,
                                                    and “melon-slice” abdominoplasty.
                                                    The precise technique should be
                                                    tailored to you specifically.
                                                       It’s often possible to combine
WHAT IS A TUMMY TUCK?                               abdominoplasty with other
                                                    operations such as liposuction,
Weight loss, pregnancy and abdominal surgery
                                                    or breast enlargement, reduction
can lead to an abnormal shape to the lower
                                                    or lift. Combination surgery can
abdomen, scars, loose skin, or stretch marks.
                                                    mean fewer anaesthetics and
During abdominoplasty, excess skin and fat are
                                                    shorter total recovery.
removed from the lower abdomen. Tightening
the skin and the “six-pack” muscles can produce
a flatter tummy, define the waistline and improve   WHO ARE THE BEST
abdominal wall function.                            CANDIDATES FOR
   Keeping the scar as low as possible, below       ABDOMINOPLASTY?
the “bikini-line”, an incision is made from hip
to hip. For a “full-abdominoplasty” there will      The best candidates are ladies
also be a scar around the “tummy-button”.           or men who have excess skin or
Depending on the degree of skin and muscle          an abnormal shape in the lower
laxity, any one of a number of different            abdomen. You should ideally be
techniques may be most appropriate for you.         at, or close to your ideal weight
Sometimes it may be possible to perform a           before proceeding. You should be
“mini-abdominoplasty” leaving the “tummy-           medically well, and a non-smoker.
button” alone, and a shorter scar along the         Taking steroids and blood-thinners

Issue no:28 2018

                     may make you unsuitable
                     for this type of surgery – but
                    this should be discussed with
                   your surgeon.

               WILL I LOSE WEIGHT WITH A
              TUMMY TUCK?
              To get the best results from
                                                      improves in the weeks following surgery.
           abdominoplasty, you should be close
                                                         It is important to attend any post-operative
         to your ideal weight before proceeding
                                                      check-ups arranged by your surgeon, as these
      with surgery. The only way to get rid of
                                                      are important for optimizing the outcome of
    the fat that lies within your abdominal cavity
 is through weight-loss. This fat can make the
tummy bulge even after abdominoplasty, and
cannot be directly removed with any form              ANY OTHER ADVICE?
of surgery. Losing a lot of weight after an
                                                      Your operation needs to be specifically tailored
abdominoplasty can lead to loosening of the
                                                      to you. Surgeons should arrange to see you
skin and abdominal muscles.
                                                      at least twice prior to surgery, to allow ample
    Although you may lose several kilograms of
                                                      opportunity to review your past medical history,
abdominal fat and skin with an abdominoplasty,
                                                      discuss the limitations and complications of
a tummy-tuck should not be regarded as a
                                                      surgery, and to complete the consent process.
“weight-loss procedure”.
                                                         As safety is the key priority with this type of
                                                      treatment, I would recommend that you check
WHAT IS THE RECOVERY PERIOD LIKE?                     that your surgeon is on the GMC’s Specialist
                                                      Register for Plastic Surgery, and is ideally a full
In general, you will be in hospital for 1-2 nights
                                                      member of BAPRAS (the British Association of
following surgery. Wounds are closed with
                                                      Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons),
“dissolving” stitches and dressed with paper
                                                      or BAAPS (the British Association of Aesthetic
tapes. It may be necessary to have surgical
                                                      Plastic Surgeons).
drains for 1-2 days. You will be relatively mobile
within 2-3 days. I encourage you to take 2-3
weeks off work and driving. I would normally                               Mr Simon Mackey is
expect a return to normal activities within                                a Consultant Plastic
6-12 weeks following surgery. A compression                                and Reconstructive
garment is worn for 6 weeks to reduce post-                                Surgeon at The
operative swelling.                                                        McIndoe Centre in East
   Any surgical procedure can be painful, but                              Grinstead. Please call
good pain-relief and use of long-acting local                              0800 917 4922 or visit
anaesthetics make it manageable. Tightness    for further
can be uncomfortable particularly after re-            information or to arrange a consultation.
positioning the abdominal muscles, but this


My shoulder is painful
– is it “impingement”?
By Mr Hagen Jähnich, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Shoulder pain is a very common     Impingement means that                 and national guidelines
problem and can hit any age        during use of the shoulder             suggest your GP should
                                   something catches and leads            organise an X-ray of your
group. However “impingement”       to referred pain (pain felt in         shoulder. As long as the X-ray
is most common, but not            another part of the body other         is normal, the trained Therapist,
exclusive, in the age group        than its source), typically into       the GP or the Shoulder
of 40 to 60. But what is           the side of the shoulder. But          Specialist may try a single
                                   pain can also refer down               injection with steroids.
impingement?                       the arm and up the neck.                   An X-ray may identify
                                   Impingement is a symptom,              calcium around the shoulder or
                                   not a diagnosis! There can be          bony spurs pressing onto the
                                   many causes of impingement.            tendons of the shoulder. One
                                   This article describes a number        could see early arthritis and
                                   of them.                               many other problems. Calcium
                                      The impingement pain may            in the tendon can burst and
                                   not originate in the shoulder at       irritate the shoulder. This leads
                                   all. It can be referred from the       to severe pain. A steroid
                                   neck, even the gall bladder or         injection, with or without
                                   the heart and may be a sign of         image guidance, may settle
                                   a slipped disc in the neck.            things down again. But larger
                                      There may be no structural          amounts of calcium may need
                                   reason for such symptoms               to be removed by keyhole
                                   and simple muscle imbalance            surgery (arthroscopy).
                                   or poor posture are common                 Bony spurs tend to form
                                   causes. This is corrected by           at the under surface of
                                   good physiotherapy and self            the tip of the shoulder (the
                                   help, like participating in Pilates.   acromion). Physiotherapy
                                      If treatment after two              and injections are again the
                                   months does not show any               start of the management.
                                   improvement then a formal              But when symptoms persist
                                   assessment is required. Local          or if there is concern for the

Issue no:28 2018

rotator cuff tendon, then          (also known as a “frozen          It may not necessarily be a
keyhole surgery could be the       shoulder”). Stiffness should be   tumour/cancer or similar
answer. Furthermore, there         the give away but may initially   but can be a tearing or torn
may be arthritis in the ACJ        not be obvious. In the early      tendon, which, if left untreated,
(Acromio-Clavicular Joint,         phases of a “frozen shoulder”     may not be repairable in the
the joint between collar bone      there may be no stiffness at all  future. A shoulder specialist
and shoulder blade). It may        and it is the pain that simulates would be best placed to
lead to localised pain but         impingement. Frozen shoulders either reassure or diagnose
also to impingement.                                                           the underlying
Often though, it is an “The impingement pain may not originate in              problem correctly.
incidental finding.      the shoulder at all. It can be referred from the Many treatments
Most X-rays will         neck, even the gall bladder or the heart...”          are now available.
show some arthritis                                                            Physiotherapy may
in the ACJ. However, if it is not  may resolve spontaneously         be appropriate if a tear has
the cause of symptoms then it      with time, however, if            been present for a long time
should not be treated.             established, and severe, they     and is not repairable. Surgical
   In my practice, I have seen     may need keyhole surgery to       options range from the above
many patients with persistent      improve matters.                  keyhole operations to joint
impingement, who in fact               Unfortunately, there are      replacements to address all
did not have impingement           occasionally more sinister        sorts of causes of shoulder
at all. The most common            reasons for shoulder pain. This   pain.
misdiagnosis is that of an         is the reason why one should
idiopathic adhesive capsulitis     not ignore such problems.

   Mr Hagen Jähnich is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at The Horder
   Centre in Crowborough. If you suffer from shoulder pain please
   speak to your GP and if you require further treatment you can be
   referred as a private or NHS patient to The Horder Centre. Please visit or for further information.

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